Biotecnika - Web_Newspaper_4_December_2018

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December 4th, 2018.

Vol. 02

World’s First Gene Therapy For Inherited Blindness Gets EU Approval News

NO 55

Pursue Doctoral Research @ National Institute of Biomedical Genomics (NIBMG)

Will China Win The BioTech And Health-tech Race? Episode 7

PhD Admissions

Voice of Biotecnika

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CSIR Raman Research Fellowships 2019-2020


●● CRISPR, the most powerful gene editing technique leads the list hot topic of discussion in the scientific research community pertaining to its ethical concerns. Latest CRISPR based research has shown promising...

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By Diluxi Arya

COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH Anusandhan Bhavan 2, Rafi Marg, New Delhi – 110 001

●● Loxo Oncology Inc’s first commercial medicine turns out to be the first ever Oral TRK Inhibitor to get a green signal from FDA for the treatment of NTRK (neurotrophic receptor tyrosine kinase) gene...

Applications are encouraged from CSIR institutes for the award of Raman Research Fellowships for the year 20192020. The Raman Research Fellowships are granted to the CSIR researchers for carrying out research in the emerging/ high priority technology areas. It’s tenable at foreign institutions / R&D Centres of Excellence. The whole cost is met by CSIR HQs.

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●● PhD Admissions Biotechnology at Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad. Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad has advertised for PhD Admissions. Interested and...

●● Over 200 biotech researchers from both private and public labs are expected to collect in Bangalore from January 2019 to kick-start a brand new collection of events to create synergies between domestic centers and private businesses to propel the nation ...

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December 4th, 2018 Vol. 02 NO 55

CSIR Raman Research Fellowships 2019-2020 Raman Research Fellowships 2019 notification is out. Check out all of the details on the same below: OUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH ANUSANDHAN BHAVAN 2, RAFI MARG, NEW DELHI – 110 001 By Diluxy Arya

Applications are encouraged from CSIR institutes for the award of Raman Research Fellowships for the year 2019-2020. The Raman Research Fellowships are granted to the CSIR researchers for carrying out research in the emerging/high priority technology areas. It’s tenable at foreign institutions / R&D Centres of Excellence. The whole cost is met by CSIR HQs. The application proforma is provided at Annexure-I. The details regarding eligibility, terms & conditions may be seen at Annexure-II. Applications of up to two eligible meritorious candidates might be forwarded to ISTAD, CSIR after thorough careful evaluation. All applications will be returned to the concerned Institute if the number of nominations exceeds two. The candidates need to submit 6 (six) copies of their application form. Additionally, an electronic copy of the nomination summary according to Annexure-III may be sent to the undersigned ( The nominated candidates are expected not just to be meritorious but also be fully aware of the national agenda in Science and CSIR’s Vision. They’re expected to possess general awareness about our nation, its culture, history and present-day socio-economic and geopolitical issues.

Objective: The Fellowship is granted to the CSIR Scientists for carrying out research in the emerging/high priority areas in reputed foreign institutions/R&D Centres of Excellence to better their R&D skills/capability. The Fellowship is tenable abroad at CSIR cost. Eligibility: Regular Scientists of CSIR with high academic qualifications (Postgraduate in Engineering and PhD in Natural Science) and study expertise, presently working in high priority areas, (FTT / Mission mode projects / NIMITLI projects / major programs of Institute) who have finished minimum five years of service in CSIR on the last date for receipt of their software. The applicant should have made a commendable contribution to research/innovation in the proposed area, which should be of global level. Fellowship shouldn’t be sought for training or to carry out tests, etc. using facilities in the host institute. The RRF has to be sought to further enhance the skills/capability and fill in technological gaps. The candidate shouldn’t be over 45 years old according to January 18, 2019.

The selection will be made via a mechanism of an interview by the duly constituted Selection Committee. The interviews will be held in CSIR HQs., New Delhi sometimes between March – June 2019. The exact time and date of this interview will be intimated to all the eligible candidates about a month beforehand. Fellowship Tenure: 2 to Six Months The candidates are advised not to (in 1 spell only) correspond directly but might feel free to make enquiries through ISTAG of Age: their respective institutes/ Units/ DiApplied research topics in the rectorates.

high-priority technology areas of the Laboratory/CSIR and any particular area under Basic Science of significance and immediate significance. Terms: Throughout the Fellowship period the Scientist is going to be known as “Raman Research Fellow”. The Fellow will be sent abroad on deputation terms. Financial Terms: • International airfare to & fro by lowest Economy class • Fellowship @ US $2500/- a month • US$1000/- lump sum towards contingency and preparatory expenses • US$1000/- Supplementary grant for participation in Conferences/ visiting institutions of excellence at the country of placement Mode of Selection:

Through interview by a duly constituted Selection Committee to be constituted by the DG CSIR. The candidate should furnish at the time of the interview, letter of acceptance from the host-institution duly accepted by the Director of the Institutes indicating the specific study work to be carried out overseas. The candidate may make a Powerpoint presentation (up to 5 slides) for 7 minutes, first four minutes to the present research activities and the remaining 3 minutes to the proposed research work. Bond: The chosen candidates shall execute a bond before proceeding overseas on Fellowship to function as concerned Lab/lnstt. For three years on his/her return. The last date for receipt of the duly filled in applications, complete in all respects is January 18 2019. Applications received after the last date will be summarily rejected.


December 4th, 2018 Vol. 02 NO 55


World’s First Gene Therapy For Inherited Blindness Gets EU Approval In a landmark achievement, Novartis has received consent for Luxturna, a gene treatment that may restore vision in people who have a particular genetic mutation which causes progressive vision loss. HE TREATMENT IS SUGGESTED FOR PEOPLE WITH MUTATIONS AT THE TWO COPIES OF A GENE, CALLED RPE65, THAT CAUSE RETINAL CELLS TO DIE OVER TIME, LEADING TO PROGRESSIVE LOSS OF VISION WHICH BEGINS IN CHILDHOOD. By Preety Suman

There is no treatment for people with this illness. The ones that have functioning cells and still have a result in a genetic evaluation can be treated with the gene treatment. In a Phase III trial, one dose of this treatment improved the vision of patients as measured via a test where patients need to locate their way. Improvements were regarded as early as 30 days following the treatment. Developed by US-based Spark Therapeutics, the therapy was approved almost a year back in the US, where its cost is the most expensive for any drug on the planet at $750,000 ($850,000). Novartis is now in the process of negotiating settlement and pricing.

