Biotecnika Times 12th March 2019 Edition

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March 12th, 2019.

Vol. 03

NO 69



Exclusive Govt Fellowships For Women Scientists & Researchers Page 2


Career In Patents & Copyright Industry After Masters in Life Sciences Page 4



March 12th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 69

Exclusive Govt Fellowships For Women Scientists & Researchers Exclusive Govt Fellowships For Women Scientists & Researchers. Despite the boundless gains and promising trends pointing towards gender equity, women representatives are very less in academia and R&D sectors, as qualified women have to leave their career owing to their family responsibilities. INCREASING THE WOMEN PARTICIPATION IN DIVERSE FIELDS IS A GLOBAL GOAL, THE PARTICIPATION OF FEMALE CANDIDATES DECREASES INEXPLICABLY AT EACH ASCENDING BRANCH OF THE ACADEMIC TREE. By Dr. Leema George

Doctoral students have a burning desire to complete their studies at the earliest to get their degree. But on this journey, they encounter numerous challenges that may hinder their headway. To outline some of the challenges that doctoral students face include uncomfortable events in research life, lack of healthy student-supervisor relationships, isolating lab atmosphere and poor research and writing skills, raising a drop-in motivation within them that their research is delayed, and they do not make any progress. In certain cases, the challenges a PhD student face may differ depending on their gender. Women may have to face greater complications when compared to men, but they may have the ability to handle the challenges differently and efficiently than men. So, let us have a close look into the life of a Women research scholar- the problems and its solution

tifaceted responsibilities can affect female students physical and mental well-being and the possibility of completing their doctoral studies. Due to the multiple roles, women must undertake in their daily life, balancing personal and professional life becomes a daring challenge, which in turn exposes them to face an internal conflict between their personal and professional life. This crosstalk between the different roles and a shortage of time and energy often leads to stress, which may lead to physical and mental health issues. Moreover, the added student role, besides the family role makes the doctoral study a diffiObstacles in the doctoral journey cult journey to many female students. of a female student Furthermore, women are less likely There are numerous barriers stated to pursue the highest levels of educamore by women than men in succeed- tion and seek degrees in high-status ing at various stages in the doctoral areas as they are more likely to exit journey. Accumulating pieces of evi- their programmes before completion dence from surveys have pointed out of their studies due to various confinancial constraints, time manage- straints. Unfortunately, many women ment, family management, self-ex- must interpose their careers for perpectations, frequent evaluation and sonal reasons. The most common and workload as some of the common predominant reason for an anomaly stress factors affecting female doc- leading to a gender gap in R&D is toral students. It has been reported due to women quitting the PhD due that females have the highest stress to the relocation issue. As a PhD can level than male doctoral students. take a longer duration, the female stuOne reason cited for the increased dents getting married or, looking after stress among women was that these old or ailing parents, or having other female students have an added role familial responsibilities mostly have of a student to an already existing set to drop it in the midway as they must of responsibilities including caretak- relocate. This unexpected break can ing and family life. They have many spell a disaster on a woman’s longconcerns such as their aging parents, term passion to be called “doctor”. children, and partner relationship and so are impacted by both personal and To address this issue Government of societal responsibilities. These mul- India have initiated exclusive fellow-

ship schemes to ensure that women candidates can complete their PhD and can pursue a career in the research and development sector. Exclusive Govt Fellowship For Women Scientists & Researchers are listed below: 1.

The University Grants Commission (UGC) has introduced quite a lot of measures to promote maximum enrolments of women in Ph.D. and M.Phil. courses. The measures embrace lying down provisions in the UGC (Minimum Standards and Procedure for Award of M.Phil. / Ph.D. Degrees,2016) Regulations for relaxing the maximum time for completion of Ph.D. or MPhil by women candidates, the course duration has been relaxed by two years for PhD and one year for MPhil course. It also allows transfer of research data in case of relocation of an M.Phil./ Ph.D. woman researcher; and permitting women candidates maternity leave/child-care leave once in the whole duration of M. Phil./Ph.D. for up to 240 days. These rules are also applicable to physically handicapped candidates (40% disability). In case of relocation of an M.Phil./ Ph.D. the woman scholar due to marriage or other personal needs, research data is permitted to be transferred to the new University to which the scholar intends to relocate provided the research work does not relate to a project secured by the parent insti-

tution/ supervisor from any external funding source. Moreover, the scholar should credit the parent guide and institution for the part of research already completed. 1. The woman-centered umbrella known as KIRAN (Knowledge Involvement in Research programmes Advancement through Nurturing,2014) has introduced a landmark Govt Fellowship Scheme For Women Scientists, termed as, “Mobility Scheme” which will address relocation issue of women scientists working in a regular position in Government Organizations. The Mobility Scheme is intended to offer a chance to women scientists who are facing problems in their job as they must move due to marriage, transfer of husband to a new place within the country, attending ailing parents, and accompanying children studying in different places. The program aims to provide a harmonious atmosphere during early career phases of women scientists and enables them to stay active in research along with attending and fulfilling other domestic responsibilities. 2. To address the career break issue Department of Science and Technology (DST) had introduced “Women Scientists

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March 12th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 69

Scheme (WOS)” in the year 2002-03. This initiative primarily focused on giving research opportunities to women scientists between the age group of 27-57 years who had career breaks but desired to return to the research community. This endeavor created a strong niche for women participation in the scientific profession, and provide a launching rack for their innovations in the field of science and technology.


pheric Sciences (EAS), and v) Engineering Technology (ET). This grant will provide fellowship for the applicant and cost of small equipment, contingencies, travel, consumables, etc. The scheme is open round the year and so have no deadline. Apply For DST Women Scientist Scheme – A (WOS-A): Fellowship of Rs. 55,000/- p.m

Women Scientist Scheme-B (WOS-B): To research the Science Under this scheme, women scientists & Technology interventions for of one year in the field of Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) and their are being inspired to pursue research benefit of the society management.T his scheme aims to in areas of science and engineering, on socially relevant problems and to This fellowship scheme will allot develop a pool of women scientists take up science and technology-based grant for research proposals discuss- who are having qualifications in the internship for self-employment. ing a crucial social challenge and its field of science/engineering/medicine possible solutions. The proposal must or allied areas to create, protect and Various Govt Fellowships For precisely outline the societal benefits manage intellectual property rights Women Scientists & researchers and its manifestations in the develop- in India. The major attraction of the available under Women Scientists ment of technology. Like WOS-A the scheme is the opportunity for gaining Scheme “WOS” are: grant will include the cost of small hands-on training on multiple aspects equipment, contingencies, travel, and of IPRs including. patent search, drafting, filing, trademarks, copyright WOMEN SCIENTIST consumables. SCHEME-A(WOS-A): TO PUR- The online application for Women and trade secrets. SUE RESEARCH IN BASIC OR Scientists Scheme-B (WOS-B) genAPPLIED SCIENCES erally opens around the month of Oc- Applications Are Currently Invited For DST – Women Scientists tober each year. Scheme-C (WOS-C) 2019 This scheme initially gives an exposure to work as bench-level re- Women Scientist Scheme-C searchers and further open new ave- (WOS-C): To pursue Internship in These decisions are welcoming as it nues to bag a permanent position in Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) gives relaxation to women candidates for completing their research work of the R&D sector. The programme will allot grants for project proposals that This programme is being devised M.Phil. and Ph.D. and also to reserve covers 5 disciplines namely, i) Physi- by the Patent Facilitating Centre of a strong research career. These initiacal & Mathematical Sciences (PMS), Technology Information Forecasting tives will help them to complete the ii) Chemical Sciences (CS), iii) Life & Assessment Council (TIFAC), to degree and increase the participation Sciences (LS), iv) Earth & Atmos- train women candidates for a period of women candidates in registering

for M.Phil. and Ph.D. Majority of women candidates hesitate to apply for Ph.D. due to the long duration demanded. However, these provisions allow women scholars to complete their Ph.D. degree and fulfill their passion of being called as a “doctor”. The scheme also ensures that the facilities in the university they are migrating to too have the facilities within the area they are working on. These rules will inspire more women to enroll in doctoral programs by letting them get married and build a family while pursuing their passion with greater flexibility. Moreover, schemes like WOS and KIRAN ensures enhanced participation of women scientists in the R&D sector. It welcomes back well-qualified women who have left out from S&T activities due to family responsibilities to the mainstream of research and development.



March 12th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 69

Career In Patents & Copyright Industry After Masters in Life Sciences ntellectual property (IP) owes to any original creativity of the human intellect such as artistry, literature, technical, or scientific dimension. Intellectual property rights (IPR) alludes to the legal rights given to the inventor or creator to protect his invention or creation for a particular span of time. THESE LEGAL RIGHTS ADDRESS AN EXCLUSIVE RIGHT TO THE INVENTOR/CREATOR OR HIS ASSIGNEE TO FULLY UTILIZE HIS INVENTION/CREATION FOR A GIVEN SPAN OF TIME. By Priyanjana Ghosh

A patent is granted for an exclusive invention, that satisfies the notion of global novelty, non-cognizable, and industrial or commercial application. Patents can be awarded for various products and their processes. As per the Indian Patent Act 1970, the span of a patent was 14 years from the date of filing except for processes for manufacturing drugs and food products for which the span given was 7 years from the date of the filing or 5 years from the date of the patent, whichever would be earlier. No product patents were permitted for drugs and food products. Copyright was generated in a member country of the Berne Convention that was protected in all the member countries, without any necessity for registration. India is an endorser for the Berne Convention and has dynamic copyright legislation comparable to that of any other countries. However, the copyright will not be available in all other countries that are not a part of the of the Berne Convention. Therefore, copyright may not be observed as a territorial right in a constricted sense. The most important aspect, like any other property IPR, can be transferred, sold, or gifted. This article has been penned with an aim to give Life science & Biotech students a vivid view of how a Career In Patents & Copyright Industry looks like along with details on Salary, eligibility criteria, Online exams, career prospects in future and much more.

ment (FDI). According to the WIPO report, there has been an undeviating increase in FDI in India, ever since the patent and Trademark reform was introduced in the 1990s. In the rise of India’s economic growth, it may be worthy to be aware of the immense importance of IP, the role of professionals within this field and why IP hold an important impact on our economy. The IP protection, mainly patents are the key force for further innovation, technology upliftment, and development of newer products that would revolutionize mankind.

