Biotecnika Times - 22nd January 2019 Edition

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January 22nd, 2019.

Vol. 03

NO 62


IITM Summer Fellowship Programme 2019 With Stipend

Top 16 Biotech Fellowships & Awards By DBT / DST / CSIR & SERB

Wonder Flexithick Material Discovered by Scientists Episode 14

Summer Training Programme


Voice of Biotecnika

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First Ever Plant Grown On Moon By Chinese Researchers : Dead The world rejoiced on the breakout of groundbreaking news that Cotton seeds taken to the moon surface by a Chinese probe have sprouted, making it the first plant to ever grow there.


On January 3rd, 2019 China successfully landed a probe named Yutu 2 on the moon’s largest and oldest impact crater, the South Pole-Aitken Basin. The Probe was sent with a mission to conduct the first-ever experiment on lunar low-frequency radio...

Read more on Page 2






●● DNA Pioneer & Noble Laureate, James Watson lost several honorary titles last week over his repeated racist comments over links of intelligence with Race & Genetics. James Watson who shares a noble prize with...

●● US Pharma Giant Pfizer Inc has announced a closure of its two manufacturing units located in Chennai & Maharastra which it had acquired from Hospira under a pact made in 2015. Though Pfizer will retain the Vizag facility which came under the same deal and will be focusing...

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January 22nd, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 62

First Ever Plant Grown On Moon By Chinese Researchers : Dead The world rejoiced on the breakout of groundbreaking news that Cotton seeds taken to the moon surface by a Chinese probe have sprouted, making it the first plant to ever grow there. CHINESE GOVERNMENT RELEASED IMAGES OF SPROUTED COTTONSEED IN A SMALL POT TAKEN FROM A CHINESE PROBE SENT TO THE MOON UNDER A MISSION TITLED CHANG’E 4. By Preety Suman

On January 3rd, 2019 China successfully landed a probe named Yutu 2 on the moon’s largest and oldest impact crater, the South Pole-Aitken Basin. The Probe was sent with a mission to conduct the first-ever experiment on lunar low-frequency radio astronomy and to explore the possibility of the moon’s pole. existence of water at moon’s pole. Another important mission was to conduct experiments and gather proofs on whether plants could grow in a low-gravity lunar environment. In less than a week after the probe landed lush green shoots were visible from the cotton seeds. The news of first ever plant grown on the moon by humans was greeted with joy all over the world. On January 3rd, 2019 China successfully landed a probe named Yutu 2 on the moon’s largest and oldest impact crater, the South Pole-Aitken Basin. The Probe was sent with a mission to conduct the first-ever experiment on lunar low-frequency radio astronomy and to explore the possibility of the existence of water at

The seedlings were unable to survive the Moon’s extreme climatic condiAnother important mission was tions including low gravity, high radito conduct experiments and gather ation levels, and extreme temperature proofs on whether plants could grow swings. As a part of the experiment in a low-gravity lunar environment. along with the cotton seeds, the ChiIn less than a week after the probe nese researchers also carried seeds landed lush green shoots were visible of potato, rapeseed and Arabidopsis from the cotton seeds. The news of plants, as well as fruit-fly eggs and first ever plant grown on the moon by yeast which were grown in a sealed humans was greeted with joy all over 5.7-lb. (2.6 kilograms) canister – in the world. order to create a mini biosphere. Out of all the cotton seedlings died and But Alas! The Moon is lifeless yet reports on how the other seeds peragain. formed have not been released yet by the concerned officials. The sprouts observed from the cotton seeds under the Chang’e-4 biosphere The Chinese officials stated that the experiment is dead, according to sci- dead seedling is being contained in a entists involved in the pioneering test closed canister and hence the decayas reported by GBTimes. ing materials will not leak out into the

lunar surface. More updates on conclusions obtained via this experiment to test the effect on lunar conditions on life are yet to be released by the China National Space Agency. Amidst this, China’s ambitions for space and lunar exploration does not halt here. China’s space agency announced recently the launch of Chang’e 5 lunar mission by the end of the year with a goal to bring moon samples back to Earth. The lunar expeditions & experimentations by the Chinese researchers could provide a blueprint for survival strategies related to human colonization of the moon.


January 22nd, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 62


DNA Pioneer – James Watson Loses Title Over Racist Comments DNA Pioneer & Noble Laureate, James Watson lost several honorary titles last week over his repeated racist comments over links of intelligence with Race & Genetics. JAMES WATSON WHO SHARES A NOBLE PRIZE WITH MAURICE WILKINS AND FRANCIS CRICK FOR THEIR GROUNDBREAKING DISCOVERY OF THE DNA’S DOUBLE HELIX STRUCTURE RECENTLY MADE A STATEMENT IN A TV SHOW THAT GENES CAUSE A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN BLACKS AND WHITES ON IQ TESTS. By Preety Suman

Watson made such similar claims earlier in 2007, for which he had later apologized. Based on this incident he later in the year 2014, ended up auctioning his noble prize gold medal for $4.8m by stating that he had been ostracised by the scientific community after remarks he made about race. As per BBC reports this was first of a kind incident wherein a Nobel Prize Gold Medal was put on sale by a living recipient. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory located in New York where Watson holds numerous leadership roles “unequivocally rejects the unsubstantiat-

Laboratory back in the year 2007. He said that he was “inherently gloomy about the prospect of Africa” because “all our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours – whereas all the testing says not really”. While his hope was that everybody was equal, he added, Watson was totally shunned by the “people who have to deal with black scientist community upon his com- employees find this is not true”. ments he shared with the Sunday Times while he was working at the Post this statement Watson lost University of Cambridge’s Cavendish chancellor post at the laboratory and was removed from all his administrative duties. He retained titles of chancellor emeritus, Oliver R Grace professor emeritus and honorary trustee after presenting an apology letter to the committee. ed and reckless personal opinions by Watson”. The organization released a statement and stated that “Watson’s statements are reprehensible, unsupported by science, and in no way represent the views of CSHL, its trustees, faculty, staff, or students”.

Pressing on the recent statements Cold Spring Harbor said it is now withdrawing all titles from him as his views had not changed in the documentary American Masters: Decoding Watson, aired on US public broadcaster PBS earlier this month. James Watson has not yet responded to these counterblasts and is reportedly in a nursing home recovering from a car accident in October. As per Watson’s Son – Rufus statement to Associated Press, Watson currently has a “very minimal” awareness of his surroundings.



January 22nd, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 62

Escherichia coli For Identification Of Human Carcinogenic Proteins Escherichia coli bacteria has been harnessed by a group of researchers at Baylor College of Medicine and the University of Texas to help identify human proteins that may lead to DNA damage and play a key role in triggering cells to become malignant. THIS NOVEL DISCOVERY COULD LEAD TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF NEWER & ADVANCED CANCER THERAPIES AND WILL HELP IN CANCER DIAGNOSIS AT A VERY EARLY STAGE. By Preety Suman

The researchers engineered bacteria to overexpress each of 4,000 E. coli genes. They also discovered biological mechanisms that underpin the DNA damage resulting from protein overproduction. The Scientists published their findings under a paper titled “Bacteria-to-Human Protein Networks Reveal Origins of Endogenous with low patient survival and higher DNA Damage” in The Cell Journal. total tumor mutation loads in different forms of cancer. The team noticed Susan M. Rosenberg, a co-correthat the data obtained highlighted the sponding author from Baylor College network properties of the 284 DDP of Medicine Houston stated that in homologs and their frequent overexthe study they intend to unveil propression in cancers. “The correlations teins which upon overproduction can of the 284 human homolog RNAs with cause DNA damage leading to cancer. tumor mutation loads and poor surRosenberg commented that Cancer vival remain strong even when both is a disease of mutations – Multiple known or predicted cancer drivers Mutations in several genes in normal and human proteins validated as cells makes it turn to a cancerous cell. DNA damage-instigating here are reBased on the concept of the cause of moved.” – the team said DNA damage by protein overproduction, the researchers devised an unWhen the proteins were overproconventional approach of identifying duced in human cells, it was noticed proteins via E.coli rather than directly working with human proteins. Bacterial protein overproduction was studied by the team that leads to a cancerous state in bacterial cells. “Given DNA biology conservation across life, proteins that promote spontaneous DNA damage may be conserved, and their identification could potentially inform strategies for prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of disease, including cancer, aging, and pathogen evolution,” the team stated. The group then identified 284 human proteins with amino acid sequences similar to 58 of the E. coli DDPs, and that represented candidate human DDPs (hDDPs). They ascertained that the human DDPs were connected to cancer more often than a random set of proteins, whilst evaluation of protein and RNA data from sources such as The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) implied that a number of the human DDPs were correlated

that half of it triggered DNA damage and mutation. These verified & tested human DDPs included different classes of protein that had not previously linked with any cancer condition. Christophe Herman, PhD-professor at Baylor College said that they could successfully show how E.coli can help in Identification Of Human Carcinogenic Proteins and its mechanism in humans rapidly and at a lower cost.

damage screening attractive for early identification of at-risk individuals, useable before genome sequencing would identify disease-associated mutations,”.