“The very first national reimbursement approvals of Luxturna are anticipated in 2019,” Dirk Sauer, Global Development Unit Head of Novartis Ophthalmology, said.”The timelines for the reimbursement process in France, Germany and countries from the Nordics suggest that these might be the very first countries where patients could be able to access Luxturna, with quite a few other countries after.”

“EU approval of the one-time gene therapy Luxturna marks a milestone in reimagining World’s First Gene Therapy For Inherited Blindness Gets EU Approvalmedicine and can bring real value to patients, their families, and society as a whole,” said Paul Hudson, CEO, Novartis Pharmaceuticals. “Novartis is committed to working with patients, caregivers, health systems and physicians to establish access to this gene therapy for

RPE65 patients, as we believe it can help restore sight and improve vision in children and adults who currently have no treatment options.” Many others are in development, although luxturna is your first gene therapy for a hereditary type of blindness. In Europe, companies including GenSight, Nightstar and Horama are developing their own gene therapy approaches for different kinds of genetic blindness.



December 4th, 2018 Vol. 02 NO 55

First Ever CRISPR Edited Genetically Modified Babies Made in China CRISPR, the most powerful gene editing technique leads the list hot topic of discussion in the scientific research community pertaining to its ethical concerns.


Yet the fear haunts the scientific community that this powerful technique may be misused. Discussions on the same have risen again over the announcement by a Chinese scientist who claims he has created worlds first genetically edited babies using CRISPR. The announcement came on Monday, that He Jiankui of Shenzhen, a research scientist from Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen has genetically altered an embryo gene before implanting it in the womb with an idea to make the newborn baby resistant to HIV infection. He claims he altered embryos for seven couples during fertility treatments out of which one pregnancy has resulted in giving birth to twin baby girls. The concerned parents have declined to reveal their identity and do not want to be interviewed either, Jiankui said. However, neither he has published the research data in any journal, nor he has displayed any evident data to prove his claims. He Jiankui, also claims that a U.S Scientist named Dr. Michael Deem who works at Rice University as a bioengineering professor also was a part of the project in China as CRISPR research on human babies is banned in the united states. In an announcement made during the Second International Summit on Human Genome Editing in Hong Kong, Dr. He described that he recruited many couples suffering from HIV already and then via IVF he edited the embryos by the use of CRISPR-Cas9 to disable a gene called CCR₅ that were resistant to HIV. His experiment proved to be successful when the twin girls were born this November without any side effects visible, as per Dr. He’s

A microplate from He Jiankui’s lab, containing genetically edited embryos whose genes have been edited.Credit: Schiefelbein/Associated Press

statement. Earlier Dr. He had also presented his work on editing the CCR₅ gene in the embryos of nine couples at a conference on genome engineering at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in New York. The Scientists describes the entire procedure that he followed to create the modified embryos, which is as follows: During the IVF procedure, first, the sperm was washed in order to separate it from the semen where the HIV virus sustains. Followed by placing single sperm into a single leading to the formation on an embryo, post which CRISPR was used. In the second stage when the When the embryos grew 3 to 5 days old, some cells were removed and checked for editing results. Out of 22embryoss, 16 were edited as per the choice of the couples involved. Further, only 11 genetically modified embryos were used in six implant attempts, out of which one couple gave birth to the twin girls. As per test results, one of the twins born had both the copies of the altered gene, while the other had just one copy, He said. However, scientists across the globe after the reviewing the work provided to Associated Press said that the tests results are insufficient to prove that the editing worked 100% correctly without any side effects. Also, some suggested that the embryo editing work was incom-

plete as one twin had a patchwork of cells with a lot of changes. Meanwhile, Concerned health and ethics authorities in China have ordered a probe to thoroughly investigate the claims by the scientist. China’s National Health Commission in a statement expressed its high concerns over this issue and released orders for provincial health officials to investigate the matter. “We have to be responsible for the people’s health and will act on this according to the law,” it said in a statement. Also, a group of 122 Chinese scientists expressed their views calling

Dr. He actions crazy as it a huge blow to the reputation of the Chinese research & development community on a global scale. More reactions & feedbacks are expected to flow in from the research community in the coming days. It would be interesting to see if the claims made by the scientist turns out to be true. If he indeed succeeded in editing the embryo successfully without any lingering side effects, it would be a major breakthrough in CRISPR research, which may lead to opening doors for further research in this field.


December 4th, 2018 Vol. 02 NO 55


Bioeconomy Target 2025: Taking India to 100 Billion Dollars Can India become a 100 Billion Bioeconomy by 2025?


The event is being coordinated by the Association of Biotechnology Led Enterprises (ABLE). resulting in disruptive innovation, between technologies. That can be The event is part of the BioEcon- a time for producing still another omy Conclave series of ABLE and invention in how Public Research will probably be held on Feb 1 and Institutes participate to carry ideJan 31 and will possess presenta- as for the growth of Bioeconomy. tions from the Public Research In- CSIR provides the perfect platform stitutes. to make new PPP versions that may deliver the scale and scope for marBased on the latest estimates of ket special innovation” ABLE, the BioEconomy is predict- The Bioeconomy conclave will ed to cross the $50 billion mark in have 9 sessions specializing in 2018. India has roughly 600 busi- specialists from national labs and nesses and 1,732 startups have es- unique sections of Bioeconomy and tablished with investments of more study leaders are expected to talk than $ 3 billion, in the previous 6 and strategize with each other to decades. lean on each other for good. Dr. K. VijayRaghavan, Chief Scientific Adviser to the Government of India says ”The Indian Scientific public research process is among the biggest in the World’s Bioeconomy and has turned out to be a significant element in developing a sizable national native scientific infrastructure. Indian Institutes are known for accomplishments and their thickness. The PRIs-Industry that is suggested fulfill will cause synergies and is a fantastic initiative.