Career In Patents & Copyright Industry – Career as a patent agent Throughout the life of the patent, from filing to grant to the expiration of the patent, the patent agent continues to be confidentially linked to the particular invention, following up with the legal requirements to ensure that the patent does not lapse due to any negligence. With all the grandeur of the technology behind the invention, the agent is nevertheless faced with the routine roles of tracking deadlines and writing letters to clients, filling in forms, attending meetings with inventors and many more. To legally own an IP, one has to file Nevertheless, the field offers an infor its protection. The strategies asso- teresting approach to science – learnciated with these may be rather com- ing about newer fields. Dr. Theresa plicated, often requiring a negotiator Phillips, an environmental biologist with a legal background to proceed has written in her blog “Success in with the application. It is interesting this field depends on an ability to go to note that the skill required for the “fact-finding”; gathering information protection of each form of IP might and processing it an orderly fashion. require a skill that is different from the Both require a high amount of logical other. However, most of the lawyers introspection and attention to detail”. undertake copyright and Trademarks Although a PhD is not a mandate to work, protection under patents require enter the field, in specialized areas exclusive technical and scientific ex- such as biotechnology, pharmaceupertise in the area sought to be pro- ticals, biomedical research and this Why Patents and Patent agents – tected. Therefore the largest demand may make it immensely useful to get for IP lawyers is for those who can do the essence of the field and An India Scenario patent work. While the patent drafting As India emerged as an economic in itself is extremely challenging, pat- HOW CAN IT BE BENEFICIAL able country in the 1990s, our policy- ent apprehension is equally a job of FOR BIOTECH AND LIFE SCImakers conceded the importance of clarity and dynamism which requires ENCE STUDENTS? IP to encourage private investment in dealing with the objections raised by Research and Development. Accord- the examiners. However, standing on Being a Biopatent lawyer ing to a guide published by WIPO the current economic trend, patents by and many other studies in the past, a far are one of the most useful forms of Life science is all about studying life healthy IP system is a prime element IP and is the only form that can pro- processes. The opportunity of PhD in IPR is quite good as the person is fain encouraging foreign direct invest- tect innovative and novel ideas. miliar with the research but the best

way to move ahead is to pursue any online IPR courses and get an overview of IPR. One should have immense interest and passion to solve the queries related to the intellectual creations of mind and to add one should also have a problem-solving approach as the client is in a hunt for a proper way out. Moreover, to look upon Biotechnology patent law focuses on securing and defending the property rights granted by patents on technologies developed and invented by scientists working in the field of biosciences. There are quite a number of opportunities in biotechnology patent law for both patent lawyers (who combine a law degree and a background in science or technology) and others that do not require a law degree, including becoming a patent examiner, serving as a scientific advisor for any law firm or any legal department of a company, and working in technology transfer at a University. Now in this context, we can discuss some common questions related to patenting which will usually come up in our minds:Who is a patent attorney? A patent attorney is a technical and a legal professional both who represents clients in obtaining patents and in filing a lawsuit in case of infringement by some competitor.

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March 12th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 69

What can be an expected salary if anyone aspires to be a patent lawyer?

pur ( of four options (Given below). niipm/index.htm) Option 1: 24 semester in physics. What are the required skills? Only physics courses for physics major paper will be accepted. Most importantly, the person should bear a technological and legal acu- Option 2: 32 semester in a combimen to understand the major innova- nation consisting of the following: tions and have a research capability to work at least for 10-12 hours. Think- • 8 semester of either chemistry ing out of the way to solve a research or physics, and project is key in assisting the inven- • 24 semester in botany, microtors to protect their inventions. biology, or molecular biology.8 semester of either chemistry or Is it mandatory to qualify a patent physics must be obtained in two agent’s exam to become a patenting consecutive semesters, each seprofessional? mester including a lab.

Salary of a patent agent in India ranges in between 3.0 lakh per annum to 20 lakh per annum. The entry-level salary for freshers can range in between Rs 20,000 to Rs 28,000/- pm. However, if you are successful in grabbing a job with top law firms the perks will be even higher – in such case salary offered to freshers can go as high as Rs 35,000/- pm. Specialization also matters – if you are just getting into filling – initial pay will be on the lower side. But if you are into reading claims, drafting applications etc pay package will be on the higher Primarily, there are two forms of job side. roles. The first one is the prosecution, which includes meeting the examiner • At the later point of the career, (official) in the patent office and getyou can also make progress on ting the patent approved. To be able the basis of your learning poten- to deal with the patent officials, one tial and performance must have cleared the agent’s exam. • Creative abilities to make valuable contributions to the inven- In order to become a patent attorney tion may end up as co-inventors. or patent agent, it is mandatory to take and pass the Patent Bar Examination. How to make an entry in this field? Only those individuals with scientific education are allowed to sit for the Gaining expertise in any of the life examination, and it is not a necessity science fields will do —Botany, Zo- to have any legal training for writing ology, Bioinformatics, Biotechnology the exam. The easiest and more direct etc. Bachelor’s or preferably a Mas- way is to have a bachelor’s degree in ter’s in any of the above-mentioned one of the listed fields. fields can be pursued. After this, a diploma in intellectual patent rights • Biology from a known institute or an LLB • Biochemistry from IIT (Kharagpur) where intellec- • Botany tual property rights are the prime fo- • Computer Science cus has to be done. • Electronics Technology • Food Technology Next, some law firm or company as • General Chemistry a trainee in the patent department can • Marine Technology be joined and after gaining a year’s • Microbiology experience you can actually appear • Molecular Biology for a patent agent exam. Once it has • Organic Chemistry been qualified, any law firm can be • Pharmacology joined, a corporate or an outsourcing • Physics firm with a job profile, whichever you • Textile Technology find the best — drafting, prosecution or litigation. If you have one of the degrees on the list you are said to qualify to sit List of Top Institutes From Where for the exam under Category A and you can get a relevant degree all that is needed is to submit your application and transcript. If anyone • Academy of Intellectual Prop- having a degree then he/she is eligible erty Studies, Mumbai for a PG to sit for the patent bar exam, but you diploma programme in patent need to prove either enough credits of management ( coursework (Category B) or general• NALSAR University of Law, ized technical expertise (Category C). Hyderabad for a PG diploma For those who are unable to qualify as programme in patent law (www. a result of not having a bachelor’s gree in one of the above disciplines, • Indira Gandhi National Open the most common way of demonstratUniversity (IGNOU) for a PG ing the technical sophistication is to diploma in IPR (www.ignou. resort to what is called Category B. Under Category B an applicant can • National Institute of Intellectu- qualify to sit for the patent bar examal Property Management, Nag- ination through the fulfillment of one


government is giving a number of grants to startups in India to grow. What is the kind of work one is expected to do in this field?

Reviewing and researching the technologies filed across global patent websites. IPR rights are territorial in nature, that is, if a patent is protected in India and not in the US then anybody is free to use the technology in the US. A patent is granted to a technology that is afresh, non-obvious to an expert in the same field, and have industrial applicability. Right from patent filing before the patent office to patent grant, a number of steps are Option 3: 30 semester in chemistry. executed by a number of patent associates. Apart from this, a patent expert Option 4: 40 semesters in a com- can research and work on a number bination consisting of the following: of projects related to foreign patent litigation cases, which is an excellent • 8 semester of either chemistry knowledge process outsourcing modor physics, and el thriving in India. • 32 semester of chemistry, physics, botany, microbiology, mo- Global trade today is ruled by comlecular biology. The 8 semesters panies and Multinational corporations of chemistry or 8 semesters of who have created and protected their physics must be obtained in two intellectual property. No companies consequent semesters, each se- exist that embodies this better than mester including a lab. Microsoft, and has been built entirely on the strength of its software programs which are protected through copyright. Protection of intellectual How does a career in IP evolve in property has been a mandatory issue India? nowadays that the companies today are carrying out intellectual properThe individuals in our country are ty audits to identify their intellectual most passionate about protecting in- wealth and form special departments novations. To get evolved in this field to manage them. Currently, almost one has to be technology savvy. The every country is seeking measures to Intellectual Property law has evolved strengthen its shield against cases rea lot in the last 10 year and now it’s lated to intellectual property and Ina trademark that can be registered dia also has feigned specific laws on in less than one month in India with a variety of aspects related to intellecproper documentation. The Indian tual property.



March 12th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 69

This London Man Becomes Second HIV Patient To Be Cured Of AIDS Good News! Yet another proof of concept which ensures HIV-AIDS can be completely eradicated. An HIV-positive man in Britain has become the 2nd person in the world who have been cured of HIV after undergoing a bone marrow transplant procedure, in which the bone marrow was taken from an HIV resistant donor. NEARLY 3 YEARS AFTER GETTING BONE MARROW STEM CELLS FROM A DONOR WITH A GENETIC MUTATION THAT INTERRUPTS HIV INFECTION – AND OVER 18 MONTHS AFTER COMING DRUGS OFF – TESTS THAT ARE EXCEPTIONALLY SENSITIVE STILL SHOW NO TRACE OF THE PREVIOUS HIV INFECTION IN THE MAN. By Preety Suman

Dr. Ravindra Gupta, a professor and HIV biologist who co-led the team of doctors said that they could not locate any signs of virus that they could measure. But its too early for them to declare that he is completely cured, As per Dr. Ravindra Gupta, who works at Cambridge University curhe further added. rently had treated the London patient The man is being called ‘the London when he was working at Universiindividual’, in part because his situa- ty College London. He says that his tion is much alike to the first known patient had contracted HIV back in instance of a functional cure of HIV – 2003. Also in 2012, he was diagnosed in an American man, Timothy Brown, with a kind of blood cancer. In 2016, who became to be known as the Ber- when he was really ill physicians lin patient when he underwent similar chose to seek out a transplant match treatment in Germany in 2007 which for him. also cleared his HIV. As per HIV experts, Brown moved to the United The donor, that was unrelated – had a genetic mutation known as ‘CCR5 States and remains HIV-free delta 32′, which confers resistance. Approximately 37 million people worldwide are infected with HIV. The transplant went relatively Since its onset in the 1980s, AIDS smoothly, Gupta said, but there have pandemic has killed around 35 mil- been several side effects – the patient lion people worldwide. Scientific was affected with graft-versus-host’ research into the virus has in recent disease for a period of time – a conyears resulted in the development of dition in which donor immune cells drug combinations that can keep it at attack the recipient’s immune cells bay in patients.

Most experts say it is inconceivable therapies might be a method of treating all patients. The procedure is expensive, complicated and insecure. Exact match donors might have to be found at the percentage of individuals — most of them of European descent — that have the mutation that makes them resistant to the virus to perform this in others. Specialists said it is also not clear if the CCR5 immunity is the crucial – or whether the graft versus host disease may have been equally important. Both the Berlin and London patients experienced this complication, which could have played a role in the reduction of cells,” Gupta explained. Sharon Lewin, co-chair of the cure study, the advisory board of the International AIDS Society and an expert in Australia’s Doherty Institute, told

Reuters that the London case points to new avenues for research in HIVAIDS. ‘We have not cured HIV, but (this) gives us hope that it’s going to be feasible one day to eliminate the virus,”’ she said. Gupta said his team intends to utilize these findings to research possible HIV treatment strategies. He added that they first need to understand if they could knock out (CCR5) receptors in people with HIV, which might be possible with gene therapy. The London individual, whose case has been set to be noted in the journal Nature and presented on Tuesday, has asked his medical team not to reveal his name, age, nationality or other particulars.


