Biotecnika Times 22nd Oct 2019 Edition

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October 22nd, 2019

Vol. 03

NO 101

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October 22nd, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 101

Is Cryosleep Biologically Possible? It’s A Fiction Or Can Be A Reality? Tons of movies nowadays are based upon space exploration and the idea of relocating mankind to another planet – a better environment in the future. If this were to be done, a safe planet with a habitable environment would be required at first. SINCE MAN HAS THE KNOWLEDGE ABOUT MAJOR PLANETS WITHIN OUR SOLAR SYSTEM, IT IS QUITE POSSIBLE, THAT HE MIGHT WANT TO WANDER BEYOND. IN ORDER TO DO THAT, HE WOULD HAVE TO TRAVEL MILLIONS OF LIGHT-YEARS AND YET NEEDS TO BE ALIVE TO TELL THE TALE. By Rashmi Sanyal

Now imagine relocating an entire species or at most, the entire life-form present on Earth. By the time they would land on the destined planet, they would either become old, fragile or perish during the attempt. The answer to this, however, has been shown in countless movie animations and it is a state called – ‘cryosleep’.

loved ones might not be accompanying him, hence they would have aged and perished on Earth as the clock ticks, while he would not have aged a single day! It would probably have a social impact on a person’s mental Cryosleep – The concept: health. Nevertheless, preserving the Now let us understand whether its body seems quite interesting in itself. real phenomena to begin with? We do know the various processes to pre- In order to survive, the vitals would serve life, but how to sustain it for have to be kept in order and would need to be monitored every second. years together, is the question? We find huge machines and leads Cryosleep is a process in which a connected with the man’s hibernating person is put into a state of suspend- life form, that can induce sleep, moned animation using a drug or a cham- itor as well as jolt him awake. ber or something very cold and it is a common sci-fi trope. It may be Past and Present scenario: called a way to cheat death, where a person’s life form may be suspended Preservation of life forms frozen in in -200 degrees Celsius and probably ice has been the aim of many scientists preserved in liquid nitrogen. But will in the past decade. There are many inthere be a chance to wake up from stances of animal and human bodies found in the ice, frozen, yet preserved this hibernation? and not damaged by the extreme temOn the silver screen, we have seen perature. This makes the concept of a many actors wake up from slumber ‘cryosleep’ sound doable. when their names are called or a button is pressed on their huge casket The first person to be cryopreserved like machines. But how plausible is was Dr. James Bedford in 1967. He died of kidney cancer, but his will that in real life? was to be put into a cryo-chamber, in hopes that one day in the future, docWould he be as alive as before? tors will be able to bring him back. Would he be able to move, walk, Robert Ettinger, a science fiction talk, think, as he was before? writer and physics instructor whose It would probably feel like a hiber- idea of freezing the dead for future nation period, only for years together. reanimation repelled most scientists If we look at his life at a social lev- died in 2011 and went on to found el, it is quite possible that in his lone the Cryonics Institute in Michigan journey, his friends, relatives, and where he, his mother and his first and second wives all now reside in metal

flasks kept at −196 °C. Death sounds it is more like a long and deep sleep. irreversible but can be argued. The institute believes, if this holds true, we would be able to accomplish With advancing science and tech- space travel easily, without the fear of nology, life expectancy has increased losing the intelligence to do it. This multiple folds and the day is not far will increase the sustainability and where major illnesses will be cured success rate of relocation to Mars in in the blink of an eye. We have heard the near future. of many instances of near-death experience, where a person has been re- Drawbacks and Limitations – Is vived despite losing the vital signs of Cryosleep Biologically Possible?: life for minutes together. What if this could be extended a little more with If we dive into biology, our body is the support of technology? Although made of 50-75% water, which means the concept has never become main- our cells have a lot of water content. stream, around six companies were If we were to freeze this tissue, we established in the 1970s to use the will increase the chance of the water technology. But the majority could turning into ice crystals. Freezing wanot cover the fixed costs of preserv- ter into this form allows it to expand ing the bodies, thus went bankrupt, and hence damage the cells. Just like and the number of people choosing to vehicles in winter, our body would resign up is steadily increasing year on quire antifreeze liquid, to be able to year. remain undamaged. There are now nearly 300 cryogenically frozen individuals in the US, another 50 in Russia, and a few thousand prospective candidates signed up. There are even more than 30 pets at Alcor’s chambers, the largest cryonics organization in the world in Arizona, that has been around since 1972. Current Ventures: There are many attempts to give shape to this dream. Space Works Enterprise works in collaboration with NASA to build a stasis chamber, to bring this concept into reality. When the mild hyperthermia is induced, we may call it suspended animation, but

Scientists are trying to replace blood and body fluid with antifreeze liquids to help in this process. Now when the tissues will be frozen, instead of ice crystals forming, the solid tissue will clump up together as a single mass similar to glass, by a process now termed as vitrification. As the cells would be prevented from bursting, this could sustain the life form for a longer period of time. But can the heart, liver, brain survive this? Can it be stored, without the loss of critical functions? The answer to this may lie

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in robotics. Storing and restoring ‘oneself’: On a parallel timeline, people have started exploring the concept of computers and robots gaining emotions and the ability to think. We have successfully ‘downloaded’ the thought process of animals and insects into artificial machinery. Now, could the brain and being of an individual be ‘downloaded’ in the same way.

Could that information be preserved cal treatment – cryosurgery or cryoalong with the life form, for a future ablation. ‘awakening’? Future: Cryotherapy – the basis of cryosMany questions in this area, how to leep: use it advisably, what could go wrong Cold temperature, cold water, ice etc have been slowing down the repacks have been known to have medi- search pace. However, plenty of recal benefits. Cryotherapy has been in- search is ongoing in this context. Very itiated in institutes, however, it is not soon the answers will change human FDA approved for the entire body. It history. is employed in treating tissue lesions and also employed as a part of surgi- Cryosleep is not just science fiction


anymore, it is taking shape of reality. It is an exciting field and concept but also has an ethical constraint to it. Though the technology has been theoretically conceptualized, the practical application and the chance of success is the major limitation in this area of research. If man overcomes this challenge, it will be a huge step in saving and preserving life and intelligence as we know it.

ICAR-NET 2019 : Check Eligibility, Application Details & Deadline Agricultural Scientist Recruitment Board (ASRB) ICAR-NET 2019 notification has been released. Interested candidates can check out all of the details on the centres, prescribed educational qualifications, age limit, application fees, application procedure, instructions and more given below AGRICULTURAL SCIENTISTS RECRUITMENT BOARD (DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH AKD EDUCATION) MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND FARMERS’ WELFARE KRISHI ANUSANDHAN BHAVAN-I. PUSA, NEW DELHI-110012 NOTIFICATION ICAR-NATIONAL ELIGIBILITY TEST – 2019 By Diluxi Arya

The Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board (ASRB) will hold ICAR-NET-2019 Examination during 09.12.2019 to 15.12.2019 (tentatively) in Online mode at 32 Centres across India in a staggered slot-wise examination format as per the Rules and Scheme of Examination indicated in this notification. Online registration for the examination shall start from 11.00 hrs on 15.10.2019 till 17.00 hrs on 04.11.2019. Candidates are advised to read the notification carefully before filling the Online Application Form. 2. National Eligibility Test (NET) is a qualifying examination for determining eligibility for the position of Lecturer/Assistant Professor in the State Agricultural Universities (SAUs) and other Agricultural Universities (AUs). Candidates clearing the National Eligibility Test will be eligible to apply for the post of Lecturers or Assistant Professors in the SAUs/ AUs. NET certificates will be issued by the ASRB to the qualified candi-

dates to enable them to apply against vacancies to be notified or advertised by the State Agricultural Universities/ Agricultural Universities. SAUs/AUs will satisfy themselves with regard to the fulfilment of prescribed eligibility condition/criterion for requisite posts of Lecturers/ Assistant Professors including the authenticity of the NET Certificate in the possession of the candidates. CENTRES: conducted in Online Computer Based Test (CBT) mode are mentioned in APPENDIX­ -I Candidates may select two (02) centres in order of their preference. The ASRB will make all efforts to allot preferred centre of the first choice. However, the Centres of Examination could be changed at the discretion of ASRB. Candidates must select the centre of examination carefully. No request for change of centre would be entertained

declared to be deemed University under Section 3 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956 or he/she must have qualification from a foreign University recognized as equivalent by PRESCRIBED EDUCATIONAL the Government of India (Gol). The QUALIFICATIONS list of Disciplines and its prescribed educational qualifications are as givand specialization completed on or en in APPENDIX – I. before the closing date of online application i.e. 04.11.2019 from any AGE LIMIT: Indian University incorporated by an Act of Central or State Legislature in A candidate must have attained the India or other educational institution age of 21 years as on 01.07.2019. established by an Act of Parliament or Next Page>>>> at a later stage. There may be more than one venue at any/all centres depending upon the number of candidates.



There is no upper age limit for the A candidate must read the proviNational Eligibility Test. sions, contained in this Notification for ICAR-NET (II) * As per OM No. 20013/01/2018-BC- – 2019 Examination carefully and II dated 17.01.2019 issued by the abide by the same. A candidate must Ministry of Social Justice and Em- fulfil all the conditions of eligibility powerment and the OM No. 12- regarding age limit, educational qual4/2019-Ul dated 17.01.2019 as well as ifications, etc. prescribed for admisthe letters No. 35-2/2019-T.S.I dated sion to the examination. 21.01.2019, 01.02.2019, 04.02.2019 and 15.02.2019 of MHRD Depart- The online application process ment of Higher Education regard- will be opened from 11.00 Hrs ing implementation of reservation on 15.10.2019 to 17.00 Hrs on for Economically Weaker Sections 04.11.2019 after which the link will (EWSs) for admission in Central Ed- automatically get disabled. ucational Institutions. ** OBC candidates whose caste is IMPORTANT NOTES: not enlisted in Central List (as available on National Commission for 1. Candidates must ensure that they Backward Classes website www. fulfil aU the eligibility conditions for and who are not covered admission to the examination such as under the provisions as applicable to the qualification, discipline, age, catOBC-Non Creamy Layer (NCL) can- egory, etc. Their admission to the exdidates, shall be treated as General amination will be purely provisional. Category candidates for all purposes. If at any stage, it is found that they do Accordingly, OBC Candidates be- not fulfil . all eligibility conditions; longing to Creamy Layer shall indi- their candidature will be cancelled/ cate their category as ‘General’. rejected and fee paid for the examination will be forfeited. Transaction charges for Debit Card/ Credit Card/NEFf/ payment, as the ii. The candidates are not required to case may be, will have to be borne by attach a copy of any of the documents the candidate. /certificates in support of their candidature at the time of submission of The fee must be paid online through online application. However. the canthe online application form available didates in their own interest must saton the website: isfy themselves about their eligibility in only. for the test. In the event of any ineligibility being detected by the Board For Online payment: Payment can at any stage, including after declarabe made through Debit Card/Cred- tion of result, their candidature shall it Card/Net Banking from 11.00 be cancelled and they shall be liable hrs on 15.10.2019 till 17.00 hrs on for legal action. 04.11.2019. iii. OBC candidates whose caste is NUMBER OF ATTEMPTS: not listed in Central List (as available on National Commission for BackThere is no restriction on the number ward Classes website www.ncbc.nic. of attempts for appearing in the Na- in) and who are not covered under the tional Eligibility Test. provisions as applicable to OBC-Non Creamy Layer (NCL) candidates, PLAN OF EXAMINATION: shall be treated as General Category candidates for all purposes. AccordThe Detailed Plan of Examination is ingly, OBC Candidates belonging to given in APPENDIX-III. Creamy Layer shall indicate their category as ‘General’. RULES OF EXAMINATION: iv. In case the claim of candidates reThe Rules of Examination are given garding Age, Educational Qualificain APPENDIX-IV. tions, Scheduled Caste (SC)/ Scheduled Tribe (ST)/ Other Backward HOW TO APPLY: Class (OBC)/Divyang is found to be incorrect, it may render them liable to A candidate seeking admission to be disqualified by the Board and their the Examination must apply online candidature will stand cancelled. in the prescribed Application Form available on the website: http://www. v. Due care should be taken by the Important Instructions to candidates to fill up their application the candidates for filling online appli- form. No request for a change in any cation are given in Annexure-1. field i.e., Centre of Examination, Discipline, Name, Father’s Name, Date

October 22nd, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 101

of Birth, Gender, e-mail Id, Mobile No., Phone No., Category, Medium of Examination etc. will be considered under any circumstances except bonafide spelling mistakes etc. Candidates are therefore advised to be very careful while filling up their application forms.

in the Application Form for update(s)/ information/ communication with regard to the Examination. They must check the spam/junk/inbox/trash folders also of the mailbox. They are also advised to save the e-mail net2019@ in contacts of their e-mail account so as the e-mails with attachments sent by this e­mail I.D. do not vi. Not more than one application go to the spam folder. should be submitted by any candidate. In case multiple applications are xiii. Syllabus for ICAR-NET-2019 received from a candidate, the latest Examination is available on the Sylvalid ( completed) application will labus Link on ASRB’s website: http:// only be considered, ignoring all earli- er applications(s) and the application fee paid for the other multiple regis- ASRB’s website: http://www.asrb. tration(s) will stand forfeited. ➔ NET/ARS Notifications / Other Instructions ➔ Syllabus for vii. No candidate will be allowed to various disciplines take the examination unless he/she in/9-syllabus/27-syllabus ). holds a certificate of admission for the examination. After downloading xiv. All communications in respect the Admission Certificate, check it of an application made for this Excarefully and bring discrepancies/er- amination should be addressed to the rors, if any, to the notice of Control- Controller of Examinations, ASRB, ler of Examinations, ASRB, KAB – I, KAB – I, Pusa, New Delhi – 110012 Pusa, New Delhi – 110012 or e-mail or e-mail to and to immediately. should invariably contain the following particulars:viii. In the event of a candidate being issued more than one admission 1. Name and year of Examinationcertificate from the Board, he/she ICAR-NET – 2019 should use only one of these Admis- 2. Name of candidate (In full and in sion Certificates for appearing in the Capital letters) examination and inform about the 3. Registration No. same immediately to the Controller 4. Centre of Examination of Examinations, ASRB, KAB – I, 5. Roll No. (If communicated) Pusa, New Delhi – 110012 or e-mail 6. E-mail id (as indicated in the Apto plication Form) 7. Telephone/Mobile number ix. No request for withdrawal of candidature/application received from Note: – Communication received a candidate after he/she has submit- without proper mention of the above ted his/her application will be enter- particulars will not be entertained. tained. xv. Please note that carrying Mobile x. The Admission Certificates would Phones/Bluetooth devices/ pagers or be made downloadable from the web- any other electronic communication site: and http:// device is absolutely prohibited in the only. Candidates are Examination Centre premises. Any requested to visit the website: www. infringement of this instruction can and regu- lead to disqualification. Candidates larly for updates. All the information are advised in their own interest not related to the examination will be up- to bring any of these item( s) to the loaded/ updated on this website only. Examination venue since the proviNo other form of communication will sion for their safe keeping cannot be be used for the issue of admission cer- assured. The candidates are also adtificates. vised not to bring any valuable/costly items to the Examination Venue. The xi. In case of any discrepancy (spell- Board will not be responsible for any ing or surname etc.) in name or fa- loss incurred due to non-adherence of ther’s name of the candidate, he/she these instructions. will be required to submit an original affidavit indicating the discrepancy xvi. The ICAR-NET – 2019 Examand certifying the correct name along with other supporting documents at the time of their submission. xii. The applicants are advised to regularly check the e-mail provided

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ination will be conducted in Online mode at the designated Centres. The answers are to be indicated on the Computer itself during the Examination. xvii. In case of any discrepancy between English and Hindi versions of the information, the English version as available on the Website of the Board will be treated as final. xviii. This notification including Online Application shall be available on ASRB’s Website: http://www.asrb. and xix. The candidates are required to bring along the original of any of the valid Photo Identity Card like Voter Card/ Aadhar Card/ Passport/ Driver’s License/ PAN card apart from the Admission Certificate to be issued by ASRB, at the time they appear for the Examination. Please note, that in

case the candidate does not present the original of the Identity Card at the registration desk at the centre, he/she will not be allowed to take the examination under any circumstances.

or false or for suppressing material information or otherwise resorting to any other irregular or improper means for obtaining admission to the examination, or for using or attempting to use unfair means or for misbehaviour xx. The decision of the Board as to or misconduct in the examination hall, the eligibility or otherwise of a candi- may, in addition to rendering himself date for admission to the examination be liable to criminal prosecution: shall be final. a) Be debarred permanently or for a xxi. Any attempt on the part of a specified period. candidate to obtain support for his candidature by any means may dis- • By the Board, from admission to qualify him from admission to the ex- any examination or appearance at an amination. interview held by the Board for selection of candidates and xxii. A candidate who has been de- • By the Indian Council of Agriculclared by the Board guilty of imper- tural Research from Employment unsonation or for online submitting der them wrong/incorrect/misleading/false information or for submitting fabricat- b) Will be liable to disciplinary aced documents or documents which tion under the appropriate rules if he/ have been tampered with or for mak- she is already in service under Goving statements which are incorrect ernment/ Indian Council of Agricul-


tural Research/ State Agricultural Universities/ Other Agricultural Universities etc. For any clarification /assistance, Candidate may call ph. No. 01125848172 /25846166 during 10.00 hrs to 17.00 hrs (Monday to Friday, except Gazetted Holiday(s)) or contact the Controller of Examinations, ASRB, KAB -I, Pusa, New Delhi -110012 or e-mail to net2019@asrb. LAST DATE FOR FILLING OF ONLINE APPLICATION: The last date for filling up of online application form is 17.00 hrs on 04.11.2019.