Bioeconomy Hurdles

Since research is pricey, whereas the public sector targets fundamental factors with a wider reach, the private sector tends to concentrate its own efforts. As with other authorities, the Government of India also spends heavily on fundamental research through its different ministries and has made a huge network of major Institutes The important component of translating Intellectual property into marketable prodThis has caused the creation and ucts and solutions is a domain name significant progress of Intellectual which has traditionally been strongproperty. Hundreds of technology er in the private industry. alternatives and products can be found in those labs that could be ex- ABOUT ABLE: ploited by the biotechnology market that is rapid growth of the Bioeco- Association of Biotechnology Led nomy. Enterprises – ABLE is a forum that

reflects the Biotechnology Sector. It This can be formed by the conver- was established in April 2003, after gence and obliterating boundaries business leaders felt a necessity to

create a distinctive discussion to represent the Indian Biotechnology Sector. ABLE has over 400 members from around India representing important verticals of this industry including Agribiotech, Bio-pharma, Industrial Biotech, Bioinformatics, Investment banks, and Venture Capital companies, major Research, Academic Institutes, Law Firms, and Equipment Providers. ABLE’S focus is to quicken the speed of expansion of the Biotechnology industry to reach a size of 100 Billion USD by 2025. This could be accomplished by partnering with the Central and State Gov-

ernments in their biotechnology efforts to provide the best policies and generate a favorable regulatory environment, encouraging investment and entrepreneurship, giving a platform for national and international businesses to explore cooperation and partnerships, and forging stronger connections between academia and business and embracing the advantages of the Indian biotech business. ABLE catalyzes an interface between the authorities the market, research, and academic institutes and with global and national investors.



December 4th, 2018 Vol. 02 NO 55

Google Plans To Eliminate Mosquitoes Worldwide With Verily The devastation created by the “menacing mosquitoes” has been inevitable until now. But Google is here again to save the day.


Google’s parent company Alphabet’s life science research arm – Verily Life Sciences has already started preliminary experiments in Fresno, California to get rid of the diseases laden mosquitoes. Alphabet’s life science research team are breeding & releasing sterilized male Aedes aegypti mosquitoes that would have the potential to wipe out the entire population of mosquitoes eventually. The mosquitoes were breed in labs and made sterile by the use of a bacterium that would restrict the hatching of mosquito offsprings.

search intensively over wider areas around the world that are more prone to mosquitoes born diseases such as Dengue and others. Its been reported that Verily’s program has helped cut the A. aegypti species population by at least 95 percent As per Bloomberg reports, the re- this year, in the Fresno area of Calsearchers involved said that if their ifornia. experiment turns out to successful in Fresno, they will roll out this re- Similar experiments were tested

in Innisfail, Australia wherein by the end of the programme in June almost 80 percent of the mosquito population was reduced. Minimal research studies have been conducted to date regarding the role of mosquitoes in our ecosystem. What will be the global impact on our ecosystem if the experiment turns out to be successful eradicat-

An automated larval rearing robot stands in the mosquito factory at Verily Life Sciences’ lab in South San Francisco.

ing entire species of mosquitoes? Some scientists say that they do not play any significant role in our ecosystem while some are still skeptical to answer. But the idea itself of getting rid of those itchy mosquito bites, irritating buzzing sound in our ears and not to forget getting rid of all those deadly mosquito-borne diseases does make us all feel good.

Photographer: David Paul Morris/Bloomberg


December 4th, 2018 Vol. 02 NO 55


Sir JC Bose Nominated to Be Featured on UK’s New 50 Pound Note Sir Jagadish Chandra Bose, an Indian Biologist & physicist was nominated along with numerous other renowned scientists including Stephen Hawking in the initial stage of Bank of England’s search for a face to feature on a new 50-pound note to go live from 2020. AS PER THE BANK OF ENGLAND’S ANNOUNCEMENT, IT HAS RECEIVED A TOTAL OF 174,112 NOMINATIONS SINCE IT AFFIRMED THAT THE NEW NOTE WOULD COMPRISE THE FACE A SCIENTIST WHO HAD MADE A SIGNIFICANT CONTRIBUTION TO BRITISH SCIENCE. By Preety Suman

This is only the first stage of identifying names that are eligible for consideration. At this juncture, a nomination has been deemed eligible simply if the character is real, deceased and has led in the united kingdom in any way to the area of science, the Bank of England said in nominee due to her work within the specified criteria of the bank before a statement. her career in politics as a chemist. Bose attended the University of Among some of the 600 men and Cambridge, after graduating from 200 women in the nominations list Calcutta University with a physics comprise Ada Lovelace and comdegree, studying natural sciences. puting pioneer Alan Turing, teleHe returned after completing his phone inventor Alexander Graham BSc degree from Cambridge Uni- Bell and astronomer Patrick Moore. versity and was appointed Professor of Physical Science at Presidency Father of modern epidemiology John Snow, penicillin discoverer College in Kolkata. In 1917, Bose established that the Alexander Fleming, zookeeper and Bose Institute in Kolkata, which naturalist Gerald Durrell, and foswas initially devoted to the study of sil pioneer Mary Anning and British-Jamaican nursing pioneer Mary plants and left his professorship. Seacole are among others. Bose and black hole expert Hawking are up against the likes of for- The names will be considered by mer British prime minister Mar- the Bank of England’s Banknote garet Thatcher, who qualified as a Character Advisory Committee.