March 12th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 69


Boyce Thompson Institute launches Plant Genome Editing Database Boyce Thompson Institute has recently developed PGED which stems from the idea of recent gene editing programs like CRISPR/Cas enable plant scientists to figure out the functions of myriad plant genes. THESE STUDIES COULD FINALLY LEAD TO THE CREATION OF PLANTS WITH IMPROVED TRAITS SUCH AS YIELD THAT IS GREATER OR DISEASE RESISTANCE BUT RESEARCHERS NEED A WAY TO KEEP TRACK OF THEIR LARGE QUANTITIES OF RESULTING DATA. By Swarna Khushbu

Researchers at Boyce Thompson Institute have launched a novel Plant Genome Editing Database (PGED). This database will act as a central repository for efficiently managing plant mutant data – creating a platform for the research community to share data and mutants. The ultimate hope is that PGED will lead by reducing experiments that are unnecessary and catalyzing collaborations among research institutions. Boyce Thompson Institute has published the findings & motive of the above study in the journal Molecular Plant with the title “Plant Genome Editing Database (PGED): A Call for Submission of Information about Genome-Edited Plant Mutants”.

CRISPR/Cas study these days, and everybody is going to confront this issue,” Martin further added.

Behind Boyce Thompson Institute’s Plant Genome Editing Database’s, secondary motivation was to share resources and data, which is part of their mandate of the National Science Foundation (NSF), which helped fund the creation of PGED. “We are attempting to make CRISPR/Cas research more effective,” states Martin. “The scientific community can not “We have used CRISPR/Cas to make manage to have multiple distinct labs over 430 distinct lines, and that is making the same mutant.” only in tomato. The major problem initially faced was on how to keep Zach Lippman, professor and HHMI track of them all, so that has been the investigator at Cold Spring Harbor key motivation behind the creation Laboratory and Martin, agree on of this database,” BTI’s Greg Mar- PGED’s capacity to decrease dutin said, who is the co-corresponding plicate work. Lippman’s laboratowriter along with BTI’s Zhangjun Fei. ry functions within the Solanaceae “Many plant biology labs are doing family, in addition to some breeds of

Arabidopsis. While Lippman intends to distribute data to PGED from his laboratory, he says that some investigators might be hesitant to discuss unpublished data before their jobs have completely matured. “There is a great deal of rivalry between different groups, so there may be some hesitancy for people to be fully forthcoming on matters they have in the pipeline,” he explains. “But the database will become so big that investigators believe like their new strain is merely another mutant, and that competitive nature will not be too much of a hindrance.” PGED currently comprises data generated by Martin’s laboratory on 432 tomato lines created with CRISPR/ Cas editing by Ning Zhang, a postdoctoral scientist in Dr. Martin’s laboratory. The database–which was built

by Yi Zheng, a postdoctoral scientist in Dr. Fei’s lab–provides information concerning the transformation experiment, species variety, DNA construct and primer, resulting phenotype of the progeny and seed availability. Zhang and Zheng are co-first writers on the Molecular Plant publication. Martin notes that while CRISPR/ Cas-generated lines are the most important focus of PGED, it can also be used for plant mutants made by other genome editing tools like meganucleases, zinc-finger nucleases (ZFNs), and transcription activator-like nucleases (TALENs). See Also: Improved Gene-Editing Offers Correction of Diverse Muscular Dystrophy Mutations



March 12th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 69


March 12th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 69


Pollen Carrying CRISPR – Tool For Production Of Better Crops CRISPR has transformed many regions of biology but using this gene editing tool to enhance varieties of plants like corn and wheat remains difficult because of the plants’ cell walls. NOW, A MAJOR FIRM HAS CREATIVELY SOLVED THIS PROBLEM WITH POLLEN FROM A GENETICALLY MODIFIED PLANT TO CARRY CRISPR’S COMPONENTS INTO OTHER PLANT CELLS. By Swarna Khushbu

The solution promises to speed up the production of more versatile and better crops, scientists say. A group of investigators led by plant biologists Timothy Kelliher and Qiudeng Que of Syngenta in Durham, North Carolina, came up with a means to get around this problem by exploiting an unusual phenomenon called haploid induction, which permits pollen to fertilize crops without permanently transferring “male” genetic material to offspring. The plants just have a female pair of chromosomes– which makes them haploid instead of the traditional diploid. Haploid induction alone can lead to breeding efficiency and plants. In its initial experiments, the business has edited types of corn to possess more or thicker kernels, which could make them higher yielding. A plant biologist – Daniel Voytas working at the University of Minnesota said that he helped devise a different genome editor and co-founded another firm to exploit it. It’s exciting that an increasing amount of research both in academia and business –are considering new ways to produce gene-editing and to economically recover gene-edited plants, he further added.

a corn line which can be changed with CRISPR easily by using the germs or gene gun technology that includes a crippled version of a gene known as MATRILINEAL, which further makes its pollen able to trigger haploid induction. The corn line with a gRNA/Cas9 was transformed by the researchers and programmed to target genes related to different desirable traits. the gRNA and Cas9 editing machinery to other corn varieties that had been recalcitrant to CRISPR can be spread by the help of pollen from these transformed plants.

“The key innovation is utilizing haploid inducer pollen for a type of Trojan Horse,” says Kelliher, whose Syngenta-led staff clarifies the machine now in Nature Biotechnology. There’s also some evidence that they say that the CRISPR-carrying corn germ can edit the DNA of wheat germ. Comai notes that his lab has obtained small amounts of funds from SyngenCRISPR is made up of scissors ta and stated that It is imaginative by that are enzymatic in nature known combining two technologies: haploid as Cas9. Since plant cells have an induction and genome editing. extra-rigid wall compared with animal cells, it’s more difficult to get Till now only the haploid inducCRISPR’s Cas9 and the guide RNA tion-edit is performed in the labora(gRNA) to achieve their genomes tories which are commonly called and make edits. So researchers have CRISPR pollen method by Syngenneeded to splice these genes into a ta. But scientists say because the gebacterium, which put them on golden nome in the pollen — that carries the particles and take them with what is device that is CRISPR — disappears known as a gene gun or could breach after fertilization, that if it had been the plant cell wall. Not merely is this done in the area, the changes would inelegant, it does not work including not spread. “The CRISPR machines crop varieties that are significant. become misplaced –it’s transient delivery,” Que says. And as the methInitially, Syngenta took advantage of od doesn’t entail putting the CRISPR

genes into the DNA of the resulting crops, they probably wouldn’t qualify as genetically altered under present U.S. regulations, which makes it simpler to get regulatory approval for promoting the crops. Plant researcher Gao Caixia at the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing says HI-edit will be helpful in varieties of corn known as elites. “Corn is so essential,” Gao says. “All the businesses are working on it, and every year there are many new varieties. And also to send CRISPR to a

new variety isn’t a simple job.” Gao notes there are different ways to enhance CRISPR’s achievement in recalcitrant plants, such as a technology described by DuPont Pioneer researchers who overexpresses two genes that influence early embryo development. “So [HI-edit] is not the only alternative, but it’s a smart person,” Gao says. Genetically Modified pothos ivy Plants Can Clean Your Home’s Air



March 12th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 69

Rani Therapeutics News: Human safety study of its robo biologic pill completed Studying PhD is a thrilling and awfully gratifying endeavor. Whether it’s for personal or professional growth, a PhD can have a life-changing impact, but with its own challenges. HOWEVER, THINKING OF WAYS TO FIND THE FINANCIAL SOURCE, SHOULDN’T BE ONE OF THEM. SO, MAKE SURE TO DO YOUR RESEARCH IN THE BEST WAY FOR YOUR PRODUCTIVE CAREER. By Shekhar Suman

Rani Therapeutics has completed the initial human safety study of its pill designed to provide injectable therapies from inside the digestive tract. Rani Therapeutics has raised $142 million to bring it with its thought poised to potentially reshape markets dominated by blockbuster injectable biologics across a variety of signs, which can be painful or difficult to work with on a regular basis, to this stage.

From the analysis, no sensations were reported since the pill inflated and deployed, and participants were able to pass the remnants of this unit within one to four times with no adverse events, the Rani Therapeutics spokesperson said. The analysis also revealed instances in both fed and fasted participants to episode, demonstrating that the existence of food does not impact performance.

Upon entering the small intestine, then the RaniPill capsule inflates a tiny balloon, and that pushes drug-loaded needles to the wall of the organ, for fast uptake into the blood. The capsule uses other components Based on Rand, the first-in-huthat cannot be absorbed or passed man-security trial follows over 100 from the body or springs, or no metal. animal research analyzing the equiv-

alence of the capsule’s capability to supply different injectable medications, including antibodies, peptides, and proteins. In pigs and dogs, the pill managed to provide the equivalent of 3 mg of this medication, with besting or bioavailability fitting subcutaneous injections. The San Jose, California-based Rani Therapeutics plans to launch another research this season, comprising needles full of octreotide as well as diarrhea associated with a few tumors.

About Rani Therapeutics: The concept for Rani was developed by Mir Imran, a medical inventor, and entrepreneur who has founded more than life-sciences companies. Rani was established as a business in 2012 as a research project the multi-disciplinary life sciences laboratory of Mir, in InCube Labs. See Also: Latest Biotech News of 2019


March 12th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 69


Biogen To Take Over Nightstar Therapeutics In $877M Deal Nightstar Therapeutics to be bought by Biogen for its pipeline of gene therapies worth $877 million. THIS HUGE TAKEOVER WILL PROVIDE BIOGEN MANAGEMENT OF CLINICAL-PHASE OPHTHALMOLOGY RESOURCES THAT COULD GET TO MARKET AHEAD OF DRUGS IN DEVELOPMENT IN RIVAL GENE THERAPY SHOPS. By Shekhar Suman

After spinning out from Oxford University in 2013, Two gene therapies have advanced targeting retinal indications throughout the clinic using VC and IPO monies. In the coming months’ phase 3 trial of the lead candidate, NSR-REP1 is set to finish enrolling choroideremia patients, teeing Nightstar up to discover if it can handle the currently-untreatable type of progressive vision loss. Biogen signaled its interest to use XLRP when it paid $124 million upfront to associate. Its interest in the area remains undiminished although the plug was pulled by the enormous biotech on the AGTC deal after a blow last year. In Biogen Nightstar Deal, Nightstar

has been offered $25.50 per share in cash to land by Biogen. That represents a 70% premium to the 30 trading day price per share but is below the highs Nightstar hit in September. The stock’s slide began around the time Nightstar held a stock offering and posted information. The analysis found one-third of patients who received doses of NSR-REP1 experienced notable improvements, although the response rate was higher at a lower dose.

The data that was combined raised concerns about why Nightstar saw an inverse dose-response but still left it with a shot at getting the XLRP therapy at AGTC and MeiraGTx. Nightstar is positioned still in the race for the choroideremia marketplace. Spark Therapeutics is the most advanced rival but its drug remains in phase 1/2.

the resources of Roche behind it once the Swiss pharma’s $4.3 billion takeover closes.

With an advantage and the experience, Spark can bring an eye disease gene therapy to market and will have

Press Release By Biogen

The acquisitions of Spark and Nightstar will turn the choroideremia race into a scrap between Roche and Biogen while furthering the reshaping the gene therapy sector.



