Biotecnika Times 11th Dec Edition

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Vol. 02

NO 56


Biggest Biotech Fraud Of the Millennium – Voice of Biotecnika Episode 8

First Human CRISPR Trials By Editas Gets FDA Approval

Biotecnika’s First Ever International Conference Successfully Concluded

Voice of Biotecnika



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A Letter To Govt of India Requesting Hike In Research Fellowship


●● Check the details on Tata Innovation Fellowship 2018-19. Official notification for Tata Innovation Fellowship 2018-2019 is given below. DBT India has announced notification for Tata Innovation Fellowship 2019...

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●● CSIR Raman Research Fellowships 2019-20 notification is out. Raman Research Fellowships 2019 notification is out. Check out all of the details on the same ...



By Shekhar Suman

Read more on Page 2


EXCLUSIVE SCHOLARSHIP DRUG DISCOVERY AND DEVELOPMENT INTERNATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP ●● Master of Drug Discovery and Development Scholarship notification at Victoria University of Wellington. Victoria University of Wellington has announced the notification for the Master of Drug Discovery and Development Scholarship. Interested candidates...

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●● The official announcement for the CSIR Diamond Jubilee Technology Award (CDJTA) 2017 & 2018 has been made. A cash prize of Rs. 10 lakhs is up for grabs. Interested and eligible candidates can ...

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December 11th, 2018 Vol. 02 NO 56

A Letter To Govt of India Requesting Hike In Research Fellowship Dear Government of India, Your annual turnover maybe trillions of dollars. Your monthly income also touches billions of dollars. But do you know how it is so? It is because your citizens did something great and a fraction of those citizens were researchers. IF ISRO STANDS TALL TODAY ON A WORLD STAGE IT’S BECAUSE OF ITS RESEARCHERS AND SCIENTISTS WORKING UNDER IT. By Shekhar Suman

Development of the powerful Agni or Prithvi missile to protect our country was also possible because of our eminent researchers and scientists. Each time you buy a Raffaele from France, you spend even more dollars. Instead, if you would have empowered your own country researchers to develop the same you would have saved that huge chunk of money draining out of India. So here is a good chance for you to grow your revenue even bigger and if you want to do that you need to empower your researchers and rest assured they will empower you back.

satellites using ISRO rockets, who made those rockets? No politician made it! No general public made it! It was done by a specialized scientist. So Why ignore them? Why downplay their efforts? Why not support them? They have supported you all through their lifetime. In fact, many of them lost their lives supporting India and its cause.

Researchers are humble creators who selflessly work day & night in labs, fields just to develop solutions for you, for the country, and for our fellow countrymen. Researchers stay at the forefront of India’s innovative landscape, and if you don’t empower them if you don’t support them, they are not going to be able to support you back.

If today India is great. If today, India is what it is with distinguished capabilities, it’s all because of its scientists. If India is a nuclear country today, it is all because of the efforts by the BARC scientists. India today is able to feed billions of its people, it’s because of its agricultural scientists. If today India has to buy technologies from abroad, it is because India is not You complain about brain drain, you honoring its researchers and sciencomplain about people studying in tists. IITs & IISC and then moving abroad to get attractive high salaried jobs. So if you are someone reading this These humble researchers would not article, as a minister, or as an emhave done that if you would have hon- powered thought leader of this counored their talent with the right kind of try, support the cause of giving betfellowship, right kind of honorarium ter fellowship to these few selected researchers who empower you back on time. with their research. They have done Throughout the country right now everything for this country. Just like there is demonstration & protests go- our army men, fighting at the border. ing on by our researchers demanding They fight the battle every day in a hike in their fellowship and you the research lab. Why delay My dear are putting a blind eye to it, happily government of India? Why delay? amassing trillions of dollars, but you are not realizing that you could be ac- Americans, Russians, Chinese tually earning quadrillions of dollars snatch these talented individuals from if you start supporting your research- our country and you will again go and buy the same technology we wish you ers. could have helped it developed in InForeign countries today shoot their dia.

So if you are an informed individual of this country, support the cause, support researchers! Support them with timely fellowship and hiked fellowship as per the market or as else except the fact that we going to lose the battle of technology in the 21st century to Americans, Chinese, Russians, and French.

Thanking You! Researchers of India NB: If you are an Indian Researcher and agree to the above letter, do help us make it reach the Prime Ministers office by sharing this letter and making it reach every individual researcher & scientists working for India.


December 11th, 2018 Vol. 02 NO 56

Biggest Biotech Fraud Of the Millennium – Voice of Biotecnika Episode 8

Episode 8 By Preety Suman

Hello, lovely Biotecnikans! Welcome to yet another sensational episode of Voice of Biotecnika. I am Urmimala and I am going to take you through the rise and fall of Theranos, and how it managed to pull off what can probably be called as the biggest fraud of the millennium. Voice of Biotecnika by Urmimala




December 11th, 2018 Vol. 02 NO 56

First Human CRISPR Trials By Editas Gets FDA Approval Editas is back in the race after a prolonged absence. In a revolutionary decision, FDA has approved Editas IND application for its LCA10 (Leber Congenital Amaurosis type 10 ) candidate EDIT-101 which will enable them for human testing of its CRISPR-based treatment for LCA10, a rare form of blindness. IT WILL START ENROLLING APPROX 20 PATIENTS CARRYING IVS26 MUTATION IN A PHASE 1/2 TRIAL AND IS SLATED TO BECOME THE FIRST IN VIVO CRISPR GENOME EDITING TREATMENT EVER. By Preety Suman

