Biotech Career Special - Biotecnika Times 18th August 2020 Edition

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August 18, 2020 Vol. 04 No 144


Current DNA sequencing methods cannot differentiate between the 2 states of genes i.e; when they are turned on or off. The next gen sequencing technologies can differentiate between the same. With the help of this technology, we can accurately identify cures for diseases !! There were certain misconceptions and drawbacks of Sanger sequencing methods that laid the foundation of these new and much more advanced sequencing technologies collectively termed as NEXT GENERATION SEQUENCING.

What is Sequencing? You all are aware of the fact that our body is made up of DNA – A Hereditary material. DNA is made up of a nucleic acid sequence. In order to determine the nucleotides in DNA, sequencing was performed. Sequencing includes any method or technology that can be helpful in any way to determine and analyze the order of the four nucleotide bases: Adenine (A), Guanine (G), Cytosine (C) and Thymine (T). DNA sequencing is mostly performed by using the Chain Termination method of Frederick Sanger. This was the simplest technique that implies sequence-specific termination of a DNA synthesis reaction using modified nucleotide substrates. Nevertheless, certain new technologies of sequencing are acquiring a high share of the sequencing methods. Pyrosequencing is one of those that is generating more genome data than Sanger DNA sequencing method/technology.

What is NGS- Next Gen Sequencing? Next-gen sequencing alludes to non-Sanger-based high-throughput DNA sequencing technologies. Many strands, almost Millions or billions of DNA strands can be sequenced in parallel, generating substantially more throughput and minimizing the need for the fragment-cloning methods that were used for Sanger sequencing of genomes. NGS has transfigured nearly most of the area of Biotechnology. NGS allows the sequencing of nucleic acids like DNA and RNA much more quickly and in a cheaper manner than the older version of sequencing technologies. With the use of these technologies study of various branches of Biology such as Genetics and Molecular Biology are revolutionized. Next-gen sequencing includes different types of sequencing methods. Let’s have a look at these Sequencing methods and how they are far ahead from Sanger-based sequencing technology.

NGS utilizes vast numbers of short reads that are sequenced in a single stroke. To achieve this, the input sample is first chopped down into short sections. The various section lengths produced will depend on the fact that which particular sequencing methodology has been used.

Based on this NGS can be of three types described below: Illumina (Solexa) Sequencing: This method works by simultaneously analyzing DNA bases as each base emits a unique fluorescent signal, and adding them to a nucleic acid chain. In this method: 100-150 bp reads are used. Longer fragments are ligated to generic adaptors which are then annealed to a slide with the help of adaptors. To amplify each read and to produce a spot with multiple copies of the same read, PCR is used. In the final step, multiple copies are split into single strands that are subjected to sequencing. | 02

Roche 454 Sequencing: The second type of NGS is based on pyrosequencing that notices the release of pyrophosphate once nucleotides are subsumed by polymerase to a new DNA strand with the help of fluorescence. This method can sequence much longer reads than Illumina (up to 1kb), but the sequencing method remains the same. The read ends are attached to generic adaptors and are annealed to beads. Finally, PCR is used to amplify these fragments by adaptor- specific primers. Each well of a slide contains a single bead covered in multiple PCR copies of a single sequence in addition to Sequencing buffers and DNA polymerase.

Ion Torrent: Proton / PGM sequencing: This NGS method is unique in its own way. This sequencing method measures the direct release of H+ by the incorporation of individual bases / dNTP by DNA polymerase and thus shows the difference from the previous two methods as it does not measure optical signals. In this method, the read size is about 200bp. Adaptors are added and a molecule is deposited on a bead. With the help of emulsion PCR, molecules are amplified. Single well on a slide contains a single bead.

Applications of NGS : Next-Generation Sequencing has an allied group of applications. With the advancement in various sequencing methods, the way to carry out various studies on molecular and genomic levels has been changed and modified. NGS has given us so much power to sequence and interprets genomes quickly and accurately. NGS is used to study various variations, DNA-binding as well as expression at a genome-wide level. With more advancement based on various research studies, one can get an idea of the immense potential of Next Gen Sequencing in numerous fields and the different tools that can be used for the analysis purpose.