October 22nd, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 101

FSSAI Latest Recruitment – Multiple Food Analysts Required Government jobs for biochemistry/microbiology and food technology candidates for Food Analyst vacancies. Food Analyst jobs for biochem/ food technology and microbiology candidates. INTERESTED AND ELIGIBLE CANDIDATES CAN CHECK OUT ALL OF THE DETAILS ON THE ELIGIBILITY, APPLICATION PROCEDURE AND MORE BELOW: By Diluxi Arya

Advt No:DR-03/2019 Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI), hereinafter referred to as ‘Food Authority’ is a statutory Body under M/o Health and Family Welfare. FSSAI has been developed for laying down science-based standards for articles of food and to regulate their manufacture, storage, distribution, sale and import to ensure availability of safe and wholesome food for the human intake to 130 crore residents of the country. For additionally strengthening its core proficiencies, FSSAI welcomes applications on direct recruitment basis from dynamic, competent and motivated applicants looking for interesting job opportunities in Food Regulatory System and intended to belong to our growth journey. Interested and eligible candidates can apply for the vacancies ONLINE, via our website 1. Applicants to Guarantee their Qualification for the Posts: Before applying, applicants need to ensure that they fulfil the eligibility criteria for the advertised posts. The candidates certified in Food Analyst Exam conducted by FSSAI are only qualified to apply for the post of Food Analyst. The Food Authority would admit to the Exams all the applicants applying for the post with the requisite fee/intimation charges (wherever applicable) on the basis of the info provided in the ONLINE application and shall determine their eligibility only at the last i.e. interview or document confirmation. If at that stage, it is discovered that any info furnished in the ONLINE application is incorrect/ wrong or if according to the Food Authority, the candidate does not satisfy the eligibility requirements for the post, his/ her candidature will be terminated and he/she will not be permitted to appear for an interview and can be removed from service without

notice, (b) Applicants are advised in their if he/she has actually already joined very own interest not to bring any the Authority. one of the banned items including mobile phones/pagers to the venue of 2. Mode of Application: the evaluation, as an arrangement for safe-keeping, can not be guaranteed. Candidates are required to apply only ONLINE with the Authority’s (c) Applicants are recommended not website No other to bring any valuable/costly items to mode for submission of application is the Examination Halls, as safe-keepavailable. ing of the very same can not be assured. The Authority will not be in 4. Help Facility: In case of any type charge of any loss in this regard. of trouble in filling out the form, payment of fee/intimation charges or in 6. Addendum/Corrigendum: Please downloading of Admission Letter, note that Addendum/Corrigendum, if queries may be made through email any type of, issued on the above adat vertisement will certainly be released only on the Authority’s website www. Do not neglect to mention ‘FSSAI’– DR-03/ 2019′ ‘Post Applied For’ in the subject of the e-mail. A. DETAILS OF POSTS:

will attract a starting basic pay in the Pay Level as specified against the post and they will likewise be eligible for Dearness Allowance, House Rent Allowance etc.

5. Use of MOBILE PHONES and various other digital devices BANNED:

(iv) The initial appointment will be on probation for a duration of two years. At Authority’s discretion, the probationary period might be extended up to a maximum duration of one year.

1. The FSSAI invites applications from eligible applicants for the posts mentioned below on direct recruitment basis. The overall number of vacancies shown listed below may vary based on administrative exigencies:

(ii) Seniority: Seniority will be fixed in order of their merit and as per extant standards of Govt. of India. (iii) Perquisites: Along with basic pay and other allowances, reimbursement of expenses for the newspaper, telephone charges etc. according to qualification will be applicable. Medical facilities for self and dependents under CGHS/ CS(MA). Regulations shall likewise apply. Chosen applicants will be governed by ‘the defined contributory New Pension Scheme (NPS)’, along with the benefit of Gratuity.

(a) The use of any mobile phone (even in switched off mode), pager or any electronic equipment or programmable device or storage media Name of the Post: Food Analyst (v) Selected applicants might be like pen drive, smartwatches etc. or (Pay Level-10) posted and transferred anywhere in camera or blue tooth devices or any India. other equipment or associated acces- Post Code: 01 sories either in working or switched B. ELIGIBILITY CONDITIONS: off mode capable of being used as a No. of Vacancies: UR-5 communication devise during the asI. Nationality: a candidate has to be sessment is strictly prohibited. Any Age Limit as on closing date of aptype of infringement of these direc- plication: 35 tions shall. involve corrective action consisting 2. SERVICE CONDITIONS: of ban from future evaluations. (i) Pay Scale: Selected Candidates Next Page>>>>

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in the instance of candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes or Scheduled a. a citizen of India, or. Tribes if at any stage of selection, the b. a subject of Nepal, or. competent authority feels that a sufc. a subject of Bhutan, or. ficient number of candidates from d. a Tibetan refugee that came to In- these communities possessing the dia prior to 1st January 1962 with the requisite experience is not most likely intention of permanently settling. to be available to fill up the openings or places of examination. The appliin India, or. reserved for them. cants ought to note that no ask for a e. an individual of Indian origin that change of centre will be entertained. has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, II. Shortlisting of Applicants for InSri Lanka, East African countries of terview – Applicants that meet the Note I: Applications without the preKenya, Uganda, the United Republic recommended minimum essential scribed Fee/ Intimation Charges shall of Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, qualifications for a particular post are be summarily rejected. Ethiopia and Vietnam with the inten- typically shortlisted. Nevertheless, tion of completely settling in India. the recommended essential qualificaKeep In Mind II: Fee once paid shall tions are the minimum and the mere not be reimbursed under any circumGiven that a candidate belonging to possession of the very same does not stances neither can the fee be kept in categories (b), (c), (d) and (e) will be entitle candidates to be shortlisted or reserve for any type of various other a person in whose favour a certificate called for an interview. In the event examination or selection. of qualification has been provided by of the number of applications being the Government of India. large, the Authority will adopt brief F. PROCEDURE TO APPLY ONlisting criteria to restrict the number LINE A candidate in whose instance a cer- of candidates to be called for intertification of qualification is essential view to a reasonable number by any or (1) Candidates are first required to may be admitted to the assessment yet even more of the following methods: go to the FSSAI’s website www.fssai. the offer of appointment may be giv- (i) On the basis of Desirable and click the link ‘Career’ and en just after the necessary eligibility cation (DQ) or anyone or every one then click the option “CLICK HERE certificate has actually been issued to of the DQs if more than one DQ is TO APPLY ONLINE FOR ADVERhim/her by the Government of India. prescribed. (ii) On the basis of highTISEMENT NO.DR-03/ 2019” to er educational qualifications than the open up the OnLine Application Name of Post: Food Analyst minimum suggested in the ad (iii) On Form. the basis of higher experience in the Educational and other qualifications appropriate field than the minimum (2) Applicants will have click on prescribed in the ad (iv) By counting “CLICK HERE FOR NEW REGIS(i) Master’s degree in Chemistry experience prior to or after the acquiTRATION” to register their applicaor Biochemistry or Microbiology or sition of essential qualifications (v) tion by entering their fundamental Dairy Chemistry or Food Technolo- By holding a Recruitment Test (vi) details in the online application form. gy, Food and Nutrition or Bachelor of Or any other criteria as Appointing Use special characters while filling Technology in Dairy or Oil or degree Authority decide. up the form will not be permitted. in Veterinary Sciences from a univerAfter that a provisional registration sity developed in India by law or is an D. Exam Assessment Centres: number and password will be generassociate of the Institution of Chemated by the system and displayed on ists (India) by exam in the section of I. Centers of exams will be intimated the screen. Candidate must write the Food Analysts conducted by the Insti- eventually. Provisional registration number and tution of Chemists (India) or any othpassword. An Email & SMS indicater equivalent qualification recognized II. The date of holding the exam will ing the Provisional Registration numand notified by the Central govern- be intimated eventually. ber and Password will additionally ment for such objectives and has not be sent. They can reopen the saved less than three years experience in the III. Candidates will appear for the data utilizing Provisional registration analysis of food; and. assessment at an Examination Cennumber and password and edit the detre at their own risks and costs. The tails if needed. (ii) Has been declared qualified for Authority does not make any arrangeappointment as a Food Analyst by a ments for boarding/lodging of appli(3) Candidates are required to upboard appointed and notified by the cants. Authority will not be accountload their photograph and signature Authority. able for any kind of injury or losses based on the specifications given in etc. of any nature during the course of the Desirable: Graduate Aptitude Test Examination. Guidelines for Scanning and Upload Engineering or Council of Scientifof Photograph and Signature (Annexic and Industrial Research or Indian IV. Interviews: Interviews will be ure ). Council of Agricultural Research Na- conducted at FSSAI, Head office. tional Eligibility Test. (4) Applicants are advised to meticNOTE: Regardless of the aforesaid ulously fill out the on the internet apKeep in mind 1: Qualifications are provision, the Authority reserves the plication themselves as no change in relaxable at the discretion of the ex- right to alter the Centres at their disany one of the data filled up in the on perienced authority in the case of can- cretion if the situation demands. All the internet application will be possididates otherwise well qualified. the Examination Centres will cater to ble/ entertained. Before submission of exam for Low Vision Candidates in the online application, applicants are Note 2: The qualification( s) pertain- their particular centres. Candidates encouraged to use the “SAVE AND ing to experience is relaxable at the admitted to the examination will be NEXT” facility to confirm the infordiscretion of the competent authority informed of the time table and place mation in the online application form

and modify the very same if required. No change is allowed after clicking on FINAL SUBMIT Button. Visually Impaired applicants are accountable for very carefully verifying/ obtaining the information completed, in the on the internet application form and guaranteeing that the same are correct prior to submission as no change is possible after submission. G. MODE OF PAYMENT Candidates have to make the payment of requisite fees/ intimation charges with ONLINE mode only: (i) Candidates should very carefully complete the information in the On-Line Application at the appropriate places extremely thoroughly and click the “FINAL SUBMIT” button at the end of the On-Line Application format. Prior to pressing the “FINAL SUBMIT” button, candidates are suggested to validate every field completed the application. The name of the applicant or his/ her father/husband etc. needs to be spelt correctly in the application as it appears in the 10th class certificates/mark sheets. Any kind of change/alteration found may disqualify the candidature. In case the applicant is not able to complete the application form in one go, he/ she can save the data currently entered. As soon as the application is completed completely, the applicant ought to Final Submit the data. (ii) The application form is integrated with the payment gateway and the payment process can be completed by following the instructions. (iii) The payment can be made by using Debit Cards, Credit Cards, Internet Banking by providing information as asked on the screen. (iv) After Final Submit, an added page of the application form is presented where applicants may adhere to the instructions and fill up in the requisite information. (v) If the on the internet transaction has actually not been successfully fin-

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ished after that candidate is encouraged to login once more with their provisionary registration number and password and pay the Application Fees/ Intimation Charges online. (vi) On successful completion of the transaction, an e-receipt will be generated. (vii) Applicants are required to take a printout of the e-receipt and online application form consisting of fee information. Please note that if the exact same can not be produced, online transaction might not have actually been successful. Note: After submitting your payment information in the on the internet application form, please wait for the intimation from the webserver, DO NOT press Back or Refresh button in order to avoid a dual charge. For Credit Card users: All charges are listed in Indian Rupee. If you use a non-Indian credit card, your bank will convert to your local currency based upon prevailing exchange rates. To make certain the security of your data, please close the browser window when your transaction is finished. After completing the procedure of applying on-line consisting of payment of fees, the candidate must take a printout of the system produced internet application form, make certain the particulars filled out are exact and keep it along with Registration Number and Password for future recommendation. They need to not send this printout to the FSSAI. Please note that all the particulars stated in the online application including Name of the Applicant, Category, Date of Birth, Post Applied

for, Address, Mobile Number, Email ID, Centre of Examination etc. will be considered as final and no change/ modifications will be enabled after submission of the on the internet application form. Candidates are thus requested to fill out the online application type with the utmost care as no correspondence. regarding change of details will be entertained. FSSAI will not be accountable for any kind of consequences arising out of furnishing of inaccurate and insufficient information in the application or omission to FSSAI Advt No. DR-03/ 2019. An e-mail/ SMS intimation with the Registration Number and Password generated on successful registration of the application will be sent to the applicant’s email ID/ Mobile Number specified in the online application form as a system-generated acknowledgement. If candidates do not get the email and SMS intimations at the email ID/ Mobile number specified by them, they might take into consideration that their online application has actually not been successfully registered. An on the internet application which is insufficient in any respect such as without photograph and signature, inhuman/ improper photograph and/ or signature uploaded in the on-line application form/ not successful fee payment will not be considered as valid. Candidates are suggested in their own interest to apply on the internet much before the closing day and not to wait till the last date for depositing the fee to prevent the opportunity of disconnection/ failure/ failure to log on to the FSSAI website on account

October 22nd, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 101

of heavy load on internet/website jam. er. Applicants may be asked to send No Objection Certificate from the FSSAI does not presume any obliga- present employer. tion for the applicants not being able to send their applications within the KEEP IN MIND: Applicants are not last date on account of the aforesaid required to submit in addition to their factors or for any other reason beyond applications any type of certification the control of the FSSAI. Please note in support of their claims pertaining that the above procedure is the only to Age, Educational Qualifications, legitimate procedure for applying. No Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled Tribes/ other mode of application or incom- Other Backward Classes and Physiplete steps would be approved and cally disabled etc. which will be consuch applications would certainly be firmed at the time of the Interview rejected. Any information submitted only. Candidates coming from the by an applicant in his/ her application OBC. will be binding on the candidate per- category ought to have the most cursonally and he/she will be accounta- rent OBC certification issued by the ble for prosecution/ civil consequenc- Competent Authority. The candidates es in case the info/ details furnished applying for the posts need to make by him/ her is found to be incorrect at certain that they satisfy all the eligia later phase. bility conditions for admission to the Evaluation. Their admission in all the All applicants, whether already in stages of examination for which they Government Service, Government are admitted by the Authority or Inowned industrial undertakings or terview will be simply provisionary, various other similar organisations, subject to their satisfying the suggestwhether in a permanent or temporary ed eligibility conditions. If on vercapacity or as work charged employ- ification at any time before or after ees other than casual or daily rated the Examinations and Interview, it employees or those serving under is found that they do not satisfy any the Public Enterprises are required to one of the eligibility conditions; their submit an undertaking in the Online candidature for the examination will application that they have actually be cancelled by the Authority. If any informed in writing to their Head of one of their claims is discovered to Office/Department that they have ap- be incorrect, they might render themplied for the Exam. Applicants ought selves liable to disciplinary action by to keep in mind that in case a com- the Authority. munication is received from their employer by the Authority withholding Important Dates: authorization to the applicants applying for/appearing at the assessment, • Website Link Open For Online their application will be liable to be Registration of Applications rejected/candidature will be liable to and Payment of be cancelled. At the time of joining, • Fees/Intimation Charges: the recommended applicants will 16.10.2019 have to bring proper discharge certifi- • Last Date for Online Applicacations from theirs PSU/Government/ tion: 11.11.2019 (Till 11.59 PM) Quasi– Government/ Private employ-

