Biotecnika Times - 5th March 2019 Edition

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March 5th, 2019.

Vol. 03

NO 68


China’s CRISPR Twins – First MetaHumans With An Enhanced Brain?

Danaher To Buy G.E’s Biopharmaceutical Unit In $21.4 Billion Deal

Recent Advancement In Healthcare Via Artificial Intelligence



Voice of Biotecnika

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“Hachimoji Alien DNA”


●● Studying PhD is a thrilling and awfully gratifying endeavor. Whether it’s for personal or professional growth, a PhD can have a life-changing impact, but with its own challenges. However, thinking of ways to find...

Genetic Code Expanded From Four To Eight

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●● The notification for the ICGEBSMART Fellowship Programme 2019 – Scientific Mobility for Advanced Research Training (SMART) is now available. MSc candidates, young researchers with backgorunds ...

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BTSE 2019

By Preety Suman


Read more on Page 2


JOBS GOVT NATIONAL CENTRE FOR DISEASE CONTROL CONSULTANT POSTS WITH RS. 65,000/- SALARY ●● Government of India, National Centre for Disease Control, Directorate General of Health Services is hiring msc & phd candidates with relevant experience for a high salary of Rs. 65,000 paying job....

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●● BTSE 2019: Biotecnika announces BioTecNika Talent Search Exam 2019. We hear your heartbeat increasing day to day as the CSIR NET exams are approaching! No worries, we are here to pull out the...

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March 5th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 68

“Hachimoji Alien DNA” – Genetic Code Expanded From Four To Eight Guanine(G), Cytosine(C), Adenine(A) and thymine(T) are the four base pairs that form DNA – the hereditary unit of life on Earth. RESEARCHERS AT THE U.S HAVE BUILT AN “ALIEN” SYNTHETIC DNA THAT COMPRISES OF EIGHT BUILDING BLOCK LETTERS... By Preety Suman

In a groundbreaking discovery, Researchers at the U.S have built an “Alien” Synthetic DNA that comprises of eight building block letters, expanding the genetic code of DNA from four to eight base pairs. The researchers say that the new form of DNA meets all the Darwinian evolution rules and can also undergo transcription to form RNA. This study can revolutionize future synthetic bi- Hachimoji DNA Compared to ology research & its applications. Natural Human DNA Most interestingly this can solve the entangling mysteries on how to sup- Researchers claim that the hachimoji DNA works similarly to natural port life out of the earth – in space. DNA by supporting life as it pairs and The above study has been published makes copies of hachimoji RNA via in the Science Journal on 22nd Feb- transcription. ruary, with the lead author of the paper being Steven Benner, founder of Benner said this new DNA system the Foundation for Applied Molecu- also comply with the Schrödinger requirement for a Darwinian system of lar Evolution in Alachua, Florida. molecular evolution – which states Understanding the novel Eight that in order to store information, a genetic material must have different Building blocks of DNA building blocks, just like an alphabet With the help of organic chemistry must have different letters. principles, four more building blocks were designed by the scientist in ad- He further added that these extra – dition to the existing four base pairs, new nucleotide letters also can replace that resembles shape & size ratios of each other without geometrically disG:C and A:T base pairs and also bind rupting double helical size or shape of with them. The new building blocks DNA to support Evolution. are, P & B – which are analogues of Purine and Z & S – that are are ana- Hachimoji DNA Transcription logues of pyrimidine. These duplexes Process form P: Z and B:S pairs. To aid the Hachimoji DNA in undergoing the transcription process The researchers decided to name their Alien DNA as “hachimoji” DNA – a natural enzyme (T7 polymerase) – wherein “hachi” means eight in Jap- was used to ensure that it could accept unnatural genetic molecules. It is anese and “moji” letter. also one of the prime challenge faced Steven Benner explained that using while performing research with Synthis new synthetic genetic system, thetic DNA. they have built several other molecules in order to study their binding With the assistance of Andrew Elability to their complementary genetic lington and his team at the University molecules. This led to rules that pre- of Texas at Austin, T7 polymerase was dict how well a sequence of synthet- designed that natural DNA to natural ic building blocks, say GACTZPSB, RNA by changing amino acids in the bind to a complementary CTGAP- protein and finding ones that accept hachimoji DNA to make hachimoji ZBS sequence.

RNA, added Benner. Benner rejects the idea to call it an alien DNA as for that the system must be self-sustaining and hachimoji DNA needs a steady supply of the lab-created building blocks and proteins.

Future Applications of Hachimoji DNA Multiple application areas of the Hachimoji DNA has been listed out by the scientist that includes self-assembling nanostructures, barcoding, development of clean diagnostics for human diseases, molecular information storage which can be retrieved and in the discovery of novel drugs.

Crystal structure of a hachimoji double helix built from four naturally-occurring bases, G (green), A (red), C (blue), T (yellow), and four synthetic bases, B (cyan), S (pink), P (purple), and Z (orange). Notable is the geometric regularity of the pairs, a requirement for evolution. Credit: Millie Georgiadis, Indiana University School of Medicine


March 5th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 68



Last year Chinese researcher He Jiankui claimed to have made the world’s first genetically edited babies via CRISPR. While the aim behind the experiment was to make the babies immune to HIV & AIDS, he might have inadvertently enhanced their brains. He, while genetically editing the babies attempted to eliminate a gene called-CCR5 to make them immune to HIV infections as the HIV virus requires this gene to enter the blood cells. But as per the latest research, edits made to CCR5 gene might have various consequences. Similar Experiments conducted on mice not only made the mice smarter but it could also improve brain recovery after stroke and can be linked to greater success in school.

at the University of California, Los Angeles, with one of the authors being Alcino J. Silva – a neurobiologist, whose lab unveiled a new role for the CCR5 gene in memory and the brain’s ability to form new connections – Confirms this news. In a statement to Technology Review, Silva confirmed that He’s CRISPR based genetic modification attempt might have affected the babies brains.

“The simplest interpretation is that those mutations will probably have an impact on cognitive function in the Findings published by researchers twins,” he said. Silva said it was im-

possible to predict the exact effect the While discussions on this matter are genetic editing will have on the twins’ still on the run globally among the cognition.“That is why it should not research community – it is not yet confirmed that Lulu & Nana are the be done,” he said. first Metahumans in the history with In an attempt to uncover the truth, enhanced brain power. MIT Technology Review team connected with researchers studying the DC & Marvel have already taken us effects of CCR5 gene and found out for a drive through a world of metathat He, never got in touch with any humans, genetically modified superof the specialized brain scientists for heroes – bet it the Flash or the Hulk. any kind of scientific advice or sup- On the top, this news of babies with port. It is being speculated that the enhanced brains will knock out the Jiankui was very much aware of the image to another level. link between CCR5 and cognition, yet he proceeded.



March 5th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 68

Now Hair Can Be Used to Detect Vitamin D Levels Apart From Blood With over a billion people estimated to be affected, vitamin D deficiency a risk factor for depression, cardiovascular disease, inflammation, diabetes, and cancer has reached epidemic proportions worldwide. O CURE THE EFFECTS OF LOW VITAMIN D RESEARCHERS IN LONDON HAVE FOUND THAT VITAMIN D CAN NOW BE MEASURED BY HUMAN HAIR, PAVING THE WAY FOR IMPROVED DIAGNOSIS. By Swarna Khushbu

Vitamin D levels are captured by blood analysis method at a single time point, in contrast, hair, which grow at approximately 1 centimeter a month, which might reflect vitamin D status over several months. Associate Professor Lina Zgaga from Trinity College Dublin said, their study shows that vitamin D is being deposited continuously in the hair as it grows, more of it might be deposited at times when vitamin D concentration in the blood is high and less when it’s low. Lina Zgaga also added that the doctors might get a measure of vitamin D status by conducting a

test based on the hair sample. Zgaga also said that they will be investigating the use of hair products such as hair dye, or aspects that might affect vitamin D levels in hair, the important ones being hair color and thickness.

