Biotecnika Times New Year Special 1st Jan 2019

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January 1st, 2019.

Vol. 03

NO 59


Novel Test For Detecting Zika, Dengue, Chikungunya In minutes

NIAB Admission to Research Scholars Program 2018-2019

Explore The World Of Predictive Genomics With Voice of Biotecnika



Voice of Biotecnika

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Research Fellowships To Be Hiked In 2019: As per Media Reports Last few days of the year 2018 witnessed protests by Researchers on a massive scale all across India with demands of Hike in Fellowship & timely reimbursements of fellowships. Looks like this large-scale agitation by the research community has lead to some ray of hope.


As per several media reports across the web, the govt has agreed to raise the research fellowship in 2019. As per TOI reports the entry Fellowship for researchers can be hiked up to Rs 40,000/- for the first time by the onset of the new year. In a tweet, the minister stated that “The payment of scholarship amount to students by @ugc_india, @AICTE_INDIA & @HRDMinistry have been streamlined & from last month i.e 1st Nov we have started crediting scholarship amount directly to student account by 30th of each month....

Read more on Page 2






●● J. N. Tata Endowment Loan Scholarship 2019-2020 official notification has been released. Loan scholarship ranges between Rs.1,00,000/- and Rs.10,00,000/-. Interested applicants can check out all of the details regarding the award, the eligibility, the selection criteria...

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●● Government jobs for msc biotechnology/ botany/ chemistry/ pharma candidates at National Medicinal Plants Board, Ministry of AYUSH. National Medicinal Plants Board, Ministry of AYUSH jobs hiring for...

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January 1st, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 59

Research Fellowships To Be Hiked In 2019: As per Media Reports Last few days of the year 2018 witnessed protests by Researchers on a massive scale all across India with demands of Hike in Fellowship & timely reimbursements of fellowships. Looks like this large-scale agitation by the research community has lead to some ray of hope. AS PER SEVERAL MEDIA REPORTS ACROSS THE WEB, THE GOVT HAS AGREED TO RAISE THE RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP IN 2019. AS PER TOI REPORTS THE ENTRY FELLOWSHIP FOR RESEARCHERS CAN BE HIKED UP TO RS 40,000/- FOR THE FIRST TIME BY THE ONSET OF THE NEW YEAR. By Preety Suman

In an announcement made by the Human resource development minister, Prakash Javadekar, there will be a hike in fellowship soon and the hike will be comparatively more than the last time. In a tweet, the minister stated that “The payment of scholarship amount to students by @ugc_india, @AICTE_INDIA & @HRDMinistry have been streamlined & from last month i.e 1st Nov we have started crediting scholarship amount directly to student account by 30th of each month.” As per Javadekar, upon receiving complaints regarding the delay in fellowship credit, the Govt immediately streamlined a special grant of Rs 250 crore and since Nov 1st fellowships are being credited directly to the student account by 30th of every month. He further added that upon combining UGC, AICTE & HRDG, per year around Rs 4000 crore worth of fellowship is given to approx 2.44 Lakh students in total, which was further doubled in 2014. He also discussed about various scholarship scheme launched by the government to uplift research. Earlier on 21st December 2018 Researchers from various renowned universities including IIT’s, IISC, IISER, NCL, BHU, NIT, Presidency University, University of Hyderabad, Punjab University and many more were on the roads protesting for their right for a hike in fellowship. As per reports few student representatives from IISc, IIT Delhi, IIT Kanpur, JNU, Delhi University, AIIMS, and few other research institutes met Prakash Javadekar on 26th Dec 2018 and have put forth a list of requests on behalf of the entire research community. Apart from fellowship hike,

the researchers are seeking Regular and timely disbursal of the stipend & periodic increment in the fellowship. A demand for Grievance Redress and Monitoring System has also been presented wherein the research scholars can communicate with the govt regarding the issues they face. Though no direct statements were made by the minister, sources say that they are positive that the govt will approve the hike in fellowship. A special cabinet has been formed under HRDG that is currently evaluating the fellowship structure. Will the fellowship be hiked? Will the new year 2019 bring a ray of hope for the research scholars? Well, Time is the best judge. An official announcement regarding the same by the govt is eagerly awaited by the research community.

Student representatives from IISc, IIT Delhi, IIT Kanpur, JNU, Delhi University, AIIMS, and few other research institutes met Prakash Javadekar


January 1st, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 59


Novel Test For Detecting Zika, Dengue, Chikungunya In minutes Till Date, any conventional methods used to test for infectious diseases typically takes time for sample collection and analysis. A NEWLY DEVELOPED PAPER-BASED TEST, WHICH WORKS SIMILARLY TO AN OVERTHE-COUNTER PREGNANCY TEST, IS ABLE TO DETECT ZIKA, DENGUE 1-4, AND CHIKUNGUNYA AT THE POINT OF CARE IN A JIFFY WITH ACCURACY, ALSO AT A VERY REASONABLE COST. By Preety Suman

Presently, the viruses causing these deadly diseases is indistinguishable in symptomatic patients without the use of expensive equipment, making the whole process make a hole in the victim’s pockets.

there are fascinating biological processes to learn, with tremendous complexity and beauty. The idea is to use all that knowledge to solve human health challenges that are left unattended by modern society.”

This novel product has been developed by an MIT Tata Center funded research team led by MIT Professor Lee Gehrke and collaborator Irene Bosch. They later formed a startup – E25Bio to commercialize the venture. It also bagged funding from MIT- During Critical crisis or an outbacked venture company – The En- break like the Ebola & Zika outbreak gine to commercialize its technology. we faced recently, E25Bio’s test might have critical applications and come in The startup’s rapid diagnostic eval- very handy. Over the lifecycle of the uation marks a jump in arthro- Zika outbreak in 2016, the world saw pod-borne virus diagnostics. Each of over 175 million confirmed instancthese distinct investigations requires es of Zika and more than 525 million specific next steps in patient care, so a suspected cases. At its summit, the fast, accurate, low-cost method is a vi- World Health Organization declared tal part of the puzzle in resource-con- the epidemic a”Public Health Emerstrained communities. Elimination gency of International Concern.” of cross-reactivity in the test also reduces the risk of misdiagnosis, which often contributes to inaccurate or inadequate treatment in the best case and passing in the worst case. A mobile program accompanies E25Bio’s test, which catalogs the results of the test as per time and location. This real-time data could potentially enable authorities to take preventative actions to control the spread of disease and prevent an epidemic.

Bosch, along with Gehrke, the Hermann von Helmholtz Professor of Health Sciences and Technology and a member of the Institute for Medical Engineering and Science at MIT, have worked closely with the Tata Center on execution pathways for their study in rapid diagnostics. With the support of the center’s new Translational Research Program, both Bosch and George managed to move their technology toward commercialization. “Without the Tata Center, it’s fairly possible that we would not be in active talks about bringing our research to large numbers of patients,” Gehrke said. E25Bio is currently looking to shut their Series A round of financing.