August 18, 2020 Vol. 04 No 144

Some of the Applications of NGS are listed below : Next generation sequencing techniques are applied to different aspects of Biological Sciences such as Plant Biotechnology, Animal Biotechnology, and Human Biotechnology. The plentiful information generated by NGS assists in analyzing genomic variations, various disease mechanisms, and its resistance. NGS has its applications in forensic genetics- NGS contributes to offering new possibilities for forensic genetic casework. This method of sequencing can be combined with various types of markers like STRs, SNPs, insertion/deletions, mRNA -to gather more information from unique samples in a single experiment. All these sorts of applications of Next generation sequencing help in development as well as the advancement of better diagnostic tools, breeds, and numerous therapies.

Career Options And Job Prospects: You should always choose a field, which you are interested in. Always find out what you like doing best. Don’t go behind the crowd; Career choice should always be yours, What makes you happy -Choose that! If the details thus far given about NGS have enticed you then you probably must go for a career in this field. NGS with its speed, ultra-high throughput, extensibility enables researchers to experiment and establish a variety of applications and also to study various biological systems at a level that was never possible before. NGS will remain as one of the most applied techniques for most of the research studies. So, it is always better to be a part of a bright and famed future. If you have a golden path in front you, why not have a walk on it! If you are confused regarding your career options after your graduation or post-graduation, you can have this field as an option. I would rather say you should go for it as opportunity knocks only once.

Biotecnika launches Next Gen Sequencing Online Certification Course. If you are an aspiring researcher, academician or a student, this is the golden opportunity to learn about this technology, glance at the research prospects in this avenue, and become aware of career opportunities in this field. Get the participation certificate (hard copy as well) and highlight your new skills on your resume. | 03

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Who must attend: Students in their B.Sc / B.Tech / M.Sc / M.Tech who aspire to work on cutting-edge research technologies of the FUTURE.

Enroll today @ learn NGS Self-Learning Course and be a part of the changing technology! Learn More Where to apply for jobs after learning NGS Skills? Today’s research world is all based on your knowledge and experience. After enrolling yourself in any one of the above-mentioned courses, you can easily apply your knowledge and skills of NGS in research. You can search for jobs in areas related to Personalized medicine, Preventive medicine, Gene Therapy, and Drug Development. You will be enriched with various skills after completing training courses in NGS- Literature mining, Sequence Alignment, Phylogenetics, Gene prediction.

Job Prospects: You can work as Field Applications Scientist, Scientist II, Associate Scientist, Sr Scientific Researcher, Program Manager, Microarray and NGS Curator. There are various openings for talented candidates in Commercial, R&D, Corporate, Software and Operations sections of highly reputed industries and institutes. You can also choose a career in research where you can join for a Ph.D. program in NGS.

Companies & Institutes Carrying out NGS Research : National Centre for Biological Sciences (NCBS) Illumina. Thermo Fisher Scientific. Roche. Qiagen. Agilent Technologies Macrogen Medgenome Mapmygenome Xcelris SciGenom BGI Genomics | 04

August 18, 2020 Vol. 04 No 144

HOW TO MAKE A SUCCESSFUL CAREER IN STEM CELL RESEARCH? Career In Stem Cell Research The discovery of Sir John B. Gurdon and Shinya Yamanaka in the field of biology has revolutionized the world of medicine. For the discovery of mature cells that can be reprogrammed to become pluripotent, Gurdon and Yamanaka jointly received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2012. Ever since stem cell culture and stem cell therapy has come of great interest. The idea has already been exploited in different countries. India is not behind. India’s first stem cell trial took place in Bangalore, under a Bangalore-based company, Stempeutics Research. Stem Cell therapy has uplifted and firmly positioned India in the international platform of medical science. Stem Cell therapy has changed the medical perception of various incurable neurological disorders and this therapy has broken all boundaries. As for now only blood stem cells from bone marrow to treat blood cancers and different blood disorders are permitted. Though stem cell therapies are being touted as a panacea for all ills, but at this point in time, only the blood-forming (hematopoietic) stem cells from bone marrow or umbilical (Nadi) cord blood are routinely used to treat blood cancers and different blood disorders which are known as the Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT) or Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant (HSCT). For other diseases, studies are being conducted to find out if stem cells can be helpful in curing these diseases. This has opened many new avenues for our group of young scientists to fulfill their dream in stem cell research. So before exploring the research world related to stem cells, let us first understand what is a stem cell, and its different uses.