The researchers stated it this study could possibly lead to an assessment of vitamin D Levels of historical populations – Elizabethans, Vikings, Celts, Romans, ancient Chinese, Egyptians by applications such as hair along with teeth which is the longest lasting surviving biological materials

after death. The findings of the above study were published in Nutrients Journal. However, to prove the exact connection of vitamin D concentration in the blood and in hair, further research has to be conducted.

First CRISPR Patent in U.S Goes To MilliporeSigma MILLIPORESIGMA HAS BAGGED usage. THE FIRST CRISPR PATENT IN About Proxy-CRISPR, its the latest gene editing technique specifically THE UNITED STATES. designed to enhance the efficiency, By Preety Suman speed, and specificity of CRISPR tech by nicking the genome for DNA Modification. As MilliporeSigmaper, The U.S. Patent and Trademark Of- with the help of this tech, researchers fice has issued a formal Notice al- can gain access to regions of the gelowing MilliporeSigma’s application nome that are hard to reach directed to its proxy-CRISPR techProxy-CRISPR by MilliporeSignology. ma utilizes two CRISPR systems MilliporeSigma CEO – Udit Batra developed specifically to act on the in a statement said that this news will genome in proximity to each other. be embraced by the researchers in the One CRISPR system opens a regional U.S as numerous gene editing options “door,” pushing away blocking chronow exist that can lead to accelerated matin proteins, while the other walks drug discovery & developments. He through it to find the exact location further added that MilliporeSigma for modification. Since this tech inbeing a leading innovator of CRISPR volves two CRISPR system, twice the Tech with 15 years’ experience in ge- specificity of individual CRISPR sysnome editing & discovery- is open to tem can be achieved. collaborating with scientists globally The U.S. patent allowance marks with an aim to unleash Proxy-CRIS- MilliporeSigma’s 13th CRISPR patPR Tech’s full potential and its ethical ent Globally.

The company was granted patents for technologies that were CRISPR-related covering alternative and foundational techniques starting in June 2017 in Australia, two months later in Europe. In Australia and Europe as well as in Canada, MilliporeSigma has received patents for its CRISPR paired nickase technology, which utilizes cleaving opposite strands of a chromosomal order to make a double-stranded fracture –as well as for CRISPR integration technologies, which entails the chromosomal cutting of this sequence of eukaryotic cells and insertion of a DNA sequence. MilliporeSigma’s CRISPR patent portfolio includes granted patents in Australia, Canada, Europe, Singapore, China, Israel, and South Korea MilliporeSigma will be licensing its entire patent portfolio for usage in all fields.

As both users and suppliers of genome-editing technology, the businesses of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany support research with genome editing under careful consideration of ethical and legal standards. Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany has established an independent, external Bioethics Advisory Panel to provide guidance for research in which its businesses are involved, including research on or using genome editing, and has developed, defined and transparently published a clear operational position taking into account scientific and societal issues to inform promising therapeutic approaches for use in research and applications.

Press Release By MilliporeSigma


March 5th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 68



Also, Bioinformatics Industrial Training Program (BIITP) is merged with the HRD Biotechnology Industrial Training Programme (BITP). While this comes as a surprise for a lot of participants. We believe this is a good attempt to unify and create you must contact DBT JRF or Bioteca national benchmark for talent. And nika for any kind of help & assistance. we appreciate this endeavor from Department of biotechnology. DBT- BET JRF 2019 Official Notification However, such last-minute announcements can create confusion. View the official Notification from Thus candidates are advised to go DBT below: through the complete notification DBT-BET JRF 2019 via the link beAttention:-Bioinformatics Programs low.If you have any kind of doubts,


ing Programme (BITP).

1. Bioinformatics National Certification (BINC) has been merged with DBT-Junior Research Fellow (BET Exam)

Students of Bioinformatics, who are interested to apply for Fellowship or Industrial Training may keep track of the advertisement of DBT-JRF (BET Exam) and BITP of DBT.

2. Bioinformatics Industrial Training Program (BIITP) is merged with HRDBiotechnology Industrial Train-

BINC and BIITP for Bioinformatics will not be announced from this year onwards.

Now You Can Perform Biotech Experiments In Parks at Greater Noida of opportunity & Greater Noida as a growth driver. He further added that Greater Noida is destined to become one of the smartest tech savvy hubs in India. He urged the students of BU to think out of the box and to utilize By Preety Suman the greener areas in Greater Noida as Labs for their experiments in Biotech. GNIDA is open to signing up MOUs The Greater Noida Industrial De- for this path-breaking initiative. velopment Authority (GNIDA) in a unique initiative has declared that it As per TOI reports Kishore Desai – will allow the usage of the green ar- Officer on special duty at NITI Aayog eas as experimentation laboratories who was also present at the event, A by Researchers & scientists to per- sustained growth can be achieved in form biotech experiments. GNIDA green biotechnology only if a right CEO Narendra Bhooshan made this balance is struck in between what we announcement at a national seminar say and what we do. He mentioned held at Bennett University focusing that private players should also take on the increasing need to support steps in promoting high research standards & scientific growth. The green biotechnology. government of India is also willing Narendra Bhooshan in a statement to role out policies aiding the same – mentioned Uttar Pradesh as a land Desai further added. NOW YOU CAN PERFORM BIOTECH EXPERIMENTS IN YOUR NEARBY PARK IF YOU ARE IN NOIDA! SOUNDS WEIRD RIGHT? BUT ITS TRUE!

DA? Keynote speaker at the seminar – Acharya Balkrishna whos is the CEO • Should such practice be promotof Patanjali Ayurved also shared his ed in other states as well? views in promoting green biotech. • What will be the challenges faced? “Let science be science and let us work towards implementing high • Will it really aid in promoting biotech research in India? standards in our research. Only high quality will ensure sustainability and usefulness of green biotechnology. Do share your views in the comment Innovation is important but the only section below. Our panel of editors reason that we, at Patanjali, have and of course other readers would continued to grow is because of our love to hear them. high-quality research,” he said. Other important research aspects were also focused upon namely – biomass production, bio-based products, and rural entrepreneurship. So, Biotecnikans, after going through this article we have a few questions for you here! • Is it a good initiative by GNI-



March 5th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 68

Danaher To Buy G.E’s Biopharmaceutical Unit In $21.4 Billion Deal In a drastic move take to pay down debt and stabilize the business, General Electric(G.E) have Agreed to sell its biopharmaceutical business to Danaher in a deal valued at $21.4 billion. THE PACT INVOLVES A $21 BILLION IN CASH TRANSACTION, ALSO DANAHER’S ASSUMPTION OF CERTAIN PENSION LIABILITIES OF G.E. By Swarna Khushbu

Once, General Electric was Known as one of the titan’s of American business. Under a succession of leaders, the company has frequently announced the sale of its numerous divisions, diminishing down operations and sales. Executives of General Electric told earlier that they have planned to sell off its health care division which includes the biopharmaceutical unit, which sells equipment and software to biotechnology companies and will sell their stake in a big oil field services business, Baker Hughes.

$20 billion revenue form its biopharmaceutical business. The executives from General Electric stated that companies biopharma unit which focuses on making medical-imaging machines and other equipment for health care providers was not a core Ironically, Last Year General Elec- part of its main division. tric earned about $3 billion of the

Thomas P. Joyce Jr. chief executive of Danaher later stated that G.E. Biopharma business is renowned by us for providing the best in class bioprocessing technologies and solutions. By the end of the year, the Deal is expected to close.

For important information about securities laws and forward-looking statements involving this transaction, please click here.

G.E. Press release

Bharat Biotech To Acquire GSK’s Indian Rabies Vaccine Producing Arm Highlighting the shortage of Rabies vaccine in India as well abroad, Ella stated that With this deal, our combined capacity will become 25 million doses. However, the country needs about 35 million doses, as nearly some 1.7 million dog bites inBy Swarna Khushbu cidents occur every year.