Susan M. Rosenberg affirmed that with such positive results they will proceed ahead with basic research & clinical developments. The team is positive that this discovery will open newer avenues for finding answers to questions like How to identify peoIn the paper published in Cell, the ple who are likely to develop cancer? authors mention that “The ability to How to Prevent it? Or How to Slow detect high DNA damage loads in it down? cells could potentially make DNA


January 22nd, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 62


Mobile CRISPRi – CRISPR Repurposed To Develop Better Antibiotics A group of researchers from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and University of California has successfully repurposed CRISPR tech to study which genes are targeted by specific antibiotics. THIS DISCOVERY WILL NOT ONLY PROVIDE SUBSTANTIAL GROUND TO IMPROVE THE EFFICACY OF EXISTING ANTIBIOTICS BUT WILL ALSO HELP DEVELOP NEW EFFECTIVE ONES. By Preety Suman

Antibiotic resistance is a major issue faced globally. As per WHO reports more than 1.3 million people can be dead due to Antibiotic-resistant superbugs by 2050. In words of Jason Peters lead researchers of the project – We need to find out new weaknesses in the antibiotic-resistant superbugs. Mobile-CRISPRi is a new technique developed that allows researchers to analyze & screen antibiotic function in a range of pathogenic bacteria. With the use of bacterial sex form, the scientists transferred Mobile-CRISPRi from common laboratory strains into diverse bacteria. This flexibility of transferring of strains makes this method a boon for scientists to study an infinite number of disease-causing bacteria. Jason Peters, Carol Gross, Oren Rosenberg and other colleagues at UCSF developed this technique, the findings of the study was published in journal Nature Microbiology. This novel method nearly eliminates the production of protein from targeted genes, aiding the scientist to figure out how the antibiotics inhibit the growth of a particular pathogen. This will give an upper hand to the research community to understand an-

tibiotic-resistant superbugs in depth and ways to eliminate them. The team used the most talked gene editing tool but in a unique way. Usually, the CRISPR system works by cutting the DNA in two at the target gene, wherein the gene is edited while the cells continue to repair. On the other hand, Peters and his research team engineered CRISPRi which will not cut the DNA as seen in CRISPR but will just sit on the DNA surface, blocking other proteins access and turning on a particular gene. As a result due to lower gene expression lesser amount of protein is coded. The researchers concluded that the lower is the amount of protein produced to be targeted by an antibiotic, the bacteria in return becomes much more sensitive to lower levels of the drug – evidence of an association between gene and drug. This

way numerous genes can be screened at a single time together as potential antibiotic targets thus helping the researchers to understand in-depth functioning of antibiotics. CRISPRi mobile was developed by the use of conjugation to transfer the system from common lab models like E. coli to disease-causing species. Using conjugation, the researchers transferred Mobile-CRISPRi to the pathogens Pseudomonas, Salmonella, Staphylococcus, and Listeria, among others. Mobile-CRISPRi mobility true test results came from cheese. Upon aging cheese develops its own colony of microbes. Lately, Scientists have been keenly studying the diversity of diversity of bacteria and fungi on cheeses, which contribute to their complex flavors. One of those bacteria, Vibrio casei, was found on the rind of French

cheese in 2010 by Peters’ collaborator Rachel Dutton of the University of California, San Diego. Gene manipulation can be readily done in an established laboratory bacteria such as E. coli, but it is almost impossible to study genes in bacteria like Vibrio casei – recently isolated from the environment. Using Mobile-CRISPRi the scientists could easily transfer the strain, opening up new avenues for understanding how the bacteria colonize and help age cheese. The team is now offering the Mobile-CRISPRi to other researchers for the study. “So now it’s going to be completely available to the community,” says Peters. “Now this gives people a path forward.”



January 22nd, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 62

First In Human Clinical Trial For DMAb Against Zika Approved By FDA The Wistar Institute, together with Penn Medicine & Inovio Pharmaceuticals Inc., announced that FDA has approved their initiation of a first-in-human clinical trial for investigating the safety and tolerability of a novel synthetic DNA-encoded monoclonal antibody (DMAb) therapeutic technology to prevent Zika virus infection. THE RESEARCH IS BEING LED BY DAVID B. WEINER, PH.D. EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT – DIRECTOR OF THE VACCINE CENTER, AND W.W. SMITH, CHARITABLE TRUST PROFESSOR IN CANCER RESEARCH AT WISTAR. By Preety Suman

DMAb curative technology is different from all other known conventional therapeutic antibodies as DMAbs are made inside people and are not manufactured outside. Under the process, patients are administered with DNA instructions to equip their bodies with the essential tools to produce their own highly specific antibodies against pathogenic targets such as bacteria, virus-infected cells along with cancer cells. The Wistar Institute received funding by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in 2016 for enhancing their DMAb technology from prototype into a clinical candidate. In just 2 years of time, phase 1 clinical trial for Zika DMAbs is now rolled out and is seeking participants. The trial is a single center, open-label & dose escalation that will enroll up to 24 healthy volunteers who will receive up to four doses of Inovio vaccine/product INO-A002. Pablo Tebas, M.D., Professor of Medicine at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania will be heading the trial.

The traditional monoclonal antibodies market for various diseases is approx $100 billion, representing a huge chunk of the pharma market. dMab is considered to be a disruptive entrant in the market owing to its synthetic design and in-patient production. It will prove to play a pivot role in fighting global infectious disease threats and for addressing critical vaccine limitations. About Inovio Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Inovio is a biotechnology company focused on the discovery, development, and commercialization of DNA immunotherapies that transform the treatment of cancer and infectious diseases. Inovio’s proprietary platform

technology applies next-generation antigen sequencing and DNA delivery to activate potent immune responses to targeted diseases. The technology functions exclusively in vivo and has been demonstrated to consistently activate robust and fully functional T cell and antibody responses against targeted cancers and pathogens. Inovio is the only immunotherapy company that has reported generating T cells whose killing capacity correlates with relevant clinical outcomes. Inovio’s most advanced clinical program, VGX-3100, is in Phase 3 for the treatment of HPV-related cervical pre-cancer. Also, in development are Phase 2 immuno-oncology programs targeting head and neck cancer, bladder cancer, and glioblastoma, as well as platform development programs for hepatitis B, Zika, Ebola, MERS,

and HIV. Partners and collaborators include MedImmune, Regeneron, Roche/Genentech, ApolloBio Corporation, The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, The Wistar Institute, University of Pennsylvania, Parker Institute for Cancer Immunotherapy, CEPI, DARPA, GeneOne Life Science, Plumbline Life Sciences, Drexel University, NIH, HIV Vaccines Trial Network, National Cancer Institute, U.S. Military HIV Research Program, and Laval University. For more information, visit Press Release: Inovio’s DNA-Encoded Monoclonal Antibody (dMAb™) Platform Leaps Forward with First-in-Human Trial


January 22nd, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 62


Biotech KISAN Hubs Across India By DBT To Tackle Agricultural Issues In a major step to make use of biotechnological research methodologies for creating solutions to tackle agricultural issues, the Department of Biotechnology plans to establish biotech hubs across India. DBT’S MISSION PROGRAMME, BIOTECH-KRISHI INNOVATION SCIENCE APPLICATION NETWORK (BIOTECH-KISAN) INTENDS TO CONNECT INDIA’S FARMERS WITH BOTH INDIAN AND INTERNATIONAL BEST IN SCIENCE. By Preety Suman

Both in terms of quality and quantity agriculture productivity of the country has been severely affected. Water, soil, seed, and the market is the most important factors affecting productivity. DBT has decided to establish Biotech-KISAN hubs in the four agro-climatic zones in the country, they are Eastern Plateau and Hills; Gujarat Plain and Hills; Western Dry Region; and Islands. Initially, for 2 years each of these hubs will be getting financial assistance of ₹ 60 lakhs per year. A Budget of 5 lakhs per year has been set for each collaborating institution and Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs) for every specific activity as defined in the application. A network will be created by each of these hubs by developing strong connections with top quality scientific institutions, State Agricultural Universities, Krishi Vigyan Kendras, existing state agriculture extension services, and other farmers’ organizations in the region along with leading international institutions and organizations. To work with small and marginal farmers mainly the woman farmer for better agriculture productivity through best farming practices & scientific intervention in the Indian context is the main aim of this program and to achieve this Biotech-KISAN will be implemented in 15 agro-climatic zones of India. Biotech-KISAN Hub will have a tinkering lab. The core activities of the hub will include understanding the issues of the local farmer; scouting for accessible technologies and solutions to problems of farmers in the area; demonstration and scale-up

programmes for implementing the solutions to the problems of farmers — addressing soil, water, seed and promotion issues; creation of powerful scientists-farmers Interaction connectivity and platform; training programmes for the farmer and immersion programmes for scientists; communicating setup through radio and TV and connectivity through social media; person thematic fellowship programmes for selected farmers in the zone at high tech science laboratories; special solution-driven thematic fellowships to women farmers (Mahila Kisan Biotech Fellowship) to develop them as leaders and grass root scientists. 3 institutions along with KVKs will be in partnership with the hub and its facilitator. It will be mandatory for each partner Institute to participate with the hub and its activities and for this, a separate budget would be provided for each of them. The activities of the partnering institute will consist of conducting training programs for farmers in labs of scientific research institutions, exposing farmers to leading science labs to develop them as scientific leaders at grass root level; providing support and solution to agriculture issues related to water, soil, seed, ailments and marketing issues in various regions; the topic and scope of the training programme will consist of good agricultural practices. The duration of the training will be 5 to 10 days. Now a question arises does India

really needs such programmes, if yes then why? The answer to the above question is: The drought, flood, availability and poor quality are major issues within the Indian agriculture scenario. Also are the poor soil health, lack of use of modern technologies in agriculture because of lack of knowledge and consciousness, abiotic and biotic stress due to climate change. Besides the lack of accessibility to agricultural planting material at affordable cost to small and marginal farmers has been seen in a major way. The collapse of expansion system for dissemination

of new technologies among farmers, insufficient use of available bio-resources at village or farm level for proper nutrient management and processing, packaging and marketing. The issues faced by the Indian farmer are special, small land holdings are the standard, a rather small number of livestock that’s often the primary source of livelihood and 15 different agro-climatic zones. Mission Programme on Biotech-Krishi Innovation Science Application Network (Biotech-KISAN)



January 22nd, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 62

Single Shot Vaccine For Chikungunya Virus By French Biotech- Valneva A French biotech Company Valneva has developed a vaccine for the mosquito-borne chikungunya virus which shows huge potential. THE VACCINE DEVELOPED IS A LIVE, WEAKENED FORM OF THE CHIKUNGUNYA VIRUS. By Preety Suman

There are 120 volunteers taking part in the trial who have made antibodies against the virus when measured 28 days after receiving the initial shot and showed no adverse results. In the trail, Additional injections of vaccine will be received by the volunteers, after the initial shot will confirm that it is giving long-lasting Chikungunya is currently spreading, protection after 6 and 12 months. with breakouts in Europe causing debilitating symptoms such as fever and The prophylactic vaccine will pro- long-lasting joint pains. tect people from the virus for years after receiving one shot. For Accel- Valneva is working on Vaccine deerating the Clinical development, the velopment for other tropical diseases vaccine was awarded an FDA fast- as well. One of the most advanced track designation in December 2018. Vaccines for Lyme disease is entering phase II trials. Along with the US Chikungunya is a virus borne from company – Emergent BioSolutions, the Aedes genus in tropical regions. Valneva is also working on a vaccine

for Zika, another Aedes-borne virus. Various pharma giants are conducting extensive research to find a cure for Mosquitoes born disease. Austrian biotech – Themis is among one which successfully completed phase II trial of its own vaccine for chikungunya recently and is set to enter Phase III no sooner than 2020. Recently, Sanofi’s vaccine for dengue fever has been accepted by the European Commis-

sion. On the other hand, UK biotech Oxitec has come up with an alternate approach of releasing mosquitoes to the wild which are genetically engineered to be sterile, reducing their population. Google’s Verily Life Science has also proposed similar plans.