October 22nd, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 101



Govt UPPSC Forest Officer / Food Safety Officer Exam Notification 2019 Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission jobs for eligible Indian nationals. Intersted applicants from science background can check out all of the details regarding the job, the vacancies, the timelines, the application procedure and more, which is all detailed below: UTTAR PRADESH PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION COMBINED STATE / UPPER SUBORDINATE SERVICES (PCS) (GENERAL RECRUITMENT / SPECIAL RECRUITMENT) EXAMINATION, 2019 AND ASSISTANT CONSERVATOR OF FOREST (A.C.F.) / RANGE FOREST OFFICER (R.F.O.) SERVICES EXAMINATION – 2019 DATE OF COMMENCEMENT OF ON-LINE APPLICATION: 16/10/2019 LAST DATE FOR RECEIPT OF EXAMINATION FEE ON-LINE IN THE BANK: 11/11/2019 LAST DATE FOR SUBMISSION OF ON-LINE APPLICATION: 13/11/2019

mit new online application with prescribed fee-only as previously deposited fee will neither be adjusted nor refunded.) he/she will be given only By Diluxi Arya one opportunity to modify it/them according to the procedure provided in Point No. 4 of the advertisement beImportant: fore the last date of the submission of application form. 1- Candidates applying for Assistant Conservator of Forest / Range Forest SPECIAL NOTICE: Officer Services Examination-2019 should note that they are required to (a) On-Line Applications will be appear in the Combined State / Up- accepted only when prescribed fee is per Subordinate Services (General deposited in the Bank upto prescribed Recruitment / Special Recruitment) last date for fee deposit. If the fee is (Preliminary) Examination and qual- deposited in Bank after the last date ify the same for going to the second prescribed for fee deposit, the on-line stage of Assistant Conservator of For- application of the candidate will not est / Range Forest Officer Services be accepted and the fee deposited in Main Examination (Written) and In- the Bank will not be refunded in any terview. condition. It will be responsibility of the candidates to deposit fee in the 2- Candidates desirous of applying Bank upto the last date prescribed for for Assistant Conservator of Forest / fee deposition and to ‘submit’ the apRange Forest Officer Services Exam- plication upto last date prescribed for ination as well as for Combined State/ submission of applications. It is also Upper Subordinate Services (General informed that any amount deposited Recruitment / Special Recruitment) in the form of examination fee shall Examination can apply through a not be refunded in any condition. Common Online Application Form subject to meeting the requisite Eligi- (b) In Online Application System, bility Criteria by them. the candidates have to provide their Mobile No. and valid E-mail ID in 3- If a candidate comes to know prescribed column failing which their about any error/errors in the submit- Basic Registration shall not be comted application form except in the pleted. All relevant informations / inexam. name and type of recruitment, structions shall be sent through SMS Registered Mobile Number, Email on that mobile and E-Mail on their ID, Aadhaar Number and such cas- vaild E-mail ID. es where prescribed fee for modified category is higher (In case of error NECESSARY INFORMATIONS in these entries, candidate may sub- TO APPLICANTS FOR FILL-

ING THEIR APPLICATIONS pleted in three stages: THROUGH ON-LINE First Stage: On clicking ”Apply”, This advertisement is also available Candidate Registration will be dison the Commission’s website http:// played. Basic Registration form will be displayed on clicking the ‘CandiThe online application system is ap- date Registration’ respective to Examplicable for applying against this ad- ination. After filling the Basic Regisvertisement. tration form, the candidates must Applications sent by any other mode check all the informations filled by shall not be entertained hence can- them. If any correction/modification didates are advised to apply On-line is required, click on “Edit” button and only. In connection with On-line ap- ensure the required corrections/modplication, candidates are advised to ifications. After being fully satisfied go through the instructions thorough- with all the informations filled, click ly given as under and apply accord- on the ‘Submit’ button. Consequently, ingly:the registration of the first stage shall be over. Thereafter ”Print Registra1. When the candidate clicks “ALL tion Slip” shall be displayed and Print NOTIFICATIONS/ADVERTISE- of Registration Slip must be taken by MENTS” on the Commission’s web- clicking on Print Registration Slip. site the On-line advertisement shall be automatically Second Stage: After the completion displayed, wherein there shall be 3 of the procedure of the first stage, parts as given below: ‘Fee to be deposited [in INR]’ shall be displayed with caption ”Click here to (i) User instructions proceed for payment”. After clicking (ii) View Advertisement the above caption of ”Click here to (iii) Apply proceed for payment”, the home page of State Bank MOPS (Multi Option A list of all the advertisements will Payment System) shall be displayed be displayed in which “On-line Sys- comprising of 03 modes of payment tem” is applicable. viz. (i) NET BANKING (ii) CARD The Instructions for filling “On- PAYMENTS and (iii) OTHER PAYline form” have been given in User MENT MODES. After depositing Instruction. The Candidates desirous the required fee by any one of the to see the advertisement will have to above-prescribed modes, ”Payment click before ‘View Advertisement’ to Acknowledgement Receipt (PAR)” which they are desirous to see, full advertisement will be displayed along with sample snapshots of ON-LINE Application Procedure. The online application will be comNext Page>>>>



October 22nd, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 101

shall be displayed along with detail of fee deposition, the print of which must be taken by clicking on ”Print Payment Receipt”. Third stage: On completion of the procedure of the second stage, click on ”Proceed for final submission of application form” as a result of which ‘format’ shall be displayed. The candidates are required to enter all the required informations in the format. The photo and signature, duly scanned shall be uploaded also. The candidate should scan his/her photograph and signature in the prescribed size (the size will be mentioned at the specified space in the On-line application). This should also be kept in notice that the photo must be the latest passport size. In case the photo and signature, scanned in the prescribed size, are not uploaded, then the On-line system will not accept it. The procedure-related for scanning of the photo and signature is laid down in the Appendix-1. After filling in all entries in the format, the candidates may click “PREVIEW” to see for themselves that all entries and information are correctly entered and after satisfying themselves should click “Submit” button to forward the same to the Commission. It is essential that the candidate should fill all informations On-line correctly according to the instructions given and click the ‘Submit’ button by the last date prescribed for submission of the application form. If the candidate does not click the “Submit” button, the ON-LINE application process shall not be completed finally and the candidate shall be accountable for this. After clicking the ‘Submit’ button, the candidate may take a print of the application to preserve it with them. In the event of any discrepancy, the candidate will be required to submit the said print in the office of the Commission, otherwise, his/her request shall not be entertained. No. of Vacancies: Presently, the number of vacancies for the Combined State / Upper Subordinate Services Examination under General Recruitment are about 300 and for Special Recruitment number of vacancy is 09 and for the Assistant Conservator of Forest / Range Forest Officer Services Examination the number of vacancies for the post of Assistant conservator of Forest is 02 and for the post of Range Forest Officer the number of vacancies is 53. NOTE: The no. of vacancies may increase or decrease on the request of the Govt. in special circumstances.

Under the Assistant Conservator of For the Post of Assistant ConservaForest / Range Forest Officer Servic- tor of Forest: es Examination the Pay Scale, grade pay and status of Post are given as ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATION: below: A Bachelor’s degree with at least one of the subject namely Botany, ZoolUnder the Assistant Conservator of ogy, Chemistry, Physics, MathematForest / Range Forest Officer Servic- ics, Geology, Forestry, Statistics or es Examination. a Bachelor’s degree in Agriculture or Bachelor’s degree in Engineering

from a University established by Law in India or a Foreign University approved by the Central Government from time to time, or a qualification recognised by the Government as equivalent thereto.

Army for a minimum period of two ter of direct recruitment. years, or (2) obtained a “B” certificate of N.C.C. shall other things be- 7. Reservation: The reservation for ing equal, be given preference in the Scheduled Castes of U.P./Scheduled matter of direct recruitment. Tribes of U.P./Other Backward Class candidates of U.P. shall be admissible FOR THE POST OF RANGE in accordance with the provisions of FOREST OFFICER: relevant Govt. Rules. Accordingly, reservation for the category under ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATION: horizontal as Dependents of Freedom A Bachelor’s Degree with two or Fighters of U.P, Ex-Serviceman of more of the subjects, namely Math- U.P., P.H. of U.P. and Women candiematics, Physics, Chemistry, Botany, dates shall be admissible on the setZoology, Forestry, Geology, Agricul- tlement of vacancies. Reservation for ture, Statistics, Horticulture and En- P.H. of U.P. shall be permissible for vironment or Bachelor’s Degree in the notified/identified Posts. SimilarAgriculture or Bachelor’s degree in ly, 10% reservation to Economically Engineering or Bachelor’s degree in weaker Sections (EWSs) is admissiVeterinary Science from a University ble for such candidates who are not established by Law in India or pos- covered under the existing scheme of sess a qualification recognized by the reservation for the Scheduled Castes Government as equivalent thereto. the Scheduled Tribes and Other Back Word classes and who are the domiPREFERENTIAL QUALIFICA- cile of U.P. State. TION: Note: (1) – Check Notification for more details. (2) The Candidates A candidate who has: (I) Served in claiming for the benefit of reservathe Territorial Army for a minimum tion/age relaxation must obtain, in period of two years, or (II) Obtained support of their category a certificate a ‘B’ Certificate of National Cadet issued by competent authority on the Corps, or (III) Represented the state proforma available in Appendix- 3 in any game, shall, other things being of the Website of this detailed adverequal, be given preference in the mat- tisement and shall submit the same to

the Commission when asked for. (3) All Reserved category candidates of U.P. must mention their Category/ Sub Category in the Application. (4) Candidates claiming reservation/age relaxation in more than one category will be entitled to only one concession, whichever is more beneficial to them. (5) The Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Class, Economically Weaker Section (EWSs), Dependents of Freedom Fighter, PH. and Ex-Serviceman candidates who are not the permanent residents of U.P. shall not be given the benefit of reservation/age relaxation. Such candidates shall be treated as the candidates of the unreserved. (6) In the case of women candidates, the caste certificate issued from father side only will be treated valid. (7) For ExArmy personnel, in case of availability of post in class-III, the reservation will be admissible as per rules. (8) It is mandatory for the candidates to enclose self-attested copies of all

PREFERENTIAL QUALIFICATION: A candidate who has (1) served in the Territorial

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the certificates along with the application forms of Main Examination in support of the claims made by them in their application forms of Preliminary Examination regarding eligibility and category/ subcategory, failing which their claim shall not be entertained. 10. EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION: For the posts included in the Combined State / Upper Subordinate Services (General Recruitment / Special Recruitment) Examination- The candidates must possess Bachelors Degree of any recognised University or equivalent qualification up to the last date for receipt of application. This should be mentioned by the candidate in the relevant column of their application form but for some posts, specific qualifications have been prescribed of which the details are given below: Specific qualifying posts through written examination and interview: Designated Officer / Food Safety Officer (1) Post Graduate Degree in Chemistry as one of the subjects from a University established by law in India or a qualification recognised by the Government as equivalent thereto, or (2) At least one of qualification prescribed for Direct Recruitment to the post of Food Safety Officer given as below: A Bachelor’s Degree in Food Technology or Dairy Technology or Biotechnology or Oil Technology or Agricultural Science or Veterinary Sciences or Bio-Chemistry or Mi-

crobiology or Post Graduate Degree in Chemistry or Degree in Medicine from a recognised University, or any other equivalent/recognised qualification notified by the Central Government, Provided that no person who has any financial interest in the manufacture, import or sale of any article of food shall be appointed to be a Food Safety Officer. 11. (i) AGE LIMIT: For the Combined State/Upper Sub-ordinate Services (General Recruitment / Special Recruitment) Examination and Assistant Conservator of Forest/ Range Forest Officer Services Examination: Candidates must have attained the age of 21 years and must not have crossed the age of 40 years on July 1, 2019 i.e. they must have not been born earlier than 2nd July, 1979 and not later than July 1, 1998. For PH candidates, the maximum age limit is 55 years i.e. they must have not been born before 02 July, 1964. (ii) Relaxation in Upper Age Limit: (a) Upper age limit shall be greater by five years for candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes of U.P., Scheduled Tribes of U.P., Other Backward Classes of U.P., Skilled players of U.P. of Classified Games, State Govt. Employees of U.P. including Teachers/Staff of the Basic Shiksha Parishad of U.P. and Teachers / Staff of the Government Aided Madhyamik Vidyalayas of U.P. i.e. they must have not been born before 2nd July 1974. (b) Upper age limit shall be greater by fifteen years for physically handicapped persons of U.P. (c) Upper age limit shall also be greater by five years for Group- ‘B’ posts for the

Emergency Commissioned Officers / Short Service Commissioned Officers / Ex-Army Personnel’s of U.P. who have rendered five years service in Army, but there shall be no reservation for Group- ‘B’ posts. In case of availability of Group-‘C’ posts in the Examination, the Age relaxation and reservation shall be given according to Rule. Detailed Application Form At the top of the page, there is a Declaration. The candidates are advised to go through the contents of the Declaration carefully. Candidate has the option either to agree or disagree with the contents of Declaration by clicking on ‘I agree’ or ‘I do not agree’ buttons. In case the candidate opts to disagree, the application will be dropped, and the procedure will be terminated. Accepting to agree only will submit the candidate’s Online Application. Notification Details: This section shows information relevant to the notification.


and your physical deformity. Education & Experience Details: It shows your educational and experience details. Candidate Address, Photo & Signature details: Here you will see your complete communication address and photo with your signature. Declaration Segment: At the bottom of the page there is a ‘Declaration’ for the candidates. Candidates are advised to go through the contents of the Declaration carefully. After filling all above particulars there is provision for preview your detail before final submission of application form on clicking on “Preview” button. Preview page will display all facts/particulars that you have mentioned on entry time if you are sure with filled details then click on “Submit” button to finally push data into server with successfully submission report that you can print. Otherwise using “Back” button option you can modify your details.

[CANDIDATES ARE ADVISED Personal Details: This section shows TO TAKE A PRINT OF THIS PAGE information about the candidate’s BY CLICKING ON THE “PRINT” personal details i.e. Registration OPTION AVAILABLE] Number, Candidate’s Name, Father/ Husband’s Name, Gender, Date of LAST DATE FOR RECEIPT OF Birth, UP domicile, Category, Marital APPLICATIONS: Online ApplicaStatus, Email-ID and Contact Num- tion process must be completed (inber. cluding filling up of Part-I, Part-II and Part-III of the Form) before the Other Details of Candidate: Other last date of form submission accorddetails of candidate shows the infor- ing to the advertisement, after which mation details about UP Freedom the Web. The link will be disabled. Fighter, Ex-Army, service duration



October 22nd, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 101

Tiny Water Droplets Helps Bacteria Survive Daytime Dryness On Leaves! Microscopic droplets on the surface of leaves help in the survival of bacteria that otherwise may not survive during the dry daytime. UNDERSTANDING THIS BACTERIAL SURVIVAL STRATEGY FOR DRY CONDITIONS MAY ENABLE RESEARCHERS TO DEVELOP TOOLS AND PRACTICES THAT SUPPORT HEALTHY PLANT MICROBIOMES IN AGRICULTURAL AND NATURAL SETTINGS. By Rahul Mishra

Scientists have long wondered how bacteria can survive as daytime temperatures and sunlight dry off leaf surfaces. The surface of an average plant leaf consists of about 10 million microbes—a population comparable to that of large cities. Maor Grinberg co-lead author of the study says that while leaves may appear to be completely dry during the daytime, there is evidence that they are frequently covered by thin liquid films or tiny droplets that are invisible to human life. He is a Ph.D. student at Hebrew University’s Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food, and Environment in Rehovot, Israel.

In the study, Grinberg, together with co-lead author and Research Scientist Tomer Orevi and team, recreated leaf surface-like conditions in their lab using glass plates that were exposed to various levels of humidity. They then conducted a series of experiments with more than a dozen different bacteria species in these conditions.

The Scientists observed that while these surfaces appeared dry to the naBacterial Survival In Dry Condi- ked eye, under a microscope, bacteria cells were safely shielded in minute tion- How Do They Do It? droplets.

Interestingly, larger droplets formed around aggregates of more than one cell, whereas only tiny droplets were seen around solitary cells. This microscopic wetness is caused by a process called deliquescence. It is a process in which hygroscopic substances, such as aerosols that are prevalent in leaves surface, absorb moisture from the atmosphere and dissolve within the moisture to form the droplets. Bacterial Survival In Dry Condition- How’s It Helpful?

The scientists found that bacteria cells could survive inside these droplets for more than 24 hours. The survival rates were much higher in larger droplets. These findings could have critical applications for agriculture as human practices may inadvertently interfere with this bacterial survival mechanism, endangering the health of crops and natural vegetation.

The US FDA Awards $4.1 Billion In Funding For Rare Disease Research

FDA recently announced the approval of two grants totaling $4.1 billion for rare disease research. The awards will specifically go to research for medullary thyroid carcinoma and Duchenne muscular dystrophy. It is expected that these subsequent findings will likely help researchers better understand the pathology of several illnesses. The US FDA approved approximately $1.7 million over four years for research into medullary thyroid carcinoma and roughly 2.4 million dollars over four years into research on Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Congress appropriates funding to The U.S. Food and Drug Administration to use for study on the disease, but often the most common diseases receive the majority of this funding. This new move will help spread resources to allow scientists to explore potential new treatments for less frequent diseases. With the natural history of many rare disorders remaining relatively unknown, efficiently developing di-

agnostics and therapies for patients poses unique challenges. Amy Abernethy, M.D., Ph.D. FDA Principal Deputy Commissioner, highlighted that FDA is committed to funding these critical studies to define how rare diseases develop and progress. Promoting and conducting work in this area is vital. Medullary thyroid carcinoma is a rare form of thyroid cancer. It accounts for only about 3% of all thyroid cancers. This form of thyroid cancer is caused by genetic alterations of cells found within the thyroid gland. FDA Funding For Disease ResearchScientists Who Received The Grants The grant was awarded to the Uni-

versity of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas, Elizabeth Grubbs’s prospective study. The study aims to leverage a multi-institutional registry to characterize disease variables and patient perspectives that inform decisions regarding initiation and adherence to chemotherapy in medullary thyroid cancer. The second grant by the USFDA was awarded to Vanderbilt University Medical Center (Nashville, Tennessee), Jonathan Soslow, for prospective research in cardiac disease in Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Duchenne muscular dystrophy is a genetic disorder characterized by progressive muscle degeneration and

weakness. This study aims to focus on cardiomyopathy (heart muscle disease), which is the leading cause of death in Duchenne muscular dystrophy. For individuals with DMD, cardiac disease, caused by the weakening of the heart muscles, is a common cause of death. The grant money will be used to combine genetic differences with imaging and blood biomarkers, which may allow doctors to predict the risk of cardiac disease in not only DMD but also other related illnesses.

