Biotecnika Times Newspaper - 12th Feb 2019

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February 12th, 2019.

Vol. 03

NO 65


How To Get Job In CBI & Forensic Department After Life Science Degree

World Health Organization (WHO) Internship Programme 2019

Is Our Society Ready For A Brain Transplant? An In-depth Analysis

Career Advice

Biotech Internship

Voice of Biotecnika

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A committee has been constituted to look into recommendations given by Murmu Committee.

If Murmu Committee Recommendation are accepted then DST – Department of Science and Technology will grant around Rs 50,000/- to JRF / SRF upon publishing a research paper in an international journal. A one time grant of Rs 20,000/- to research scholars holding fellowship if they publish a research ...

Read more on Page 2



Indian Nationals can apply for the award of “DBT-Research Associateship” 2019

for pursuing research in frontier areas of biotechnology & applied biology. The Associateship is tenable in any Research Institution/Universities including non­profit R&D Institutions within India. The Programme is sponsored by Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science & Technology, Govt. of India...

Read more on Page 4





●● Cancer is a deadly enemy of society on a global scale. The alarming rate at which it is spreading its claws is a matter of great concern. In India alone, cancer death toll clocks in approximately 2900 per day, with more than 10 Lakh of people dying per year. Indian scientists...

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●● Apply for a high paying govt job at NDTL – National Dope Testing Laboratory. National Dope Testing Laboratory requires MSc & PhD Biological Sciences candidates for scientist post. National Dope Testing Laboratory...

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February 12th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 65

JRF/SRF To Get Rs 1 Lakh For Patent – Rs 50000 For Publishing Paper Yet another out of the box announcement has been made by the DST, just like corporate India. A committee has been constituted to look into recommendations given by Murmu Committee. IF MURMU COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION ARE ACCEPTED THEN DST – DEPARTMENT OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY WILL GRANT AROUND RS 50,000/- TO JRF / SRF UPON PUBLISHING A RESEARCH PAPER IN AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL. By Preety Suman

A one time grant of Rs 20,000/- to research scholars holding fellowship if they publish a research paper in any reputed national journal is also proposed. Moreover, if you are successful in obtaining a patent either nationally or internationally you will be entitled to a grant of Rs 1 Lakh. Doctoral Research Excerpts of the Murmu Committee This is a great initiative taken by Recommendation the GOVT – DST and to some ex- While considering revision of emoltent, it does signify the seriousness of uments for research personnel enthe Department of science and tech- gaged in R&D of Central Govt. the nology, that they are really interested committee under the chairmanship in encouraging science & research in of Shn GC Murmu, OSD, DoE has India. However it remains to be seen recommended the following focused if Murmu Committee Recommenda- incentives to enhance the quality of tions will be accepted as a whole or research student: not! Various other important points have also been listed out as a part of a) In case of publication in a reputed the memorandum which can be seen international Journal by a fellowship below in the official notification re- holder j.e. JRF /SRF), an amount of leased. Rs. 50,000 (Rupees Fifty Thousand) Feel free to post your comments as a one-time grant should be paid. below and let us know what you think about this new incentivization b) In case of publication in a reputed scheme for researchers. Remem- national Journal by a fellowship holdbers your comments are read by the er 0.e. JRF/SRF), an amount of Rs. most learned and empowered people 20,000 (Rupees Twenty Thousand) as in the ministry as well. So if you are a one-time grant should be paid. commenting below, it’s going to give them more insights into your point of c) Fellowship holders may be incenview, and then the respective people tivized by an additional amount of Rs. or policymakers will be able to take 1,00,000 (Rupees One Lakh), in case better decisions. So go ahead, go obtaining a patent in India or internathrough the notification and do share tional Patent. your views. d) Fellowship holders (JRF/SRF) No. SR/S9/Z–08/2018 pursuing PH.D must at least have one Government of India publication before six months of final Ministry of Science & Technology evaluation. If not, no further fellowDepartment of ship shall be paid. Science & Technology e) Empowered committee on DocOFFICE MEMORANDUM toral research may fix criteria for publications in a national/internationDated: 2nd February 2019 al journal and other issues like screening criteria and issue of upgradation Subject: Constitution of Inter-Min- of the level of fellowship. isterial Empowered Committee on

f) Ministry/ Department may consid- mon competitive examination. Hower fixing the number of fellowships ever, for subjects where there is no considering their budgetary outlays. examination, universities/institutions may start conducting an examination g) After completion of two years, to screen candidates for the award of an external assessment may be made fellowships. This shall not be applied mandatory for upgradation from JRF retrospectively, and the persons alto SRF. h) Annual Satisfactory As- ready enrolled shall be exempted. sessment may be made mandatory to continue the benefit of fellowship 1. The Department has been the during SRF period. nodal agency for service related issues in connection with research feli) The amount of Contingency, wher- lows and is taking up the issue whenever applicable, may be made availa- ever required in consultation with ble to support the following: other Science and Technology (S&T) agencies. The S&T sector demands a • To purchase chemicals/glass- higher talent base for India to remain ware/inputs to carry research competitive not only in S&T but also work. in technology and innovation-led • To participate in seminars/con- economic growth. The Department ferences for presentation of re- of Science and Technology (DST) search paper. and the Department of Higher Edu• To attend training programmes cation, Ministry of Human Resource in the areas related to the pro- Development (MHRD) have been posed research work. emphasizing the importance of cre• Traveling expenditure during the ating quality manpower in R&D for data collection. erfec1ively connecting science with the economy. j) Teaching Assistantship/Research Assistantship may be made manda- 2. The recent OM No. SR/S9/2tory for research personnel, which 08/2018 dated January 30, 2019, will not only enhance teaching ca- issued by the Department has empability and Research management phasized introduction of incentives of research scholars but also address to enhance value, quality, and expethe vacant faculty positions in several rience in doctoral research based on Research Institutes and Universities. recommendations of a committee of Department of Expenditure under the k) Research fellowship holder resid- chairmanship of Shri G.C Murmu, ing in hostels shall not be entitled to OSD. Excerpts of the recommenHouse Rent Allowance HRA. dations are annexed. An Inter-Ministerial Empowered Committee has l) Selection for an award for fellow- been set-up to evolve the modalities ship shall ordinarily be through com- of implementation. The Commiucc


February 12th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 65

is empowered to deal with all issues towards making Ph.D. programme more attractive as well as effective for young students to pursue their research at various academic institutions and research laboratories in the country. 3. The composition and terms of reference of the Empowered Committee are as follows: A. Composition: • Secretary, Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi – Co-Chair • Secretary, Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Human Co-Chair Resources and Development, New Delhi – Co-Chair • Secretary, Department of Scientific & Industrial Research & Director Member General, Council

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of Scientific and Industrial Research, New Delhi – Member Secretary, Department of Agricultural Research and Education & Director General, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi – Member Chairman, University Grants Commission, New Delhi – Member AS & FA, Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi – Member Prof. Jagadish Kumar, Vice-Chancellor, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi – Member Prof. V Ramgopal Rao, Director. Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi – Member Secretary, University Grants Commission, New Delhi – Member

B. Terms of Reference: i. To examine the recommendations made by Murmu Committee and make appropriate modifications keeping in view especially their operational and implementation aspects. ii. To formulate mechanisms for implementation of the recommendations. iii. To recommend any other actions in order to enhance quality, experience, and value during the Ph.D. program including mechanisms for regular disbursement and periodic review of fellowship. iv. The Committee may co-opt other members or have special invitees, as required, with the approval ofChair/s.

date of issue of the Office Memorandum, or until fun her orders. 5. The members of the Committee will be eligible to TA/DA as admissible under rules in force from time to time in connection with the meetings and work. 6. This issues with the approval of Hon’ble Minister Science and Technology vide Dy. No. 6116 dated 01.02.19. Empowered Inter-Ministerial to evolve modalities for implementing Performance Based Enhanced Fellowship constituted— DSTIndia (@ IndiaDST), February 3, 2019

4. The tenure of the Inter-Ministerial Empowered Committee on Doctoral Research will be three years from the






February 12th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 65

DBT Research Associate Associateship 2019 in Life Science & Biotech Official Notification For DBT – Research Associateship 2019, DBT RA Program 2019 has been released on the DBT official website. Indian Nationals can apply for the award of “DBT-Research Associateship” 2019 for pursuing research in frontier areas of biotechnology & applied biology. THE ASSOCIATESHIP IS TENABLE IN ANY RESEARCH INSTITUTION/UNIVERSITIES INCLUDING NON­ PROFIT R&D INSTITUTIONS WITHIN INDIA. THE PROGRAMME IS SPONSORED BY DEPARTMENT OF BIOTECHNOLOGY, MINISTRY OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, GOVT. OF INDIA AND THE ASSOCIATESHIPS ARE AWARDED UNDER IT. By Preety Suman

About the Fellowship: The Department of Biotechnology has introduced the aforesaid program. The Secretary, DBT requested Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore to coordinate and administer the implementation of the said programme. The Institute is successfully getting it done through the Society for Innovation and Development. The programme got started in December 2000 at a total project cost of Rs. 465.00 lakhs. The programme is intended only for Indian citizens. The purpose of the fellowship programme is to train scientists in frontier areas of research in Biotechnology at such institutions in India which are engaged in major biotechnological research activities. Eligibility: The applicants should hold a PhD degree in Science, Engineering or M.D or M.S. (Medicine) degree in

any area of medicine with research interests in Biotechnology and Life Sciences and a good academic record. The Associateship can be availed within 2 years of the award of Ph.D./ M.D./M.S. (Medicine) degree; however, may be relaxable (by 2 years) in case of in-service candidates. Those who have already submitted the Ph.D./M.D./M.S. (Medicine) thesis are also eligible to apply (attach proof of submission from the Registrar / Controller of Examinations). The applicants should be below the age of 40 years and 45 years in case of women and in-service candidates. Persons already employed are also eligible to apply. However, their applications should be routed through their employers.