January 22nd, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 62



Pfizer To Shut Down Its Manufacturing Units In Chennai & Aurangabad US Pharma Giant Pfizer Inc has announced a closure of its two manufacturing units located in Chennai & Maharastra which it had acquired from Hospira under a pact made in 2015. THOUGH PFIZER WILL RETAIN THE VIZAG FACILITY WHICH CAME UNDER THE SAME DEAL AND WILL BE FOCUSING ON ITS EXPANSION. By Swarna Khushbu

More than 1700 employees working at these plants will be impacted by the decision. After a thorough assessment of the Irungattukottai and Aurangabad facility, Pfizer expressed that because of a noteworthy fall in the demand of the products manufactured at these destinations, it’s infeasible for them to continue the operations there thus bringing about the shutdown of both the facilities in 2019. Pfizer expressed that Currently 1000 individuals in Irungattukottai office and 700 individuals in Aurangabad site are employed and they completely understand the responsibility to keep them educated about the site leave process. The Irungattukottai facility was

creating beta-lactam anti-infection agents while the Aurangabad office was delivering penicillin and penem API all through the period. The Chennai plant lately received a few notices from the US Food and Drug Administration, the most recent being in July 2018. This was on the grounds that it wasn’t following quality control norms and needs data identified with lab records.

The Irungattukottai and Aurangabad sites are absolutely export-oriented and don’t supply items for Pfizer’s India business tasks. There will be no impact by the decision to close down these facilities on other Indian manufacturing sites in Goa, Visakhapatnam (Vizag) and the joint venture site, Zydus Hospira Oncology Pvt Ltd (ZHOPL) Pfizer said. Pfizer announced a development in

their operations at the Vizag site to bring it up as a worldwide terminally cleaned manufacturing center of excellence. It will take into account the export markets, for example, the United States and in the long run, to Canada. India will keep on being a critical assembling area for Pfizer around the world, said the organization.



Wonder Flexithick Material Discovered by Scientists

Episode14 We Welcome you all to another magnanimous episode of Voice of Biotecnika. In today’s podcast, we will explore through an amazing logic-defying “Flexithick Material”. It is a Logic-defying Synthetic material created by scientists at the University of Leeds. Dr. Devesh Mistry and colleagues at the University of Leeds discovered this novel non-porous material and is the first ever synthetic material discovered that thickens at a molecular level as it stretches. This is an amazing discovery which you must know about. Tune in below to listen to how this Flexithick Material was created and do share your views and comments on it.

Voice of Biotecnika by Dr. Deepa Sharma

January 22nd, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 62


January 22nd, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 62



The IITM – Summer Fellowship Programme of 2 months with stipend is intended to boost awareness and interest in high-quality academic research among young Engineering, Management, Sciences and Humanities students through a goal-oriented summer mini-project undertaken in the Indian Institute of Technology Madras. Eligibility: Candidates pursuing the 3rd year of B.E./B.Tech. /B.Sc. (Engg) or 3rd or 4th year of Integrated M.E./M. Tech. programme, 1st year of ME/M. Tech/M. Sc. /M.A, MBA with an excellent academic background in terms of high ranks in university examinations are encouraged to apply, highlighting their academic performance and achievement including papers presented in seminars, projects executed, design contests engaged,

score/rank at Mathematics Olympiad and any other awards/distinctions obtained. [IIT students aren’t eligible to use ]. Period of the Project: Duration of this programme may commence from 20th May 2019 to 19th July 2019. (Schedule may be flexible to suit student’s convenience.) Stipend: A sum of Rs.6000/per month will be awarded as a stipend for a maximum period of two months.

Bonafide: Letter from the Institute: Should certify that you are a bonafide student issued by the Head of Institution (download template of UG/DD bonafide and PG Bonafide) Participating Departments: Engineering Departments: Bio-Technology How to apply: • Application ought to be submitted online in this portal. • There’s no requirement to send a

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hard copy to IIT Madras. Generate a pdf file and keep it for your reference. Please make sure that all of the relevant data and enclosures are uploaded on the internet. Incomplete applications will be rejected. For any clarification, send email to

Note: Letter from the Institute: Should certify That You’re a bonafide student issued by the Head of Institution (download template of UG/DD bonafide and PG Bonafide)



January 22nd, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 62

CCMB Summer Training Program – 2019 MSc students from any science background are encouraged and eligible to apply for the CCMB Summer Training Programme – 2019. For more details on the eligibility, selection procedure, application procedure and such, check all of the information posted below: CCMB SUMMER TRAINING PROGRAM 2019 By Diluxi Arya

Eligibility Qualifications: The training program is Available to students from all branches of sciences and open to Indian Universities/Research Institutes. • M.Sc. Program: Students admitted in the year 2018 and will finish their 1st year in June/July 2019 • 4 Year B.Tech. Program: Students admitted in the year 2016 and will finish their 6th Semester in June/July 2019. • 5-year Integrated B.Tech.-M. Tech. Or MBBS course: Students admitted in the year 2015 and will finish their 8th Semester in June/July 2019; MBBS students in any year of the study can apply.

Although, attempts are made to take under consideration that the’statement of purpose’/research interest of the chosen students (while assigning to different scientists ), but it’s usually not possible in most instances; as the allotments are primarily depending on the availability of working place(s) in various labs and not the other way round. Thus, only those students should submit an application for M. Tech. Students aren’t eligible. the training program that is all set to operate in any lab of CCMB, if Computer science students with chosen, no matter their stated rea flair for biology may also apply. search interest. Training Program: it’s not a conventional classroom lectures based training program. Rather, each chosen candidate/ trainee is going to be assigned to a CCMB staff scientist that will supervise/mentor him/her throughout the stay. Each pupil is expected to execute a small project work under the guidance of this scientist. In the close of the program, the student will have to submit a ‘Project Report’ of this work done and would be asked to make an oral presentation.

Application Procedure: Application for the Summer Program 2019 may be downloaded (Zipped pdf file). Completed application (Hard copy) for your program MUST reach CCMB by 07/02/2019. The names of the Selected candidates will be made available on CCMB homepage during the middle of March 2019 (around 15/3/2019); here, it could be noted that no individual intimation will be sent to any candidate, and so all candidates have to search for his/her name in the’selection list’ on the CCMB homepage only.

The program is principally meant to give pupils a real-time exposure/ Selection Process: hands-on experience to a research environment, in the expectation it A committee nominated by the Dimight inculcate in them a zeal for rector, CCMB, chooses the trainees. research because of a prospective Among the important criteria used career. in selection is the chosen candidates should reflect the Nation-wide coverage of different Indian states (de-

pendent on the location of their academic institutions but independent of their birthplace, sex, caste or religion). ‘Statement of purpose’ and also the ‘Recommendation/ reference Letter’ are several other important factors in the choice of candidates alongside the academic record. A couple of seats (~5%) are reserved, each for the children of serving CCMB employees, and for applicants chosen by the AcSIR. The amount of trainees’ intake fluctuates between 50 – 60 candidates, and largely is contingent on the availability of bench space with different staff scientists of CCMB. On an average, we get ~1500 applications, of which only 3 — 4 percent candidates make it into the program. Support / Boarding / Lodging: CCMB won’t offer any financial aid for lodging or boarding. Each of the selected candidates is needed to self-finance their stay in CCMB/Hyderabad. The candidates are expected to make their own arrangement for the stay in Hyderabad during the training period, though CCMB may consider specific requests only from outstation students, especially female students for shared accommodation in CCMB housing facility based on the availability of vacant flats/space.

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seats with an average chance of selection being only 3 — 4 percent. Applications for Summer Program 2019 MUST be submitted as a hard copy. The application incomplete in any respect will be rejected/not considered. Requests/applications for the program sent before this notification won’t be considered. Such a candidate should apply again using the prescribed application form. There’s no FEE for the training program; however, all chosen candidates need to bear their boarding/lodging expenditure throughout the 60-day stay at CCMB. The decision of the Selection committee concerning the selection of candidates will be final. Canvassing in any form and/ or bringing in almost any influence, political or otherwise, will be treated as a disqualification. Selected candidates are expected to have cleared their final examinations (1st years in the event of M.Sc. Students, 6th semester in the event of B.Tech. Students and 8th semester in the event of 5-year Integrated B.TechM.Tech. Students) prior to join-

Important Points: • It is evident in our experience in earlier years, the competition is quite high for the few available

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January 22nd, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 62

ing the program and are needed to bring the documentary proof for exactly the same. On the flip side, for students, whose results might be awaited at that time, students would have to provide a certification from their college certifying that – that the student has appeared for the final exams, and that the outcomes are yet to be declared. • All candidates chosen for the program will need to spend a minimum period of 60 days in CCMB without any break. • This is one of the most important requirements and accordingly, all candidates will need to furnish a certification from their Head of their Department/Competent authority of their college/

SUMMER TRAINING PROGRAMME institute for this effect (see the Application form for instructions).