By Rahul Mishra


October 22nd, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 101


Brain Tissues Kept Alive for Weeks on an Artificial Membrane A newly developed microfluidic device allowed scientists to keep the brain tissue from the suprachiasmatic nucleus alive for over 25 days. SCIENTISTS AT THE RIKEN CENTER FOR BIOSYSTEMS DYNAMICS RESEARCH IN JAPAN HAVE NOW DEVELOPED A NEW SYSTEM FOR KEEPING TISSUES VIABLE FOR LONG TERM RESEARCH STUDY ONCE TRANSFERRED FROM AN ANIMAL TO A CULTURE MEDIUM. By Ria Roy

This new system uses a microfluidic device that can keep tissues from both drying out & from drowning in fluid. A proof-of-concept experiment on this showed that the tissue explanted from the mouse brain remained viable after almost a month in culture, much longer than is possible with other mi- ever, the team had success after trial crofluidic culturing methods, & also and error modifications to the porous much simpler. membrane & adjustments of the inlet/ outlet flow rates, he added. Experimenting on the tissues in culture can facilitate drug discovery The research team tested the device because scientists can systematically using tissue from the mouse suprachimanipulate the tissues and also test asmatic nucleus which is a complex different drugs or drug combinations. part of the brain that governs the cirWhile studying a whole system in cadian rhythms. The mice themselves which many cells must actually in- were the knock-in mice in which the teract with each other, it was proven circadian rhythm activity in the brain difficult to keep the tissues “alive” for was linked to the production of a highmore than a few days. Tissue dries out ly-fluorescent protein. And by measquickly and it dies unless it is put into uring the level of bioluminescence a wet-culture medium with appropri- coming from the brain tissues, the ate nutrients. And on the other hand, immersing complex tissue in the fluid can damage the tissues because it doesn’t allow the normal transfer of gases between them. To solve this problem, the RIKEN researchers developed a microfluidic device using polydimethylsiloxane, the material often used as a defoamer in over-the-counter drugs. This device has a semi-permeable channel surrounded by an artificial membrane & solid PDMS walls. Rather than constantly being immersed in a fluid, the tissues benefited from having the culture medium circulate within the microchannel & pass through the permeable membrane, which allowed proper gas exchange. This sounds very simple, but finding the optimal settings proved challenging. As the first author, Nobutoshi Ota noted that controlling the medium flow was difficult because the microchannel that formed between PDMS walls & the porous membrane was unusual. How-

team was able to see that tissues kept alive by their system stayed active & functional for over 25 days with nice circadian activity. And in contrast, the neural activity in tissue kept in a conventional culture decreased by about 6% after only 10 hours. This new method will definitely have several benefits. In the shortterm, a new system will be useful in observing biological development & testing how tissues actually respond to drugs. The long-term benefits of this are also clear. Ota added that the method can be used for more than ex-

planted tissues from animals. It will also improve research studies into organogenesis through long-term culturing & observation which is necessary for growing tissue & organs. Indeed, the research team is currently planning long-term studies and experiments using their system to observe the formation of blood vessels & the movements of cells during organoid formation. This research study was published in the journal Analytical Sciences.



October 22nd, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 101

Scientists Visualize First 3D View Of Life’s Processes In Liquid

Scientists at the Penn State have developed a new liquid-cell technology that enables them to visualize living biological materials and systems in three dimensions under an electron microscope (EM). The technology can help scientists analyze host-pathogen interactions, see a virus is introduced into a cell, and watch molecular mechanisms take place in real-time. IN DOING SO, SCIENTISTS DEMONSTRATED NEW INSIGHTS FOR THE RULES OF ENGAGEMENT INVOLVING A UNIQUE BACTERIOPHAGE AND ITS HOST BACTERIUM. THEIR PICTURES UNCOVERED ARCHITECTURAL HIGHLIGHTS OF THE BACTERIOPHAGE THAT WERE PREVIOUSLY NOT WELL UNDERSTOOD. By Rahul Mishra

3D View of Life Processes- The New Technology Liquid-cell electron microscopy is a rapidly growing field in the imaging domain. While real-time observations are readily available to analyze maOncology, said that scientists used a terials and biological systems, these copper grid that is coated with a carmeasurements have been limited to bon layer and covered that with a silithe (2-D) image plane. con nitride chip. A window is situated on the chip, and they pipetted the liqWilliam Dearnaley, Lead author and uid sample in between the two layers. the technical director for Structural

This chip design fits into any microscope holder so that it can be universally adapted for any material. Scientists believe that the new technique- 3D View of Life Processes is

expected to be widely adopted in both life sciences and materials science. For example, it can be used in battery research or to look at defects causing building materials to fail.

Family of Plant Viruses Revealed At High Resolution For The First Time

For the first time, it is possible now to take a molecular-level look at one of the world’s deadliest crop-killers. The Luteoviridae is one of the pathogenic plant viruses which are responsible for the major crop losses worldwide. It is transmitted by aphids and the viruses infect a wide range of food crops including cereals, legumes, cucurbits, sugar beet, sugarcane, & potato. Scientists have been unable to gen- ty of Leeds, could observe the viral erate the quantities of these viruses structures to a high resolution by that are needed to study their struc- cryo-electron microscopy. tures in high resolution. This provided, for the first time, a Now a team of scientists has used re- molecular level high-resolution incent advances in the plant expression sight into how the plant virus capsid technology for generating sufficient forms & suggests how these viruses quantities of the pathogen to allow are transmitted by aphids. The new more detailed scrutiny with a state-of- method may help unlock the secrets of other viruses, said the research the-art microscopy technique. team involved in the recent study. The recent method involves infiltrating a type of tobacco plant with the George Lomonossoff who is a progenes necessary to create virus-like fessor of the John Innes Centre said particles i.e, VLPs. From the insert- that the recent development actually ed genetic information, the virus-like provides a platform for the developparticles self-assemble inside the ment of diagnostic tools for this implant host. This new technique avoids portant Luteoviridae family of plant the need to handle this infectious vi- viruses that cause enormous crop loses worldwide. rus. Using the virus-like particles ex- Professor Neil Ranson of the Univertracted from the plants the team from sity of Leeds added that the combinathe John Innes Centre & the Astbury tion of plant expression technology & Biostructure Laboratory, Universi- structural biology is hugely exciting,

and now it can be used to understand the structures of many other types of virus particles. Plant virus infection is actually responsible for global economic losses estimated at $30 billion. Luteoviridae virus attacks the plant vasculature which causes severe stunting leading to vast crop loss.

This family includes barley yellow dwarf virus & potato leafroll virus which causes the crop losses to a value of £40-60m/year in the United Kingdom. The full research study ‘Combining Transient Expression & Cryo-EM to Obtain High-Resolution Structures of Luteovirid virus Particles’ appears in the Cell Press journal Structure. By Ria Roy


October 22nd, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 101


Humans Have Salmander Like Ability To Regrow Limbs – Breakthrough Discovery In a recent study, a team of scientists has found that Humans have a salamander-like ability to regrow cartilage in joints. Salamanders are well-known for being able to regrow new limbs, but according to scientists, a similar process takes place in the human body. THE RESEARCHERS FROM DUKE HEALTH HAVE IDENTIFIED A MECHANISM FOR CARTILAGE REPAIR, WHICH THEY SAY COULD HAVE SIGNIFICANT IMPLICATIONS. IT MAY POTENTIALLY OPEN DOORS TO NEW TREATMENTS FOR OSTEOARTHRITIS. By Rahul Mishra

It is the world’s most common joint disorder. It may also pave the way for further research on methods to grow human body parts. According to Virginia Byers Kraus, this research could provide the foundation for new approaches to repair joint tissues and possibly whole human limbs. She added that the ability of humans to regenerate limbs is the critically missing component of this regulatory circuit.

that the scientists discovered a huge difference in the chemical modifications of the proteins in the hip, knee, and ankle cartilages. These types of changes build up if the tissue is not repairing or turning over the process Limb Regeneration In Humans- of getting rid of old protein while making new protein. The Study The scientists found that Hip cartilage proteins had an abundance of chemical modifications of proteins. Whereas, the knee had moderate amounts and the ankle very few proteins with these chemical modifications. This showed that the ankle was in a high state of repair or turnover, the hip in a low state of repair, and the Prof Kraus added that the proteins knee in between.

The scientists determined the age of the cartilage of the human body by a technique known as “mass spectrometry.” This analysis revealed that cartilage has different “ages” depending on where it is located- young in the ankles, middle-aged in the knees, and old in the hips.

These results mimic those seen in animals that regenerate their limbs, beginning at the furthest tips. Scientists also found that humans make use of some of the same molecules called microRNA that is key to limb regeneration in salamanders and other animals, which can regrow body parts, such as zebrafish, African freshwater fish, and other lizards. Prof Kraus said that In human cartilage, these molecules were present at a high level in human ankle cartilages, intermediate in knees, and low in hips. She added that this is the first insight that human cartilage repair is linked to processes used in limb re-

generation. Limb Regeneration In HumansThe Way Ahead According to the researchers, the results could explain why ankle injuries heal faster than knee and hip injuries, and why the latter two develop into arthritis less frequently. The study has significant implications; the team says because it broadens our understanding of the microRNAs. This could be developed into medicines to treat or even reverse arthritis.



October 22nd, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 101

Bill Gates Commits For HIV Prevention Implant in $700 Million Disease Pledge Billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates committed $700 million to battle diseases that kill millions of people a year, saying experimental technologies like a matchstick-sized implant to prevent HIV could become new weapons in the global effort. THE IMPLANT, UNDER DEVELOPMENT BY MERCK & CO. AND INSERTED JUST UNDER THE SKIN OF A PATIENT’S ARM, IS AMONG POTENTIAL BREAKTHROUGHS GATES IS SET TO HIGHLIGHT IN A SPEECH IN FRANCE THURSDAY. By Ria Roy

Others include a tuberculosis vaccine GlaxoSmithKline Plc is developing. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation will provide the money to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis & Malaria over the next 3 years, bringing its total contribution since 2002 to almost $3 billion, according to a statement from the Seattle-based group. The Global Fund is looking to raise at least $14 billion, including $1 billion from the private sector. The Microsoft Corp. co-founder pointed to significant strides in fighting the three diseases, saying the fund has cut deaths by 40% in areas where it invests. But Gates has also warned

that wealthier nations risk losing sight of the need to keep funding those international efforts. More and more, countries seem to be stepping back from the world and saying they will cut things like foreign aid, Gates said in a copy of the speech to be given at a conference in Lyon. If there is a narrative about how the globe is turning, it is that it is turning inward.

Gates, who heads the world’s biggest private charity with his wife, Melinda, also cited a triple-drug TB treatment recently approved in the U.S. that shows significant promise against even the most resistant forms of the disease, along with a new generation of bed nets for malaria. Innovations in treating and preventing HIV, such as the implant that’s designed to give a year’s protection against the virus, are what Gates said he’s most excited

about. While Gates’s focus was on progress, he said a child still dies every two minutes from malaria, almost 1,000 adolescent girls and young women are infected with HIV every day, and nearly 40% of people who become ill with TB each year go unreported and untreated.

Studies Retracted: No Evidence To Show CRISPR Babies Will Die Early A research study that raised questions over the future health of the world’s first gene-edited CRISPR babies has been retracted because of the key errors that undermined its conclusion. THE STUDY, PUBLISHED IN JUNE 2019 IN NATURE MEDICINE, HAD SUGGESTED THAT PEOPLE WITH 2 COPIES OF A NATURAL GENETIC MUTATION THAT CONFER HIV RESISTANCE ARE AT AN INCREASED RISK OF DYING EARLIER THAN THE OTHER PEOPLE. By Ria Roy

The study was actually conducted in the wake of controversial experiments by a Chinese scientist He Jiankui, who attempted to recreate the effects of gene mutation in the gene CCR5 by using the CRISPR gene-editing tool in human embryos. Twin girls born who were last year as a result of the work didn’t end up carrying this ex-

act mutation, but this research study attracted attention because of its potential relevance to such experiments. But a flurry of studies that looked anew at the Nature Medicine research — some of which analyzed new data from genome databases comprising sequences from hundreds of thousands of people — have rejected the results & find no evidence that people with the mutation will die early. The erroneous conclusion about the CCR5 gene was caused by technical errors in how these mutations were identified in a population-health database. Rasmus Nielsen who is a population geneticist at the University of California, Berkeley, who led the study, which the authors retracted on 8th

October, said that he feels that he has a responsibility to put the record straight to the public Nielsen also co-authored one of the papers rebutting its findings. Some of the scientists stress that because First CRISPR babies didn’t receive exactly the same mutation that occurs naturally, the original research study & its retraction wouldn’t necessarily offer insights into their health anyway. But the episode actually raises questions about how best to assess the safety of similar future attempts to edit genes in the human embryos. The CRISPR concerns He Jiankui shocked the scientific world by announcing, in November

2018, that his research team had used the CRISPR technique to disable the CCR5 gene in two babies born that same month. Jiankui, who was at the time a biophysicist at the Southern University of China in Shenzhen, said he chose to target the CCR5 gene because people with a 32-DNA letter deletion known as the delta-32 in the gene are resistant to HIV infection but seem not to experience significant related health problems. Jiankui has not published his research data supporting his work, but his announcement which was presented at a scientific meeting indicated that, for one of the twins, both copies of CCR5 genes were altered, whereas the other twin carried the edits in just one of her 2 copies. And none of the


October 22nd, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 101

changes exactly matched the delta-32 An epidemiologist at the Universivariation. ty of Bristol, United Kingdom, Sean Harrison, attempted to replicate the The study has hinted that the del- study findings that night. But he did ta-32 mutation, which is relatively not have UK Biobank data on the common in people of European an- gene variant that Wei & Nielsen used cestry, might carry downsides, one to identify carriers of delta-32, so he small research study found that the analyzed genetic variants near it on carriers were more likely than other the genome that should have given people to die from influenza infec- the same result i.e, the adjacent parts tion. In order to tackle the question in of the genome tend to be inherited tolarger data sets, Nielsen & his Berke- gether, allowing researchers to infer ley colleague Xinzhu Wei looked at the presence or absence of a DNA the UK Biobank, a database that con- sequence by analyzing neighboring tains genome and also the health data variants). When they did not, he defrom 500,000 British people. scribed his study findings in a series of tweets & later a blog post. Their Nature Medicine paper reported that the people with 2 copies The discrepancy Harrison actually of delta-32, whom they estimated to identified piqued the interest of Damake up about one percent of bio- vid Reich, a population geneticist at bank participants, were slightly more the Harvard Medical School in Boslikely to die by the age of 76 years ton whose lab is studying the CCR5 than were those with one or no cop- gene. Working with Nielsen, his reies. The team also found that the da- search team discovered that Neilsen tabase harbored fewer people with 2 & Wei’s method had caused them to copies of delta-32 than evolutionary undercount the number of people in theory predicted it should- a sign that the United Kingdom Biobank with individuals with two copies were dy- 2 copies of the delta-32 mutation ing earlier, on average, than the popu- because of the probe that measured lation at large, Wei & Nielsen argued. the variant they were tracking didn’t always identify its target sequence. Results are not replicated This (and not the supposed harmful effects of the mutation) explained the There were plenty of questions over apparent absence of carriers from the the conclusion that emerged as soon UK Biobank database, said, Nielsen. as the research paper was published.

He also stresses that the undercounting problem is unique to the gene variant his research team looked at & not a general issue with UK Biobank data. Nielsen sais that there were checks they could have done & should have done that they didn’t do. His team missed the fact that there was a genotyping error, he added.


European populations will still have no relevance to the CRISPR babies. And population-based studies are very unlikely to give real insights on these 2 babies, who do not carry the CCR5-delta-32 mutation, he added.