Number of Fellowships: Up to 75 Fellowships would be awarded every year. Depending on the success and utility of the programme, the number of fellowships to be awarded per year would be revised. How to Apply: A hard copy of the Application with necessary documents should be Speed-posted to: The National Program Coordinator, DBT-Research Associateship Program, Department of Molecular Reproduction, Development & Genetics, New Biological Sciences Building, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore-560012. For DBT-RA Fellowship (National)

Write “Application for DBT-RA Fellowship (National)’’ on the envelope. Detailed information and relevant application format may be obtained from: For DBT-RA Fellowship (NorthEast) Write “Application for DBT-RA Fellowship (North-East)’’ on the envelope. Detailed information and relevant application format may be obtained from: The last date for receiving the completed application at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, is March 25, 2019. Click here for More Information


February 12th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 65


How To Get Job In CBI & Forensic Department After Life Science Degree The alarming rate at which crime is increasing all over the world is a matter of deep concern. TO BE PRACTICAL CRIME & CRIMINALS CAN NEVER BE ERADICATED COMPLETELY FROM THE SOCIETY HENCE THE NEED OF A FORENSIC SCIENTIST IS A NECESSITY IN ALL CITY, STATES & COUNTRIES. By Rashmi Sanyal

In order to ensure quick & correct justice to be passed, a major role is being played by a Forensic Scientist. They look at a crime scene with a scientific mind and analyze pieces of evidence to help the legal system. Many students who are in their life science graduation or post graduation level are unaware that they can make their career in this domain too. To understand in depth How To Get Job In CBI & Forensic Department After Life Science Degree, we must first understand what is Forensic Science & what are the job responsibilities of a forensic scientist. Forensic science is one of the most sought-after avenues. The term forensic is obtained from Latin word “forensis” that means “of or before the forum. A forensic scientist may work as a freelancer or may be associated with departments like the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) & Intelligence Bureau (IB), Central Forensic Science Laboratory (CFSL). They can also be employed in the government sector, where they work in different law enforcement agencies and investigation departments such as police, investigative services of state and central government and legal system.

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menting the evidence Their investigations are conducted independently to avoid partiality. The evidence is tested. With detailed analysis, records are prepared for each case May be required to reconstruct accident scene to trace past events. These pieces of evidence may be used during criminal trials to testify and explain the suspicions.

THE PATH TO BECOMING A FORENSIC SCIENTIST Step 1: Complete Class 12 with a good academic record. A scientist must have strong basics to be able to handle investigations on their own.

Step 2: Earn a Bachelor’s degree to be able to be eligible for a career in Forensic science. One may also choose to complete their graduation in Chemistry, Biology, Microbiology, ROLE OF A FORENSIC Zoology, Applied Sciences or PhysiSCIENTIST ology. It is always advised to have a deep knowledge and hands-on experiForensic scientists help in criminal ence with various techniques used for investigations by performing the folanalysis. One may complete certificalowing duties: tions in the same. • Collect, identify and classify physical evidence pertaining to a crime scene or suspect • Collect data, photograph, and pieces of evidence like blood smear, fingerprints, bullets to help understand the past events in the area. • They are responsible for docu-

Step 3: One may also obtain a graduate degree and/or post graduation degree in Forensic Science itself. There are both graduation and post-graduation courses offered in Forensic Science in various institutes, few of which have been listed below. • Gujarat Forensic Sciences Uni-

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versity National Institute of Criminology & Forensic Science Lovely Professional University Amity University Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University Swami Vivekananda University Deen Dayal Upadhaya college Sri Guru Tegh Bahadur Khalsa College St. Xavier’s college University of Madras Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar University Dr. Hari Singh Gour University

Step 4: To have a successful career, it is essential to narrow down your specialty. For instance, if you work with DNA analysis, it is wise to complete additional courses in that field. Certifications and hands-on experience are always welcome. There are many specializations offered under Forensic science. If presented with an opportunity to complete a course on the same, it would be advisable to take it. A few of them have been listed below: • • • • • • •

Forensic Biology Forensic Chemistry Forensic Entomology Forensic Ballistics Forensic Botany Forensic Serology Forensic Toxicology

Step 5: Some job requirements may be purely medical. For example, a medical report creation or a medical

examination can only be done by a doctor. Hence, one may also qualify MBBS and MD or a pathology degree before switching to the field of Forensics. Step 6: Earn an associate in Law enforcement if you want to be able to be a crime scene investigator. It even allows one to testify in court cases when the need arises. Step 7: It is essential to obtain a Master’s degree in Science along with a NET certification in Forensic Science to be eligible to teach the subject in college. In certain scenarios, a Doctorate degree may also be required. Example a doctorate in Molecular Biology may be a suitable candidate for teaching the analytical techniques. Step 8: On the job Training. The more experience you can gain, the easier it is to switch or pick a career. Especially in Forensic Science, experience gives you better judgment and analysis. FORENSIC SCIENCE FIELDS AND THEIR ELIGIBILITY Forensic Biology – This field can be pursued after a degree in either Forensic science or Biological Sciences. A scientist is required to apply biology to identify a crime suspect by DNA sample analysis or even mitochondrial sample analysis. In order to this, a

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candidate must be strong in the basic biology and must be able to understand biological systems well. Then they will be able to analyze the anomalies associated with a crime scene.

in pedigree analysis and establishing paternity and maternity. This has now been computerized and the data is even used to trace suspects immigrating to other nations.

Forensic Pathology – Forensic Pathologists carry out autopsies to establish the cause of death. They identify the injuries, associate them with the type of weapon used, and are responsible for the collection and maintenance of the exhibits. They generally are from a medical background. There may be requirements for Microbiologists as there may be analysis required of various human samples.

ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS REQUIRED FOR A CAREER IN FORENSICS: Every department operating with Forensic Science may have their own requirements for selection. A few of the well-noted criteria are given below. • Identification and Citizenship proof • Academic documents • Certification in the specialized field intended to join • May be required to clear NET in Forensic Science • May require a police clearance certificate for a background test. • Medical test to prove sanity and eligibility. • May require a medical science degree

Forensic Toxicology – They are concerned with the identification of foreign chemicals, poison or drugs administered in the victim’s body. They may fall under – (a) Analytical Toxicology involving chemical analysis of viscera using sophisticated techniques. The essential qualification is M.Sc. or Ph.D. in Toxicology/Forensic Science. (b) Poison information involving in providing information relating to the nature of poisons. The basic qualifi- FORENSIC SCIENCE cation is an MBBS. AS A CAREER (c) Management of acute and chronic toxicity caused by poisonous sub- The minimum qualification required stances, for which the basic qualifica- to begin a career in Forensic Scienction again is an MBBS. es is Graduation. A lot of career path choices can be made. Some choose Forensic Psychiatry – This field the field of education, while others determines the mental health of the choose the analytical work. criminal when they testify whether or not the crime was conducted. Though someone pursuing forensic science might initially start their eduForensic Microbiologists – One cation with many of the same courscan pursue this area after a degree in es as others in the program, they will Pathology or Microbiology. They are eventually are required to specialize required to trace the biological evi- through certain additional courses dence of a case. Starting from analyz- that lead them onto their own path. ing the food consumed by the victim Below is a list of a few of the most to analyzing body samples and excre- common forensic science careers and ta, a scientist may be required to as- the responsibilities allocated to them. certain the cause of death. • Forensic Science Technician Forensic Fingerprint Experts – (Bachelor’s degree in Natural They can join after a degree in GeScience and on the job trainnetics or Molecular Biology. They are ing) needed for the identification of fingerprint samples which can be used Forensic science technicians may

February 12th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 65

require to work in one of two areas: They inspect crime scenes, collect and analyze the evidence present in the field, or they work in the laboratory, where they perform tests and analyze the evidence collected. Both responsibilities are equally important and require precision, following proper protocol to sustain evidence chain of custody, and submitting reports. Technicians may be required to specialize in a variety of areas for example fingerprint analysis or digital forensics. • Medical Examiner (Doctoral degree in medicine) Medical examiners perform autopsies and medicolegal examinations, which include locating and assessing body injuries, trauma, and hence determining the cause of death while identifying victims. They may be required to interview those who discovered the body or to re-create a crime scene to ascertain past events. They evaluate photographs of the crime scene and look through the medical history information on the victim. They may be required to issue death certificates and determine the cause and manner of death. • Forensic Psychologist (doctoral degree in Psychology) Often, a criminal can be identified by studying a person’s character and behavior. Forensic psychologists intersect psychology and the law. They often associate with people in the legal system, including lawyers, judges and police officials, to evaluate those who have been accused or convicted of crimes. They might evaluate perpetrators to determine the risk of recidivism or help victims deal with the trauma they have encountered or even decide whether someone is fit to stand trial. • Latent Fingerprint Examiner (Bachelor’s degree in science and extensive training) These forensic scientists are highly

specialized in identifying, analyzing and lifting fingerprints at a crime scene. There may be field work required or they may be required to stay in the lab to analyze the prints and submit their reports. These reports may be presented to the appropriate law enforcement officials. Apart from these career fields, there are some which have recently been developed. For example, for a very violent crime scene, there may be Bloodstain Pattern Analysts. They check the blood spatter, associate it with the instrument and the victim and predict whether the wounds were self-inflicted or the direction of movement of the culprit etc. Often these data are used by insurance companies to filter false claims from authentic ones. Forensic Ballistic Experts identify the bullet used and the wound inflicted. They can trace the weapon used for the assault. There are even document examiners to assess the documentation work of the case. There can be polygraph test analyzers who can help in the criminal investigation by analyzing the authenticity of statements given. Conclusion: It is never late to decide your career path. Life science is a vast field. There are numerous employment avenues under it. Forensic Science is one such area which beckons students passionate about crime investigation and bringing justice to society. There are various techniques learned under applied biology that are required in forensic analysis. Also, individuals strong in understanding biological processes and systems can help in analyzing evidence related to a crime scene. The only thing required is a good academics record and a Bachelor’s degree in Science. With handson training in the job assigned, one will be able to master the skills needed for becoming a Forensic Scientist.