It may be noted that the CCMB Won’t Be responsible for any omission of Name from the listing of canMailing address for application: didates that may result from ‘Loss Coordinator and/or Delayed Receipt’ of applications due to postal mishandling/ loss/ Summer Program 2019 Centre for Cellular & Molecular delay. Biology (CCMB) Important Dates: Uppal Road, Habsiguda Hyderabad-500007 (Telangana) The program is for the duration of 60 days (~eight weeks) in the months Please mention on top of the en- of May-July 2019. velope “Application for Summer Training 2019” • Last date for receipt of Application in CCMB: 07 February 2019 • List of the selected candidates on CCMB homepage: Middle of


March 2019. (There will NOT be any separate letter of intimation to the selected candidates) Last date for selected candidates to inform their: • Acceptance to CCMB/Program Coordinator: 30 March 2019 • Tentative date to join CCMB/ the program: 20th May – 3rd Jun 2019 (No candidate will be allowed to join after 3rd June under any circumstance) CCMB Summer Program-2019:



January 22nd, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 62

Top 16 Biotech Fellowships & Awards By DBT / DST / CSIR & SERB Indian Research domain is governed by various Government bodies namely DBT – Department of Biotechnology, DST – Department of Science & Technology, CSIR – Council of Scientific & Industrial Research, SERB – Science, and Engineering Research Board. HE INITIATIVES TAKEN BY THESE GOVT INSTITUTES IN ORDER TO PROMOTE SCIENCE & RESEARCH HAS BEEN TREMENDOUS IN THE PAST SEVERAL YEARS. By Preety Suman

With an aim to promote more & more indigenous research, various fellowships schemes and awards have been devised to encourage Indian researchers. Here we have tried to compile a list of all the major fellowships & awards given by DBT / DST / CSIR / SERB in the field of biological sciences. CSIR YOUNG AWARDS


IN 1987, CSIR – Council of Scientific & Industrial Research introduced, in 1987 introduced this scheme to promote excellence in different fields of science and technology. It is focused on recognizing outstanding contributions made by young CSIR scientists. Under this researcher are entitled to a citation (signed by the Director General, CSIR and the Vice-President, CSIR), a cash prize of Rs.50000 (Rupees fifty thousand) and a plaque. Additionally, a Special Honorarium of Rs 7500/- pm is given to the awardees till the age of 45 years, till one is in service with CSIR. Research grant of Rs 25 lakh over a period of five years, is also given – Rs 5 lakh per annum per CSIR Young Scientist Awardee. 15 days left to apply for CSIR Young Scientist Awards 2019 THE INNOVATIVE YOUNG BIOTECHNOLOGIST AWARD (IYBA) Started back in 2005 this award is a career-oriented prize to identify and nurture outstanding young scientists with innovative ideas and desire for pursuing research in biotechnology. Age Limit – 35 years. Scientists without regular employment are also eligible to apply.

J C BOSE NATIONAL FEL- one-year internship at the domain of Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) LOWSHIP which comprises of concepts as The J.C. Bose Fellowship is meant well as hands-on training modules to recognize active scientists for in law firms. their outstanding performance. The fellowship is scientist-specific and INDO-U.S. FELLOWSHIP FOR very selective. Under this scheme WOMEN IN STEMM a fellowship amount of Rs. 25,000 per month is given in addition to This Fellowship is designed speregular income, A Research grant cifically to reward & support Inof Rs. 15.00 lakh per annum & an dian Women Scientists, Engineers Overhead of Rs.1.00 lakh per an- & Technologists. Under thus Innum to the host institute. The nom- do-U.S. Fellowship for Women in inations for this fellowship are in- STEMM (Science, Technology, Envited throughout the year via online gineering, Mathematics, and Medicine) women scientists are providmode. Age Limit – 68 years. ed with opportunities to undertake Click here to apply for the J C Bose international collaborative research in premier institutions in the U.S.A. Fellowship DST has launched the fellowship WOMEN SCIENTIST SCHEME (WISTEMM)” jointly with Indo-U.S. Science and Technology UNDER KIRAN Forum (IUSSTF). 1. Women Scientist Scheme-A (WOS-A): It has been conceptual- EARLY CAREER RESEARCH ized specifically women scientists AWARD (ECRA) and technologists. Its main goal is to provide opportunities and aid wom- SERB-Early Career Research Award en scientists in pursuing research in scheme is focused on providing basic or applied sciences in frontier quick support to young researchers for pursuing innovative research in areas of science and engineering. frontier areas of science and engi2. Women Scientists Scheme-B neering. Under this one time award (WOS-B): Focused on S&T options – a research grant of up to Rs. 50 of challenges/issues in the grass- Lakhs is given. The grant covers equipment, manpower, consumaroots level for societal benefit. bles, manpower, travel, and contin3. Women Scientists Scheme-C gency apart from overheads. (WOS-C): Develop an opportunity for self-employment and/or also a sustainable career for the women scientists. The strategy provides a

SCHEME FOR YOUNG SCIENTISTS & TECHNOLOGIST (SYST) This DST scheme is focused on young scientists & technologists who have relevant background and training in the fields of science and engineering and show a tendency to undertake socially applicable action research endeavors. This is also to promote academic institutions, national labs and other S&T associations (like voluntary associations ) to create social projects involving young scientists & technologists. NATIONAL POST DOCTORAL FELLOWSHIP (NPDF) Under SERB-National Post Doctoral Fellowship (N-PDF) young researchers are provided with support for pursuing research in areas of science and engineering. It allows a young researcher to work under a fellow mentor with an aim to provide them a platform to develop as an independent researcher. One cannot avail this at the same Department/institution where the candidates have earned their Ph.D./ M.S/M.D degree. Duration of the fellowship is temporary and is tenable initially for a period of 2 years. The upper age limit for the fellow-

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January 22nd, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 62


ship is 35 years at the time of the best PIs but also to inspire the consubmission of application. tinuing PIs to perform exceedingly well. DIA is a one-time career STUDENT STARTUP NIDHI award devised to especially appeal AWARD to the younger scientists who haven’t received any other prestigious Student Start-up NIDHI award aims awards or fellowships. to take forward student inventions in IEDC/NewGen IEDC to com- AWSAR (AUGMENTING mercialization stage and quicken WRITING SKILLS FOR ARthe journey of thought to prototype TICULATING RESEARCH) by providing initial funding assistance. NSTEDB, DST has taken this The National Council of Science initiative of helping startups with and Technology Communication initial / ignition funding. It aims to (NCSTC) strategized this award support maximum 20 student start- to promote science writing among ups in each calendar year favorably young PhD Scholars and Post-Docwith Rs 10.00 lakh each year. toral Fellows during the course of their higher studies and research OVERSEAS VISITING DOC- pursuits. 100 valid entries from PhD TORAL FELLOWSHIP scholars are awarded every year, Out of which 20 best entries are This fellowship scheme offers op- shortlisted further exclusively by portunities for up to 100 PhD stu- Post-Doctoral Fellows and are givdents from Indian institutions for en monetary incentives, the highest gaining exposure and training in goes upto Rs 1 Lakh. overseas universities or institutions of repute in areas of importance SCHEME FOR FUNDING for the country for a duration of HIGH RISK-HIGH REWARD 12 months during their doctoral re- RESEARCH search. The scheme is aimed at facilitating international mobility of It aims at supporting research proIndian research students to create a posals that are conceptually new globally trained research manpow- and risky, and if successful, expecter. ed to have a paradigm-shifting influence on science & technology in SERB DISTINGUISHED IN- India. This may be in terms of forVESTIGATOR AWARD (DIA) mulating a new hypothesis, or any scientific breakthroughs which aid This award has been designed spe- in emergence of new technologies. cifically to reward remarkable Prin- Funding duration is up to 3 years cipal Investigators (PIs) working in with No budget limit. The research SERB & DST projects. The strate- grant covers equipment, consumagy aims not just to benefit the very bles, contingency and travels apart


from overhead grants.

certificate can only apply for this fellowship. Duration of the fellowClick here to apply for SERB High ship is for 5 years. Financial assisRisk High Reward Scheme tance to the research fellows under this scheme is same to that of SHANTI SWARUP BHATNA- the slabs followed for CSIR-NET/ GAR PRIZE FOR SCIENCE GATE or can be even higher as AND TECHNOLOGY agreed by the industry partner. The Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize is handed out every year for outstanding contributions to science and technology in India. The award is named after the founder Director of the Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR) India, the late Dr (Sir) Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar. Under this award Rs 5,00,000 (Rupees five lakh only) each are awarded annually for notable and outstanding research, applied or fundamental, in the following disciplines: (i) Biological Sciences, (ii) Chemical Sciences, (iii) Earth, Atmosphere, Ocean and Planetary Sciences, (iv) Engineering Sciences, (v) Mathematical Sciences, (vi) Medical Sciences and (vii) Physical Sciences. Click here to apply for the Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize for Science and Technology CSIR-INDUSTRY SPONSORED RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP SCHEME In order to nurture budding scientific talents in India and to nourish the objective of the pursuit of scientific research, this fellowship scheme was formalized. CSIR-NET/GATE Qualified candidates with a valid



Applications are invited for the Raman Research Fellowships only from CSIR researchers for carrying out research in the emerging/high priority technology areas. It’s tenable at foreign institutions / R&D Centres of Excellence. The whole cost is met by CSIR HQs. These are the list of few fellowship schemes offered by the government to scientists & researchers in the biological science field. We would like to encourage all young biotech researchers & scientists to apply for the above fellowship’s scheme as per the criteria that matches your profile. This will not only give you monetary help to pursue your research but will also give a huge push in your scientific & research career both in India & abroad. Some of the above fellowships are open throughout the year, while notification for some is released in specific months. Biotecnika posts the notifications as and when it is released. Download Biotecnika App today to be updated about all the fellowship schemes posted above.