As a consequence of the IND approval, Allergen will fund Editas with $25 million milestone payment. Under a $40 million agreement made earlier, Allergan agreed to develop and commercialize EDIT-101. got delayed. Meanwhile, companies like CRISPR Therapeutics and partner Vertex took the opportunity to march ahead in the race. An ex-vivo CRISPR-based treatment for beta-thalassemia was initiated earlier this year but upon FDA’s orders, clinical trails were kept on hold “The FDA’s acceptance of our IND which was lifted off ahead in the for EDIT-101 is a significant mo- month of October. ment in the field of genome editing, and importantly, a critical milestone LCA10, the most common cause for patients, as we are now one step of inherited childhood blindness is closer to a treatment for LCA10,” caused by a mutation in the CEP290 Katrine Bosley, Editas’ president, gene. By the use of EDIT-101, Editas is aiming to eliminate the mutaand CEO, said in a statement. tion using CRISPR. In the process, Editas was earlier expected to sub- it will remove the mutated nucleomit EDIT-101 for approval by end tide and surrounding DNA which of 2017, but owing to some man- will enable restoration of the normal ufacturing difficulties the process protein expression and function of Editas registered in October for the IND. Earlier this month, Editas revealed the NIH decided that a Recombinant DNA Advisory Committee review of the protocol for the Stage I/II trial of EDIT-101 wasn’t necessary.

the remaining photoreceptor cells, arresting the further loss of vision for patients with LCA10. As per a R&D deal signed in between Editas and Allergan last year in March, Editas received an upfront $90 million from Allergen in return of which Allergan gained exclusive access and licensing option to up to five of Editas’s early-stage CRISPR genome-editing programs targeting eye diseases, including EDIT-101. Editas, the first CRISPR based gene editing research company was founded in November 2013 and bagged initial funding from $43 million from Third Rock Ventures, Polaris Ventures, and Flagship Ventures. Later Editas was able to pool

in up to $120 Million in funding from Bill Gates along with 13 Other Investors including Google Ventures. Recently an announcement by a Chinese scientist who claims to create worlds first CRISPR edited babies has taken the scientific community by shock. But no proper documented evidence and research results have been provided yet which makes the claims by the Chinese scientist He Jiankui hard to believe. Investigations are still under process to validate its authenticity.


December 11th, 2018 Vol. 02 NO 56


Biotecnika’s First Ever International Conference Successfully Concluded Biotecnika Info Lab Pvt. Ltd., India’s No. 1 Bioscience Institute, hosted its first ever Virtual International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Biotech and Health care on 1st and 2nd Dec 2018. THE TWO-DAY CONFERENCE SAW AN IMPRESSIVE PARTICIPATION OF MORE THAN 7194 SCIENCE ASPIRANTS WITH VALUABLE AND INSIGHTFUL DELIBERATIONS FROM EMINENT SCIENTISTS AND ENTREPRENEURS ACROSS THE GLOBE. By Preety Suman

Knowledge partners and event supporters were IBAB, Nirma University, Radboud University, Reva University, Premas life sciences to name a few. The conference opened at 10 AM on Saturday, 1st Dec 2018, with inspiring words from Biotecnika’s honorable CEO and MD, Mr. Shekhar Suman. The next session saw the insightful presentations of two honorable speakers, Dr.Anand Rao, with 30 year of experience in Innovation lead at PWC, who has worked with AI in different genres-Healthcare, financial services, and automotive sectors and Mr.Shantanu Dev, a Senior Data Scientist at PWC with background interest in machine learning and natural language processing. The attendees were also a part of a great interactive session with an esteemed panel of poster presenters who exhibited their excellence of work in their respective fields. There were 8 poster presenters on Day 1. Dr. Mekala. M gave her presentation on ‘Comparison of human brain and octopus brain for Multiprocessing FrameWork’’, a very unique topic, Dr.Sagarika Deepthy T spoke on Impact of sensors and Artificial Intelligence in the disease detection and treatment, Dr.Kamlesh Kumari Bajwa spoke on another interesting topic-’Therapeutic potential of adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells for treatment of tibia fracture in mice’’. Dr.Anirban Sinha, associated with Academic Medical Centre, University of Amsterdam and also University of Children’s Hospital, Switzerland, concluded the final session for the first half. He stressed on the aspects of artificial intelligence in delineating complex diseases, specifically in combating the dreadful COPD, various lung disorders and Asthma. Mohit Kumar Jaiswal addressed “Ar-

tificial Intelligence : Taking Biotech and Healthcare sector by Storm”, Manabesh Nath spoke on ‘’In silico data mining of single-cell genomics in cancer’’, Dr. Shamimul Hasan a dentist by profession, gave a talk on ‘Applications of artificial intelligence in dentistry: an update’’ and also Mr.Rishi pal shared his piece of work on ‘’In vitro-in vivo study of Acacia senega extracts’’. The eventful day was concluded with Ms.Evelyn Immanuel, part of an AI start-up company AINDRA. She shared the modus operandi of her company which operates in artificial intelligence mitigating cervical cancer. She notified that over 330000 women are victims of this dreadful disease and how AINDRA has taken an initiative to utilize AI through some devices like ASTRA and VISIONX in a cost-effective way that can detect cervical cancer in a minimal time span. The second day of the conference was opened with thoughtful and knowledge bound words from Dr. Neha Suman, MD, Biotecnika Info Labs Pvt. Ltd. Mr.Sumanth Sachidananda, Head of strategic engagement, Avamo, responsible for building AI solutions, discussed the positive and disruptive aspects of AI in Healthcare. Paper and poster session for the day begun with Dr. Kamesh speaking on “Developing the hard to detect contaminant analysis using microfluidic paper-based analytical devices approach (μPAD) in real-time sample monitoring situations”. Dr. Shazina

Saeed described how “Artificial Intelligence Enabled Visualization of Cardiovascular Anomalies”. Dr. Ashish Wadhwani shared his contributions in “Efficacy of phytosterols isolated from Sida cordifolia L. extracts against Herpes Simplex Virus Type I Infection in vitro and in vivo” Dr. Pallavi Somvanshi, Assistant Professor at Teri University, deliberated on the different requisites of an AI model and also the benefits of Machine Learning in Disease detection and diagnosis. Professor Madya Fadzilah Bt Siraj, joined in from Malaysia and helped the attendees understand about Neural network and its impact on medical diagnosis. Mr. Puneet Jindal, Chief Data Scientist at Eduwaive Foundations joined in with his expertise in Cloud computing. He divulged the various ways in which it has supported the Healthcare system. Dr. Prabakaran, an Associate Scientist in ITC Ltd, shared the opportunities available in this field along with the expertise required for each. His talk helped the attendees get the current market trend of Artificial Intelligence in Biotech and Healthcare. The last set of posters presented for the day were from Ms. Kavitha – “A novel pyridyl ester isolated from Leucas cephalotes”, Ms. Maheshwari on “The integration of CRISPR Cas technology and Artificial Intelligence” and Mr. Muralidharan with “Studies on the prevalence of ectoparasites in domestic cats in Chennai, Tamil Nadu”. The two-day International confer-