UK bookmakers William Hill have Hawking as the favorite, with chances of 7/4, followed by Nobel Prize-winning chemist Dorothy Hodgkin at 4/1. Lovelace, pioneer Michael Faraday, Fleming, and Turing have odds of 5/1 and Rosalind Franklin, who made significant contributions to the understanding of DNA, is at 6/1. The Bank of England had disclosed that a few months ago that nominations for the note may include anyone who functioned in any area of science such as astronomy, biology, biotechnology, chemistry, engineering, math, medical zoology, physics, technology or research. Until the standards were unveiled, a campaign was building up in favor

of British Indian World War II spy Noor Inayat Khan to feature on the new currency. An online petition in favor of Khan attracted thousands of signatures, calling for the daughter of Indian Sufi saint Hazrat Inayat Khan and Tipu Sultan’s descendant to be considered as the first ethnic minority woman to be honored on the currency. The 50-pound note will be the final note after notes in the denomination of five and 10 have already been reissued in polymer to go into circulation. The new polymer note will go into circulation once the 50-pound is set to go into print to be circulated at a later date.



December 4th, 2018 Vol. 02 NO 55

UGC’s Initiative To Curb Low Quality Research Journals UGC has expressed its serious concerns over the pace at which substandard, low-quality research & academic journals are coming into existence, degrading the quality of research in India. IN AN INITIATIVE TO CURB THIS MASSIVE PROLIFERATION DUBIOUS JOURNALS, UGC ON WEDNESDAY MADE AN ANNOUNCEMENT TO FORM AN AUTHORITY OF ACADEMIC INSTITUTIONS RESPONSIBLE FOR COMPILING A LIST OF “CREDIBLE QUALITY JOURNALS” WHICH UPON FINALIZATION WILL REPLACE THE CURRENT JOURNAL LIST UGC HAS. By Preety Suman

‘Consortium for Academic and Research Ethics’ or ‘CARE’ will be the name of the association which will comprise of members from govern- ing the list by the CARE team. ment bodies and statutory councils, headed by UGC Vice-Chairman A prime task for the Consortium himself. for Academic and Research Ethics’ members will be to scrutinize all As per a statement released by the the existing journals minutely. They commission, issue related to poor will also be responsible to create a quality journals exists worldwide step by step research paper submisbut in India, the rate at which fake sion procedure in the journals that research articles are published in will be included in the new list. journals is way too high.UGC stated that Research journals from the “All such proposals will be scrutifield of science & engineering, ag- nized via precise validated protocols riculture, and biomedical sciences led by a special cell at the entrusted field that are accepted in SCOPUS institution and if found appropriate, may also be considered while fram-

would be recommended to CARE for possible inclusion in the “CARE Reference List of Quality Journals” Commision added.

es, editor details or even the ISSN number. Eventually, this has lead to low credibility research papers from India on a global scale.

University Grants Commission (UGC) is the prime Govt funding agency which holds the responsibility to set up academic standards and ensuring that they are followed. But as per a report released earlier this year, almost 88 % of UGC approved list of journals were of substandard quality. Most of the paper published in the journals lacked either a valid website detail, proper referenc-

The issue of substandard journals with low-quality research papers has been lurking around in the Indian research community since ages, with the rate increasing year by year. Strict review process and proper execution are indeed required to lift up the Indian research paper quality to match up with global journals.


December 4th, 2018 Vol. 02 NO 55


35 Crucial Genes Related To Chronic Kidney Disease Identified Knowing the makeup of chronic diseases is a substantial step toward creating diagnostics and treatment choices that are improved.


As per Senior Research Investigator Maciej Tomaszewski, Ph.D., professor in the University of Manchester, Chronic Kidney Disease is known for its complex genetic component and the limited knowledge about its mechanics on gene level partially explains why there is no effective diagnostics and treatments proper advancement in the devel- in future. opmental process of new diagnostic tests and treatments. Additionally, the group of researchers used version effect preIn the present study, the research- diction and chromatin segmentation ers analyzed 9958 gene expression evaluation to annotate the conseprofiles and 280 kidney transcrip- quences. tomes which were obtained from 44 cells. From this, the group managed “We identify a frequent alternative to discover gene expression partners splice variant in MUC1 (a gene re(eGenes) for 88.9 percent of chron- sponsible for a rare Mendelian type ic kidney disease-defining traits of kidney disorder ) and observe inloci. Dr. Tomaszewski stated that creased renal expression of a parthe outcome was a result of usage ticular MUC1 mRNA isoform as a of high class next-generation RNA plausible molecular mechanism of sequencing technology on human this GWAS association sign.””One kidney collections they had. The of those genes–mucin-1–is particuscientists hope that the 35 genes larly interesting,” commented study discovered may be used as poten- investigator Adrian Woolf, Ph.D., a tial targets for the development of professor at Manchester Children’s

Hospital and The Universality of Manchester. “This makes a sticky protein called mucin that coats urinary tubes within the kidney. Mutations of this gene have been observed in rare families with inherited kidney failure.” Co-study investigator Fadi Charchar, Ph.D., a professor at Federation University Australia added,”We expect that early forecast by genetic testing before the development of symptoms will in the long run be the first line of defense against one of the world’s leading killers. Early detection followed by treatment using kidney-protective prevention or medication of drugs that can harm the kidneys is the key to

healthy kidneys later in life.”Their findings encouraged the researchers, but stay cautious to draw any conclusions since there’s still substantial work that remains to be done in identifying diagnostic or therapeutic interventions which could be derived from this information. Because it’s typical for it to have symptoms before the results of the disease have taken hold, we refer to CKD as a silent killer. The findings of the research are hugely important as they bring us a step closer to being able to comprehend, diagnose earlier, and protect against kidney disease,” concluded Elaine Davies, director of research operations at Kidney Research UK, who wasn’t directly involved with the analysis.



