Biotecnika Times Newspaper - 5th Feb 2019 Edition

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February 5th, 2019.

Vol. 03

NO 64


Genetically Modified Chickens That Lay Anti-Cancer Loaded Eggs

CSIR NET Video PenDrive – Life Science Exam Lecture Videos

Remembering Nobel Laureate – Osamu Shimomura


Career Advice

Voice of Biotecnika

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Research Fellowship Hiked By 24% DST Gives New Year Bonanza Before the last budget of the Modi government could be announced. Here is a bonanza, here is a gift for all the researchers of India.


Finally, the government has paid attention to this issue and a 24% hike in fellowship has been granted today by a notification issued by the Department of Science and Technology. This particular notification sounds like an acknowledgment to the issue, but it does not address the issue. Rs 31,000 does solve our expenditure problems to some extent, but it does not match the market rates. What we had expected...

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●● Applications are invited from eligible applicants for admissions to regular (1) Research Programmes [Ph D / M Tech (Research)] (2) Course Programmes [M Tech/M Des/M Mgt], (3) Integrated Ph D Programmes, and also to (4) Research (Ph D only) under External ...

●● State Health Society (Delhi) and Integrated District Health Societies vacancies by Delhi State Health Mission (DSHM) for MSc microbiology candidates with high pay. Govt of Delhi National Health Mission microbiologist vacancies are available. Check out all of the details...

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February 5th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 64

Research Fellowship Hiked By 24% DST Gives New Year Bonanza Before the last budget of the Modi government could be announced. Here is a bonanza, here is a gift for all the researchers of India. FINALLY, THE GOVERNMENT HAS ACKNOWLEDGED AFTER SEVERAL REPEATED REQUESTS AND EFFORTS, PROTESTS AND HUNGER STRIKE BY VARIOUS RESEARCH ORGANIZATIONS AND BY BIOTECNIKA. By Preety Suman

Finally, the government has paid attention to this issue and a 24% hike in fellowship has been granted today by a notification issued by the Department of Science and Technology. This particular notification sounds like an acknowledgment to the issue, but it does not address the issue. Rs 31,000 does solve our expenditure problems to some extent, but it does not match the market rates. What we had expected is a hike up to Rs 50,000 per month for JRF hand 55,000 to 60,000 for SRF which has not happened this time. Also, the expectation was that the government will make the hike effective from the month of April 2018, even that has not been met. The revised emoluments will take effect from 01.01.2019.

the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India on the above subject. The matter has been further considered by the Government and the following revised emoluments have been approved. The O.M. is applicable to the research personnel working on R&D programmes funded by the Central Government Department/Agencies. HIKED FELLOWSHIP DETAILS: 1)Emoluments:

However, it comes as a small gift A.Junior Research Fellow (JRF) / for all the researchers and we hope Senior Research Fellow (SRF) it will be received with happiness by the research community. Do post your A.1 After completion of two years, comments and experience in the com- an external assessment by the Instituments section below. tion where the student is enrolled for Ph.D. is mandatory for upgradation The official notice released by DST from JRF to SRF. The fellow may be pertaining to hike in fellowship can awarded SRF after successful assessbe viewed below: SR/S9/Z-08/2018 Government of India Ministry of Science & Technology Department of Science & Technology


Revised Emoluments per month


Research Associate -I

Rs. 47,000/-


Research Associate – II

Rs. 49.000/-


Research Associate – III

Rs. 54.000/-

ment. A.2 Annual Satisfactory Assessment is mandatory to continue the benefit of fellowship during SRF period. B. Research Associate Research associates may be fixed at a consolidated amount at one of the 3 pay levels given below depending upon the qualification and experience. The Institute/Organization concerned may decide the level in

A.Junior Research Fellow (JRF) / Senior Research Fellow (SRF) Sl.No

Designation & Qualification


Junior Research Fellow (JRF) Rs. 31,000/Post Graduate Degree in Basic Science OR Graduate I Post Graduate Degree in Professional Course selected through a process described through any one of the following:a. Scholars who are selected through National Eligibility Tests -CSIR-UGC NET including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) and GATE.b. The selection process through National level examinations conducted by Central Government Departments and their Agencies and Institutions such as DST, DBT, DAE. DOS, DRDO, MHRD, ICAR, ICMR, IIT, IISc, IISER etc. Senior Research Fellow (SRF) Rs. 35,000/Qualification prescribed for JRF with two years of research experience

Dated: January 30, 2019 Subject: Revision of emoluments and guidelines on service conditions for research personnel engaged in R& D programme of the Central Government Departments/Agencies Attention is invited to the Office Memorandum (O.M.) No. SR/S9/Z09/2012 dated 21.10.2014 issued by



Revised Emoluments per month

which a particular associate should be placed based on the experience. The Essential Qualification (EQ) for RA is as follows: Ph.D./MD/MS/MDS or equivalent degree or having 3 years of research, teaching and design and development experience after MVSc/M.Pharm/ ME/M.Tech with at least one research paper in Science Citation Indexed (SCI) journal. 2. Service Conditions: (I) DA: JRFs, SRFs and Research Associates will not be entitled to DA. (II) House Rent Allowance (HRA): All research fellows may be provided hostel accommodation wherever available. Research fellowship holder residing in hostels shall not be entitled for HRA. Wherever provision of hostel accommodation is not possible, HRA may be allowed to all the above categories viz. JRF, SRF and RA as per Central Government norms applicable in the city/location where they are working. The percentage required

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February 5th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 64

for calculating HRA will be based on ard refereed journals with the conthe fellowship amount. currence of the Fellow and his/her Supervisor / Advisor. It should be en(III) Medical Benefits: The research sured by the fellow that the assistance fellows and research associates (JRF/ provided by the funding agency the SRF/RA) will be entitled to a medical of Government of India is acknowlallowance as applicable in the imple- edged in all such publications. menting institution. (VIII) Obligation of JRF/SRF/RA: (IV) Leave and other entitlements: The JRF/SRF are eligible only for a) He/She shall be governed by the casual leave while Research Associ- disciplinary regulations of the host ates are entitled to leave as per rules Institute where he/she is working. of the host institution. Participation of b) The JRF/SRF/RA must send a reany of these categories (JRF/SRF/RA) port of the research work done during in scientific event/workshops held in the period of Fellowship as may be India or abroad will be treated as “on asked by the sponsoring agency. duty” with due approval of the host institution. The travel entitlement for 3. Ministry/Department may considJRF/SRF/RA for participation in sci- er fixing the number of fellowships entific events/workshops in India will considering their budgetary outlays. continue to be the same as earlier i.e. Central Government Departments / 2″ AC by rail. Maternity leave as per Agencies are requested to ensure that the Govt. of India instructions issued the above guidelines are followed in from time to time would be available regard to the remuneration and othto female candidates in all categories. er benefits to the research personnel engaged in R&D projects funded by (V) Bonus & Leave Travel Con- them. cession: JRFs, SRFs and Research Associates will not be entitled to 4. Selection for the award of fellowthese allowances. ship shall ordinarily be through common competitive examinations, How(VI) Retirement Benefits: JRFs, ever, for subjects where there is no SRFs and Research Associates will examination presently, Government not be entitled to these benefits. Departments and their authorized agencies and institutions may start (VII) Publication/Patent: The re- conducting an examination to screen sults of JRF/SRF/RA’s research work candidates for the award of fellowmay be published preferably in stand- ships. This shall not be applied ret-


rospectively and the persons already to incentivize the research output, for enrolled shall be exempted. e.g. in the form of publications and patents. An Inter-Ministerial Empow5. Date of Effect: The revised ered Committee of the Government emoluments will take effect from is to evolve the modalities of imple01.01.2019. Respective Departments mentation. The Committee will perishould meet the additionality from odically examine all the fellowship their existing budget through match- matters Including disbursement and ing savings in other schemes. At the quantum of fellowship. time of the main budget for 2019-20, this may be reviewed. 7. This issues with the concurrence of the Department of Expenditure, 6. In order to further enhance value, Ministry of Finance vide DoE ID quality, and experience in doctoral Note No 33(14)/PFC-I1/2018 dated research, the Government has agreed 28.01.2019.

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February 5th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 64

Genetically Modified Chickens That Lay Anti-Cancer Loaded Eggs In the future, doctors might prescribe these “Special Eggs” to patients suffering from Cancer & arthritis. RESEARCHERS AT ROSLIN INSTITUTE, UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH HAVE GENETICALLY MODIFIED CHICKEN TO LAY EGGS LOADED WITH DRUGS FOR TREATING SOME TYPES OF CANCERS & ARTHRITIS. By Preety Suman

It can prove to be a highly cost-effective method of producing cancer drugs, maybe 100 times cheaper. As per the study published in BMC Biotechnology Journal, the researchers added the chicken with a gene coding for a human protein called IFNalpha2a that possess powerful antiviral and anti-cancer effects and other protein macrophage-CSF involved with tissue repair – White blood cell production. As a result, the egg laid by the genetically modified chicken has the above components and the best part is the chicken remained healthy with no display of any adverse effect.