Nielsen hopes that his research team’s error doesn’t dissuade others from using databases such as the Another follow-up study, posted on United Kingdom Biobank to undera preprint server last week & based stand the effects of human germline on genome databases that together editing, the DNA that can be passed include nearly 300,000 people from on to the future generations. Iceland & Finland, also found no evidence that people with 2 copies of Kári Stefánson who is the head of the delta-32 die earlier than others. company deCODE genetics in Reykjavik & a co-author of one of the reNo green light search papers that found no evidence that delta-32 mutation is harmful, Scientists stress that the unraveling says that Nielsen’s original CRISPR of Wei & Nielsen’s results does not study was not a valuable contribution mean that it is a sound idea to tar- to debates over the germline gene edget the CCR5 gene for gene editing. iting. But Kári Stefánson agrees that Reich said that it is very reasonable the resources such as the UK Biobank to expect that it might have valuable & his company’s data on Iceland’s functions that we just don’t know how population can inform future efforts. to measure. And it seems very unwise He added that the databases like this to edit it out. provide a fairly good way of assessing the probable effects of altering Gaétan Burgio who is a geneticist bases, no question about it. at the Australian National University in Canberra, says that the original Nature Medicine paper offered no insights into the health of the gene-edited twins. Therefore, the retraction to this & these additional studies on



October 22nd, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 101

New CRISPR Cas13 Offers Powerful Antiviral Protection A recent study conducted by researchers at the Broad Institute of MIT & Harvard demonstrates that the Cas13 system, a class 2 CRISPR system, can actually be used as an antiviral system in cultured human cells. THE STUDY, PUBLISHED IN MOLECULAR CELL ON OCTOBER 10, SUGGESTS THAT THE RNA-CUTTING ENZYME CAN ACTUALLY BE PROGRAMMED TO DETECT AND TO DESTROY THE RNA-BASED VIRUSES. By Ria Roy

The scientists believed that CRISPR effectors could be repurposed to help in defending human cells against both DNA & RNA viruses. Previous research studies have shown that cas13 of CRISPR possesses the ability to efficiently target and to cleave the RNA in several model systems, including the human cells. Moreover, Cas13 system orthologs have minimal off-target effects on the host transcriptome in the mammalian cells. Scientists investigated the utility of the Cas13 system for targeting human single-stranded RNA viruses computationally & then tested the CRISPR Cas13 system’s ability to inhibit the viral replication. The need for new antiviral approaches is very urgent. And while over 90 anti-viral drugs have been approved and these treat a mere 9 diseases. Only 16 viruses have FDA-approved vaccines. And combined with the fact that viral pathogens evolve very rapidly and it gains resistance easily, concerns the scientific community. To address this concern, the scientists developed an end-to-end technology platform called the Cas-13-assisted restriction of viral expression & readout (CARVER) which combines Cas13-mediated cleavage of viral ssRNA with rapid Cas13-based diagnostic readout using the specific high-sensitivity enzymatic reporter unlocking i.e, the SHERLOCK platform. Pardis Sabeti, the senior author of the study and an institute member at the Broad Institute and professor at Harvard University said the human viral pathogens are extremely diverse & they are constantly adapting to their own environment, even within a single species of virus, which underscores both the challenges & needs for flexible antiviral platforms. He added that their work establishes CARVER as a powerful and also rap-

idly programmable diagnostic & antiviral technology for a wide variety of viruses. First, the research team screened a suite of RNA-based viruses in search of viral RNA sequences that Cas-13 could efficiently target. Researchers primarily looked for pieces that are both least likely to mutate & most likely, when cut, to disable an RNA virus. Then the team computationally analyzed sequencing data to identify thousands of potential sites, in hundreds of viral species which could serve as an effective target for Cas13. Next, the team engineered the Cas13 guide RNA for the system. The newly programmed Cas13 was

experimentally tested in human cells infected with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus; influenza A virus; and vesicular stomatitis virus. 24 hours after the Cas13 system was introduced into the sample, the researchers observed up to a 40-fold reduction in the level of viral RNA in the culture. Scientists performed LCMV cell culture experiments, which provided a strict test of Cas13’s ability to inhibit viral RNA. These data indicated that 8 hours after viral exposure, the Cas13 system had reduced the infectivity of the flu virus by more than three hundred-fold. Lastly, the research team used SHERLOCK detection technology to measure viral RNA levels fol-

lowing Cas13 targeting in real-time. The detection system provided rapid feedback about the effectiveness of treatment and also information about specific viral mutations. Catherine Freije who is a graduate student at Harvard University said that Cas13could be used as a research tool for exploring many aspects of viral biology in human cells. Freije added that this could also potentially be a clinical tool, where CRISPR CAS13 systems could be used to diagnose samples as well as to treat a viral infection, & also to measure the effectiveness of the treatment, all with the ability to adapt CARVER quickly to deal with new or drug-resistant viruses as they emerge.


October 22nd, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 101


Scientists Discover New Ways To Develop Drought Resistant Crops Researchers from The Australian National University, ARC Centre of Excellence in Plant Energy Biology, and CSIRO Agriculture and Food have developed a new method to identify drought-resistant wheat quickly and accurately. LEAD RESEARCHERS DR. ARUN YADAV AND DR. ADAM CARROLL SAID SELECTING WHEAT THAT CAN GROW BETTER DURING SHORT- TO MEDIUM-TERM DROUGHT IS CRUCIAL TO HELP FIGHT FOOD INSECURITY ASCROSS THE GLOBE. By Rahul Mishra

Dr. Yadav from the Research School of Biology and ARC Centre of Excellence in Plant Energy Biology at ANU said that work might be instrumental for farmers to maximize food production in the face of increasingly severe drought. Hardy crop plants that can maintain high yields under drought will help farmers produce more food reliably and maintain domestic and export markets for Australia. Drought Resistant Crops- A Different Approach

Dr. Carroll said that the simple test measured the relative abundance of 4 amino acids in wheat plants to predict their ability to maintain yield under drought much more accurately than current methods. The advantage of this test is that it gives more accurate predictions. Professor Barry Pogson said if farm-

ers are provided with 1,000 wheat varieties to choose from, they can select the drought-resilient lines through a simple assessment of the four amino acids the team of scientists has identified. Dr. Greg Rebetzke and Dr. Gonzalo Estavillo from CSIRO Agriculture and Food conducted grain-yield evaluations under extensive field tri-

‘Cure’ for Cervical Cancer with Gene Editing

als across the Australian wheat belt, which enabled the team to build a statistical model of the drought-tolerance predictor. The Grains Research and Development Corporation funded the research- Drought Resistant Crops.

Scientists from Queensland, Australia, are being hailed for their major breakthrough in cervical cancer research using gene-editing technology. And this is the first cure for any cancer using this technology said Nigel McMillan who is the lead researcher & director of immunology at the Menzies Health Institute at Griffith University, where a research team used the CRISPR-Cas9 system to target cervical cancer tumors in mice. McMillan added that because cancer lion Americans are living with HPV, treatment for HIV, inherited diseases AS A RESULT OF THE STUDY, 100% must have this gene to produce, once which is the cause of 99.7 percent of such as Huntington’s & progeria as OF THEIR MICE SUBJECTS WERE edited, cancer dies. all cervical cancer, according to Mc- well as other forms of cancer. ACTUALLY CURED. Millan. He noted there are “still many McMillan added that cancer genes McMillan then credited the “lightsteps” before this method can be ap- are foreign to our human genome that By Ria Roy bulb moment” to a proactive student plied to humans, though the results makes them even harder to pinpoint. During the five-year project, re- from Iraq, Dr. Luqman Jubair, who is are promising. Of their recent discovery, he concludsearchers injected specialized nan- researching genetic therapy in Aused that this is the missing tool kit they oparticles into mice bearing tumors tralia. The CRISPR technology is now have in their gene therapy toolbox. caused by the gene E7. This is the gene already being studied as a potential that can be found in cancers caused Jubair went away and did something by the human papillomavirus (HPV), that McMillan did not ask him to do, according to McMillan, whose re- said McMillan, whose team started search work has been published in the with 3 treatments, but found that 7 was journal Molecular Therapy. the “magic number” of treatments under Jubair’s watch. McMillan added He added that he would edit it by that without Jubair doing that would introducing some extra DNA that probably just have a pretty average causes the gene to be misread & stop outcome where tumors sort of slow being made. he further explained that down a bit & then keep growing. this is like adding a few extra letters into a word so the spellchecker does The Centers for Disease Control not recognize it anymore. (CDC) estimates that some 79 mil-



October 22nd, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 101

Boost to Biofuel Research at IIT Madras; Inks pact with ExxonMobil Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras has signed an agreement with ExxonMobil Research & Engineering Company for conducting collaborative research studies on energy and biofuels. THE 5-YEAR AGREEMENT IS FOCUSED ON DATA ANALYTICS, GAS CONVERSION, AND ALSO ON TRANSPORT, AND IT IS AIMED TOWARDS FINDING LOW-EMISSION SOLUTIONS. By Ria Roy

And one of the projects being taken up is for developing some novel approaches to convert agro-residue biomass to sugars & high-value chemicals. Dr. R. Vinu, who is an Associate professor of the Department of Chemical Engineering, who is leading the project at IITM, said that the objectives of this research program are 3-fold. The team aims to effectively deconstruct rice straw, bagasse & other biomass varieties of Indian origin to produce sugars, which will directly feed into Exxon Mobil’s bioconversion platform. They also intend to convert the lignin present in biomass to valuable phenols using novel catalysts. They also aim to evaluate the environmen-

tal & economic implications of performing such conversions at scale. The current trend is to develop fuels & fine chemicals from non-food lignocellulosic biomass and also from agricultural residues, known as second-generation biomass. The lignocellulosic biomass is the only source of renewable carbon with the abil-

ity to maintain carbon neutrality in the environment by reducing the net greenhouse gas emissions. India is the 3rd highest producer of agro-residues globally with the surplus potential of over 230 million tons annually, after China & Brazil. The biofuel potential is expected to get realized in the near future with the new biofuel policy of the government.

Dr. Vijay Swarup, a senior official of ExxonMobil, said that this agreement expands their commitment to research at the university level. ExxonMobil work with over 80 universities around the world. This pact gives them a position in the Indian academia, he added.

Use of Drosophila melanogaster For Personalized Medicine Development In a research conducted on fruit flies, scientists have found that gene mapping can also be used to predict response to a given treatment. This knowledge is crucial for the development of personalized medicine. Patients with the same diagnosis receive a generalized treatment that is not necessarily effective for every person. WITH KNOWLEDGE OF THE INDIVIDUAL PATIENT’S GENETIC MAKEUP, IT MAY BE POSSIBLE IN THE FUTURE TO A GREATER EXTENT TO TARGET THE MEDICAL TREATMENT TO FIT WITH THE PATIENT’S GENETIC CHARACTERISTICS. By Rahul Mishra

Palle Duun Rohde, a postdoc at Aarhus University, said that scientists know that almost all diseases are subject to a certain degree of genetic control. He added that with a better understanding of the genetic and molecular biological processes underlying various diseases, it would be possible to develop new and more targeted types of medicine. This knowledge can also provide a better understanding of why patients with the same diagnosis do not necessarily respond equally favorably to treatment.

Genetic information can thus contribute to more personalized or customized medicine. This is not done systematically today, mainly because we have an incomplete understanding of the connection between our genetic Scientists from Molecular Biolomaterial, the disease, and the response gy and Genetics, Aarhus University, to treatment. and Chemistry and Biosciences, Aalborg University, have collaborated to Drosophila melanogaster for Per- understand the genetic mechanisms sonalized Medicines- The Study that contribute to the mental disorder ADHD by using the fruit fly as a

model organism. The fruit fly is a fantastic model organism, which has contributed to major scientific breakthroughs. Drosophila melanogaster for Personalized Medicines- Why Fruit Flies? Torsten Nygård Kristensen, professor at Aalborg University, said that several aspects make the fruit fly a key player in the field of human genetics. Up to three-quarters of all identified human disease genes are found in the fruit fly. There is also a high degree of structural and biochemical similarity between the nervous system of humans and insects. The scientists behind the study

continue their search for the genetic mechanisms underlying the different responses to the treatment. Scientists are just embarking on a project on a large human dataset that can contribute new essential knowledge on this topic and the development of personalized medicine.


October 22nd, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 101


Air Pollution Causes Hair Loss – New Research Reveals Air pollution could cause hair loss. Yes! According to a recent research study that tested the effect of dust & fuel particles on human scalp cells, air pollution causes hair loss. SCIENTISTS FOUND THAT EXPOSURE TO COMMON AIR POLLUTANTS REDUCED THE LEVELS OF 4 PROTEINS RESPONSIBLE FOR HAIR GROWTH AND HAIR RETENTION. By Ria Roy

The study also showed that the effect increased when the number of airborne pollutant particles increased which suggests that those living in cities or even close to industrial works are at a greater risk of going bald. Air pollution has been already shown to increase the risk of cancer as well as heart & lung diseases. It is estimated to cause 4.2 million premature deaths every year. It has also been linked to depression & low fertility. The latest research study funded by a South Korean cosmetics company, is said to be the first to find a relationship between the airborne pollutants & hair loss. However, lead researcher of the study Hyuk Chul Kwok, who revealed the results at the 28th European Academy of Dermatology & Venereology Congress in Madrid, said the further study was required to confirm the effects outside the laboratory. He said that their research study looked at the science behind what happens when cells found at the base of hair follicles are actually exposed to common air pollutants. The study was undertaken in a lab and further research studies need to be undertaken to understand how quickly this affects people regularly exposed to air pollutants in their day-to-day lives. He added that it is possible to hypothesize that at certain levels of exposure to pollutants this could lead to baldness. But further population-based research study needs to be undertaken to confirm this. The research study involved exposing human hair follicle cells to different concentrations of fine dust particles with a diameter of 10 micrometers or even smaller & also tiny diesel particles.

Scientists then used a scientific technique known as the western blotting to detect protein levels in these cells. Researchers found decreased levels of a beta-catenin protein that are involved in hair growth and the process of generation & regulation of hair follicles. 3 other proteins that are responsible for hair growth & retention, cyclin D1, cyclin E, & CDK2, were also affected. These were effected with greater decreases observed when these cells were exposed to a higher level of pollutants. Hyuk Chul Kwon said that when the cells on the human scalp were

exposed to some of the common air pollutants created from burning fossil fuels, the proteins in the cells that are actually responsible for hair growth & hair retention were significantly reduced. He added that the more pollutants that the cells were exposed to, the bigger the impacts seemed to be. Therefore, the study result suggests that particulate matter may cause hair loss. The research study did not consider any potential differences in hair loss between the genders or ages. Air pollution campaigner Jenny Bates said that this is the latest in a

long sequence of scientific evidence that shows the disturbing impact of air pollution on our bodies & our health. Bates added that ministers must act with the strength & urgency needed to deal with this public health crisis, which also costs the UK economy about ÂŁ20bn every year. Bates added that people need to be helped to switch to less polluting forms of transport. And also raised the need for cleaner vehicles on the roads,& greater investment in better public transport and safer cycling & walking. This will not only create a cleaner & healthier towns and cities & it will slash climate-wrecking emissions too.



October 22nd, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 101

AI Based Blood Test Could Help Accelerate Brain Cancer Diagnosis Brain cancer remains difficult to diagnose, due to nonspecific symptoms and a lack of cost-effective tests.A new blood test that uses a technique called an attenuated total reflection (ATR)-Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, in conjunction with machine learning technology, may help advance the detection of brain cancer. THE PATENTED TECHNOLOGY APPLIES ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE TO CHECK FOR THE SIGNS OF CANCER. A TEAM DEVELOPED THIS NEW TECHNOLOGY AT THE UNIVERSITY OF STRATHCLYDE. By Rahul Mishra

It uses infrared light to produce a “bio-signature” of a blood sample. In the research paper, the scientists describe the development of instrumentation for the analysis of serum that can differentiate cancer and control patients at a sensitivity and specificity of 93.2% and 92.8%, respectively. Besides, preliminary clinical data from the first prospective clinical validation study are presented. This research is advancing towards clinical translation and is being commercialized by ClinSpec Diagnostics. Matthew J. Baker, Ph.D., reader in Strathclyde’s department of pure and applied chemistry and CSO with ClinSpec Diagnostics, said that the published clinical data propose that the blood test works in a clinical setting. Earlier detection of brain tumors in the diagnostic pathway brings the potential to improve patient quality of life and survival significantly. Consequently, this also leads to providing savings to health services. Holly Butler, Ph.D., research and development director with ClinSpec Diagnostics, said that the New Blood Test for Brain Cancer would provide patients with rapid access to diagnosis and treatment. Paul Brennan, Ph.D., senior clinical lecturer and consultant neurosurgeon at the University of Edinburgh, said that Diagnosing brain tumors is challenging, leading to delays and frustration for lots of patients. The problem is that symptoms of brain tumors are nonspecific, such as headache or memory problems. It can be difficult for doctors to tell which people are most likely to have a brain tumor. The New Blood Test for Brain Cancer provides more rapid diagnosis for people with a brain tumor and quicker access to treatment.