The valuation of the deal has not been disclosed yet. Via this move, scientist turned entrepreneur – Krishna Ella, Bharat Biotech’s co-founder harbors hopes of making a dent in international vaccine space and the Indian. In the coming week, the deal is intended to be complete, Wherein Bharat Biotech will take over 100% equity stake in Chiron Behring Vaccines in an all-cash transaction, which in short will make Bharat have within its fold the largest capacity in the world to make rabies vaccine.

Krishna Ella said Bharat Biotech is

working towards expanding its portfolio and in another few years, they hope to get a portfolio much wider than other leading MNCs in the space. He also added that the company currently has 16 vaccines and in a span of three to four years they plan to have a portfolio of about 22 vaccines. Significant among them now is the WHO pre-qualified vaccines Bipolio,

Rotavac and Typbar TVC to combat polio, rotavirus & typhoid infections. 40-60 percent of Chiron’s output will be shifted by Bharat Biotech to the domestic market. Only 50 percent of rabies vaccine requirement is being met in India till now.


March 5th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 68


Roche All Set To Acquire Spark Therapeutics In $5 Billion Deal Roche Holding AG – One of the world’s biggest drugmakers is all set to buy Spark Therapeutics Inc. The deal for Spark could be announced anytime soon at a price tag of nearly $5 billion. SPARK THERAPEUTICS INC IS A PHILADELPHIA BASED BIOTECH COMPANY MAINLY FOCUSED ON ONE-TIME TREATMENTS THAT MODIFY HUMAN GENES. By Swarna Khushbu

Spark Therapeutics first medicine, Luxturna, can avert blindness in people with a rare eye disease. Its latestage hemophilia gene therapies could help people live without a lifetime of expensive infusions. After Acquiring Spark, Roche would become a big player in gene therapy, while protecting its increasingly important hemophilia franchise and broadening its drug-development pipeline. But there are unique pricing issues around these drugs that would pose a challenge for any buyer. Luxturna costs $425,000 per eye, and hemophilia therapies will likely make that price tag look cheap. It will require more than scientific success to make this deal work for Roch

these medicines are still theoretical, With people changing jobs and insurers all the time, health plans may be reluctant to make the equivalent of a big investment that may benefit someone else in the crucial U.S. market. As crazy as it sounds, they may prefer massive annual bills.

Spark Inc has attempted to address these problems, offering discounts on Luxturna in certain cases. It’s one Because of political backlash, Ag- of the more prominent examples of gressively increasing the price is a what’s called value-based pricing. It wrong tactic. The cost benefits of is also working with the government

to make Installment payments possible. Things should be taken by Roche further, although that’s a start. That means value-based discounts that are 75 percent of $850,000 is too much to cover a drug that does not work fully, embracing smaller payments over a longer period. This would go a long way toward salving insurer concerns.

concerned about Hemlibra being replaced, but almost $5 billion is a steep price for just an insurance policy and Luxturna’s comparatively modest sales potential. They would benefit over time from creating a system where gene therapies are embraced for their value instead of hampered by their prices. Roche Press Release

After this big deal, Roche is ready to make a significant commitment to gene therapy. The firm is rightfully


This increases the demand for therapies drastically. Scientists at the Salk Institute, United States have come with a novel CRISPR/Cas9 genome-editing therapy that may suppress accelerated ageing in mice with progeria syndrome – a genetic disorder which afflicts humans. A study published in journal Nature Medicine highlights the molecular pathways involved in accelerated

ageing and also focuses on ways on how to minimize the toxic proteins via gene therapy. As per Juan Carlos Izpisua Belmonte – a professor at Salk’s Gene Expression Laboratory, Progeria is an ideal disease model to study ageing as it allows to devise an intervention, refine and to test it again in a shorter time period. Progeria With fast progression is one of the most severe forms of degenerative disorders caused by a mutation in the LMNA gene. Signs of ageing can be seen in Both mice, as well as humans with progeria which includes DNA damage, cardiac dysfunction, and dramatically shortened life span. Normally two similar proteins are produced by the LMNA gene inside

a cell: lamin A and lamin C. Progeria shift the production of lamin A to progerin. Progerin is a short toxic form of lamin A that accumulates with age and is exacerbated in those with progeria. A staff researcher named Hsin-Kai Liao- from Izpisua Belmonte lab stated that – the main aim behind this study was to remove the toxicity from the mutation of the LMNA gene which is the prime cause for accumulation of progerin within the cell. In order to deliver the gene therapy into the cells of the progeria mouse model CRISPR/Cas9 system was utilized for expressing Cas9. It was observed After two months from the delivery of the therapy that the mice were stronger and more ac-

tive with an improvement in cardiovascular health as well. The mice showed decreased degeneration of a major arterial blood vessel and an abnormally slow heart rate which are the two issues commonly observed in progeria and old age. After the study, it was seen that the treated progeria mice had activity levels similar to normal mice, and their life span was increased roughly by 25 percent. Pradeep Reddy- a postdoctoral fellow from the Izpisua Belmonte lab stated that- they will be able to increase life span further once we improve the efficiency of our viruses to infect a wide range of tissues.



March 5th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 68


March 5th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 68

Recent Advancement In Healthcare Via Artificial Intelligence WEEKLY PODCAST

Episode 20 Artificial Intelligence -in short AI- is the buzzword of the millennium! Whenever we think of it, first what comes in our mind is super-robots or humanoids, looking and even behaving like a human. The popular Sci-fi culture as reflected by the fictional characters seen in movies like Star Wars, The Matrix, I-Robot, Terminator series etc. has aided in developing such concepts. What we fail to realize is that we might be already using the AI in our daily life. Today in this Podcast we will be discussing the role of Artificial Intelligence in the Healthcare field and also talk about the recent advancements. The current scenario of AI in healthcare is very promising. But there are some risks also associated, like the privacy of patients and differences in the reasoning of human and AI. So it will be wise as not to hurry into the implementation of AI. We need to consider all the pros and cons. Listen to the podcast below to know more about it.

Voice of Biotecnika by Dr. Sunita Adak




March 5th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 68

Should You Self Fund Your PhD? Pros & Cons Explained Studying PhD is a thrilling and awfully gratifying endeavor. Whether it’s for personal or professional growth, a PhD can have a life-changing impact, but with its own challenges. HOWEVER, THINKING OF WAYS TO FIND THE FINANCIAL SOURCE, SHOULDN’T BE ONE OF THEM. SO, MAKE SURE TO DO YOUR RESEARCH IN THE BEST WAY FOR YOUR PRODUCTIVE CAREER. By Dr. Leema George

There is a quote saying “If you want something badly enough, you make arrangements. If you don’t want it badly enough, you make excuses”. So, if you have a burning wish to be called a “doctor”, then self-funding is like arranging. To follow your own path and self-fund your doctoral studies- It’s a thought pondering over by thousands of ambitious postgraduate students every year. But, it can make PhD a more daring task with an expensive price tag. However, for some, this is less of an issue, if they have a wealthy family or have their own source to extend the support for PhD. Self-funding PhD is a unique experience that will frame you with a wide range of skills and abilities that you may not have otherwise obtained. But it’s important to embark the process with your eyes open.

time to carry out innovative research, paper writing, attending conferences, and you may be even left out with time for a life outside your PhD. Pro #2- You Get to be the Decision Maker If you receive funding from an agency, under any circumstances if you want to drop out you may have to satisfy and convince the funding body. You likely had to repay may be a part or sometimes the entire money you have received which sounds unkind and unattractive. However, if you drop out while self-funded this is not a big deal as you are the decision maker.

So, let’s go through some points to bear in mind that gives you some ideas whether or not you want to launch this journey. Let’s find the Answer to Pro #3 – You are Eligible for “Adthe question – Should You Self Fund ditional” rights Your Ph.D.?

