Biotecnika Times 29th January 2019 Edition

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January 29th, 2019.

Vol. 03

NO 63


Movie Uri Attack: 5 Things Indian Govt should learn from the movie

Technique To Explore 3-D Structure of DNA in Virtual Reality

Perils of Nanoscience – Nanoparticles Can Be A Double-Edged Sword Episode 15



Voice of Biotecnika

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WHO’s Top 10 Global Health Threats For The year 2019 – A Must Read Mankind is currently challenged by infinite health issues globally. World Health Organization – WHO has released a list of Top 10 global health threats for the year 2019 in order to battle with this alarming issue.


The plan includes “ensuring 1 billion more people benefiting from access to universal health coverage, 1 billion more people being protected from health emergencies and 1 billion more people enjoying better health and well-being ...

Read more on Page 2






●● India has been the dialogue partner for ASEAN (Association of South East Asian Nations) since 1992. In 2012, on the occasion of 20th anniversary as dialogue partner, India-ASEAN celebrated commemorative ...

●● Over the past 12 Years, We have built tie-ups with all Major manufacturers of research reagents, chemicals, lab supplies, lab equipment across India, China, USA, Europe, and Russia. Thus we bring the lab Supplies directly to you without the involvement of any middlemen...

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January 29th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 63

WHO’s Top 10 Global Health Threats For The year 2019 – A Must Read Mankind is currently challenged by infinite health issues globally. World Health Organization – WHO has released a list of Top 10 global health threats for the year 2019 in order to battle with this alarming issue. THE LIST WAS COMPILED BASED ON THE FACT THAT IF THESE THREATS ARE NOT TACKLED WITHIN THE TIME IT COULD BE LETHAL FOR MANKIND. By Preety Suman

A five-year strategic plan – the 13th General Programme of Work has been framed by WHO with an aim to protect 3 billion people worldwide this year. The plan includes “ensuring 1 billion more people benefiting from access to universal health coverage, 1 billion more people being protected from health emergencies and 1 billion more people enjoying better health and well-being.” Have a look at the Top 10 global es including tobacco, alcohol conhealth threats for the year 2019 which sumption, air pollution, lack of sufficient physical activities and of course seeks urgent attention: unhealthy dietary habits. Over 85% of premature deaths are noted in lowAIR POLLUTION and middle-income countries alone. AND CLIMATE CHANGE This year WHO plans to meet the Air pollution was tagged as a “Glob- target of reducing physical inactivial Public Health Emergency” by ty by 15% by 2030 globally with the WHO a few years ago. Approximate- help of respective governments. ly 7 million people die every year due to air pollution on being exposed to GLOBAL INFLUENZA minute hazardous particles causing a PANDEMIC series of health issues, from lung & heart diseases to Cancer & Stroke. Will the world see another deadly As we extrapolate the current data by influenza pandemic? Yes, we might. 2050 due to climate change death toll The WHO forsee an upcoming influis expected to increase by multiple enza pandemic, but is not aware when & how it will strike. But we have to folds. be ready. 153 institutions in 114 counEarlier in Oct 2018, world’s first tries with WHO are constantly monGlobal Conference on Air Pollution itoring different strains of influenza and Health was held by WHO in Ge- viruses to detect signs of a pandemic. neva to address environment-related issues. It witnessed participation from Flu vaccines are made every year Health & environment concerned for which WHO advice, which strains ministers from all across the globe. should be included. In a scenario of UN Climate Summit will be held this the pandemic due to new flu strains, year around September with a goal to WHO along with its partnership with strengthen climate action and ambi- major pharma giants will ensure prompt & effective diagnostics & tion worldwide. Vaccines, keeping developing counties on the priority list. NON-COMMUNICABLE DISEASES FRAGILE AND Over 70% of deaths worldwide are VULNERABLE SETTINGS caused by Cancer, Diabetes, Heart Disease & chronic respiratory dis- 22% of the global population habieases. In other terms, over 41 million tat includes areas prone to drought & people die every year dues to these famine and are devoid of proper & non-communicable yet life threating basic health services. One of WHO’s ailments. Five major factors have prime focus this year will be to forbeen jotted that triggers these diseas- mulate proper health care systems in

such areas so that they are prepared Public Health Emergencies conferin advance to face any kind of health ence was held to discuss the challenghazards & outbreaks. es faced to tackle outbreaks & health hazards in urban areas. Year 2019 ANTIMICROBIAL will be desiagnated as “Year of action RESISTANCE on preparedness for health emergencies”. Gone by are those days when antibiotics were used to treat a common WHO has a list of diseases & pathcold. Antimicrobial Resistances has ogens ready which can declare public sent us back to an era when we were health emergency globally if gone ununable to treat infections such as checked. R&D is on priority to forpneumonia, tuberculosis, gonorrhea, mulate treatments & vaccines for disand salmonellosis. eases namely – Ebola, Zika, SARS, MERS, and other hemorrhagic fevers. Antibiotic-resistant superbugs have been declared as one of the largest WEAK PRIMARY HEALTH threat to Human global health world- CARE wide. India, in fact, tops the chart of antibiotic abusers. Resistance to tu- An adequate Primary health care berculosis drugs leads to the death of system is something which should top approximately 1.6 million people per Govt’s list of priority work to be done year. in all the countries. Not only it should be comprehensive but it should also WHO is working in close-knit with be made affordable. Yet many counorganizations in this sector to formu- tries lack these basic facilities. This late & implement global action plan year WHO aims to strengthen the prito tackle antimicrobial resistance by mary health care globally in partnerincreasing awareness & spreading out ship with the governing bodies and knowledge pertaining to judicious follow specific commitments made use of antimicrobials. by in the Astana Declaration last year in a global conference at Kazakhstan. EBOLA AND OTHER HIGH-THREAT PATHOGENS The Year 2018, saw severe Ebola outbreaks in Congo. It was declared as the second largest in history preceded by the deadly outbreaks in West Africa a few years ago that killed thousands. In December 2018, Preparedness for

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January 29th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 63

VACCINE HESITANCY Vaccine hesitancy is a term to define the hesitancy or refusal to get vaccinated. As per WHO it is the most cost-effective method of avoiding numerous deadly diseases, globally preventing deaths of as high as 2-3 million per year.

HPV vaccines. As per WHO, 2019 also might witness an end to the wild poliovirus in Afghanistan and Pakistan as last year less then 30 cases were reported. WHO pledges to vaccinate each child born this year to eradicate diseases at the ground levels. DENGUE

Two key reasons behind the refusal to vaccines are lack of confidence & With a steep rise in the number of inconvenience in accessing vaccines dengue cases globally especially in as per reports by a vaccine advisory India & Bangladesh, the race for the group to WHO. search of a cure is already on. With flu-like symptoms and a drastically WHO further plans to boost up its low level of platelet count, it has the work to eliminate cervical cancer power to kill 20% of those who enter globally by increasing the reach of severe stages of Dengue. Dengue has

been a growing threat for ages.


Yet, the HIV epidemic continues to unleash its wrath globally. Today, 37 As per stats analysis, approx 40% million people globally suffer from of the world populations are at the HIV. risk of dengue fever with a count of 390 million infections per year. WHO This year, WHO will work with aims to tackle death tolls by Dengue countries to support the introduction and reduce it to 50% by 2020. of self-testing so that more people living with HIV know their status and HIV can receive treatment (or preventive measures in the case of a negative test The research & development sector result). One activity will be to act on has shown a commendable amount of new guidance announced In Decemprogress in terms of finding a treat- ber 2018, by WHO and the Internament for HIV. There has been a rise in tional Labour Organization to support the count of people being tested at an companies and organizations to offer early stage and have received antiret- HIV self-tests in the workplace. rovirals.



January 29th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 63

Hike in Research Fellowship From February 2019 Confirmed? The nation lately saw the wrath of our researchers & scientists of India who have been vehemently protesting since past several months demanding for at least 80% hike in the fellowship. IN A RAY OF HOPE – FINAL FELLOWSHIP HIKE ANNOUNCEMENT IS LIKELY TO BE MADE IN FEBRUARY 2019 BY THE GOVERNMENT. By Preety Suman

As per The Hindu reports – two senior officials of the government have released a statement that the decision on Hike in fellowship will be released mostly by the first week of February 2019. Also, the hike range could lie in between 25-50%. Earlier on January 16th, around 2000 researchers from IIT’s, various CSIR labs & other universities were dequired budgetary increases,” the sci- Frustrating February for the researchtained by the Delhi police while they entist said. ers. were protesting in front of MHRD. Read Also: Upon analysis of the increments in Shekhar Mande, Director-General, fellowships in past, it has never ex- • Nationwide Protests For Hike in CSIR in a statement said that the deceeded 60% which was way back in Fellowship By Research Scholmand of the researchers are legitimate 2006. Detailed increment analysis can ars and the matter is being discussed with be viewed below: • Research Fellowships To Be the finance ministry. The results of Hiked In 2019: As per Media which may be out in a day or two. While the entire research communiReports ty of India awaits for this long pend- • Nationwide Protest By ReThe hike announcement is estimating announcement, bit and pieces of searchers For Hike in Fellowed to be released before the Budget/ news pertaining to hike in fellowship ship On 21st Dec’18 Vote-on-Account (Feb 1). As per sciis being released from the govern- • Researchers Take the Country entists who were a part of the hike ment’s end. Hopefully, First Week By Storm – Demand For Hike discussion meeting the hike percentof February 2019 will bring a ray of • A Letter To Govt of India Reage will be above norms. “It could hope for the researchers who have questing Hike In Research Felbe from 25-50% but not an 80-100% been demanding for their rights. lowship hike as demands were being made. Currently, financial advisors of variOnly time will tell whether February ous ministries are examining the re2019 will be a Fantastic February or a


January 29th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 63


Movie Uri Attack: 5 Things Indian Govt should learn from the movie I am sure you all have watched the Movie Uri Attack. It’s a marvelous movie. Isn’t it? MANY ARE SAYING THIS WAS ONE OF THE MOST DARING ACTS OF INDEPENDENT INDIAN ARMY EVER. WHILE I AM NOT HERE TODAY TO JUDGE ABOUT IT. By Shekhar Suman

Instead, we thought to underline some pointers which are evident from this Movie Uri Attack and this incident which can be helpful to improve Science & scientific research in our country. • Without Researchers & Scientists, you cannot defeat an enemy. Only Army is not sufficed. We can save the lives of a lot of army men if we use technology to help them • Your Most unexpected talent lies in the research assistants & Interns: You must reward them with good fellowship so that they feel encouraged & rewarded • If an enemy nation can develop nuclear weapons, Its terrorists can definitely develop biological & chemical warfare weapons in the future. So DRDO & ISRO must be encouraged & well funded to do research in this di-

rection as shown in movie Movie Uri Attack • Each time when you import technology from abroad, your enemy is well acquainted with your firepower. So encourage your scientists to develop indigenous tech to have better secrecy and at a cheaper price. • Movie Uri Attack underlined Indian Scientific organizations should be given targets just the way our Army gets and Indian Scientific Organizations should

be headed by accountable CEO’s just like our army has disciplined commanders who are willing to put their life at stake for the safety of our nation What do you think about this Movie Uri Attack, Do you think I missed some points, comment below in the comments section. Make your voice heard Remember Biotecnika is read, watched & circulated among the top

brass of government as well. So if we all voice our opinion under the aegis of this channel, Our voice will definitely be heard. Jai Hind Jai Bharat Anuj Khurana Dedicating this video of Movie Uri Attack to the nation & it’s the scientific community



January 29th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 63

He Jiankui Who Claimed to Have Created CRISPR Babies FIRED A Chinese Scientists, He Jiankui was lately under immense controversial limelight because of what he claimed he made world’s first CRISPR edited genetically modified babies. AS PER RECENT REPORTS BY STATE MEDIA, HE HAS BEEN FIRED THE SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY LOCATED IN SHENZHEN, CHINA WHERE HE WORKED. By Shekhar Suman

Earlier in November 2018, HE claimed to have modified embryonic genes of a twin baby girl – “Lulu” “Nana” born that month using CRISPR-Cas9. His announcement resulted in a wave of outcry worldwide leaving the scientists community once again question the ethical integrity & safety of this gene-editing technique. The Chinese authorities condemned He and was temporarily suspended from all research activities. Soon after the incident, a probe was ordered by the Concerned Chinese health and ethics authorities. As per official reports released by an investigating team pulled together by the Health Commission of China, He Jiankui performed the prohibited CRISPR experiments without any supervision just to seek personal fame & fortune. He himself raised funds to

carry out the experiments along with a group of people he personally recruited. As per Xinhua – the official state news agency of Guangdong Province, the head of the investigation team said that He and his colleagues along with related organizations “will be dealt with seriously according to the law” while “the suspected crimes will be handed over to the public security organs.”