December 4th, 2018 Vol. 02 NO 55

Novel Way To Identify Animal Viruses that May Affect Humans As per a study published in PLOS One, there exist a vast number of viruses that are life-threatening for animals but does not affect humans but the possibility may be there that it might have an impact on human health in near future. JOHN DRAKE, DISTINGUISHED RESEARCH PROFESSOR OF ECOLOGY AND DIRECTOR OF THE CENTER FOR THE ECOLOGY OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES AT THE UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA AND HIS TEAM HAVE UNVEILED A NOVEL PROCEDURE TO PREDICT WHICH OF THE ANIMAL PATHOGENS MAY HAVE THE POTENTIAL TO AFFECT HUMANS TOO AND CAN BE TRANSFERABLE FROM PERSON TO PERSON. By Preety Suman

As per John Drake, upon experimenting over novel pathogens that affect humans, a common conclusion was that those pathogens already existed in the animal kingdom and was circulated widely. This made them think about the procedure, how the lethal pathogens interact with their hosts. They believe the host-pathogen interacting procedure might be the key to understand how the pathogens get transmitted interspecies. Drake and his team in order to analyze these host-pathogen interactions have aggregated data listing the names of viruses known to infect humans along with its biolog-

ical characteristics. The outcome is one of the worlds most comprehensive and accurate data till date. Upon analysis, the team identified several characteristics which were most common among the viruses and can spread to humans. The traits included the ability to infect non-human primates, the presence of the virus in the human liver, respiratory tract or CNS and much more. More than 84% of the viruses listed were found to spread across humans as per the common traits studies and also based on the pathogens ability to survive in different

environments. Now as a result of analysis of most unlikely animal viruses to affect the humans, 47 viruses were found that ranked greater than the least-likely virus known transmissible. Carnivore amdoparvovirus 1, Hendra virus, Cardiovirus A, Rosavirus A, HTLV-3, HTLV-4, and Simian Foamy virus were some of the virus shortlisted to spread rapidly among humans. During the formulation of the list, the scientists do agree that they might have missed out on a few virus strains especially the subtypes

in spite of the high level of accuracy. Different strategies need to be adopted to study those as well. They advocated that their future research focus on understanding this at a finer scale. The capacity to predict which viruses are effective at spreading among humans, and therefore have the potential to cause epidemics, has practical consequences.


December 4th, 2018 Vol. 02 NO 55


World’s First Oral TRK Inhibitor By Loxo – Bayer Gets FDA Nod Loxo Oncology Inc’s first commercial medicine turns out to be the first ever Oral TRK Inhibitor to get a green signal from FDA for the treatment of NTRK (neurotrophic receptor tyrosine kinase) gene fused solid tumors in both infants & adults for which no treatment exists till date. IN PARTNERSHIP WITH BAYER AG “VITRAKVI” (LAROTRECTINIB) WILL BE SOLD IN THE MARKET PRICED AT $32,800 PER MONTH. By Preety Suman

As per the Press release, Vitrakvi is the first ever treatment to get a tumor-agnostic indication at the time of initial FDA approval. In clinical trials of patients with TRK fusion cancer, Vitrakvi demonstrated an ORR of 75 percent (N=55) (95% CI, 61%, 85%), including a 22 percent complete response (CR) rate. The clinical trial was conducted on a total of 22 patients, wherein the oral inhibitor showed a drastic reduction in tumor among 81 percent of the patients who earlier showed symptoms of 24 different types of cancer, namely lung cancer, pancreatic cancer, breast cancer, and soft tissue sarcomas. Adding to this incredible result minimal side effects were noted. Vitrakvi was reviewed by FDA under priority review category, which is reserved for drugs and treatments that could provide significant improvements in treating serious and lethal disease & medical conditions.

statement said: “We are grateful to the investigators, research teams and patients who contributed to and participated in the larotrectinib clinical trials that supported this approval,”. Vitrakvi will be made available in the form of oral capsules as well as a liquid formulation for both adults and children. Visit www.vitrakvi. com for more information.

As per Loxo’s future projects are concerned, it is developing a drug, LOXO-292 targeting another set of rare gene fusion mutation known as RET, seen in lung cancer, thyroid cancer, and others as well. Also Josh Bilenker, M.D., chief execu- teamed up with Bayer they have a tive officer of Loxo Oncology in a follow-up TRK drug in develop-

ment known as LOXO-195. In past similar type of drugs have been developed by Merck and Roche, leading to an increase in de-

mand for advanced genetic testing of tumors in order to identify the patients likely to benefit from the treatments.



December 4th, 2018 Vol. 02 NO 55

Nicotine Degrading Enzyme To Help Quit Smoking Tobacco smoking remains a major challenge for society till date causing the death of over 7 billion people per year, either by direct consumption or on exposure to second-hand smoke. AND DESPITE THE AVAILABILITY OF NICOTINE REPLACEMENT THERAPIES LIKE THE PATCH, GUMS, AND MEDICATIONS DESIGNED TO ALLEVIATE WITHDRAWAL SYMPTOMS POST TOBACCO QUITTING BUT A LOT OF PEOPLE DON’T QUIT TO DO SO. By Preety Suman

“It is difficult to stop since smoking withdrawal is severe,” acknowledges Marisa Kallupi, Ph.D., a researcher in the Olivier George laboratory at the Scripps Research Institute. More then 80% people re- amount of nicotine that reached the lapse within 6-12 months of with- brain was way too high causing life drawal. threat due to under control of the withdrawal symptoms. In their paper, Dr. Kallupi and colleagues describe the use of a novel In earlier studies, NicA2-J1 had been enzyme, NicA2-J1, which degrades shown to prevent rats from becoming nicotine in the bloodstream of nic- nicotine dependent, but in order to otine-dependent rats. NicA2-J1 is a come out with a useful treatment for novel enzyme produced from a bac- nicotine addicted people experiments terium Pseudomonas putida dwell- needs to be conducted on rats that are ing on tobacco plants. The idea be- already dependent on nicotine. “We hind the experiment was to analyze have to make sure we’re mimicking if the enzymes were able to degrade what happens in humans,” Dr. Kalluenough amount of nicotine while in pi says. the bloodstream of the tested rats before it reaches the brain, enabling The group positioned already nicoenough nicotine to remain in the tine-dependent rats at self-adminisblood so that the animals would not tration boxes where they can choose experience withdrawal symptoms. between food, water, and nicotine inSimilar experiments were conduct- fusions for 21 hours a day. Then they ed with the use of vaccine but the paired 30% of nicotine administra-