February 12th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 65


World Health Organization (WHO) Internship Programme 2019 The World Health Organization has officially announced the call for WHO Internship Programme. Interested candidates can apply online for the World Health Organization (WHO) Internship Programme 2019. YOU CAN CHECK OUT ALL OF THE DETAILS ON THE OBJECTIVES OF THE PROGRAM, ELIGIBILITY AND APPLICATION PROCEDURE DETAILS BELOW: By Diluxi Arya

Name: WHO (1900142)


Grade: No grade Contractual Arrangement: Intern Contract duration: Minimum 6 weeks – Maximum 24 weeks Job Posting: Jan 11, 2019, 6:26:17 PM Closing Date: Jul 1, 2019, 3:29:00 AM Primary Location: Multiple locations Organization: World Health Organization and Other Entities Schedule: Full-time INTRODUCTION You are applying to the WHO generic internship roster which is published twice a year. The roster will be made available to all WHO major offices from where direct contact will be made with suitable candidates only. In completing your profile, you will be able to choose up to 3 different work areas of interest. OBJECTIVES OF THE PROGRAMME WHO is the directing and coordinating authority on international health within the United Nations system. WHO has 194 Member States and more than 7000 people working in 150 country offices, in 6 regional offices and at headquarter in Geneva. WHO offers internships globally in our country and regional offices, as well as at headquarters. The WHO internship programme has three objectives: (a) to provide a framework for assigning students

from diverse academic backgrounds to WHO programmes, where educational experience can be enhanced through practical work assignments; (b) to expose students to the work of WHO and (c) to provide WHO programmes with the assistance of students specializing in various fields. Most students are placed in health-related programmes, although placements in other areas of work like for example communication, external relations, finance or human resources are also possible. DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES Under the supervision of a technical expert in the respective area, interns are assigned a project based on agreed terms of references and in line with their skills set. These terms of references typically include some or all of the following responsibilities: • review literature and conduct literature surveys • undertake web research and data collection on the specific subject area • organize data and documents • participate in the development of tools and guidelines • assist in drafting, formatting and editing policy briefs, toolkits, guides/manuals, hand-outs, brochures and reports • assist in organizing workshops, meetings, conferences, events

• participate in on-going departmental projects REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS Education Have completed three years of full-time studies (bachelor’s level or equivalent) at a university or equivalent institution prior to commencing the assignment; AND be enrolled in a course of study at a university or equivalent institution leading to a formal qualification (applicants who have already graduated may also qualify for consideration provided that they start the internship within six months after completion of their formal qualification). Skills Core competencies • Teamwork • Respecting and promoting individual and cultural difference • Communication All interns should be able to demonstrate the following skills in line with the WHO core competencies: • Communicating effectively orally and in writing • Showing willingness to learn from mistakes • Producing and delivering quality

results • Working collaboratively with team members In addition, interns need to be familiar with commonly used computer programmes, such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint. Knowledge of specialized computer programmes, for example, statistical software such as XLStat may be an advantage. Experience • Depending on the area of interest, the below experience may be needed and/or would be an advantage. • • Experience in research and/or in drafting reports • Experience in the subject area through academic work or research • Field and/or developing country experience • Experience with data analysis, statistical packages and interest in the design of graphical display and analysis of health information in an international comparative perspective, such as for health system performance assessment

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• More specific experience such Knowledge of the local language in as specialized computer pro- some duty stations can be an asset grammes ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Languages • Please note that internships at Fluency in one of WHO’s workWHO are very competitive and ing languages (reading, writing and only a small number of applispeaking). WHO official languages: cants will be accepted every Arabic, Chinese, English, French, year. Only successful candidates Russian and Spanish will be contacted.

• WHO Internships are not paid. Living abroad is expensive and finding accommodation can be challenging. All intern candidates should be aware of these factors before they consider applying for a WHO Internship. • Interns are not eligible for appointment to any position in WHO for a period of three months following the end of the

February 12th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 65

internship. • If selected for a WHO Internship, you will be required to provide certified copies of proof of enrolment in a course of studies and a medical certificate of fitness for work. View Notification APPLY ONLINE

ITRI International Internship Program Summer 2019 Industrial Technology Research Institute International Internship Program Summer 2019 notification has been announced. THE APPLICATION PORTAL HAS BEEN OPENED FOR THE 2019 APPLICATION PROCESS. INTERESTED CANDIDATES CAN CHECK OUT ALL OF THE DETAILS ON THE SAME BELOW: By Diluxi Arya

Each summer ITRI hosts approximately 30 international students for internships of 2-3 months. ITRI also offers a limited number of longer internships of 4-6 months during Spring, Summer, Summer and Fall. Application for Summer 2019 internships is currently open. To enter the application system, review position descriptions and standards, and apply to internships please click here. Prior to applying, it’s highly advisable that you read the”Internship Program Details and Application Information” link under. In case you have questions regarding internships, please contact Internship Program Information and Application Info This page includes basic information regarding ITRI’s International Internship Program. Eligibility: This program is available to undergraduate and graduate students currently enrolled at accredited universities and colleges. Accepted interns have to be able to give documentary evidence from the University of student status during and following the

whole period of the internship. Candidates should hold a valid passport from a country other than Taiwan (ROC). Program Dates: Summer Interns must be available to work for at least 10 weeks between May and September. Longer internships of 4-6 months are possible during the year. Dates are flexible based on department and student needs and are decided case-by-case when acceptance offers are made. Please indicate your preferred internship dates in your application. What ITRI Provides: [Note: The package described below is standard but might vary significant-

ly based upon the circumstances; details of your offer will be verified if you’re chosen ] -Free onsite lodging on ITRI campus – modern dormitories on a spacious campus with recreational and dining amenities -Monthly stipend (before taxes): NT$22,000 — NT$36,000 a month, based on student’s experience and department’s situation; if you’re given a position, the offer will define the stipend along with other particulars. -Free ITRI Group Insurance (Notice: this can be Accident Insurance – people who need full medical coverage should buy it separately.) Throughout summer internship (June/July): -A tour of this Hsinchu Science-Based Industrial Park with company website visits, to encourage understanding of Taiwan’s technology

industry. -Subsidized group excursion to a picturesque destination in Taiwan. When is your application deadline? Application for most summer internships closes on March 31. We remove positions as they’re filled, therefore if a position is still posted in our internship application system which means the application is still open. APPLY ONLINE


February 12th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 65


IISER Pune Summer Student Programme 2019 If you are an undergraduate or in the first year of your post graduation and are looking for a short term summer research programme, then IISER Pune has announced applications, for the said programme for a duration of 4 to 8 weeks. CHECK OUT MORE DETAILS ON THE SAME BELOW: By Diluxi Arya

IISER Pune invites applications from research-oriented students to participate in its Summer Student Programme, 2019. Successful applicants will have a chance to take part in the research programmes of IISER-Pune faculty. Research activities in IISER-Pune span both theory and experiment in biology, chemistry, climate and earth science, humanities and social sciences, physics and mathematics with a strong focus on interdisciplinary research. These summer projects are also an opportunity for students to assess the suitability of different programs at IISER-Pune (Integrated PhD and PhD) for future career choice. This application form is meant for students of educational institutions aside from IISER-Pune. Summer projects chosen through the Indian Academy of Science won’t need to go through this registration procedure. Eligibility & Requirements: Students currently (at the time of application) studying in the • 2nd, 3rd, or 4th year of B.Sc/B. Tech/B.E or equal • 1st year of M.Sc/M.Tech or equal. Minimum 60 percent (or equal ) in total grades, or 80 percent in the particular stream(s) of interest. Selecting a project for the application. • Browse the listing of available projects and identify your project of interest • You will go through the web pages of the faculty to confirm your interests overlap, and to acquire an idea of their research methods. • Every project has a requirement concerning knowledge and skills. Please don’t apply

for a project which you’re not equipped to tackle. It’ll be a waste of your time • In case you need additional technical information regarding the project, send a single email to the concerned faculty. Please don’t send additional emails in the absence of a response. • You may apply for up to Two projects Project Duration: 4 – 8 weeks throughout the period May 15th — July 15th, 2019. Additional Details: • IISER-Pune will support the chosen summer students with a (free) room in the students’ hostel. • But we’re not able to provide any financial support to pay for the cost of travelling and boarding in the hostel mess (about Rs. 6000 a month) • The performance of students will be evaluated at the end of the project and also the same conveyed to their parent institute. • Please don’t contact, either by telephone or by email, the concerned faculty for selection information after you’ve registered. • Just the chosen students will be informed by email by March 31st – hence an incorrect email

address in the form will cause a lost opportunity. • Any query regarding this programme may be addressed • Any problem with the web-based registration process may also be addressed Ramana Athreya at Applicants should use the webbased registration form on this page (if it becomes available) to ap-

ply for the summer programme The online application process is not yet open It will start accepting entries on 12th February and remain open till the end of the month. Deadline: 28th February 2019 View Notification