The twin girls born and another lady who is pregnant currently will be overseen by Guangdong Province and will be kept under constant medical observation. Statements released by Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) on their official website stated that Jiankui had been fired effective immediately. “SUSTech will rescind the work contract with Dr. He Jiankui and terminate any of his teaching and research activities

at SUSTech,”. The statement was released in response to the reports from the Guangdong Province investigation task force. Read More: First Ever CRISPR Edited Genetically Modified Babies Made in China


January 29th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 63


Breakthrough Discovery : Self-Renewing Pluripotent Stem Cells Created In a breakthrough discovery, Researchers at UCLA have successfully created a Renewable Source Of Cancer Fighting T cells. A NOVEL TECHNIQUE FOR COAXING PLURIPOTENT STEM CELLS HAS BEEN DEVELOPED. PLURIPOTENT STEM CELLS ARE THE ONES RESPONSIBLE FOR PRODUCING EACH CELL TYPE IN OUR BODY AND NOW USING THIS TECHNIQUE IT CAN BE GROWN INDEFINITELY IN THE LAB. By Preety Suman

Under this technique, artificial thymic organoids were used that mimic the functionality of naturally occurring Thymus gland – where T cells are formed from Blood stem cells. This could revolutionize the way cancer is treated. T cells, fight infections in our body and also have the potential to kill cancerous tumor cells. Self-renewing pluripotent stem cells by this technique developed by UCLA scientists can open up new doors for cancer immunotherapy and T cell therapies for viral infections such as HIV, and other autoimmune diseases. Moreover, this technique can be used in combination with gene editing approaches to create a virtually unlimited supply of T cell, that can be supplied on a large scale to the needy patient, thus eliminating the need to use a patient’s own T cells for therapies. The study was published in Cell Stem Cell journal and was led by senior author Dr. Gay Crooks, a professor of pathology and laboratory medicine and of pediatrics and co-director of the Eli and Edythe Broad Center of Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell

Research at UCLA. Currently used T cell therapies have huge potential to treat different cancer forms. It involves collecting T cells from a patient, genetically engineering them with a receptor to recognize and destroy cancer cells, and then infusing the cells back into the patient. But in most of the cases the genetically engineered T cells don’t function well and also the treatment is heavy on the pockets of patients. This new technique developed is designed to be more accessible and affordable apart from being super effective. Crooks – director of the Cancer and Stem Cell Biology Program at the UCLA Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center along with her team previously demonstrated that the 3D structure of an artificial thymic organoid allowed mature T cells to develop from adult blood stem cells, and hy-

pothesized that they would also support mature T cell production from pluripotent stem cells.

body to reject the cells that will be transplanted.

As per the study, the artificial thymic organoids can efficiently produce mature T cells from both kinds of pluripotent stem cells namely: embryonic stem cells, which originate from donated embryos and induced pluripotent stem cells. The team could also genetically engineer pluripotent stem cells to express a cancer-targeting T cell receptor and, using artificial thymic organoids, generate T cells capable of targeting and killing tumor cells in mice.

“Our next step will be to create T cells that have the receptors to fight cancer but do not have the molecules that cause the rejection of the cells, which would be a major step toward the development of universal T cell therapies,” said Dr. Christopher Seet, the study’s first co-author and a clinical instructor in the division of hematology-oncology at UCLA in their press release.

The challenge faced by the UCLA researchers now is that the T cells generated from the artificial thymic organoids have a lining of additional unknown molecules on their surface that may not match to individual patients, this could lead the patient’s

The license for the artificial thymic organoid method for cancer therapy currently is in possession by Kite, a Gilead Company and is patented by the Regents of the University of California. FDA is yet to approve this technique for human clinical trials.

A section of an artificial thymic organoid showing T cells (outlined in red) created from human embryonic stem cells. Image Courtesy: UCLA Broad Stem Cell Research Center/Cell Stem Cell



January 29th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 63

Unknown Human Ancestor Identified Via Artificial Intelligence Researchers with the help of an artificial intelligence system have discovered an unknown human ancestor that has left behind a genomic footprint in Asian individuals. RESEARCHERS FROM THE UNIVERSITY OF TARTU – ESTONIA, INSTITUTE OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY, AND THE CENTRE FOR GENOMIC REGULATION – CRG IN SPAIN COLLECTIVELY USED A COMBINATION OF DEEP LEARNING ALGORITHMS AND STATISTICAL METHODS TO SCAN THE GENOME OF ASIAN POPULATIONS. By Preety Suman

They found a hominid that existed long ago due to breeding in between different species of ancient human – the Neanderthal and Denisovan. The findings of this study were published in Nature Communications journal. The researchers further concluded that this unknown ancestor then bred with modern humans who arrived in Asia after the ‘Out of Africa’ migration. For the first time ever, artificial intelligence – deep learning has been used by researchers to study aspects of human evolution. This study will open newer avenues of research pertaining to fields like Evolution & Human Genomics. Among the ways of distinguishing between two species is that although the two of these may crossbreed, they do not generally create fertile

In actuality, the narrative told by present human DNA blurs the traces of those constraints, preserving fragments of hominids from other species, such as the Neanderthals and the Denisovans, that coexisted with modern humans more than 40,000 decades ago in Eurasia

can continent to migrate to others, resulting in the formation of our current population. He further added that, if current data possed is to be believed that was the exact time when modern humans crossbred with Neanderthals in all the continents excluding Africa, Denisovans in Oceania and probably in South-East Asia. There is no confirmation yet on evidence suggesting crossbreed with a third extinct species.

Jaume Bertranpetit, principal investigator at the Institute of Evolutionary Biology said that “Out of Africa” occurred almost 80,000 years ago, when human population comprised of modern humans as well left the Afri-

Hitherto, the existence of the third ancestor was only a theory that would explain the origin of some fragments of the current human genome (part of the team involved in this study had already posed the existence of the

descendants. But in terms of extinct species, this concept is much more complicated.

extinct hominid in a previous study). However, deep learning has made it possible to make the transition from DNA to the demographics of ancestral populations. The current study using AI – deep learning has revealed that the extinct hominid is probably a descendant of the Neanderthal and Denisovan populations. “Our theory coincides with the hybrid specimen discovered recently in Denisova, although as yet we cannot rule out other possibilities,” said Mayukh Mondal, an investigator of the University of Tartu.


January 29th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 63


CID to Go HighTech With This Nanomaterial For Better Fingerprint Analysis Often at a crime scene, fingerprints are the most crucial aspect that aid the investigating officers in cracking the case. BUT WHAT IS LEFT OUT IS – INVISIBLE FINGERPRINTS WHICH OFTEN GOES UNDETECTED DUE TO LACK OF ADVANCED TECHNIQUES USED TILL DATE. ALSO AT TIMES, IT BECOMES EXTREMELY DIFFICULT TO ANALYZE THE NORMAL FINGERPRINTS WHICH ARE UNCLEAR. By Swarna Khushbu

A group of Indian researchers is here to the rescue with a novel nanomaterial that will overcome such difficulties and also make the process of reading latent fingerprints faster. The nanomaterial is made up of semiconductor particles which are smaller than a millimeter. All that needs to be done by the investigating officer is, scatter the nanomaterial on the surface where the fingerprint has been left behind and capture the image using the UV lamp and pro-

cess it to reconstruct the fingerprint. By doping manganese and copper atoms on zinc sulfide nanosystem the new material has been developed. Minute patterns of fingerprints such as island, fork, core and two months

old fingerprints can be identified by the nanoparticle. For the experiment, the team captured fingerprint images on different surfaces with the help of a smartphone. The Team is further planning to en-

hance the light emission efficiency of the nanomaterial. They also have plans to develop a smart mobile device for online retrieval of information and identification of latent fingerprints.



January 29th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 63

Technique To Explore 3-D Structure of DNA in Virtual Reality It’s time you’re able to dive into your DNA! MRC Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine scientists has made this wonderful tech – “CSynth”, wherein you can visualize and examine DNA’s complicated 3D stricture virtually. And Hurray! this tool is available for all free of cost. COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY AND GENE REGULATION EXPERTS: STEPHEN TAYLOR AND JIM HUGHES, RESEARCHERS IN CENTRE FOR COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY – MRC WIMM, ALONG WITH SPECIALISTS IN REAL-TIME COMPUTER IMAGES AND HUMAN-MACHINE INTERACTION AT GOLDSMITHS, UNIVERSITY OF LONDON WORKED TOGETHER TO MAKE CSYNTH. By Preety Suman

In simple terms, CSynth is a Dynamic Modelling and Visualisation Tool that enables scientists to picture a whole chromosome of DNA searchers under a project to deterin 3-D and track points of physical mine the folding patterns of DNA interaction. that code for part of the hemoglobin complex in different cells types. CSynth, unlike other applications, utilizes a blend of interactive modeThe best part is this tool is now ling with the ability to connect what available free to all. Any researcher they see in their 3-D model with the can analyze their data by uploading DNA sequence information publicly it at The tool does available online. It allows the users not require any software to be preto alter parameters and compare to installed and is pretty easy and fast different models to analyze how this to run. This public web interface of combination could affect or alter CSynth makes it extremely useful their genes and other components and can be utilized for education and in the DNA. CSynth combines its learning purposes too. state-of-the-art computational version with Virtual Reality. The University of Oxford has collaborated with MRC WIMM re-


January 29th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 63


52 New Genetic Changes Linked To Osteoarthritis Discovered In the latest study published in the Nature Genetics, Researchers from GSK, Wellcome Sanger Institute teamed up to analyze genomes of 77,052 people who were suffering from osteoarthritis. 52 NEW GENETIC CHANGES LINKED TO OSTEOARTHRITIS HAS BEEN DISCOVERED. THESE FINDINGS COULD SET A STAGE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF NOVEL MEDICINES FOR OSTEOARTHRITIS. By Preety Suman

The study mentions that Osteoarthritis affects 40 percent of individuals over age 70 and is a significant source of pain, morbidity, and mortality. Ten million people in the united kingdom alone suffer from osteoarthritis. Disease management targets the most important symptom and culminates in a joint replacement operation with varying outcomes. There’s a clear and pressing need to interpret genomic signs into druggable mechanisms of disease etiology and development, to encourage the growth of disease-modifying remedies for osteoarthritis. “We conducted a genome-wide association study for gout (77,052 instances and 378,169 controls), analyzing four phenotypes: knee arthritis, hip arthritis, knee or hip

arthritis, and some other osteoarthritis. We found 64 signs, 52 of these books, more than doubling the number of recognized disease loci. Six signals fine-mapped to one variant. We identified putative effector genes by incorporating expression quantitative trait loci (eQTL) localization, fine-mapping, and individual rare-disease, animal-model, and atherosclerosis tissue expression data,” wrote the researchers in Nature Genetics.