March 12th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 69

FDA Warning: Don’t fall for unapproved robotic cancer surgeries & mastectomies FDA Warning has been released. The FDA has not established the survival advantages and risks compared to traditional procedures — and educated providers and patients that it has not yet accepted any system for operations — specifically mastectomies. THE BUREAU’S SECURITY COMMUNICATION IS IN RESPONSE TO REPORTS IN THE SCIENCE JOURNALS AND ELSEWHERE, SUCH AS IN THE MEDIA AND PROMOTIONAL MATERIALS, THAT DESCRIBE PHYSICIANS AND HOSPITAL PROGRAMS WHICH USE ROBOTICALLY ASSISTED SURGICAL DEVICES FOR MASTECTOMY. By Shekhar Suman

Specifically, the FDA Warning said that it had been conscious of some peer-reviewed journals reporting bad patient outcomes, including one restricted report printed in the New England Journal of Medicine last November describing lower long-term disease-free survival in robot-assisted hysterectomies for cervical cancer. The bureau also said it has received a few medical device accident reports after cancer-related procedures. “Our surveillance utilizing multiple tools–medical device reports, patient registries, scientific research –helps us monitor and identify possible issues with medical devices as they arise,” Terri Cornelison, M.D., Ph.D., assistant director for the health of women

from the FDA Warning Center for Devices and Radiological Health, said in an agency announcement . “We want doctors and patients to be aware of the dearth of proof of safety and effectiveness for these uses in order that they could make better-informed decisions about their cancer treatment and care.” The NEJM study, financed by Medtronic and MD Anderson Cancer Center, compared the noninferiori-

ty of laparoscopic and robot-assisted hysterectomy to start surgery, monitoring cervical cancer patients for four-and-a-half years. It found that the speed of disease-free survival was 86.0% with minimally invasive surgery, compared to 96.5% with open surgery. Thus far, the product evaluations of the FDA Warning have mostly focused on tracking the 30 days after a robotic process for complication rates

and comparing them to alternative surgical methods. A fuller evaluation of surgery apparatus for therapy or the prevention of cancer would need to include analyses of clinical outcomes like disease-free survival local tumor recurrence or overall survival across a much longer timeframe, the agency said. See Also: FDA Panel endorses gene Therapy


March 12th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 69



Previously, the Company announced that the LX technology successfully detected dual infections and pathogens harboring antibiotic resistance factors. On completion of the clinical study, the Company now confirms that the LX analyzer technology has robustly – in a sensitive and specific manner – detected each of the six most common pathogens in canine urinary tract infections (UTI) and is 97.5% concordant with reference laboratory generated results. Dr. Jack Regan, LexaGene’s CEO and Founder state, “This is a monumental moment for the organization, as we have concluded our pilot study and are extremely pleased with the performance of the LX analyzer. I am very proud of the compelling data, and the hard work that went into validating the LX technology. This news represents the tip of the iceberg for what is to come from LexaGene as we continue to demonstrate how our technology outperforms the current standard for testing.” Highlights of the generated data are as follows: • 107 urine samples processed in a blinded fashion (samples provided by Ethos Veterinary Health) • Each of six major pathogens was successfully detected (E. coli (43), Staphylococcus (11), Proteus (11), Enterococcus (8), Klebsiella (2), and Streptococcus (1)), which are amongst the most common pathogens found in canine UTI • 97.5% concordance with refer-

ence laboratory generated data for the 642 tests performed for the study (6-pathogen assays tested per sample)* • Successfully detected some dual-infected samples • Successfully detected some bacteria harboring antibiotic resistance factors • Correctly identified 21 urine samples collected from dogs without urinary tract infections that were determined to be pathogen negative. The only commercially available technology available to veterinarians for rapid in-house testing is based on antibody tests. These tests do not identify the causative pathogen, do not provide guidance on which antibiotic to prescribe, and have just 46% sensitivity.** As a result, veterinarians generally still send their samples to a reference laboratory for testing, which takes 2 – 5 days to return results, and this delay can negatively impact the quality of care. LexaGene’s LX genetic analyzer will solve these problems by providing the first technology for in-hospital use that provides rapid, sensitive, and broad-spectrum testing, which will help veterinarians reduce morbidity and mortality rates, lower healthcare costs, and improve antibiotic stewardship. Dr. Sam Stewart, DVM, DACVECC, an emergency and critical care veterinarian at Boston West Veterinary Emergency and Specialty Hospital in Natick, MA, states, “I am pleased to

hear of the success from LexaGene’s UTI study. The LX technology will be a game changer for veterinary care. Having this capability to rapidly diagnose a patient – and get information on antibiotic resistance – while they are still in our facility rather than waiting days for a reference laboratory generated result will allow us to improve our quality of care dramatically.” Dr. Chand Khanna DVM, Ph.D., DACVIM (Onc), DACVP (Hon), Chief Science Officer of Ethos Veterinary Health and President of Ethos Discovery added, “This LexaGene technology brings veterinary medicine into the point-of-care and molecular diagnostic era. We look forward to the use of this technology to rapidly determine whether a dog has a urinary tract infection. If LexaGene’s test comes back with a negative result, we can order additional tests to rule out many complex medical problems that all manifest with similar symptoms.” He continues, “This technology will raise the level of care provided by veterinary medical teams to their patients.” Dr. Jack Regan concludes, “These initial data are excellent and we expect to further improve our performance as we get closer to product launch. These data indicate that our technology will be able to generate results similar to a reference laboratory, with vastly improved turnaround times. We look forward to launching this product so veterinary hospitals can adapt our next-generation diagnostic analyzer to lessen their de-

pendence on reference laboratories for their pathogen testing needs.” To be added to the LexaGene email distribution list, please subscribe on the Company website here. * Samples producing discordant results are being further investigated by appropriate methods including Sanger sequencing to determine whether data from the LX prototype or the reference laboratory is correct. **When processing samples that have 103 CFU/ml. (source) About LexaGene Holdings Inc. LexaGene is a biotechnology company commercializing the very first easy-to-use, fully automated, genetic analyzer that is open-access. The open-access feature empowers end-users to target any genetic sequence of interest, whether of a pathogen or human origin. To take advantage of the open access feature, end-users simply need to load their own real-time PCR assays onto the instrument to customize their tests or run validated assays the company is developing. LexaGene’s analyzers offer excellent sensitivity, specificity, and breadth of pathogen detection while returning results in about 1 hour. The company expects to sell its

Next Page>>>>



technology in the food safety and veterinary diagnostics markets, as well as to markets that need easy-to-use customized testing such as biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies, academia, and institutions performing water quality monitoring, aquaculture pathogen surveillance, and others. Official Press release by Lexagen About Ethos Veterinary Health Ethos is a veterinary health company with hospitals across the U.S. providing advanced specialty medical care for pets. Our approach includes a focus on transformative

science, continuous learning, growth for team members, and collaboration. For more information, please visit About Ethos Discovery Ethos Discovery is a 501(c)3 non-profit incubator of scientific innovation that seeks to improve health outcomes in pets and humans with complex medical problems, including cancer. For more information, please visit The TSX Venture Exchange Inc. has in no way passed upon the merits of the proposed transaction and has neither approved nor disapproved the contents of this press release. Neither

March 12th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 69

TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. This news release contains forward-looking information, which involves known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause actual events to differ materially from current expectation. Important factors — including the availability of funds, the results of financing efforts, the success of technology development efforts, the cost to procure critical parts, performance of the

instrument, market acceptance of the technology, regulatory acceptance, and licensing issues — that could cause actual results to differ materially from the Company’s expectations as disclosed in the Company’s documents filed from time to time on SEDAR (see Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date of this press release. The company disclaims any intention or obligation, except to the extent required by law, to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.


March 12th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 69


Einstein Fellowship 2020 – Applications Invited Apply for a Einstein Fellowship 2020. Check out the official notification for more Einstein Forum and the Daimler and Benz Foundation – Einstein Fellowship 2020. INTERESTED AND ELIGIBLE CANDIDATES CAN APPLY FOR THE EINSTEIN FELLOWSHIP 2020. PLEASE CHECK THE DETAILS GIVEN BELOW: By Diluxi Arya

Awarded by the Einstein Forum along with the Daimler and Benz Foundation The Einstein Forum along with the Daimler and Benz Foundation are providing a fellowship for outstanding young thinkers who wish to pursue a project in a different field from that of their prior research. The objective of the fellowship is to support those who, along with producing excellent work in their area of specialization, are also open to additional, interdisciplinary approaches — following the example set by Albert Einstein. The fellowship includes living accommodations for five to six months in the garden cottage of Einstein’s summerhouse at Caputh, Brandenburg, only a brief distance away from the universities and academic associations of Potsdam and Berlin. The fellow will be given a stipend of EUR 10,000 and compensation of travel expenditures. Call for Applications: Candidates should be under 35 and hold a university degree in the humanities, in the social sciences, or in the natural sciences. Applications for 2020 should include a CV, a twopage project proposal, and two letters of recommendation. All documents must be received by May 15, 2019. At the conclusion of the fellowship period, the fellow will be expected to present their project in a public lecture in the Einstein Forum and in the Daimler and Benz Foundation. The Einstein Fellowship isn’t meant for applicants who would like to complete an academic study they’ve already begun. A successful application has to demonstrate the quality, originality, and feasibility of their proposed project, in addition to the superior intellectual development of the applicant. It isn’t relevant whether the applicant

has started working toward, or currently holds, a PhD. The proposed project does not need to be entirely completed during the time of this fellowship but may be the beginning of a longer project. How to Apply: PLEASE NOTE THAT NO FELLOWSHIPS WILL BE GIVEN FOR DISSERTATION RESEARCH. THE PROPOSED PROJECT MUST BE SIGNIFICANTLY DIFFERENT IN CONTENT, AND PREFERABLY FIELD AND FORM, FROM THE APPLICANT’S PREVIOUS WORK. Applications should be submitted by email to: / Bewerbungen sind zu richten an: For more information, call or fax the Einstein Forum at: phone: +49-331-271780 fax: +49-331-2717827 FAQ 1. What kind of projects can I propose? Your proposed project shouldn’t be a part of your dissertation or thesis, along with also the application documents should be in English. Otherwise, there are no limits on the project you may propose as long as you’re able to defend your idea as interesting, original, and feasible throughout the fellowship period. Please also consider if the facilities available to

you here will appropriately permit application interview and review proyou to pursue your own project. cesses begin in June, with final decisions released at the end of July. 2. How different should my proposed project be from my previous 7. When does the fellowship take work? place? There’s not any hard and fast rule, Though the precise dates are somenor is there a formula for how the what flexible, the 5-6 month period proposal ought to look. All you have of the fellowship should rather occur to demonstrate is that you haven’t al- throughout the summertime and finready done work– e.g. master’s the- ish inside the calendar year. ses, published essays, books, etc.. directly associated with your proposed 8. Is it mandatory to stay in Einproject. You should have already giv- stein’s summer house? en significant thought to your project Yes. As part of the Einstein Fellowidea. ship, we expect the fellow to reside in Caputh. 3. Can I propose two projects? The fellowship is given for only 1 9. What may the stipend be used project. Therefore, we advocate fo- for? cusing on strengthening only 1 pro- The stipend is intended to cover livposal. ing expenses and project expenses incurred during your fellowship period. 4. Should I attach the letters of reference in my application, or should 10. Can my family come? Does the my recommenders send them sepa- fellowship cover travel expenses of rately? family members? We’ll accept both, but we recom- Your family can accompany you mend that your reference letters have during the fellowship period. The felbeen emailed to us directly from their lowship won’t cover their traveling respective authors. expenses. 5. Is TOEFL/IELTS required? We need only the documents listed. We don’t need TOEFL/IELTS results in your application, as your application needs to already reflect mastery of English. 6. When will I hear back about my application? We’ll acknowledge receipt of your submission as soon as possible. The

11. My application was rejected. Can I reapply next year? So long as you still fit the other eligibility criteria, you may reapply for your fellowship next year with a new proposal.