One of the lead scientists of the project – Irene Bosch being from Venezuela is much familiar with the catastrophic consequences these infectious disease outbreaks bring upon the victims & their families due to lack of pocket-friendly detection methods & treatments. She further described her The Tata Center utilizes innovative inspiration behind developing this nov- science and technology to address el technique and said, “In cell biology, challenges in the developing world. The center strives to attain long-term

impact by translating discoveries into affordable products and services. With help from both visionary colleagues at The Engine, this particular technolo-

gy’s journey to market provides a way for exponentially greater effect for the Tata Center’s world-changing research and alternatives.



January 1st, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 59

Genetically Modified pothos ivy Plants Can Clean Your Home’s Air HEPA filters are the most commonly used tool used in order to maintain the quality of the air in our houses. But fewer people know that these filters can miss out trapping hazardous compounds that are micro or nano-sized and can be potentially carcinogenic, among which chloroform and benzene top the list. POTHOS IVY – A COMMONLY FOUND HOUSEPLANT HAS BEEN GENETICALLY MODIFIED BY A GROUP OF RESEARCHERS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON TO ELIMINATE CHLOROFORM AND BENZENE FROM THE AIR AROUND IT. By Preety Suman

A protein called as 2E1 is expressed by the modified pothos that converts these hazardous chemicals into molecules that the plants may then use to support their own growth. “People have not really been talking about these hazardous organic compounds in homes, and I think that is because we could not do anything about them,” said senior author Stuart Strand, who is a research professor in the UW’s environmental and civil engineering deSynthetic versions of the gene partment. “Now we have engineered which functions as instructions for houseplants to remove these pollutmaking 2E1 was prepared, which ants .” was further introduced into pothos ivy in order so that each cell from Plants at the home would also the plant extracted the protein. need to be inside an enclosure usPothos ivy does not blossom in tem- ing something to move air beyond perate climates, so the genetically their leaves, like a fan, Strand said. modified plants will not have the “When you had a plant growing at the corner of a room, it will have ability to spread through pollen. The protein 2E1 also known as cytochrome P450 2E1 occurs naturally in our liver which is turned active upon alcohol consumption but in a normal case, the human body cannot access it to process the pollutants level around us.

In an experiment to test the efficiency of the modified plants to remove pollutants from the air, two glass tubes were taken, one containing the modified plant and other had ordinary pothos plants as a control. The tubes were then filled with benzene or chloroform gasoline. The plants were kept under observation for approx 11 days. They noticed that the chloroform content in the tube containing the modified plant reduced by 82 percent, whereas the concentration in the control plant remains unaltered. So as to discover those changes in pollutant levels, the researchers used considerably higher pollutant concentrations that are usually seen in houses. However, the team anticipates that the dwelling levels would fall likewise, or even faster, over precisely exactly the identical time frame.

some effect in that room,” he said. “But with no air circulation, it is going to have a long time to get a molecule on the other end of the house to accomplish the plant.” The team is now working in a direction to find a suitable protein to breakdown formaldehyde: a hazardous compound present in home air with wood goods, wooden flooring, and cabinets. “These are stable chemicals, so it is quite tough to get rid of them,” Strand said. “Without proteins to break down these molecules, so we’d have to use high-energy pro-

cesses to do it. It is so much simpler and more sustainable to place these proteins all together in a houseplant.” This research was published in Environmental Science & Technology Journal with a title ” Greatly Enhanced Removal of Volatile Organic Carcinogens by a Genetically Modified Houseplant, Pothos Ivy (Epipremnum aureum) Expressing the Mammalian Cytochrome P450 2e1 Gene” and was financed by the National Science Foundation, Amazon Catalyst in UW and the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences.


January 1st, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 59


St John Laboratories Inks Biosupply Pact With Biotecnika Info Labs Bangalore, Karnataka., Dec 27, 2018– Biotecnika Info Labs Pvt Ltd, India & ST John’s Laboratory Ltd, London has inked a pact to create awareness & to promote Biosupplies manufactured by ST John’s Laboratory. UNDER THIS PACT, BIOTECNIKA WILL BE EXPANDING THE REACH OF ST JOHN’S LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES IN INDIA RESEARCH MARKET AS WELL AS ABROAD WITH A MOTTO TO CREATE AWARENESS ABOUT THE PRODUCTS AND SERVICES OFFERED BY THE MANUFACTURING COMPANY LOCATED IN LONDON, UK. By Preety Suman

The global life science Reagents & Instrumentation industry is slated for a steep growth and is projected to reach USD 75.24 Billion by 2022. The Internet is now an undeniable part of everyone’s lives globally. However, when it comes to the Biosupplier Industry, it is yet to spread its wings across digitally. Till date Indian Research Laboratory’s, whether its a private university research Lab or a Govt owned, follows the same old school method of purchasing Biosupplies, either through a tender or dealing with a vendor directly. The Biosupply manufacturing industry is vast, with thousands of manufacturing companies located both in India & Abroad. The scale at which variety of bio supply is manufactured is huge with each having its own advantage in terms of usage, application, Quality & Price. The Indian research population is devoid of this flexibility of choosing the right reagent or instrument on there as per their requirement by comparing the options available both in terms of price & Quality. Via this pact with St John’s Laboratory Biotecnika intends to bridge this gap and create awareness among the researchers to come online, look for their required bio supply, compare the prices and then can purchase the product online. This partnership streamlines a process for the researchers to purchase cost-effective, high-quality reagents & instruments online, in just a few clicks. With Biotecnika Prime Membership one can avail numerous advantages on their purchase. Visit https://labs. to check out all the products rolled out for purchase.

BioTecNika thrives to bring the best quality from the market without the involvement of any middlemen so that the lab supplies are reached to the required destination in a hassle-free and cost-effective way About St John’s Laboratory St John’s Laboratory located in London is one of the leaders in manufac-

turing bio supplies. It manufactures best quality primary and secondary antibodies which are commercially validated and peer-reviewed. They also have a wide range of ELISA Kits based on host reactivity & applications. Via their exclusive “Antibody Validation Programme” St John labs aim to give their researcher partners as much control over their work as possible, by providing real up to

date reviews and testing information. They encourage exploration of antibody specificity, species cross-reactivity, and applications testing by working alongside its researchers to carry out performance tests, so you can be assured that quality is the top of our agenda. Visit for more details.