Working genes behind bone growth ailments, collagen formation & extracellular matrix organization biological pathways were discovered. 10 Probable effector genes including TGFB1 (transforming growth factor beta 1), FGF18 (fibroblast growth factor 18), CTSK (cathepsin K), and IL11 (interleukin 11) already have therapeutics approved or in clinical trials. Additional function genomic data

and gene activities were analyzed by the team to discover which gene cause osteoarthritis. Gene expressions were measured down to protein level. Genetic and proteomic data on tissue taken from patients undergoing joint replacement surgery were collected. By using various metrics on different data sets obtained, the researchers were able to unveil the genes likely to cause osteoarthritis.



January 29th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 63

Blood Test To Detect Alzheimer’s 16 Years Before Symptoms Manifest A Blood Marker has been identified by an international research team which they think could form the basis of a pocket-friendly simple test to monitor the development of brain damage and neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease, likely a decade or before the symptoms manifest. THE PROTEIN NEUROFILAMENT LIGHT CHAIN (NFL) FORMS A PART OF THE INTERNAL SKELETON OF BRAIN CELLS WHICH IS LATER FOUND IN CEREBROSPINAL FLUID (CSF) AND BLOOD RESULTING IN NEURONAL DAMAGE OR DEATH. By Swarna Khushbu

Mathias Jucker, Ph.D. scholar and a senior researcher at the German Center said In Past two years whatever cognitive changes that actually occurred and loss of brain mass were predicted by us. The differences in blood levels of the protein among individuals with a false version of the gene and relatives without the mutation were easily detectable 16 years before the affected participants were predicted to develop Alzheimer’s disease.

CSF collection is invasive and imaging modalities are costly; therefore, they’re not well suited to routine clinical practice,” the researchers stated.

DIAN research including individuals who carried genetic variations out of which 162 were of the unaffected relatives.

The researchers turned to a cohort of families that participate in the Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer’s Network (DIAN), which is led by Washington University in order to investigate whether NFL levels in the blood could predict the progression of neurodegenerative disease. Some of the relatives carry rare genetic variations that cause Alzheimer’s disease to grow during the carrier’s 50s, 40s or even 30s.

Researchers adding to their study said when we used serial NFL dimensions it was found that the NFL yearly rate of change can distinguish non-carriers and mutation carriers as early as 16 years before the estimated symptom onset.

Alzheimer’s disease is characterized by cortical thinning and telltale toxic deposits of amyloid-β and tau these pathological changes can be detected MRI, positron-emission tomography or by measuring amounts of amyloid-β and tau protein in the CSF, but the latter requires an invasive spinal tap. The author also explains that Changes to the brain can start many years before clini- 405 people were observed by the cal symptoms of neurodegenerative researches who were engaged in the disorders become apparent.

It will be important to verify our findings from late-onset Alzheimer’s disease and to specify the timeframe over which neurofilament changes must be assessed for optimum clinical predictability,” said Tucker, who directs the DIAN research in Ger-

many. “This is something which would be simple to incorporate into a screening test in a neurology clinic,” stated co-author Brian Gordon, PhD, an assistant professor of radiology at Washington University’s Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology”We supported it in people with Alzheimer’s disease since we understand their brains experience lots of, but this mark is not specific for Alzheimer’s. High levels could be a sign of several different neurological diseases and injuries.” But he confessed, “We are not at the stage we could tell people,’In five years you will have dementia,’


January 29th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 63


Apple’s ECG Watch With J&J To Undergo Large Scale Clinical Testing Janssen Pharmaceuticals – a member of the Johnson & Johnson group of companies along with Apple Inc will be conducting an intensive research study to investigate the efficient functioning of J&J’s new heart health program app in combination with Apple Watch’s irregular rhythm notifications and ECG app. THE MOTIVE BEHIND IS TO CHECK IF IT CAN ACCELERATE THE EARLY DIAGNOSIS AND IMPROVE HEALTH IN PATIENTS LIVING WITH ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (AFIB). By Swarna Khushbu

After a survey conducted by Johnson & Johnson across the world, it was found that more than 33 million people have atrial fibrillation which results in 130,000 deaths and 750,000 hospitalizations annually. The Apple Watch with ECG function and irregular heartbeat notifications went live last month after FDA give them a go. Under the agreement made, this watch will be paired with Johnson & Johnson developed patient engagement app in order to improve cardiovascular outcomes and prevent strokes. A multi-year research program will be launched in the U.S only later in 2019 and will be designed to enrolling participants with age 65 and older to conduct the study. Paul Stoffels, M.D., Vice Chair of the Executive Committee and Chief Scientific Officer, Johnson & John-

son in a press release by J&J said that most of the people with AFib are unaware are unaware of the risks they are prone to. Via this collaboration – early detection, diagnosis & treatment will be made possible which would improve the outcomes. He also added that after analyzing the results of this study they can come up with newer ways to detect other health conditions earlier in the future that also exhibit measurable physiological symptoms.

“Through Apple Watch people have been able to learn more about their heart health, including discovering they have AFib. This kind of information empowers customers to follow up with the right treatment or even better, implement healthy habits aimed at prevention,” said Jeff Williams, Chief Operating Officer, Apple Inc. “We’re excited to work with Johnson & Johnson, a leader in the medical community, as we learn about the impact Apple Watch

can have in delivering better health outcomes.” This team-up of Johnson & Johnson’s expertise in treating cardiovascular disease and Apple’s experience in utilizing cutting-edge technologies to improve the lives of consumers is expected to improve the lives of many people on a large scale.


collection, stress levels, and diet.

NCL researchers via their experiment showed that low albumin level in the blood leads to glycation of both albumin and hemoglobin. With a decrease in albumin levels or if it gets saturated with bound glucose, proteins like hemoglobin are exposed to glucose and their glycation increases. Thus for predicting the onset of diBy Preety Suman abetes in patients, levels of albumin and glycated albumin can also be Till date for diabetes diagnosis, measured. glycated hemoglobin (percentage of glucose bound to hemoglobin) lev- While speaking to India Science el in the measured which the WHO Wire, “Levels of glycated hemoglohas also prescribed. But the tests re- bin in blood are influenced by many sults for fasting blood sugar levels factors like anemia, iron deficiency, are seen to vary drastically due to pregnancy. The current analytical various external factors like time of methods do not accurately measure

glycated hemoglobin,” explained Dr. NCL Pune teamed with Ambika G. Mahesh Kulkarni, author of the re- Unnikrishnan from Chellaram Diabetes Institute, Pune. search study”. Dr. Kulkarni also added that their study provided them with an insight into how albumin levels influence glycated hemoglobin. He said that for better diagnosis and management of diabetes both glycated albumin levels and glycated hemoglobin levels. His team would also be interested to measure albumin and glycated albumin levels in the large diabetic cohort to validate their study results. In this research, Dr. Mahesh Kulkarni was accompanied by Mashanipalya G. Jagadeeshaprasad & Vinashya Venkatasubramani from

(The Hindu BusinessLine)



January 29th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 63

First Human Trial For Stem Cell Based AMD Therapy By NIH Age-related macular degeneration – AMD is a widely occurring disease that affects more than 1 million people a year in India. IT IS CHARACTERIZED BY LOSS OF THE CENTER OF THE FIELD OF VISION. RETINAL PIGMENT EPITHELIUM (RPE) IS A THIN CELL LAYER THAT NOURISHES THE PHOTORECEPTORS LACK OF WHICH LEADS TO THE LOSS OF VISION IN AMD. By Pretty Suman

Scientists at NIH’s National Eye Institute (NEI) have developed a stem cell-based therapy to prevent blindness in AMD cases, which have shown promising results from animal-based data and now is all set for Human-based clinical trails.

designed to promote integration once The AMD therapy designed by they reach the retina. NEI works by replacing prone to die RPE cells thus preventing vision While experimentation of the therapy loss. in pigs and rats models, the lab-grown RPE cells successfully integrate with Blood samples were collected from the host body retina within 10 weeks AMD patients and were converted after the RPE were implanted, the reinto Induced pluripotent stem cells searchers said and the degeneration iPSCs which were further directed of retina’s in the animal model was to become RPE tissue. The iPSC-de- reversed. The expression of the gene rived RPE cells were further grown RPE65 by The RPE cells upon Imto replicate the way it occurs natural- munostaining confirmed that the cell ly – in a single layer. The RPE was layer had reached a level of maturity grown on on a biodegradable scaffold necessary for regenerating visual pig-

ment within the photoreceptors. Even the electric pulses recorded from the photoreceptors showed positive results.

cells. But the NIE researchers have confirmed that their therapy is designed specifically to such avoid cancer-causing mutations.

The concept of reversing a damaged tissue into a healthy one via stem cell-based therapy has been used by researchers worldwide, ranging from Eye diseases to malignant cancers conditions. iPSC’s therapeutic use in humans has been a major concern lately due to a fear that it can propagate uncontrollably and give rise to cancerous

Kapil Bharti, Ph.D., head of the NEI Unit on Ocular and Stem Cell Translational Research and the lead investigator said that if the phase 1 trial moves ahead it would be the first ever to test a stem cell-based therapy derived from induced pluripotent stem cells for treating a disease.