tions having an electric shock to see if rats could continue to choose nicotine at the face of negative consequences. The rats who obtained NicA2-J1 significantly reduced their nicotine intake whereas the control rats persisted in seeking the nicotine. The NicA2-J1 treated rats were also more resistant to relapse in the face of anxiety. Dr. Gallup said the NicA2-J1 treated rats seemed to experience fewer of the symptoms associated with quitting tobacco. “One other potential downside is if the enzyme should make it into clinical trials, Dr. Kallupi admits, human smokers might actually smoke initially, as they’d have to smoke more cigarettes to receive the exact same reward. But absent withdrawal symptoms, and with a present intent to quit,

she believes “they will stop smoking little because it is not worth it smoking one pack to have the effect of two cigarettes.” Individual clinical trials are still a bit away. Next up, Dr. Kallupi says, is getting funding for a different study looking at optimal dose ranges of NicA2-J1, potential toxicity, and in the event, the receptor may be combined with other smoking cessation drugs for a synergistic effect. And whether NicA2-J1, independently or in combination with other drugs, proves ready for human clinical trials Kallupi sees this study as a proof-of-concept with this strategy, one that could possibly be pursued with comparable enzymes to drugs of abuse.


December 4th, 2018 Vol. 02 NO 55

Will China Win The BioTech And Health-tech Race? Episode: 7

Episode 7 By Preety Suman

So its Official, China is winning the Biotech Race with CRISPR babies! Let’s Analyse how China is on a winning streak. China is a country which reminds us of 2 things: Population and World’s 2nd largest Economy. Voice of Biotecnika by Priyanjana Ghosh




December 4th, 2018 Vol. 02 NO 55

IMPRS-IEM PhD Program @ Max Planck Institute & University of Freiburg


oint International PhD program of the Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics and the University of Freiburg has announced calls for IMPRS-IEM PhD Program 2019. PhD Admissions 2019 at IMPRS-IEM PhD Program. Admissions 2019 for IMPRS-IEM PhD Program. Check out all of the details on the same below: Welcome to the International Max Planck Research School for Immunobiology, Epigenetics, and Metabolism (IMPRS-IEM) – a joint international PhD program of the Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics and the University of Freiburg. The research carried out at IMPRS-IEM focuses on diverse questions in the fields of: • • • • • • • •


If you have a passion for science and interested in being a part of cutting-edge research and working towards a PhD on exciting projects in an international environment – you are the person we are looking for. Program Overview: Beginning in 2019, the International Max Planck Research School for Immunobiology, Epigenetics, and Metabolism (IMPRS-IEM) will focus on excellence in scientific training for junior researchers in the life sciences. IMPRS-IEM is the successor program to IMPRS-MCB established in 2006. The new name and program structure reflect the strengthening of the scientific research done by our faculty as a joint initiative of scientists from the University of Freiburg, the Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics, and the Institute for Systems Immunology in Würzburg. We offer talented students excellent training opportunities in the fields of Molecular and Cellular Biology, Immunobiology, Epigenetics and Metabolism. This scientific education in a first-class environment supports their development into outstanding young researchers.

IMPRS Spokespersons and the members of the Graduate Committee. We currently have 50 students from 24 countries, and 33 faculty members (19 from MPI-IE and 12 from the University of Freiburg and 2 from the Max Planck Research Department of Systems Immunology in Würzburg). We are also very proud of our growing Alumni group, which by now comprises 59 graduates. One of the distinctive aspects of our program is a rotation period. Students spend one month each in three different laboratories before starting their PhD project. This is an important step towards identifying a suitable laboratory for their PhD thesis, as it allows them to experience three distinct lab environments and provides further insight into particular research topics. The rotations are also a chance for group leaders to ascertain which student will be the best fit for their groups. Finally, this rotation phase enhances communication and networking within the Institute. After the rotation period, our fellows join the lab in which they will carry out their PhD work. The PhD project constitutes the core of scientific training. Our students benefit from the supervision of the respective group leader, the interactions within the laboratory and collaborations within and outside the MPI-IE. The progress of all IMPRS students is regularly monitored by their thesis advisory committees (TACs).

port students’ attendance at regional Individual Fellowship symposia and international scientific conferences. Students also have the Applicants are not required to have possibility to learn German and to an individual fellowship to apply. obtain advice in planning their future All students offered entry into the program will be provided with an career. employment contract to cover living expenses. There are no tuition fees to How to Apply: pay. However, we encourage students Please note that you need to have to apply for such individual fellowboth a BSc and MSc or equivalent ships before and during their PhD for (usually 5 years of university stud- the purposes of CV building. ies) to be eligible to join our program. Application Procedure: There is no application fee. Requirements:

Applications can be submitted via our online application tool only which We welcome applications of out- is open during selection times. standing and highly motivated stuYou can apply to IMPRS-IEM using dents with a passion for science. our online application tool which is • outstanding academic record open only during application times. (GPA >80%, first or upper sec- To start the application procedure ond class degree, top 10% of stu- please register here. Once you create your account, the application tool will dents in a given year) • practical lab experience of at send a confirmation email to the address you provided. Please follow the least 4-6 months • excellent English language instructions given, fill in all the necesskills (TOEFL/IELTS or equiv- sary information and upload required alent certificate recommended documents (pdf or jpeg format). You -not required- if you are not a na- can repeatedly log in and out and tive speaker or did not complete make changes to your application. your University education in an Don’t forget to press SUBMIT once your application is ready! We strongEnglish-speaking country) ly recommend you to submit as earFormal requirement: Applicants ly as possible. Submitting early will must hold an MSc/Diploma in Biol- give us more time to carefully check ogy/ Biomedicine/ Biochemistry/ Bi- your application and contact you if we oinformatics or related subject (to be have any questions. After submitting, obtained before the start of the pro- you cannot make any changes to your application anymore, but you can log gram in September). in to check if your references have arIMPRS students also participate in a broad curriculum that complements What is NOT required to apply rived and if your application has been marked as complete. their laboratory training. This addi- for the IMPRS-MCB program? tional training program covers three Documents you will need major aspects – advanced scientific Language Fluency training, transferable/soft skills and networking. In particular, we offer English is the official language of • CV courses that relate to: the program, and knowledge of Ger- • Photo (optional) man is not required. If you have tak- • Essay of Research Experience and Motivation (max. 2 page) • Advanced scientific methods en an English language proficiency e.g. bioinformatics, statistics, test (TOEFL/CET/ect.), we encour- • An essay detailing a leadership experience in your life (max. 1 imaging age you to upload your certificates page) • Critical analysis of scientific lit- in the application platform. You will erature be offered the opportunity to attend a • Transcripts of your academic education (Diploma, MSc and BSc • Scientific writing free German language course if you or equivalent) • Scientific Presentation choose to. • Certificates of your degrees (Di• Good Scientific Practice ploma, MSc and BSc or equiva• Career Development Standardized Tests lent) • Funding Opportunities IMPRS-IEM does not require stand- • English language certificate (recommended if you are not a We strongly encourage the partic- ardized testing such as the GRE for ipation of our students in the annual admissions. You may upload those PhD retreat organized by the PhD certificates with your application if representatives. Furthermore, we sup- you choose to do so. Next Page>>>>