The Brain Tumour Charity ambassador Hayley Smith is backing this research. She added that it is very encouraging to hear that this blood test can lead to quicker diagnosis of brain cancer. This kind of analysis will be vital to patients, helping people to get

the correct diagnosis quicker. This ultimately will help people to get the urgent medical care that they need. Patients with brain cancer frequently present with nonspecific symptoms, and the final cancer diagnosis can be

time-consuming. The scientists have analyzed samples from a prospective group of 104 patients, and they found that the blood test could distinguish patients with brain cancer from healthy individuals with 87% accuracy.


October 22nd, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 101


A Retrovirus Is Attacking Koalas’ GenomeAnd Its DNA is Defending!

The virus, called Koala Retrovirus (KoRV), is linked to cancer, weakened immunity, and chlamydia infection in koalas A virus that infects koalas is steadily integrating itself into their DNA, ensuring that it survives from generation to generation. But the koala genome is defending itself. This reveals that DNA has an immune system to shut down invaders. ALL RETROVIRUSES HIJACK THE DNA IN SOME CELLS OF THEIR HOST’S BODY, BUT FEW MANAGE TO GET TRANSMITTED TO THE HOST’S OFFSPRING. By Rahul Mishra

Retroviral sequences can contribute to disease, but have also been co-opted by the host animals for processes that are essential to healthy development. As much as eight percent of the human genome is made up of the remnants of infectious viruses. Retroviruses have frequently appeared during evolutionary history. Though we have little information about how retroviral sequences infiltrate sperm and egg cells, or how these cells react. Virus Attacking Koala- The Vintage Retrovirus It is known that almost all known retrovirus genome invasions happened millions of years ago. However, Koala Retrovirus is a recently identified exception. This retrovirus spreads between individuals but is also infecting sperm and egg cells. Consequently, many koalas are born with this patho-

gen as part of their genome. Scientists at the University of Queensland are collaborating with their colleagues from the University of Massachusetts Medical School to analyze how koala sperm and egg cells respond to koala retrovirus KoRV-A infection. The findings suggested that these cells mount a novel- “innate genome immune response” to viral infection, which may help control the spread of infectious KoRV. During the project, the team analyzed DNA and RNA

from different tissue samples from deceased wild koalas from South East Queensland. The team of scientists specifically looked for short sequences of RNA, between 23 and 35 nucleotides long, known as PIWI Interacting RNAs (piRNAs). Virus Attacking Koala- An Immune System For The Genome Scientists found that there is a specialized immune system to defend against retroviral genome invasion.

Like the conventional immune system, this one includes an innate response that is generalized. It also contains the adaptive response, which learns to recognize specific pathogens and eliminate them. At the early stages of egg or sperm infection, the altered DNA sequence results in a specific molecular pattern that is recognized by an innate genome immune system. This stops the activity of the virus and starts producing signature piRNA sequences to identify the invader.



October 22nd, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 101

Machine Learning Approach To Speed Up Plant Research

Salk scientists use machine-learning algorithms approach to help automate plant studies. A team of researchers from Salk has helped speed up plant phenotyping, with machine-learning algorithms that teach a computer system to analyze 3D shapes of the branches and leaves of a plant. THE NEW METHOD MAY HELP SCIENTISTS BETTER QUANTIFY HOW PLANTS RESPOND TO CLIMATE CHANGE, GENETIC MUTATIONS, OR OTHER FACTORS. By Rahul Mishra

Saket Navlakha, an associate professor in Salk’s Integrative Biology Laboratory, said that the researchers had developed standard tools that help address some common phenotyping challenges. Researchers are trying to understand plant growth, engineer more resilient plants, and boost crop production. They often want to measure the detailed characteristics of a plant’s leaves and shoots. To do this phenotyping accurately, many researchers use camera systems that take images of each plant from various angles and assemble a 3D model. However, some measurements are hard to make with these stitched-together images. Machine Learning Approach for Plants- The New Method Recently, some have turned to a new method, called 3D laser scanning, to capture the structure of the plant. Scientists shine a laser at each plant to “paint” its surface with the beam. The resulting data called a 3D point

cloud portrays the fine detail of the plant’s surface. Quantitatively analyzing the point clouds can be challenging since the technology is very new and the datasets so large. Navlakha and a team of scientists used a 3D laser scanner to scan 54 tomato and tobacco plants grown in a variety of conditions. They provided input to the resulting 3D point clouds into machine-learning algorithms that let them teach the program how to phenotype the plants. The new technique involved the researchers first indicating manually where leaves and shoots on the plants were. Then, the software began to recognize these features automatically.

The researchers focused on teaching the program to make three phenotype measurements that scientists often use. Namely- separating stems from leaves, counting leaves and their size, and outlining the branching patterns of a plant. The method had a 97.8% accuracy at identifying stems and leaves. Machine Learning Approach for Plants- The Way Ahead Navlakha and the team want to continue fine-tuning the approach; differentiating two close-together leaves can still be difficult, for instance. And the current version of the software may not work on all types of plants.

They hope to generalize the software to work on plants from vines to trees, including analyzing the roots. The scientists plan to release their software as open-source for other researchers to use. They hope the software will speed up plant research since it makes high-throughput phenotyping faster and less challenging. The work was supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health, Pew Charitable Trusts, and the National Science Foundation.


October 22nd, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 101


Home Based Genetic Tests: Experts Urge Caution On the Health Decisions

People should not make their health decisions based on the genetic tests they do at home, experts have warned. The University of Southampton research team, writing in the British Medical Journal, warn that the results can be unreliable. THE SCIENTISTS AND GENETICISTS SAID THAT THESE TESTS COULD BE WRONGLY REASSURING – OR LEAD TO ANY UNNECESSARY WORRY. By Ria Roy

The 23andMe, one of the companies offering tests, said there were “many cases” where the results had prompted further checks & preventative treatment. The study does not cover the genetic screenings offered by the NHS to people with a family history of certain diseases, or other risk factors. Instead, the study covers the socalled direct-to-consumer (DTC) genetic tests. Prof Anneke Lucassen who is the president of the British Society for Genetic Medicine, the lead author of the research, said that the genetic tests sold online & in shops should absolutely not be used to inform the health decisions without any further scrutiny. Lucassen added finding a ‘health risk’ via these genetic tests often does not mean an individual will go on to develop any health problem in question; while ‘reassuring’ the results might be unreliable. Prof Lucassen described seeing her patients whose tests wrongly indicated they had faulty genes suggesting a

high risk of certain cancers. She added that she understood people might be drawn to the tests in the hope of getting clear information about their future health. But the BMJ paper warns that these genetic tests often prioritize “breadth over detail”, citing a 23andMe company gene test that checks for a few variants of Brca1 & 2, linked to breast & ovarian cancer risks, when there are actually thousands of them. A 23andMe company spokesman said its processes were “extremely accurate” and it spelled out exactly what its Brca gene test looked for. He added that they make it clear with their customers that they test only for certain genetic variants. And as far as

the variants they are testing for, they are some of the most well studied & associated with extremely high risk. He further said that 23andMe results can & do facilitate valuable conversations with healthcare providers. 23andMe spokesman added that they had many cases where customers have taken a 23andMe result to their doctors, been prescribed confirmatory testing & have had preventative treatment as a result. Prof Helen Stokes-Lampard of Royal College of GPs said that Genetic testing should not simply be done to satisfy an individual’s curiosity about their health, as the results could have very real implications. He further added that their members have reported the patients coming to

see them with the results of homebased genetic tests, asking for them to be interpreted & some commercial companies actually advise these tests instead of providing the necessary advice & feedback themselves. And this isn’t a good use of our time or NHS resources & should be the direct responsibility of these companies that are being paid to perform the tests, he said. Dr. Helen Wallace who is the director of GeneWatch UK said that they recommend that people do not buy these genetic tests, which are at best a waste of money. And handing an individual’s DNA to a private company also raises privacy concerns for him/her & members of their family, he added.



October 22nd, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 101

Healx raises $56M To Use AI to find treatments for rare diseases Healx, U.K.-based startup, using Artificial Intelligence to help discover novel treatments for rare diseases, has raised around $56 million funding. LEADING THE ROUND IS A LONDON-BASE VC FIRM ATOMICO, WITH PARTICIPATION BY INTEL CAPITAL, GLOBAL BRAIN, & BTOV PARTNERS. By Ria Roy

All the previous investors, including Balderton Capital, Amadeus Capital Partners, & Jonathan Milner, also followed on. Healx said that the new financing will be used to develop the company’s therapeutic pipeline & and to launch its global Rare Treatment Accelerator program, which will partner with the patient groups in an attempt to make a rare disease drug discovery much more efficient. More broadly, the aim of this is to discover new treatments & to move them toward the clinic within 24 months, which is significantly very faster than the status quo. Considering the fact, there are over 7,000 rare diseases discovered affecting 400 million people worldwide where at least 50% of them are children. Of these rare diseases, 95% still lack an approved treatment today said Healx co-founder & CEO Dr. Tim Guilliams tells TechCrunch. The traditional model of discovery & clinical development of new medicines is very expensive in terms of the costs, timelines & efficacy. To bring a new drug to the market typically costs around $2-3 billion, takes up to 12-14 years to develop & has a 95% failure rate. Specifically, Guilliams says that the current model does not work for diseases that have a small patient population, as the return on investments from drug sales simply won’t work with the discovery & development costs being so high. He added that what currently needed is a “radical change of course” by using Artificial Intelligence to discover alternative uses for the existing drugs. And by focusing on approved drugs &harnessing the power of AI Haelx has been able to make this rare disease drug discovery process a faster one & more efficient one, he claimed.

he added that they made it their mission to progress around 100 rare disease treatments towards the clinic by the year 2025. Of course, applying Artificial Intelligence technology to drug discovery is not unique to Healx & nor are the challenges in doing so. The BenevolentAI, for example, has grabbed lots of headlines worldwide, most recently reported having its valuation cut. Guilliams said Healx is taking a different approach than the other similar companies in the space, which also includes Recursion Pharmaceuticals & Insilico Medicine. Guilliams added that their focus and approach are quite different. They mainly focus on rare genetic diseases & have the world’s leading biomedical knowledge graph for rare diseases. He said that they don’t develop new molecules, they are trying to maximize the value of already-approved drugs. In addition, Guilliams said that Healx’s technology is data-driven & “hypothesis-free,” which is very different from traditional target-based drug discovery. He added that they are able to predict drug combinations & translate them very fast in the clinic. They work extremely closely with patient groups, as strategic partners & disease experts he said Dr. David Brown, the co-founder of Healx, has invented several drugs that have made it to the market (including being one of Viagra’s inventors). These have turned over of around $40

billion in revenue, says Guilliams. Healx claims to have validated their innovative model with the FRAXA Research Foundation. Fragile X syndrome is a leading genetic cause of autism and it was told that there are no approved treatments for the diseases. That could be about to change with Healx & FRAXA who are set to soon launch early clinical trials to test multiple treatment combinations. Further clinical programs for other rare diseases will begin later in the year 2020. Atomico principle Irina Haivas was asked what attracted her to the investment & how she views the risks that are associated with backing a company like Healx, given it is trying to find a needle in a haystack (drug discovery) & also needs to commercialize those discoveries. In simple words, there are a lot of unknowns & also needs a very long time to market. Irina Haivas said one of the reasons

she chose to join Atomico is precise because Atomico is not afraid to make these sorts of bold, long-term bets knowing that if it works then Healx company will dramatically improve the lives of 400 million people around the world living with a rare disease, she added. She said that it is a bold step to use AI to solve this ‘big search’ problem better than how humans traditionally did. However, the ultimate proof of all these will be getting the treatment to market. With that said, Haivas also cautions that startups like Healx are creating a new category of companies. That is because these companies are neither traditional tech nor traditional biopharma. She further added that they will need a different framework to work from an investor perspective and some investors will take time to get comfortable with that, added the surgeonturned-VC.


October 22nd, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 101


Coffee Bean Extracts Can Help Reduce Fat & Related Diseases! When coffee beans are processed and roasted, the husk and silverskin of the bean are removed and unused. They are often left behind in fields by the coffee producers. FOOD SCIENCE AND HUMAN NUTRITION SCIENTISTS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS HAVE DISCOVERED INFLAMMATION-FIGHTING PHENOLIC COMPOUNDS CALLED PROTOCATECHUIC ACID AND GALLIC ACID IN THE SILVERSKIN AND HUSK OF COFFEE BEANS. By Rahul Mishra

A recent study, published in Food and Chemical Toxicology, illustrates that when fat cells of mice were treated with extracts from coffee beans skins these compounds induced inflammation in the cells and improved glucose absorption and insulin sensitivity. Coffee Reduces Fat- The Study The research show promise for these bioactive compounds when consumed as part of the diet. These compounds can be used as a strategy or preventing obesity-related chronic illnesses, such as Type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Elvira Gonzalez de Mejia, professor of food science in the College of Agricultural, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences (ACES) at the University of Illinois, said that this material from coffee beans is interesting mainly because of its composition. It’s been shown to be non-toxic. These phenolic compounds were found to have a very high antioxidant capacity.

For the research, the fat cells and immune cells were cultured together to recreate the real-life interaction between the two cells. These “brown-like” cells are known as fat burners, and they contain excess mitochondria, an essential organelle in cells that turn nutrients into energy. In the study, the team of scientists observed that some phenolics were able to stimulate browning of the fat cells. This increased the content of mitochondria in adipocytes or fat cells. Coffee Reduces Fat- The Effect of Coffee When obesity-related inflammation is present, the fat cells and immune cells work together as stuck in a loop. This is done to increase oxidative stress, and interfere with glucose up-

take, worsening the situation. To block this loop and prevent chronic disease, the researchers’ goals were to eliminate or reduce as much inflammation as possible to allow glucose uptake to be facilitated. Also, to have healthy cells that will produce adequate insulin. When macrophages interact with fat cells, the cells have fewer mitochondria. Having fewer mitochondria, fat cells lose the capacity of eliminating lipids. Using these phenolics, the scientists found that this impact of macrophages on the fat cells was completely blocked. The fat cells maintained their function. The compounds scientists tested were able to inhibit inflammation in the macrophage.

Coffee Reduces Fat- The Positive Impact The scientists also pointed out the positive impact on the environment of using the coffee bean by-products. During coffee processing, the bean is separated from the husk. The husk is the external outer layer of the seed. After the bean is roasted, the silverskin layer is separated. Worldwide around 1,160,000 tons of husk is left in fields per year, potentially causing contamination. According to de Mejia, 43,000 tons of silverskin is produced each year, which may be easier to utilize because it stays with the bean as it is exported ascross the world to be roasted.



October 22nd, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 101

GATE Biotech Unit Wise Important Topics Reference Books

GATE is an examination conducted jointly by the IISc, Bangalore and seven IITs on behalf of the National Coordination Board (NCB)-GATE. Candidates have the option of selecting only one GATE paper for examination. The scorecard signifies the relative performance level of the candidate in a particular subject (quantified based on several years of examination data). GATE EXAM SCORE IS VALID FOR 3 YEARS FROM THE ANNOUNCEMENT DATE OF THE RESULTS. By Ms. Urmimala Ray

GATE qualification is beneficial for students seeking admission and/or financial assistance for either a Master’s program and direct Doctoral programs in Technology/Engineering/ Architecture or to Ph.D. programs in relevant branches of Science (in some institutions supported by the MHRD and other Government agencies). GATE qualification is even mandatory in some colleges and institutions, which admit students without MHRD scholarship/assistantship. Additionally, many Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) ask for the GATE score in their recruitment process. Biotechnology is one of the most trending fields for research in our era. There are innumerable applications of Biotechnology in health care, agriculture, pharmaceuticals, industry which are vast and critical. Having said so, GATE preparation for Biotechnology (BT) paper demands the students to have the best knowledge of the concepts. So in case, you feel you have no idea about where to start, or what to refer, here is a list of – GATE Biotech Important Topics – Unit Wise & Reference Books. Books required for all topics covered in GATE syllabus along with the important subtopics are listed below: SECTION 1: Engineering Mathematics GATE Biotech Important Topics from Engineering Mathematics. The Engineering Mathematics of GATE BT paper carries around 15% of the total marks, the General Aptitude section another 15% of the total marks. The remaining 70% of the total marks are allotted for questions from the core subject of the paper. These 30% marks are extremely important to decide on one’s rank and score. One may think that they can easily score in subject questions, but questions can be unexpected and there are always few NAT questions that are confusing. So it will be a wise decision to prepare both very well (GA+ mathematics as

well as subject concepts). General Aptitude intends to test the Language (2 marks) and Analytical Skills (13 marks). Mainly questions are from data interpretation, volume, area, surface area, perimeter, speed, chain rule, logarithm, probability, mixture, ratio, fraction, permutation and combination, etc. On analyzing GATE Biotechnology question papers for the last 4–5 years, we have noticed that some topics are more commonly asked than others such as Matrices, Determinants, and Differentiation, etc. hence one can focus on these topics to score well. REFERENCE BOOKS : • Advanced Engineering Mathematics – RK Jain, SRK Iyengar • Advanced Engineering Mathematics – HK Dass • Linear Algebra – Advanced Engineering Mathematics – Erwin Kreyszig • Calculus: Intermediate Mathematics by B. B. Sastry and K. Venkateswarlu • • Probability and Statistics: Introductory methods of numerical analysis by SS Sastry • Numerical Methods: Higher Engineering Mathematics – B.S. Grewal • Engineering Mathematics solved papers – Made easy publications. • Engineering and Mathematics general aptitude – G.K Publications. • GATE Engineering and Mathematics – Nodia and company.