January 1st, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 59

New Improved & Accurate Single-Cell RNA Sequencing Method Developed Single Cell RNA Sequencing aids researchers to get in-depth knowledge of the regulatory process between genes, cell lineages during development and uncover rare cell populations. It enables researchers to study individual cells taken from a population. RESEARCHERS AT CORNELL UNIVERSITY HAVE DEVELOPED AN ADVANCED SINGLE-CELL RNA SEQUENCING TECHNIQUES THAT MAKES SEQUENCING OF SINGLE CELLS MUCH EASIER AND ACCURATE. By Preety Suman

Earlier in 2015, A process called “Drop-Seq” was introduced by the researchers from Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The Drop-seq simultaneously allows a process to characterize the identities of numerous cells using nanoliter-scale droplets and by attaching an identifier to every cell’s RNA. Under this process, human cells have been encapsulated with tagged microparticles that initiate reverse transcription of cellular mRNA. Iwijn De Vlaminck, Ph.D., assistant professor in biomedical engineering at Cornell University said that these technologies are extremely popular owing to its lower cost and ease of usage. However, drop-seq is accompanied by a drawback, it can simply recognize a certain sort of messenger RNA (mRNA) molecules, which limits the potential extent of analyses. To overcome this the team of researchers accompanied by Dr. De Vlaminck devised a simple, cost-effective tweak

into the present Drop-seq protocol that enables multiplexed amplicon sequencing and transcriptome profiling in single cells. The newly modified sequencing method – DART-seq can lead to discoveries in infection and immunology. The investigators with the help of DART-seq described the non-A-tailed transcripts of a segmented dsRNA virus along with the transcriptome of the infected cellphone. Additionally, DART-seq was used to simultaneously determine the paired, variable region heavy and light chain amplicons and the transcriptome of B lymphocytes. The tech can identify virus-infected cells and quantify viral and host gene expression, thus enabling

evaluation of the host response to infection at a single-cell level. “A single virus species can be extremely varied, which diversity enables them to do extraordinary things,” explained Philip Burnham, a graduate student in the De Vlaminck lab and co-first author on the paper. “So in the event that you’re able to zoom to the single-cell level, it is possible to really see how minor changes from the virus cause a potentially huge change in how the cell reacts to this small mutation.” Mridu Saikia, Ph.D., a postdoctoral associate in the De Vlaminck laboratory and co-first author in the paper, believes DART-seq will also help in-

form new approaches to cancer therapy. “Cancer cells are a very heterogeneous population,” she explained, “and if you do not examine them in the single-cell degree, you often miss important info. Our technology also allows that.” The findings of this novel research was recently published Nature Methods in a paper titled, “Simultaneous Multiplexed Amplicon Sequencing and Transcriptome Profiling in Single Cells,” reveals an effective procedure to enzymatically personalize the beads prior to performing traditional Drop-seq analysis, allowing for the retrieval and analysis of a larger variety of atoms that are available through Drop-seq sequencing.


January 1st, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 59


AbbVie Lupin $977M+ Partnership to Develop Blood Cancer Inhibitors AbbVie will partner with Lupin, an Indian Biopharma company located in Mumbai, to develop and commercialize Lupin’s Mucosa-Associated Lymphoid Tissue Lymphoma Translocation Protein 1 (MALT1) inhibitors as novel therapies for various blood cancers, in a close to $1 billion collaboration. UNDER THE PACT, LUPIN HAS RECEIVED EXCLUSIVE INTERNATIONAL RIGHTS TO LUPIN’S MALT1 INHIBITOR PROGRAM FROM ABBVIE, DEPENDENT ON THE MALT1 PROTEIN INCLUDED WITH T-CELL AND B-CELL LYMPHOCYTE ACTIVATION. By Preety Suman

In this deal, Lupin received an upfront pay of $30 million from AbbVie for its exclusive license, and up to $947 million tied to attaining regulatory, development, and commercial landmarks. The deal also covers Lupin to get a double royalty on sales of treatments generated through the MALT1 inhibitor application in India.

Nilesh Gupta, managing director, Lupin said that this association with AbbVie is a milestone deal as AbbVie is known for its commitment to deliver high-quality medicines in areas that lack proper medical need and therapies. This agreement perfectly couples with AbbVie’s inclusion of oncology among its five therapeutic regions of attention.

“Lupin’s MALT1 program is researching a fresh and innovative approach in difficult-to-treat cancers,” Tom Hudson, M.D., AbbVie’s VP, discovery, said in a statement who was also a part of the Human Genome Project, linking the pioneering initiative for a postdoc in 1990 at MIT. He further added that AbbVie is committed to exploring innovative treatment Lupin shares the same vision with choices for patients and the team AbbVie with Oncology being in their looks forward to partner their exper- top three therapeutic ares of focus tise in hematological oncology with along with immunology and metabolLupin’s detection programme.

ic disorders under its Novel Drug Discovery and Development (NDDD) program. Based on Lupin’s NDDD’s only clinical program in oncology has completed a Phase I study in Europe in terminally-ill patients with lung cancer, melanoma, and colon cancer–and has begun a Phase II research in India analyzing the treatment candidate’s efficacy in treating a parasite kind of lung cancer that has RAS mutations for which no therapy exists globally.



January 1st, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 59

Explore The World Of Predictive Genomics With Voice of Biotecnika

Episode 11 By Preety Suman

In today’s episode of Voice of Biotecnika, we will take you on an exclusive journey to understand What is Predictive Medicine & Genomics, its Applications & Future aspects. Not much people are aware of this growing field and its role in the future healthcare industry. Tune in now to listen to know all about it. Voice of Biotecnika by Dr. Saba Noor


January 1st, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 59


NIAB Admission to Research Scholars Program 2018-2019 Research Scholars Program that is available at NIAB – National Institute of Animal Biotechnology, official notification is announced. M.Tech / M.Sc candidates with a background in any branch of life sciences are eligible to walk-in for the NIAB RSP 2018-2019 Research Scholars Program at NIAB. Check out all of the details below: NIAB IS A AUTONOMOUS AND PREMIER INSTITUTE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF BIOTECHNOLOGY (DBT), GOVERNMENT OF INDIA. By Diluxi Arya

Advertisement No. RSP-IV/2018 Admission for Research Scholars Program WALK-IN Interview on 23 Jan 2019 The Institute wants to develop and exploit emerging and novel biotechnological tools and applications, and take up research in cutting edge areas for improving animal productivity and health in addition to contribute to individual health and wellbeing.

cured national fellowships and that are willing to take up research work to Satisfy the Challenges from the above-mentioned places. Those admitted as Research Scholars may be NIAB’s current research interests enrolled for PhD via a recognized include University or via Regional Centre of Biotechnology, Faridabad, fol• Host-pathogen interactions and lowing completion of course work pathogenomics and some additional demands • next generation vaccines, diagnostics, adjuvants and drug Eligibility and Selection Critedelivery platforms ria: • nutrition, metabolomics and metabolic disorders Individuals desirous of seeking • genetics and genomics admission should have a Master’s • gene and protein production degree in any branch of Life Sci• reproductive biotechnology ence (M.Sc., M.Tech., M.V.Sc., or • transgenic technologies even M.Pharm). Candidates should • bioinformatics also have procured CSIR/UGC/ • human-animal interface and DBT/ICMR/INSPIRE NET JRF/ One Health UGC-RGNF or some other national

research fellowship for five years. Applications are encouraged for Applications are also accepted from NIAB’s RSP 2018-2019 from high- applicants that have secured a felly motivated people who have pro- lowship and also have finished or

will probably finish the required courses from the academic year 2018-19. Possessing a fellowship is compulsory for consideration. The stipulations, fellowship amount etc. is going to be regulated by the awarding financing agency subject to the customs and Rules of this Institute. Application and Selection Procedure: Candidates that fulfill the above eligibility criteria will attend the walk in interview on 23 Jan 2019 between 10am and 1pm at at NIAB new 100-acre campus behind University of Hyderabad, Gachibowli (Ph. No. 040-23120102). Candidates need to bring all documents in original for attending the interview with a single set of self-attested photocopies and a single newest passport size picture.