January 22nd, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 62

Matsumae International Foundation (MIF) – 2020 Research Fellowship Program Matsumae International Foundation (MIF), Japan – Research Fellowship Program – 2020 Notifications. MIF Research Fellowship Program Notification. Interested and eligible candidates can check out all of the details on the same below: INVITATION PERIOD: 3-6 MONTHS, BETWEEN APRIL 2020 AND MARCH 2021 DEADLINE FOR SUBMITTING THE APPLICATION DOCUMENTS: 17:00 ON JULY 31, 2019 (JAPAN STANDARD TIME) By Diluxi Arya

The Matsumae International Foundation (MIF) is a nongovernmental organization. Its Fund is solely based on donations from many Japanese people who have responded with goodwill to Dr. Shigeyoshi Matsumae’s call. While many donations have been kindly offered by enterprises and groups, most of the donors are individuals who are sympathetic with the Founder’s ideals, and maintain contributions to the Fund from their limited incomes. Successful applicants are urged to seriously consider and understand the goodwill of those persons, and ensure that the provided fellowships are utilized effectively.

lowship tenure. • Applicants must be of sound health.




Applicants of non-Japanese nationality who meet all of the following eligibility requirements are invited to submit the required application documents.

Applicants indicate the period of Fellowship with the length of stay needed for the Research Project (Application Document #2) between 3 to 6 months, and commencing month and ending month between April 2020 and March 2021. (e.g. 5 months from June 2020 to October 2021) MIF plans to invite about 20 researchers/scholars.

rent issue of the Fellowship Announcement from MIF. Or download the announcement from the MIF’s website and print out the Application Form in PDF-format or MS Word file. • MIF cannot entertain requests for waivers of the eligibility requirements and other conditions, listed in the Fellowship Announcement, and will not accommodate such requests. • The application must be submitted from the applicant’s home country. MIF accepts those submitted by POST. Those applications submitted electronically or via facsimile will be unacceptable. The application must be received by MIF by 17:00 on July 31, 2019 (Japan Standard Time). The application will not be accepted in any reason after the deadline date.



Applicants are free to select host institutions (universities, national research institutions or the corresponding facilities in private sector) in which to carry out their research. However, applicants are reminded that they are obliged to obtain acceptance from such host institutions prior to submitting their applications. MIF is not in a position to give advice or recommendation to an applicant for a host institution in Japan.

• All of the following documents (#1-#7) should be in A4 size and be submitted all together in one package by postal mail. The documents should not be bound into a book. • All documents must be type-written. Hand-written documents are not basically accepted unless an adequate reason is recognized by MIF. Documents must be written in English and in English only. • MIF will not be responsible for any costs incurred for submitting an application and reserves the right to request additional docu-

• Applicants must obtain a Letter of Invitation from host institutions in Japan. • Applicants must hold a PhD (Doctorate) degree, or be recognized by MIF as possessing equivalent academic qualifications. • Applicants must be at the age of 49 years old or younger at the time when documents are submitted. • Applicants must have sufficient abilities in English or Japanese languages. • Applicants should not have past or current experiences of staying in Japan. (Except for short-term stay. E.g. sightseeing, conferences) • Applicants should be in employment in their home countries and must return to their countries upon completion of their MIF fel-




Fields of study such as natural science, engineering and medicine are given first priority.

V. APPLICATION PROCEDURE • Applicants should obtain the cur-


ments if necessary. All the documents received by MIF will become MIF’s property and will not be returned. #1. Application Form (Applicants should use the original Form provided by MIF. A self-customized Form is not acceptable.) The form consists of two pages. Applicant’s photograph, taken within the past three months, must be attached. Applicants should ensure that all the items in the Form, without any exception, is properly filled out in the designated spaces. Application Form must be signed by the applicant him/ herself. #2. The Research Project Applicant should make the research project document which includes detailed information on the purpose, methodology, content of the research, and the road map of the project. This research project must be made based upon discussions with the host professor/scholar and planned content must be consistent with the research facilities at the host institution. #3. A reprint of the most major publication by the applicant Please select one and only one publication.

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January 22nd, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 62


If not available in English, please at- TION OF RESULT OF AN APPLItach an abstract/summary in English. CATION #4. Personal History (Curriculum • Applications are evaluated by the Screening Committee of MIF on Vitae) the basis of academic value and the degree of perfection of the reThe CV should include the complete search projects. list of publications: when and where they were published, co-authors, • The results will be notified directly to the applicants by the end of number of pages, etc. Please indicate December 2019. in red the title of publication on the list which is submitted as the item • MIF will send Grant Letters to successful applicants. “#3”. • MIF neither announces the discussions by our Screening Com#5. A letter of recommendation by mittee nor shall MIF accepts the applicant’s employer printed out inquiries about the individual apon the home institution’s letterhead. plication cases. It should testify to academic ability • MIF will not comment on the reasons for the decisions made by the and achievements, and confirming the Screening Committee. availability of study leave during the fellowship period. VIII. FELLOWSHIP DETAILS #6. Certified copies for all the academic certificates/diplomas (for The following financial supports are Ph.D., MA/MS/MD, BA/BS) issued provided to successful applicants. No support to his/her family or dependby the relevant institutions ents is available In case the documents are not available in English, please attach the Eng- Fellowships are provided to successful applicants only and intended lish translation(s). for necessary living expenses and #7. A letter of invitation signed by research activities in Japan. Under the professor/scholar-in-charge at no circumstances, this fellowship is the host institution printed out on the transferable. home institution’s letterhead. Allowance for research and stay This letter should confirm the specif- ………… ¥220,000- per month is ic period of stay, the research project, provided for the purpose of tuition the availability of research facilities/ payment, expenses for research maequipment, and the arrangement of terials, and miscellaneous living exthe accommodation facility, under the penses. MIF Fellowship Program. (A letter of invitation in the form of simple e-mail Insurance........................... Overseas Travel Accident/Sickness Insurance: is not acceptable) (1) Personal accident insurance with <Please send the documents to the death benefit and medical treatment, (2) Sickness insurance with death following mailing address> benefit and medical treatment. The Matsumae International FoundaAir transportation tion A 4-14-46, Kamiogi, Suginami-ku, To- ………………………………. coach class round trip air tickets bekyo, 167-0043 JAPAN tween an airport nearest to the sucTel: +81-3-3301-7600 cessful applicant’s domicile and ToVII. SCREENING & NOTIFICA- kyo via most direct and economical

routing is provided. The tickets provided cannot be converted to cash, nor can cash provided by MIF be used for purchasing air tickets.


part those of the Matsumae International Foundation. 2. Should the recipient be refused by his/her host institution after his/her arrival in Japan due to the insufficient level of ability and/or inappropriate Start-up Fund upon arrival behaviors in research activities in Ja…………………. ¥120,000- is pro- pan, the fellowship will be immedivided to cover the initial costs to start ately rescinded. a new research stay in Japan CASES for WITHDRAWAL: IX. SOME NOTICES CONCERNING FELLOWSHIP CONDITION (1) Should the recipient fail to notify MIF of the past stay and study in • The fellowship grant is restrict- Japan under a fellowship grant from ed to the period indicated in the another institution, and MIF learns of Grant Letter. Extension/reduction that fact after his/her arrival in Japan, of the granted period is not al- the Fellowship will be immediately lowed. rescinded. • The invitation by MF is limited (2) Should the recipient fail to notify only to the successful applicant MIF that he/she has accepted a grant specified in the Grant Letter. MIF from another institution, and MIF neither does concern successful learns of the fact after his/her arrival applicant’s family/dependents in Japan, the Fellowship will be imnor provides any assistance (visa, mediately rescinded. flight arrangements, etc.) for (3) In the event that the recipient nothem. tifies MIF of his/her acceptance of a grant from another institution, MIF will carefully examine the content of that grant and reserves the right to X. WITHDRAWAL OF FELLOW- withdraw its Fellowship. SHIP (4) Should the recipient change the host institution, in the middle of his/ 1. In the event that any of the offenc- her fellowship tenure, the Fellowship es described below is ascertained, will be rescinded. the Matsumae International Founda- (5) Should the recipient change the tion reserves the right to terminate its period of stay in Japan, the Fellowgrant, rescind the fellowship status of ship will be rescinded. the offender, and immediately inform all concerned parties (immigration SERVICES FOR FELLOWS authorities, host institutions, etc.) on the situation. The recipient must re- Study Tour: turn all the fellowship grants from To promote profounder understandMIF. ing of Japan’s culture, tradition and (1) Facts which are inconsistent with history, MIF organizes a Study Tour the rules and regulations set forth in during the invitation period in Japan the Fellowship announcement, the grant letter, and/or related documents. Continued Contact: (2) False statements or unilateral In order to develop the global netmodification of statements in appli- work among the fellows even after cation forms, the grant letter, and/or they go back to the home countries, related documents. MIF issues various publications and (3) Failure of the recipient to notify send them to the fellows. MIF of past current or anticipated grants or benefits from other institu- Download Application Form Here tions which duplicate in whole or in (PDF)



January 22nd, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 62

TIGP-MCB International PhD Fellowship (Life Sciences) @ Academia Sinica, TAIWAN Choosing a graduate program is one of the most important decisions you will make. SO, WHY SHOULD YOU CHOOSE TIGP MCB (TAIWAN INTERNATIONAL GRADUATE PROGRAM IN MOLECULAR AND CELL BIOLOGY)? BECAUSE IT IS A SMART CHOICE. By Diluxy Arya

Support that encompasses both academic and living needs. Molecular biology training that is both comprehensive and integrative. Accessible faculty who strive to train the next generation of scientists. Resources encompassing everything from technical support in cutting-edge technologies and facilities to assist with scientific writing and communication. Taipei offers all the conveniences of a global and cosmopolitan city while remaining accessible and friendly, as well as being one of the safest cities in the world. TIGP MCB is a multi-disciplinary graduate program, reflecting the trend of integrating the major fields of modern basic biology. The faculty of the MCB program comprises world-class researchers. Research interests cover a wide range of biological systems (Developmental Biology, Chromosome Biology, RNA Biology, Neuroscience, Structural Biology, Plant Biology, Infection and Immunobiology, Systems Biology and Biomedical Science. Academia Sinica provides an international environment that is both culturally rich and intellectually stimulating. Courses, seminars and discussions are conducted in English. Many students in the TIGP MCB program have published outstanding research papers in prestigious journals like Cell, PNAS, PLoS Genetics and Nature Communications. The comprehensive training they have received in this program has catapulted them towards promising careers in academia and industry. PhD Fellowships: Once admitted, each TIGP-MCB student will receive a monthly fellowship of NT$34,000 (around

USD$1,133) in the first year. This support will be extended for two additional years for students who perform satisfactorily. In subsequent years (from the 4th year), thesis advisors will be responsible for providing financial support. Eligibility: The TIGP-MCB Program only admits students in the fall semester. Applicants must have a background in biochemistry, biology, molecular biology, genetics, anatomy, chemistry or physics and hold a B.Sc. degree or will obtain their degree within one semester from an accredited institution. Admission requirements: 1. Academic transcript and information on course content (in English). 2. English proficiency*: * Exemption from the English proficiency requirement: The test of English proficiency can be exempted for applicants graduated from universities where English is the primary language of instruction and if the applicant provides an official certification issued by the Registrar’s Office. 3. Graduate Record Examination (GRE) or master thesis or publica-

TOFEL Internet based TOFEL(TOFELiBT)


tions. 4. Statement of purpose (less than 3 pages). 5. Two letters of recommendation. 6. Additional information to prove your potential in research. Applications:

please contact the Chair of the Admission Committee or the Program Assistant: Dr. Yi-Fang Tsay (Chair of the Admission Committee) • yftsay@gate.