February 12th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 65

Thank you for Making BioTecNika Prime a Huge Success Hello Biotecnikans, All this while we have been saying your success is our achievement but this time we would happily say our success is what you all have helped us to achieve. Yes, you heard it right. We owe you this grand beginning of Biotecnika Prime. Since the past 12 years, Biotecnika has been helping the bioscience community in every possible way we can. And yet again we identified the one but the most prominent problem you all face every time a new research idea takes a shape. Hence after months of experimentation and brainstorming, we came up with Biotecnika prime where you can find all your research requirements under a single roof. Biotecnika Prime is one stop solution where you can browse through the vast catalog of products and get the best price for them with the secured and guaranteed delivery time. And guess what prime is an already the most searched and viewed web-

site for ordering lab supplies. Let’s have look on some of the interesting facts and figures about Prime. • In the 1st month itself, biotecnika prime got a big family of more than 200+ purchase orders and inquiries across the country. • We were able to serve all the orders through our offices stationed in Bangalore, Noida, Kol-

kata, Pune, and Chennai. • Prime is already working closely with more than 10 International and Indian Universities for the upliftment of research and this list goes on and on. • In its very 1st month of launching, we crossed 169 orders from various scientific institutions Without the humongous support from you, prime would have not

achieved this early success. Thank you for helping Biotecnika Prime making this venture work for you all. We work meticulously to make this happen and help every researcher out there! Because your Research is our responsibility and we have made this as our solemn vow! By Aakanksha Sinha


February 12th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 65


CSIR-IICB Launches World’s First Ayurvedic Cancer Drug – “Kudos CM 9” Cancer is a deadly enemy of society on a global scale. The alarming rate at which it is spreading its claws is a matter of great concern. IN INDIA ALONE, CANCER DEATH TOLL CLOCKS IN APPROXIMATELY 2900 PER DAY, WITH MORE THAN 10 LAKH OF PEOPLE DYING PER YEAR. By Preety Suman

Indian scientists have taken a step ahead in the battle with Cancer. The Ministry of Science & Technology, CSIR-IICB has successfully launched “Kudos CM 9” -world’s first ayurvedic drug to combat cancer and is non-synthetic, chemical free. As per statements by a senior scientist involved in this project – Prof. Chitra Mandal who belongs to the Cancer Biology & Inflammatory Disorder Division of CSIR-IICB, Kudos CM9 is a result of extensive research conducted by the team over past 30 years. It is the first ever ayurvedic drug made for cancer which has no side effects, she further added.

As per Prof. Mandal, this drug combination was prepared after carrying several tests on cancerous cells in the liver, pancreas and other organs. One of the combinations testes worked well for all types of cancers. She further added that Kudos CM 9 acts as an immunomodulator. It targets only Kudos CM 9 is believed to be a cancer cells and provides immune highly effective drug for treating can- therapy. cer in an early stage. Itcan help control further spread of cancer growth in Director of CSIR-IICB & CSIRpatients diagnosed with cancer, who NEIST – Prof. Samit Chattopadhyay are undergoing chemotherapy & radi- said that they have transferred the otherapy. Kudos CM 9 can be useful technology to Kudos Laboratories Infor treating both benign and malig- dia – Kudos Ayurveda. They will be nant tumor. responsible for the manufacturing &

marketing of this unique drug both in India & Globally for the benefit of people on a global scale. Kudos CM9 is world’s first ayurvedic drug that works on the concept of programmed cell death. It shields the healthy cells and fights against the malignant cells, thus boosting the immunity of patients suffering from cancer. Kudos CM 9 mechanism of action is to block certain cancer-promoting enzymes & hormones. It also posses antimutagenic, chemoprotective and radioprotective properties. As per Dr. Priyanka CEO, Kudos Ayurveda said; “Kudos CM9 helps to prevent, fight and cure cancer at every

stage, i.e. genesis, growth and spread of cancer. Kudos CM9 is equally effective in those patients who have become resistant to chemotherapy, radiotherapy and hormone therapy. Kudos CM9 is also highly useful for those patients, who are not fit for surgery, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy due to old age marked weakness or any other factor”. Kudos CM9 is available in the market in the form of tablets. More details on the efficacy of the drug will be known in the near future.



February 12th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 65

First Clinical Trial Of “Three Parent Baby” By Embryotools In 2016 Worlds first “Three Parent Baby” was born by making use of genetic material from three people. IT’S A NOVEL TECHNIQUE INVENTED TO REFRAIN THE NEWBORN CHILD TO INHERIT ANY DISEASE VIA HIS OR HER MOTHERS MITOCHONDRIAL DNA. By Preety Suman

Under this technique mitochondria from one woman’s egg is taken along with the nucleus of another’s, the combination of which is then fertilized by sperm and then implanted into the uterus. It has been a controversial fertility treatment procedure since then. It is also known as a “mitochondrial replacement technique” or “three-person IVF”. In the latest announcement, a Spanish company – Embryotools have declared that they will have conducted their first clinical trial involving the three parent embryo technique to combat infertility. A 32-year-old woman has conceived under the same project. She is the one among 25 other women enrolled under the program for whom embryo has been successfully planted. Co-founder of Embryotools – Nuno Costa-Borges stated that this could revolutionize the infertility treatment

industry and may bring a new era in the field of IVF. He said that this procedure could give the patients chances of having a child genetically related to them. Embryotools in collaboration with a fertility specialist at a clinic in Athens – Institute of Life. are studying 25 women under 40 years of age enrolled under the program. It includes only those women who have minimum two failed IVF attempts in the past. Since the procedure is banned in Spain the clinical trial was conducted

in Greece after seeking approval from Earlier in 2015 UK was the first the Greek National Authority of As- country to approve the usage of this sisted Reproduction. technique but only in urgent conditions where the couples have a higher The research team at Embryotools risk of delivering a genetically defectvia a technique called maternal spin- ed baby. dle transfer to extract the nucleus from a donor egg and replace it with It is to be noted that this controthe nucleus taken from the intended versial procedure remains banned in mother’s egg. The donor egg thus many countries inlcuing the United obtained retains its healthy mito- States on the grounds that the DNA chondria. The remaining procedure introduced in the embryo from the remains the same to that of a general third parent will form genetic alteraIVF process. tions that could run up to numerous generations to come.


February 12th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 65


100% Effective Cure For Cancer By “MuTaTo” Claims Israeli Scientists 100% effective cure for cancer! Sounds unbelievable right? A group of Israeli researchers claims that they have developed worlds first complete cure for cancer which will be 100% effective with zero side effects. AS PER REPORTS PUBLISHED IN THE JERUSALEM, THIS NEW CANCER TREATMENT IS BEING DEVELOPED BY A COMPANY- ACCELERATED EVOLUTION BIOTECHNOLOGIES LTD (AEBI) HEADED BY DAN ARIDOR. By Preety Suman

He claims that the novel cancer cure they have developed will show its effect from day one and will be made available commercially at very minimal cost. He further added that their solution will be both generic and personal. “MuTaTo” – multi-target toxin is the name of the cancer treatment which the Israeli scientists are working on. MuTaTo anticancer drug is being made on SoAP technology, which belongs to the phage display group of technologies. The procedure involves the insertion of DNA coding for a protein – antibody into a bacteriophage. These protein displaying phages can be deployed by researchers to screen for interactions with other proteins, DNA sequences and small molecules. A team of scientists won the Nobel Prize back in 2018 for their work for

the production of antibody therapeutics – in particular, on phage display in the evolution of new proteins. AEBi is currently doing something similar but with peptides. According to Moran, peptides prove to be more convenient for experimentation than antibodies owing to the facts that they are smaller, cheaper, and easier to produce and regulate. The working principle behind MuTaTo is an aggregation of various cancer-targeting peptides for each cancer cell at the same time in combination

Scientists A Step Closer In Generating Made-To-Order Human Kidney

In a breakthrough study, researchers from the National Institute for Physiological Sciences, Japan have successfully grown fully functional mouse kidney using few donor cells inside rats. This discovery may aid in significant developments in the field of human organ transplantation. The findings of the research are published in Nature communication Journal. Patients suffering from an end-stage renal disease often cannot opt for a kidney transplant which is the only permanent solution in this scenario, owing to a global chronic shortage of donor’s kidneys and it’s heavy on

with a strong peptide toxin targeted to kill cancer cells individually. The researchers also aim to personalize the MuTaTo cancer treatment. If a patient submits a part of his biopsy to the lab, they would analyze the receptors that are overexpressed, based on which an exact cocktail of a molecule will be administered to target & cure the disease. The advantage here is, unlike in AIDS wherein the administration of the therapeutic molecules is continued for a year, MuTaTo process will be completed only in few weeks. tion process.