Candidates should make their own arrangements for almost any travelling/boarding and accommodation. No TA/DA will be compensated by NIAB for attending the interview. Reservations are as per statutory norms. Single room hostel facilities will be provided NIAB reserves the right to accept / reject applications or candidature or entrance in case of any discrepancy detected at any point Walk-In Details: Date of Interview – 23 Jan 2019 Time of Interview – between 10am and 1pm



January 1st, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 59

J N Tata Scholarship 2019-2020 With Rs.10 Lakh Award J. N. Tata Endowment Loan Scholarship 2019-2020 official notification has been released. Loan scholarship ranges between Rs.1,00,000/- and Rs.10,00,000/-.


About Scholarship: The J. N. Tata Endowment awards a one-time loan scholarship only at the beginning of the course to Indian nationals for full-time Postgraduate/Ph.D./Postdoctoral studies abroad, in all fields, irrespective of caste, creed, gender or community •

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must update the status of their applications with the EndowThe amount to be awarded to ment once they secure admiseach scholar by way of the loan sion. scholarship is determined on the • Mid-career professionals not basis of the norms laid down for older than 45 years, with a good the purpose and does not cover academic record and experience the full cost of studies. in their fields, specialisation or The amount awarded as training may also apply. the loan scholarship rang• Candidates need not have the es between Rs.1,00,000/- and admission/offer letters from the Rs.10,00,000/-. Universities to which they have All selected applicants do not applied for the academic year at necessarily qualify for the maxithe time of making the applicamum amount. tion. Candidates may, therefore, The selected scholars may also update their application form qualify for a gift scholarship and once they secure admission and travel assistance from our allied submit it again, using the same Trusts as may be decided at the Login ID. sole discretion of the Trustees • Scholars going abroad for semof the concerned Trusts. A gift inars, conferences and underscholarship can be for a maxigraduate studies are not eligible mum amount of Rs.7,50,000/for the J. N. Tata Endowment and the travel grant can be a Loan Scholarship. maximum of Rs.50,000/-.

Eligibility Criteria: • Candidates should be Indian nationals who are graduates of a recognised Indian University and have secured at least 60% in their last academic examination. • Candidates in the final year of the degree course and those awaiting results are eligible to apply. Candidates may apply even if they do not have the admission/offer letters, at the time of making the application, from the Universities to which they have applied for the academic year 2019-2020. However, they

Selection for the Award: It is a matter of pride to be called a JN Tata Scholar. Staying true to our founder Jamsetjee Nusserwanjee’s vision of rewarding the brightest and the best, we follow a rigorous selection process. Candidates may note the following points. • Apart from consistent academic performance, we give importance to participation in both co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. • A good GRE/GMAT/TOEFL/ IELTS score is extremely important for those applying overseas.

If you have received a low GRE score, it may be advisable to improve upon it, to increase your chances of receiving the loan scholarship. • A good statement of purpose will make a significant difference to your chances. We have provided some guidance on our website on how you can construct a good statement of purpose. • After the initial screening of applications, candidates who are found suitable will have to undergo an online test which will be based on the Thinking Skills Assessment (TSA), on. Timing and other details will be informed accordingly. Candidates shortlisted based on the online test will be called for an interview. Such candidates should upload scanned copies of the required documents on the application form portal in the upload document section, before the time of the interview. Interview: • Candidates should note that to be shortlisted for an interview is no guarantee of receiving the loan scholarship. • The interview carries a significant weightage in the selection process and is conducted at Mumbai or through Skype by a Technical Committee from April onwards. • Candidates should come prepared with knowledge of their subjects and chosen areas of in-

terest with any specialisation, as shown in their application for admission. They will be examined in depth and detail and the greatest weight will be given to depth of understanding of the chosen area of study and career path. • There will be two interviewers, one of who is a 1. Subject-expert 2. Director of the Endowment • The final selection of scholars for the award of the loan scholarship is based on the following criteria: 1. Performance at the interview. 2. Score at the online test. 3. Score based on academic results, GRE/GMAT/IELTS/TOEFL scores, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities, research work, statement of purpose, and work experience. • All the Awards will be announced together latest by the first week of July by mail. The Trustees’ decision on the award of scholarships is final. Correspondence in this regard will not be entertained. Formalities: • The candidate and the guarantor (preferably a parent or a relative having the capacity to repay the

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January 1st, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 59

loan) will have to visit the Adhours. Candidates should remember to change the password ministrative Office of the Endowment, by prior appointment, within 48 hours. to complete the necessary for- • The application process is completely online. Candidates may malities after obtaining the visa. complete the application form in • They will be required to enter one or more visits but must reinto a legal agreement with the Trustees and provide documenmember to save the draft before exiting each time. There is a pretary evidence of the capacity of view option before final submisthe guarantor to repay the loan. sion after which candidates will • Candidates are allowed to repay not be able to make any changes. in five equal instalments of 20% of the loan scholarship between • Candidates are advised not to leave any field blank: they may third and seventh year. Candidates must begin to repay earlier write Not applicable wherever necessary. than year three if they have start• Statement of Purpose (SOP): ed earning. Candidates are required to write an SOP only within the space Application Process: provided in the application form (not more than 7500 characters). • Candidates are required to register for the J N Tata Endowment Such SOPs should be specifically addressed to the J N Tata Enloan scholarship for the year 2019-2020 by using their email dowments Loan Scholarship and not be the same as that sent to I.D. the universities from where can• After successful registration, didates are seeking admission. candidates will be mailed a Please note that you cannot atone-time password valid for 48

• • •

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tach or upload such a document. ments and potential projects if any undertaken under recomLetter of Recommendation (LOR): Candidates are required mender’s supervision or otherwise, personality and motivato mention the recommender’s tion, professional achievements details in the specific column provided for it in the applica(for experienced candidates) and contribution to the community. tion form. The LOR should be mailed from their official email • Recommender’s name, designation, and department, the name I.D. and not from personal email of college/university/organisaI.D.’s. Recommenders may be a Professor of the College or tion, city, and contact numbers. • If these instructions are not folUniversity OR the Employer, in case the applilowed and information given by candidates on the application cant is/was working. form is incomplete or incorrect, The letter of recommendation specifically addressed to the the application is liable to be rejected. Registration for the appliTrustees of the J.N. Tata Endowment, should be mailed to jnte@ cation form will be available between Monday,10th December in the following format: 2018 and Monday, 11th March 2019 till 12.00 p.m. (noon). The The subject line should be the last date for submission of comcandidate’s full name with his pleted application form is Monregistered email-id. day, 18th March 2019 till 12.00 The recommendation should be in the body of the email itself p.m. (noon). and not as an attachment and contain the following details : View Notification Candidate’s academic achieve-