Miss Linda Chen (Program AssisPlease complete this application on tant) • line and upload all required documents. The deadline for applications is 31 January Timing and selection: APPLY ONLINE The deadline for applications is 31 January. An interview will be scheduled for applicants who pass the first screening (approximately 15 days after the deadline), and they will be notified of the final decision approximately 1 month after the deadline. Accommodation and living costs: An on-campus self-catering student dormitory comprising single study-bedrooms is available to TIGP students at a reasonable cost (for details, please visit the TIGP dorm website). The cost of living in Nankang, Taipei is much lower (approximately half) that of the US and Europe. For questions related to applications,




high-intermediate level


January 22nd, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 62


National Investigation Agency Biology Expert & Crime Scene Assistant Posts With Rs. 1.77 Lakh pm


overnment job vacancies with Rs. 1.77 Lakh pay matrix at NIA – National Investigation Agency. NIA – National Investigation Agency scientific officer posts for msc biotech, zoology, botany, microbiology, human biology candidates. Rs. 1.77 Lakh job vacancies at NIA – National Investigation Agency 2019. Check details given below: NATIONAL INVESTIGATION AGENCY MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS, GOVERNMENT OF INDIA OPPOSITE COO COMPLEX LODI ROAD NEW DELHI E-79/001/Dep-Sci/NIA/2016/272 Position I Name of the Post: Biology Expert No. of Posts: 1 * Post on deputation (ISTC) basis (*subject to variation depending on vacancies) Scale of Pay : Pay Matrix Level-10 (Rs 56,100 -1,77,500/-) (pre-revised PB-3 with GP Rs. 5400 /-) Eligibility Criteria for deputation (ISTC) to NIA: A) Officers under the Central Government / State Government / Universities / recognized Research Institution / Union Territories/ Public Sector Undertakings / Semi-Government Statutory Bodies or Autonomous organization:(i) Holding analogous posts on regular basis in the parent cadre/department; or (ii) with 02 years’ service in the grade on regular basis in posts in the Pay Band -2 Pay Band-2, Pay Scale of Rs. 9300-34800/- with GP Rs 4800/or equivalent in the parent cadre or department; or (iii) with 03 years’ service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on regular basis in the posts in the Pay Band – 2, Pay Band-2, Pay Scale of Rs. 9300- 34800/-with GP Rs 4600 or equivalent in the parent cadre or department; and (B)Possessing the following educational qualifications and experiences:-

(i) M.Sc. Degree in Human Biology/ Microbiology/Zoology/Anthropology (Physical)/ Botany or M.Sc. in Forensic Science with Biology/ Zoology as one of the subjects at B.Sc. level· from a recognized university. (ii) 03 years’ experience in Biological Laboratory. Desirable : Doctorate Degree in Human Biology / Microbiology / Zoology / Anthropology (Physical) / Botany. Note: Period of deputation (ISTC) including a period of deputation (ISTC) in another ex-cadre post held immediately preceding this appointment in the same or some other organization or department of the Central Government shall ordinarily not to exceed three years. The maximum age limit for appointment by deputation(ISTC) shall not be exceeding 56 years as on the closing date of receipt of applications.

(i) Master’s Degree in Biotechnology / Analytical chemistry or physics / forensic science from a recognized university; (ii) Three years’ experience in crime scene processing in Central Government or State Government or Union Territories or Statutory or Autonomous Organizations / Public Sector Undertakings / Universities / Recognized Research Institutions.

Note-1 Period of deputation (ISTC) including a period of deputation (ISTC) in another ex-cadre post held Position II immediately preceding this appointment in the same or some other orName of the Post: Crime Scene As- ganisation/department of the Central sistant Government shall ordinarily not to exceed three years. The maximum No. of Posts: 6* Posts on deputation age limit for appointment by depu(ISTC) basis (*subject to variation tation (ISTC) shall not be exceeding depending on vacancies) fifty-six years as on the closing date of receipt of applications. Scale of Pay : Pay Matrix Level- 7 (Rs 44,900 – 1,42,400/-) (pre-revised Note-2 For the purpose of appointPB-2 with GP Rs. 4600/-) ment on deputation basis, the service

closed. Annexure-1-A, 1-B 1-C, 1-D, 1-E & 1-F. The candidates who apply for the post will not be allowed to withdraw their candidature subsequently. • The nominations of eligible and willing officers along with following documents should reach to the SP(Adm), NIA HQ, Opposite CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003 through proper channel within 02 months from the date of publication of this item in ‘Employment News’. (i) Bio-data in prescribed proforma (Annexure-II) duly countersigned by the competent authority. ii) Attested (each page) photocopies of the APARs dossier from the year 2013-14 to 2017-18. iii) Vigilance Clearance Certificate and Integrity Certificate issued by the respective department. iv) The details of major/ minor penalties imposed on the officer during the last 10 years. • Applications received after the last date, or application of incomplete in any respect or those not accompanied by the documents/ information as per Para 3 above will not be considered. The Cadre Authorities may ascertain that the particulars sent by the officers are correct as per the records. • The eligibility criteria and application form, as well as Recruitment Rules, are also available on NIA website

rendered on a regular basis by an Eligibility Criteria for deputation officer prior to 1st January, 2006 or (ISTC) to NIA: the date from which the revised pay structure based on the 6th Central Pay A) Officers under the Central Gov- Commission recommendations has ernment / State Government / Uni- been extended, shall be deemed to be versities / recognized Research In- service rendered in the correspondstitution / Union Territories/ Public ing grade pay or pay scale extended Sector Undertakings / Semi-Govern- based on the recommendations of ment Statutory Bodies or Autono- the Pay Commission except where mous organization:there has been a merger of more than one pre-revised scale of pay into one (i) Holding analogous posts on reg- grade with a common grade pay or ular basis in the parent cadre/depart- pay scale, and where this benefit will ment; or extend only for the post(s) for which The last date of receipt of applica(ii) With five years’ service in the that grade pay or pay scale is the nor- tions is 07/03/2019. grade rendered after appointment mal replacement grade without any thereto on regular basis in the Pay upgradation. Band-2 Rs. 9300-34800 plus Grade pay of Rs. 4200 or equivalent in the parent cadre or department; and How to Apply : (B)Possessing the following educational qualifications and experiences:-

• The eligibility criteria (educational qualification, experience, etc.) are furnished in the en-



January 22nd, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 62

GoI, Ministry of HRD, Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti Recruitment 2019


Sc candidates with a background in Botany / Zoology / Life Sciences / Bio Sciences / Genetics / Microbiology / Biotechnology / Molecular Bio / Plant Physiology are encouraged to apply for Post Graduate Teacher vacancies at Ministry of Human Resource Development. Interested candidates can check out all of the details on the same below: Name of the Post: Post Graduate Teachers (PGTs) – Biology Post Code: 5 Pay Scale: Level-8 (Rs.47600151100) in the Pay Matrix

Upper Age Limit: Not exceeding 40 years Essential Qualifications: (a) Two Year Integrated Post Graduate Course from Regional College of Education of NCERT in the concerned subject with at least 50% marks in aggregate. OR Master’s Degree from a recognized university with at least 50% marks in aggregate in the following subjects.

Botany / Zoology / Life Sciences / Bio Sciences / Genetics / Microbiology / Biotechnology / Molecular Bio / Plant Physiology provided that applicant had studied Botany and Zoology at Graduation level. (b) B.Ed Degree. (c) Proficiency in Teaching in Hindi and English medium. Desirable Qualifications: (a) Experience as TGT in a recognized institution in concerned subject. (b) Experience of working in a residential school. (c) Knowledge of Computer application. How to Apply: • Candidates are required to apply Online through Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti’s website at www. and No other means/ mode of application will be accepted. • Candidates are required to have

a valid personal email ID. It should be kept active during the currency of this recruitment. The Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti through its exam conducting agency may send call letters for written test, interview etc. through the registered email ID or the same may be downloaded from the designated recruitment portal. Under no circumstances, he/she should share/ mention email ID to/ or of any other person. In case, a candidate does not have a valid personal email ID, he/she should create his/ her new email m before applying Online. The online applications should be filled carefully. Scan and upload your recent photograph, signature and thumb impression at the appropriate places as per instructions contained in the online application format and submit the same Online Login Id and password would be generated on successful submission of application and will be displayed on the screen. Candidates are advised to note down their login Id and password for future use. No fee is required to be paid by candidates belonging to SC/ ST/PH categories and Female candidates, hence, the steps for payment of fees will not be applicable to them in an online application form. Once the fee is deposited the same shall not be refunded under any circumstances. The candidates have to pay examination fee online through the prescribed link at online application. The post wise examination fee payable is as under: Principal-Rs.1500/-, Assistant Commissioner (Administration)-Rs.1500/-, PGTs­Rs.1000/-, Assistant-Rs.800/- & Computer Operator-Rs.800/-. The candidates should take print out of the online application and preserve for their record and should not send the same at the Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti’s address or any other address. The application printout will also have to be submitted during document verification at the time of interviews/document verification along with the attested copies of certificates in support of Age, Qualification,