ence wrapped up with awards being given to honor the efforts of all the participants. The best Paper/Poster presenter was awarded to Dr. Shazina Saeed with a cash prize of Rs. 15,000/-. The second and third award went to Dr. Mekela M and Ms. Kamlesh with cash prizes of Rs.10,000/and Rs.5,000/- respectively. The Best speaker award was shared by Ms. Evelyn Immanuel from AINDRA systems and Mr. Sumanth Sachidanand from Avaamo technologies with the latter being honored as the most informed speaker with an interactive session. Ms. Akriti, Ms. Debasmita, and Ms. Pooja were recognized as the most active attendees during the conference. The conference that aimed to benefit the young minds concluded with a huge success and based on the enthusiasm observed among the attendees Biotecnika promised to Host the 2nd Virtual International Conference on CRISPR in May 2019. The news was greeted with delight and a positive hope for tomorrow.



December 11th, 2018 Vol. 02 NO 56

Tata Innovation Fellowship 2018-19 (Life Sciences & Biotechnology) – Govt of India, DBT Check the details on Tata Innovation Fellowship 2018-19. Official notification for Tata Innovation Fellowship 2018-2019 is given below.


PhD Life sciences candidates and MSc Biotechnology candidates eligible to apply for Tata Innovation Fellowship 2019 as per the details below: GOVERNMENT OF INDIA DEPARTMENT OF BIOTECHNOLOGY MINISTRY OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY

record and a deep commitment to finding innovative solutions to sigTATA INNOVATION nificant problems in healthcare, agFELLOWSHIP: 2018-19 riculture and other areas associated Applications are invited for “Tata with life sciences and biotechnoloInnovation Fellowship”, an Ex- gy. tremely competitive scheme instituted by the Department of Bio- NATURE OF SUPPORT: technology, Ministry of Science & Technology, Govt. Of India to rec- i) The amount of the fellowship is ognize and reward scientists with Rs. 25,000/- a month as well as regan outstanding track record in bio- ular salary from the host institute. logical sciences to find innovative If an awardee is receiving a salary solutions to significant problems in from an international organization, health care, agriculture and other ar- he/she will be entitled to research eas related to life sciences and bio- grant i.e. contingency only. technology. ii) Furthermore, each Fellow will receive a contingency grant of Rs. OBJECTIVE: 6.00 lakh per annum for meeting the The scheme is directed at reward- expenses on consumables, equiping interdisciplinary work where ment, domestic and international significant emphasis is on innova- travel, manpower and other contintion and translational research with gent expenditure to be incurred in a potential towards commercializa- connection with the implementation of the ongoing research project untion. der the fellowship. ELIGIBILITY: i) The fellowship is open to Indian Nationals residing in India that are under the age of 55 years as on December 31, 2018. The fellowship is co-terminus together with all the superannuation of fellow in his or her organization.

iii) The Tata Innovation Fellows will be eligible for other regular research grant(s) via extramural and other research schemes of different S&T agencies of the Government of India. HOST INSTITUTION:

iv) The applicant must have spent i) The candidate will continue to at least 5 years in India prior to ap- work in the place of their employment. plying for the fellowship. v) Evidence of outstanding track

ii) The Institution where the candidate is working would offer the

essential administrative and infrastructure support for pursuing the research under this fellowship. NUMBER: Five per year.

DURATION: Three years, extendable further by two years on a fresh appraisal. HOW TO APPLY: Applications (six copies) could be transmitted as per proforma down-

loadable from DBT site (www. and duly forwarded by the competent authority to Dr. Kakali Dey Dasgupta, Scientist”E”, Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science & Technology, Room No.814, 8th Floor, Block-2, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi – 110 003, not later than December 31, 2018. The soft copy of the application (single pdf document) also ought to be sent at


December 11th, 2018 Vol. 02 NO 56


CSIR Young Scientist Awards 2019 – Rs 25 Lakh Research Grant+Rs 50,000/- Cash Prize The official notification for the CSIR Young Scientist Awards 2019 has been released. You will get Rs 25 Lakh Research Grant+Rs 50,000/- Cash Prize.


COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT GROUP CSIR Complex, Library Avenue, Pusa, New Delhi 110 012 CSIR Young Scientist Awards 2019 The Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR) invites nominations for CSIR Young Scientist (YS) awards to the year 2019. The awards are to be given for research contributions made mostly in India. The nominee must be a regular Scientist (according to CSRAP Rules) of CSIR system and ought to have joined the CSIR lab on or prior to 26th September 2018. The age of this nominee shouldn’t be over 35 years as on 26th September 2018. The YS Awards are awarded annually in the following disciplines: (1) Biological Sciences, (2) Chemical Sciences, (3) Earth, Atmosphere, Ocean and Planetary Sciences, (4) Engineering Sciences, and (5) Physical Sciences (including instrumentation). The YS Award includes a citation, a cash award of Rs 50,000 (Rupees fifty thousand only), along with a plaque. Preamble: The Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR) introduced, in 1987, a scheme of awards for Young scientists in CSIR system so as to promote excellence in a variety of fields of science and technology. These Awards are known as”CSIR Young Scientist Awards”. Awards: The Awards are given annually in the following fields: i) Biological Sciences, ii) Chemi-

cal Sciences, iii) Earth, Atmosphere, Ocean and Planetary Sciences, iv) Engineering Sciences v) Physical Sciences (including instrumentation) • Each award consists of a citation (signed by the Director General, CSIR and the Vice-President, CSIR), a cash prize of Rs.50000 (Rupees fifty thousand) plus a plaque. • Awardees are eligible for a Special Honorarium of Rs 7500/ (Rupees seven thousand five hundred) a month until the age of 45 years. This incentive will be admissible as long as the recipient remains in the service of CSIR. • Research award of Rs 25 lakhs (Rupees twenty-five lakh) within a period of five years, is also given, which is normally to the tune of Rs 5 lakhs per annum each CSIR Young Scientist Awardee. Purpose: Promoting excellence and recognising outstanding contributions made by the young CSIR scientists for their work done primarily in India during the past five years preceding the year of this Award. Eligibility: • Any scientists, engaged in research work in almost any of the CSIR laboratories/institutes, who’s not more than 35 years old, as reckoned on 26