Cancer Research UK (Barts Cancer Institute) – PhD Studentships 2019 The official notification for the September 2019 entry for Cancer Research UK 4 year PhD Studentships is now open. Cancer Research UK 4 year PhD Studentships September 2019. INTERESTED AND ELIGIBLE CANDIDATES CAN CHECK OUT ALL OF THE DETAILS ON THE SAME BELOW: By Diluxi Arya

NOW RECRUITING FOR SEPTEMBER 2019 ENTRY Cancer Research UK 4 year PhD studentships As part of an exciting and ambitious Cancer Research UK Accelerator Programme, we have funding for the below four-year PhD studentships to commence in September 2019.

programme, providing training in a Our Institute has an international wide range of biomedical laboratory reputation for cancer research, with methods and other vital transferable world-renowned experts in the field. skills. Our training programme aims to develop a cohort of scientists We are now inviting applications equipped both intellectually and for the following projects: technically to conduct the highest Characterising the immune signaquality research on cancer. tures that drive the evolution of folOur research degrees are supple- licular lymphoma from pre-maligmented by a comprehensive support nant to malignant states

Development and implementation of computational systems biology approaches for the identification of novel therapeutic targets in follicular lymphoma Useful information about these studentships and the application process:

These studentships are open to graduates with either: • a 2:1 or 1st degree in a related subject; or, • a 2:2 in a related subject with a subsequent MSc awarded with Merit or Distinction

WHO SHOULD APPLY? Academic Entry Requirements

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January 1st, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 59

proficiency If you have a question about a If your degree has not yet been Funding: specific project please contact the awarded but you are expected to meet the above entry require- These studentships include the fol- When completing the application supervisor directly. For general enquiries about the PhD studentship or form, please ensure that: lowing funding for 4 years: ments you are welcome to apply. application process please contact For more information on inter- • A tax-free annual stipend of • In the Research Proposal sec- £21,000 tion, you indicate the name of national equivalencies please see the supervisor and title of the What happens after I submit my here. • Tuition Fees at the Home/EU project that you are applying application? rate for. There is no requirement to • Project consumables English Language Requirements upload a Research Proposal as Successfully shortlisted candidates you will be applying for a spe- will be invited to an interview at Applicants for whom English is How to Apply: cific project Barts Cancer Institute. not the first language will also require a minimum IELTS score of You will need to complete our on- • Within the Funding section, you select I am a QMUL PG We are in the process of securing a 6.5 (with 6.0 in the written compo- line application form. You will be Research Studentship appli- date for the interviews and will pubnent), or equivalent, unless your un- required to include the following as cant and then type CRUK Ac- lish the date here once it has been dergraduate degree was studied in, part of your application: celerator studentship in the box confirmed. and awarded by, an English speakbelow ing country. For more information • Your CV • You provide all supporting Application deadline: 18 Januon acceptable English language • Statement of purpose documents, as we are unable to ary 2019 • Details of 2 referees. At least qualifications please see here. consider incomplete applicaone of your references must be View Notification tions. an academic one. Please note that funding for these fellowships is only provided at the • Copy of your transcript(s), inWho should I contact if I have a home/EU rate. cluding a breakdown of marks • If applicable, proof of English question?


January 1st, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 59


KTH India Scholarship 2019 – Official Notification The KTH India Scholarship Foundation has announced the official release for the KTH India Scholarship 2019. Interested and eligible candidates can check out all of the details on the same below: THE KTH INDIA SCHOLARSHIP FOUNDATION WAS ESTABLISHED IN 2012 THROUGH A DONATION MADE BY AN ANONYMOUS DONOR AND AWARDS TWO SCHOLARSHIPS. By Diluxi Arya

Recipients of the KTH India Scholarship will have their tuition fee waived for the total length of the programme. The scholarship also includes a monthly allowance during the academic year (10 months) and is initially granted for one academic year and can be extended provided that the study results are satisfactory. To be eligible you must be a tuition-fee paying student and have applied for a master’s programme at KTH as your first priority. You must also be an Indian citizen who has completed your undergraduate programme in India. Students with conditional eligibility are eligible to apply. The scholarship is not available for applicants to joint master’s programmes.

all assessment of all recommended applicants for the scholarship will The scholarship is granted primarily be made based on the following crion the basis of academic excellence teria: and the nomination process will be undertaken in parallel with the se- • The applicant’s grades (GPA or equivalent) lection process for admission to the programme. Only applicants who • The university where the applicants bachelor’s degree was fulfill the eligibility requirements of awarded the programme applied for will be considered for a scholarship. After • The selection process and the recommendation of the directhe applicants have been assessed tor of the applied master’s proin accordance to the individual programme gramme’s selection process an over Selection process

Applicants from Mumbai Metropolitan Area and Pune will be prioritized according to the foundation’s statutes. Last Date: The application for the KTH India Scholarship 2019 is now open! Applications will close on 15 January, 2019. APPLY ONLINE



January 1st, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 59

International Climate Protection Fellowship for Indian Students 20 Fellowships are available for Indian Students for the International Climate Protection Fellowship for young climate experts from developing countries.


International Climate Protection Fellowship for young climate experts from developing countries Submit an application, if you • are a future leader from a non-European transition or developing country • are active in any of the following areas: scientific, engineering-based, legal, economic, health-related or social aspects of climate change • are interested in spending a year working with a host of your choice in Germany on a research-based project you have developed yourself in the field of climate protection and climate-related resource conservation We offer you • a monthly fellowship of between €2,150 and €2,650, de-

• •

entire professional career pending on your qualifications individual mentoring during IMPORTANT LINKS: your stay in Germany additional financial support for items such as family members More detailed information for accompanying you, travel ex- applicants penses or a German language • Timeframe: application, seleccourse tion, fellowship a three-week introductory phase, during which you will • FAQ have the opportunity to make • Members of the Selection Committee contact with other climate protection fellows and visit com- • Positive selection decisions for the last 12 months panies, research institutions and cultural events in Germany extensive alumni sponsorship, Information for hosts and referparticularly to help you sustain ences contact with collaborative partners in Germany during your • Information for hosts

• Information for references • The closing date for applications is 1 March 2019. 20 fellowships can be granted. View Notification