Experience, Caste, Non-Creamy Layer, Physical disability, as applicable. • The name of the candidate or his/ her father/ husband etc. should be spelt correctly in the application as it appears in the certificates I mark sheets. Any change/ alteration found may disqualify the candidature. • Candidates are required to download the call letter from Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti’s website i.e. and Candidates may be intimated about the same through e-mail by the exam conducting agency of the Samiti. However, candidates are advised in their own interest to view Samiti’s website from time to time with regard to the call letters and other updates about written examination and interviews, as they may not get the intimation through email due to a technical fault. No correspondence would be entertained by the

Samiti nor Samiti shall send separate intimation to the candidates to this effect. • A candidate may apply for more than one post if he is eligible and desires to do so. In such cases, the candidate will have to pay the requisite fee for all the posts applied for. However, within the PGT category, a candidate shall apply only in one subject. Important Dates: • Registration Open on the designated online portal: 15th January 2019 • Registration Closes: 14th February 2019 • Fee deposit opens: 15th January 2019 • Fee Closes: 15th February 2019 • Admit Card Download Starts: From 10th March 2019 (Tentative) • Date of Written Test (Tentative): In last week of March 2019


January 22nd, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 62


Govt MSc Biotech Scientist Posts @ Haryana Public Service Commission (HPSC)


overnment jobs for msc biotechnology, biochemistry, microbiology candidates with goof pay at Haryana Public Service Commission (HPSC). Haryana Public Service Commission (HPSC) is hiring msc candidates. Interested and eligible candidates can check out all of the details on the same below: Name of the Post: Scientist-B (Group-B) No. of Posts: 01 (a) Final date for the submission of online application: 05.02.2019 upto 05:00 PM. (b) Application fees can be submitted through the online mode only: 05.02.2019 using Internet Banking or Debit Card/Credit Card up to 24:00 hrs. Midnight of the closing date using only the link provided by the Commission. (c) The online application can be filled up to 05.02.2019 by using Commission’s site after which the link will be disabled. The candidates are strictly advised to apply online well in time without waiting for final date of submission of online application. No offline application form will be accepted by the office. Eligibility with regard qualifications, experience any certificate as well as other requirements of eligibility will be determined according to last date of submission of online application forms i.e. 05.02.2019 (Final dates). Notice: • Candidates are advised to not send the hard copy of the application form. If some candidates sent the hard copy of the application form, the exact same won’t be entertained. • No. Of posts along with reservation of posts are subject to any variation. When there is any variation, the candidates will be informed through announcement displayed on Commission’s web site. • The applicants are advised/directed to retain the hard copies of the online application form together so they shouldn’t face any problem in sending the hard copy to the Commission as and when

required by the Commission in a later stage within the specified period. In case the candidate fails to submit the hard copy of the application form along with all documents relating to his claim in the application form, e.g. age, category, domicile, experience, etc., the candidature of such applicant will be considered at the further selection procedure and will be liable for being placed as not qualified for interview and therefore rejected. Haryana Public Service Commission won’t be responsible for any delay on the part of postal courier or department agencies. • It’ll be the sole responsibility of the candidates to keep a hard copy of the printed online application form with them and produce the same before the Commission as and when sought by it. The Commission won’t be responsible for any deficiency within this HARYANA PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION BAYS NO. 1-10, BLOCK-B, SECTOR-4, PANCHKULA aspect and it won’t provide any other opportunity after the final date of applying online application for downloading the hard copies of the application forms. • The post shall be regulated by Haryana State Pollution Control Board Service Rules, 2004 as notified vide no. S.O. 154/ CA 6/1974/S. 12/2004 dated 05.10.2004 which can be found at

(ii) Hindi/Sanskrit upto Matric or ed from their husbands or have been Higher Education. divorced; women living separately from their husbands for more than The scale of Pay: PB-2, Rs. 9300- two years because of desertion wives 34800 + 5400 G.P. 5. of serving disabled military personnel and widows of those who were killed Age: A Candidate shouldn’t under in action. Women living separately 17 years and not over 42 years age as from their husbands due to desertion before or on the 1st day of the month will be required to submit with their next preceding the final date of sub- application an affidavit to the effect mission of applications to the Com- that she has been deserted by her husmission. (i.e. 01.01.2019). band, and has been living separately from him for more than two years and Relaxation In Age: this affidavit should be countersigned by two responsible persons such as (A) Upper age limit is relaxable up members of the Legislature, Local to five years on general upper age Bodies including Panchayats and the limitation for the applicants belong- Bar Association. However, where a ing to these subsequent categories:woman who has remarried she would not be eligible for the above conces(i) Scheduled Castes, Backward sion in the matter of age. Classes-A & B, of Haryana State only. Application Fees: The category B) Upper age limit is relaxable up wise application fee structure payato the age of forty five years for the ble through Internet Banking, Debcandidates belonging to the following it Card and Credit Card up to 24:00 categories:hours midnight of the closing date i.e. 05.02.2019, using only the link pro(i) Un-married female candidates of vided by the Commission is as under Haryana State only. i.e. Fees paid through any other link/mode won’t be Essential Qualification: – (ii) Women whose husbands have acceptable and Commission won’t be been ordered by civil/criminal courts (i) M.Sc in First division in the to pay maintenance to them; women Chemistry/Biotechnology/Microbi- whose husbands have remarried; widology/Biochemistry/Environmental ows; women who are legally separatNext Page>>>> Sciences (with Degree in Science).



responsible for it. Note: (i) The fees won’t be reimbursed to the candidates that aren’t shortlisted for the additional selection procedure. (ii) No request for remittance of fees or with drawl of candidature from a candidate after he/she has submitted his/her online application form will be entertained under any circumstances. (iii) The candidates should deposit their fees carefully. No refund will be given if any candidate deposits fees multiple moment. How to Apply: The Candidates are advised to read the “Instructions” carefully prior to applying online. Incomplete and with no prescribed fee online application form will be rejected straightway and no correspondence will be entertained in this regard by the Commission. The Candidates are advised to apply online well in time with no waiting last date of submission of online application. • The candidate must fill all details correctly in the Online Application Form and submit it after being satisfied that each of the particulars/details is reflected in the online application form. • After submitting the online application form, Registration No. And Password will be generated and the candidate ought to take

January 22nd, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 62

print from this Registration No. And Password for his record. • After successful submission of the online Application Form, the candidates are advised to pay application fees through internet banking, debit card and credit card up to 24:00 hours midnight of the closing date i.e. 05.02.2019 using the link provided by the Commission only and thereafter to take the print out of online Application Form. • Submission of printed copy of this application form:- The applicants are advised/directed to retain the printed/hard copies of their online application form with them so they shouldn’t face any difficulty in sending the hard copy into the Commission as and if required by the Commission in a later stage within the specified period. In the event the candidate fails to submit the hard copy of the application form along with all documents regarding his claim in the application form, e.g. age, category, domicile, qualification, expertise, etc., the candidature of the candidate shall be considered at the further selection procedure and he/she would be liable for being placed as not qualified for interview and thereby rejected. Haryana Public Service Commission won’t be responsible for any delay on the part of postal courier or department agencies. It’ll be the sole responsibility of the candidates to retain a hard copy of this printed online application

form together and produce the same before the Commission as and when sought by it. The Commission won’t be responsible for any deficiency within this aspect and it won’t provide any other opportunity after the final date of applying online application for downloading the hard copies of their application forms. • Candidates are advised to fill their details in the online application form carefully e-g Name, Father’s Name, Date of Birth,Category, Qualifications, Photo & Signature, fee etc.. After final submission of online application form by the candidate, no modification will be permitted and candidate will be responsible for any mistake in the data filled in the online application form and fees paid by him/her. If the candidate feels that he/she has filled up the form erroneously, he/she needs to fill up a fresh online application form along with requisite fee prior to the final date. Fees paid before will not be adjusted against the brand new online application form. The candidates need to mention that the detail of incorrect application forms in the appropriate column of the fresh online application form. Further following submission of online application form, no amendment/change shall be entertained. Candidates will be considered contrary to the registration number for which he appeared at the Recruitment/ Screening Test and/ or appeared at the interview. (a) The benefit of reservation will be awarded only to those SC/BC-A & B

and Physical Handicapped Category Candidates who are domicile of Haryana State. (b) The applicants seeking reserve under a particular category e.g. SC/ BC-A & B, etc. ) are expected to submit the necessary Certification issued by the Competent Authority from Parental Side only. In the event of women applicants, Certification from in-laws (Husband’s side) won’t be entertained. Notice – (i) The candidates of reserved categories of Haryana for that no post is available/reserved, are able to apply for the posts of general category, if he/she meets all of the eligibility conditions i.e. age, qualification & experience etc. as meant for overall class except fees and attach a scanned copy of his/her caste certifications for claiming fees concession. (ii) The reserved category candidates belonging to other States will compete against the posts meant for general category and will be considered as general category candidates since there isn’t any reservation available for them. • Candidates applying for a post should make sure that they meet all of the eligibility conditions on the last date of application. If on verification at any time prior to or following the written exam or appointment or interview, it’s discovered they don’t meet any of their eligibility requirement or it’s found that the information furnished is false or incorrect their candidature will be cancelled.