December 4th, 2018 Vol. 02 NO 55

native speaker or did not complete your University education in an English-speaking country, not mandatory) • Results of knowledge tests (GRE, GATE or equivalent if available – not mandatory) • Contact details of three referees – Please inform your referees before you enter their email addresses in the application system. Important information about the references Your referees should ideally have worked with you on a research project i.e. the supervisor of your final project or an internship. We will contact your referees once your submitted application has undergone an initial evaluation. Please check that you have entered their full contact details and email addresses correctly. We will ask them to enter their reference


evaluate your grades, your letter of motivation and statement of research We will consider only applications interest, CV, English language skills with all three references provided and references. We also look at any additional certificates you provided. on time. Based on this information we generWe will not accept letters directly ate a shortlist of promising candidates for the video interviews. Within 3-4 mailed to the office! weeks of the application deadline, we will inform you if you are invited for Admission Process: a video interview. Admission to IMPRS-IEM is highly competitive and carried out through Video Interviews a centralized selection procedure, divided into several steps: Evaluation The Skype interviews will be conof application, video and subsequent ducted by two faculty members and the IMPRS Coordinator. This is an in-person interviews in Freiburg. important step to get to know the candidates better and to help us make a Evaluation of applications decision about the final invitation list. All applications received by the After the completion of all Skype indeadline and accompanied by three terviews, we will issue the invitations references undergo two levels of for the Interview Days in Freiburg. evaluation. First, they are checked for completeness and fulfilment of Interview Days in Freiburg our requirements. In the next step, we


Depending on the number of positions available in each round (usually 6-10) we invite 20-25 of the best candidates to Freiburg. During their three days stay in Freiburg, students have the opportunity to present their own work and get to know our faculty and students and to discuss the offered projects. The first assessment of the candidates is done during the interview with a panel of three faculty members. Students who successfully pass this selection step proceed to the individual interviews with group leaders. The decision on admission to the program is made by the selection committee consisting of recruiting group leaders and the IMPRS graduate committee. Offers to join IMPRS-IEM are made within a week of the in-person interviews. All applications are due by February 05, 2019.

Pursue Doctoral Research @ National Institute of Biomedical Genomics (NIBMG)


ational Institute of Biomedical Genomics (NIBMG) Doctoral Research Programme notification. NIBMG – National Institute of Biomedical Genomics is inviting applications for doctoral research. National Institute of Biomedical Genomics Doctoral Research Programmes and the information is given below: NO: NIBMG/ADMN/ESTB/201819/331 The broad areas of research on which students are expected to work are listed below: 1. Biomedical Genomics and the functional implications in the context of: A. Cancer B. Infectious disease C. Chronic disease 2. Computational biology and Statistical Genomics 15% OF THE SEATS ARE RESERVED FOR THE SC CATEGORY, 7.5Percent FOR THE ST CATEGORY AND 27 Percent FOR NON-CREAMY LAYER OBC CATEGORY. CERTIFICATES FROM RELEVANT AUTHORITIES ARE TO BE PROVIDED AS PROOF, BEFORE THE INTERVIEW.

The minimum eligibility criteria for accepting students at NIBMG to pursue research leading to PhD degree are: • Master’s degree in a related discipline (Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Molecular Biology, Microbiology, Genetics, Statistics, Bioinformatics, Zoology, Physiology, Biophysics or related disciplines). • Candidates in the general category should have secured at least 55% aggregate in Master’s degree. This will be relaxed for reserved categories as They’re just required to successfully complete Master’s degree. • An applicant must have passed the NET conducted by CSIR/ UGC/ICMR/DBT/NBHM AND have to have a valid award letter of Junior Research Fellowship from CSIR, UGC, ICMR, DBT, NBHM. Candidates who have qualified for Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship or any other fellowship for the reserved categories are encouraged to apply. • Preference will be given to applicants with demonstrable research training in the form of summer training or short-term courses in established research labs in preparation for a research career in biomedical sciences. This condition isn’t applicable to people belonging to reserved

be accepted until 5 PM of 10th of December 2018. Short-listed candidates will be called for a formal interview How to Apply: to make the final selection. The interPlease apply online via web link view will be on the 20th of December (No other 2018. form of application will be approved ). Please indicate online if you belong Deadline: 5 PM of 10th of Decemto a reserved category or the overall ber 2018 category. The online application will categories.