March 12th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 69

Novo Nordisk – Oxford Fellowship Programme 2019 Check out the official notification for the Novo Nordisk – Oxford Fellowship Programme 2019. Interested and eligible candidates with a PhD degree in relevant sciences background are encouraged to apply. CHECK OUT ALL OF THE DETAILS ON THE ELIGIBILITY, APPLICATION CONDITIONS AND MORE BELOW: By Diluxi Arya

The Novo Nordisk — Oxford Fellowship Programme aims to encourage the development of a new generation of exceptional young diabetes researchers, that will become future leaders in the field. What We Offer? We offer fellows a cutting edge research project based at the University of Oxford, which can be supervised by world-leading researchers within the field of metabolism and diabetes. Additionally, each fellow is provided with a mentor at Novo Nordisk. As a part of their project, fellows will receive the chance to spend time at the labs of Novo Nordisk at Copenhagen. There might also be the option to form a collaboration with the Novo Nordisk Research Centre Oxford (NNRCO), in case fellows, aren’t already directly supervised by scientists from NNRCO. Fellows will consequently have an insight into research in both academia and industry. The postdoctoral research fellowships are targeted at early career researchers with a basic science background. The clinical research training fellowships are aimed at clinicians who would like to undertake a DPhil (PhD) and that aspire to a career in academic medicine. Our prestigious fellowships are totally funded for a 3 year period and offer the fellow’s salary, a generous travel allowance and consumable support for the lab in which they’re based. Our fellowships are open to outstanding applicants of any nationality. If you’d like to submit an application for a fellowship position, then you have to list up to 3 research projects as part of your supporting statement in your application.

We advertise fellowship positions

every spring, with an expected start date in autumn of the exact same year. We recruit between six and three fellows in each recruitment cycle. The following call for fellowship applications will open in Spring 2020. ELIGIBILITY AND TION CRITERIA:


The fellowship programme is global and consequently, applicants from any country are eligible to apply. But, please be aware that while we’ll consider all applications, the financing provided for the clinical research training fellowships will merely cover home/EU DPhil fees. Find out information on student fees at the University of Oxford. We plan to recruit fellows together with the potential to become leaders in the area of diabetes in the following years. The primary selection criteria for the Postdoctoral Research Fellowships are: • A PhD (completed or close to completion) in a biomedical subject, or other relevant subject, together with skills and experience relevant to biomedical research. • Be no more than 3 years post PhD at the start of the fellowship. This condition will be relaxed proportionately for candidates that have had a career break. • A strong CV, having published in high impact journals and presented at international meetings.

• An enthusiastic interest in diabetes and metabolic research. See Whole list of selection criteria for Postdoctoral Research Fellowship The primary selection criteria for the Clinical Research Training Fellowships are:

• A strong CV, according to publications in international journals. • Committed to a career in diabetes or metabolic medicine, clinical practice and research. See Whole list of selection criteria for Clinical Research Training Fellowship Important Links:

• Have previous research experience (generally a BSc), a med- • Apply for Novo Nordisk Postdoctoral Research Fellow in ical degree and some specialist experience, typically having obDiabetes and Metabolism (4 posts) tained MRCP or equivalent, but maybe not CCT or consultant • Apply for Novo Nordisk Clinical Research Training Fellow status. in Diabetes and Metabolism (1 • Have a solid academic record post) (eg prizes, first class degree etc). • GMC registered Medical Practitioner or ability to obtain GMC The 2019 call for applications is requirements and practice from now open, with a closing date of midthe UK (please visit the General day on Friday 22 March 2019. Medical Council site for AddiView Notification tional information ).


March 12th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 69


Singapore SMART 2019 Scholars Programme SMART 2019 Scholars Programme at Singapore. Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology (SMART) Centre in Singapore 2019 Notification. INTERESTED CANDIDATES CAN CHECK OUT ALL OF THE DETAILS ON THE ELIGIBLITY, AWARDS AND APPLICATION PROCEDURE AND SUCH BELOW: By Diluxi Arya

We’ll be accepting qualified applications for the SMART 2019 Scholars Programme. These awards will offer a special opportunity for recent or soon to become PhD graduates to take part in the Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology (SMART) Centre in Singapore, and also to become members of an alumni network which we expect will continue to evolve and expand through time. The awards, to be awarded annually, are open to people with less than two years postdoctoral experience and given they have received their doctoral degree by 1 August 2019. The fellowship recipient will have the ability to conduct research of their own choice in Singapore within, but not always tied closely to, a current project in one of those SMART Interdisciplinary Research Groups (IRGs) and the SMART Innovation Centre. It’s expected that the recipients will probably take up their appointments at SMART by 1 September 2019. Award: The awards provide a fixed annual salary of S$120,000 annually (not eligible for a 13-month bonus or yearly increment), a research grant of up to S$25,000, a travel grant of up to S$2,500, also eligible for a sixmonth stay at MIT with funds up to S$15,000. Application Requirements: NOTE: For questions concerning the SMART Scholar Fellowship, send an email to smart_scholar@smart. 1. SMART IRG Select the SMART Interdisciplinary Research Group (IRG) you want to conduct your research in. The proposed research project must align with one of the SMART IRGs: FM, LEES, AMR or even DiSTAP. There’s also an opportunity to work

together with the Innovation Centre. Here, scholars will have the opportunity to research the Innovation Centre’s procedures, assess the centre’s strengths and flaws, and provide recommendations for improvements. 2. MIT Mentor Identify the MIT faculty member who belongs to SMART which you feel could best provide mentorship and guidance on your proposed research. 3. Research Statement Submit a 1-3-page outline of this research project that you propose to run in SMART, such as a few background/context, technical strategy and expected effects. 4. Objective Give a brief description of why you would like to conduct your research at SMART in Singapore. Include some indication of how the proposed research may benefit from being conducted in Singapore, and how it may promote collaboration between the SMART faculty member from MIT, the Nanyang Technological University (NTU), the National University of Singapore (NUS), and the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD). 5. Career Goals Describe your long-term career goals and role of the postdoctoral experience in attaining them, such as future plans for collaborative actions. 6. CV

Your referees should submit their recommendation online with your application through our online application. A reminder for your referee to 7. List of Publications Provide a comprehensive list of prepare the letter with their official inpublications. Additionally, also in- stitution or organization’s letterhead. clude copies of not more than 3 publications, combined in one PDF file, NOTE: For queries regarding the which you consider to represent your SMART Scholar Fellowship, send an email to very best work. edu. 8. Optional Provide the Selection Committee, Application Period and Timeline: any other info you feel will be helpful The application period is from 01 in accessing your application. February 2019 to 12 April 2019, Singapore time. The status of your ap9. Referees Provide 3 professional names of plication will be sent via email on or your referee. An individual has to be before 20 May 2019, Singapore time. your doctoral supervisor as well as the other two persons have to be qualView Notification ified to comment on your scholarly achievements. Apply Online Curriculum Vitae to not exceed 2 pages.



March 12th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 69

GOI – Korean Government Biotech Scholarship Program (KGSP) 2019 The official notification for the 2019 Korean Government Scholarship program [KGSP] for International Students has been released. ITS A GOI BIOTECH KOREAN GOVERNMENT SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM (KGSP) 2019. INDIAN NATIONALS ARE ELIGIBLE TO APPLY. CHECK OUT ALL OF THE DETAILS ON THE SAME BELOW: By Diluxi Arya

The Ministry of Human Resource Development invites applications from the Indian nationals for the “2019 Korean Government Scholarship Program (KGSP) for International Students enrolled in Graduate Programs”. The number of nominations: 15 ( out of which 10 students would be awarded scholarship by the Government of Republic of Korea). Level of Course: (i) Master’s, (ii) Doctoral and (iii) Research Programme Subjects Fields: • Korean Language and Literature • International Relations (including Korean Studies) • Biotechnology • Electronic Engineering Eligibility conditions as set out by the Government of Republic of Korea: (A) Age: (1) Applicants applying for Master’s/ Doctoral Programme must be under 40 years of age as of September I st, 2019 (born after September I st, 1979). (2) An applicant who is working as a professor must be under 45 year of age as of September 1, 2019 (born after September 1, 1974). (B) Qualification: (1) For Master’s Programme: Applicants must hold or be expected to hold a Bachelor’s degree or a level of education equivalent to a Bachelor’s degree relevant to the proposed study by August 31st, 2019. (2) For Doctoral Programme: Applicants must hold or be expected to

hold a Master’s degree or a level of education equivalent to a Master’s degree relevant to the proposed study by August 31st, 2019. (3) For Research Programme: The applicant must have received an invitation from one of National Institute for International Education (NIIED’s) designated Korean universities and must have the following qualification relevant to the proposed study: (i) Postdoctoral Research Program: Applicants must hold a Doctoral degree or a level of education equivalent to a doctoral degree by August 31st, 2019 (ii) Professor Exchange Program: Applicants must hold a Master’s degree or a level of education equivalent to or higher than a Master’s degree by August 31st, 2019. (iii) Program for Education, Science, Culture, (International Professionals): Applicant must hold or be expected to hold a Master’s degree or a level of education equivalent to or higher than a Master’s degree by August 31st, 2019. (C) Other conditions as set out by the Government of Republic of Korea (please refer to the attached guidelines for the scholarship). (D). Apart from the above criteria, the applicant must fulfill the following condition: Candidates who have already been

abroad for study/training/speciali- • Marks sheet and certificate for Seczation either on scholarship or on ondary Examination their own for a period exceeding six • Marks sheet and certificate for months are eligible to apply only if Higher Secondary Examination they have been in India for at least • Transcript in respect of the canditwo consecutive years after returning date’s higher qualification(s). from abroad as on 20.03.2019. • Bachelor’s/Master’s/Doctoral degree or equivalent. Scholarship benefits: For details about the scholarship benefits, please Note: refer to attached guidelines. (i) Candidates are required to obtain Application: transcript from their university/institution. • Applicants are required to apply (ii) Applicants who are currently in online on the Ministry’s appli- the last semester/year of his/her study cation portal http://proposal. are required to upload the transcript The up to the semesters/years completed last date for online application is and need to mention the passing year 20.03.2019. as 2019. • The application form prescribed (iii) the size of the single document by the Korean Government is must not exceed 530 kb and should be attached and is also available in .pdf form. In case of more than one on Korean Government Web- document to be uploaded at one place, site http://www.studyinkorea. the documents need to be scanned gether of can be zipped. The applicants are required to send the duly filled Criteria for nomination: form along with the supporting documents, by 20.03.2019 to The following criteria would be the Under Secretary (Scholar- adopted for shortlisting the candiship), Ministry of Human Re- dates: source Development, Department of Higher Education, West i) The merit list would be drawn by Block-1, 2nd Floor, Wing- 6, R. giving weightage to Centrally Funded K. Puram, New Delhi- 110066. Educational Institutions (CFEI’s)/Institution of National Importance and Documents required: NAAC accredited institutions, from where the candidate is pursuing or has Scanned copy of the following documents need to be uploaded at the time of online application at http:// Next Page>>>>