January 29th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 63

Wonder Flexithick Material Discovered by Scientists WEEKLY PODCAST

Episode15 In this exhilarating podcast – Voice of Biotecnika (Episode 15) we are going to enlighten you about the perils of nanoscience. Beware! Nanoparticles can be a Double-Edged Sword! Dive into the world of Nanoscience & Nanotechnology. Gain in-depth knowledge about the use of nanoscience in the field of Biotechnology. An important question whether proper regulations should be laid down for using nanoparticles in optimum concentrations without affecting the human health and environment has also been discussed. Listen to the podcast below and do share your views on the same. The more we discuss, the better solutions we can come up with. Voice of Biotecnika by Dr. Violet Senapati




January 29th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 63

Important Questions You Must Ask During a PhD interview For Ph.D. admission, institutes and universities usually conduct interviews for selection of meritorious candidates. Once selected in an interview, the candidate will have to list their faculty preference as well. IT IS IMPORTANT TO DO A THOROUGH CHECK AND MATCH THE GUIDES INTEREST WITH YOUR INTEREST. By Rashmi Sanyal

While at it, there may be a chance given where you may ask questions back to the panelist/faculties. Here are some examples of common questions that candidates may ask. Possible answers are also mentioned along with which you may receive from the interviewer. This will help you plan in advance to frame a counter-reply or additional questions during the interview. Remember, this is a crucial moment that will decide your research career, hence it is better to be pre- students to regularly present their pared in advance for all stages. ideas/work/any random publication. This develops reading skills. A guide Question 1: What are the supervi- may insist the student to learn varision arrangements for the project? ous techniques, this increases their skill-sets. In some research institutes, Possible Answer: Generally, a Ph.D teaching may also be a part of the candidate will be expected to have a curriculum. This allows the student to basic idea of various techniques. Ini- develop their communication skills. tially, an induction will happen when Some labs encourage article writing a new student joins a lab. During this so that it becomes easy for a student time a candidate must try and learn while formulating their thesis at the as much about the lab and its work end of the tenure. These programs as possible. The student may either differ from lab to lab and hence, a be comfortable on a daily/weekly/ candidate must be inquisitive and acmonthly follow-up with the guide as tive and hungry to learn for the guide per his availability, to keep him up-to- to show interest. date. The student must follow a regular habit of reading to come up with Question 3: Will I have opportuninew ideas and faster techniques. ties to teach / present / publish? Supervision of a project is usually given to a senior member of the lab. They become the mentor for the student. Any protocols or experimental analysis can be shared with the mentor. A step by step plan of execution has to be made. Once the student is confident with his work and is accustomed to the lab usage, the guide may allow the student to execute the project independently. The final reports are discussed with the guide for further insight into the project.

Possible Answer: In some institutes, it is mandatory for an SRF to teach. Hence, this can be asked from the student and if the opportunity is given, it must be taken with delight. Teaching others can increase the subject knowledge of the candidate. Usually, towards the start of a project, a candidate may be asked to regularly present the understandings of other research papers. This increases confidence and generates a lot of ideas for the upcoming project. A PhD is incomplete without a paper presentaQuestion 2: What kind of training tion. It depends upon the success rates and skills sessions are offered as of the experiments, a student may end part of the Ph.D. programme? up having multiple publications before submission of the thesis. This Possible Answer: greatly increases work credibility. Generally, towards the start of the Question 4: How many other project, a guide may instruct their Ph.D. students has this supervisor

seen to completion?

Possible Answer: A lot of institutes run parallel projects with Ph.Ds. Possible Answer: Generally, a lab There are conferences and paper preshas roughly 5-10 PhD students and entations that are held to increase disresearch associates/trainees. One of cussion and knowledge depth within the senior students is allotted for in- young minds. A lot of institutes aldividual mentoring of the new joiner. low teaching as a part-time occupaIt is vital to check how many vacan- tion along with Ph.D. Some make cies a guide has before joining him. this compulsory. Such opportunities Also, it is important to check how if presented must be utilized. This many students have qualified in the can be checked from the institute/lab past academic year. This will give the webpage as well. candidate a fair idea of the guides efficiency to help. However, it has to be Question 7: In case the CSIR/ kept in mind that a supervisor is there ICMR/ICAR fund completion date to help whenever stuck and not to do approaches and my project submisthe PhD on your behalf. sion is not yet complete, will I be eligible for any stipend? Question 5: Are there likely to be any changes to the funding ar- Possible Answer: Certain universirangements for the project? ties/labs that obtain a good amount of research grants may have their own Possible Answer: A valid question stipend provisions. However, if a stuto check since the entire 5 years a stu- dent brings in their own funding, the dent is dependent on the stipend and institute may not extend any stipend the project is dependent on the fund- beyond it. If the student does not coming. If either one fails, it becomes a fi- plete the project before his fellowship nancial burden, and may even lead to expires he may approach the guide termination of the project. Before the for an alternative solution. Either he beginning of a project it is best to jot may be allowed to earn while teachdown a flow chart and a budget, that ing or he may get a part of the stipend can be worked upon. The funding has allotted. In some cases, a student may to be used efficiently. In case there is be refused both as per the lab/institute a funding change or halt, the backup rules. plans must be thought beforehand. It is best to discuss this with the guide up front. Question 6: Is the university or department likely to run any events or other associated projects during the period of my PhD ? Next Page>>>>

January 29th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 63

Question 8: Are there any collabo- their experimental procedures to othrations of the supervisor’s lab with er labs with which they work in colrelated international laboratory? laboration. Such information must be discussed with the guide for smooth Possible Answer: This question is execution of PhD work. important pertaining specifically to the students who are interested in pur- Question 9: What exactly will be suing their post-doctorate in interna- my topic of research in the big reptional labs. Many renowned scientists ertoire work carried out in the suhave collaborations with multiple na- pervisor’s lab? tional and international laboratories where a part of their area of interest is Possible Answer: Many a time, carried out. This increases the scope multiple research is been carried in a and quality of research which is car- wide area of research in different labried out in the laboratory of the su- oratories. Firstly identify your area of pervisor. At a time a PhD student also interest and match with that of your gets an opportunity to carry out a part supervisor’s interest. Defining preof his research in an international lab cise objectives is very essential bewhich also increases his/her scope fore starting your PhD work. Hence of getting selected in that lab for by having a discussion with your post-doctorate and also increases the supervisors, you will get a proper quality and weightage of his/her PhD. perspective about your path for your methodology design and other PhD Some labs also outsource part of work.

CAREER ADVICE A lot of institutes also ask for SOPs from a student before their enrollment. This is a vital document as it shows the students interest match with the lab and the techniques that the student would like to work upon. It also highlights one’s logical interpretation and problem-solving skills. Discussion on this while enrollment may aid in the topic selection process. Question 10: Have someone already done introductory work on your topic in the supervisor’s lab? Possible Answer: In some cases, a project fellow may have been assigned a part of your project work. The results in that project would have opened the gateway to a lot of other research proposals. If so, this will help the student understand the subject precisely by the guidance of his/her seniors thus eventually helping him/


her for designing objectives. Laboratory and literature review work which is carried out in the introductory work gives a direction about what and how much is the scope of exploration in the topic of interest. If no, then students need to perform pilot studies and read an enormous amount of literature for an entirely new topic that he/ she wishes to carry out. This too is exciting as you will be one of the pioneers to carry out new explorations on the topic. As important as it is to select a good candidate for research it is important for a candidate to select a good guide and project. If the work falls within their passion, no task will seem difficult. Hence, as much possible, groundwork must be done before approaching the final interviews !!



January 29th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 63

ASEAN-India Research Training Fellowship (AI-RTF) – Official Notification Check out the official notification for the ASEAN-India Research Training Fellowship (AI-RTF) 2019. Biological sciences candidates apply for the ASEAN-India Research Training Fellowship. AI-RTF 2019 NOTIFICATION IS OUT. FOR MORE DETAILS ON THE FELLOWSHIP MAKE SURE TO CHECK BELOW: By Diluxi Arya

Introduction: India has been the dialogue partner for ASEAN (Association of South East Asian Nations) since 1992. In 2012, on the occasion of 20th anniversary as dialogue partner, India-ASEAN celebrated commemorative Summit and declared enhancement of its relations to strategic level. India S&T Collaboration started formally in 1996 with establishment of ASEAN India S&T working Group (AIWGST). Initially, the collaborative ASEAN-India S&T activities were supported through ASEAN India Fund (AIF). In 2008, Government of India established a dedicated fund viz ASEAN India S&T Development Fund (AISTDF) to support R&D projects and associated project development activities. The total budget of AISTDF is an equivalent amount of 5 Million USD in INR. This amount of 5 Million USD is jointly shared by Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) and Department of Science & Technology (DST). The Department of Science & Technology is the nodal Department for execution and implementation of ASEAN-India S&T Cooperation program from Indian side. The Plan of Action of the ASEAN-INDIA PARTNERSHIP FOR PEACE, PROGRESS AND SHARED PROSPERITY (2016-2020), implements the goals and objectives of the ASEAN-India Partnership for Peace, Progress and Shared Prosperity on 30 November 2004 in Vientiane, Lao PDR, and the Vision Statement of the ASEAN-India Commemorative Summit, adopted by the Leaders of ASEAN and India on 20 December 2012 in New Delhi, India. Through the implementation of this Plan of Action, ASEAN and India will work towards supporting the ASEAN Community building and integration process,

including the ASEAN Community’s Post-2015 Vision, for a politically cohesive, economically integrated, socially responsible and a truly people-oriented, people-centered and rules-based ASEAN, narrowing the development gap and enhancing ASEAN Connectivity. Both sides will also further promote cooperation in addressing common and emerging challenges and enhance coordination in other international forum on issues of common concern to contribute to overall peace, stability and prosperity.

AN-India Science and Technology Development Fund; In order to support and facilitate mobility among young talented researchers of ASEAN MS, India and ASEAN instituted the scheme ASEAN-India Research Training Fellowship (AIRTF) Scheme for ASEAN young researchers to work at any of the Indian research/ academic Institution OBJECTIVES:

The AIRTF scheme is a fellowship The main objectives of ASEAN-In- scheme with the following objecdia Science, Technology and Inno- tives: vation cooperation are based on the • To promote mobility of scientists following principlesand researchers from the ASEAN-Member Countries to India • Encourage and promote cooperand provide them the opportunity ation in science, technology and to work at Indian R&D/ academic innovation, including through institutions to upgrade their rejoint research activity, and develsearch skills and expertise. opment on cross-sectoral areas such as health, communicable and • To facilitate the exchange of information and contacts between emerging infectious diseases, enthe scientists and researchers of vironmental management, climate India and ASEAN Countries and change adaptation and mitigation create a network for building remeasures, agricultural technolosearch collaborations. gies, alternative energy, biodiversity, food processing, advanced materials for development of As a spin-off, the Fellowship awarvalue-added products, and space dees may also have the opportunity to get co-supervisors from India for their technology and applications; • Encourage and promote cooper- research projects for PhD or Masters ation in biotechnology including degree on their return to their home through capacity building and countries. joint research and development NUMBER OF FELLOWSHIPS: for mutual benefit; • Undertake activities and develop program/projects under the ASE- Initially to start with 50 (fifty) Fellowships per year shall be awarded to

young scientists and researchers from ASEAN-Member Countries to get affiliated with Indian academic and R&D institutions. These Fellowships shall be equally distributed among ASEAN Member Country. Initially, 5 Fellowship shall be allocated for each ASEAN country. However, this number could be re-adjusted in accordance with the number of applicants from respective each ASEAN MS. DURATION OF FELLOWSHIPS: The duration of the Fellowship will be for a period of two to six months. A minor variation in the duration would be allowed on recommendations of the Indian host Institute/ University depending upon the actual requirement of the research project as mutually agreed between the Fellowship holder and the Indian host institution. AREAS IN WHICH FELLOWSHIPS ARE AVAILABLE The area/ topic of research for availing AIRTF must be ASEAN centric and must be aligned with the ASEAN Plan of Action on Science, Technology and Innovation (APASTI)-2016-2025. A copy of the APASTI is placed at Appendix-I. Fellowship will be offered for work-

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January 29th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 63

ing in research topics under any of the following broad disciplines: • Agricultural Sciences • Biological and Medical Sciences • Chemical Sciences & Engineering • Computer Science & Engineering • Physical Sciences and Mathematics • Ocean, Earth & Atmospheric Sciences • Engineering Sciences • Materials, Minerals and Metallurgy • Science Policy / IPR Management / Technology Transfer & Commercialisation • Other multi-disciplinary areas of Science, Technology and Innovation in alignment with APASTI. ELIGIBILITY AND REQUIREMENTS: • Applicant must be holding the nationality of any of the ASEAN Member State. • Possess at least a Masters Degree in any Natural Sciences or an equivalent degree in Technology / Engineering / Medicine / allied disciplines. • Applicant should be working/ studying and/or affiliated to any national R&D or academic institution in his/ her home ASEAN Member country. The application should be endorsed by the Head of his/ her institution confirming that if selected, he/ she will be sanctioned leave for the Fellowship period and will join his/ her duties back in the institution on completion of the Fellowship in India. • The upper age limit for the applicant is 45 years as on date of submission of application. • The Applicants who have already availed Research Training Fellowship(RTF) are not eligible to apply again. • Fluency in the English language • Indian nationals are not eligible for the Fellowship.