January 1st, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 59


APPSC Recruitment 2019 : 100+ BSc Biosciences Officer Vacancies


Sc Biochemistry/ Food Science & Technology/ Botany & Zoology Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission recruitment 2018. Forest Range Officer recruitment for bsc biochem/food tech/ botany and zoology candidates. Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission (APPSC) recruitment for bsc candidates. Check out all of the details below: ANDHRA PRADESH PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION: VIJAYAWADA NOTIFICATION NO.14/2018, Dated: 21.12.2018 EXTENSION OFFICER GRADE-I (SUPERVISOR) IN A.P. WOMEN DEVELOPMENT AND CHILD WELFARE SUBORDINATE SERVICE. (GENERAL RECRUITMENT) (ONLY FOR WOMEN) • Applications are encouraged online for recruiting to the post of Extension Officer • Grade-I (Supervisor) in A.P. Women Development and Child Welfare Sub – • ordinate Service for a total of 09 CF and 100 fresh vacancies in the scale of pay • of Rs.24,440 – 71,510 from candidates within the age group of 18 – 42 years as on • 01.07.2018. • The proforma application will be available on Commission’s Site ( from 28/12/2018 to 18/01/2019 (Note: 17/01/2019 is the final date for payment of fee up to 11:59 midnight). • Prior to applying for the article, an applicant will register his/ her bio-data particulars through Onetime Profile Registration (OTPR) on the Commission’s Website viz., in. After candidate registers his/ her particulars, a user ID is generated and sent to his/her registered mobile number and email ID. Applicants will need to apply for the post using the OTPR user ID via Commission’s website. • The Commission conducts Screening test in offline mode if applicants exceed 25,000 in number and Main Examination in online mode for candidates

selected in the screening test. • If the screening test is to be held, the date of screening test will be • communicated through Commission’s Website. • The main examination in online mode for applicants chosen in screening test will be conducted via computer-based test on 28/04/2019 FN & AN. There would • be objective type questions which are to be answered on a computer system. • Instructions regarding computer-based recruitment test are attached as • Annexure – III. In case any paper of the Examination is held in different • languages, the candidate has to choose the medium in which he/ she wants to • write the examination and the paper will be valued with reference to that • medium only. • An overall Mock Test facility is offered to the candidates to familiarize themselves with all the computer-based recruiting test. Applicant may visit the site and practice the answering pattern under MOCK TEST option available on main page of site • The applicant must stop by the Commission’s website regularly to keep himself /herself updated until completion of the recruitment procedure. The Commission’s site information is closing for all correspondence. No person correspondence by any means will be entertained under any circumstances. • HALL TICKETS could be downloaded if the Commission arranges them to its site. Intimation will be given via the site concerning downloading of Hall Tickets. • All desirous and qualified candidates shall apply online after satisfying themselves that they are eligible in accordance with the terms and conditions of the recruitment notification. Any application delivered through any mode other than the prescribed online mode won’t be entertained under any circumstances. Submission of application form from the candidate is authentication that he/she has read the no-

tification and will abide by the 2. B.Sc.,(Hons.) Food Science and terms and conditions laid down Nutrition, thereunder. 3. B.Sc., – Food & Nutrition, Botany • Only women candidates are eli- / Zoology & Chemistry / Bio-Chemgible. istry, 4. B.Sc., -Applied Nutrition & Name of the Post: Extension Of- Public Health, Botany / Zoology & ficer Grade-I (Supervisor) in A.P. Chemistry, Women Development and Child Wel- 5. B.Sc., – Clinical Nutrition & Diefare Subordinate service. tetics, Botany / Zoology & Chemistry, 6. B.Sc., -Applied Nutrition, Botany Eligibility: / Zoology & Chemistry / BBio-Chemistry • She is of sound health, active 7. B.Sc., – Food Sciences & Quality habits and free from any bodily Control, Zoology / Botany & Chemdefect or istry / Biological • infirmity rendering him unfit for Chemistry, such service: 8. B.Sc., – Food Sciences & Man• Her character and antecedents agement, Botany / Zoology, Chemisare such as to qualify him for try & Biological Chemistry, such service: 9. B.Sc., – Food Technology & Bot• She possesses the academic and any / Zoology, Chemistry, Food Techother qualifications prescribed nology, Nutrition, Botany, Zoology & for the post: and Chemistry • She is a citizen of India: 10. B.Sc., – Food Technology & Management, Botany / Zoology & Provided that no candidate other than Chemistry / BBio-Chemistry a citizen of India may be appointed (Above 10 subject included vide exceptwith the previous sanction of G.O.MS.No.14, DWCD& Senior citthe State Government and except in izens (ESH-A2) Dept., Dt: accordance with suchconditions and 27.06.2013 restrictions as they may be laid down. Such sanction shall be not beaccorded How to Apply: unless the State Government are satisfied that a sufficient number of cit- STEP-I: Candidates applying for izens ofIndia, who are qualified and the first time for any notification must suitable are not available. first fill out the OTPR application carefully to obtain OTPR ID. While Educational Qualifications: Must possess a Bachelor’s Degree in Home Science/Bachelor’s of Social Work. 1. Degree in Sociology,

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filling the OTPR, the candidate has to ensure that the particulars are filled correctly. The Commission bears no responsibility for the mistakes, if any, made by the candidates. If candidates choose to modify they may do this by clicking on the modify OTPR make the modification, save them proceed to STEP-II (If candidates have already registered and possessed the OTPR ID, the number then he/she can proceed to STEP-II.) STEP-II: The applicant must log in in the Commission’s site together with the username (OTPR ID) along with the Password set by the candidate. After login, the applicant has to click on the”Online application submission” present in the bottom right corner of the Commission’s website. PAYMENT PROCESS: The candidate currently must click on the payment link contrary to the notification number he would like to apply. The basic details required for calculation of the fee and age relaxation will be prepopulated in the OTPR data. The applicant must confirm all the details that have been displayed. Once the payment form is submitted, the respective details (used for calculation of fees and era relaxation) won’t be altered in any stage of application processing. Therefore if any details must be altered, the applicant should utilize the change OTPR link, alter the details, save it again click on application payment link.

January 1st, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 59

status, white card information etc., which can also be used to calculate the fee. After all of the data is filled appropriately, the applicant must submit the payment form. On successful submission, the payment reference ID is generated and can be displayed on the screen. By clicking”OK” the applicant is shown the variety of payment options where he/she can pick any one of these and finish the payment procedure as given on the screen. STEP-IV: Once the payment is successful, the payment reference ID is generated. Candidates may see that the payment reference ID for future correspondence. Thereafter the applicant is directed to the application form. Applicant should provide the payment reference Id generated together with the additional details needed for filing the application type (other fields such as OTPR ID and fees relaxations details will be prepopulated from the data submitted in the payment form for the respective notification). The applicant must check the data shown thoroughly and should satisfy the application specific fields such as qualification details, examination centre etc., carefully and submit the application form. When the application is submitted successfully then the application receipt is created. The applicant is asked to print and save the application receipt for prospective reference/correspondence.