• Higher Engineering Mathematics – Bandaru Ramana SECTIONS ON CORE SUBJECT: The trend of the questions in the previous papers of GATE BT sees a major share of questions from Biochemistry and Bioprocess Engineering. 35–40 marks are set from these two portions out of the 70 marks based on the Biotechnology subject. Extra attention and special emphasis should be put on Bioprocess since the share of numerical questions have seen a marked increase in the last few years. Hence, needless to say, bioprocess engineering numerical is the most crucial. Mass transfer, bacterial kinetics, scale-up of fermentation are significant topics. Biochemistry questions are mostly based on enzyme kinetics, pathways, and bioenergetics. Each of the other subjects such as cell and molecular biology, microbiology, immunology, rDNA technology, bioinformatics have almost an equal share of marks not exceeding 10maks in each. If one can maximize the marks in these two areas, a below 50 AIR can be achieved. SECTION 2: BIOTECHNOLOGY GATE Biotech Important Topics from:

merical, LB plot, inhibition, 3. Metabolism basic concepts, 4. Bioenergetics, 5. Photosynthesis, 6. ETC inhibitors, 7. Biological membranes, structure, action potential and transport processes REFERENCE BOOKS: • Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry by David L. Nelson and Michael M. Cox • Biochemistry by Donald Voet, Judith G. Voet • Biochemistry Hardcover by Lubert Stryer • ENZYMES: Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Clinical Chemistry by Trevor Palmer • GATE Biotech Important Topics from: Microbiology: 1. Viruses – structure and classification, 2. Microbial classification and diversity (bacterial, algal and fungal), 3. Methods in microbiology, 4. Pathogenesis, bacteria producing antibiotics, Diseases (match the following), 5. Nitrogen fixation, which organisms involved, and its advantages and disadvantages, 6. Microbial growth numerical ques-

Biochemistry: 1. Biomolecules – structure and functions 2. Enzymes, enzyme kinetics nu-

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October 22nd, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 101

tions and nutrition, 7. Host-pathogen interaction 8. Aerobic and anaerobic respiration REFERENCE BOOKS: • Brock Biology of Microorganisms • Prescott’s Microbiology by Joanne Willey, Linda Sherwood, Chris Woolverton • Microbiology by Michael J. Pelczar, Kreig and Chan • GATE Biotech Important Topics from: Cell Biology:

• • • • • •

Concepts and Experiments by Gerald Karp Molecular Biology of the Gene by James D. Watson The Cell – A Molecular Approach by Geoffrey M. Cooper and Robert E. Hausman Cell and Molecular Biology by Robertis and Robertis iGenetics: A Molecular Approach by Peter Russell Genes – By Benjamin Lewin Principles of Genetics by Eldon John Gardner, Michael J. Simmons, Peter Snustad

GATE Biotech Important Topics from:

1. Cell Biology: Prokaryotic cell structure (cell wall), Analytical Techniques: 2. Cell cycle checkpoint, 3. Drugs inhibiting cell cycle, 1. Basic principles and applications 4. Cell growth control (cancer – of techniques (fluorescent and confop53), cal microscopy difference) 5. Cell communication signaling- 2. Chromatography techniques (ion GPCR signaling and RTK signaling exchange, and gel filtration) (which hormones, which pathway) 3. Spectroscopy – Lambert-Beer law, UV, visible, CD, IR, FTIR, RaGATE Biotech Important Topics man, MS, NMR from: 4. Microarray (DNA, protein both, principles and application ) Molecular Biology and Genetics: 5. Centrifugation- high speed, ultra – not much important 1. Molecular structure of genes and 6. Electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE imp) chromosomes, 2. Mutations and mutagenesis (imp) REFERENCE BOOKS: 3. Nucleic acid replication(initiation and regulation, DNA pol I, II, III, an- • Molecular Cloning: A Laboratotibiotics inhibiting which step, tranry Manual by Joseph Sambrook, scription, translation, and their regDavid Russell Fundamentals of ulatory mechanisms in prokaryotes Biostatistics by V.B. Rastogi and eukaryotes • Principles and Techniques of Bi4. Mendelian inheritance (populaochemistry and Molecular Bioltion genetics and pedigree analysis) ogy by Wilson/Walker 5. Gene interaction 6. Complementation GATE Biotech Important Topics 7. Linkage, recombination and chro- from: mosome mapping (not much important) Immunology: 8. Extrachromosomal inheritance 9. Microbial genetics(plasmids, 1. Difference between innate and transformation, transduction, conju- adaptive, gation) (imp) 2. Types of antibodies (Imp), 10.Horizontal gene transfer and 3. The function of antibodies, monotransposable elements clonal antibodies (imp), VDJ recom11.The RNA interference (imp) bination, 12.DNA damage and repair (imp) 4. Autoimmunity, 13.Chromosomal variation 5. Hypersensitivity, 14.Molecular bases of genetic dis- 6. Types of MHC, cell signals in imeases (prions , what causes sex linked munology, diseases associated inheritance) 7. Antigen-Antibody interactions – ELISA REFERENCE BOOKS: 8. Complement pathway (proteins involved, MAC) (imp) • Molecular Biology of the Cell 9. Immune tolerance by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis REFERENCE BOOKS: • Molecular Cell Biology by Harvey Lodish, Arnold Berk, Chris • Kuby Immunology by Thomas J. A. Kaiser Kindt • Cell and Molecular Biology: • Roitt’s Essential Immunology

• Cellular and Molecular Immunology by Abbas, Lichtman and Pillai GATE Biotech Important Topics from: Bioinformatics: 1. Major bioinformatic resources and search tools 2. Sequence and structure databases (primary, secondary imp) 3. Biomolecular sequence file formats 4. Scoring matrices (PAM and BLOUSM) 5. Sequence alignment (pairwise, multiple) (BLAST, FASTA, MS Clustal W) 6. Phylogeny (which tools) (imp) 7. Data mining 8. Analytical tools for genomic and proteomic studies 9. Molecular dynamics and simulation (basic concepts including force fields, protein-protein, protein-nucleic acid, protein-ligand interaction) REFERENCE BOOKS: • Introduction to Bioinformatics 3rd edition by Arthur M. Lesk • Introduction to Bioinformatics (A theoretical and Practical Approach) by Stephen A. Krawetz and David D. Womble • Understanding Bioinformatics by Marketa Zvelebil and Jeremy O Baum • Bioinformatics (A practical guide to the analysis of genes and proteins by Andreas D. Baxevanis and B. F. Francis Ouellette


by James D Watson • Gene cloning and & DNA analysis ( An introduction by T. A. Brown) • Biotechnology Expanding Horizons by B.D. Singh SECTION 4: PLANT & ANIMAL BIOTECHNOLOGY GATE Biotech Important Topics from: Plant Biotechnology: • Basic terms like Totipotency, callus, dedifferentiation, micropropagation • Tissue culture and Cell suspension culture system: methodology, plant growth regulators and elicitors, in vitro conditions and requirements • Growth phases and kinetics • Media requirements and nutrient optimization • Secondary metabolites: Production by plant suspension cultures • Transgenic plants: Method and plant products of industrial importance REFERENCE BOOKS: • Plant Biotechnology (the genetic manipulation of plants) by Adrian Slater, Nigel W. Scott, and Mark R. Fowler • Introduction to Plant Biotechnology BY H.S. Chawla • Introduction to Plant Tissue Culture by M.K. Razdan • Plant Tissue Culture (Techniques and Experiments) by Roberta H Smith

GATE Biotech Important Topics SECTION 3: RECOMBINANT from: DNA TECHNOLOGY Animal Biotechnology: 1. Restriction endonucleases and modification enzymes • Animal cell culture basic require2. Various vector systems, advantag- ments and concepts es, disadvantages • Properties such as anchorage and 3. Gene cloning and expression: non-anchorage dependent cell culture Processes and components • Cell growth kinetics; 4. Transposons, mechanism, and ex- • Hybridoma technology mechanism amples; gene targeting • Stem cell technology and applica5. DNA labeling techniques; DNA tions sequencing • Animal cell cloning and Transgen6. Blotting techniques such as South- ic animals: production and examples ern and northern blotting 7. Molecular markers, RAPD, RFLP REFERENCE BOOKS: 8. Gene therapy and applications 9. Site-directed mutagenesis • Culture of Animal Cells – A Manual of Basic Techniques and REFERENCE BOOKS: • Principles of Gene Manipulation and Genomics by S.B. Primrose and R.M. Twyman • Molecular Biology of the Gene

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• • •

GATE 2020 EXAM Specialized Applications by R. Ian Freshney Animal Cell Culture and Technology by M. Butler Carl Pinkert Transgenic Animal Technology: A Laboratory Handbook. Animal Biotechnology – Models in Discovery and Translation Ashish S. Verma and Anchal Singh Biotechnology by U Satyanarayana

SECTION 5: BIOPROCESS ENGINEERING & PROCESS BIOTECHNOLOGY GATE Biotech Important Topics from: Bioprocess Engineering : One of the most important units of the GATE BT syllabus! An approximate of 20 marks is guaranteed in the exam. Questions are asked on cell demands: how much O2 , nutrition, agitation, optimization, formula, biosensors, bacteria what does it want, what does it produce, and applications, how Dunaliella makes glycerol, SCP, microbes making antibiotics, importance in all etc

1. Chemical engineering principles applied to a biological system 2. Principle of reactor design (impeller size, design formulas), ideal and non-ideal multiphase bioreactors, 3. Mass and heat transfer, 4. Rheology of fermentation fluids, 5. Aeration and agitation (Kla determination) 6. Media formulation and optimization 7. IMP kinetics of microbial growth, substrate utilization, and product formation 8. Sterilization of air and media (numerical) 9. (Imp)Batch, fed-batch and continuous processes (chemostat) 10.Various types of microbial and enzyme reactors 11.Instrumentation control and optimization 12.Unit operations in solid-liquid separation and liquid-liquid extraction 13.Process scale-up, economics, and feasibility analysis REFERENCE BOOKS: • Bioprocess Engineering Principles by Pauline M. Doran • Bioprocess Engineering Basic

October 22nd, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 101

Concepts by Michael L Shuler, Fikret Kargi, Matthew Delisa • Principles of Fermentation Technology by Peter F. Standbury, Allan Whitaker and Stephen K. Hall GATE Biotech Important Topics from:

REFERENCE BOOKS: • Process Biotechnology Fundamentals by S. N Mukhopadhyay • Process Engineering in Biotechnology by Jackson, Alan

As the GATE exam is approaching nearer, anxiety and panic attacks are Process Biotechnology: at their zenith. It does not matter how many hours of study you put in, what 1. Engineering principle of biopro- matters is how many concepts you cessing – Upstream production and grasp within those hours, which has downstream to constantly tested and revised with 2. Bioprocess design and develop- mock tests and online merit-based exment from lab to industrial scale ams. With more practice, comes more 3. Microbial, animal and plant cell chance of successfully passing the culture platforms exam. It not only helps you to manage 4. Production of biomass and prima- time during the actual exam but also ry/secondary metabolites allows you to find out your weaker ar5. Biofuels, Bioplastics, industrial eas so you can focus on them. enzymes, antibiotics 6. Large scale production and purifi- Hmm…where do you get this comcation of recombinant proteins plete package…? Well, why don’t 7. Industrial application of chroma- you give Biotecnika a try? Although tographic and membrane-based bi- there is no shortcut to success, with oseparation methods excellent track records and guaran8. Immobilization of biocatalysts teed success, Biotecnika DOES pro(enzymes and cells) for bioconver- vide a strategy to success, which may sion processes certainly make the process faster! 9. Bioremediation – Aerobic and anaerobic processes for stabilization of solid/liquid wastes


October 22nd, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 101


Entrepreneurs Are Turning Towards Biotechnology In India Episode 53 By Preety Suman

How often do you perceive a biotech industry as a money-making industry?? And how many of you are taking ‘Make in India’ seriously and extracting the benefits incurred by it?? Don’t underestimate the power of these words- BIOTECH AND MAKE IN INDIA. Hello and welcome to another interesting podcast from Biotecnika, Just in the year 2017, there have eration Ethanol plant to establish where we will be highlighting a very been massive achievements by DBT commercial-scale biomass plants interesting and important topic ‘En- in this field: based on a technology which was trepreneurs are turning towards Biobuilt under the Ministry. With the intechnology in India’. 1.Healthcare novative technology developed by the team at DBT-ICT, the time required Biotechnology is a very interesting DBT has launched a very interest- for converting biomass to biofuel (4 field and where in the world it has ing program called Innovate in In- to 7 days) reduced enormously to just already started developing and estab- dia(I3) program, with a funding of around 18 to 20 hours and it produced lishing as a successful profit-making about USD 250 million. It is a very about 300 liters of ethanol per ton of industry in India it is still an emerging unique program that focuses on pro- biomass. This useful product can be field. But if we compare the last two moting India’s bio-pharmaceutical blended with petrol and used effidecades of the biotech industry in In- industry majorly concerning the bar- ciently in vehicles as fuels. dia, it has undergone a very success- riers around affordable healthcare. ful metamorphosis. This Government of India flagship 4.Environment and sanitation: program which is in collaboration It is a scientific field wherein liv- with World bank encourages entre- DBT with the support and collabing organisms are used for making preneurship and is implemented by oration with Bill and Melinda Gates products and chemicals used in a the Biotechnology Industry Research Foundation and BIRAC is participatwide range of other industries and to Assistance Council (BIRAC) which ing in the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan in the end-users. Thus, it provides one is a Public-Sector Enterprise set up coming up with the range of products such unique kind of technology that by DBT. that are of utmost necessity like: can be strategically used for the B2B and B2C type of business. Slowly and 2. Agriculture, Food and Nutrition – Bioremediation of filthy water steadily entrepreneurs who are also used to eliminate organic waste from becoming more aware of the govern- India is an agricultural country and municipal wastewater. This technolment’s investments and focus in India most of its economy is dependent ogy is also used to discard and filter are moving towards Biotechnology to upon agriculture which is conserved harmful substances from various inearn profit and for the sustainability in rural India. Our government has dustries such as mining and distillerof their business. come up with a very interesting farm- ies, and the production of biogas and er-centric program called ‘Biotech bio-fertilizer. The scientific research-based top- -KISAN’ which aims at scaling up –River clean-up technologies ic requires infrastructure, high-tech and addressing farming related chal- –Bio-toilet technologies equipment, scientific workforce like lenges related to soil, water, and marlaboratories and most importantly keting with efficient technology. This 5.Industry: well-trained manpower for the bio- program can create a close and helptech industry. ful collaboration between farmers and BIRAC has been acting as a that of the scientist. ‘VARDAN’ or a ‘BLESSING’ givOne of the major factors that have en by the government of India to the contributed a crucial push and con- 3. Bioenergy: booming entrepreneurs in the field fidence amongst entrepreneurs to of Biotechnology. So far it has supestablish a start-up in this field is Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd. ported over 700 biotech companies, the new government initiative about (BPCL) and Hindustan Petroleum research institutes and small and me‘Make in India. Corporation Ltd. (HPCL) were trans- dium scale enterprises which include ferred with the country’s second-gen- around 500 start-ups. BIRAC’S Bio-

technology Ignition Grant (BIG) program has become one of the largest and successful funding programs that have supported over 230 startups and entrepreneurs. Looking at the amazing environment created by the government which supports innovative biotech ideas, some superhumans have opened their minds to take up this opportunity and thus have turned into a successful entrepreneur.

You will be very happy to see the money that the Biotech industry has earned over the past few years in India. There were around 1000 biotech startups in India just by the end of 2016 and most of these were established in just the previous 5 years. Now if you compare these numbers with Australia and the United Kingdom you will be astonished because in the same time period Australia had 470 biotechnology companies and the UK around 3835. And if we look at the net worth of these biotech companies it was around US$11 billion in 2016, which is expected to grow $100 billion by 2025. A major part of these biotech startups is working in the field of medicine like in diagnostics, medical devices, and drugs, but also around 18% are found to be in biotechnology services, 14% in agricultural biotechnol-

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ogy, 3 % in bioindustry and only 1% Mapmygenome. in bioinformatics. Bengaluru-based biotech start-ups “I wanted to make sure that India like Pandorum Technologies, Sea6 had its own voice heard in the field of Energy and Ganit Labs are making biotechnology,” quoted by Anu Acha- news by their extraordinary contrirya who is an inspiring entrepreneur bution in the field of the biotech inhaving two start-ups based in Hydera- dustry. These are a few of the many bad named Ocimum Biosolutions and motivating biotech startups that India

October 22nd, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 101


of being a victorious biotech entrepreneur.