The research is in its very early stage, yet the scientists are confident that it would set a stage for improved drug production on a large scale with limited cost, as Chickens can lay up to 300 eggs per year and maintaining the sheds are also easier and cost-effective. Currently, Eggs are already used as

a source to cultivate viruses for use in a commercially viable option for provaccines. Animals such as goats have ducing proteins apt for drug discovalso been genetically modified earli- ery studies. er to enhance protein containing milk production. The fact is, it might take more than decades to get the drugs out to people Professor Helen Sang said that the post regulatory approvals. team is not ready yet for producing drugs for humans but via this research study on chickens they are here with


blood samples from on-call doctors who worked overnight showed lower DNA repair & gene expression and more DNA breaks in comparison to the other doctors who worked in general shifts.

But its time people must give a second thought to it. As per a study published in the journal Anaesthesia, Working in Night shifts can alter your DNA and will make you prone to a lot of serious health conditions including Cancer, Neurodegenerative & cardiovascular diseases to name a few.

Siu-Wai Choi from the University of Hong Kong in a statement said the results of their study clearly indicated that even a single night of sleep deprivation can open up the floodgates of diseases. One can develop symptoms of chronic diseases at a very very early stage. He further added that although their work is preliminary, yet they are very confident about the results.

Blood samples were collected from 49 healthy full-time doctors at different time zones of the day by a group of researchers from the University of Hong Kong for the study. Upon analysis, the researchers found that

Various research has been conducted in this regards to measure the effect of night shifts on an individuals health. A research study published in NCBI in 2018 states that “Shift work is associated with sleep disruption,

impaired quality of life, and is a risk factor for several health conditions.” Now the questions that remain unanswered is – should night shifts be dis-

carded completely or stronger rules should be laid down in regards to it. Do share your views below in the comment section.


February 5th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 64


Indian Researchers Discover Potential Drugs Against Tuberculosis Tuberculosis, caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis, is a major cause of death worldwide and to lessen this death count Researchers have now come with a new drug candidate to fight tuberculosis. IN 2017 ALONE, 10 MILLION INDIVIDUALS AROUND THE GLOBE WERE IMPACTED BY THE DISORDER, AND ABOUT 1.6 MILLION SUCCUMBED TO IT. By Swarna Khushbu

Tuberculosis, caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis, is a major cause of death worldwide and to lessen this death count Researchers have now come with a new drug candidate to fight tuberculosis. In 2017 alone, 10 million individuals around the globe were impacted by the disorder, and about 1.6 million succumbed to it. In recent a recent study, researchers from the Veer Narmad South Gujarat University have developed some potential drugs against tuberculosis and have analyzed their efficiency against the TB bacteria and other germs. Scientists throughout the globe are exploring TB therapy options using natural chemicals, and mixtures of drugs, and are screening new drugs using computer-based approaches. In the current study, the investigators have synthesized some agents be-

longing to the group’azoles’, which are proven to kill germs fungi, by preventing the synthesis of lipids in their own body. The analysis has been published in the journal Current Computer-Aided Drug Design. The researchers then analyzed the efficiency of the compounds against four other germs, the TB germs, and three species. They have decided that the concentration of those chemicals that can inhibit the growth of microbes. Using a computer-based approach called they studied the interaction of

these compounds with a target protein in the TB bacteria. They also analyzed the absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion properties of these compounds. Six of the synthesized compounds showed promising antimicrobial activity with one of them being very efficient in killing the TB bacteria were found by the Researchers. The Researchers said that this compound could act as a potential an-

ti-tuberculosis drug in the future. The also said give the best option for the preparation of new derivatives to be able to enhance antitubercular activity in future with more improved potency. With a global fight against tuberculosis on full throttle, studies like this can help us reach the objective of eliminating the disease very soon.



February 5th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 64

IIT Mandi Researchers Discover New Drug Against Zika Virus Till date, Millions of people have been affected by the Zika Virus.


Earlier scientists at Washington University, the USA under the direction of Prof Indira Mysorekar had discovered that an antimalarial drug – hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) reduces the chance of the ZIKV transmission from mother to fetus. Working ahead on this lead, scientists at Prof Giri’s lab have located the target viral protein upon which the HCQ drug acts. Zika virus is included in the WHO’s top 10 global threat against health 2019 list, showcasing the severity of this virus. It belongs to the genus Flavivirus along with dengue virus, yellow fever virus, and Japanese Encephalitis virus. The symptoms of ZIKV infections are severe head-

aches, lethargy often associated with various neurological disorders as well. Upon passed on to the fetus by the mother the child can suffer from a deadly disease called microcephaly. In order to block the ZIKV activity a crucial an enzyme called – NS2BNS3 protease was targeted under the study. The enzyme plays the role of governing polyprotein maturation – viral multiplication, leading to survival and pathogenesis of the virus.

High throughput virtual screening of FDA approved drug library was done in order to identify molecules that can inhibit the actions of NS2BNS3 protease. Five compounds that showed up had a prominent affinity towards the protease out of which one compound was HCQ. The HCQ compound was further validated by molecular dynamics simulations. Zika virus gene construct was cloned by the scientists and its NS2B-NS3 protease enzyme was purified & ex-

pressed. The study shows that HCQ bonded with the NS2B-NS3 protease complex, thus competitively inhibiting its ability to contribute to viral multiplication. Prof Sanjeev Kumar Singh from Alagappa University, Tamil Nadu also joined the IIT Mandi team in this research study, the findings of which were published in the American Chemical Society journal.


February 5th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 64


CSIR NET Video PenDrive – Life Science Exam Lecture Videos Dear BioTecNika Members, CSIR NET is a Competitive Exam and the best get selected, that means you need the best support for CSIR NET Examination from the Best Teachers. We at Biotecnika extend our hands with you believing our motto: “Your success is our achievement”. BIOTECNIKA HAS ALWAYS STOOD FOR THE CAUSE OF HELPING LIFE SCIENCE STUDENTS AND ONCE AGAIN WITH THIS STEP WE TRY TO COME ONE STEP CLOSER BY TRYING TO HELP STUDENTS WITH THE BEST LECTURES OF OUR PROFESSORS. By Preety Suman

CSIR NET Video PenDrive Features: • 350+ Hours of Best Lectures of BioTecNika since 2011 • Access to BioTecNika’s latest e-Learner 2019 for 1 Year • Free AIMNET & NET JRF Pro Test series as per the new pattern. • 24X7 Doubt Solving by BioTecNika Experts who will resolve your academic doubts via chat • Animations, Power-points, Video recordings – All at One Place How to Get this VideoDrive? • You can enroll for 1 Year CSIR NET Coaching ( with Study Material) and get this Videodrive for FREE – Next Batch Starts 4th Feb 2019 • You can write the All India Mock Test to be conducted on our Centers on 10th Feb 2019 and the Topper of this Test will get the VideoDrive All India Mock Test Details Biotecnika brings you this opportunity with All India level Mock Test where you get to experience a small trailer of CSIR NET conducted Online and Offline at all the 5 Centers across India: Bangalore, Noida, Pune, Kolkata, Chennai & online @ Home Chat with a BioTecNika Expert to Know more To get to this exclusive videodrive you to need to give All India level Mock test conducted on our respective centers and the topper of this test will get VideoDrive

Why give This test? • Help you the analyze topics you have to focus more • Get to know more about quality questions • Get a good live idea about the upcoming CSIR-NET Exam • Live interaction with CSIR-NET Experts CSIR NET Fellowship is going to increase this year, So Start preparing today Want to know more about it? Visit Dial Biotecnika @ 080-5099-7000/ 1800-200-3757 for any further inquiries. Next batch for CSIR- NET Coaching classes – 4th February ( Limited seats ) About BioTecNika’s Coaching: Biotecnika has been India’s most successful CSIR NET exam preparation provider since 2006. With its wings spread across five cities in India Biotecnika is known for quality education and its vast set of experts and csir net tutors help 1000’s of students pursue their dream to become a researcher in Indian Labs. Biotecnika can be reached at 1800-200-3757 or 080-5099-7000 or via email to info@

BioTecNika also runs Biotecnika. org which is your news, jobs and opportunities website. We provide you with the latest breaking news and videos straight from the Biotech industry.