STEP-III: After checking all of the data and ensuring the data is correct NOTE: Applicant shall note the the applicant has to fill application data displayed from OTPR in the time specific data like Local/Non Local of submitting the application will be

considered for the use of this notifica- after 7 days of the last date of the softtion only. Any modifications made by ware. the applicant to OTPR data at a later date will not be considered for the no- C. The particulars furnished by the tification available. applicant in the application form will be taken as final. Candidates must, STEP-V: In almost any case, in the therefore, be very careful in uploadevent, the payment procedure isn’t ing / submitting the application form submitted successfully, then the ap- on the internet. plicant must start the fresh payment procedure as mentioned in STEP-II. D. The incomplete/incorrect application form will be summarily rejected. STEP-VI: After the application is The information should any furnished submitted successfully, a correction by the candidate subsequently won’t in the application form will be ena- be entertained by the Commission unbled. The corrections can be made in der some conditions. Applicants need the application form itself. Fields that to be careful in filling up the appliaffects the name, fee and age relax- cation form and submission. If any ations aren’t enabled for corrections. lapse is detected during the scrutiny, the candidature will be rejected alNOTE: though he comes to the last stage of the recruitment procedure or even in A. The Commission isn’t responsi- a later period and also accountable for ble, for any omissions by the appli- punishment according to Para 16.1 of cant in bio-data particulars while sub- the notification. mitting the application form online. The candidates are, therefore, advised E. Prior to uploading/submission apto strictly follow the instructions giv- plication form, the candidates ought en in the user guide before submitting to carefully ensure his/her eligibility the application. with this particular examination. No appropriate column of this applicaB. All candidates are asked to sub- tion form ought to be left blank; othmit their application with appropri- erwise, application form won’t be acate data. It’s noticed that a number cepted. of the candidates are asking for a change from the data, after the entry Deadline: 18.01.2019 of this application. It’s informed that these requests shall be permitted on Application Format payment of Rs.100/(Rupees hundred only) for every correction. However, changes aren’t permitted for title, age and fee relaxation. No manual application for corrections shall be entertained. No changes will be permitted

TIFR Recruiting MSc Biosciences Project Scientific Officer Post With Rs. 71,000 Salary p.m.


Sc Biosciences candidates apply for a Project Scientific Officer position at TIFR, Hyderabad. TIFR Hyderabad is recruiting for the Project Scientific Officer position. Candidates from a biosciences background are encouraged to apply for the position that is available at TIFR Hyderabad. Check out all of the details on the same and more below: Advertisement No. 2018/5 Project Scientific Officer (C): One Post -Temporary for one year and may be renewed each year up to a total period of three years depending upon performance and requirement. Total Monthly Emoluments: Rs.71,000/- (PM) (including HRA of

Rs. 12,100/-) Qualifications: Master of Science in Almost Any stream with minimum 60% of marks. Experience: Minimum 1 year of post-qualification experience in (I) demonstrated scientific communication skills reaching out to lay audience. (ii) Applicant should have excellent verbal and written communication skills in English (scientific and non-scientific) exhibited in terms of articles written by them in various streams of media. (iii) Applicants have to submit minimal three examples of their science writing abilities in any streams of media.

science articles in newspapers, sciDesirable: Experience in writing ence journals or online portals, great

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January 1st, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 59

interpersonal and teamwork skills, interest in outreach and popularization of science and in generating endowments. Candidate must have the desire to initiate new ideas and be an independent thinker. Job Responsibilities: The person will need to be independent, enthusiastic and self-motivated to be a part of a growing institute to take care of a broad range of responsibilities including writing creative articles/ blogs on scientific programmes of the Institute for a general audience, initiate and maintain internal magazine, newsletters, library, content writing to keep site & annual reports, organizing scientific conferences, promoting research and help in generating institute endowments through distinct channels of communication. How to Apply: Candidates are liable to be transferred to some other Centres / Field Stations of the Institute if needed. Prescribed age shouldn’t surpass as on July 1, 2018, for your above posts. Posts for the overall category (Unreserved) — SC/ST/OBC/PWD (Per-

sons with Disabilities) candidates lowed for Written Test/Interview only may also apply. on submission of the NOC from the competent authority. But, an advance Selected candidates may need to copy of the application in addition to work outside office hours and on Sat- the relevant enclosure may be submiturdays/Sundays and holidays if need- ted by post prior to the due date. ed for the Post Sr.No.1. i) On-line applications have to be Applications from the candidates submitted by 05-01-2019 and appliwill be accepted ONLY ON-LINE. cations by post must reach Administrative Officer, TIFR Hyderabad Candidates applying for above posts by 05-01-2019. Applicants who are and who are eligible for further age expected to send the applications by relaxation as per extant GOI rules post must super scribe the post apare required to submit applications plied for, Advertisement No. & Serial by POST, together with a copy of the Number of the post on the envelope. relevant certificate in support of age The format of this application is as relaxation (for example ex-service- prescribed for online applications. men, persons with disabilities etc.). [SC, ST & OBC candidates applying ii) Note: The candidates are refor unreserved posts aren’t eligible quired to produce following origfor age relaxation and ought to apply inal documents with copies at the online]. Incomplete applications and time of test/interview: applications without even photocopy of certificates in support of age relax- a. Printout of online application ation and applications received after form. the final date won’t be considered. b. Identity proof (Aadhar Card/ Election Card / Pan Card / PassApplicants working in Government/ port / Driving Semi-Government/Public Sector Un- License). dertaking must apply through proper c. Date of birth / Proof of age. channel. Applicants, who don’t send d. Educational Qualification (all their applications through proper mark sheets and certificates). channel, if called, will probably be al- e. Experience Certificate/s.


f. Conduct certificates from two respectable persons. g. Disability Certificate (if required) iii) Outstation candidates called for interview for Sr. No.1 will be compensated III Tier AC Train Fare train fare for the journey by the shortest route from the closest railway station of the place of residence to the place of interview on the production of onward and return journey tickets. iv) The Institute reserves the right to limit the number of candidates for interview to a reasonable limitation on the basis of qualifications and experience higher than the minimum prescribed in the advertisement. Mere fulfilling the essential and desired qualifications will not entitle an applicant to be called for interview. More vacancies may also be filled through this advertisement. The Institute reserves the right to not fill any/some posts herein advertised. Canvassing in any form shall disqualify the candidate. Deadline: January 5, 2019

Ministry of AYUSH, National Medicinal Plants Board Biotechnology Posts Vacant


overnment jobs for msc biotechnology/ botany/ chemistry/ pharma candidates at National Medicinal Plants Board, Ministry of AYUSH. National Medicinal Plants Board, Ministry of AYUSH jobs hiring for Senior Research Assistant and Deputy Director vacancies. Interested and eligible candidates can check out all of the details on the same below: F .No. A. 11019/66/2017-NMPB (Admn.) Government of India National Medicinal Plants Board Ministry of AYUSH POST I Name of the Post: Deputy Director (Medicinal Plants) Deputation (including short-term contract). No. of Posts: 01 Pay Scale: Pay Matrix Rs.78800209200/- in Level-12 (Pre-revised 15600-39100 GP 7600) Eligibility conditions, Educational Qualification, Experience etc. for