Reminding the institution that you To begin with, we will start looking are a self-funded PhD candidate will into the benefits of self-funded PhD benefit you in lot many ways. It may help you to receive conference bursaPROS OF SELF FUNDING ries and even get considerations for YOUR PHD fee waivers as well. Pro #1- You will Be your own on Boss There are lot many attractive funding agencies that provide financial assistance to pursue a PhD, but it may have a lot of strings attached. There will be additional burdens like preparing up to date reports, regular mandatory events or teaching assignments, that are time-consuming. But it is not the case if you raise your own funding as you are free from all these obligations. You will be left out with extra

Pro #4. You are the finance manager When you signed up to pursue a career in life science you may not have to worry about budget management, but it turns out as an important responsibility in your daily life. Self-funding your PhD helps you to get a grip on yourself with the financial management and budgeting process associated with your research work. And so, you will be fully geared up to enter

the competitive outside world with this experience. Pro #5. You develop outstanding networking and communicating skills Developing relationships and networking with people is all the way critically important in life. At the same time, effectually communicating with impact in as few words as possible is a skill that is important as well. When it comes to building a career, these skills stand as important as all the other stuff you’re doing to add on your resume. The same is the case for doing a PhD by arranging your own fund. For getting durable support for your self -funded PhD you need to have explored support from all the possible source. This enables you to develop extensive networking and communication skills which will upgrade the success rate of your research as you learn to present the key aspects much more influentially. If you are successful in building relationships with people who can open a lot of important doors for your future, it’s really a valuable and promising asset for a fruitful career. Pro #6. You are the critical evaluator of your work It is a procedure of evaluating and refining yourself. The process allows a critical thinking and evaluation of your work in a multifactorial perspective. This process tends to clear out the bad from the good, and so hopefully through this elimination process,

your ideas, your work and your focus improves with time making you more productive and innovative. Pro #7. It Motivates you It is a brave decision, but one learns to turn fears into opportunities and overlook irrelevant events and relationships that don’t donate to your wider narrative. Not being liable to any external funding body is a blessing in disguise. It will give you an immense sense of being self-responsibility for, and ownership of your work, enabling you to avoid complacency and step out of your comfort zone. It will stimulate you to look for opportunities and brand yourself stand out from the crowd. Moreover, facing the hardships you encounter in the journey will make you more resilient, enhance your self- confidence and prepares you to flow against the harsh realities. More time equals more money -it is a powerful push to finish your PhD in time, to prove yourself and others that you are capable of. Pro #8. No harm to your employability Funding your research yourself will most likely have no impact or hinder your employability. In fact, it might boost it, as it signifies resilience, resourcefulness and determination. It is the experience and quality of your PhD that accounts for your future ca-

Next Page>>>>


March 5th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 68

reer. Now let us discuss the other side of the coin, the negative aspects of a self- funded PhD. CONS OF SELF FUNDING YOUR PHD Con # 1: What is it going to cost When we analyse the economics of paying for your PhD you’ll need to set aside money for two things: research and living costs. It could cost you thousands per year to undertake a PhD – which is higher than the amount the external funding body is offering, so you’ll have to search elsewhere to pay for your living costs. The expenditure for a PhD will vary dramatically between somewhere with a high cost of living and somewhere with a lowcost living index. In addition, you also must be aware of the extra costs incurring may be through an illness. If you’re self-funding you lose financial security and a certain safety zone which can have adverse impacts on your PhD life. Con # 2: Need to find a source Students from rich backgrounds may be privileged and receive support from their family; others having no financial buffer might be forced to accept several part-time jobs, or even find full-time employment to pay for their PhD. Working while doing a PhD, the situation cannot be taken

lightly. This can become the hardest time in life not because the PhD workload is too much, if you can balance your employment with your PhD. If you are constantly working for hours, it does impact your PhD and can delay it as it takes out your time and can also add to your stress level. Con #3 Missing out chances There are certain chances that a self -funded PhD student will miss out, like attending training programmes or conferences offered by the institution but only be available to funded PhDs. The chance to meet experts in your field, attend international conferences or to update your technical experience, funded PhDs can gain a wealth of career opportunities besides the financial benefits which a self -funded PhD will miss. Con #4: Running out on university life.

you would have liked due to financial constraints. You can’t join the gym or any societies or cultural centers as it is all extra time and money that cannot be affordable. To or Not to Do a self-funded PhD When you are engaged in the construction of your first grant proposal, you’ll spend hours and days on it, honing your ideas and critically evaluating word by word and line by line. Once it is done, you’ll submit it to an external funding agency with great pride and hope and will anxiously await the outcome. After waiting for months and when the result has been announced, your heart bounds as the decision email finally bounce into your inbox. You can barely hold your enthusiasm as you read “the proposal was very interesting”. Now comes the important part…as you scroll down …stop… here it is! – “due to the huge volume of applications”. “regret to inform you”. Oh… you never expected that those four little words could make things upside down. The fact is that though you will write a numerous grant proposal, only around 10-15% of them will get approved and funded.

The spin off effect of self-funding – if you’re working to pay the expense –you’re also likely to pass-up extra-curricular activities at the university or the institution such as joining various clubs or societies and even investing in your future job prospects. If you want a successful career, these are all important stuff that will make So, if you really want to secure your your CV competitive. dream of getting a PhD degree and stubbornly decide that you are going Con #5: Missing out a social life to work on your passion, then raise your own fund is the defining feaYou may not socialize as much as ture of your PhD journey. But keep


in mind that if you choose to go for it, save some amount before you start your PhD. This will dismiss some of the financial limitations. Likewise, consider the place where you want to pursue your PhD. After a year of PhD, the biggest obstacle in self- funded PhD will be in terms of finance ie. the living expenditure. The tuition fees for PhD in the institutes are actually relatively cheap when compared to undergraduate or postgraduate study but they aren’t all you have to pay. So, don’t just factor in the host institute, but take a moment to consider the living cost as well. Last but not the least don’t compare yourself to others. At some point during the journey, you may feel like equating yourself to fully-funded students or feel that they might be looking down on you. Avoid this as there are a multitude of factors make you to take the decision to self-fund your PhD, and none of these questions your research potential or efficiency. Ultimately no supervisor will take on a PhD student who cannot do productive and innovative research. So, if they offer you a chance then you are equally good as any other PhD candidate. Then go ahead to work hard and produce something exceptional out of it.



March 5th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 68

ICGEB SMART Fellowship Programme 2019 The notification for the ICGEBSMART Fellowship Programme 2019 – Scientific Mobility for Advanced Research Training (SMART) is now available. MSC CANDIDATES, YOUNG RESEARCHERS WITH BACKGORUNDS IN LIFE SCIENCES ARE ENCOURAGED TO APPLY FOR THIS COLLABORATIVE EFFORT. CHECK DETAILS BELOW: By Diluxi Arya