Got Questions regarding this VideoDrive? Or you want to take Admission in our Coaching services: Dial 1800-200-3757 / 080-5099-7000 / 080-5099-2444 / 8884122500 today



February 5th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 64

How To Stay Productive During Your / Master’s Degree To begin with, I will not be talking about any rocket science here. There are a couple of things which you need to practice so that the outcome will not just be positive, it will be rewarding. AND YOU WILL NOT JUST LOOK BACK AND FEEL LIKE AN ACHIEVER BUT ALSO BELIEVE IN YOUR FUTURE. THIS IS WHY YOU MUST READ THIS ARTICLE ON HOW TO STAY PRODUCTIVE DURING YOUR M.SC / MASTER’S DEGREE UNTIL THE END TO MAKE THE MOST OUT OF IT. By Shekhar Suman

College days are one of the most beautiful days every teenager cherish for. During your bachelor’s you may feel like hey, it’s all right not to study! Hey, it’s alright, to bunk classes! Sometimes you will also feel Hey, it’s alright to bunk the exams also! But trust me, if you stay productive during your bachelor’s and master’s, you are going to rock throughout your life. Proper planning and strategy have helped humans to reach the moon and very soon will be on Mars too. And here you are still struggling in your masters. Why? Because you are not planning to be productive.

the leverage of a smartphone and the internet so frequently like you. Remember a smartphone is something which can make you as well as destroy you, it’s totally your choice how you use it. If you use it in the right manner, it will help you, but if you use it in the wrong manner, it will hurt you! It will injure you! If you are using the smartphone to reSo let’s go through some points search the internet about something which will help you stay productive which you are studying, No problem! But when you are studying, put during Your Masters. away all the apps which distract you like WhatsApp, emails, Facebook, Maintain a daily to-do list Instagram its a strict NO NO! Now, what is a to-do list everybody knows! It’s something that makes you plan for the day and the next day. It helps you chalk out a list of things you want to accomplish for the day. You can always write a to-do list of next day in the night itself Or maybe the next day in the morning as soon as you wake up. There are several apps in the play store which you can use to build a to-do list for yourself. If you have a smartphone you can always use Google Keep.

Lack of self-study everyday

It is often seen that most of the students do not study on a daily basis, and they keep postponing writing their practical records till the end. Consequently, they will just copy from records of the toppers or their friendly seniors and believe me even the readings of experiments will be copied. But during exams, during Viva sessions, they will fumble and will fail to answer the questions. This is because they don’t study The idea behind maintaining a to- every day, they postpone things, do list is to make you ready so that pile up their studies for the end day you can spend your day efficiently, of the exam. and take essentials steps day by day You cannot grow a plant in a single to reach your prime goal. day by just flooding it with water, it Put away your smartphone while will take its own time. Your brain is like a plant it must be watered with studying knowledge every day for that you Now when your previous genera- must study every day. tion used to study, they didn’t have

Prioritizing Your Work Now prioritizing is all about decision making. So if you are very good in making decisions, you will be able to prioritize. Let’s take up a situation Here: You have a couple of things to do today. One of them is going for a movie other is writing your assignment and another is studying for a crucial test, which is coming next week. How do you prioritize? Decision making is a skill you need to develop yourself. Most of the students are not able to decide what is important what not. And this is where some friends will come and say, hey, let’s go for the movie and then you will end up prioritizing the movie. There’s no harm in watching movies. In fact, whenever you get bored of studies, you must watch movies. My point here is, you will have all of your life to watch movies but these foundation days of career will not come back. So before taking a decision look at your schedule, and prioritize things on the basis that how it helps you increase your productivity. If completing that assignment is important when preparing for that exam, which is their next week then strategize accordingly. If you plan properly you will be able to do both in time. Hence Prioritizing and Decision-making skills play a very important role early in your career.

Finish those work first, which can be completed faster Whenever you have a to-do list, you should try to finish those task first, which can be completed faster. For example, you have 12 chapters to study. And you know that the first three chapters are very long while the last ones are a little easy. So you must finish the last three fast, thus you will end up finishing 25% of the syllabus. By this method, your confidence level will always boost instantly. Avoid studying late at night I know I’m getting into a lot of controversies by saying that a lot of students say that, hey, I get peacetime only at night. So I’ll study only at night. You must be preferring studying at night because there are a lot of distractions in the daytime, which directly means you are studying in a crowded environment. Research has proved that working at night affects & alters your DNA, your hormones don’t work in sync. And that is where you will have hormonal problems in the future. And being a life science student you should know that playing with the hormones is something like a house of cards if one falls the entire system falls. It works similar to a nega-

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February 5th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 64

tive feedback loop mechanism. And daily to-do list. that is why you should avoid setting into late at night. Instead, look for a Stop Running Away From Colplace where you will be distraction lege After 3 PM free during the day. 8 out of every 10 students have a Make monthly goals and targets tendency to run away from college immediately after classes get over. Setting up a goal is very very im- Well, you need to stop this behavportant. You can have two types of ior immediately in order to have goal- short term goal & long term a successful career. I know it begoal. Short term goals can be week- comes extremely tiring attending ly goals like I have to finish up by lectures and standing in labs all lab record and any particular topic day. But think once this is the only this week at any cost. Long terms time when the college libraries and monthly goals can be made per- labs will be free of all distractions. taining to the upcoming tests & ex- Why not use this time to your faams. Make sure your monthly goal vor? Spend some time in the library also has tasks like learning new lab and try to learn something new or skills, networking with your seniors at least be prepared for the next lecand other members who are already ture in advance, by this you will be at the peak of their research career. able to churn out more benefit from the next lecture. Spend some time in I have seen a lot of students who the Lab to work on the experiments do create monthly goals and weekly that went wrong, figure out the mistargets but they do not achieve those takes. These habits will not only because they fail to prioritize their make you stand out of the crowd, work, they fail to put their smart- but it will also lead the foundation phones away, they fail to a create a for a better future for yourself.

WARNING: By practicing these things, you will be called a NERD by your classmates & friends, but that’s a compliment right! If being NERDY will fetch you a six-figure salary or more in future then be proud to be called as a NERD. Plan for your future


So I hope you understood the above points and the message behind each one of them. If you are still doing your bachelor’s or master’s, make sure it is productive enough and you are future ready. If you follow the above points you will know, where you have to go ahead in your career and how you have to plan. Once your degree is completed, you will know which company will give you a job and you will know how to take the right decisions. Being productive in your Masters will not just make you successful in your career but will also make you a successful person overall as you will be able to work on your goal on a daily basis and you will be able to achieve what others have not.

Freeze certain time slots per day and assign it to study and research about your future, your future career. This means every day maybe one or two hours you should spend time with the internet, searching answers for questions like – What can you do after you complete your masters, What are the companies & institutes you can get a job in immediately after your course completion, What extra skills and certification courses you require to get your dream job, How should you prepare So start being productive right for competitive exams, How you away and you will see your career can attend mock interviews and grow exponentially like an urban many such questions. This will help city. you be future ready.




February 5th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 64

Remembering Nobel Laureate – Osamu Shimomura WEEKLY PODCAST

Episode16 Seventy-three years ago on a Thursday morning, August 1945, while following the bomber planes, he noticed them taking an unusual route towards the center of the city. As soon as he sat down for work in a factory seven and a half miles from Nagasaki, Japan, a powerful flash of light came through the small windows. All were briefly blinded for about 30 seconds and then, about 40 seconds after the flash, a loud sound and sudden change of air pressure followed. There was a huge explosion somewhere, but no one knew where.

In this podcast, we will be remembering the Nobel Laureate – Osamu Shimomura. Listen up the fascinating podcast Voice of Biotecnika – Episode 16 below to know how he was related to the Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Blasts and much more about his discoveries & inventions. Voice of Biotecnika by Dr. Pallavi Rungta


February 5th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 64


IISc Admission 2019 : PhD / M.Tech & Integrated PhD Programmes The notification for the Indian Institute of Science Admissions 2019 has been released. Online application has opened. CANDIDATES INTERESTED IN APPLYING FOR PHD, MTECH, INTEGRATED PHD & PHD UNDER EXTERNAL REGISTRATION PROGRAMME, ARE ENCOURAGED TO CHECK OUT ALL OF THE DETAILS ON THE SAME BELOW: By Diluxi Arya

Applications are invited from eligible applicants for admissions to regular (1) Research Programmes [Ph D / M Tech (Research)] (2) Course Programmes [M Tech/M Des/M Mgt], (3) Integrated Ph D Programmes, and also to (4) Research (Ph D only) under External Registration Programmes. The gist of the admission operations is given in the following paragraphs. Applicants are advised to go through the eligibility criteria, specialisations, areas of research, selection procedure and other details available at separate links on the IISc website (e.g, http:// → Admissions → Programmes → PG Research programmes → M Tech (Research)/Ph D → Eligibility)

& Automation, Earth Sciences, Electrical Communication Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronic Systems Engineering, Instrumentation, Management Studies (Ph D only), Materials Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Nano Science and Engineering (Ph D only), Design & Manufacturing, Sustainable Technologies, and Computational & Data Sciences.