December 4th, 2018 Vol. 02 NO 55

PhD Programme Admissions @ Centre for Human Genetics, Bengaluru


he Centre For Human Genetics is engaged in advanced research, teaching and training in areas which lie at the interface of modern genetics and medicine. Centre for Human Genetics, Bengaluru PhD Programme Admissions. Details of which are given below: Interested candidates are invited to apply for a research position leading to a Ph.D., with the degree to be awarded by Manipal University. CHG faculty work on problems that lie at the interface of modern genetics and medicine, evolutionary biology, cancer biology and related disciplines. Besides offering training leading to

a Master’s degree in Human Disease Genetics under the aegis of Bangalore University, CHG conducts short-term courses and training programmes in human genetics and molecular cytogenetics. It also offers clinical services including genetic counselling for a range of genetic disorders and inborn errors of metabolism. In partnership with the Indira Gandhi Institute of Child Health, CHG conducts a post-MD fellowship programme in Paediatric Genetics; the degree is awarded by the Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bengaluru.

search towards a Ph.D. are expected to have (a) a Master’s degree in Science or an MBBS degree, (b) cleared the CSIR/UGC National Entrance Test in the Life Sciences or the ICMR-JRF or an equivalent examination, and (c) assured financial support, for instance from a Junior or Senior Research Fellowship awarded by CSIR or ICMR. How to Apply:

Potential applicants are invited to go through the information provided on the CHG website (www.chg.res. Eligibility: in). They are also encouraged to visit CHG in person after fixing a mutualApplicants who wish to carry out re- ly convenient time. A formal appli-

cation can be made by post or email ( by writing to the Dean, CHG. The application should include a cv, marks obtained in the 10th and 12th standard and B.Sc., M.Sc./MBBS degree exams along with a recent photograph and a brief statement explaining why the applicant is interested in doing a Ph.D. in Human Genetics. At least two referees should be requested to submit letters of recommendation separately. The last date for receipt of completed applications (and the letters of recommendation) is January 31, 2019. Offers will be made only after short-listed applicants are interviewed on a date to be announced.

@ PhD Admissions @ Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad


hD Admissions Biotechnology at Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad. Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad has advertised for PhD Admissions. Interested and eligible candidates can check out all of the details on the same below: Eligibility For Doctoral Program (Please refer NOTE at the bottom also ) • Candidates must have a minimum mark of 60% aggregate or 6.5 C.P.I. (Cumulative Performance Index in ten point scale) in the qualifying examination. For SC/ST candidate’s minimum marks will be 55% aggregate or 6.0 CPI. • The eligibility conditions given above are the absolute minimum. Departments may prescribe any requirements over and above these. Ph.D. in Engineering • The applicant with a Master degree in relevant branch of Engineering/Technology with marks not below 60% or CPI 6.5. OR • An applicant with a Bachelors degree in Engineering or Masters Degree in Science/Applied biological sciences/Computer Application or any appropriate

discipline with a minimum of otechnology, Bioinformatics, Biopro75% marks or CPI 8.0 shall only cess Development, Bio-energy, Envibe considered. ronmental Biotechnology, Genetics & Genetic Engineering, Immunology, Ph.D. in Sciences, Humanities and Medical Biotechnology, MicrobiolSocial Sciences (HSS) ogy, Molecular Biology, Nano Biotechnology, Plant Biotechnology • An applicant with a Master’s Degree in the relevant subject Application Procedure: with a minimum of 60% Marks or CPI 6.5 (i) Applicants are required to submit OR their application through online appli• An applicant with a Bachelor’s cation system using the portal https:// degree in Engineering/Pharma- cy with marks not below 75% or only. “No other means of the applicaCPI 8.0 shall only be considered. tion shall be acceptable”. (ii) There are two steps in online apNote: plication procedure • All candidates who are apply- Step 1. Register by filling your pering for Course category 11 (Full sonal details and pay fee by using Time Stipendiary) must have payment link valid GATE score/NET in relevant branch/subject • An application ID will be pro• Where the eligibility qualificavided in this step, which will be tion is Master’s Degree in Scirequired in step 2. An application ence/Computer Application/ fee is Rs. 1200/- for OPEN and Commerce /Economics/English/ OBC-NCL candidates for each Management or any subject of programme. For SC/ST category Humanities/ Life Sciences or Soadmission fee is Rs. 600.00 for cial Science, NET/ GATE qualieach programme. fication is mandatory (except for • Fee payment can be made by eicourse category 13, 14 and only ther online payment mode using those receiving fellowships from credit/debit card, internet bankUGC, CSIR, DST, etc. under ing or offline mode by chalan. course category 12).. • If online payment mode is opted, then after successful payment an Department: Biotechnology e-receipt will be generated by the admission portal. If offline Areas of Research: Agricultural Bipayment is opted, then report

any branch of State Bank of India with the print out of the generated chalan and deposit application fee. Bank will provide a stamped receipt. This e-receipt/ stamped clalan receipt will be required at the time of sending application form to MNNIT Allahabad. Step 2. Online filling of application form: Log-in with application ID provided in step 1 Before starting the online filling of application form, please make sure that you have soft copy of your passport size photograph in JPEG (up to 30 kb) format. • After login, follow the instructions for filling the application form. • Take print out of the form, attach a photocopy of all required documents [refer section 8] and send on the address given below so as to reach before the due date: Admission Cell Office of the Dean (Academic) Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad Prayagraj – 211 004 • Write on the top of envelop the

Next Page>>>>


December 4th, 2018 Vol. 02 NO 55

name of the programme in which mentioned on each application form. you are applying, e.g. “Application for Ph.D. in Note: Document verification will ……………… Engineering Depart- be done only at the time of interment”. view. Therefore, candidates who will be called for written examination are required to ascertain Important Notes: that they fully meet all the advertised criteria. Further, in case it is If a candidate is applying in more found that any candidate who does than one department, then the prefer- not fulfil the criteria and yet has ence of the department shall be clearly appeared in the interview/test or

has been offered admission, his/ her candidature/admission will be cancelled/ terminated at any stage, without any compensation.

Fee Structure:

Important Dates:

Address for Sending Application Form: The filled up and signed application form along with a copy of e-receipt/ chalan and other required documents should reach to the following address

on or before 15.12.2018 up to 05.30 PM: Admission Cell Office of the Dean (Academic) Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad Prayagraj – 211004 Phone: Office: (0532) – 2271050; 2271046 Fax: (0532) 2445101 Email ID:

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