The ICGEB SMART Fellowship programme promotes the mobility of researchers involving ICGEB Member States as a means of improving skill development, acquisition of particular hands-on training in new technology and increasing collaboration in science and technology and should reveal clear signs of strong collaboration between both labs. Application guidelines: Purpose: The programme encourages the mobility of researchers involving the ICGEB Member States as a means of improving skill development, acquisition of particular handson instruction in technology offered in the receiving lab and raising bilateral cooperation in science and engineering, and should show clear signs of strong cooperation between both labs. Applicants should focus on the impact for the fellow’s career, the advantage to the applicant’s home lab as well as also the suitability of the receiving lab. Subject Area: Applications are welcome in any area of the Life Sciences. Qualification: The call is available to nationals of ICGEB Member States and provides fellowships to scientists at the early stage of their career wishing to spend between 3 and 9 months in a research institution within an ICGEB Member State other than their own. Fellowships for mobility support to laboratories located in Italy, India and South Africa could be considered in the event the research activity proposed isn’t covered by one of those ICGEB labs (please visit ICGEB Arturo Falaschi Shortterm fellowships). There is no age limitation. But preference is awarded to young scientists at the start of their research career. Applicants ought to be either registered for a PhD or have acquired their PhD degree within the

previous five years. Young scientists holding an MSc or equivalent can apply.SMART Fellowships support mobility between laboratories located in the Member States. Awards aren’t meant to prolong visits begun under other auspices; to support participation in courses, workshops or symposia or as bridging fellowships between, or before, long term stays funded by ICGEB or other organizations. Terms and Benefits: Awards are for a minimum of 3 to a maximum of 9 months. The fellowship covers global economy return travel, health insurance and subsistence of this fellow only. The stipend ranges from US$ 800 to 1,500 a month based on local conditions in the receiving country and seniority of the applicant. Additionally, a US$ 500 monthly bench fee could be paid directly to the receiving lab depending on the recommendation of the ICGEB Fellowships Committee. The fellowship stipend will be paid by bank transfer directly to the fellow’s bank account. Upon joining the receiving lab, ICGEB will transfer the bench fee allocation to the receiving lab, which will be responsible for the management of their funds and the certification of expenditures to ICGEB. The receiving lab is anticipated guarantee that adequate provisions are in place for the particular research project and also to make the bench fee allocation available to the ICGEB SMART Fellow immediately, free of any administrative overhead costs. ICGEB makes no financial provision, nor will it

provide administrative support for date’s CV and also the impact on his/ family members of participants in her career, the potential benefit for the programme. the home and the host nation, competence, skills and equipment available Bench Fee: The bench fee allowance in the receiving lab. ICGEB will pospaid at the framework of this ICGEB itively value any extra support proSMART fellowship is a contribution vided by the receiving institute into to the implementation of this research the fellow’s living expenses (i.e. a diproject proposal presented by the can- rect contribution for living expenses, didate. The receiving lab is expected guest house accommodation, etc.) to use the whole bench fee allocation to the advantage of the approved re- Submission: Please complete the search-training programme. Any un- application form in all parts and respent balance left will need to be re- turn this form, via email, as well as turned to ICGEB. Funds can only be all attachments: ICGEB Fellowships utilized to cover the purchase of lab UnitAtt: Barbara Argenti, ICGEB, consumables that are directly linked Padriciano 99, I-34149 Trieste, Italy to the SMART Fellow’s research ac- E-mail:, Tel: tivities such as general labware, cry- +39-040-3757382, Fax: +39-040oware, glassware and plasticware 226555 chemicals and reagent cell culture consumables pipettes and pipette tips Final Report: Successful candidate microplates PCR and qPCR consum- will jointly prepare a final scientific ables. These items Aren’t considered report together with the host supereligible costs: Costs of maintenance, visor highlighting the achievements repair, running or insurance of exist- attained during the period of the Feling assets belonging to this Host In- lowship. The host Institute will substitute. Purchase of equipment, office mit a signed financial statement refurniture or fittings. Computer hard- porting that the cost covered by the ware or software. Office stationery. bench fee allowance obtained. Travel costs.Literature. Administrative costs and overhead costs of the Closing Dates for Applications: 31 InstituteBank charges March 2019 Selection: The ICGEB Fellowships Selection Committee will assess total applications received by the closing date. The candidates will be notified of this outcome by email when possible after the final date for applications. The main criteria for selection include scientific excellence of this project, the qualities of the candi-

View Notification


March 5th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 68


Inlaks Scholarships 2019 – Get Scholarship of Up to US$100,000 to Study Abroad Inlaks Scholarships, Scholarships 2019, Inlaks Shivdasani Scholarships 2019, Inlaks Shivdasani 2019, Indian Scholarship 2019, Inlaks 2019, Indian International Scholarship 2019. INDIAN NATIONALS CAN CHECK OUT ALL OF THE DETAILS ON THE OVERVIEW, ELIGIBILITY, APPLICATION PROCEDURE AND MORE BELOW: By Diluxi Arya

Inlaks Scholarships offer the chance to young people with exceptional talent in any field to broaden their vision overseas and improve their skills to operate in society, thereby making them a future vehicle of change in their environment. The scholarships are of two types: university courses and particular programmes. ABOUT THE SCHOLARSHIP: UNIVERSITY COURSES Scholarships are granted at top American, European and UK institutions, for funding requirements including tuition fees. The Foundation doesn’t award scholarships for more than US$100,000. In the event the whole funding required (tuition + living allowances) exceeds US$100,000, applicants should show evidence that they have the ability to cover full financing for their courses at the time of the interviews in May/ June. The Foundation doesn’t ensure applicants who aren’t fully funded. The Foundation has joint scholarship schemes with Imperial College, London, Royal College of Art (RCA), London, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), London, Cambridge Trust, Cambridge and SciencesPo, Paris. In the case of applicants for these collaborating institutions, the Foundation is able to accept applications with no requirement. The Foundation doesn’t give scholarships in the following subjects: Engineering, Computer Science, Business Studies, Medicine, Public Health, Fashion Design, Music and Film Animation. However, in the case of Imperial College, London, scholarships will be given for Engineering and Computer Science. Further, we’ll consider Indian Studies, just if they have contemporary relevance. Within the field of Music, only applications for Western Classical singing degrees

will be considered. SPECIFIC PROGRAMMES PROPOSED BY THE CANDIDATE: Scholarships for research, training or professional improvement to be carried out overseas either independently or attached to a top institution, rather than leading to a degree. Candidates will be expected to provide complete details of the proposed programs, such as travelling and time plans, a complete breakdown of costs, and evidence of agreement with these kinds of institutions if needed. TERMS OF THE SCHOLARSHIP The scholarship covers, for the period granted, tuition fees, adequate living expenses and one-way travel. In the case of scholarship requirement of above $100,000 (or equivalent), (tuition + living allowance), applicants should show evidence of funding, for the balance of costs, at the time of interviews in May or June. In the case of specific programs, the financial coverage is going to be discussed directly with the candidate. Acceptance of other scholarships, teaching assistantships and part-time jobs are welcome after approval from the Foundation. Scholarship won’t be awarded to applicants whose proposed course of study or specific project requires field trips back to India throughout tenure.

Scholarships are given in May/ June normally for commencement in subsequent September and October. Any scholarship not commenced within 9 months will be forfeited. HOW TO APPLY ELIGIBILITY

eligible. • The award of other grants, teaching assistantships and support from other sources for the proposed programme will be regarded by the Foundation as a positive factor. The Foundation also encourages applications from young people presently employed.

• Scholarships are open to all Indian citizens who are resident in HOW WE DECIDE India at the time of application. Candidates are normally expect- • The Foundation has been awarded to hold a good first degree ing scholarships to deserving from a recognized university young Indian since 1976. Few in India. Indian citizens who other foundations have, during maintain a fantastic undergradthis period of time, given as uate degree from a recognized many scholarships as many and university outside India has to such varied fields. have resided continuously and • The key to Inlaks is flexibilibeen employed or been studyty. We look for the unusual, we ing India, for at least two years, search out a special talent and following their under-graduawe spot people with flair. And tion. People having a postgradonce we’re convinced that we’ve uate degree (e.g. Master or PhD) found it, we’ll do everything from a university outside India possible to accommodate a more aren’t eligible; people who have worthy candidate. started but not completed a postgraduate degree outside India What exactly do you need to be conwill also be ineligible. cerned about? • It’s essential to have prior admission to the institution and course • Your achievements, academchosen. The Foundation won’t ic and otherwise. We’ll require consider candidates without adproof that you’re an achiever. mission or pending admission. • Your potential. We pride ourThe institutions concerned must only be a high rank. • Candidates may be a maximum of 30 years of age in the year of application. Candidates who are already studying or have started their programme overseas aren’t Next Page>>>>



selves on judging potential as much as performance. It is not exactly what you’ve already achieved; it is what we can help you achieve in the future. • The suitability of your course, programme or project. You have to persuade us that the course/ programme is right for you and that you’re right for it. APPLICATION PROCESS The application form will be available online from the 25th February (12 pm onwards). The deadline for submissions is 15th April (23:59 IST). It must include: • Evidence of admission to a university or a course, and complete detail of this institute’s fiscal re-