The lead author of the study conducted in Japan – Teppei Goto said that their team had previously used the blastocyst complementation method pockets too. In the US alone almost to generate rat pancreas in an apan95,000 patients are on a wait list seek- creatic mutant mice. Based on these grounds they further experimented if ing for a donor’s kidney. Multiple research studies are being the same can be used to grow a funcconducted on a large scale worldwide tional kidney, which would have a for growing organs outside the hu- greater application in regenerative man body. Blastocyst complementa- medicine owing to the high donor detion is one such method used which mand. has shown promising results. In this procedure, blastocysts are taken from Earlier attempts of growing rat kida mutant animal devoid of a specific neys by other researchers failed as the organ and are then injected with stem stem cells induced did not differenticells from a normal donor irrespective ate into two types of key cells required of the species. The stem cells then for kidney formation. However, on tend to differentiate leading to the reversing positioning the models, formation of the missing organ. Since mouse stem cells efficiently differenthe new organ retains the characteris- tiated within rat blastocysts, forming tics of the original stem cell donor, it the basic structures of a kidney. can be further used in the transplantaPseudo-pregnant rats were implanted

The company is currently filing patents on specific peptides. The above claims have been made by the Israeli researchers based on positive results obtained from their experimentation of the drug in Mouse. It will be interesting to see if it passes successfully through the clinical trials as well and if it does how soon it will move from the Labs to the clinics.

with the complemented blastocysts and it developed into normal fetuses with more than two third of the rat neonates contained a pair of kidneys derived from the mouse stem cells. Upon further analysis, the developed kidneys were found to be structurally intact and half of it could produce urine Corresponding Author of the study – Masumi Hirabayashi said that their study confirms that blastocyst complementation is a feasible & efficient method for developing kidneys. This approach can be further utilized in future to develop a human stem cell-derived organs in livestock which could improve the lifespan of people suffering from renal diseases.



February 12th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 65

Is Our Society Ready For A Brain Transplant? An In-depth Analysis WEEKLY PODCAST

Episode17 Hello, lovely people out there! Welcome to another interesting podcast on the extensive platform of – Voice of Biotecnika and today we will try to figure out whether our society is ready for the brain transplant? So people run your imagination and think! Won’t it be a scientific miracle to allocate life to a deceased or lifeless body by transplanting a healthy brain from a donor? ya? But unfortunately, it is not that simple. There are numerous setbacks to this creative lifesaving innovation. Besides medical technicality associated, ethical issues can’t be ignored at all.

Before taking our journey ahead let us first understand what are the complexities associated with head body transplant which involves stitching someone’s head onto another person’s body just like many of you might have done in your childhood. Listen to this interesting podcast below to get answers to all the above questions! Voice of Biotecnika by Dr. Nidhi Hukku


February 12th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 65

Newton International Fellowships Scheme 2019 Indian nationals are encouraged to apply online for the Newton International Fellowships Scheme 2019 that has been announced for this year. PHD CANDIDATES ARE ENCOURAGED AND INVITED TO CHECK OUT ALL OF THE DETAILS ON THE OVERVIEW, ELIGIBILITY, APPLICATION PROCEDURE AND TIMLINES BELOW: By Diluxi Arya

The scheme provides the opportunity for the best early stage post-doctoral researchers from all over the world to work at UK research institutions for a period of two years. Overview: This scheme is for non-UK scientists who are at an early stage of their research career and wish to conduct research in the UK. The scheme provides the opportunity for the best early stage post-doctoral researchers from all over the world to work at UK research institutions for a period of two years. The scheme is jointly run by the British Academy, the Academy of Medical Sciences and the Royal Society. Currently, there is one round per year which opens in January. The Royal Society’s remit covers the natural and physical sciences, including biological research, chemistry, engineering, mathematics and physics. Applications for the humanities and social sciences should be made to the British Academy. Applications for clinical and patient-oriented research should be made to the Academy of Medical Sciences. If you are unsure about which academy to apply to, contact Am I eligible to apply? To be eligible to apply you must: • have a PhD, or will have a PhD by the time the funding starts • have no more than 7 years of active full-time postdoctoral experience at the time of application

• • • •

(discounting career breaks but including teaching experience and/or time spent in industry) be working outside the UK not hold UK citizenship be competent in oral and written English have a clearly defined and mutually-beneficial research proposal agreed with a UK host scientist.

Before applying, please ensure that you meet all the eligibility requirements, which are explained in the scheme notes. What are the scheme’s value and tenure? Newton Fellowships last for two years. Funding consists of £24,000 per annum for subsistence costs, and up to £8,000 per annum research expenses, as well as a one-off payment of up to £3,000 for relocation expenses (£2,000 for EEA nationals). Awards include a contribution to the overheads incurred, at a rate of 50% of the total award to the visiting researcher. Applicants may also be eligible to receive up to £6,000 annually following the tenure of their Fellowship to support networking activities with UK-based researchers. What is the application process? Applications for the natural and physical sciences should be submitted through the Royal Society’s grants

management system (Flexi-Grant®). Applications are initially reviewed by two members of the Newton International Fellowships panel and then shortlisted. The applications are then reviewed again by the panel and the final decision is made. Newton Fund partner countries: Additional Fellowships are supported through the Newton Fund, specifically for applicants from Newton Fund partner countries; this initiative aims to develop long-term sustainable growth and welfare of partner countries through building research and innovation capacity and forms part of the UK’s Official Development Assistance commitment. Newton Fund countries include Brazil, China, India, Mexico, South Africa, and Turkey. This is in partnership with the Academy of Medical Sciences and the British Academy. How do I apply for this scheme? This scheme is now open to applications and will close at 3 pm on Wednesday 27 March 2019. View Notification APPLY ONLINE




February 12th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 65

XMU Scholarships for International Students 2019 The notification has been released and the application portal has been opened for the XMU Scholarships for International Students/ 2019 Xiamen University Scholarships (For International Students). INTERESTED AND ELIGIBLE CANDIDATES CAN CHECK OUT ALL OF THE DETAILS ON THE SAME BELOW: By Diluxi Arya

XMU Scholarships for International Students Application Guidelines for 2019 Xiamen University Scholarships (For New International Students) I. Introduction: In 2006, XMU set up its own scholarships for international students studying in degree programs. Scholarship awardees will have their tui- 1. Bachelor’s degree programs: 5 or tion fees covered. Moreover, monthly 4 years; living allowances will be provided to exceptional postgraduates in accord- 2. Master’s degree programs: two or ance with the criteria of Chinese Gov- three years; ernment Scholarships. 3. Doctoral degree programs: 4 II. Eligibility: years. 1. Applicants have to be non-Chi- Notice: Scholarships recipients’ acnese citizens in great health. ademic performance will be assessed annually and only those achieving 2. Educational background and age the necessary standard will have their limits (as of September 1, 2019): scholarship renewed for the subse(1) Bachelor’s degree programs: quent year. hold a high school diploma or over and be under the age of 25; V. Scholarships Quota (2) Master’s degree programs: hold a bachelor’s degree or over and be under the age of 40;

1. Bachelor’s degree programs: 5;

(3) Doctoral degree programs: hold a master’s degree or over and be under the age of 45.

3. Doctoral degree programs: 8.

III. Academic Programs 1. Chinese-medium degree programs.

2. Master’s degree programs: 11;

VI. Application Period: February 1 to April 30, 2019. VII. Application Procedures:

Application for the Scholarships Please consult with the Academic will be considered only after the apPrograms section at https://admis- plicant has been admitted to Xiamen University. 2. English-medium degree programs. Application guidelines for bachelor’s degree programs: Please consult with the Programs in h t t p s : / / a d m i s s i o n s . x m u . e d u . the English section at https://admis- cn/2018/1211/c16878a359135/page. htm Application guidelines for master’s IV. Duration of Scholarships: degree programs:

cn/2018/1211/c16879a359144/page. nal acceptance. htm The final outcome will be published at at Application guidelines for doctormid-July. Scholarship awardees will al degree programs: be advised through email. Admission h t t p s : / / a d m i s s i o n s . x m u . e d u . Notice and Visa Application Forms cn/2018/1211/c16880a359155/page. for Study (JW202) will be routed out later. htm Applicants have to apply online at IX. Contact Info: and upload the scan copy of Application Admissions Office of Xiamen UniForm for Xiamen University Scholar- versity ships (click to download). The Schol- Add.: 422 South Siming Road, Xiaarships Application Form Ought to men, Fujian Province, China (PostBe completed in English or Chinese code: 361005) Tel: +86 (0)592 2184792/2188375 and signed by the applicant. Fax: +86 (0) 592 2180256 Email: Notice: Web: (1) Applicants are expected to subAPPLY ONLINE mit a complete set of application materials and will be held responsible for the authenticity of the documents. Incomplete or forged application materials will be rejected. (2) Applicants are expected to keep their phones on, check their email and online application account frequently as XMU’s Admissions Office will contact them if required. VIII. Selection and Notification: A thorough review will be conducted on the applicant’s educational record, language proficiency, overall merits, research achievements and their prospective supervisor’s comments. The shortlisted candidates will be submitted to the university authorities for fi-


February 12th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 65


Govt National Dope Testing Lab Biological Sciences Jobs With Rs. 78,000/- Salary pm


pply for a high paying govt job at NDTL – National Dope Testing Laboratory. National Dope Testing Laboratory requires MSc & PhD Biological Sciences candidates for scientist post. National Dope Testing Laboratory is hiring MSc & PhD candidates for Rs. 78,800/- per month Scientist position as per the details given below: NATIONAL DOPE TESTING LABORATORY (Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports) J N Stadium Complex Lodhi Road, New Delhi – 110003

Chemical Sciences / Biological Sciences / Pharmaceutical Sciences /Applied Sciences in related fields from a recognized school or equal. (ii) Five years’ experience (Post PhD) in development & research and/or scientific actions in the relevant area. • Desirable: Experience in research & development within the area of drug investigation/ athletics dope testing/quality management system according to ISO 17025 / industrial / Scientific business.