March 12th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 69

completed his/her qualifying exam. ii) In case of tie, weightage would be given to the marks obtained in the last qualifying exam. Important Note:

• Employed candidates must obtain ‘No Objection Certificate’ from their employer. In case of Government servant, cadre clearance is a must. • Canvassing in any form & suppression of any fact in the appli-

cation will disqualify the candidature of the applicant. • All information regarding the aforementioned scholarship would be made available on Ministry’s website i.e. http://


• All communication to nominated candidates would b, made on the registered email. Last date on online application: 20.03.2019



March 12th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 69

IBAB Admissions 2019 – MSc Biotechnology & Bioinformatics



IBAB is a premier institute in India, set up with a mission to combine education, research & entrepreneurship. Located on a sprawling 20-acre campus in the south of Bengaluru, the institute has state-of-the-art facilities for biotechnology & bioinformatics training. The research environment at IBAB is interdisciplinary & collaborative, with regular talks by international scientists and industry professionals. In addition, IBAB is a founder member of the National Entrepreneurship Network and promotes entrepreneurs in biotechnology & related areas, and currently houses several start-ups. ADMISSIONS OPEN (Academic year 2019) Masters in Biotechnology & Bioinformatics PROGRAM DETAILS • Residential program integrating biotechnology and information science • Courses include: NGS data analysis, Systems Biology, Advanced Molecular and Cell Biology, Biochemistry and lmmunolgy, Advanced Mathematics and Statistics, Computer Programming, Chemoinformatics and Drug Discovery • Teaching by internationally trained IBAB faculty and leading experts from academia and industry. APPLICATION DETAILS Eligibility: Bachelor’s Degree in Science, Technology or Medicine Eligibility Details: • Applicant should have completed a Bachelor’s degree in Science, Technology or Medicine. Ex., B. Sc. in Biotechnology, Genetics, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Zoology, Botany, Agriculture, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, or Statistics, B. Tech. or B. E. in Computer Science, MBBS, BDS, B. Pharma., BAMS, or BVetMed. • Note that students who expect to graduate by July 2019 are also eligible. • Bachelor’s Marks Cutoff: 50% (overall)

Admission Procedure Step 1: Apply online • Incomplete forms will be rejected. • IBAB reserves the right to reject the application if the applicant does not meet the eligibility criteria. Please email msc@ibab. with your name and Application No. immediately after submitting the form online.

Note: Please take a screenshot of the NEFT/IMPS Transaction details. You Step 2: Shortlisting of candidates will need to upload this to complete via Telephone or Skype Interviews your application. First round of selection will be based Click here to see the rules and regon the student’s performance in their ulations regarding payment made Bacherlor’s course and via telephone via online. or skype interviews conducted by IBAB faculty DEMAND DRAFT DETAILS: Step 3: Interview of Shortlisted Demand Draft (DD) for the approcandidates at IBAB, Bengaluru priate amount should be drawn in favor of ‘Institute of Bioinformatics • Second round of selection is via and Applied Biotechnology’ payable a computerized test followed by at Bengaluru. a panel interview at IBAB. • To qualify for the interview, all Note: Please scan or take a photo original certificates (10th, 12th of the DD. You will need to upload and Bachelor’s transcripts and/ this to complete your application. or Degree certificate) have to be produced for verification. Send the original DD with Student Name and Application No. written Step 4: Fee payment and admis- on the back to: sion Admissions Office All fees can be paid by NEFT or De- Institute of Bioinformatics and Apmand Draft (DD). Details are given plied Biotechnology below. Biotech Park, Electronics City, Note: Admission is liable to be can- Phase I celled if any fraudulent records are Bengaluru – 560100, Karnataka found even after securing admission. Any fees paid already will not Application deadline: April 23, be refunded 2019 Application Fee

On-campus interviews: May 25Jun 9, 2019

• For students from India: 500/• For NRI/Foreign students: Course starts on: July 2019 1000/• The application fee is non-re- TO APPLY ONLINE, and for more fundable. information about the admission process, go to: NEFT/IMPS DETAILS: msc2019/ • Name of the Account: Institute of Bioinformatics & Applied Bi- Important Links: otechnology • Account No: 036005011787 • Application Form • Type of Account: Current Ac- • Guidelines To Fill up the Apcount plication • Name of the Bank: ICICI • Syllabus • Bank Branch: Electronic City • Semester Schedule • IFSC Code: ICIC0000360

• • • •

Course Fee Placements Scholarships FAQ


March 12th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 69


JNCASR Research & Integrated PhD Programme Admissions 2019


he notification for the JNCASR Research & Integrated PhD Programme Admissions 2019 has been released. Interested and eligible candidates can check out all of the details on the admissions, procedure, online links, important dates and more below: RESEARCH PROGRAMMES Interdisciplinary research interests are also encouraged Molecular Biology and Genetics Unit For more details follow the link (MBGU) Research in the Molecular Biology and Genetics Unit is in diverse areas of biology bound by the common thread of biomedical applications. The current research areas fall into the categories of Infectious Diseases, Cell Cycle, Chromatin organization and Transcription Regulation, Developmental Biology and Genetics. Students have the opportunity to use approaches involving molecular biology and biochemistry, genetics, modern cell and developmental biology and the most recent genomics approaches. Integrated (Int.) Ph.D. programme is offered in Materials Science, Chemical Science and Biological Science GENERAL INFORMATION

This programme is offered only for the August session of admissions. The advertisement for Int.Ph.D programme is released ONLY during February/March every year. The minimum eligibility criteria are mentioned below. Kindly note that these criteria are for applying only. The committee will shortlist candidates for the written test. • Minimum Requirement Candidates should have a minimum of 55% marks at the B.Sc as applicable to the area. Candidates who are appearing for their final examination in B.Sc. can also apply. • Eligibility criteria and Mode of Selection for the areas mentioned below: Biological Science: Students with a Bachelor’s degree in any branch of Science can apply. Selection will be through JNCASR’s written test, followed by an interview at Bangalore for the shortlisted candidates. The JNCASR written entrance test for Biological Science will be held only at JNCASR, Bangalore. The candidates shortlisted from the written test will be called for an interview the same day or the next day. Instructions for applying (only after the release of advertisement): • Candidates are advised to read the Instruction in the application form carefully before applying.

• Please note that the criteria mentioned above are prerequisites to apply ONLY and will not be mandatory for shortlisting or selection/admission to the programme. • The candidates shortlisted for written test and/ or interview will be communicated by email and post.

Scholarships/Fellowship: As per the norms of JNCASR. Your queries could be either mailed to: or you can call up at :(080) 22082777 (080) 22082777 (from Monday to Friday 9:30 a.m to 5:30 p.m hours only) Importance notice for prospective applicants: • Interviews for admitting students in respective Units/programmes will be held subject to the vacancies available. • Selection to the degree programmes of JNCASR is subject to excellent academic back-


• •

ground score/percentile/rank obtained in national fellowship exams, in addition to the recommendations of the referees and performance in the interview. Mere fulfilling the essential qualifications/eligibility criteria will not entitle an applicant to be shortlisted for interview. The committee shortlists the candidates for written test and/ or interviews based on the departmental criteria. The Units offering admission will be mentioned in the application form. The Centre has the right to cancel, at any stage, the admission of a candidate who is found to have been admitted to a course to which he/she is not entitled, being unqualified or ineligible in accordance with the rules and regulations in force.

Application Deadline – 12th April 2019



March 12th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 69

PhD Admissions 2019-2020 @ GITAM – Applications Invited


he notification and online portal is active at GITAM (deemed to be University) for PhD Admissions 2019-20. PhD Admissions (Full Time / Part-Time) – Biochemistry, Bioinformatics, Biotechnology, Food Science Technology, Microbiology. Interested and eligible candidates can check out all of the details on the same below: Applications are invited for admission into Research programs provided by GITAM in the subject areas as indicated in Appendix-I. Candidates belonging to the following categories need not appear for the Entrance Test: People that are qualified and possess a valid score in UGC-NET (such as JRF)/UGC-CSIR NET (such as JRF) / ICMR / GATE / GPAT / SLET / Teacher Fellowship and M.Phil. Degree holders. (ii) Those serving as Project Fellows in the projects sanctioned by national funding agencies. Candidates admitted into Full-time M.Phil. /Ph.D. programme shouldn’t undertake any assignment/ employment or will not pursue any other fulltime programme of study simultaneously. The final date for submission of applications is 25-03-2019. GITAM reserves the right to admit or not to admit the candidate to any Research programme General Eligibility: Eligibility Candidates seeking admission into M.Phil. Or PhD pro-

gramme may pursue research under Full-Time and Part-Time, subject to eligibility criteria stipulated below: Educational Qualification: Eligibility criteria for entry into M.Phil. / Ph.D. programs are awarded in Appendix-II. The candidates must have secured at least 55% marks in aggregate or its equivalent grade B at the UGC 7 — point scale / or the point scale followed in the concerned Institutions. But a relaxation of 5% marks, M.Phil. (Full-time / Part-time), or an equivalent grade is allowed for Ph.D. (Full-time / Part-time) SC/ST/ Differently abled candidates. 3.3.2. Service requirement for Part- Biochemistry, Bioinformatics, BioTime applicants technology, Food Science Technology, Microbiology. (a) Teachers working in PG Departments of established Universities Eligibility for Biotechnology: and their affiliated Colleges with a minimum of one year of service. (b) • M.Tech. /M.E. or equivalent deTeachers working in Professional or gree in the concerned branch Level colleges associated with recog- • B.Tech. in Biotechnology nized Universities with at least two or B.Pharm or equivalent or years of service. B.Tech. Chemical Engineering or Chemistry /Micro(c) Teachers working in established biology / Bioinformatics / BioJunior Colleges with at least three and technology) with proficiency in four years of service for admission to basic Biology with proficiency M.Phil. And Ph.D. programmes rein basic Mathematics. spectively. Eligibility for Biochemistry / Bio(d) Executives / Administrators / informatics: Engineers / Scientists with at least three years of service in Govt. / Quasi M.Sc. degree in Biochemistry, BioGovt./ Judiciary / Public sector organ- technology, Microbiology, Chemisizations / Public and private limited try, Genetics, Botany, Zoology, Encompanies and other businesses ap- vironmental Science or any branch proved by the BRS. of Biological Science or M.Pharm. or M.V.Sc or M.Sc. (agriculture) or (e) Employees not covered in the MD, MS or M. Tech in Biotechnolaforementioned clauses with at least ogy, Chemical engineering or Food four years of service as approved by technology. the BRS. Eligibility for Food Science & Faculty of Science Technology:

M.Sc. degree in Food Science Technology, Food Science Nutrition, Home Science or any branch of Life Sciences. Eligibility for Microbiology: M.Sc. degree in Microbiology, Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Chemistry, Botany, Zoology, Food Science, Environmental Science or any branch of Biological Sciences or M.Pharm. or M.V.Sc or M.Sc. (Agriculture) or MD, MS or M.Tech. or equivalent degree. How to Apply: • Candidates need to submit applications online at www.gitam. edu by paying Rs. 3,000/- (Rupees Three thousand only) via Debit card /Credit card (Master/ VISA)/Net Banking. • Candidates need to upload copies of all of the certificates mentioned in the section • The Office of the Directorate of Admissions doesn’t take any responsibility for the nonreceipt of applications in time. The last date for submission of applications is 25-03-2019


March 12th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 69


MSc & PhD Biotechnology Admissions 2019-2020 @ South Asian University


he official notification for the MSc & PhD Biotechnology Admissions 2019-20 at South Asian University. South Asian University Admissions 2019-2020. SAU MSc & PhD Biotechnology Admissions 2019-20. Interested and eligible candidates are requested to check out all of the details on the same below: ADMISSION NOTICE FOR THE 2019 – 20 ACADEMIC SESSION South Asian University – Knowledge Without Borders Admission to Master’s Level Programmes The following is a list of the Master’s level programmes offered at SAU. The figures in brackets show the number of seats available in each programme. Minimum Eligibility • 12 years of schooling + a 3 year Bachelors degree (BSc, B. Pharm, BVSc, B.E., BTech, MBBS, etc.) in any area of Biological Sciences / Chemistry / Agriculture and allied sciences; Veterinary and allied sciences Biotechnology / Biochemical Technology from an institution recognized by the government of any of the SAARC countries, with a minimum of 55% marks in aggregate or an equivalent grade. Students who have not studied Biology at the Bachelor’s level must have studied and passed in Biology as a subject at the 10+2 (12th class) level. Candidates who have a 4 year Bachelor’s degree or a 2 year Bachelor’s degree and have cleared the first year of the Master’s programme are also eligible. • Applicants who have not yet completed the Bachelor’s degree course and are yet to appear for their last year/semester exam, may also apply for admission and appear in the Entrance Test. However, their admission will be confirmed only if they fulfil the minimum eligibility criteria of aggregate percentage of marks at the Bachelors level and the first year of MA/MSc course besides clearing the Entrance Test. Please note that such candi-

dates will not have any claim to admission if their results are not declared and their mark sheets are not available latest by 26 July 2019 which is the last date for admission. • Students who are offered admission will be required to produce original copies of their final results at the time of admission, including mark sheets/grade sheets of their qualifying degree examination. • Masters level students in all programmes at SAU shall be fulltime students and shall not be permitted to take up full or parttime jobs during the course of their study. • Students whose qualifying examinations results are not announced at the time of personal registration, will not be registered and are advised to not leave their countries without pass results. The format of the Entrance Test: The computer-based Entrance Test will be of 2 hours duration and the question paper will have multiple-choice questions in two parts. Each question will carry one mark. Simple calculators may be used. Part A: will consist of 30 questions carrying one mark each and will have 10+2 level questions from Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics. Candidates will be expected to attempt all questions from Part A. Part B: will consist of 70 questions carrying one mark each and will have undergraduate level questions from Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Immunology, Animal Sciences, Plant Sciences, Genetics, Microbiology, Biophysics, and Biostatistics. Negative Marks for Wrong Answers: If the answer given to any of the Multiple Choice Questions is wrong, ¼ of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted. ADMISSION TO PHD PROGRAMMES: The following is a list of PhD programmes offered at SAU. The figures in brackets show the number of seats

available in each programme. Minimum Eligibility 12 years of schooling + a 3 or 4-year Bachelors degree + a 2 year post graduate MSc, M. Pharm, M.V.Sc, M.E., or M.Tech degree in any branch of the Biological Sciences or an MD/ MS/MSc from an institution recognized by the government of any of the SAARC countries, with a minimum of 55% marks or an equivalent grade. • Applicants who have not completed their Masters level course and are yet to appear for their last year/semester exam may also take the Entrance Test. However, their admission will be subject to their fulfilling the minimum eligibility criteria of the aggregate percentage of marks at the Masters level besides clearing the Entrance Test. Please note that such candidates will not have any claim to admission if their results are not declared and their mark sheets are not available latest by 26 July 2019 which is the last date for admission. • The admission procedure for the PhD programme consists of an Entrance Test followed by an interview. Students are required to score at least 50% marks in both, the Entrance Test and the interview separately, to be eligible for admission. • Travel Subsidy for Candidates Invited for Interview: Candidates invited for the interview will be given a travel subsidy (upper limit INR 5,000) towards actual travel cost by the shortest route as per instructions which will be communicated to those called for interview. If candidates from outside India are unable to travel to New Delhi for the interview, they can seek permission for an interview through Skype. • The pre-PhD course work is

compulsory for all students and is spread over the first two semesters and carries 16 credits as follows: course work (14 credits) plus seminar and term paper (2 credits). Distribution of credits between the first two semesters is decided by individual Departments / Faculties. Some Faculties and Departments may have a slightly higher credit requirement depending on their specific needs. Candidates are advised to carefully read Faculty and Department-specific requirements online. • At the end of the first year, students with a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) less than 5.0 will be deemed to have failed and shall leave the university. There is no provision for a repeat test for improvement of grades in any pre-PhD course. • Students with a CGPA of 6.5 and above will be considered for direct admission to the PhD programme as per SAU regulations. Candidates with a CGPA above 5.0 but less than 6.5 can opt for the MPhil programme and complete their thesis work within a year (8 Credits). If a student has obtained a CGPA of 6.5 or above in his/her course work, but wishes to pursue the MPhil programme rather than the PhD programme, s/he will be permitted to do so. Students with a CGPA of 6.5 or more in MPhil are also allowed to register for the PhD programme. Students with a CGPA less than 6.5 will leave the university with an MPhil degree. • The minimum residency require-

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ADMISSIONS ment for a PhD is three years after admission.

Students pursuing a PhD degree at SAU are full-time students and are not permitted to take up full or parttime work during the residency period. Admission Procedure: Through an Entrance Test and an Interview. The Entrance Test will carry a weightage of 70 marks and the Interview will carry a weightage of 30 marks. A minimum of 50% marks will have to be secured separately in both, the Entrance Test and the Interview, in order to be eligible for admission. The format of the Entrance Test Paper: The duration of the Entrance Test will be 2 hours and the question paper will consist of 100 multiple choice questions of one mark each in two parts.

March 12th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 69

Shortlisted candidates must arrange to send two letters of recommendation from teachers who have taught and assisted them at the graduate/ postgraduate level. Recommendation Part B: will consist of a total of 80 letters should testify to the intellecquestions. Part B will have MSc level tual acumen of the candidates, their questions from all the areas of Bio- knowledge of the subject and their logical Sciences including Biochem- ability to articulate ideas. istry, Cell Biology, Cancer Biology, Molecular Biology, Immunology, A final merit list will be drawn by Animal Sciences, Plant Biotechnolo- adding together the marks of the Engy, Genetics, Microbiology, Virology, trance Test and the Interview. SepaNeurosciences, Biochemical Engi- rate merit lists will be prepared for (a) neering, Biophysics and Biostatistics. candidates from all SAARC countries other than India, and (b) candidates Negative Marks for Wrong An- from India. Selected candidates will be offered admission from these two swers lists, according to merit, depending If the answer given to any of the on the number of seats available. Multiple Choice Questions is wrong, Âź of the marks assigned to that ques- Application Fee, Date and Venues for the Entrance Test: tion will be deducted. all branches of Biology of the undergraduate level. Candidates will be expected to attempt all questions from Part A.

Interview: Candidates will be An Entrance Test shortlisted for interview on the basis ed simultaneously Part A: will have 20 multiple choice of their performance in the Entrance SAARC region on questions, carrying one mark each, on Test, subject to a minimum cut off. 2019. The fee for

will be conductthroughout the 27 and 28 April appearing in the

Entrance Test is US $10 or INR 700/. Applications for admission will be accepted only online and payment must be made by credit/debit cards or net banking. Those who cannot pay the application fee online still need to fill and submit the online application form. They will be instructed on how to pay the entrance fee once they have filled the online application form. Physically challenged or with special needs, students should write the university separately with disability certificate so that special arrangement can be made for them. They will be allowed an extra 60 minutes to complete their test after due approvals. Deadline for receiving Application Forms: 29 March 2019



March 12th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 69


Ministry of Railways Job 2019 For Life Science Candidates


overnment of India, Ministry of Railways, Railway Recruitment Boards are recruiting bsc biochemistry, bsc microbiology, bsc biology, bsc life sciences lab superintendent jobs. Interested and eligible candidates are encouraged to apply for the Lab Superintedent jobs as per the details below: Government of India Ministry of Railways Railway Recruitment Boards CENTRALISED EMPLOYMENT NOTICE (CEN) No.02/2019 for PARAMEDICAL CATEGORIES

Name of the Post: Lab Superintedent

Pay Level: 6 Salary: Rs. 35,400 Minimum Educational Qualifications: B.Sc with Bio-Chemistry / Micro Biology / Life science / B.Sc with Chemistry and Biology as main or as optional/subsidiary subjects or equivalent plus Diploma in Medical Lab Technology (DMLT) or equivalent (OR) B.Sc in Medical Technology (Laboratory) from a recognized institution. Examination Fee & Mode of Payment: Candidates applying for the posts in this CEN have to pay the prescribed fee as per their category detailed below:

How to Apply: • Dates for Computer-Based Tests (CBTs) of recruitment process shall be intimated through Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) websites listed at Para 20.0 of this notice. • Railway Recruitment Boards invite ONLINE applications from eligible candidates as mentioned at 4.0 of this CEN for the posts of Paramedical Categories. • Candidates should ensure that they possess/fulfil all the eligibility conditions prescribed for the post(s) as on the closing date of online registration (02.04.2019). CANDIDATES WAITING FOR FINAL RESULTS OF PRESCRIBED EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION SHOULD NOT APPLY. • Before filling up the online application, candidates are advised to thoroughly read the entire instructions and information in the detailed CEN available on the official websites of RRBs. • Candidates are advised to visit only official websites of the RRBs indicated at Para 20.0 of the CEN and be very cautious about fake websites and job racketeers. • Candidates should have their own Mobile Number and valid & active e-mail ID as RRBs shall send all recruitment related communications only through SMS and e-mail. The Mobile Number and e-mail ID should be active until the completion of the recruitment process. RRBs will not entertain any request for change of mobile number and e-mail address at any stage. • Vacancies for the various posts notified are given at Annexure-B • Level of the post and Pay: It is indicated against each post at Annexure-A. • Age Limit as on 01.07.2019:

• The lower and upper age limits prescribed for each post are indicated at Para 5.1 with relevant upper age relaxation. • Medical Standard: • Candidates must ensure that they fulfill the prescribed medical standards for the post(s) they are opting for. Candidates who are found medically unsuitable for the opted post(s) shall not be given any alternative appointment. • Eligibility of the candidates will be considered only on the strength of the information furnished in the ONLINE Application. Candidates need NOT send printouts of application or Certificates or copies to RRBs concerned by post. If at any stage of recruitment or thereafter, it is found that any information furnished by the candidate in his/ her application is false/incorrect or the candidate has suppressed any relevant information or the candidate does not satisfy the eligibility criteria for the post(s), his/her candidature will be rejected forthwith. Candidates can modify the application particulars except RRB chosen, E-mail ID and Mobile Number, even after submission of application, but within the last date of submission of application, by paying modification fee. However, after the last date for submission of application, RRBs shall not entertain any representation for modification of the information furnished in the application. • Stages of Exam: There shall be a single stage Computer Based Test (CBT). However, RRBs reserve the right to conduct additional CBTs.