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quirements. Candidates in architecture, fine and applied arts, and associated subjects have to upload their portfolio as a pdf file or share a website/online portfolio link. Candidates for Film, Dance, Acting, and Music (Western classical singing) must also upload via a link. Evidence of some outstanding achievements in extra-curricular activities in almost any area. Photocopy of the first and last pages of your passport. A clear declaration has to be made of all funding received on your course. In the event the offer of financing comes in after you’ve submitted your application, please inform us of exactly the same via email, at the earli-

March 5th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 68

est. • In the event you’ve applied for a different course, for which you aren’t applying to Inlaks for funding, at the same or a different institution and have an offer of funding from elsewhere, you need to inform us of the exact same even if it’s not your intention to avail of the offer. APPLICATION FORMS WILL BE AVAILABLE ONLINE FROM 25 FEBRUARY 2019 (12 NOON ONWARDS). SELECTION PROCEDURE: An independent Inlaks Committee carries out the Applications received are and evaluated, along with

mittee subsequently calls the most interesting candidates for interviews. All candidates should be available for interviews in India. They usually take place in Mumbai or Delhi in May or in June, in 2 stages: preliminaries, also for those who make it, finals. Candidates short-listed for the interviews might need to arrange for their own travel and accommodation. Candidates who don’t receive any communication by the 1st of June must assume that their applications haven’t been successful. Applications Open: 25 February 2019 (12 pm onwards)

Selection Deadline: 15 April 2019 (23:59 selection. IST) analyzed the comVIEW NOTIFICATION


March 5th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 68


Bose Institute Summer Training 2019


he notification for the Bose Institute Summer Training 2019 has been announced. Interested and eligible candidates with a background in biological sciences and are actively pursuing their MSc, MTech, Integrated MS students in their 4th year are encouraged. BSc can apply provided some criteria are met. Check out all of the details on the same below: Bose Institute provides short term training for excellent students in Life Sciences, Physical Sciences and Chemical Sciences from different Universities/ academic institutes during the months of May to July 2019 (for a total period of 2 months). The training is provided by faculty members of the Institute who’d select students according to their own academic Interest and those of the students. Students are encouraged to visit the web-pages of individual faculty members to make them aware of the available research programs before filling up the form. A maximum of thirty students may be chosen under this programme. Students selected by the Science Education panel of Indian Academy of Sciences for Summer Research Fellowship-2019

and assigned to Bose Institute need not apply again. Unfortunately, no accommodation can be provided and outstation candidates are expected to arrange for their own accommodation in Kolkata. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA: • Students pursuing Masters Degree (e.g. MSc, MVSc, MTech, Integrated MS students in their 4th year) in any stream of physical/biological/engineering/medical sciences. Students pursuing Bachelors’ courses (eg B.Sc) may also apply if they’re the recipients of INSPIRE, JBNSTS, KVPY, NTSE or similar prestigious awards. • ≥75% aggregate score (or an equivalent grade) in both secondary (+10) and higher secondary (10+2) and ≥60 percent in the graduation. APPLICATION FORMAT: • Only online applications will likely be considered. Interested candidates should apply here. • All applications must contain a scanned copy of the recommendation/forwarding letter from

the Head of the Department/Institution or even Registrar/Dean of this University/Institute/College of this candidate at the prescribed format. • Applications must also include the write-up on the career goals of the student and how this training is going to be helpful for them. • If chosen, original certificates/ mark sheets, recommendation letter, and identity proof shall be verified at the time of joining the programme. Deadlines: • Last date for receipt of filled-in online application form: 30th March 2019 • The announcement of the list of

selected candidates: 10th April 2019 • Tentative date of commencement of the training: 2nd May 2018 • Enquiries regarding the applications may be sent to Contact information Dr. Ajit Bikram Datta, Dept. Of Biochemistry, Bose Institute Centenary Campus, P 1/12 CIT Scheme VIIM, Kolkata-700 054, India.



March 5th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 68

Govt National Centre for Disease Control Consultant Posts With Rs. 65,000/- Salary


overnment of India, National Centre for Disease Control, Directorate General of Health Services is hiring msc & phd candidates with relevant experience for a high salary of Rs. 65,000 paying job. Interested and eligible candidates can check out all of the details on the same below: National Centre for Disease Control Directorate General of Health Services Ministry of Health & Family Welfare Government of India 22, Sham Nath Marg, Delhi-110054

Name of the Position: Consultant Microbiologist No.of Positions: 01

Age: Not more than 60 Years (in case of retired Government Servant as per DoPT Guidelines) Remuneration: Rs. 65000/- per month consolidated

Terms of Reference: • Guide microbiologists/technicians at SSU/DSU level for lab investigations of disease of Public Health importance • Facilitate capacity building of lab professionals by organizing training programs • To increase utilization of lab testing for disease surveillance (eg identifying new strategies to

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obtain appropriate specimens, analyzing test positivity rates( etc) including collaboration with CSU epidemiologists responsible for the same states. Ensure implementation of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for lab techniques developed by IDSP in all labs under IDSP Ensure implementation of guidelines for Biomedical Waste Management developed under IDSP in all labs under IDSP network in States/UTs. Ensure timely submission by • Make regular assessments reDSUs/SSUs of weekly and ports of District public health monthly status report on lab tests labs and state referral laboratory carried out in priority district network labs to CSU. • Undertake the various different Ensure timely submission by activities including travelling to DSUs of weekly L-Form report several laboratories under the on lab tests carried out in labs in project as required under the lab the district to the CSU through strengthening component of the the IDSP portal site. IDSP project. Participate in epidemic inves- • Quarterly performance report to tigations as a member of Rapid be prepared for appraisal. Response Team (RRT) as and • The work will consist of frequent when required and also provide travel to assigned States. support for sample collection • Performing other duties as needand transport of specimens. ed in the interest of this proLiaise with a medical college, gramme along with any other private and other associated secwork/activity assigned from tors on issues associated with time to time. laboratory diagnosis of outbreak-prone diseases Educational & Other QualificaMonitor Internal Quality Assur- tions: ance and External Quality Assessment of labs under IDSP. • M.Sc. in Medical Microbiology Supervise through on-site visits with PhD with two-year experiand provide technical support to ence in clinical laboratory serDistrict Public Health Laboratovices. ries (DPHL) being strengthened • Must be Proficient in Computer under the Integrated Disease Applications (MSWord, Excel Surveillance Project. and Power Point), email and inSupervise the referral laboratory

ternet. How to Apply: • Candidates must bring all the original certificates including experience certificates for the verification, candidates without original documents will not be permitted to appear in the interview. • No TA/DA will be admissible for attending the Walk-in-Interview. Selection Procedure: Registration of the candidates will be done on 1903-2019 between 9:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. at NCDC, Delhi followed by an interview. The candidates are required to submit their resume along with photocopies of all documents/ testimonials along with 2 passport size photographs at the time of registration Date, Time & Venue of Interview: 19-03-2019 in Central Surveillance Unit of Integrated Disease Surveillance Programme at NCDC.