- All international travel related expenses ie round trip international airfare by excursion/ economy class by shortest route from the international airport in the home country of the applicant to the international airport nearest to the host institution in India; visa fees, overseas medical insurance etc. - A consolidated Fellowship amount of Indian Rupees (INR) 50,000 per month (non-taxable) for accommodation, meals and other miscellaneous. - One-time grant of INR 40,000/- for 6 months period for research contingency expenses, airport transfers, domestic travel (by road) for attending scientific /events and field-trips within India, and Institutional overhead charges @ Rs. 2,500/- per month.

ship shall be withdrawn.

The selected Fellow is advised to take an appropriate policy for health insurance coverage for the period of stay in India. The cost for obtaining overseas insurance policy is covered and reimbursable under AISTDF.


• During their tenures, Fellows • shall not, either in or outside the host institution, infringe in any way on the human rights of others, including racial or gender discrimination or other forms of abuse. • Fellows shall stay in India continuously during the tenure of the • fellowship and concentrate on their scientific work at the host institution. Fellows shall not engage in other work, either paid or unpaid, during their tenure. • The Fellows shall follow the rules of the host institution and shall not undertake any acts of research misconduct, e.g., fabricating or • falsifying research results and The allowance as in (a), (b) and (c) misuse of research funds. will be released to the host institution • A Fellow shall submit a research in India for disbursement to the Felreport to the DST / FICCI and low. The host Institution will arrange ASEAN Secretariat / ASEAN appropriate accommodation for the COST on completion of his/ her Fellow on payment basis. tenure.

2. Individual Fellow, or his/ her government/institution, is required to bear the following costs: - All expenses in the home country incidental to travel abroad, including expenditure incurred to obtain passport and visa and for medical examinations and vaccinations as may be required as well as other miscellaneous expenses such as internal travel to/ from the international airport of departure in the home country. - Salary and other related allowances in the home country, if applicable, during the Fellowship period.

1. Only online applications will be accepted. Hard copies of the application by post/ courier/ FAX are neither required nor will be considered. 2. The Applicant should submit the application online along with the following enclosures: • Copy of Relevant Pages of Passport • Copy of an endorsement from present employer, duly filled in and signed, along with Signature of the applicant. Take a print out of the format of Endorsement of Present Employer appended at the end of the Application format and attach a scanned copy of the appropriately filled up document along with the application form). • A copy of the letter/email from any Indian scientist/ institution with consent to accept you to work with them if you get selected.

3. Neither the AISTDF nor the host institution in India will assume any responsibility whatsoever for the following expenditure of the Fellows during the tenure of the Fellowship: - Compensation in the event of death, MANAGEMENT & EXECU- disability or loss of personal belong- Download the Format for EndorseTION: ings or compensation for damage ment letter from present Employer caused by climatic or other condiRTF Program shall be managed and tions. • It is strongly advised that the apimplemented by Federation of Indian - Travel and other costs incurred by plicant, in his/ her own interest, Chambers of Commerce & Industry the dependents, who might accompashould make a prior contact with (FICCI), New Delhi. ny the Fellows. an Indian institution, where work is in progress in his/ her area of FINANCIAL AND OTHER OBLIGATIONS OF THE AIinterest, or with a concerned sciTERMS & CONDITIONS RTF FELLOWS entist in India, and obtain consent that the applicant, if selected for 1. Full financial assistance will be The Fellows will observe the reguthe Fellowship, will be accepted provided to the selected Fellows lations and procedures stipulated beto work in the institution on the which will include the following:low. If they fail to do so, the Fellowproposed research project. A copy


of such consent letter should be enclosed with the application. In this connection, a suggestive list of Indian academic and R&D institutions has been enclosed with this Announcement to help the applicant, but the applicant is free to contact any other institution in India for his/ her affiliation. If the applicant is not able to secure such prior consent, the IMRC Division DST will facilitate to connect the applicant with a suitable matching Indian institute on the basis of the information provided by the applicant and the research proposal submitted along with the application. Securing a prior consent from an Indian institution/ scientist does not guarantee the selection of an applicant. All applications received will be scrutinised by ASEAN Secretariat which in turn shall recommend /forward the application to IMRC Division DST for consideration and support. IMRC Division DST shall make final decision based on the quality of the research proposal submitted by the applicant, applicant’s academic merit and available slots in the Fellowship scheme. The completed applications / proposals can be submitted ONLINE throughout the year in two cycles ending 30th June and 31st December each year.

For More Information About AI-RTF program, please contact Mr.Raj Kumar Sharma or Mr Dimas Adekhrisna ( or Ms. Ritika Kishore ( View Notification APPLY ONLINE



January 29th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 63

DBT Wellcome India Alliance – Clinical and Public Health Research Fellowships 2019 DBT Wellcome India Alliance – Clinical and Public Health Research Fellowships 2019. Call for Applications: Clinical and Public Health Research Fellowships 2019. Interested candidates can check out all of the details on the scheme, details, application proccedure, important dates and more below: THE WELLCOME TRUST/DBT INDIA ALLIANCE INVITES APPLICATIONS FOR THREE FELLOWSHIP SCHEMES: EARLY CAREER FELLOWSHIPS, INTERMEDIATE FELLOWSHIPS, AND SENIOR FELLOWSHIPS. By Diluxi Arya

Eligibility: Eligibility limit covers the entire range of Clinical and Public Health Research Fellowship schemes. • No age or nationality restrictions • The applicants need to not be resident in India while applying but should be willing to set up an independent research career in India. • Clinicians and Public health researchers do not require a PhD to apply. • This competition is open for clinicians and public health researchers with up to 15 years of post-MD/MS/MPH/PhD or equal clinical/public health research experience. • Applicants are advised to choose the most appropriate scheme suitable for them according to their qualification, research experience, career trajectory, and track record. • Please refer to the guidance notes, provisions, and mandate of this scheme for assessing your eligibility on the site. The office reserves the right to advise on the suitability of the scheme accordingly. Early Career Fellowship: For all those candidates who have shown promise to pursue research and wish to further their efforts to build a research career under the supervision of a Fellowship Supervisor. Guidance note: suitable for applicants in the final year MD/MS/MPH/PhD or have around 4 years of relevant experience. Intermediate Fellowship: For all those candidates that have been successful in building a track record of pursuing cutting edge research and

wish to establish their own independent clinical/public health research program in India. Guidance note: suitable for applicants with 4-7 years of pertinent experience. Senior Fellowship: For all those applicants that have demonstrated their potential to lead an independent research program and want to expand it further to undertake pioneering research. Guidance note: suitable for applicants with 7-15 years of pertinent experience. Remit: Full spectrum of biomedical science involving clinical and public health research. Provisions: The 5-year Fellowship support provides: • Interested clinicians the opportunity to pursue their research goals in combination with their clinical duties • Competitive personal support • Generous research support together with the flexibility to accommodate the requirements of public and clinical health research • Flexibility to ask additional support staff • Support training cost and research sabbatical • Funding for International training and travelling • Opportunity to pursue a PhD on the India Alliance-funded research Essentials on the application:

• A research proposal that seeks to answer an original biomedical research question • A not-for-profit Host Institution in India that will administer the Fellowship for the complete duration of the award. A salaried position or commitment to a salaried position in the Host Institution is not required. • A Sponsor in the Host Institution, that will guarantee resources and space for the duration of this award. • In the event of an Early Career Fellowship, a Fellowship Supervisor, that will guarantee access to lab space and resources necessary for the project in addition to provide relevant scientific guidance for the tenure of their Fellowship. Application procedure: Application forms will be on the India Alliance Online application System (IASys) from 16 January 2019, 9 am IST. The preliminary applications deadline is 13 February 2019, 2 pm IST. Additional information regarding the remit, provisions and application process is available here.



January 29th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 63


Fulbright-Nehru Excellence Scholarship 2020-2021 Fulbright-Nehru Academic and Professional Excellence Fellowships 2020-2021 official notification is out. INDIAN NATIONALS ARE ENCOURAGED TO APPLY FOR THE FULBRIGHT-NEHRU ACADEMIC AND PROFESSIONAL EXCELLENCE FELLOWSHIPS 2020-2021 IN AREAS OF BIOSCIENCES AND AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES, AS PER THE DETAILS THAT ARE GIVEN BELOW: By Diluxi Arya