No. of Posts: 02

equivalent with two years experience Or PhD. • Desirable: Specialized expertise in research & development in the field of drug analysis/ Sports dope testing/ Quality management system according to ISO 17025/ industrial/Scientific organization.

Designation: Scientist ‘D’

Probation Period: 02 years

How to Apply:

No. of Posts: 01 Probation Period: 1 year Pay Level & Pay: In Pay Rs. 78,800/- in the Pay Level 12 Upper Age Limit: 50 years Qualifications: • Essential: (i) M.Sc., PhD in

POST II Designation: Scientist ‘B’

Pay Level & Pay: In Pay Rs. 56,100 in the Pay Matrix Level – 10 Upper Age Limit: 40 years Qualifications: • Essential: M.Sc. In Chemical Sciences / Biological Sciences / Pharmaceutical Sciences / Applied Sciences in related fields from a recognized university or

• Only such applications that are accompanied by the requisite personal data in the desired Biodata proforma given in Annexure-II, will be considered. • Eligible applicants can send their applications through proper channel at the following address In Order to reach this Office within 30 days from the date of publication in the Employment News positively. Administrative

Officer, National Dope Testing Laboratory (NDTL), Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports, Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium Complex, East Gate, Near MTNL Building, Lodhi Road, New Delhi – 110 003 • In case of Govt. Servants (including Autonomous Bodies, CPSUs and State PSUs), application has to be accompanied with Photocopies of ACRs/APARs of past five years duly attested by Group’A’ Officer or equal of their parent organization, Vigilance Clearance, Integrity Certificate and Major/Minor Penalty Statement to the previous ten years, failing which application will be summarily rejected. Annexure II



February 12th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 65

67 Job Openings For Forest Officers & Forest Rangers @ OPSC – Govt Job 2019


overnment job openings for bsc candidates in the vacancies of Assistant Conservator of Forests & Forest Ranger posts at Odisha Public Service Commission. OPSC jobs for bsc candidates as Assistant Conservator of Forests & Forest Rangers. Check out all of the details on the same below: Name of Posts: • Assistant Conservator of Forests – 25(07-w) Vacancies • Forest Ranger – 42(13-w) Vacancies Eligibility: A candidate must have possessed Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University or Institution in India with at least one of the following subjects namely, Botany, Chemistry, Geology, Mathematics, Physics, Statistics, Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry and Zoology or a Bachelor’s Degree in Agriculture, Forestry or in Engineering or an equivalent qualification. Examination Fee: A candidate is required to pay a non-refundable and non-adjustable fee of Rs.500/- (Rupees five hundred) only, Candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe of Odisha only are exempted from payment of this fee. The candidates are required to take a

printout of the finally submitted Online Application Form for future use and take a printout of Online Challan (Pay-in-Slip) for payment of requisite fee at any branch of State Bank of India (SBI). The fee(s) paid shall neither be refunded under any circumstances nor can the fee(s) be adjusted or held in reserve for any other examination or recruitment. The written Examination is likely to be held on 14.04.2019. How to Apply: (a) Candidates must go through the details of this Advertisement available in the Website of OPSC before filling up the online application form. (b) Candidates must apply online through the Website of OPSC http:// Applications received through any other mode would not be accepted and summarily be rejected. (c) Before filling up the online application form, the candidates must go through the following documents available at OPSC portal. i. Instruction to fill up the online application form. ii. Guidelines for scanning and Uploading of Photograph, Full Signature & Left Hand Thumb Impression.

graph, specimen (full) signature and LTI must be clearly identifiable/visible, otherwise the application of the candidate is liable to be rejected by the Commission and no representation from the candidate will be entertained.

dates will be uploaded in the Website of OPSC prior to the date of Written Examination / Physical test / Viva Voce test which will be published in the Website and Newspapers. The candidates are required to download their Admission Certificate from the Website of the Commission and pro(e) Candidates should keep at least duce the same at the Examination two copies of latest passport size pho- Centre for admission to the Written tograph which is uploaded to the on- Examination / Physical test / Viva line application form for future use. Voce test. No separate correspondence will be made on this score. (f) On successful submission of application form, a Unique Registration Important Dates: ID will be displayed on the screen as well as on the top of the application (A) ONLINE APPLICATION form. Candidates are required to note SHALL BE AVAILABLE IN THE down the Unique Registration ID and WEBSITE FROM 15.02.2019 TO use it in future correspondence. 14.03.2019 TILL 11.59 P.M.

(g) The candidates are advised to (B) LAST DATE OF RECEIPT submit the Online Application Form OF APPLICATION FEE AT ANY well in advance without waiting for BRANCH OF STATE BANK OF (d) Candidates are requested to the closing date to avoid last hour INDIA IS 19.03.2018. upload the scanned image of latest rush. passport size photograph along with NB:- THE ONLINE APPLICATION a scanned image of his/her full signa(h) Certificate of Admission to the FORMS IF FOUND DEFECTIVE ture and scanned image of Left-Hand Written Examination/ Physical test/ IN ANY RESPECT IS LIABLE TO Thumb Impression(LTI) in the online Viva Voce test to the eligible candi- BE SUMMARILY REJECTED. application form. Uploaded photo-


February 12th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 65


Govt Central Silk Board BSc Biological Sciences Project Job Vacancy


atest government jobs. Government jobs for bsc biological sciences candidates at Central Sericultural Germplasm Resources Centre. CSGRC jobs for biological sciences candidates. Project Assistant jobs for biological sciences. Interested and eligible canddates can check out all of the details on the same below: CENTRAL SERICULTURAL GERMPLASM RESOURCES CENTRE (AN ISO 9001:2015 CERTIFIED) CENTRAL SILK BOARD, MINISTRY OF TEXTILES, GOVERNMENT OF INDIA P.B.No. 44, THALLY ROAD, HOSUR-635109, KRISHNAGIRI DIST., TAMIL NADU, INDIA Websites:; Email:; Name of the Post: Project Assistant No. of Posts: 01 Name of the Project: “NW-4b: Sugar-Mimic alkaloids in mulberry and their role in modulating host plant – insect interactions” under the Research Project of Genetic enhancement of mulberry by Genomics Approaches: A multi-component net-

work project and CSB code is PIC 01 003 CN. Essential Eligibility for Job Assistant: B.Sc. In Biological Sciences (preference will be given to applicants with a Botany background) with minimum 55% marks in degree (All Semesters) and expertise. Emoluments: Rs 15,000/consolidated a month How to Apply: Eligible candidates might appear for the interview in the time and venue given below. In the time of the interview, the candidate must submit the following together with one passport size photograph: • One photocopy all certificates and mark sheets for educational qualifications i.e. SSLC, PUC / HSC, B.Sc. • One photocopy of the Community certification • One photocopy of proof for Date of birth • A hard copy of a brief notice on the project work carried out during B.Sc., IF ANY • Research experience certification IF ANY • NOC from present employer IF ANY Notice:

• Eligible applicants with provisional / Degree certificates and mark sheets of semesters such as the final semester of B.Sc., or consolidated mark sheets for many semesters only will be eligible to attend the interview. • Originals of All of the supportive documents Mentioned Previously must be presented for confirmation at the time of interview Important Points: • Registration for the walk-in-Interview between 10:00 to10: 30 AM on 26th February 2019. • Eligible candidates may appear for interview in the following venue Central Sericultural Germplasm Resources Centre, P.B.No.44, Thally Road, Hosur — 653109. (Approximately 4 KM in Hosur bus station/ 3 KM from Hosur Railway station on Thally Road, alongside TN Silk Farm.)

• Applications won’t be accepted via post/ email/ courier. • Age limitation: Under 28 years according to 01/01/2019 (relaxation of 5 years for SC/ST and Women candidates). 5. Experienced applicants are encouraged to apply. • No TA/DA will be provided to attend the interview. • The above-mentioned post is only on a temporary and contractual basis and therefore are Co-terminus within the project period. • Canvassing in any form will lead to cancellation of candidature. • The decision of the Director shall be final and binding in all respects. • Date, Time & Venue of Interview: 10:00 to10: 30 AM on 26th February 2019 at CSGRC.



February 12th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 65

Freshers Govt NLC India Limited Biochemist Vacancy Available


atest government job opportunity for msc candidates at NLC India Limited (NLCIL). MSc Biochemistry candidates with no experience are encouraged to apply online for the Biochemist position. Interested and eligible candidates are invited to check out all of the details on the same below: Name of the Position: Biochemist


No. of Posts: 01 Grade: W -7 Qualification: M. Sc in Clinical / Medical Biochemistry with a minimum duration of two years from a recognised institution.