Deputation Basis Recruitment: Officers under the Central/State Government or Union Territories or Universities or Recognized Research Institute or Public Sector Undertakings or Semi Government Autonomous or Statutory organizations: Holding analogous post on regular basis in the parent cadre or department; or (ii) With five years’ regular service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on a regular basis in the scale of cover of Rs.15,600-39, 100/and grade pay Rs.6,600/- (pre-revised scale of Rs, 10,000-15,200/-) in the parent cadre or department; and (1) Master’s degree of Botany or Pharmacognosy or Agriculture or Agronomy or Forestry from a recognized University or Institute or equal; Period of deputation (including short-term contract) including the period of deputation (including short – duration contracts) in another ex-cadre post held immediately preceding

this appointment in the exact same or Name of the Post: Senior Research another organization or department Assistant (SRA) Deputation (includof the Central Government shall or- ing short-term contract). dinarily not exceed four years. The maximum age limit for appointment No. of Posts: 01 by deputation shall not exceed (56) fifty-six years according to the final Pay Scale: Pay Matrix Rs.35400date of receipt of applications. POST II

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(iii) With six years service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on a regular basis in the pre-reEligibility conditions, Educational vised scale of cover of Rs.5,200Qualification, Experience etc. for 20,200/plus Grade Pay Rs.2,800/(pay matrix 29200-92300/-, Level-5 Deputation Basis Recruitment: of the Pay Commission) in the parent Officers under the Central/State cadre or department; or Government or Union Territories or Universities or Recognized Research (b) Possessing the following educaInstitute or Public Sector Undertak- tional qualifications and experience:ings or Semi Government Autono(ii) Master’s degree of Science in mous or Statutory organizations: Botany or Pharmacognosy or ForestHolding analogous post on regular ry or Agriculture or Horticulture or basis in the parent cadre or depart- Medicinal Plants or Bio-Technology or Pharmacy (with Pharmacognosy ment; or as the main topic ) from a recognized (ii) With three years’ service in the University or Institute or equivalent grade rendered after appointment thereto on a regular basis in the Period of deputation including peripre-revised scale of pay of Rs.9,300- od of deputation in another ex-cadre 34,800/- and grade pay Rs.4,200/- post held immediately preceding this (pay matrix 35400-112400/, Level-6 appointment in the exact same or of 7th Pay Commission)or equivalent another organization or department in the parent cadre or department; or of the Central Government shall or112400/- in Level-6 (Pre-revised Rs. 9300-34800 GP Rs. 4200)

dinarily not exceed three years. The maximum age limit for appointment by deputation shall be not exceeding (56) fifty-six years according to the final date of receipt of all applications. How to Apply: Applications should be sent through proper channel in the prescribed Proforma (Annexure-II). While forwarding the applications, the concerned department should send the up-todate ACRs of the last five years and Vigilance clearance certificate of the applicant. It may also be ensured that no major/ minor penalty has been imposed on the concerned officer. It may also be certified by the forwarding authority that the particulars furnished by the applicant are correct and that no disciplinary/vigilance case is either pending or contemplated against the applicant. It is requested that vacancy may be given vide pub-

licity among Central Govt. Offices, Universities, Recognized Research Institutes, Public Sector Undertakings, Semi­Govt., Autonomous bodies and Statutory Organizations etc. and the particulars of eligible officers who are fulfilling the eligibility prescribed and who are willing to be considered for deputation and also possessing requisite experience and whose services can be spared by the parent department may kindly be forwarded to this office within 60days from date of publication of the advertisement in Employment News. Applications received after the last date or without the ACRs or otherwise found incomplete will not be considered. No applicant will be permitted to withdraw his/ her name after selection (This advertisement and other details/ annexures are also available on the website of the board i.e. Application Format

ICMR Hiring MSc Biosciences Consultant (Clinical Coordinator) With Rs. 70,000 Salary p.m.


Sc Biotechnology/Biochemistry and microbiology candidates can attend the walk-in interview for Consultant (Clinical Coordinator) position that is available at ICMR, New Delhi. ICMR Recruitment 2019 for biosciences candidates for Consultant (Clinical Coordinator) position. Position: Consultant (Clinical Coordinator) No. of Posts: 01 Essential Qualifications: Ist class Masters (MSc/ M.Pharma) in Medical Pharmacology/Biotechnology/Clinical Research/Microbiology/Biochemistry with 4-6 years demonstrated experience in clinical research Desirable Qualification: • Willing to prepare SOPs and related Files for clinical trial conduct. • Thorough knowledge and Comprehension of ICH GCP guidelines and applicable regulatory requirements for clinical trial conduct. • Expertise in coordinating project activities • Great communication skills

Consolidated Emoluments: Rs.70,000/- per month consolidated Age Limit according to date: around 70 years Tenure: Two Years Nature of Duties: • Coordination of trial related activities and implementation at the sites. • Communicating to International and National agencies. • Medical Writing • Preparation of documents that are essential such as study protocol, CRFs, ICDs, etc. • Plan, coordinate and conduct site activities such as site selection /assessment, prepare monitoring plans, conduct monitoring checks and website visits/report as needed. • Trial Data review and checks for accuracy and adequacy • Any other work that may be delegated from Time to Time by the concerned ICMR officials. • The job may require travelling to the trial sites and attending outstation meetings. • Preparation of financial records, Data Programme • Report, Report writing • Drafting letters for sending to various associations

How to Apply: Interested candidates for the respective positions mentioned below are encouraged to appear for the Walker- Written Test interview along with 5 copies of their updated Bio-data CV with a single photograph on 8th January 2019 between 09:00 A.M to 10:00 A.M at Indian Council of Medical Research, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi-110 029. The candidates can submit their CV in; vadehra.icmr@ before or on 7th January until 5:00 pm. Latecomers won’t be entertained

after 10:30 A.M. Under any circumstances. • Deadline: before or on 7th January until 5:00 pm. • Date, Time & Venue of Interview: 8th January 2019 between 09:00 A.M to 10:00 A.M at Indian Council of Medical Research, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi-110 029.


January 1st, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 59

Research Fellow Post for MSc Life Sciences Candidates @ AIIMS


IIMS New Delhi Career for MSc Life Sciences candidates. Senior Research Fellow position for msc candidates. Life Sciences Research positions at AIIMS New Delhi. AIIMS New Delhi is recruiting MSc Life Sciences candidates for vacancies. Interested candidates can check out all of the details below: Post Title: Senior Research Fellow Vacancies: 01 Project Title: “Effect of plasma jet on tumor tissue resected from patients with tumor linked refractory epilepsy� Duration: 1 -3 years

Pay Scale: As per ICMR guidelines. Essential Qualifications: MSc in any branch of Life Sciences with 2 years research experience from reputed organisations. Desirable Qualifications: Experience in the field of Molecular Neuroscience. Application Instructions: Interested candidates may send in their detailed resume with at least two references by email to by 10th January 2019 Deadline: before 10th January 2019




January 1st, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 59

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