Applicants possessing the educational qualification including those in the final semester/year of their qualifying examinations, but expect to complete all the requirements for the award of the degree (like examinations, project dissertation, viva-voce etc.) and furnish the necessary certificates by 31 October 2019 are eligible to apply.

Ph D in Interdisciplinary areas: BioSystems Science and Engineering (offered by Centre for Biosystems Science and Engineering), Energy (offered by Interdisciplinary Centre for Energy Research), Mathematical Sciences (offered by National Mathematics Initiative), Nanoscience and Engineering (offered by the Centre for Nano Science and Engineering), 1. RESEARCH PROGRAMMES Water Research (offered by Interdis[Ph D/M Tech (Research)] ciplinary Centre for Water Research), Cyber-Physical Systems (offered Departments / Areas by Robert Bosch Centre for Physical Systems), Climate Change (ofPh D in Science Faculty: Astronfered by Divecha Centre for Climate omy & Astrophysics, Biochemistry, Change). Ecological Sciences, High Energy Physics, Inorganic & Physical ChemEligibility: Applicants possessing a istry, Materials Research, Mathematminimum of second class or equivaics, Microbiology & Cell Biology, lent in the following Molecular Biophysics, Molecular Redegrees as applicable to the individproduction, Development & Genetics, ual departments/areas are eligible to Neurosciences, Organic Chemistry, apply: Physics, and Solid State & Structural Chemistry. *The GATE score should be valid as on August 1, 2019. Candidates seM Tech (Research) and Ph D in curing the valid GATE score for the Engineering Faculty: Aerospace years 2017/2018/2019 may apply. Engineering, Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences, Chemical Engineering, ** NET JRF includes – CSIR-UGC Civil Engineering, Computer Science

NET for JRF; UGC-NET for JRF; DBT JRF; ICMR JRF; JEST; NBHM Screening Test 2019; INSPIRE. Selection procedure: Candidates are shortlisted for an interview based on their performance in the National

Entrance Test or the qualifying degree as detailed in the above table. The selection is based on the performance in the interview (in some of the depart-

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ments, a written test will precede the main the same as for the regular candi- • ERP candidates (all categories) : dates. Qualifying in one of the nationRs.2000 interview). al entrance tests like CSIR-UGC NET • Sponsored candidates from Defence, DRDO, BARC, ISRO, Selection procedure: Candidates for JRF, UGC-NET for JRF, DBT NAL,NTRO, will be shortlisted for interview based JRF, ICMR JRF, GATE, NBHM is on their JAM 2019 score for all four desirable but not mandatory. Further, • KSRTC, BMTC, BDA PWD and CPRI : Rs.800 disciplines and also JEST 2019 for the candidate should have completed Physical Sciences. Selection for (a) two years of full-time employment in • *The fee is non-refundable; any bank or payment gateway serChemical Sciences will be based on the current organization. The candivice charges must be borne by the performance in the Interview; (b) dates must be officially sponsored by the applicant. Biological, Physical and Mathemat- their employing organizations. ical Sciences will be based on combined performance in the qualifying Selection procedure: Based on the Payment options: Online payment performance in an interview. through net-banking, debit card, visa/ examination and interview. master credit card. Research Ph D under External How to Apply: Reservation/concession/relaxaRegistration Programme (ERP) Applications for all the programmes tions for OBC/SC/ST/Persons with This programme is meant for (1) mentioned above are available online. disability (PwD) and Kashmiri-Miprofessionals from R&D Organi- Hence the applicants should apply grant (KM) candidates: As per the zations / Industries and (2) Faculty online only. Visit website www.iisc. Government of India rules. The minmembers from Engineering, Agri- → Admissions for more details imum class prescribed in the qualifycultural, Pharmaceutical, Veteri- and register online and fill the appli- ing examination is relaxed to a “Pass nary, Medical Colleges/ Universities, cation. Class” for SC/ST candidates. recognized by the appropriate govApplication Fee: Scholarships: All the regular stuernment agencies. dents (except M.Mgt) who join the • General / OBC : Rs.800 Institute are eligible for a scholarship Eligibility: • SC / ST / PwD (person with dis- from MHRD / CSIR / UGC/ ICMR The educational qualifications reability) : Rs.400 / DBT / AICTE / DAE (NBHM) de-

February 5th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 64

pending upon their mode of entry. Scholarships from many Indian and multinational agencies and business houses are also available for meritorious students. The applicants are advised to visit the website and the department website to which they are applying to familiarize themselves with complete admission related matters, areas of research, etc. Important Dates: • The website opens for online submission of applications: 01.02.2019 • Last date for online submission of applications (website closes at 23:59 hours on 25.03.2019): 25.03.2019 APPLY ONLINE


February 5th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 64


ICMR-DHR International Fellowships The official notification for the Indian Council of Medical Research ICMR – DHR International Fellowships 2019 has been released. INTERESTED APPLICANTS CAN CHECK OUT ALL OF THE DETAILS ON THE GUIDELINES, TIMELINE, APPLICATION PROCEDURE, IMPORTANT LINKS AND MORE GIVEN DOWN BELOW: By Diluxi Arya

One of the major mandates of ICMR and DHR is to augment the capacity strengthening of Indian scientists. This international fellowship programme is intended to create a pool of talented health research personnel by facilitating advanced training and exposure to the latest advancements in knowledge through interaction with the international scientists in their respective field of work. I. LONG TERM INTERNATIONAL FELLOWSHIPS FOR YOUNG INDIAN BIOMEDICAL SCIENTISTS Areas for fellowships: Emerging areas in clinical/medicine/health sciences Duration of Fellowships: 6 to 12 months Number of Fellowships: Forty (40) fellowships per year Age limit: Below 45 years as on the last date of receipt of application Financial Support: • A stipend of US$ 3000 per month which includes accommodation and other expenses. • Return economy class excursion airfare (by Air India ) through shortest possible route. • A contingency grant of a maximum of Rs. 50,000/- (which includes the cost of visa, taxi • charges from the place of duty to airport and back, overseas mediclaim insurance expenses reimbursable on submission of original receipts/bills on return). No other • charges/expenditure is admissible. • An advance stipend will be given an equivalent amount in Indan currency to Fellow and the last

the GoI/State Govts in the last 3 month stipend will be granted on years. return after completion of fellowship and due • adjustment on submission of uti- II. SHORT TERM INTERNAlization certificate/original re- TIONAL FELLOWSHIPS FOR SENIOR INDIAN BIOMEDICAL ceipts. SCIENTISTS Eligibility Criteria: Areas for fellowships: Emerging • The applicant should be a citizen areas in clinical/medicine/health of India and working in the coun- sciences try. • The applicant should possess an Duration of Fellowships: Two weeks M.D/M.S/PhD degree (M.D./ to 3 months M.S./ M.D.S. or • MBBS/BDS/ MVSc./ M.Sc./M. Number of Fellowships: TwenPharma/M.Tech or equivalent ty-five (25) fellowships per year with PhD in health / • biomedical research) with at least Age limit: Below 57 years as on the three years teaching/research ex- last date of receipt of application perience in a • recognized Institute after obtain- Financial Support: ing the requisite qualification. • The application should be for- • A stipend of US$ 3000 per month which includes accommodation warded by the Employer/Head of and other expenses. the Institution with a • Return economy class excursion • statement that the candidate will airfare (by Air India ) through be considered as a full-time emshortest possible route. ployee of the Institution during • A contingency grant of a maxithe period of his/her fellowship. mum of Rs. 50,000/- (which in• The applicant should submit a cludes the cost of visa, taxi letter of acceptance from the host • charges from the place of duty to Institute where he/she airport and back, overseas medi• proposes to work during the felclaim insurance expenses reimlowship. bursable on submission of orig• The applicant should submit a inal receipts/bills on return). No proposed plan of training for other availing the fellowship. • The applicant should not have • charges/expenditure is admissible. availed any similar fellowship of the duration of one month or • The advance stipend will be given an equivalent amount in Indan above from any of the agency of currency to Fellow and the last

month stipend will be granted on return after completion of fellowship and due • adjustment on submission of utilization certificate/original receipts. • For two weeks stay: US$ 200 per day (including US$ 75 as per diem and up to US$ 125 • for accommodation expenses, subject to a maximum of US$ 3000 for the entire duration of stay). An advance stipend will be given an equivalent amount in Indan currency to Fellow and the balance stipend will be granted on return after completion of fellowship and due adjustment on submission of utilization certificate/ original receipts. Eligibility Criteria: • The applicant should be a citizen of India and working in the country. • The applicant should possess an M.D/M.S/Ph.D degree (M.D./ M.S./ M.D.S. or MBBS/BDS/ MVSc./ M.Sc./M.Pharma/M. Tech or equivalent with Ph.D. in health / biomedical research) with at least fifteen years of experience (for availing the fellowship for 15 days) and at least three years of experience (for availing the fel-

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SCHOLARSHIPS & ADMISSIONS lowship for 1-3 months) in teaching/research in a recognized Institute after obtaining the requisite qualification. The application should be forwarded by the Employer/Head of the Institution with a statement that the candidate will be considered as a full-time employee of the Institution during the period of his/her fellowship. The applicant should submit a letter of acceptance from the host Institute where he/she proposes to work during the fellowship. The applicant should submit a plan of proposed training for availing the fellowship. The applicant should not have availed any similar fellowship of the duration of one month or above from any of the agency of the GoI/State Govts in the last 3 years.