January 22nd, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 62


Scientist Post With Rs. 80,000/- Salary pm @ University of Delhi South Campus


hD Plant Sciences and BSc Biosciences candidates are encouraged to apply for Scientist and Technical Assistant jobs at University of Delhi South Campus. University of Delhi is hiring for research positions. BSc & PhD research positions is available for candidates at University of Delhi. Check out all of the details below: Name of Posts: • Scientist ‘C’ • Technical Assistant No. of Posts:

partnership Centre on genetic manipulation of Brassicas”. Duration of the project: is till 19/12/2021. Salary: • Scientist ‘C’ – Rs. 80,000/-consolidated p.m. in the 1st year + 5% increment each subsequent years till the completion of the project) • Technical Assistant – Rs. 30,000/-consolidated p.m. in the 1st year + 5% increment each subsequent years till the completion of the project)

• Scientist ‘C’ – two positions • Technical Assistant – one position

Essential Qualifications:

Name of the Project: “DBT-UDSC

Ph. D. in Plant Sciences with at least

Scientist ‘C’

5 years of post-doctoral research ex- How to Apply: perience in the field of Molecular mapping and plant breeding and/or Interested and eligible candidates Plant Genomics and Bioinformatics. are encouraged to attend the walk-in interview as per the details are given below: Technical Assistant B.Sc. with experience in Plant Tissue Culture

Date: February 18, 2019 The venue for the interview: Committee Room, Biotech Centre, First Floor, UDSC, New Delhi

15+ Govt DRDO-DIPAS MSc Life Sciences Junior Research Fellows Recruitment


ovt jobs for MSc/BTech and MTech Life Sciences/Biotechnology and Biochemistry candidates for 16 Junior Research Fellows (JRF) Positions. Government jobs for msc/ btech and mtech life sciences/biotech & biochem candidates. DRDO Junior Research Fellowships are available as per the details that are given below: Position I Name of the Position: Junior Research Fellow (JRF) No.of Posts: 08 Post Code: JRF-01 Essential Qualifications: A) Post Graduate degree in Life Sciences Physiology/Biochemistry / Biomedical Sciences/ Biotechnology with first division wherever division or equal grading is awarded NET Qualification Or Graduate degree in professional course B.E/B. Tech) with first division and valid NET/GATE Qualification.

Or Postgraduate level in professional class (M.E/M.Tech) with first division both at Graduate and Postgraduate level. Desirable Qualifications: Preference will be given to those that have a working experience in the mentioned disciplines/areas. Age Limit: The upper age limit for the above posts is maximum of 28 years as on the closing date of receipt the time of joining. of applications. 5 years relaxation to SC/ST candidates, 3 years to OBC Age Limit: The upper age limit for candidates, and other entitled catego- the above posts is maximum of 28 ries as per Govt. rules. years as on the closing date of receipt of applications. 5 years relaxation to Position II SC/ST candidates, 3 years to OBC candidates, and other entitled categoName of the Position: Junior Re- ries as per Govt. rules. search Fellow (JRF) No.of Posts: 08

General Conditions:

Eligible applicants may send their completed application according to the format given in Advertisement by Essential Qualifications: email and appear for a Walk-in-interview at 1000 A) Qualifications same as postcode: hrs on 6th February 2019 for JRF JRF-01 at DIPAS, Lucknow Road, Timarpur, Delhi110054. B ) CSIR/ UGC/ ICMR/ DBT/ DST qualified with a valid fellowship in • Please be aware that the candiPost Code: JRF-02

dates enrolled between 0900 to 1130 hrs on the Mentioned date against posts will only be considered for walk-in-interview. • Venue for Interview: DIPAS, DRDO, Min. of Defense, Lucknow Road, Timarpur, Delhi-110054. • The post advertised is for project work of this Institute, those who are medically fit And willing to work in unfavourable environmental conditions such as High altitude, Desert Etc. only can apply. Incomplete application is liable to be rejected.

Next Page>>>>



General Conditions: • Only those candidates that have been awarded degree/provisional certification are Eligible to apply. • The offer of fellowship will under no Conditions confer on the candidates any right For absorption in DRDO. • The candidate could be Permitted to register for PhD with any university/Institution During the tenure of the fellowship. • No TA/DA is going to be compensated for attending the inter-

January 22nd, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 62

view or for joining if chosen. in original at the time of inter• Candidates working in Govt/ view. Public sector undertakings/Au- • Number of seats for JRF can detonomous bodies should send crease or increase without previtheir application through proper ous notice. • Performa of the application can channel. be downloaded from URL:http:// • Admission shall not be claimed by any candidate as a matter of right. The admission Shall be en- • The Institute has all the rights to tirely at the discretion of the Secancel the admission process/selection at any time Without any lection Committee of the Institute which may Refuse to admit reason thereof. any candidate without assigning any reason thereof. • Candidates will be required to Contact person: Dr Shweta Rawat, produce certificates/testimonials HRD Coordinator, DIPAS, Lucknow

Road, Timarpur, Delhi-110054 email: Phone no. 01123883111. Important Dates: Date, Time & Venue of Interview: 1000 hrs on 6th February 2019 for JRF at DIPAS, Lucknow Road, Timarpur, Delhi110054. Application Format

National Institute of Biologicals BSc Biosciences Lab Recruitment 2019


ooking for rewarding government job opportunities? BSc candidates with relevant qualification and experience are eligible to apply for a Laboratory Technician positions. NIB – National Institute of Biologicals is hiring for a job and you can check details on the same, given below: N o.A.2-23/2008-NIB NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF BIOLOGICALS (Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India) A-32, Sector- 62, Institutional Area Phase-II, NOIDA- 201307, U.P

Name of the Position: Lab Technician No. of Posts: (1- post)

Salary: Rs. 13,000/-P.M. (consolidated) Eligibility Criteria: (I) B.Sc or DMLT with two-three years lab experience in Medical Microbiology/Immunological lab methods. Candidate with DMLT Degree and experience in Immunological techniques will be favoured. Job Responsibilities: The Labora- ables necessary for the lab and also to tory Technician Is Needed to under- help the Lab i/c in executing the daily take the following duties: work of the Laboratory. (iv) Any other duty as assigned by (i) To perform technical laboratory the Lab in-charge, from time to time. work associated with panel prep and EQAS; How to Apply: (ii) to aid scientists in the upkeep of lab records and equipment, im- Application giving particulars in the plementation of SOPs for all labora- prescribed format along with with a tory. Techniques, implementation of current passport size photograph afguidelines for Biosafety and Biomed- fixed in the space indicated along ical Waste Management; with attested copies of certificates, (iii) to aid in the timely procurement testimonials etc. should be sent to of laboratory equipment and consum- the Administrative Officer, National

Institute of Biologicals (Ministry of Health & Family Welfare), A-32, Sector-62, Institutional Area, Neida, U.P., 201 307. The envelope containing the application form ought to be superscribed with”Application for the post of “Lab Technician (EQAS).” The last date for submission of application shall be 31st January 2019. Application Format


January 22nd, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 62


BTech Biotech & MSc Life Sciences JRF Post Vacant @ NIMHANS


Sc, Btech & MTech Biotechnology & Life Sciences vacancy for eligible candidates at NIMHANS. NIMHANS is recruiting for research vacancies for msc, btech & mtech candidates. NIMHANS recruitment January 2019. NIMHANS is hiring msc, btech & mtech candidates. Interested and eligible candidates check out all of the details below: NIMH-PROJ/SERB/NOTI/RK/ JRF/2018-19 Post Title: Junior Research Fellow (One) Project Title: “Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia: An Enigma. From clinical-genetic signatures to patient-derived cellular models for disease mechanisms ”

Name of the PI: Dr Ramakrishnan Kannan Age limit: 35 Years (age relaxation will be given for suitable Candidates) Consolidated Pay: Rs. 28,000/- + 30 percent HRA p.m Duration: 1-year Initial appointment will be made for a duration of one year with extension up to the duration of this job that is extendable course (MTech) at Biotechnology or mance at the Written cum Skill Test depending on the performance of the equal. on the day of Walk-In Interview. No candidate. TA/DA is going to be compensated for attending the written cum skill How to Apply: Educational Qualification: Post test. Graduate Degree in Life Sciences Eligible candidates meeting the criwith almost any national level entry teria might appear for WALK-IN-IN- • Venue: Committee Room, Adexam qualifications /Graduate Degree TERVIEW (Written test cum Skill ministrative Block, NIMHANS, in Professional Course (BTech) in test) with their Curriculum Vitae and Bengaluru. Biotechnology or equal with any na- Testimonials in original, in addition, • Date & time: 28.01.2019 at tional level entry exam qualifications/ to set of photocopies. Candidates will 10.00 A.M Post Graduate Degree in Professional be chosen depending on the perfor-



January 22nd, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 62


Wednesday, 23 January 2019, at 7:00 PM


Shekhar Suman CEO & Managing Director of Biotecnika Info Labs Pvt Ltd

Dr Urmimala

Dr Rashmi Sanyaal

Dr. Urmimala Ray is one of the finest faculties at BioTecNika. Other than having 10 years of teaching experience at BioTecNika, she has also polished her teaching skills through college teaching for a period of 6 years. Not only this, she is the topmost faculty at BioTecNika, who is liked by all the students. Her fluent way of teaching, upgraded vocabulary and hardworking nature are most talked about.

Rashmi Sanyal is one of the most experienced team members of Biotecnika and a dynamic teacher, favorite of all students. Coming from a research background in cancer, she specializes in Cancer Genetics, Immunology & Developmental Biology. She has a keen interest in understanding the latest developments in Biotech & Pharma Industry and is very passionate about educating the same to her students.

Dr Prabakaran Ravichandran Dr. Prabakaran Ravichandran is a Developmental Biology Expert at BioTecNika. Dr. Ravichandran is having teaching experience of about 20 years from reputed institutes. His experience does not limit itself to teaching, it extends itself to research as well. He handles courses very efficiently at BioTecNika and is appreciated by his students.students.

Dr Saba Noor

Dr Nidhi Hukku

Dr Preeti Saini

Dr Saba is 3 times JRF, Phd & a Senior professor at Biotecnika. With a vivid research background in Biochemistry, she has been inspiring students since the past several years by imparting knowledge.

Dr. Nidhi Hukku, who is a senior and experienced faculty at BioTecNika. She has a keen interest in keeping herself motivated to learn new and more. She has an expertise in Biotechnology and Microbiology and completed her Ph.D. in Biotechnology. Dr. Hukku has also been awarded at several workshops and conferences and has publications in reputed international journals.

A Ph.D. in Soil Microbiology from Punjab Agricultural University, Dr. Saini wears many hats at BioTecNika. She is involved in designing Courses, coordinating conferences and loves to educate her students about the latest from the world of Life Sciences.

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