March 5th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 68


Govt HPPSC, MSc Biosciences Scientific Officers Recruitment 2019


overnment Scientific Officer jobs for biochem, microbiology, candidates at Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission. Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission recruitment 2019 for msc biosciences candidates. Interested and eligible candidates check out all of the details on the same below: Advertisement No. 3 /2019 Online Recruitment Applications (ORA*) are invited from desirous and qualified candidates for Recruitment to various posts in various departments of Himachal Pradesh Government through ORA, which shall be available on the Commission’s website in/hppsc up to 13th March 2019 till 11:59 P.M. (IST), thereafter link will be disabled. (*by using official website Post I Item No. (I) C: H.P. State Pollution Control Board under the Department of Environment Science and Technology Job Name: Scientific Class-I. (Contract Basis)


Vacancies: 04 Pay band: Rs. 15600-39100/-+Rs. 7600/-Grade Pay (Fixed contractual amount as admissible) AGE: 18 to 45 years. Essential Qualifications: 1st Class M.Sc. Degree in Chemistry/Environmental Science/Micro-Biology with a Bachelor’s Degree in Basic Science from a recognized university/institution as a regular student or Bachelor Degree in Chemical Engineering or Bio-Chemical Engineering. Desirable Qualification: Knowledge of customs, manners & dialects of Himachal Pradesh and suitability for appointment in the peculiar conditions prevailing in the Pradesh. Post II Item No. (I) E: H.P. State Pollution Control Board under the Department of Environment Science and Technology

Job Name: Junior Scientific Officer, Class-II (Contract basis) Vacancies: 09 Pay band: Rs. 10300-34800/-+ Rs. 4200/-Grade Pay (Fixed contractual amount as admissible) AGE: 18 to 45 years. Essential Qualifications: 1st Class M.Sc. Degree in Environmental Science / Chemistry/Microbiology with a Bachelor’s Degree in Basic Science from a recognized university/institution as a regular student. Desirable Qualification: Knowledge of customs, manners & dialects of Himachal Pradesh and suitability for appointment in the peculiar conditions prevailing in the Pradesh.

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How to Apply: • The date for determining the eligibility of candidates in regard to qualifications (s) And expertise, if any, etc., shall be the prescribed closing date for submission of ORA (Online Recruitment Applications) i.e. 13th March 2019 • The candidates should read instructions carefully, which is on site of the Commission prior to applying for the article (s) concerned. • The candidates need to guarantee their eligibility in respect of category, experience, age and Essential Qualification(s) etc. ) as mentioned against the concerned post in the advertising to Prevent rejection in a later stage. • The Advantage of reservation for the various post(s) will be admissible only to the candidates, O.B.C., Ex-Servicemen, WFF and Persons with disabilities (Locomotor Disabled / Visually Impaired/ Hearing Impaired) etc. • The reserved category candidates belonging to other States will be treated as GENERAL CATEGORY CANDIDATES as well as the benefit of reservation and fee concession won’t Be admissible to these candidates. • The candidates should possess requisite essential qualification(s) prescribed for the post(s) for which he/she wants to apply as on closing date i.e. 13th

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March 2019 for submission of Online Recruitment Applications (ORA) on the website The number of post(s) is/are tentative and might increase or decrease from time to time. No in support (regular service) candidates is going to probably be interviewed unless he/she brings NOC From the concerned employer. Examination fees once paid won’t be refunded. Disputes, if any, will be subject to Court jurisdiction at Shimla.

How to Apply: Detailed instructions for filling up Online Recruitment Applications are available on the above-mentioned website. a) Desirous/ eligible candidates must have to apply online through official website of the Commission http:// . Applications received through any other mode would not be accepted and summarily rejected. b) The candidates, who wish to apply for more than one post, should apply separately for each post and will have to pay the requisite examination fees for each post in the prescribed manner. c) After submitting the Online Recruitment Application(s) (ORA), the candidates are required to take a printout of the finally submitted Online Recruitment Application and submit the same along with requisite attested documents/certificates in support of their eligibility to the Commission on the day of Screening Test for the concerned post. d) In case the candidate has applied against more than one item i.e. post published in the advertisement, the

candidate is required to submit separate copies of requisite attested documents/ certificates along with the printout of the Online Recruitment Application of each post on the day of Screening Test for the respective posts. Mode of Payment: • Candidates can pay requisite Examination Fees through ‘e-Payment’ i.e. through Debit Card or Credit Card of any Bank. • Before applying online, all candidates are advised to go through detailed instructions given on the above-mentioned website Facilitation Counter for Guidance of Candidates: In case of any guidance/ information/ clarification regarding Online Applications applicants can contact HPPSC’s Reception Counter in person or on Toll-Free No. 1800-1808004 or Ph. No. 0177-2629738 on any working day between 10:00 A.M. To 05:00 P.M. Queries related to online applications/ OTRS can also be mailed by the candidates on email ID: Deadline: 13th March 2019 till 11:59 P.M



March 5th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 68

UNESCO BSc Life Sciences World Heritage Assistant Post Vacant


Sc Life Sciences candidates apply for World Heritage Assistant posts at Wildlife Institute of India, Dehra Dun. WII Dehra Dun jobs for BSc zoology and life sciences candidates. Wildlife Institute of India job vacancies for biosciences candidates. Wildlife Institute of India – WII is hiring as per the details posted below:

data collection for biological taxa and socio-economic surveys. c) Demonstrated skills in computer software. d) Effective oral & written communication skills, particularly in scientific/popular writing. e) Publications in journals / popular media in either English / some other vernacular language or both.

Position: World Heritage Assistant

Age: Not exceeding 40 years as on the date of interview. Upper age limit in case of applicants belonging to SC/ ST/OBC categories may be relaxed as per the rules.

No. of Posts: 02 Essential Qualification (EQ): Bachelors’ Degree in Arts/Life Sciences/Zoology/Botany/Social Science/Technology/Engineering Desirable Qualification (DQ): a) Expertise in having carried out ecological/ cultural-anthropological and socio-economic research work in almost any one of the World Heritage sites in India. b) Ability/comprehension in field

Emoluments: Rs. 25,000 per month. How to Apply: • The candidate must report by 0930 hrs for evaluation of documents on Friday 15th March 2019 Followed by an interview on precisely the exact same day from 1500hrs. The Institute

Won’t provide Lodging for candidates appearing for the interview. • Candidate must bring the dully filled-in-application with attested true copies of testimonials Educational qualifications together with certification of research experience, extracurricular activities, Date of birth, etc. All original documents/ certificates should be produced at the time of registration For necessary verification. • No TA/DA is going to be compensated for attending the inter-

view. • The application form may be downloaded from the institute’s site The Director WII reserves the right to reject any candidature in view of incomplete information Provided by the candidate or for any other reason thereof. Date of Interview: 15.03.2019


March 5th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 68


MSc Life Sciences & Zoology JRF Position Vacant @ WII, Dehra Dun


Sc Botany/ Zoology and Life Sciences candidates apply for Junior Research Fellow posts at Wildlife Institute of India, Dehra Dun. WII Dehra Dun jobs for MSc botany/zoology and life sciences candidates. Wildlife Institute of India job vacancies for biosciences candidates. Wildlife Institute of India – WII is hiring as per the details posted below: Position: Junior Research Fellow – Ecology No. of Posts: 01 Name of the Project: ‘Understanding Population Dynamics, Space Use, Movement and Diet of Leopards in Junnar Taluka, Maharashtra for Human Leopard Conflict Mitigation’ Essential Qualification (EQ): Masters’ Degree in Wildlife Science/ Botany/ Zoology/ Forestry/ Life Science/ Agriculture/Environmental Sciences/ Statistics with a minimum of 60% aggregate marks from a recognized University.

Desirable Qualification (DQ): Candidate(s) with prior experience in sampling design and animal abundance estimation are favoured. Prior experience of sampling using camera trapping, distance sampling and radio-telemetry. Knowledge of GIS and GPS is desirable. Ought to have the ability to undertake arduous field work under rigorous conditions. Work Description: The work entails sampling utilizing camera trapping and distance sampling. Extensive tracking of collared leopards in a human-dominated landscape. Age: Not exceeding 28 years as on the date of interview. Upper age limit in case of applicants belonging to SC/ ST/OBC categories may be relaxed as per the rules. Emoluments: Rs. 31,000 plus HRA How to Apply: • The candidate must report by 0930 hrs for evaluation of doc-

uments on 25.03.2019 Followed by an interview on precisely the exact same day at 1100hrs. The Institute Won’t provide Lodging for candidates appearing for the interview. • Candidate must bring the dully filled-in-application with attested true copies of testimonials Educational qualifications together with certification of research experience, extracurricular activities, Date of birth, etc. All original documents/ certificates should be produced at the time of registration For necessary verification.