Guidelines Governing the Fellowship: • The individual scientist availing this Fellowship would be addressed as an ICMR-DHR • International Fellow (ICMR-DHR IF). • The candidate should correspond with the International Institute/ Laboratory to be visited for their placement. A letter of acceptance from the Institute to be visited overseas is required to be produced along with the application form. Once selected, the Fellow will not be allowed to change the mentor/foreign lab other than the one mentioned in the application. • All necessary formalities with regard to visa application and overseas mediclaim insurance cover should be taken care of by the Fellow.

• The Fellow will be entitled to air travel by Air India (both ways) in economy class (excursion fare) by the shortest route from the place of duty. • Parent Institute shall continue to pay salary and other benefits such as leave, medical gratuity, GPF, pension as applicable to the fellow candidate while he/ she is away for the fellowship. No liability on any of these accounts will be borne by ICMR/DHR. • The Fellows will be required to execute a will/legal/service bond of Rs. 5.00 lakh to the • parent Institute that he/she belongs to and will serve the parent Indian Institute for a period of at least 3 years after return from International fellowship. • If the Fellow does not return to India or gets a job overseas on completion of the fellowship or fails to fulfil any of the above requirements, he/she will be liable to reimburse the whole of the expenditure incurred during the fellowship period, including the airfare, from the Guarantees in one lump sum within one month of the completion of the term of the Fellowship and remit it to the ICMR. An undertaking to this effect on an Rs.50/- non-judicial stamp paper, however, be required to be submitted by the Guarantees, in case of selection of Fellow. • The Fellow should submit a final work report (in the prescribed format) on the research and training activities undertaken in the foreign Laboratory/Institute during the fellowship period. This should be submitted within 2 weeks of his/her return. • A progress report (in the prescribed format) evaluating the performance of the Young fellow by the Mentor from the host insti-

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tution should also be submitted. The utilization certificate (in the prescribed format) should be submitted by the Fellow within2 weeks of return for final adjustment of stipend/bills. The fellowship should begin within the same financial year and must be completed before 31st March of the next year. Dates once decided will be treated as final as it involves a lot of ground work and processing at ICMR-DHR. Total claim bills on the budget head of fellowship should not exceed the specified amount. In the event of cancellation of travel ticket due to change of the date of visit/change of sector of the journey or any other reasons, the cancellation charges and difference of fare, if any, will be met by the Fellow. ICMR-DHR will not be liable for anything whatsoever including GOI clearances, medical insurance etc., beyond the specified duration of stay (as approved by the selection committee) of Fellow in the foreign country. In case a Fellow withdraws/refuses to undertake the fellowship at the last minute he/she will be “debarred” for succeeding two years from availing the ICMR-DHR International fellowship. The Fellow has to submit the Utilization certificate; Report of training; Mentor’s report on return.

Selection Criteria: • Screening of applications will be done by the ICMR-DHR and the short listed candidates will be considered by the Selection Committee for awarding the fellowship. • The selection of the candidate

February 5th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 64

will be based on the evaluation of the merit of the candidate and the training needs in the field of medical research by a Committee of eminent scientists. Important Note: 1. Please refer to the Registration process before you Login and proceed further to submit the application. 2. For best resolution and easy access, may please use the Google Chrome for visiting the website and submitting the application. 3. The requisite documents may kindly be uploaded in pdf format only within the prescribed size limit indicated for each document. 4. The scanned/digital signatures(jpg file) may be uploaded. 5. Please refer to the detailed guidelines for International fellowships before submitting the application. Registration Process: • To submit the application you are required to first register into the system. To register, click on the Register Now link on the home page. • Fill in the necessary details – all fields marked in red * are mandatory. The user id and password you fill in the registration form has to be used by you to login into the system. • Please ensure you do not lose your login id and password. Last Date for Submission of Application: 28th February 2019 REGISTER HERE


February 5th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 64


K. C. Mahindra Scholarships for PostGraduate Studies Abroad Apply for Scholarships of Rs 8 Lakhs + Interest Free Loans to Study Abroad – 2019. K. C. Mahindra Scholarships for Post-Graduate Studies Abroad 2019. Rs. 4 Lakh is also awarded to the other successful applicants. INDIAN STUDENT SCHOLARSHIP 2019, SCHOLARSHIPS ABROAD, SCHOLARSHIPS ABROAD 2019, K. C. MAHINDRA SCHOLARSHIPS 2019. DETAILS BELOW: By Diluxi Arya

Scholarships and Grants Since its inception, the trust has promoted education mainly by way of scholarships and grants to deserving and needy students. Some of these were instituted way back in the mid1950s while others were founded more recently, a proof of its continuous efforts to bring about social and economic development through a literate, enlightened and empowered populace. To encourage and motivate students, K. C. Mahindra Education Trust has set up the following scholarships: K. C. Mahindra Scholarships for Post-Graduate Studies Abroad Since 1956, K. C. Mahindra Education Trust has granted interest-free loan scholarships to deserving students to pursue post-graduate studies abroad in various fields. Every year, we offer scholarships, as given below: • A maximum of Rs.8 lakh per scholar, awarded to the top 3 K.C. Mahindra fellows

• A maximum of Rs.4 lakh per scholar, awarded to remaining successful applicants Eligibility Criteria: • Applicants must possess a First Class degree or equivalent diploma of a similar standard from a recognised University. • Applicants must be Indian candidates who have secured admission or have applied for admission in reputable foreign universities for courses commencing from August 2019, but not later than February 2020. Note: • Applications now open for the year 2019. • Students going abroad for under-

graduate studies, seminars & conferences are not eligible for this scholarship • The deadline to apply for the scholarship is 31.03.2019 DOCUMENTS REQUIRED ( Please go through the list of documents to submit and keep the scanned copies of the same ready, before applying for the scholarship ) For queries on the K. C. Mahindra Scholarship for Post Graduate Studies Abroad please contact Mr. Kieran Rodrigues on rodrigues. or call on (022) 2289 5526 CLICK HERE TO APPLY



February 5th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 64

2020-2021 Fulbright-Kalam Climate Fellowship Official Notification for USIEF Fulbright-Kalam Climate Fellowship (2020-2021) is out. If you want to pursue your Doctoral or Postdoctoral Research under then you must apply for this exclusive fellowships. FULBRIGHT-KALAM CLIMATE FELLOWSHIP, 2020-2021 FULBRIGHT-KALAM CLIMATE. CHECK DETAILS BELOW: By Diluxi Arya

Background: In a September 2014 Joint Statement, the President of the United States of America and the Prime Minister of the Republic of India established U.S.-India Climate Fellowship Program to Develop a long-term capacity to address climate change related issues in both countries. In pursuance of the Joint Statement, the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Republic of India — desiring to promote further mutual understanding between both peoples by a larger exchange of knowledge and professional talents — intend to partner to build long-term capacity in the USA and India by engaging technical and scientific research scholars from both countries associated with climate education and research through the Fulbright-Kalam Climate Fellowship. The United States-India Educational Foundation (USIEF) administers the Fulbright-Kalam Climate Fellowship on behalf of the governments. FULBRIGHT-KALAM CLIMATE FELLOWSHIPS ARE OFFERED FOR: Doctoral Research: These fellowships are designed for Indian scholars that are registered for a PhD at an Indian institution. These fellowships are for six to nine months. Postdoctoral Research: These fellowships are designed for Indian faculty and researchers that are at the early stages of their research careers in India. Fulbright-Kalam Climate Fellowships provides opportunities to talented researchers and faculty to strengthen their own research capacities. Postdoctoral fellows will have access to a number of the finest resources in their areas of interest and