The Fulbright-Nehru Academic and Professional Excellence Fellowships aim to provide Indian faculty, researchers, and professionals the chance to teach, conduct research, or carry out a combination of research and teaching at a U.S. institution. Based upon the U.S. host institution, it’s very likely that the grantee may contribute towards developing curriculum and conducting seminars and workshops. These fellowships are for four to nine months. If you’re applying for a Flex Award, the minimal duration of the entire grant is four months and the maximum is six months. Applications are encouraged in the following fields only: Agricultural Sciences; Anthropology; Bioengineering; Climate Change Sciences; Computer Science (including, but not Limited to, cyber security, digital economy, quantum computing, artificial intelligence, machine learning and big data analytics); Economics; Education Policy and Planning; Energy Studies; History; International Law; International Security and Strategic Studies; Materials Science (with focus on environmental applications); Mathematical Sciences; Neurosciences; Performing Arts; Physical Sciences; Public Health; Public Policy; Sociology; Urban and Regional Planning (with emphasis on smart cities and waste management); Visual Arts; and Women’s and Gender Studies. Research Applicants should demonstrate the relevance of this proposed research to India and/or the U.S., its advantage to the applicant’s institution, the feasibility of accomplishing this research goal within the specified period, and

also the requirement to execute the research in the U.S. Teaching Indian academics and professionals contribute to the internationalization of the curriculum at their U.S. host institutions and the understanding of recent developments not just in India but internationally. The recipient will be connected as a visiting scholar at a U.S. institution and will teach classes individually or team-teach. Teaching applications are particularly welcome. Research and Teaching Applicants will carry out a combination of teaching and research activities at the U.S. host institution. They need to specify the percentage of this grant for each activity and define this in the project statement. As an example, if you’re planning to spend 60 percent of your grant length for research and 40 percent for teaching, your project statement should demonstrate this allocation. Teaching could comprise courses (individually or team-taught) or a series of seminars at the U.S. institution. Flex Awards Flex Awards are made for scholars who need multiple visits to the U.S. and for people who find it hard to leave their home institutions during the academic year. This option enables permits to be conducted over short segments, preferably through

the fall and/or spring semesters. Interested applicants must clearly indicate plans for Flex in their project statement, such as a project timeline. Flex grant parameters: • Only offered for research grants. • Minimum duration of the entire grant is four months and the maximum is six months; • The grant should possess two segments. The minimum length for any grant segment is 1 month and the maximum is three months; • Applicants may propose onemonth segment only once; • Grant segments might be spread over two consecutive years; • Grants could begin any time from August 2020. Grants must start by March 31, 2021; • Grant activities should be completed by August 31, 2022; and No more than 25 percent of their total Fulbright-Nehru Academic and Professional Awards will be considered for its Flex option. USIEF will consider around seven Flex Grants. A maximum of 2 round-trip economy class air tickets to the grantee only will be provided (one ticket per trip). In addition to their own research activities, Flex scholars agree to undertake activities recommended by USIEF, such as: engaging with the host institution academic community, participating in seminars, giving public talks, and mentoring students. Applications that propose grant periods throughout the host institution’s academic year are favoured. Scholars

who would like to go to the host institution out the academic year will have to demonstrate clearly how they will engage with all the host institution community. Affiliation You’ll be affiliated to a U.S. host institution on your grant. USIEF strongly recommends all applicants to identify institutions with which they want to be affiliated and also to correspond, in advance, with potential host institutions. In case you’ve secured a letter of invitation from a U.S. institution, please include it as part of your online application. Grant Benefits The fellowships provide J-1 visa support, a monthly stipend, Accident and Sickness Program for Exchanges each U.S. Government guidelines, roundtrip economy class air travel (two round-trip economy class air tickets for Flex), a modest settling-in allowance, plus a professional allowance. Subject to availability of funds, in the event of grantees on nine or eightmonth grants, a dependent allowance and global travel may be provided for one accompanying eligible dependent provided the dependent is with the grantee in the U.S. for 80 percent of

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January 29th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 63

How to Apply: • Applications must be submitted on line at: fvsp2020 • Please carefully review the FNAPE Applicant Instructions before starting your online application • Please refer to FNAPE Applicant Checklist before submitting this application. • In addition, you have to complete and upload the following documents on your online application: 1. FNAPE Applicant Annexure 2. FNAPE Letter of Support from Home Institution Application Due Date: July 15, 2019, 23:59:59 hrs (IST) IMPORTANT:

the grant period. Flex grantees aren’t eligible for dependent benefits. Eligibility Requirements: In addition to the General Prerequisites: • Faculty/researchers should have a PhD degree or equivalent published work with at least five years of applicable teaching/re-

search expertise; s/he should follow the instruc• professionals outside academe tions carefully regarding need to have a master’s degree or • Letter of Support from Home Inequivalent published work with stitution. The employer must indicate that leave will be allowed established professional standing and at least five years of relevant to the fellowship period. The apexperience; plicant should obtain the endorse• the applicant must upload a rement from the appropriate admincent significant publication (copy istrative authority on the Letter of Support from Home Institution. of paper/article) from the internet application; and • When the candidate is employed,

• You can apply for only ONE Fulbright-Nehru fellowship category during a competition cycle. • Plagiarism in the application will lead to disqualification. • Unless otherwise specified, Fulbright-Nehru applications are to be submitted online. • Applications received after the deadline will NOT be considered. • Extensions and transfers of visa sponsorship will not be permitted. View Notification


January 29th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 63


CAS-TWAS President’s PhD Fellowship Programme The notification for the CAS-TWAS President’s PhD Fellowship Programme 2019 has been released. Interested and eligible candidates can check out all of the details regarding the scheme, the eligibility, the fields of research, the application procedure, important dates and more below: ACCORDING TO AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CHINESE ACADEMY OF SCIENCES (CAS) AND THE WORLD ACADEMY OF SCIENCES (TWAS) FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES, UP TO 200 STUDENTS/SCHOLARS FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD WILL BE SPONSORED TO STUDY IN CHINA FOR DOCTORAL DEGREES FOR UP TO 4 YEARS. By Diluxi Arya

This CAS-TWAS President’s Fellowship Programme provides students/ scholars that are non-Chinese citizens an opportunity to pursue doctoral degrees at the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS), the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) or Institutes of CAS around China. Under the terms of the CAS-TWAS agreement, travel from their home countries to China will be provided to the fellowship awardees in order to begin the fellowship in China (one trip only per student/scholar). TWAS will select 80 awardees from developing countries to support their international travel, while CAS will support the other 120. Visa fee will also be covered (once only per awardee) as a lump sum of USD 65 after all the awardees are on site in China. Any awardee on site in China, the host country, at the time of application will NOT be eligible for any travel or visa reimbursement. Thanks to generous contribution of CAS, fellowship awardees will receive a monthly stipend (to cover accommodation and other living expenses, local travel expenses and health insurance) of RMB 7,000 or RMB 8,000 from CAS through UCAS/USTC, depending on whether he/she has passed the qualification test arranged by UCAS/USTC for all doctoral candidates after admission. All awardees will also be provided tuition and application fee waivers. Any fellowship awardee who fails the qualification test twice will face the consequences including: • Termination of his/her fellowship; • Discontinuity of his/her doctoral

study at CAS institutions; • Being provided with a certificate of attendance for the period of study undertaken in • China but not a formal doctoral degree. All the procedures will adhere to UCAS/USTC regulations and rules. The funding duration of the fellowship is up to 4 years WITH NO EXTENSION, divided into: • Maximum 1 year study of courses and participation in centralized training at UCAS/USTC, including 4 months compulsory courses in Chinese Language and Chinese Culture; • Practical research and completion of degree thesis at colleges and schools of UCAS/USTC or CAS institutes. Host country: China Eligible nationalities: Any country Level: PhD Minimum degree held: MSc Duration: Up to 4 years Field: 01-Agricultural Sciences 02-Structural, Cell and Molecular Biology 03-Biological Systems and Organisms 04-Medical and Health Sciences incl.

NOT eligible for this fellowship. • Applicants CANNOT apply for both UCAS and USTC simultaneously. Earth • Applicants can ONLY apply to ONE supervisor from ONE institute/school at either UCAS or USTC. • Applicants can only apply to Age limit: 35 one TWAS programme per year, therefore an applicant apGENERAL CONDITIONS FOR plying to the 2019 CAS-TWAS APPLICANTS: President’s fellowship call will not be eligible to apply for any Applicants must: other TWAS fellowship in 2019. • Be a maximum age of 35 years on STEP BY STEP GUIDELINE 31 December 2019; • Not take up other assignments during the period of his/her fel- In order to successfully apply for the CAS-TWAS President’s Fellowship, lowship; applicants are requested to follow a • Not hold Chinese citizenship; • Applicants for doctoral study few key steps that are indicated below: should also: • Meet the admission criteria for international students of UCAS/ 1. CHECK ELIGIBILITY CRITEUSTC (criteria of UCAS/criteria RIA: of USTC). • Hold a master degree before the You should verify that you are eligibeginning of the fall semester: 1 ble and meet ALL the eligibility criteria specified in the “General conSeptember 2019. • Provide evidence that he/she will ditions for applicants” section of this return to their home country on call (e.g. age, master degree, etc). completion of their studies in China according to the CAS-TWAS 2. FIND AN ELIGIBLE HOST SUPERVISOR AFFILIATED WITH agreement. • Provide proof of knowledge of COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS OF English or Chinese language. Neurosciences 05-Chemical Sciences 06-Engineering Sciences 07-Astronomy, Space and Sciences 08-Mathematical Sciences 09-Physics

Please note: • Applicants currently pursuing doctoral degrees at any university/institution in China are

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the expected graduation date); Proof of knowledge of English and/or Chinese; Original copy of transcripts of both undergraduate and post-graduate education; Detailed research proposal; Photocopies of all the title pages and abstracts of maximum 5 published academic papers; Foreigner Physical Examination Form (Attachment 1– find this at the bottom of this page)

• See here for a list of eligible schools/ institutes and supervisors of UCAS and here of USTC. • • You must contact an eligible supervisor and get his/her approval before applying for the CAS-TWAS Presi- • dent’s Fellowship. Please send him/ her an explanatory e-mail together with your CV, research proposal and any other required documents when C. Acquire TWO reference letters: establishing the contact with the supervisor. You must ask two referees (NOT the host supervisor, preferably TWAS 3. FILE YOUR FELLOWSHIP members, but not a mandatory reAPPLICATION FORM VIA THE quirement) familiar with you and ONLINE APPLICATION SYS- your work to TEM. 1) upload their scanned reference A. Visit our official website for the letters (signed, dated and on official fellowship online application system. headed paper with a contact phone number and email address) to the Create your own account, and follow fellowship online application system the instructions to finish the online and application form. 2) send the original hard copies to the B. Prepare and upload the following UCAS/USTC fellowship office besupporting documentation to the fel- fore the deadline. lowship online application system: Reference letters in the body of • Your regular passport which has e-mails will NOT be accepted! TWAS at least 2 years validity (only pag- will not provide any information e.g. es showing personal and validity e-mail addresses of TWAS members details are needed); or liaise with TWAS members on be• Complete CV with a brief intro- half of applicants. duction of research experience; • Original copy of the certificate Please note: of university degrees held (both undergraduate and postgraduate; 1. All the above supporting documengraduates having just completed tation must be in English or Chinese, or about to complete their de- otherwise notarial translations in gree should provide an official English or Chinese are required. pre-graduation certificate showing their student status and stating 2. Make sure the electronic version

January 29th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 63

of supporting documentation is in the Cooperation (229, Old Library). right format as requested for the online application system. Where to enquire and submit the application 3. If you are awarded the fellowship and are admitted by UCAS/USTC, 1) Applicants for UCAS, please conyou MUST present the original hard- tact: copy of your university certificates (both undergraduate and postgradu- Ms. Xie Yuchen ate), transcripts AND regular passport CAS-TWAS President’s Fellowship to UCAS/USTC fellowship office Programme UCAS Office (UCAS) upon your arrival in China, otherwise, University of Chinese Academy of you will be disqualified. Sciences 80 Zhongguancun East Road, Bei4. SUBMIT YOUR ADMISSION jing, 100190, China APPLICATION VIA THE ON- Tel: +86 10 82672900 LINE SYSTEM OF UCAS/USTC: Fax: +86 10 82672900 Email: president-fellowship@ucas. For admission application to UCAS, you MUST also submit your information and required documents via 2) Applicants for USTC, please conUCAS online system following its tact: instructions. Ms. Lin Tian (Linda Tian) For admission application to USTC, CAS-TWAS President’s Fellowship you MUST also submit your infor- Programme USTC Office (USTC) mation and required documents via University of Science and TechnoloUSTC online system following its in- gy of China structions. 96 Jinzhai Road, Hefei, Anhui, 230026 China 5. REMIND YOUR SUPERVISOR Tel: +86 551 63600279Fax: +86 551 TO COMPLETE AND SIGN THE 63632579 SUPERVISOR’S COMMENT Email: PAGE (Attachment 2 – find this at the bottom of this page) AND Note: It is important to remember SEND IT TO UCAS/USTC BE- that your supervisor can be helpful in FORE DEADLINE. providing answers to your enquiries. Please keep in close touch with your • For UCAS applicants, please ask supervisor during the whole process your supervisor to send the hard of your application. copy of Supervisor’s Comment Page to the institute/college he/ Deadline for submitting all mateshe affiliated with. rial and applications: 31 MARCH • For USTC applicants, please 2019 ask your supervisor to email the scanned copy to presidentfelAPPLY ONLINE or send the hard copy to the Office of International