September (CSIR Foundation Day) of the previous year, is eligible for the Award. • The nominee should be a regular scientific staff of CSIR system and ought to have joined the CSIR lab on or before 26 September of the last year. Nomination: Directors/ Chairperson of Research Councils / Bhatnagar Awardees can propose nominations only of scientists belonging to the CSIR labs/institutes where they’re associated. Every one of them can send normally a maximum of two nominations in each discipline. Information concerning the nominations must be sent according to the prescribed proforma (WORD / PDF Format) on or prior to the final date (as notified annually ). The details of the award and prescribed proforma for the nomination could be downloaded from the site: www. Selection Procedure: • Every nominee is needed to make a brief presentation (15 minutes) about their research work prior to the concerned Advisory Committee. This might be followed by 5 min question-answer session/discussion. • No nomination will be considered in absentia. • The awards are given for out-

standing contributions made by the Young CSIR scientists on work done primarily in India. • The award in a certain discipline could be withheld if no candidate of requisite merit is forthcoming in that year. • The recommendations of the Advisory Committees are subject to approval by the Governing Body of CSIR. Presentation: The CSIR Young Scientist Awards will be presented to the recipients on 26 September, the CSIR Foundation Day every year at a formal function arranged by CSIR. At this ceremony, citations highlighting the work of the recipients are read out. Research Project : Following the selections, every Awardee must submit a research project indicating the contingency and equipment grant (OM: HRD/ SSB-08NC/D/Awardee) that will be necessary by him/her for the pursuit of research according to his/her proposed project. Duration of this project could be for five years. The project needs to have the approval of the Director/ Research Council of the labs/institute. The project is to be carried out independently. With

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effect from 1st April 1994, the Directors of CSIR labs/institutes have now been empowered to release the grant (presently Rs 5 lakh per annum each awardee, enhanced from the calendar year 2008 onwards) for the approved projects to the CSIR Young Scientist Awardee, where he/ she is working. Intimation regarding that must be sent to Head, HRDG along with a copy of the job with reference and record. The

Human Resource Development (HRD) Group, CSIR Complex, Library Avenue, Pusa, New Delhi 110 012 must be sent as per the prescribed proforma (original + one copy) latest by 31st January 2019. A CD/DVD/USB flash drive can also be required containing duly filled proforma, significant books How to Apply: (in PDF format) and photograph Nominations addressed to Sci- (in JPEG format) of this nominee. entist Incharge, SSB YSA Unit, The details of this YS Award, as grant could be claimed from the Human Resource Development Group, CSIR Complex, New Delhi, at the prescribed proforma together with a yearly progress report (Grant-in-aid Claim Bill).

December 11th, 2018 Vol. 02 NO 56

well as the prescribed proforma for the nomination, could be obtained from preceding address or might also be downloaded from the site:

CSIR Raman Research Fellowships 2019-2020 CSIR Raman Research Fellowships 2019-2020 official notification is out. Raman Research Fellowships 2019-2020 notification.


COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH Anusandhan Bhavan 2, Rafi Marg, New Delhi – 110 001 Applications are encouraged from CSIR institutes for the award of Raman Research Fellowships for the year 2019-2020. The Raman Research Fellowships are granted to the CSIR researchers for carrying out research in the emerging/high priority technology areas. It’s tenable at foreign institutions / R&D Centres of Excellence. The whole cost is met by CSIR HQs. The application proforma is provided at Annexure-I. The details regarding eligibility, terms & conditions may be seen at Annexure-II. Applications of up to two eligible meritorious candidates might be forwarded to ISTAD, CSIR after thorough careful evaluation. All applications will be returned to the concerned Institute if the number of nominations exceeds two. The candidates need to submit 6 (six) copies of their application form. Additionally, an electronic copy of the nomination summary according to Annexure-III may be sent to the undersigned (kamlesh@ The nominated candidates are expected not just to be meritorious but also be fully aware of the national agenda in Science and CSIR’s Vision. They’re expected to possess

general awareness about our nation, its culture, history and present-day socio-economic and geopolitical issues. The selection will be made via a mechanism of an interview by the duly constituted Selection Committee. The interviews will be held in CSIR HQs., New Delhi sometimes between March – June 2019. The exact time and date of this interview will be intimated to all the eligible candidates about a month beforehand. The candidates are advised not to correspond directly but might feel free to make enquiries through ISTAG of their respective institutes/ Units/ Directorates. Objective: The Fellowship is granted to the CSIR Scientists for carrying out research in the emerging/high priority areas in reputed foreign institu-

tions/R&D Centres of Excellence to better their R&D skills/capability. The Fellowship is tenable abroad at CSIR cost. Eligibility: Regular Scientists of CSIR with high academic qualifications (Postgraduate in Engineering and PhD in Natural Science) and study expertise, presently working in high priority areas, (FTT / Mission mode projects / NIMITLI projects / major programs of Institute) who have finished minimum five years of service in CSIR on the last date for receipt of their software. The applicant should have made a commendable contribution to research/innovation in the proposed area, which should be of global level. Fellowship shouldn’t be sought for training or to carry out tests, etc. using facilities in the host institute. The RRF has to be sought to further enhance the skills/capability and fill in technological gaps. The candidate shouldn’t be over 45

years old according to January 18, 2019. Fellowship Tenure: 2 to Six Months (in 1 spell only) Age: Applied research topics in the high-priority technology areas of the Laboratory/CSIR and any particular area under Basic Science of significance and immediate significance. Terms: Throughout the Fellowship period the Scientist is going to be known as “Raman Research Fellow”. The Fellow will be sent abroad on deputation terms.