will help build long-term collaborative relationships with U.S. faculty and institutions. These fellowships are for eight to 12 months. Affiliation: The chosen candidate will possess affiliation with a single U.S. host institution during the grant. USIEF strongly urges all candidates to identify institutions for affiliation and correspond beforehand with potential host institutions. In case you’ve got a letter of invitation from a U.S. institution, please include it as part of your online application. The letter of invitation must indicate the duration of your visit, preferably with dates. Grant Benefits: These fellowships offer J-1 visa support, round-trip economy class air travel between India and the U.S., a monthly stipend, Accident and Sickness Program for Exchanges each U.S. Government guidelines, a modest settling-in allowance, plus a professional allowance. In the event of postdoctoral research grantees, and subject to availability of funds, a dependent allowance and global travel may be provided for one accompanying eligible dependent provided the dependent is together with the grantee in the U.S. for at least 80 percent of their grant period. Eligibility Requirements: Fulbright-Kalam Climate Fellowship

from the appropriate administrative authority on the”Employer’s Endorsement Form”. The emAlong with the General Prerequiployer should indicate that leave sites: will be granted for the fellowship period; and • Candidates enrolled for their PhD must have conducted sufficient • Applicants must upload a”writing sample,” like a copy of an article, research in the appropriate area, a paper printed or presented, or particularly in the identification extracts from the master’s degree of resources from India along with /M.Phil. Thesis in the online apthe U.S. The candidate should be plication form. enrolled for a PhD at an Indian institution on or before September 1, 2018. In the candidate’s Notice: These fellowships are for online application form, one of pre-doctoral level research. Applithese referees has to be the can- cants with PhD degrees or people in didate’s PhD supervisor. The su- the last stage of PhD thesis submispervisor should indicate that the sion won’t be considered. PhD registration date and topic. The supervisor should also pro- Fulbright-Kalam Climate Fellowvide comments on the candidate’s ship for Postdoctoral Research research work and the usefulness In addition to this General Prerequiof this fellowship. • PhD students will conduct re- sites: search necessary for their dissertations or thesis. Consequently, Applicants must have been awarded a the candidate expected PhD the- PhD degree within the previous four sis submission date shouldn’t be years. Applicants are expected to upearlier than three months follow- load their PhD degree certificate or ing the candidate’s grant date. By provisional PhD certificate in the onway of instance, if May 2021 is line application; your expected grant ending date, Applicants have to be published in the candidate can’t submit their reputed journals and also demonstrate thesis prior to August 2021. The proof of exceptional academic and candidate must suggest that the professional accomplishment. AppliPhD registration date and the cants must upload a recent significant expected PhD thesis submission date at the”Applicant Annexure”. • If employed, applicants must follow the instructions carefully concerning the employer’s endorsement. When applicable, please obtain the endorsement Next Page>>>> for Doctoral Research

February 5th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 64

publication (copy of paper or article) in the online application; and If employed, applicants must follow the directions carefully concerning the employer’s endorsement. When appropriate, please obtain the endorsement from the appropriate administrative authority on the”Letter of Support from Home Institution.” The employer must indicate that leave will be allowed for the fellowship period. Notice: In your application, the applicant must indicate the period where s/he can finish your planned project in the USA. Please determine your grant duration carefully. Should you be chosen for a grant, then it is going to be for the period you specified in your application. The duration cannot be changed. How to Apply: Fulbright-Kalam Climate Fellowship for Doctoral Research

SCHOLARSHIPS & ADMISSIONS • Applications should be submitted online at ffsp2020 • Please carefully review the Application Instructions before beginning your online application. • Please consult with this Applicant Checklist prior to submitting the application. Additionally, you have to finish and upload These documents on your online application: Applicant Annexure APPLICATION DEADLINE: July 15, 2019, 23:59:59 hrs (IST) IMPORTANT:


Timeline and Placement Procedure January 15, 2019

Program announcement and application form available online

July 15, 2019

Application deadline for 2020-2021 awards

Mid-August 2019

Screening committee/field-specific experts review applications and shortlist applicants for interviews

Early October 2019

National interviews of shortlisted applicants in Delhi

Mid-October 2019

April-May 2020

Principal and alternate nominees are notified they are recommended. Doctoral Research nominees take TOEFL. USIEF forwards applications of recommended candidates to the U.S. for J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board (FFSB) approval and placement Placement confirmations

August-September 2020

Program begins

Late October 2019

Plagiarism in the application or some other publications will cause Grant extensions or transfer of visa sponsorship won’t be allowed. disqualification. Applications received after the Click here to get a printable version of this Fulbright-Kalam Climate deadline won’t be considered. Fellowship program announce-




February 5th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 64

Gandhian Young Technological Innovation Awards 2019 The official notification for the Gandhian Young Technological Innovation Awards 2019 has been announced. THERE ARE 5 CATEGORIES IN THESE AWARDS FOR ALL TYPES OF INDIAN NATIONALS. GET A FELLOWSHIP/GRANT OF RS. 15 LAKHS. INTERESTED CANDIDATES, CHECK OUT ALL OF THE INFORMATION BELOW: By Diluxi Arya

Entries invited for Gandhian Young Technological Innovation – SRISTI Awards, 2019 SRISTI (Society for Research and Initiatives for Sustainable Technologies and Institutions) has created three national awards for innovative student projects in engineering, biotechnology, agriculture, pharmacy, material science and other applied technological domains. These awards have been given Each Year during the Festival of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (FINE), Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi in the month of March. Last date for entries: October 30, 2019 The awards are awarded to young student innovators from the following classes: • MLM (More from less for many), Frugal Innovation award- technology which econmise on the usage of substance, are really inexpensive and sustainable manufacture alternative. • SRISTI socially relevant technological invention award-products/ prototypes that address unmet societal needs or enhance the performance of existing alternatives, Improve affordability and/or Enhance circularity i.e. ecologcial compatability • Technological-edge award-ideas that push the frontiers in almost any technolgical domain • BIRAC-SRISTI award for biotechnological/medical/healthcare creation • Hari Om Ashram Prerit Dr. Amulya K.N. Reddy GYTI Award Student projects which address a significant social, environmental or technical problem confronted by people or disadvantaged people/sectors/

spaces or micro and tiny businesses, or have the capacity to affect a pressing national requirement are encouraged. The applications might be made by the students of technical institutions/universities including people who have completed academic class due 2018-2019. The faculty member, who have supervised the project, can apply on behalf of those pupils who’ve passed out and left the Institute/ University, Nevertheless the BIRAC-SRISTI award will be awarded only to pupil’s team keen to take their ideas forward. A: MLM (More from less from Many) award: This award will be provided to the creations that use less material/energy to make sustainable alternatives. Frugality and generating value for many using lesser substance, energy, and source could be the key attention Whilst bench-marking such creations B: SRISTI social technological Award: The pupil projects that have a demonstrable evidence of concept/ model with substantial quantity of novelty and societal applications are eligible for this award. Any projects completed after or in 2016 could be submitted by the students or their faculty supervisors on their behalf. C: Technological edge award: A breakthrough or a substantial technological progress in almost any area of engineering, pharmacy, medical, agricultural or other areas will induce a student to qualify for this award. D: BIRAC-SRISTI award for biotechnological/medical/healthcare invention: A tech having possibility

of attaining the masses or addressing a felt societal need or rendering it extremely affordable in comparison with accessible alternative is going to be chosen. As much as fifteen of those chosen innovations might be extended a supply of Rs.15 lac each, Another 20-30 idea might be allowed rupees one lac each for taking the idea forward once they add value to grassroots innovations in Biotechnological Innovation Ignition School (BIIS) in Sristi, Ahmedabad. ( cms/biis-3) The entire project report of the shortlisted projects will be necessary for final appraisal. Video, photos, evaluation reports, comparative advantage vis a vis present solutions in that domain, patent & literature inspection etc., has to be attached. Each of the shortlisted entries will be displayed by winners in the Festival of Innovations & Entrepreneurship Rashtrapati Bhavan in March 2019. The abstract of the submitted entries will be contained from database with due acknowledgement of the title of the group members, manager, faculty, department and some other contact info supplied. The display will be seen by top policy makers and professionals of the nation. The model might be kept or asked for display in a permanent display likely to be developed shortly at the national level with due acknowledgement of innovators, supervisors and the concerned institution. The nominations need to be submitted in

and just abstract of the content submitted alongside innovator detail could be published at the website or shared otherwise. If the student want to possess incubation support, they ought to clearly indicate exactly the same within their nomination form. Bionest incubator supported by BIRAC, DBT, and Government of India welcomes applications from innovative biotech researchers. (www.sristi. org/cms/sristi-birac) For individuals interested in IPR assistance, support from a community of pro bono lawyers may be mobilised in concessional term should they show openness to join Bionest in SRISTI. For any question, please contact Team Techpedia-GYTI at, Telephone us at +919099258492. For looking at the awards given this season, please see, initiative. Looking forward to your enthusiastic collaboration to make India Innovative and Inclusive. Last date for submission of entries is October 30, 2019 View Notification