January 29th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 63


Cancer Research Institute Irvington Postdoctoral Fellowship Program The notification for the Cancer Research Institute Irvington Postdoctoral Fellowship Program has been released. Indian Nationals who are interested in receiving training in fundamental immunology or cancer immunology. Interested candidates can check out all of the details on the same below: THE CRI IRVINGTON POSTDOCTORAL FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM SUPPORTS QUALIFIED YOUNG SCIENTISTS IN MAJOR UNIVERSITIES AND RESEARCH CENTRES AROUND THE GLOBE WHO WOULD LIKE TO RECEIVE TRAINING IN FUNDAMENTAL IMMUNOLOGY OR CANCER IMMUNOLOGY. By Diluxi Arya

A panel of scientists drawn from our Scientific Advisory Council rigorously assesses each candidate, the intended sponsor and training environment, as well as the nature and feasibility of their proposed project. The Institute seeks hypothesis-driven, mechanistic studies in both immunology and tumour immunology. The applicant and sponsor must make every attempt to demonstrate the potential of the proposed studies to directly impact our comprehension of the immune system’s role in cancer. ELIGIBILITY: • Applicants for the CRI Irvington Postdoctoral Fellowship Program has to be working in areas directly related to immunology or cancer immunology. An eligible project must fall into the broad field of immunology with relevance to solving the cancer problem. • Applicants should have a doctoral degree by the date of award activation and must conduct their proposed research under a sponsor who holds a formal appointment at the host institution. • Applicants with 5 or more years of relevant postdoctoral experience aren’t eligible, with the exception of M.D. applicants, who shouldn’t include years of residency in this calculation. • Only in exceptional circumstances will applicants that have already spent 3 or more years in a sponsor’s lab by the start date of fellowship be considered for a fellowship award. • The fellowship can be performed in the USA or abroad, but have to take place at a nonprofit institution. There are no citizenship re-


strictions. • Just 1 fellow per sponsor may apply per application round, and faculty sponsors may not have over just three CRI-supported fellows at any time.

the PDF application form. Complete the form, print it, and then obtain signatures for the Institutional Certifications section. Signatures will be required from the following individuals:


• An Internal Review Board (IRB) or certifying officer, who can attest that the proposal is in compliance with institutional and government regulations • The institution’s administrative Fellowships can be activated three months following the application officer • The institution’s financial officer deadline but no later than 1 year after the deadline. Awards activate the first If your form is complete, you need to of this month. scan it as a PDF and upload it along with your other supporting materials DOWNLOAD PDF APPLICATION after completing the online applicaCREATE ACCOUNT & APPLY tion form.

Recently awarded fellowships provide a stipend of $55,000 for its first year, $57,000 for its second year, and $59,000 for its third year. Additionally, an allowance of $1,500 per year is allotted to the host institution for use in the sponsor’s discretion to help pay for the fellow’s research supplies, travel to scientific meetings, and/or health insurance. Deductions for administrative overhead aren’t permitted from either the stipend or the institutional allowance. Payments are made monthly in U.S. currency to the host institution. APPLICATION PROCEDURE: Applications have to be submitted electronically. Paper applications won’t be accepted. The application procedure requires you to complete a PDF application form for institutional signatures and certificate. You also have to complete an electronic application form, which requires you to upload supporting materials. Completing the PDF Application Form Before you submit the online application form, you have to first finish

The application deadlines are April 1 and October 1; when those dates fall on the weekend, applications are due the following Monday. Applications are due by 5 p.m. Eastern Time on those dates. Applicants are notified of fellowship committee decisions within approximately 10-12 weeks of their application deadline.




January 29th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 63

University of Birmingham India Outstanding Achievement Scholarships The notification for the University of Birmingham India Outstanding Achievement Scholarships 2019 has been released. Life Sciences is the Subject Area that you can apply for. CHECK OUT ALL OF THE DETAILS ON THE LEVEL OF STUDY, AWARD DESCRIPTION, THE VALUE OF AWARDS, ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA AND MORE BELOW: By Diluxi Arya

Level of study: Any Undergraduate Subject area: Arts and Law, Engineering and Physical Sciences, Life and Environmental Sciences, Social Sciences Nationality: Overseas (Non-EU), India Type of Award: External, University

So as to qualify, applicants must:

How to Apply:

Deadline for 05/07/2019

• Have obtained an offer and approved it, in addition, to select the University of Birmingham as their firm choice for a complete time undergraduate programme starting September 2019. The student must be entering the first year of an undergraduate programme located at Birmingham’s UK campus. • Meet with the academic conditions of the offer to the programme. • Be domiciled in India and be an Indian national. • Be classed by the University as an overseas fee payer for tuition fee purposes and also be able to pay the outstanding tuition fees not covered by the scholarship. • Have enough funds to cover the complete cost of living in the University of Birmingham, plus any visa/travel expenses associated with studying in the united kingdom. • Start their studies in the University at September 2019 (the scholarship award may not be deferred). • Be registered with, and also have their undergraduate study application attached to, one of our local representatives listed here in alphabetical order: Aspire Overseas Education, Chopras, Edwise Education, IDP, and Krishna Consultants. • Submit your scholarship application through one of our local representatives by the deadline; 5 July 2019.

To apply for the scholarship students need to be registered with one of the local representatives (see below), have accepted an offer from the University of Birmingham and have made Birmingham their firm choice by the scholarship deadline of 5 July 2019. Selection for the award will be based only on academic merit.



Award Description: The University of Birmingham is very happy to announce the award of 4 scholarships of £2,500 for Indian students applying for entry to an undergraduate programme in the University beginning September 2019. These are joint awards with our local representatives that are listed here in alphabetical order: Aspire Overseas Education, Chopras, Edwise Education, IDP and Krishna Consultants. The scholarships will be awarded to the highest performing students starting their University of Birmingham programme at 2019/20 academic year. Value of Award: The scholarship award is for #2,500 towards tuition fees (for the first year only) of a complete time undergraduate degree programme in the University starting September 2019. Eligibility Criteria: Please be aware that students already registered and are studying on a programme in the University of Birmingham in the UK, and students applying for MBChB Medicine and Surgery or BDS Dental Surgery aren’t qualified for this scholarship.

Only under exceptional conditions where the University is not able to go for an awardee based solely upon academic merit (as an example, if two candidates have identical grades) will applicants be requested to attend an interview through Skype.

The Chopras – Delhi: Tel: +91 (0)11 26414164, 26414165 Email: Aspire Overseas Education LLP – Delhi: Tel: +91 11 24109844/5, +91 11 49000113 Krishna Consultants – Nagpur: Tel: 91-712-2222061/62 E-mail : IDP Educational Consultants – Gurgaon: Tel: +911244411888 Email: Edwise Education LLP Tel: (+91) 022 4081 3333 / (+91) 022 2200 3338 Email:

Decisions will be announced in late Deadline: 5 July 2019 July and the scholarships will be given upon the students’ enrolment in September 2019. APPLY ONLINE For More Information please contact our local representatives:


January 29th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 63


Govt Dept of Biotechnology, Life Sciences Scientist With Rs. 2.08 Lakh Pay Recruitment


overnment of India, Ministry of Science & Technology, Department of Biotechnology is recruiting msc life sciences and btech biotechnology candidates for Scientist vacancies. 20+ vacancies for biotech and life sciences candidates. Interested and eligible candidates can check out all of the details on the same below: No. A-12011/06/2018-Estt. Government of India Ministry of Science & Technology Department of Biotechnology Vacancy Circular No:1-DBT/2019Estt Name of the Post: Scientist ‘C’, Group ‘A’ Gazetted Post (Non-Ministerial and Scientific) No. of Posts: 27(UR-15; OBC-7; SC-04; ST-01) (Note: The number of posts to be filled can change. The Department reserves the right to fill vacancies arising subsequent to this advertisement under this recruitment process until the validity date of this panel of recommended applicants at the main list or waiting list. The Department also reserves the right to cancel the recruiting without assigning any reason) Pay Level: 11 (Rs.67700-208700/-) (erstwhile Pay Band -3, Grade Pay6600/-) Eligibility: a. NATIONALITY: The applicant must be a citizen of India. The date for determining the age limit shall be 01.03.2019. b. AGE LIMITS: A candidate shouldn’t have exceeded age 40 years according to 01.03.2019 i.e. he/she has to haven’t been born not earlier than 01.03.1979. i. The upper age limit prescribed above will be relaxable by a max of 03 (three) years in case of candidates belonging to other backward classes that are eligible to avail of reservation applicable to such applicants; ii. The upper age limit prescribed above will be reliable with a maximum of 05 (five) years in case of candidates belonging to scheduled castes/scheduled tribes;

MINIMUM EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS: Following qualifications are prescribed for all applicants: i. ESSENTIAL: Master of Science in Life Sciences or Bachelor of Veterinary Science or Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery or Bachelor of Engineering or Bachelor of Technology in the Business of Biotechnology by a recognized University. How to Apply: ii. DESIRABLE: Doctor of Philosophy in Life Sciences or MD or Mas- Candidates Must apply online by ter of Veterinary Science or Master of using the following link http://www. Technology in the field of Biotech- Detailed nology by a recognized University instructions for filling up online applications are available on the said Note: link. Brief Instructions for filling the ”Online Application Form” is given in 1 ). The candidate should hold a Appendix-I. The candidates in Govvalid degree of any of Universities in- ernment/Semi Government Organisacorporated by an Act of the Central or tion/Public Sector Undertakings/AuState Legislature in India or other ed- tonomous Organisations should also ucational institutions established by upload NOC of their employers. The an Act of Parliament or declared to be applications received with no recomdeemed as a University Underneath mendations /NOC of their Employers Section-3 of the University Grants shall be treated as invalid/ineligible. Commission Act, 1956, or possess an equivalent qualification according to E-Admission certifications: The 01.03.2019. (In the event of the final qualified candidates will be issued an degree hasn’t been issued, applicants e-admission Certification two weeks may submit provisional degree from prior to the beginning of the examithe University/Institute) nation. The e-admission certification 2. Candidates possessing profes- will be made available from the Desional and technical qualifications partment’s site, which the applicants that are recognized by the Govern- should use to download their admisment as equivalent to a professional sion certifications for appearing in and technical degree would also be the exam. In the exam centre entry of eligible for admission to the exam. only those candidates will be permitted who’ve valid downloaded e-adD. EXPERIENCE: (after acquiring mission certification together with leessential qualifications, except for de- gitimate a photograph id proof. (Note: partmental candidates) FIVE years No admission certification shall be sent by post.) FEES: All candidates (except female/SC/ST/Persons with Bench- Instructions for filling the “Online mark Disability) are required to pay Application Form” a ((non-refundable) fees of Rs.1500/(One thousand fifteen hundred only). They ought to mention that the voucher details/transaction details while filling their online applications. Notice: (i) Applications with no prescribed Fee (Unless remission of Fee is claimed) shall be summarily rejected. (ii) Fee once paid shall not be refunded under any circumstances nor can the fee be held in reserve for any other examination or selection. (iii) Candidates will be asked to bear the cost of online payment of fees (via net banking/debit card-credit card, etc.)