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December 11th, 2018 Vol. 02 NO 56

Financial Terms: • International airfare to & fro by lowest Economy class • Fellowship @ US $2500/- a month • US$1000/- lump sum towards contingency and preparatory expenses • US$1000/Supplementary grant for participation in Conferences/visiting institutions

of excellence at the country of stitutes indicating the specific study placement work to be carried out overseas. The candidate may make a PowerMode of Selection: point presentation (up to 5 slides) for 7 minutes, first four minutes to Through interview by a duly con- the present research activities and stituted Selection Committee to be the remaining 3 minutes to the proconstituted by the DG CSIR. The posed research work. candidate should furnish at the time of the interview, letter of accept- Bond: ance from the host-institution duly accepted by the Director of the In- The chosen candidates shall exe-


cute a bond before proceeding overseas on Fellowship to function as concerned Lab/lnstt. For three years on his/her return. The last date for receipt of the duly filled in applications, complete in all respects is January 18 2019. Applications received after the last date will be summarily rejected.

Commonwealth Scholarships For MSc & PhD 2019 The notification for the Commonwealth MSc & PhD Scholarships for full-time masters & doctoral study at a UK university form candidates from low and middle-income Commonwealth countries has been announced. INTERESTED APPLICANTS CAN CHECK OUT ALL OF THE DETAILS ON ELIGIBILITY, APPLCATION AND SUCH BELOW: By Diluxi Arya

No. F. 22-1/2018-ES.4 Government of India Ministry of Human Resource Development Department of Higher Education ES.4 Section Online application is invited from Indian national for ‘2019 COMMONWEALTH SCHOLARSHIP TENABLE IN THE UNITED KINGDOM’ for pursuing Master’s & Doctoral degree programme commencing from September/October 2019. The Scholarships are offered by the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission (CSC), UK for the following Scholarships only: • Commonwealth Master’s Scholarships (for low and middle income Commonwealth countries) • Commonwealth PhD Scholarships (for low and middle income Commonwealth countries) The information in respect of the scholarship is available on the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission’s website: http://

Number of nomination: 52 nominations would be made, out of which 13 nominations would be for PhD. The specific terms and conditions in respect of Master’s and PhD scholarships are available on the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission’s website at the following URL: Master’s: wp-content/uploads/2018/10/ terms-conditions-mastersscholarships-low-and-middle-incomes-2019.docx-1.pdf PhD:

Eligibility: (i) The candidates who have received the offer of admission, from any of the university listed with the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission is only eligible to apply. The list of the university may be found at URL: http:// (ii) The applicant must be a permanent resident in India. (iii) The applicant must be available to start his/her academic studies in the UK by the start of the UK academic year in September/October 2019 (iv) The applicant must NOT be registered for a PhD, or an MPhil leading to a PhD, at a UK university or India university or elsewhere before September/October 2019

(v) The applicant must not be able to afford to study in the UK without this scholarship. (Candidates are compulsorily required to sign a declaration that they do not have access to sufficient funds to study in the UK). (vi) Candidates who have already been abroad for studies/training/ specialization either on scholarships or on their own, for a period exceeding six months are eligible to apply, if they have been in India for at least two consecutive years as on 10th January, 019 after returning from abroad. Minimum qualifications: (i) For Master’s course: One should have completed or is

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expected to complete the Bachelor Degree by October 2019. The academic qualification must have direct and applied relevance to the development theme selected by the candidate. (ii) For PhD degree: One should have completed or is expected to complete the Master Degree/Qualifying Exam, by October 2019. The academic qualification must have direct and applied relevance to the development theme selected by the candidate. Level of course:(i) Master’s Course (one year) (Note: Master Degree programs which are less than 2 years in duration, are not equivalent to Master Degree in India.)

the time of online application, failing which their candidature will not be considered. • The system would automatically generate the subject/theme wise list of students along with the name of the University. • In case, there are a number of students than the available nominations, in that scenario, ranking of the institution as per the ‘QS Ranking 2019’ would be taken to draw the merit list. Anti-fraud Policy: • The CSC is committed to administering and managing its scholarships and fellowships in a fair and transparent manner. For further information, see the CSC anti-fraud policy and the DFID guidance on reporting fraud available on CSC’s website at the following url:

(ii) Doctoral degree (up to three/ CSC anti-fraud policy: https:// four years’ duration) would be offered un- cy-and-procedure der following development themes and the candidates who have taken DFID guidance on reporting admission in UK university must fraud: apply under one of the themes: organisations/department-for-in• Science and technology for de- ternationaldevelopment/about#revelopment porting-fraud • Strengthening health systems and capacity • The Ministry’s anti-fraud poli• Promoting global prosperity cy is enclosed and may be seen • Strengthening global peace, seas ANNEXURE-I. curity and governance • Strengthening resilience and General Instructions: response to crises • Access, inclusion and opportu- 1. Candidates who do not possess nity. the eligibility criteria need not apply. Selection and nomination: 2. Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification. • The candidates who have re- 3. It is very important that appliceived an offer of admission cants who are in employment from any participating univerto which they wish to return afsities must upload a copy of the ter completion of their studies same on the Ministry’s portal at in the UK should have an as-

surance from their organization that on the final selection by the CSC, they will be granted sufficient leave to complete the study. In general, a candidate undertaking research for a PhD can be expected to need 36/48 months’ study in the United Kingdom even though in the first instance, the award will only be offered for one or two years. 4. All announcements will be made available on the website of the Ministry of Human Resource Development i.e. www. 5. The nominated candidates will be informed through e-mail and public notice on the Ministry’s website. The best way to apply: Candidates are required to apply online at the following portals: • Ministry of Human Resource Development portal by 17th January 2019. Link for online application: http:// • Commonwealth Scholarship Commission’s Electronic Application System (EAS) by 19.12.2018 by 16:00 (GMT) Link for EAS: login.html Note: • It is compulsory for the applicant to apply on both the portals before their cut-off dates, failing which would make his/ her candidature ineligible. • Sometimes the link does not open after the click or after copying to the address bar. You

December 11th, 2018 Vol. 02 NO 56

are required to type the link in the address bar to go to the link. Important Links: • For applying online to the Ministry of Human Resource Development: • For applying to CSC trough EAS: https://fs29.formsite. com/m3nCYq/form62/form_ login.html • 2018 Commonwealth Scholarship terms and conditions:Master’s: http://cscuk. h t t p : / / c s c u k . d f i d . g o v. u k / wp-content/uploads/2018/10/ terms-conditionsphd-scholarships-low-middle-income-countries-2019.pdf • The list of UK universities: uk-universities/partfunding/ • Details of the CSC’s selection criteria: uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/ selection-criteria-phdscholarships-low-middle-income-countries-2019.pdf • Handbook for Commonwealth Scholars and Fellows at: http://


December 11th, 2018 Vol. 02 NO 56


NCERT Doctoral Fellowships 2018 National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) Doctoral Fellowships 2018 notitication has been released.