How to Apply: 1. Candidates should apply only through online mode in NLCIL website No manual/paper applications will be entertained directly unless registered and applied through ONLINE. After submitting applications through ONLINE, applicants ought to take a print out of registration cum application form and send it along with all the copies of self-attested documents uploaded at the time of registration. 2. Scrutiny of applications for short listing of applicants for written test/interview will be solely



based on certificates/documents uploaded by the candidates at the time of registration/submission of application through ONLINE. Additional/fresh documents if any enclosed from the candidate while submitting the hard copy of the registration cum application form won’t be considered for scrutiny. Before registering applying online, the candidates must make sure that they have valid e-mail ID, which should remain valid at least for one year. The Online application portal will be active from 10:00 hours on 04-02-2019 to 17:00 hours on 25-02-2019. Candidates (except SC/ST/ PWD/Ex-serviceman categories) are required to pay a non-refundable amount of INR.300/as Application Fee through ONLINE, using State Bank Collect facility available at The detailed process regarding payment of Application Fee is available on our website. Candidates applying for more than 1 post should submit separate Registration-cum-Application Form and receipt for a fee along with the necessary enclosures for each post (s). Candidates must submit a single application only. In the event of multiple applications/registrations, the past registered applications shall only be considered for scrutiny. 7.8 After submitting

the application through ONLINE, a Registration-Cum-Application Form will be generated. Candidates need to take two copies of print out of the exact same and i) Retain one copy with them for referenceii) Send the other copy of their Registration-Cum-Application Form in addition to the documents uploaded, at a cover with superscription of “APPLICATION FOR RECRUITMENT TO THE POST OF…………………… (………..GRADE) IN NLC India Limited”, by Post / Courier, latest by 04-03-2019 to the following address. THE CHIEF GENERAL MANAGER (HR), RECRUITMENT CELL, HUMAN RESOURCE DEPARTMENT, CORPORATE OFFICE, NLC INDIA LIMITED, BLOCK-1, NEYVELI — 607801, TAMILNADU 8. The Candidature of the applicants who don’t submit the hard copy of the Registration-cum-Application Form (or) whose Regis-

tration-cumApplication Form are not received or received belatedly after the stipulated time limit won’t be considered along with the application fee paid by them, if any, won’t be refunded. 9. Candidates are advised to not send any original certificates together with the Registration-Cum-Application Form. Original Certificates should be produced only in the time of Interview / Practical test. IMPORTANT DATES: • ONLINE Registration Starting Time & Date: 10:00 hours on 04-02-2019 • ONLINE Registration Closing Time & Date: 17:00 hours on 25-02-2019 • Last Date for Receipt of Registration-Cum-Application Form: 17:00 hours on 04-032019.

February 12th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 65



Govt Dept of Biotechnology, Life Sciences Scientist With Rs. 2.08 Lakh Pay Recruitment


overnment of India, Ministry of Science & Technology, Department of Biotechnology is recruiting msc life sciences and btech biotechnology candidates for Scientist vacancies. 20+ vacancies for biotech and life sciences candidates. Interested and eligible candidates can check out all of the details on the same below: No. A-12011/06/2018-Estt. Government of India Ministry of Science & Technology Department of Biotechnology Vacancy Circular No:1-DBT/2019Estt Name of the Post: Scientist ‘C’, Group ‘A’ Gazetted Post (Non-Ministerial and Scientific) No. of Posts: 27(UR-15; OBC-7; SC-04; ST-01) (Note: The number of posts to be filled can change. The Department reserves the right to fill vacancies arising subsequent to this advertisement under this recruitment process until the validity date of this panel of recommended applicants at the main list or waiting list. The Department also reserves the right to cancel the recruiting without assigning any reason) Pay Level: 11 (Rs.67700-208700/-) (erstwhile Pay Band -3, Grade Pay6600/-) Eligibility: a. NATIONALITY: The applicant must be a citizen of India. The date for determining the age limit shall be 01.03.2019. b. AGE LIMITS: A candidate shouldn’t have exceeded age 40 years according to 01.03.2019 i.e. he/she has to haven’t been born not earlier than 01.03.1979. i. The upper age limit prescribed above will be relaxable by a max of 03 (three) years in case of candidates belonging to other backward classes that are eligible to avail of reservation applicable to such applicants; ii. The upper age limit prescribed above will be reliable with a maximum of 05 (five) years in case of candidates belonging to scheduled castes/scheduled tribes;

MINIMUM EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS: Following qualifications are prescribed for all applicants: i. ESSENTIAL: Master of Science in Life Sciences or Bachelor of Veterinary Science or Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery or Bachelor of Engineering or Bachelor of Technology in the Business of Biotechnology by a recognized University.

How to Apply: ii. DESIRABLE: Doctor of Philosophy in Life Sciences or MD or Mas- Candidates Must apply online by ter of Veterinary Science or Master of using the following link http://www. Technology in the field of Biotech- Detailed nology by a recognized University instructions for filling up online applications are available on the said link. Note: Brief Instructions for filling the”Online Application Form” is given in 1 ). The candidate should hold a Appendix-I. The candidates in Govvalid degree of any of Universities in- ernment/Semi Government Organisacorporated by an Act of the Central or tion/Public Sector Undertakings/AuState Legislature in India or other ed- tonomous Organisations should also ucational institutions established by upload NOC of their employers. The an Act of Parliament or declared to be applications received with no recomdeemed as a University Underneath mendations /NOC of their Employers Section-3 of the University Grants shall be treated as invalid/ineligible. Commission Act, 1956, or possess an equivalent qualification according to E-Admission certifications: The 01.03.2019. (In the event of the final qualified candidates will be issued an degree hasn’t been issued, applicants e-admission Certification two weeks may submit provisional degree from prior to the beginning of the examithe University/Institute) nation. The e-admission certification 2. Candidates possessing profes- will be made available from the Desional and technical qualifications partment’s site, which the applicants that are recognized by the Govern- should use to download their admisment as equivalent to a professional sion certifications for appearing in and technical degree would also be the exam. In the exam centre entry of eligible for admission to the exam. only those candidates will be permitted who’ve valid downloaded e-adD. EXPERIENCE: (after acquiring mission certification together with leessential qualifications, except for de- gitimate a photograph id proof. (Note: partmental candidates) FIVE years No admission certification shall be sent by post.) FEES: All candidates (except female/SC/ST/Persons with Bench- Instructions for filling the “Online mark Disability) are required to pay Application Form” a ((non-refundable) fees of Rs.1500/(One thousand fifteen hundred only). • Candidates have to apply online They ought to mention that the vouchusing the web site http://www. er details/transaction details while Defilling their online applications. tailed instructions for filling up online applications are available Notice: (i) Applications with no preon the aforementioned web site. scribed Fee (Unless remission of Fee The candidates are advised to is claimed) shall be summarily rejectsubmit only single application in ed. (ii) Fee once paid shall not be reonline mode; funded under any circumstances nor • The candidates need to pay a can the fee be held in reserve for any (non refundable ) fee of Rs.1500 other examination or selection. (iii) (Rupees one thousand five hunCandidates will be asked to bear the dred only) (except female/SC/ cost of online payment of fees (via net ST/Persons with Benchmark banking/debit card-credit card, etc.) Disability that are exempted

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from payment of fees) by online mode. Before start filling of Online Application, a candidate must have his or her photograph and signature duly scanned in the jpg format in such a manner that each file shouldn’t exceed 40 KB and must not be less than 3 KB in size for the photograph and 1 KB for the signature. The mandatory file size for other documents to be uploaded is as follows: While filling in His or Her Application Form, the candidate should carefully decide about his/ Her choice of centre for the Exam. If any candidate looks at a center Aside from the One signaled from the Department in his/ her Admission Certificate, the papers of such a Candidate won’t be evaluated and his/ her candidature will be liable to cancellation. Applicants should avoid submitting multiple applications. The applicants must make sure while completing their Application Form they are providing their Valid and active E-Mail Ids as the Department may use digital mode of communication While contacting them in different stages of the examination procedure. The candidates are advised to check their mails at regular intervals and ensure that the email Addresses ending with are directed to their inbox folder and to the SPAM folder or any other folder. Suitable provisions for information regarding usage of scribes by the blind candidates And applicants with Locomotor Disability and Cerebral Palsy where dominant (writing) extremity is

Next Page>>>>



affected to the extent of slowing the performance of function (minimum of 40% impairment) have been made in the online application at the time Of the initial online application itself at Column 7. • No candidate will ordinarily be Permitted to take the examination unless He or She holds a

Certification of admission for the exam. On downloading of eAdmission Certification, check it carefully and bring discrepancies/errors, if any, to the notice of the Department immediately. • The candidates should note that their admission to the examination will be strictly Provisional based on the information given

by them in the Application Form. This Will be subject to confirmation of all of the eligibility requirements by the Department. • For Visually Handicapped applicants: Suitable provisions for information regarding Usage of scribes by the blind applicants ought to be made in the online application at the Time of filling

February 12th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 65

the online application form. • Candidates are strongly advised to apply online well in time without waiting for The final date for submission of Online Applications. Last Date: 1700 hrs of 24.02.2019.