February 5th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 64


Wipro Biotech R&D Careers : Environmental Health & Safety Vacancy Available


ipro Biotech R&D Careers : Environmental Health & Safety Vacancy Available

Wipro India is hiring biotechnology candidates for R&D Jobs. Biotech Environmental Health & Safety jobs at Wipro. Wipro Bangalore Biotech jobs, Wipro Biotech recruitment. Wipro Bengaluru Biotechnology Careers. Biotech Wipro Bengaluru vacancies. Check out all of the details below: Job Title: Environmental Health & Safety Location: Bengaluru, Karnataka, India Job ID: 1900000221 Job Description: • EHS Management System — implement/maintain EHS policies & policy, involves inventing and executing corporate EHS processes & tracking the efficiency of EHS system. • EMS Management System — implement/maintain EMS policy & procedures, involves inventing and executing ISO 14001:2004 standard & upkeep of EMS system • H & S Management System – implement/maintain Safety policy & procedures, involves inventing and executing OSHAS 18001:2007 regular & upkeep of

OSHAS system • Food Safety Management System – implement/maintain Food Safety plan & procedures, involves inventing and executing ISO 22000:2005 standard requirements • Statutory Compliance — guarantee compliance with regulatory/legislative demands & directives and company demands. • Project EHS Management — incorporate EHS requirements at the project design stage, incorporate EHS of company and client/contractor thorough bridging document. Carry out pre-startup audits and supply support and taking care of Construction safety. • Training & Education — device and implement a training matrix, conduct emergency/mock drills. Build awareness among employees on Fire Prevention and Firefighting & safety requirements. • Carbon Management — both CDP and GRI reporting knowledge and arriving at the carbon footprint of the organization. • Audit & Review — run EMS, OSHAS and Safety audits. Monitor EHS performance through periodic audits/reviews. Review accident investigation/analysis and follow up on the implementation of corrective steps. • Liaison — Maintain liaison with concerned statutory authorities relating to EHS Qualifications:

• BE in Environmental Engineering / Biotechnology or MSc in Environment Science or MSc in Industrial Safety or MSc in Industrial Hygiene.


• Health, Safety & Environmental assessment, monitoring and audits. • Risk assessment through all phases of this project from conception to de-mobilization using appropriate techniques (QRA, Event/Fault Tree, HAZOP, HAZID and Safety Case). • Incident/accident management (investigation, reporting and management) • Health & Environmental risk assessment through ambient & personnel monitoring • Emergency Response • EHS Training — plant safety, emergency preparedness and response, road safety, materi-

• • • • • • • •

al handling, procedure training, EMS and OSHAS etc.. Facilitation of EMS compliant to ISO 14001:2004 standard, H & S compliant to OSHAS 18001:2007 & Food Safety compliant to ISO 22000:2005 Environmental Impact Assessment Qualitative & Quantitative Industrial Hygiene Monitoring, deriving Engineering & Administrative controls for any Occupational exceedances. Job Safety analysis, PPE analysis & Hazard analysis. Ergonomics Risk Assessment Site Investigation and Remediation Audits (Due Diligence, Acquisition, Legal Compliance, Business Audits, Life Safety, Sourcing Risk reputation audits) Construction safety in the Project websites APPLY ONLINE



February 5th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 64

Delhi Govt Health Mission MSc Microbiologists With Rs. 85,000/- Salary pm


tate Health Society (Delhi) and Integrated District Health Societies vacancies by Delhi State Health Mission (DSHM) for MSc microbiology candidates with high pay. Govt of Delhi National Health Mission microbiologist vacancies are available. Check out all of the details on the same below: Name of the Post: Microbiologist No. of Posts: 03

• • •

Age: Up to 45 years Not more than 64 years (in case of retired Govt. Servant)

Consolidated Emoluments: Rs.85050/- (+Conveyance Allowance)

QUALIFICATIONS: Essential: 1. M.D. Microbiology or PhD Medical microbiology or MSc. (Medical or Applied Microbiology) 2. Registered with Delhi Medical Council (If Medical Graduate)

Desirable: One year of relevant work experience How to Apply: • The last date for receiving

of the application at SPMU, 6th Floor, B wing, Vikas Bhawan-II, Civil Lines, Delhi110054 on 14 February 2019 at 4 pm Applications received after the final time and date, will be rejected. 1 application will be considered for one post only. No TA/DA is going to be compensated for attending the interview. Applications need to be submitted in prescribed format. Application format is attached below. Eligibility Criteria for the above posts (Academic eligibility, Expertise, Remuneration, Age, etc.) are annexed below. Mandatory: Full particulars Together with the postal address with PIN Code, E-mail, Contact No., Two passport Size photos and self-attested copies of Marks sheets, Certificates of Educational Qualifications (from 10th standard onwards) & Experience Certificates (current working experience certificates also) Should be attached with this application. The application ought to be submitted by hand in the drop box or by post at the address given above. Note A Separate application Together with documents, etc. Ought to Be submitted if applying for more than 1 category of article. Relaxation for SC/ST /Ex-Ser-

vicemen and Physically Handicapped will be awarded according to Government Guidelines, subject to submission of Caste/ Disability Certificate in the prescribed form from Appropriate Authority in support of their claim. • Mandatory: Original documents of Marks sheets/Certificates (from 10th standard onwards) & Experience certificates (current working experience certificates also) in support of academic Qualifications and work experience ought to be brought at the time of interview. • DSHM reserves the right to change the number of vacancies, withdraw the process in part or full and Additionally has the right to reject any or all applications received without assigning any reasons or giving notice. • The conclusion of the Chairman SHS (D)/ Chairman IDHS, regarding the selection of those

• •

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candidates, will be final And no representation will be entertained in this regard. Information for the interview will be provided through site Name and Sr. No. Of the article should be clearly mentioned in the application and on the envelope. Applications received in DSHM Office after the last date won’t be considered. The DSHM Won’t be responsible for any postal delay. DSHM gets the right to reject any application if found improper or having misleading info. The place of posting depends upon merit. The candidates shouldn’t have been convicted by any court of law. In the event of any dispute, legal jurisdiction will be Delhi only. APPLICATION FORMAT


February 5th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 64


Dept of Science & Tech, Vigyan Prasar Life Sciences Project Post With Rs. 80,000/- Salary pm


overnment of India, Department of Science & Technology, Vigyan Prasar is hiring life sciences candidates for Project Scientist (Content creation & Conversion) vacancy. MSc & PhD Life Sciences candidates are encouraged to apply for the project vacancy. Check details on the same below: Name of the Post: Project Scientist (Content creation & Conversion) No. of Posts: 03 Consolidated Rs.60,000 –80,000


Qualifications: (i) Master’s degree in Natural/Applied Sciences, Engineering, Environment, Medicine or equivalent from a recognized University with first division in the qualifying degree level. (ii) at least 5 years experience /writing/editing content on science and technology; (iii) At least two Research Papers or 6 Popular Science Articles in Reputed Journals, Magazines, News Papers and Digital Media. (iv) A proven background of carrying out background research for Scientific content. (v) Outstanding communications and writing abilities in English and good computer knowledge. Desirable Qualification: (i) PhD Degree in Physical/Chemical/Life Sciences or equivalent subjects from a recognized University. (ii) At least three years experience of

working in content or research development How to Apply: • Application will be approved in prescribed format only. Application may be sent by post or by hand to The Registrar, Vigyan Prasar, A-50, Institutional Area Sector62, Noida (UP) 201309, within 21 days from the date of this publication of this ad. All applications should be sent only through Registered/Speed Post. Applicants must clearly note that Vigyan Prasar will in no case be responsible for nonreceipt of the applications or any delay in receipt thereof on any account whatsoever. • Only Indian nationals are eligible for applying. • Engagement of professionals will be on full-time basis and their place of work will be New Delhi/ Noida. • The prescribed qualification and experience ought to be acquired before or on the date of advertisement. • The selection process will be based on academic credentials, experience and performance in interview. Eligible candidates will need to appear for skill Test / Personal Interview. • Candidates working in Government organization / PSU/ need to route their application through proper channel, if their department rule requires so. • Attach a photocopy of educational, experience certificates for supporting your essential and desirable qualifications and

age. Documents to prove qualification, Age and experience etc. need to be produced in original as and when called for interview. Maximum Age limit: not over 55 years according to date of advertisement. However, emphasis is going to be to select young professionals for the project. Director, Vigyan Prasar will have the discretion to relax the age limit and experience of deserving candidates In case of false or insufficient information/lack of proof to ascertain the eligibility of The applicant, their candidature will summarily be rejected at any stage of the Selection process. Candidates are informed that mere submission of applications will not give them any Right to be called for interview/selection. Call letters and intimations connected with This recruitment will be sent to shortlisted applicants by email only. Applicants Should be certain that the email id given in the online application is maintained active. Only short-listed candidates will be called for interview. Merely fulfilling the Eligibility criteria