The National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) is an autonomous organization set up by the Government of India to advise and assist the Ministry of Human Resource Development at the center, and Education Departments of States/Union Territories in formulation and implementation of their policies and major programmes in the field of education, particularly for qualitative improvement of school education. The major constituent units of the NCERT are: (1) National Institute of Education (NIE), New Delhi, (2) Central Institute of Educational Technology (CIET), New Delhi, (3) Pandit Sunderlal Sharma Central Institute of Vocational Education (PSSCIVE), Bhopal, (4) Regional Institute of Education (RIE), Ajmer, (5) Regional Institute of Education, Bhopal, (6) Regional Institute of Education, Bhubaneswar, (7) Regional Institute of Education, Mysore, and (8) North-East Regional Institute of Education (NERIE), Shillong. Among several activities, the NCERT and its constituent units undertake, aid, promote and coordinate research in areas related to school education. The NCERT has brought out National Curriculum Framework 2005 (NCF-2005), which has enabled a fresh discourse and new ideas on education in India. With a focus on the child, NCF-2005 stresses the need for a perspective on how children learn and environments to enable this process within larger concerns of equality and justice in a democratic society. The document further emphasizes the understanding of curricular and pedagogic practices, and social and cultural factors that influence and mediate these processes in diverse contexts. There is a need to develop a body of knowledge that enhances our under-

standing of the concerns expressed in NCF-2005. Towards this end, the NCERT intends to offer fellowships, named as NCERT Doctoral Fellowships, for conducting research at the doctoral level. Objectives of the Scheme: (a) To provide opportunities to young scholars to research the field of education from different disciplinary perspectives. (b) To build the knowledge base of education in the contemporary context. Scope of the Scheme: The NCERT Doctoral Fellowships are intended to enable young scholars to pursue doctoral research in education and other related disciplines. Doctoral Fellows can pursue their work in a recognized university/research institution of their choice. The NCERT encourages original thinking in conceptualization of the problem and use of innovative methodology in conduct of the research related to school education. Priority Areas: Fellowship will be given for research pertaining to the following priority areas: Teacher Educators’ Education: Quality of pre-service and in-service teachereducation programs, chal-

lenges and opportunities in teacher training, Review and Revision of curriculum/syllabi, assessment process of pre-service training, possible changes in practices teaching, models of teacher training, deterioration in training process. Internship issues related to teacher education, qualitative improvement in teachers and teacher educators, issues related to admission and recruitment of teacher educators. Education of the Disadvantaged: Disadvantages of different kinds because of belonging to scheduled castes/scheduled tribes and backward castes, and minority communities, and due to gender, disability, and living in difficult circumstances. Classroom Processes and Practices: Multi-grade teaching, over-crowded classrooms, medium of instruction, languages used in the class, teaching-learning process, teacher, concerns, evaluation practices, disciplinary techniques, and space and time management. Curricular Areas: Teaching of Science, Mathematics, Language, Social Sciences, Arts and Crafts, Work and Vocational Education, Environmental Sciences, and Health and Physical Education. Education for Peace: Conflict and its resolution in different spheres, problem of violence, respect for cultural diversity, values for living in harmony with people and nature, child rights, and sustainable development. Psycho-social Development of Chil-

dren: Development of self, relationships and social skills, understanding and cognitive skills, communications skills, leadership, decision-making and copying with stress. Any Burning Issue in School Education This will be judged on the basis of concept note/synopsis submitted by the candidate with their application. The candidate should clearly state how does the proposed research relates to above priority areas. Eligibility: • Good Academic record with at least 60% marks at both Graduate and PostGraduate Levels. • Candidates should not be more than 35 years of age as on the last date of • receipt of applications. • Candidates registered for PhD degree in a recognized university/ or working toward their PhD registration are eligible to apply. Other conditions: • Four out of 10 fellowships are reserved for 4 Regional Institutes of Education (RIEs) one each for Ajmer, Bhopal, Bhubaneswar and Mysore. However, if no candidate from RIEs is

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NEWS found suitable, the fellowship will be offered to other suitable candidates. The fellowships will be limited to extremely deserving candidates only. If suitable candidates are not available, Council may not select all 10 Fellows. Candidate applying for Doctoral Fellowship should have either completed predoctoral research methodology course or enrolled/ selected for such course for appropriate duration as approved by UGC. The fellowship will start after completion of the course and confirmed registration with the University for Ph.D. work. Each Doctoral Fellow will be required to present a seminar at the end of each semester. The NCERT Doctoral Fellow will be required to contribute to the RIE teaching programme, field research and/or the curriculum development and textbook development programmes of NCERT for 30 days in a year. The Fellow will be provided III AC fare for the travel, and accommodation in the RIE hostel. The Doctoral Fellow will be under obligation to present public lecture on larger issues of public interest relevant to his/her doctoral research work, if so invited. The seminar may be held at RIEs or NCERT headquarter and the fellows will be given the III AC fare for travel for the same. The candidate will submit with their applications, the CV of the research supervisor which should clearly indicate the research work done by them in the last five years. NCERT reserves the right to advise the candidate