• No TA/DA is going to be compensated for attending the interview. • The application form may be downloaded from the institute’s site The Director WII reserves the right to reject any candidature in view of incomplete information Provided by the candidate or for any other reason thereof. Date of Interview: 25.03.2019



March 5th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 68

Life Sciences Technical Assistant (Nuclear Medicine) Post @ JIPMER


iochemistry/Microbiology/Life Sciences canddiates, are encouraged to apply for a Technical Assistant (Nuclear Medicine) position that is available JIPMER. JIPMER hiring Biochemistry/Microbiology/ Life Sciences candidates for a Technical Assistant (Nuclear Medicine) vacancy. Check the details below: Name of the Post: Technical Assistant (Nuclear Medicine) No. of Posts: Two Age Limit: Not exceeding 35 years as on closing date. Emoluments: Rs.24,500 /- (per month) Reservation: • All the two posts are for Open General (UR) category. • Candidates belonging to OBC/ SC/ST may also apply for the above post if they are qualified and within the age limit as prescribed. Eligibility: Degree in Biochemistry/ Microbiology/Life Sciences with PG diploma (two years course) in Medical Radiation and Isotope Technology(DMRIT) approved by AERB from a recognized university/Institution.

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How to Apply: • Interested and qualified candidates may attend the Written test to be held at 08.30. A.M on 15.03.2019 in Academic Centre,

JIPMER, Puducherry-06, along with I) filled in application in the prescribed format (appended) ii) the following certificates in original and an Self-attested copy thereof and iii) Demand Draft drawn in favour of the Director, JIPMER, Puducherry payable at State Bank of India, JIPMER Branch (02238), Puducherry-605006. 01. Age proof certificate (Birth certificate/10th/12th Mark sheets) 02. SSLC certificates 03. HSC certificates 04. Degree in Nuclear Medicine Technology (Degree/Provisional Certificate) 05. Degree/PG Diploma Certificate. The period of contractual engagement will be initially for a period of 89 days and the extension may be granted if needed by the administration for the additional periods. Application Fee: Rs.500/ for UR & OBC and Rs.250 for SC & ST. No fee for PwD candidates. Mode of Selection:- Written Test only No TA/DA will be compensated for the Written Test. The Income Tax or any other tax liable to be deducted according to the prevailing rules will be deducted at source before effecting the payment, for which the Department will issue TDS Certificate/s. The contractually engaged persons won’t have any claim for permanent or regular employment in this Institute as this is an

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only short term temporary contractual engagement and will remain valid up to contractual period for which the engagement is approved on each occasion. The contractually engaged persons won’t be eligible to get official accommodation/quarters allotment within the campus as applicable to the other regular employees of the Institute. The contractually engaged persons will in no case represent or give opinion or advice to others regardless of that’s adverse to the interest of the Institute. Canvassing of any kind will lead to disqualification. The prescribed qualification is minimal and mere possessing the same doesn’t entitle any candidate for selection. The contractually engaged persons may have also to work in shifts and could be posted at any given place in JIPMER. The contractually engaged persons are expected to conform to the rules of conduct and discipline as relevant to the institute employees. The contractually engaged persons shouldn’t have been con-


victed by any Court of Law. If any information given or declaration by the candidate is found to be false or when the candidate has willfully suppressed any material information applicable to his/her appointment, then he/she will likely to be removed from the contractual engagement and to any actions taken as deemed fit by the appointing authority. The decision of the competent authority regarding the selection of applicants will be final and no representation will be entertained in this regard. The Competent Authority also reserves the right of any amendment, cancellation and changes to this advertising as a whole or in part without assigning any reason or giving note. The appointee may be relieved from the current job position with onemonth prior note; failing to do so may be held accountable for paying one-month wages. All disputes will be subject to jurisdiction of Court of Law at Puducherry.


March 5th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 68


BTSE 2019: BioTecNika Talent Search Exam 2019 for CSIR NET Aspirants BTSE 2019: Biotecnika announces BioTecNika Talent Search Exam 2019. We hear your heartbeat increasing day to day as the CSIR NET exams are approaching! No worries, we are here to pull out the exam fear in you and give a boost to your preparation. BIOTECNIKA STRONGLY BELIEVES AND TENDS TO NURTURE AND SHARPEN THE TALENT INDIA HAS. WE BRING SOMETHING VERY SIMILAR TO GARNER THE SKILLS AND TALENT FOR THE STUDENTS OUT THERE WHO ASPIRE TO BECOME A SUCCESSFUL RESEARCHER. By Shekhar Suman

“Every diamond has the ability to shine when there is someone to recognize its good facets and inhibit its flaws” -Wes Fesler With the aim to encourage and support every professional student to build a strong career and achieve their ambition, Biotecnika announces the Biotecnika Talent Search Examination that follows the lines of CSIR NET JRF new pattern. To hit the target right, you need to experience the process at least once. Come down to any of our centers located at Bangalore, Noida, Kolkata, Chennai, and Pune on 10th March 2019 at 10.30 AM and get a real-time CSIR NET exam to feel. It is not just an exam, Biotecnika is giving you a platform to evaluate your performance and improvise on your preparation. REGISTER FOR BTSE 2019 The topper of this examination will get free CSIR NET + GATE EXAM coaching for one year! A prize for Top 5 rankers: • BTSE 2019 1st Prize: CSIR NET + GATE Coaching for 12 Months along with Printed Study Material & Test Series access • BTSE 2019 2nd Prize: CSIR NET Study Material Hard Copy + Online eLearning Portal for CSIR NET Exam • BTSE 2019 3rd Prize: CSIR NET Konceptika Flowchart Book • BTSE 2019 4th Prize: CSIR NET VideoDrive Pendrive • BTSE 2019 5th Prize: access to AIMNET Test Series + AIMNET Books Hard Copy

Why attend the BTSE 2019 exam: • To track your progress • To get familiarize with the question paper pattern • To modify the preparation strategy • Improve your level of confidence • Time Management Who must attend BTSE 2019: • B.Sc final year Students • MSc Life Science and Chemical Science students • BTech and MTech Biotechnology Students BTSE Exam Centers:

dress: AC 26, 2nd Cross Rd, AC Block, Sector 1, Salt Lake City, Kolkata, West Bengal 700064 Phone: 080-5099-7000. 080-50992444 BTSE Exam Chennai Center Address: No 6, 1st Floor, BSR Janus, Old No 28, New No 34/7, Tank Bund Road, Near Loyola College, Nungambakkam, Chennai – 600034. Landmark: Upscale Building, near Tank Bund Road signal Phone: 080-5099-7000. 080-50992444 How to apply for BTSE 2019:

BTSE Exam Bangalore Center Address: #427, 1st Floor, 27th Main, Sector-1 HSR Layout, Bangalore – 560102 Phone: 080-5099-7000. 080-50992444 BTSE Exam Delhi & NCR Center Address: E-4, Block E, Sector 3, Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201301 Phone: 080-5099-7000. 080-50992444 BTSE Exam Pune Center Address: Survey no 251, 2nd Floor, Plot No 7, Opposite BSNL Telephone Exchange, Near Sai Shree Hospital, Aundh, Pune, Maharashtra Online Coaching Phone: 080-5099-7000. 080-50992444 BTSE Exam Kolkata Center Ad-

Interested candidate can use the link given in the description to register for the exam: REGISTER FOR BTSE 2019 Don’t miss out this golden opportunity for attempting BTSE 2019. Test your knowledge, compete among the best and grab the reward from Biotecnika “Success Is Where Preparation and Opportunity Meets” Our Mission: BioTecNika Revolution Our Vision: To Reach every Bio Professional in our country and help them build a strong career And We cannot reach our Mission & Vision without your Support.


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