Wow!! Isn’t it inspiring and motivating that these entrepreneurs are con- Thank you and stay tuned for the verting their dreams into reality and next interesting and helpful podcast making a major impact in the world that Biotecnika will bring to you!! Biotech industry? So, don’t doubt yourself and start cherishing and building your dream


October 22nd, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 101


Govt Central Silk Board Scientist Recruitment With Pay – Rs.67700 – Rs 208700


overnment careers for msc and phd candidates at Central Silk Board, Bangalore. Central Silk Board, Bangalore is hiring for Scientist B & Scientist C vacancies. Interested and eligible candidates can check out all of the details on the same below: Central Silk Board Ministry of Textiles – Government of India Bangalore – 560 068 Advt. No. CSB/2/2019 Online applications should be submitted through website for the posts of Director, Scientist-C, as well as Scientist-B, followed by submission of signed hard copy of applications. Applications for the post of Deputy Director (Admn. & Accts.) need to be submitted in hard copy as per format. Hard copy of the application (in respect of all the above 4 cadres) along with appropriate documents may be sent out to the Member-Secretary, Central Silk Board, CSB Complex, B.T.M. Layout, Madivala, Bengaluru– 560068 so as to reach on or prior to 22.11.2019 (06.12.2019 for specified areas by post only). Post I Job Name: SCIENTIST-C (SPECIALIZATION – ZOOLOGY) No. of Posts: 01 Pay Matrix: Level -11 (Rs.67700208700) Age: Not surpassing 40 Years (as on the last date for filing online application for the post) (Relaxable for PWD and Govt. Servants according to Rules). Essential Qualifications: Master’s degree in Zoology from a recognized University with a fouryear experience in Research and Development and/or Academic Institutes and/ or Science & Technology Organizations in the field of Zoology. Desirable Qualifications: Doctorate Degree in Zoology with one year experience in Zoology. Mode of Recruitment: Direct Re-

cruitment. Job Description: Periodical survey of field problems. Develop project, based on the responses gotten throughout Krishi Mela/ Workshop// Field Days, etc. Planning and layout of experiments at field level. Preserve project schedules, co-ordinate with other co-investigators on collaborative projects. Monitoring, evaluation and analysis of the data. Execute All India coordinated Experimental Trials and Race Authorization Programme at CSB field units and State Department farms. Involve in Post Authorization and Demonstration phase for newly evolved varieties/races and Transfer of Technology (ToT). to field through State Departments. Help Senior Scientists in Research and Training Programmes. Impart training and other HRD related assignments. Plan and execute technology transfers through demos and training, etc.

vey of field problems. Develop project, based on the responses gotten throughout Krishi Mela/ Workshop// Field Days, etc. Planning and layout of experiments at field level. Preserve project schedules, co-ordinate with other co-investigators on collaborative projects. Monitoring, evaluation and analysis of the data. Execute All India coordinated Experimental Trials and Race Authorization Programme at CSB field units and State Department farms. Involve in Post Authorization and Demonstration phase for Post II newly evolved varieties/races and Transfer of Technology (ToT). Job Name: SCIENTIST-B to field through State Departments. Help Senior Scientists in Research No. of Posts: 07 and Training Programmes. Impart Pay Matrix: Level -10 (Rs.56100- training and other HRD related assignments. Plan and execute tech177500) nology transfers through demos and Age: Not surpassing 35 Years (as on training, etc. the last day for filing an online application for the post) (Relaxable by 5 How to Apply: years for SC/OBC/PWD according to Last day for filling the application Rules). online: 19th November 2019 Last day for submission of Hard Essential Qualifications: copy of application: 22nd November Master’s Degree in Science in Mas- 2019 ter’s Degree in Agricultural Scienc- Last date for receipt of applications es. Specialization-wise break-up of by post for applicants residing in As7 vacancies is as under:*(see image sam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland, Tripubelow) ra, Sikkim, Union Territory of LadaMode of Recruitment: Direct Re- kh, Lahaul and Spiti District & Pangi Sub-Division of Chamba District cruitment. of Himachal Pradesh, Andaman and Job Description: Periodical sur- Nicobar Islands and Lakshadweep or

abroad 06th December 2019. Note: “Government makes every effort to have a workforce which reflects gender balance and women candidates are encouraged to apply”. The candidates chosen for the above posts are liable to be posted anywhere in India. CSB has Units all over the country and there is all India transfer liability for all its employees. Besides pay, the posts bring allowances according to Central Government rates. Submission of applications both ‘ONLINE’ & ‘HARD COPY’ (along with all relevant enclosures) IS COMPULSORY. KEEP IN MIND: APPLICATIONS ALONGWITH RELEVANT ENCLOSURES OUGHT TO BE NEATLY STAPLED & TAGGED. CSB IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR LOOSE SHEETS SENT WITH THE APPLICATIONS. Applicants serving under Government/Semi-Government/Autonomous Bodies/Public Sector Undertakings need to apply through the correct channel. In addition to the above, for the post at Sl. No. 1 ‘ Certificate of Verification by the Employer’ in the prescribed proforma which is affixed to this advertisement should be enclosed. In case of an advance copy, the application needs to be accompanied with all the required enclosures including ‘Certificate of Verification by the Employer” without which it will not be entertained. Furthermore, a ‘NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE’ from the Employer

Next Page>>>>



at the time of the interview is essential. Applications which are unsigned, incomplete or not in the recommended format or without xeroxes of all certifications in support of their claim or obtained after the last date stipulated in this advertisement shall be summarily rejected.

October 22nd, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 101

those candidates, the Board reserves the right to limit the applicants to be required interview on the basis of qualifications and experience higher than the minimum prescribed in the Advertisement. The Board also reserves the right to call for written examination/ interview only those candidates who in its assessment are most likely to be most suitable. Additionally, the Board reserves the right to terminate the employment process for any kind of one of the above posts or all the posts any time without designating any type of factors.

The prescribed Educational Qualifications are the minimum required and mere possession of the exact same does not entitle candidates to be called for written test/ interview. Where the number of applications received in response to the Advertisement is large and it will not be convenient or pos- No correspondence will certainly be sible for the Board to interview all entertained with candidates not se-

lected for written test/ interview/ ap- regard to educational qualifications, pointment. age, experience, Research Publications, Disability Certificate in respect Canvassing in any form will be a of Persons with Disabilities (Certifdisqualification. icate issued by Medical Board) and Caste Certificate in the case of SC/ No interim enquiry or correspond- ST/OBC etc.,. Duly signed applicaence will be entertained tion along with all pertinent documents may be sent by Speed Post/ Eligible candidates are required to Registered post to the Member Secreapply ONLINE with Central Silk tary, Central Silk Board, ‘Central Silk Board website Board Complex’, Hosur Road, BTM Applicants after Layout, Madiwala, Bangalore– 560 successfully submitting the applica- 068 so as to reach on or prior to 22nd tion online are required to take a print November 2019. out of the same, append his/her signature at the specified space, enclose copies of all the certifications with

Work in Food Safety Dept With FSSAI – Online Applications Open


overnment jobs for biochemistry/microbiology and food technology candidates for Assistant Director (Tech) vacancies. Asst. Director (Tech) jobs for biochem/ food technology and microbiology candidates. Interested and eligible candidates can check out all of the details on the eligibility, application procedure and more below: No. E-12017/01/2019-HR Food Safety and Standards Authority of India A Statutory Authority under Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India (HR Division) FDA Bhavan, Kotla Road, New Delhi-110 002 The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) is a Statutory Authority set up under the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 for laying down science-based criteria for articles of food and to regulate their manufacture, storage, distribution, sale and import, to guarantee the availability of safe and wholesome food for human consumption. 2. FSSAI proposes to fill-up various positions from officers of the Central Government or State Governments or Union Territories or Universities or Recognized Research Institutions or Public Sector Undertakings or Semi-Government, Statutory or Autonomous Organisations on transfer on deputation on Foreign Service terms/ short-term contract basis failing which from retired Govt. officers on contract basis according to the details contained in

Annexure– I. Applicants satisfying the eligibility standards & experience, etc might apply online on the link offered on the FSSAI website i.e. The last date of online application is 11.11.2019. 3. The duration of deputation would be initially for three years. Further extension past 3 years would certainly be subject to performance evaluation in the organization. The terms of deputation including pay of the officials selected on deputation will be governed by provisions laid down in the Department of Personnel and Training’s Office Memorandum No. 6/8/2009-Estt. ( Pay II) dated 17th June, 2010 and other orders/guidelines issued in this regard from time to time. The duration of deputation, in case of employees currently on deputation in another ex-cadre post consisting of the period of deputation held immediately preceding this appointment in the same or some other organization/Department will not surpass 7 years. The maximum age limit for appointment on deputation shall be 56 years on the last day of receiving the applications. The upper age limit may be relaxed in exceptional situations of meritorious applicants. 4. The period of contract with retired Govt. employees would certainly be initially for one year. Further extension beyond one year would certainly be subject to performance evaluation in the organization. The remuneration of retired employees selected on contract basis shall be fixed according to standards. 5. The Food Authority reserves the right not to fill up all or any of the jobs or to cancel.

the advertisement at any phase. 6. Applicants, shortlisted for interview are required to bring a printout of the application form duly certified by the employer along with No Objection Certificate in the prescribed format from the employer and other supporting certificates/ documents. (Integrity certification, vigilance clearance, Major/Minor penalty imposed during the last ten. years and up-to-date copies of APARs for the last 5 years duly accredited copies) at the. time of interview. Ser No.1 Post: Assistant Director(Tech) Pay Level: 10

(a)(i) Holding analogous post on regular basis in the parent cadre or department; or (ii) with 2 years regular service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on a regular basis in the Pay Level 8 or comparable in the parent cadre or division; or (ii) With 3 years regular service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on a regular basis in the Pay Level 7 or comparable in the parent cadre or department; or (iii) with 8 years regular service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on a regular basis in the Pay Level 6 or equivalent in the parent cadre or department as well as with relevant experience as well as possessing

Master Degree from a recognized No of Posts: 25 University or Institution in Chemistry or Biochemistry or Food TechnoloEligibility/ Experience: Officers gy or Food Science & Technology of the Central Government or State or Food & Nutrition or Edible Oil Governments or Union Territories or Technology or Microbiology or Dairy Universities or Recognized Research Institutions or Public Sector Undertakings or Semi-Government, Statutory or Autonomous Organisations: Next Page>>>>


October 22nd, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 101

Technology or Agricultural or horticultural Sciences or Industrial Microbiology or Toxicology or Public Health or Life Science or Biotechnology or Fruit & Vegetable Technology or Food Safety & Quality Assurance OR PG Diploma of at least one year period in Food Safety or Food Science or Food Processing or Quality Assurance in Food sector or Dietetic and Public

Health or Nutrition or Dairy Science or Bakery Science or Post Harvest Technology from a Govt. recognized University/ Institute with a condition that applicants who have completed these PG Diploma courses, should have studied any one of following subjects at their Bachelor’s degree level i.e. Chemistry or Biochemistry or Food Technology or Food Science & Technology or Food & Nutrition or Edible Oil Technology or Microbiology or Dairy Technology or Agricul-

tural or horticultural Sciences or Industrial Microbiology or Toxicology or Public Health or Life Science or Biotechnology or Fruit & Vegetable Technology or Food Safety & Quality Assurance or Food Processing Technology or Fruit & Vegetable or Medicine or Veterinary Sciences or Fisheries or Animal Sciences”. OR BE or B.Tech in Food Technology


or Dairy Technology or Biotechnology or Oil Technology. or Food Process Engineering or Food Processing Technology or Fruit & Vegetable Technology or Food Safety & Quality Assurance or Bachelor’s degree (not less than four years duration) in Medicine or Veterinary sciences or Fisheries or Animal Sciences. The last date of online application is 11.11.2019.

Virology Research Fellow Jobs at THSTI – Up to Rs. 70,000 pm Salary


Sc/PhD Life Sciences/ Biological Science candidates check out the details on the multiple research fellow jobs that are available at THSTI. THSTI Jobs. THSTI MSc & PhD jobs for Life Science/ Biological Sciences candidates. Interested and eligible candidates check out all of the details on the same below: Post I Job Title: Research Associate No of Position: 01 Name of the Project: Investigating the effect of viral infections on zinc homeostasis as a cause of permeability barrier disruption in polarized epithelial and endothelial cells. Name of PI: Dr Guruprasad Medigeshi Age Limit: 32 years. Maximum monthly consolidated emoluments: Up to Rs. 70,000 consolidated. Qualifications & Experience: PhD in Biological Sciences with at least one 1st author publication in a peer-reviewed journal indexed in PubMed. Desirable: Minimum of two years’ research experience in virus research and animal cell culture work. Post II Job Title: Senior Research Fellow No of Position: 01 Name of the Project: Investigating the effect of viral infections on zinc homeostasis as a cause of permeability barrier disruption in polarized epi-

thelial and endothelial cells. Name of PI: Dr Guruprasad Medigeshi Age Limit: 32 years. Maximum monthly consolidated emoluments: Rs. 35,000 plus HRA (For applicants that have qualified any national level fellowship or entrance exams for JRF selections) Qualifications & Experience: Postgraduate degree or Professional Desirable: Minimum of five years’ degree in life sciences/veterinary experience in human or veterinary virology. sciences. Desirable: Minimum of two years’ How to Apply: research experience in virology/cell biology with training in animal cell Interested applicants fulfilling the criteria as mentioned may walk-in for culture. an interview on 31st October 2019 at 09:30 AM at THSTI, NCR BioPost III tech Science Cluster, 3rd Milestone, Expressway, Job Title: Virology Research Fel- Faridabad-Gurugram low No of Position: 01 Name of the Project: Translational Research Consortium for Establishing Platform Technologies to Support Prophylactic and Therapeutic Strategies for Dengue – Discovery to Proof-of-Concept. Name of PI: Dr Guruprasad Medigeshi Age Limit: 35 years. Maximum monthly consolidated emoluments: Up to Rs. 60,000 consolidated. Qualifications & Experience: Postgraduate degree/Professional degree in life sciences from a recognized university or PhD in the area of human/veterinary virology.

Faridabad – 121001. Note: The candidates should bring their latest resume, 1 pair of a photocopy of documents in support of the educational Qualification and expertise together with originals along with a valid ID card for confirmation. Candidates coming following the time Slot mentioned won’t be entertained.



October 22nd, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 101

C-CAMP Life Sciences Intern Recruitment – MSc & PhD Apply Online


entre for Cellular and Molecular Platforms (C-CAMP), Bangalore jobs for MSc & PhD Life Sciences candidates. MSc life science candidates apply for Entrepreneurship and Technology Outreach Intern vacancy at C-CAMP Bengaluru. C-CAMP is recruiting for Intern vacancy, msc candidates as per the details below: Applications are open for the position: Entrepreneurship and Technology Outreach Intern at C-CAMP: The outreach program at Centre for Cellular, as well as Molecular Platforms, is looking for a vibrant, self-driven as well as proactive individual to sign up with as Entrepreneurship and also Technology Outreach Intern. In this position, the

incumbent will certainly report directly to the C-CAMP Outreach Manager. The Intern will be accountable for supporting the Manager in managing and also creating content for all C-CAMP outreach efforts including textual as well as graphical content. She/he will certainly work closely with all Programs in Charge in addition to Outreach Manager in order to capture and also convey news under each of C-CAMP’s programs. She/he has to have the ability to work both on independent as well as collaborative ideas on enhancing C-CAMP’s visibility and also outreach. Eligibility qualifications: MSc in life sciences or relevant subject, PhD is an included advantage Desired:

• Minimum experience in scientific writing, editing and science communication. • Active interest in photography and graphics. • Wage: Shall equal with qualification as well as experience Tenure: The position is on a contract basis, at first for a duration of six

BIRAC Quality Control Research Project Job – Rs. 35,000 pm Salary at UoH


Sc Life Sciences candidates apply for Junior Research Fellow post that is available at University of Hyderabad. University of Hyderabad is hiring for research posts, msc candidates can apply for these positions. Interested candidates can check out details below: UNIVERSITY OF HYDERABAD School of Life Sciences Department of Animal Biology Job Name: Junior Research Fellow No. of Posts: 1 position Name of the Project: “Development of a Novel Expression System with Inbuilt Quality Control for the Production of Fully Folded and Active Recombinant Proteins.” Essential



in any branch of Life Sciences with NET. Salary per month: Rs. 35,000 consolidated. Tenure of the post: 18 months How to Apply: ► Applicants must keep in mind that the appointments to be made are simply short-term and there is no right for claiming for any kind of regular appointment in the University. ► No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview, written test or at the time of joining the post. ► Interested candidates must send their applications so as to reach the undersigned on or before 31.10.2019. ► In support of the claim, the applications need to accompany attested copies of certificates, publications etc.

months with the stipulation for fulltime employment based upon performance evaluation. How to Apply: Apply to or The last date is 31.10.19



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