December 11th, 2018 Vol. 02 NO 56

to chose a new research supervisor if needed. The candidate may select a supervisor/research guide approved by NCERT. The fellowship of the last three months and contingency of the third year will be released only after receipt of the thesis. Selection Procedure: The procedure for short listing of applicants will be designed by NCERT. Shortlisted candidates will be required to appear for an interview, which may also include presentation of the proposals. Candidates will be paid second (sleeper) class train fare by the shortest route for attending the interview-cum-seminar. Reservation of Seats: The statutory provisions for reservation of seats will be applicable to the candidates belonging to different categories. Fellowship Amount: NCERT Doctoral Fellows will receive a fellowship of Rs.23,000/per month (for Non-NET) and Rs.25,000/- per month (in case of NET qualified candidates) for a maximum period of three years from the date of permanent Ph.D. registration and/or date of selection in NCERT. They will also receive a contingency grant of Rs.10,000/- per annum during this period. The fellowship will commence from the date of joining by the candidate after furnishing the documents of permanent Ph.D. registration in NCERT and will terminate at the end of three years from the date of joining or with the submission of the doctoral thesis whichever is ear-

lier. Disbursement of Fellowship: The NCERT will credit the monthly fellowship to the savings bank account of the Fellow. For this, each Fellow will be required to submit a ‘Certificate of Attendance and Satisfactory Work Performance’ to NCERT on a quarterly basis. Release of the monthly fellowship from second quarter onwards will be subject to receipt of the said certificate. Annual contingency grant to the extent of actual expenditure incurred but not more than Rs.10,000/- per annum will be credited to the account of the Fellow after receipt and scrutiny of the bills/vouchers submitted by the fellow duly signed and countersigned by the supervisor and Head of the Department.

Publication of the Thesis: After the award of Ph.D. degree, the Doctoral Fellows will be required to submit a Hard bound copy of the thesis (along with a CD) to NCERT. NCERT will consider publication of the completed research in an appropriate form. The Fellow can apply for permission to publish his/her work elsewhere. Application Procedure:

Application should be filled in the prescribed format available on the NCERT website ( Completed application forms should be accompanied by a concept paper of about 1500 words on the theme of the proposed research, which should contain statements about (a) rationale and objectives of the study, (b) conceptual Monitoring of Work: framework, (c) proposed methodology, and (d) potential contribution of Doctoral Fellows will be required to the study. Attested copies of all mark submit six monthly progress reports sheets/certificates and proof of Ph.D. duly forwarded by their supervisors/ registration (if already registered) Head of the Department and Research should also be sent with the applicaAdvisors to NCERT. A Committee of tion at the following address: Experts will review the progress. Also a research colloquium will be held an- Head nually where Fellows will present the progress of their research. If the pro- Division of Educational Research, gress of the research is found unsatis- Room No.14, 3rd Floor, Zakir Husain factory, NCERT reserves the right to Block, National Council of Educaterminate the fellowship at any point tional Research and Training, Sri Auof time. robindo Marg, New Delhi – 110 016 Leave Rules: The last date of receiving completLeave rules as prescribed in case ed application is one month from the of UGC Junior Research Fellowship publication of the advertisement in will be applicable. Further, NCERT the newspaper. Doctoral Fellows will not accept any other remunerative assignment dur- Last Date: 16th December 2018 ing the period of fellowship.


December 11th, 2018 Vol. 02 NO 56


CSIR Diamond Jubilee Technology Award (CDJTA) 2017 & 2018 The official announcement for the CSIR Diamond Jubilee Technology Award (CDJTA) 2017 & 2018 has been made. A cash prize of Rs. 10 lakhs is up for grabs.


THE LAST DATE OF RECEIVING PROPOSAL IS EXTENDED TO 31ST DECEMBER 2018 The last date of receiving proposal is extended to 31st December 2018 CSIR Diamond Jubilee Technology Award Introduction With the objective to foster technological innovation based on innovative science, CSIR launched an annual Diamond Jubilee Technology Award on 26th September 2002 in commemoration of its Diamond Jubilee celebrations. It was launched in recognition that mere investments in creating enabling infrastructure and support systems are not sufficient for achieving cutting-edge technological breakthroughs. Continuous encouragement and motivational nourishment need to be provided to potential inventors and innovators to unleash and realize their creative potential. Besides, those who succeed in giving outstanding performance need to be honoured by the nation. The award is to encourage scientists, engineers and technologists to develop innovative technologies and products that are amongst the best in the world and enhance India’s image. Technologies leading to commercially successful products, processes and services, which give India a sustainable competitive advantage, are considered for the award. Besides the technological innovation must simultaneously help broaden interactions among academic, R&D and financial institutions and industry and commercial sectors, and provide newer vehicles for commercialization. The Award is intended for scientific discovery or technological innova-

tions, which have reached the market place. It is given annually to a technology that is developed in the country by Indian innovators and meets the highest global standards. CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS The Award The award consists of a cash prize of Rs. 10 lakh, a citation and a plaque. Eligibility Nominees must be: • An Indian team, a company or an organization. In the case of teams, Indian citizenship is a pre-requisite. For a company/organization, more than 50 percent of its shares or assets should be owned by the citizens of India / Indian entities. • The technological innovation must have originated in India or if it has been developed elsewhere, it must have a significant and highly innovative Indian component. Criteria for the Award The technological innovation should

• Compete successfully internationally on the basis of novelty, price, quality, functionality and reliability; • Help raise capital or enhance the value/brand equity or image of the company / organization; • Promote employment in the country; and • Contribute benefits to the community generally and help raise the standards of quality of life of the community. Applications for the award for the year 2017 & 2018 may be submitted separately in the prescribed format. Selection Procedure A two-tier selection procedure is in place. The initial screening to shortlist the qualifying applicants is done by a committee of seven eminent experts representing diverse disciplines. The shortlisted applicants are considered thereafter by a high-level expert committee chaired by an eminent technologist / Chairman of the CSIR Advisory Board with membership comprising of: »» Industrial associations such as CII, FICCI, ASSOCHAM; »» Directors of CSIR Laboratories; »» Financial Institutions / VCF; »» Past CDJTA Awardee; and »» Eminent Experts.

• Create a new market or significantly develop an existing market, with demonstrated com- All the members are nominated by petitive advantage and a large DG, CSIR. cross-section of users/consumer response;

Contact Head, Research, Project Planning and Business Development Directorate Council of Scientific & Industrial Research Anusandhan Bhawan 2, Rafi Marg, New Delhi – 110 001 Tel: 011 23710453 Fax: 011 23710340 Email:



December 11th, 2018 Vol. 02 NO 56

INSA Visiting Scientist Programme 2019 The official notification for the Indian National Academy of Science (INSA) Visiting Scientist Programme 2019 has been released.