• • •

doesn’t entitle candidates to be called for Interview. The appointment against the aforementioned positions will be purely on contractual basis Originally for the duration of six months. The contact will probably be renewed annually based on The performance of the applicants and requirement of work. The aforementioned ranges of the professional fee are based on a consolidated basis and are inclusive of All allowances, etc.. Reservation where applicable will be considered according to norms in vogue. Vigyan Prasar reserves the right to cancel /withdraw /postpone this recruitment notice. Rules related to working hours/ leave/medical/increment/allowances etc will probably be Applicable to all selected applicants according to Vigyan Prasar rules. The final date of receipt of this application is 15th February 2019. APPLICATION FORMAT



February 5th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 64

Govt Sports Authority of India Research Fellows Recruitment


ovt of India, Sports Au- performance of the candidate. thority of India is recruiting msc biology candi- Name of the Position: Research dates for research fellow Fellow vacancies. MSc candidates attend the walk-in interview for research fellow No.of Posts: 02 post. MSc Human Biology candidates are encouraged to attend the walk-in Qualifications: ( ANTHROPOMat SAI. Check out all of the details on ETRY ) the same below: • Post Graduate degree in Human Sports Authority of India provides Biology or Physical Anthropology an exceptional chance for motivat- with minimum 60%marks or equivaed and young researchers to pursue lent CGPA score. a career in fundamental and applied • NTA / CSIR NET as applicable. sciences research. SAI endeavours in optimizing sports performance of Age: Maximum 30, according to elite Athletes and sportspersons. Re- 31st Dec 2018 ( Relaxable for 5 years search Fellows will be attached with for SC/ST and 3 years for OBC acSports Science Centers at HPL, SAI cording to govt. Rules) Head Office and SAI NRC Sonepat Centers of SAI providing Scientific Stipend: 1st Year and 2nd Year – Support to Sports Persons. Rs. 25,000/-+ HRA Applications are invited from motivated and young Indian Citizens for the post of SAI Research Fellows to work in research projects of SAI originally for a period of 2 years and could be extendable for a single year on the progress of Research work or

How to Apply: Walk-in-Interview Travelling allowance (TA) won’t be admissible for the interview. Candidates need to produce certificates/testimonials in original and self-attested copies at the time of Interview.

Selection Procedure: Following the screening of the documents Interview will be conducted to assess the merit of the candidate Admission shall not be claimed by any candidate as a matter of right. The admission shall be entirely at the discretion of the Selection Committee of the Institute which may refuse to admit any candidate without assigning any reason thereof. The number of vacancies for Research Fellows may increase or decrease without prior notice.

1. One Self-attested recent photograph pasted /stapled in the Application form along with original certificates for verification. 2. Date of Birth / X Class certificate 3. Undergraduate Mark Sheet(s) 4. Post Graduate Mark Sheet(s) 5. Caste Certificate (SC/ST/OBC) 6. Experience Certificate(s) 7. UGC / CSIR NET Qualification Certificate

The duly filled in application form should have the photocopies of the following documents.


Walk-in-Interview on 22nd February 2019 at 10:00 AM


February 5th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 64


MSc Life Sciences Associate Posts With Rs. 68,000/- pm Salary @ IISER Pune


Sc/MTech & BTech Biotech/Biology & Life Sciences candidates are encouraged to apply at IISER Pune. IISER Pune is hiring for Manager/Associate Positions. MSc/ MTech & BTech Biotech/ Biology & Life Sciences candidates are encouraged to apply for porject positions at IISER Pune. Interested and eligible candidates can check details below: ADVT. NO.: 06/2019

Associate (Tier 1 Grade B)


POST I Job Title: Laboratory Manager, Tier II, Grade B for EM No. of Posts: 01 Name of Project: Establishment of A Biotech Cluster “Model Organisms to Human Disease” Project Code: 30818363 Tenure: Originally for a duration of one year, extendable for a further period subject to satisfactory performance of the incumbent and continuation of this project. Age: Not exceeding 45 years. Consolidated emoluments: 68,600/- per month

microscopy will be regarded as work experience. • Desirable: Candidate must have excellent experience in managing Electron Microscopy facility, outstanding team managing capabilities and interpersonal skills. Experience in using electron microscopy / electron cryomicroscopy / electron tomography to study structures of viruses / proteins / cellular organelles.


Qualifications: • Essential: M.Sc. Degree in Physics / Electronics / Material Science / Physical Chemistry / Life Sciences / relevant subjects with first class or equal grade OR B.E. / B.Tech in Instrumentation / Electrical Engineering / Electronics / Biotechnology with first class or equivalent grade OR M. Tech. In Instrumentation / Electrical Engineering / Electronics / Biotechnology with first class or equal grade and consistently excellent academic record. • Experience: Minimum 5 year’s experience in the Government Educational / Research Institute / Autonomous Bodies / Institutions of National Importance / University/ PSU at the level of Scientific / Technical Officer managing Electron Microscopy or other high-end microscopy facilities. PhD or postdoctoral research involving electron

Job Title: Technical Associate / Lab Associate (Tier 1 Grade B) No. of Posts: 01 Name of Project: Establishment of A Biotech Cluster “Model Organisms to Human Disease”

No. of Posts: 01 Name of Project: Establishment of A Biotech Cluster “Model Organisms to Human Disease” Project Code: 30818363

Tenure: Originally for a duration of one year, extendable for a further Project Code: 30818363 period subject to satisfactory performance of the incumbent and continuTenure: Originally for a duration ation of this project. of one year, extendable for a further period subject to satisfactory perfor- Age: Not exceeding 32 years. mance of the incumbent and continuation of this project. Consolidated emoluments: Up to Rs. 28,000/- per month depending on experience

Age: Not exceeding 32 years. Consolidated emoluments: 28,000/- per month



Qualifications: • Essential: M.Sc. / M.Tech / B.E / B.Tech Degree in Physics / Instrumentation / Electronics / Material Science / Life Science / Veterinary Science / applicable specialization with First class or equivalent grade. • Experience: Minimum two years’ experience in the Government Educational / Research Institute / Autonomous Bodies / Institutions of National Importance / University / PSU in the level of Scientific / Technical Officer in a Bio-imaging / Large Biology Laboratory facility / R&D experience. • Desirable: Demonstrable experience in working with rodent and/or zebrafish.

• Essential: M.Sc. Degree in Physics / Electronics / Life Sciences / applicable subjects with first class or equal grade. • Experience: Minimum two years’ experience in the Government Educational / Research Institute / Autonomous Bodies / Institutions of National Importance / University / PSU at the level of Scientific / Technical Officer, in a Bioimaging / Large Biology Laboratory facility. • Desirable: Candidate having Experience in handling biological samples, for example, proteins/cells/tissue; in using electron microscopy/electron cryomicroscopy/electron tomog- POST IV raphy to examine structures of viruses/proteins/cellular orga- Job Title: Laboratory Manager, Tier nelles. II, Grade C for whole animal imaging and tissue processing facility POST III Job Title: Technical Associate / Lab

Name of Project: Establishment of A Biotech Cluster “Model Organisms to Human Disease” Project Code: 30818364 Tenure: Originally for a duration of one year, extendable for a further period subject to satisfactory performance of the incumbent and continuation of this project. Age: Not exceeding 40 years. Consolidated emoluments: 55,500/- per month


Qualifications: • Essential: M.Sc. / M.Tech / B.E / B.Tech Degree in Physics / Instrumentation / Electronics / Material Science / Life Science / Veterinary Science / relevant specialization with First class or equal grade. • Experience: Minimum 4 years’ experience in the Government Educational / Research Institute / Autonomous Bodies / Institutions of National Importance / University / PSU in the level of Scientific / Technical Officer managing bio imaging facility / R&D experience. PhD or postdoctoral research involving animal handling is going to be regarded as work experience. Must have expertise in handling small rodents and animal experiments. • Desirable: Outstanding team managing capabilities and interpersonal abilities and publications using bioimaging techniques. How to Apply: • Interested



No. of Posts: 01 Next Page>>>>


JOBS send the application by email in the format available below this advertisement by email (convert to PDF Format) addressed to before or on February 10, 2019. Please

February 5th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 64

mention the name of the Post and Post number in the subject line on the email. • List of shortlisted candidates for selection procedure with details of date, time, and place will be

put upon the institute website of selection process for the purbelow this advertisement and pose of confirmation, along with applicants will be informed by a set photocopies. email only. • Applicant must bring all of the Deadline: before or on February original certificates at the time 10, 2019

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