• Candidates have to apply online using the web site http://www. Detailed instructions for filling up online applications are available on the aforementioned web site. The candidates are advised to

submit only single application in online mode; • The candidates need to pay a (non refundable ) fee of Rs.1500 (Rupees one thousand five hundred only) (except female/SC/ST/Persons with Benchmark Disability that are exempted from payment of fees) by online mode. • Before start filling of Online Application, a candidate must have his or her photograph and signature duly scanned in the jpg format in such a manner that each file shouldn’t exceed 40 KB and must not be less than 3 KB in size for the photograph and 1 KB for the signature. The mandatory file size for other documents to be uploaded is as follows: • • While filling in His or Her Application Form, the candidate should carefully decide about his/ Her choice of centre for the Exam. If any candidate looks at a center Aside from the One signaled from the Department in his/ her Admission Certificate, the papers of such a Candidate won’t be evaluated and his/ her candidature will be liable to cancellation. • Applicants should avoid submitting multiple applications. • The applicants must make sure while completing their Application Form they are providing

their Valid and active E-Mail

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Ids as the Department may use digital mode of communication While contacting them in different stages of the examination procedure. • The candidates are advised to check their mails at regular intervals and ensure that the email Addresses ending with are directed to their inbox folder and to the SPAM folder or any other folder. • Suitable provisions for information regarding usage of scribes

January 29th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 63

by the blind candidates And applicants with Locomotor Disability and Cerebral Palsy where dominant (writing) extremity is affected to the extent of slowing the performance of function (minimum of 40% impairment) have been made in the online application at the time Of the initial online application itself at Column 7. • No candidate will ordinarily be Permitted to take the examination unless He or She holds a

Certification of admission for the exam. On downloading of eAdmission Certification, check it carefully and bring discrepancies/errors, if any, to the notice of the Department immediately. • The candidates should note that their admission to the examination will be strictly Provisional based on the information given by them in the Application Form. This Will be subject to confirmation of all of the eligibility requirements by the Department.

Kendriya Vidyalaya Biosciences Teaching Staff Recruitment 2019


andidates with an MSc degree in biotech, biochem, botany, zoology, biosciences, life sciences, genetics, microbiology and molecular biology background are eligible are encouraged to apply online for multiple PGT and TRT vacancies. Check out all of the details below: Post Name: Post Graduate Teachers (PGT) & TGT FOR ALL PGTs Essential Qualification: Two years’ Integrated Post Graduate M.Sc Course of Regional College of Education of NCERT in the concerned subject OR Master Degree from a recognized University with at least 50% marks in aggregate in the following subjects: i) PGT (Chemistry) Chemistry/ Bio. Chem. ii) PGT (Biology) – Botany/ Zoology/ Life Sciences/ Bio-Sciences/ Genetics/ Micro Biology/ Bio-Technology/ Molecular Bio/Plant Physiology provided they have studied Botany and Zoology at Graduation level. (b)B.Ed. or equivalent degree from a recognized University. (c) Proficiency in teaching in Hindi and English medium. Desirable Qualifications: Knowledge of computer applications. FOR ALL TGTs Essential Qualification: Four years’ Integrated degree course of Regional College of Education of

NCERT in the concerned subject with at least 50% marks in aggregate OR Bachelor’s Degree with at least 50% marks in the concerned subjects/ combination of subjects and in aggregate. The electives subjects and Languages in the combination of subjects as under: For TGT (Science)- Botany, Zoology and Chemistry. (b)B.Ed. or equivalent degree from a recognized University. (c) Proficiency in teaching in Hindi and English medium. Desirable Qualifications: Knowledge of computer applications. Service Conditions:

‘Apply Online Here…’ button on the next screen. Enter all mandatory details like Email Address, Post Applied for, Name (In English & Hindi), Father’s Name, Mother’s Name, Address, Mobile Number, Gender, Category & Date of Birth and click on Next Button. Enter Qualification Details and click on next button. Enter details of Teaching Experience (If any). Teaching Experiences of 10 organisations/ schools can be entered at maximum. Enter other mandatory details on the next screen and submit the form.

• • Teachers appointed on Contractual basis will not be entitled to vacation pay and autumn/winter break. The payment will be calculated on a pro-rata basis if • engaged for a period less than a month or employee remains absent on working day. • Teachers engaged on contractu- Note: al basis would have no claim or right for appointment on regular On successful submission of the basis nor will they be a part of form, you will get a confirmation mail the cadre of the teacher of Ken- on the email address provided with a driya Vidyalaya. link to edit the form if needed. Application Form can be edited any (If any change made by KVS, will number of times till 05 Feb 2019. No be applicable accordingly) change will be allowed after 05 Feb 2019, 11:59 pm. How to Apply: For any assistance please call 9234747190 (Mr. Niraj Srivastav, LiSteps to fill Online Application Form brarian, KV Rishikesh) in office hours only (09:00 am to 03:00 pm) • Click on ‘Apply Online for various posts on Contractual Ba- Application Form sis’ button on the Home Page of Vidyalaya Website. Click on APPLY ONLINE

• For Visually Handicapped applicants: Suitable provisions for information regarding Usage of scribes by the blind applicants ought to be made in the online application at the Time of filling the online application form. • Candidates are strongly advised to apply online well in time without waiting for The final date for submission of Online Applications.


January 29th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 63


PhD Principal Scientist Post With Rs. 1.71 Lakh pm Salary @ CSIR – IICB


hD Computational Biology & Bioinformatics jobs for eligible candidates at CSIR-IICB. CSIR-IICB is recruiting candidates for Principal Scientist positions. Scientist jobs for phd candidates at CSIRIICB. Principal Scientist positions vacant for phd candidates. Check out all of the details on the same below: Job Title: Principal Scientist (two positions) Code: 5201807 Reservation Status: UR Age Limit: 45 years Pay Level: Pay Level 13 of Pay Matrix (according to 7th Central Pay Commission) Total Emoluments: The total monthly emoluments at this level inclusive of allowances will be roughly Rs. 1,71,571/-. Essential Qualification: PhD in Science with a minimum of three years postdoctoral research experience in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology. Desirable Experience: Experience in one or two of the following areas with high impact book as a post-doctoral fellow (a) high-throughput genome analysis, (b) genome assembly annotations, (c) comparative genomics, metagenome and microbiome, (d) NGS information analysis. Job Requirement: The chosen candidates will have to work independently and a team member in and outside the institute at the above-mentioned areas and other associated institutional research programs. How to Apply: Application fee: Bank Draft of Rs.100/- drawn in favour of Director, IICB payable at Kolkata. (Exemption applicable according to the rule) NOTE: 1) Please click the Terms and Conditions button below to read the terms and conditions in details. 2)To apply for this vacancy click on HOW TO APPLY below.

• First-time users will need to register themselves by clicking on ‘New Applicant Sign In‘ in the Home Page. You need to type in a ‘User Id’ and a ‘password’ and fill the details as needed. Please be aware you can apply for more than 1 post using the same’User Id’. • As soon as you log in, please click on ‘show details’ against the post you want to apply for. • The detailed Advertisement will eligible but residing overseas now appear on the screen. are exempted from payment of • At the bottom of this Advertiseapplication fee. Fee once paid ment, in the green bar, you will won’t be reimbursed under any find four menus: ‘How to Apconditions. ply’,’Terms and Conditions’, • After you have taken a print out ‘Apply for this vacancy’ and please paste your recent stamp ‘Close’. Click ‘Terms and Consize photo in the summary sheet, ditions’. then sign in the specified place, • The terms and conditions page and get it attested by the Head of will open. Read the terms and the Institute last attended or any conditions carefully, and if Gazetted Officer and also enyou’re satisfied that you’re eliclose self-attested copies of supgible to apply for this post then porting documents for example click ‘Apply for this vacancy’ in mark sheets, certificates, proof the bottom of the webpage. of date of birth, caste certificate • The online application form will etc. and email it to us at the folopen. You may begin filling the lowing address: online application form. Please remember it is compulsory that The Administrative Officer, you fill all the fields which are CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemipreceded by asterisks (*). cal Biology, • As soon as you’ve filled up the 4 Raja S.C. Mullick Road, application form click ‘submit’. Kolkata – 700032 • The screen will show your application number and a menu called • Please superscribe the vacancy ‘Print Application Summary code on the envelope as “AppliSheet’. Please note down your cation for the Vacancy Code No. application number and click 5201807”. ‘Print Application Summary • The final date for submission of Sheet’. The Application Summaonline application is 28/02/2019 ry Sheet will then be displayed. and of receiving the hard copies Take a printout of this summary at the Institute is 07/03/2019. sheet. If it’s not possible for you • Candidates must especially note to take a printout of the summathat the applications received afry sheet at that moment, you can ter the final date for any reason even find the summary sheet in whatsoever (for example enveyour application status in the lopes wrongly addressed, delogged in home page. livered elsewhere( postal delay • Application fee: An applicaetc.) won’t be entertained by the tion fee of Rs. 100/(Rupees one Institute. hundred only) non-refundable is • Incomplete applications (i.e. payable in the form of crossed with no a photograph, unsigned Demand Draft with a minimum application, application fees, apvalidity of 03 months in favour plicable testimonials in support of the Director, CSIR-Indian of Date of birth, Qualification, Institute of Chemical Biology, Experience, Caste, age relaxapayable at Kolkata. Candidates tion etc.) won’t be entertained belonging to SC/ST/Women/ and will be summarily rejected. PWD Category and regular em• Following documents should be ployees of CSIR in addition to attached along with the printout identified Casual Workers in of this summary sheet: CSIR and Candidates otherwise

A. Bank draft of this application fee (wherever applicable). B. Coloured photograph pasted on the form and signed across in full. C. Self Attested photocopy of certification proving Date of Birth. d. Self Attested photocopies of educational qualification (Certificates & Mark Sheets). E. Self Attested photocopy of caste certificate, if applicable. F. Self Attested photocopies of expertise certificates, where required. G. Self Attested photocopies of publication if any. H. Self Attested photocopies of documentary evidence for age relaxation. I. Self Attested photocopies of documentary proof in support of claim from the applicant aside from above. Deadline: 28/02/2019 View Notification



January 29th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 63


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