INDIAN NATIONAL SCIENCE ACADEMY (INSA) Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi-110 002, India CALL FOR VISITING SCIENTIST PROGRAMME 2019 INSA invites applications from scientists/faculty of less endowed institutions to conduct Research and Training in advanced research Institutions/Laboratories within India under Visiting Scientist Programme 2019. Objective: The main objective of the programme is to facilitate scientists/ faculty to enhance their research capabilities with training in specific techniques or through utilizing facilities not available in their own institution. Eligibility: The scientists/faculty holding a regular position In R&D Organizations including Universities or Affiliated Colleges In India are eligible to apply under the programme.

Duration of Fellowship:


The fellowship period varies from During the fellowship period, awarone month to six months depending dees will be paid a consolidated upon the proposed work or purpose. amount of Rs.30,000/(maximum) per month to cover their expenses related to boarding, lodgDetails of Awards: ing, travel etc These Fellowships will be awarded on a competitive basis to the scien- How to Apply: tists/faculty for the furtherance of their research and/or research ca- Applications will be invited once a pabilities for carrying out collabo- year. The applicants would be rerative research, undergoing training quired to provide a concise account of in specific techniques, or utilizing their plan of work/ study besides their facilities not available in their own bio-data highlighting their achieveinstitutions. The Fellowship will be ments. It would be desirable that the for a minimum period of one month applicant should have approached the to a maximum of 6 months in a host institution and the scientist conlaboratory or research institutions cerned to ascertain their concurrence of his/her choice anywhere within to accept him/ her. India. Fellowships to be awarded each year will be a maximum of 120 The applicant should be a Scientist/ Faculty in any R&D organisation man-months per annum.

including Universities or Affiliated Colleges in India. Applicants should not have availed INSA Visiting Fellowship in last one year. Candidates should submit their application (Two Sets) on the prescribed application form available in the Academy through proper channel to the Deputy Executive Director-I (Scientific), Indian National Science Academy, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi – 110002. The decision of the Academy will be communicated during April / May in the following year. Deadline: latest by 31.12.2018. Application Form


December 11th, 2018 Vol. 02 NO 56


Drug Discovery and Development International Scholarship Master of Drug Discovery and Development Scholarship notification at Victoria University of Wellington. Victoria University of Wellington has announced the notification for the Master of Drug Discovery and Development Scholarship. Interested candidates can check out all of the details below: MASTER OF DRUG DISCOVERY AND DEVELOPMENT SCHOLARSHIP By Diluxi Arya

VALUE: $15,000 TENURE OF AWARD: Recipients are eligible to hold the scholarship for one year. CLOSING DATES FOR APPLICATIONS: 15 January NUMBER OF AWARDS OFFERED: Varies(Please see additional information) History or background of award: The Ferrier Research Institute in Victoria University of Wellington is leading the delivery of an exciting taught master’s programme, the Master of Drug Discovery and Development. This programme will equip graduates with all the tools to get into the pharmaceutical, nutraceutical and agrichemical sectors. The programme was designed in consultation with global leaders in the pharmaceutical and related fields. Besides a research project, students will profit from coursework in a collection of interdisciplinary subjects which range from medicinal chemistry, pharmaceutical analytical chemistry along with the formulation of drugs, to the regulatory framework in which pharmaceutical and similar companies operate and strategies to protect intellectual property. This degree is intended to provide students with a wide grasp of the pharmaceutical environment and may result in a PhD study in a related field. The programme is aimed at students with degrees in chemistry or subjects like biochemistry, biomedical science, pharmacy and pharmacology. General entrance requirements are an undergraduate degree in Chemistry or a related life science subject like Biochemistry, Biomedical Science, Pharmacy, Pharmacology or other related subjects, with a B+ average or higher grade; and acceptance by the relevant Head of School. For this scholarship, applicants are expected to have achieved

an average of at least a B+ in ic performance, publications and/ or conference proceedings, referee 300-level Chemistry. reports, and some other tangible demonstration of research or acaPurpose of award: demic ability. The Ferrier Research Institute is offering qualified international candi- How do students apply? dates the opportunity to apply for an assistance scholarship to the value Candidates must submit their apof $15,000 towards the tuition fees plications to Simon.Hinkley@vuw., including copies of complete for this particular programme. academic transcripts, degree certificates, CVs (like the contact details Selection criteria: of at least two academic referees The scholarship is open to all qual- that are familiar with the candidate, ifying international candidates. ‘In- e.g. university lecturers at 300 levternational’ means applicants who el or higher, supervisors of research don’t have New Zealand residency projects, etc. — applicants should and that aren’t New Zealand citi- include a statement which Ferrier Research Institute staff can contact zens. the referees), letter of motivation Candidates must fulfil pro- and referee reports (at least one, gramme-specific eligibility stand- from an academic/research superviards and university eligibility cri- sor of the candidate). teria. Candidates need to check the university website to make sure that Additional information they meet those criteria. Candidates should obtain a suitable If there is no suitable candidate in visa so as to study in New Zealand. any one year the scholarship will not be awarded. The scholarship becomes payable on enrolment and has to be used Decision makers against tuition fees only. Successful candidates will be choHolders of the scholarship will be sen by a selection panel of relevant expected to work on a research pro- Ferrier Research Institute staff. ject under the supervision of a Ferrier Research Institute staff member, How and when do students learn on a project approved by the Direc- of the decision? tor of the Ferrier Research Institute, Successful candidates will be notior his delegated nominee. fied by 22 January. Selection criteria include academ-

The scholarship becomes due and payable only once candidates have successfully completed the first trimester of study in the MDDD programme, and must be used against tuition fees only. What conditions are attached to the acceptance of this award? Holders of this scholarship will be expected to work on a research project under the supervision of a Ferrier Research Institute staff member, on a project approved by the Director of the Ferrier Research Institute, or his delegated nominee. Who else has information about this award? Simon Hinkley (simon.hinkley@ For guidelines, application forms and more information about this award contact: Position: The Scholarships Office Organisation: Victoria University of Wellington Address: PO Box 600 Wellington 6140 New Zealand Phone: +64 4 463 5557 E-mail: scholarships-office@vuw. Website: study/student-finance/scholarships Important Links: Application Form Regulations



December 11th, 2018 Vol. 02 NO 56

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