February 12th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 65


AIIMS, New Delhi Hiring MSc Candidates With Rs. 58,000/- Salary pm


IIMS New Delhi Career for MSc Biochemistry candidates. Biochemist position for msc candidates. MSc Biochemistry Research positions at AIIMS New Delhi. AIIMS New Delhi is recruiting MSc Biosciences candidates for vacancies. Interested candidates can check out all of the details below: Post Title: Biochemist (Department of Gastroenterology)

Vacancies: 01 Pay Scale: Rs. 58,000 per month (consolidated) Essential Qualifications: • A good Master’s degree in Biochemistry. • Three years research or practical experience in Biochemistry of Pathological Laboratory preferably of a Medical College or Hospital. How to Apply: • Reporting Time: 12.45 P.M. to 2.00 P.M. • The venue for Reporting: Director’s Committee Room, AIIMS, New Delhi. Candidates fulfilling all of the eligibility criteria may report for walk-in-interview together with their original certificate/testimonials etc. by 12.45 PM on the scheduled date at the above-designated venue for confirmation. The candidates that report after 2.00 PM won’t be considered. Note:- The candidates need to submit a soft copy (Microsoft Word) of his or her details in the Prescribed Proforma enclosed at Annexed-I before or on 08.02.2 019 for the post of Medical Physicist and before or on 23.02.2019 for the post of Biochemist at • The appointment is only on CONTRACT BASIS for a period of 06 months or until such time the regular appointments contrary to these vacant posts are made, whichever is sooner, with effect from the date of joining. In the event the contract isn’t extended further, the exact same will lapse automatically. The

appointment may also be terminated at any time, on either side, by providing a month’s notice or by paying one month’s salary without assigning any reason or failure to finish the period of 3 months to the satisfaction of the competent authority. The consolidated remuneration for the posts of Medical Physicist and Biochemist will be Rs 58,000/Per month. The appointee will perform the duties as delegated to him/ her. The competent authority reserves the right to assign any duty as and when required. No extra/additional allowances will be admissible in the event of such assignment. The appointee will not be entitled to any benefit including Provident Fund, Pension, Gratuity, Medical Attendance Treatment, Seniority, Promotion etc. or some other benefits available to this Government Servants, appointed on regular basis. The appointee will not be granted any claim or right for regular appointment to any post of AIIMS. The appointee shall be on the whole time appointment of the AIIMS and will not accept any other assignment, compensated or otherwise and shall not engage himself/herself at a private practice of any sort throughout the duration of contract. The appointment to the said post will be subject to medical fitness from the competent medical board where he/she will be sent to the designated Medical Authority. Leave entitlement of the appointee shall be governed in terms of instructions contained in DoP& T’S O.M. No.12016/3/84-Estt. (L) dated the 12th April, 1985 as amended from time to time. On appointment, the appointee will have to take an oath of allegiance to the Constitution of India or make a solemn affirmation to the effect in the prescribed proforma. The appointee isn’t eligible for any TA for attending the interview and joining the appointment. The appointee will not be entitled to avail any allowances/ facilities being extended to the

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regular/permanent employees of the AIIMS. Additional terms of service will be governed by relevant orders and rules issued from time to time. Interested candidates may submit an application for the post under reference in the prescribed application form obtainable from the Institute site appending therewith copies of self-attested Certificates/testimonials along with other relevant documents etc. and also to bring at the time of walk-in-interview. If any declaration has given or information furnished by him/ her proves false or if he /she is found to have willfully suppressed any material, information, he/she will be responsible for removal from service and such other action as the Government may deem necessary. If any candidate has been found canvassing for his/her selection, he/she will be disqualified for being called for interview/being chosen. The AIIMS, New Delhi reserves the right to increase or reduce the number of vacancies. The applicants need to submit a soft copy (Microsoft Word) of hisor her details in the Prescribed Proforma enclosed at Annexed-I before or on 08.02.2019 for the post of Medical Physicist and before or on 23.02.2019 for the post of Biochemist at In the event of large number of candidates, the Institute might conduct the interviews within 2-3 days or hold a screening test or adopt any other criteria deemed appropriate to shortlist the candidates. The conclusion of Institute authorities will be final and no correspondence exactly what ever will be entertained in this connection.

• The conclusion of the Competent Authority concerning selection of the candidate will be final and no representations will be entertained in this regard. FORMAT



February 12th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 65

Biosciences PhD Research Associate (Project) Post @ NBRC


hD Bioscences candidates apply for Research Associate (Project) position at NBRC. National Brain Research Centre is hiring phd biosciences candidates for a research associate post. Biosciences research vacancy at NBRC – National Brain Research Centre, as per the details given below: Advertisement No.: Acad/02/2019 Post Title: Research Associate (Project) Vacancy: 01 Project Title: Mechanisms of Adult Brain Reorganization. Name of the PI: Prof. Neeraj Jain For enquiries related to the project, send email to: Fellowship: Rs. 36,000/- p.m. + HRA as admissible. Qualifications: Candidates with a strong interest in Neuroscience research and excellent

research expertise evidenced by their publication record are encouraged to submit an application for the position of Research Associate. You’ll be exploring brain function and plasticity using two – Photon imaging, and participating in experiments using electrophysiology, fMRI and neuroanatomy. Candidates must be highly motivated and possess the ability to work within a group. Essential Qualification: A PhD degree* in any branch of science, such as engineering disciplines.

Application Procedure:

Please provide information according to the application form below. Ad*Candidates who have submit- ditionally, submit the following: ted their PhD thesis may also apply. Please clearly state the date of award • Curriculum vitae. of the degree, or date of submission • A write-up (not more than 3 pagof the thesis if viva is awaited. es) summarizing your prior research work, and your interest in Tenure: Appointment will be up to the research area of the lab where 24th May 2019. The post is co-teryou’re seeking this position. minus with this project. Selected candidates will need to comply with the How to Apply: regulations and rules of NBRC. Interested candidates fulfilling the Accommodation: Accommodation prescribed requirements can send may be provided according to rules of filled-in application qualifications NBRC, subject to availability. and experience by speed-post addressed to Administrative Officer,

National Brain Research Centre, Nainwal Mode, Manesar – 122 052, Dist- Gurugram (Haryana). latest by 15th February 2019. Note: * No TA / DA will be provided for the interview. * Only candidates That Are screened by the screening committee will be informed and invited for interview in NBRC Submission Deadline – February 15th 2019 Application Format

February 12th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 65



Freshers Research Job: How to get Rs 5 Lakhs Salary as Freshers

Freshers Research Job: How to get it. We are sure you know the answer by now, Don’t you? Alright, let’s analyze. The Average starting salary offered by Bio-Pharma Industry is way lower than 40,000/- Rs. Isn’t? So who can give you as Freshers Research Job starting Salary of 5 Lakhs Per Annum + 1.5 Lakhs Incentive The Answer is Government of India. In a recent announcement, GOI has hiked JRF & SRF fellowships to Rs 40,000/- & 45000/- from 1st Jan 2019. And you can be one of the top researchers who can get started with this high salary package. Read Official Notification here Is Ph.D. mandatory from 2021?

Yes, you heard it right, Ph.D. will If you ever thought: You can never be mandatory from 2021 for all Top be an elite researcher in IIT’s, IISc Notch Jobs in Govt sector such as or CSIR Labs? Teaching & Freshers Research Job research positions. Read the announce- You were wrong ! Biotecnika has placed 1000’s of Research scholars ment here to these institutions and now its your What’s adding more advantage to turn to work there. Want proof? Watch your Career: Rs 1800 Crore Fellow- our Video Testimonials here ship announcement under PMRF And That is why! I am sure you have read this news earlier in BioTecNika’s NewsletWe are glad to inform you that Bioter. The Research Fellowship under TecNika’s PMRF has 1800 Crores allocated. Only the researchers working in IIT’s CSIR NET + GATE Jumbo Combo & IISc can get PMRF. This is the best Batch for time to be in research in the top-notch institutions of our country. And you CSIR NET June 2019, Dec 2019 & are still waiting? Join us for CSIR GATE 2020 will start on 12th Feb NET & GATE Coaching 2019 ( seats are going to be full in the

next few hours, so better Hurry). We are reaching out to all of you to inform that this is a golden opportunity to get started for your CSIR NET Preparation. If in case you want to enroll in this batch, then kindly click here Call 080-5099-7000 or 1800-2003757 toll-free to know more about coaching to speak to a CSIR NET & GATE Counselor Call 080-5099-7000 Learn More PMRF Fellowship Announcement PMRF Announcement

Thanks & Regards Shekhar Suman Managing Director | CEO BioTecNika Info Labs Pvt Ltd | Rasayanika Biotechnologies India Pvt Ltd Head Office: #1848/c,14th Cross, 20th Main, Sector-1, HSR Layout, Bangalore, Karnataka Bangalore Branch: #427, Sai Ram Arcade, 1st Floor, 27th Main, Sector-1, HSR Layout, Bangalore – 560102, Karnataka Noida: E-4, 2nd Floor, E Block, Sector-3, NOIDA Pune: Survey no 251, 2nd Floor, Plot No 7, Opposite BSNL Telephone Exchange, Near Sai Shree Hospital, Aundh, Pune, Maharashtra Kolkata: AC 26, 2nd Cross Rd, AC Block, Sector-1, Kolkata, West Bengal 700064 Chennai: No 6, 1st Floor, BSR Janus, Old No 28, New No 34/7, Tank Bund Road, Near Loyola College, Nungambakkam

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