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• Negative Marking: There shall be negative marking for incorrect answers in CBTs. 1/3rd of the marks allotted for each question shall be deducted for each wrong answer. • Banned items:Electronic gadgets like Mobile phones, Bluetooth, pen drive, laptops, calculators, wrist watches or any other communication devices or pen/pencil, wallets/purses, belts and metallic wears including ornaments etc., are strictly NOT allowed inside the examination hall. Any infringement of this instruction will entail summary rejection besides legal action including debarment from future • examinations. • Candidates are advised in their own interest not to bring any of the above banned items to the venue of the examination, as arrangements for safe keeping cannot be assured.

March 12th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 69

• Center/City allocation will depend upon technical and logistical feasibility. Candidates may have to travel to other Cities/ States. • Candidates are required to go through the Post Parameter Table, Vacancy Table and ascertain their eligibility to apply through ONLINE mode to any one RRB only, depending upon their eligibility for a post. The selection of RRB once exercised shall be final. Application to more than one RRB will lead to rejection of all the applications.

200+ FSSAI Latest Job Openings 2019 – Food Safety Officer Vacancy


overnment jobs for biosciences candidates for Assistant Director / Assistant Director (Technical) / Technical Officer / Central Food Safety Officer / Junior Assistant Grade – I / Deputy Manager / Assistant Manager vacancies. Interested

and eligible candidates can check out all of the details on the eligibility, application procedure and more below: Here’s your chance to work in one of the country’s most innovative Public Authorities that touches the lives of every citizen, every day.

WE ARE LOOKING FOR YOU IF: • You have a passion for food safety and nutrition. • You desire to work on meaningful projects. • You are committed to making a real difference. WHO CAN APPLY? • Opening for direct recruitment • Experienced and fresher both can apply. If you are willing to go that extra mile to ensure safe & nutritious food for all through a circle of trust between the citizens, food business and the regulator LOCATIONS: Currently, FSSAI has its offices & labs at Delhi NCR [New Delhi & Ghaziabad], Kolkata, Mumbai [City

and JNPT], Chennai and Guwahati. All posts are transferrable throughout the country, while, efforts would be made to place you at the location of your choice in the initial appointment. REMUNERATION & OTHER BENEFITS: Central government pay scales as per 7th Pay Commission Rates apply. Government GPRA housing and pension under NPS available. HOW TO APPLY: what are you waiting for? Start applying from 15/03/2019 For details & online submission of application, please visit at www.fssai. Deadline: by 14.04.2019


March 12th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 69


Govt HPSSC, Dept of Health Safety & Regulation – Scientist (Drugs) Recruitment


overnment Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission Jobs for BSc & MSc Biochemistry / Food Technology and Microbiology candidates with relevant experience for Scientist vacancies. Interested and eligible candidates can check out all of the details concerning the same below: HIMACHAL PRADESH STAFF SELECTION COMMISSION HAMIRPUR DISTT. HAMIRPUR (H.P.)-177001 Advertisement No. 35 -1/ 2019 Dated: 01.03.2019 Name of Post: Sr. Scientist (Drugs) No. of Posts: 02 Post Code: 737 Department: Health Safety & Regulation Pay Scale: 34800+3800GP


Essential Qualifications: In the event you graduate in Science or Medicine (B.Sc. Medical/ Non-Medical) or Pharmacy or Pharmaceutical Chemistry or Biochemistry or Medical Laboratory Technology or Microbiology or Food and Drugs of a University established in India by the Law or has an equivalent qualification from a University recognized and notified by the Central Government for such purpose with eight years experience in testing of drugs from an Institution/Organisation approved by the Central/State Government from Time to Time. OR Ought to Be post Graduate in Medicine or Science or Pharmacy or Pharmaceutical Chemistry or Biochemistry or Medical Laboratory Technology or Microbiology or Food and Drugs of a University established in India from the Law or an Associate of Institution of Chemists (India) by examination with analysis of Drugs and Pharmaceuticals as one of the subject or has an equivalent qualification from a university recognized and notified by the Central Government for such purposes with five years experience in analysis of drugs from an

Institution / Organization approved by the Central/State Government from Time to Time. Desirable Qualifications: Knowledge of customs, manners and dialects of Himachal Pradesh and suitability for the appointment at the Peculiar conditions prevailing in the Pradesh. How to Apply: Online Applications are encouraged for direct recruitment of above-mentioned categories of posts using the site of Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission i.e. http:// The online application can be filled up from 05.03.2019 to 04.04.2019 till 11.59 PM, the site link will be disabled. The candidates are strictly advised to apply online well in advance to prevent rush during final dates of submission of Online Recruitment Applications. No offline Application Form will be accepted by the Commission.

(a) Online Payment Gateway or (b) Offline computer generated Challan or (c) Lokmitra Kendra

The downloaded copy of the online application form together with necessary original certifications and self-attested photocopies have to be brought at the time of documentation/Evaluation for 15 marks.

In case of non- possession of Credit Card /Debit Card/Net Banking facility a candidate may adopt this mode of payment. The candidate will print an offline computer generated challan and deposit fee at any of the nearest branches of any bank. The bank charges, in this case, would be applicable. However, the candidate has an option of printing e-challan for PNB and deposit the fee through the nearest PNB branch without any extra charge. After depositing the requisite fee in the bank, the

The date for determining the eligibility of all candidates in regard to Essential Qualification(s) and Experience, if any, etc. ) will be the prescribed final date for submission of Online Recruitment Application (ORA) Form i.e. 04.04.2019 until 11.59PM. Age: The maximum and minimum age limit of 18 to 45 years [ For Postcode 738 (18 to 30 years)] will be reckoned according to 01-01-2019. The upper age limit is relaxable by five years for candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe and Other Backward Classes, Persons with disabilities & Children/ Grand Children of Freedom Fighters of Himachal Pradesh. The upper age relaxation is also available to Ex-servicemen applicants of H.P. according to provisions of applicable rules/instructions of H.P. Govt. Mode of Payment: Candidates can pay requisite Exam. Fee through one of the following modes:-

Online Payment Gateway: The candidate can deposit the requisite fee through the online payment gateway using Credit Card/Debit Card/ Net Banking. There will be no extra charge using this mode. Offline Challan:



candidate is required to update his fee details i.e. Transaction ID, Branch Code and date of payment etc. through his user ID on Online Recruitment Applications (ORA). Guidance for Candidates: In case of any guidance/information/clarification regarding their Online Recruitment Applications (ORA), candidature etc. candidates may contact HPSSC Reception Counter in person or on Phone No. 01972-222204,222211, Toll-Free No. 1800-180-8095 or on email ID i.e. on any working day between 10:00 A.M. to 05:00 P.M. Important Dates: • Opening date for submission of Online Recruitment Application (ORA) Form: 05.03.2019 • Closing date for submission of Online Recruitment Application (ORA) Form: 04.04.2019 till 11:59 PM



March 12th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 69

Life Sciences Scientist Job With Rs. 57,000/Salary pm @ ICMR


ife Sciences candidates with an MSc or PhD degree are encouraged to attend the walk-in interview for Scientist vacancy at ICMR. MSc & PhD Life Sciences candidates can apply for the Scientist ‘C’ Non-Medical positions that are available at ICMR, New Delhi. ICMR Recruitment 2019 for life sciences candidates for Scientist positions. Scientist Jobs as per details below: Position: Scientist C (Non-Medical) No. of Posts: (1 post) Name of the Project: “Establishment or the Indian Stroke Clinical Trial Network (lNSTRuCT Network)” Essential Qualifications: Candidates should possess 1st Class Master Degree in Life Sciences OR 2nd Class M.Sc + PhD degree in Life Sciences from a recognized university with four years experience.

Desirable Qualifications: (i) Qualification / Training / Experience in Clinical Research or Public Health (ii) Good Communication and writing skills/Publications /Policy Documents. (iii) Knowledge of Computer Application/ Drug / Device Regulations, Working with the State Health Department. Job Description: The candidate is required to coordinate the activities of “INSRuCT Network”, designing and 1nonitoring the trials under this network and assist the Prugra1nme Officer in the review of clinical trials, preparations of policy briefs and reports.

Age limit: not exceeding 40 years How to Apply:

Desired applicants may sub1nit their application along with a copy of their bio-data & supporting documents at the time of walk-in-interview which will be held on 20th March 2019 (Thursday) from 9:00 A.M onwards at Library Room, 1st Salary: Rs. at 51.000/- plus at 6660/- Floor, ICMR Hqrs. Office, V. Rama(30 percent HRA) = at 57,660/- per lingaswami, Bhawan, Ansari Nagar, month New Delhi – 110029. No application

will be entertained after 10:00 A.M (Please bring 5 copies of your CV & certificates of your educational qualification, experience) etc. • Date, Time & Venue of Interview: 20th March 2019 (Thursday) from 9:00 A.M onwards at Library Room, 1st Floor, ICMR Hqrs. Office, V. Ramalingaswami, Bhawan, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi – 110029.


March 12th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 69

Unknown Facts About CRISPR cas9 Gene Editing Technique WEEKLY PODCAST

Episode 21 And today we will talk about the hottest topic all around, CRISPR! Making scientific headlines for the past few years, all we can say about CRISPR technology is that, it is no less than a medical revolution bestowed upon mankind. It is by far the most efficient and accurate method to edit a cell’s genome. CRISPR technology uses very specific DNA scissors, which can be an invaluable tool for correcting genetic mutations that cause deadly diseases like HIV, cystic fibrosis, and cancer, just to name a few. CRISPR can absolutely work wonders. On one hand, it opens up a myriad of new avenues for gene engineering, and on other, CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing method could bring frightening ethical challenges into healthcare in the future. Allow us to take you through some amazing creativities which are possible through CRISPR technology, the best part of which is that they are nature’s own tools. Find an answer to Questions like Where could CRISPR get us in future? Is it Ethical? and much more. Voice of Biotecnika by Ms. Urmimala Ray


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