Stem Cells, What are they? Stem cells found in multicellular microorganisms are those cells that have the capability to develop into various cells. In numerous tissues, stem cells serve as a type of internal repair system which essentially divides indefinitely to replenish various other cells as long as the organism is still alive. On dividing, each new stem cell can become another type of cell with a more specialized function or remain as stem cell, e.g. a red blood cell, a muscle cell, a nerve cell, a cardiomyocyte (heart muscle cell) or a brain cell. There are two important characteristics in stem cells for which they stand out from another cell type- Firstly, they are unspecialized cells and even after long periods of inactivity are capable of renewing themselves through cell division. Secondly, stem cells can be induced to become tissue-specific or organ-specific cells with special functions only under certain physiologic or experimental conditions.

In organs such as bone marrow and gut, stem cells divide regularly to replace and repair any damaged tissues unlike in heart and pancreas, stem cells divide only under specific conditions. The source of adult stem cells in bone marrow, blood, and adipose tissues. Stem cells can likewise be collected from umbilical cable blood. Stem cells are understood to be a wonder of modern medication as well as these cells have developed to a new age of therapeutic techniques like Stem Cell Therapy. A variety of stem cells are being used from diverse origins or sources. In India, there are 3 types of stem cells that are generally used for stem cell therapy. They are:

Umbilical cord stem cells Adult stem cells embryonic stem cells | 05

In India, areas, where the stem cell therapy can be an effective treatment, are Chronic Kidney Diseases, COPD and other Lung Disorders, Neurological conditions, Orthopaedics, Cardiology, Autoimmune disorders, Ophthalmic diseases, Liver Diseases, Infertility, & Cosmetic Procedures. Stem cell therapy has the potential to treat serious ailments like Type-1 Diabetes Mellitus, Parkinson’s disease, Rheumatoid Arthritis & various types of cancers. The stem cell research field has become one of the most viable fields offering exciting career options. Researchers grow stem cells in-vitro. These cells have the capacity to be manipulated to specialize in specific types of cells like blood cells, heart muscle cells or even the nerve cells. Stem cells, the specialized cells, can be implanted in a person. For example, a person with heart disease can be cured by injecting the cells into his/her heart muscle. The healthy transplanted heart cells would then repair the defective heart muscles.

However, people are still very skeptical about career opportunities in biosciences and biomedical science & engineering. It is true that the research scopes in India are quite limited due to various factors like lack of innovative mindset, insufficient funding and most importantly lack proper infrastructure. Still, in recent years, fields like regenerative medicine, stem cell therapy, and tissue engineering, have caught the interest of the Government and Industry, including the VC firms. The VC funding in companies active in regenerative medicine has increased to $807 million in 2016 (Goldman Sachs) from $296 million in 2011. Stem cell banks are getting flourished across India. There are several Indian start-up companies working in the field of stem cells and regenerative medicine very actively.

August 18, 2020 Vol. 04 No 144 There are several institutes in India researching newer therapies based on experiential studies on the effects of stem cells in different biological realms.

Institutes that provide courses on Regenerative medicine in India are:

Some of the companies are:

Stempeutics (Bengaluru) Advancells (Noida)

IISc Bengaluru IIT Madras National Institute of Immunology Delhi IISER Mohali AIIMS Delhi NCBS Bengaluru NCCS Pune NIRRH Mumbai MIRM Bengaluru CCMB Hyderabad

Transcell Biologics (Hyderabad) Pandorum Technologies (Bengaluru). Advancells, Noida won the Best Stem Cell Technology Research and Development Company in the year 2017.

How to Make a Successful Career In Stem Cell Research? The eligibility to make a career in stem cell research domain is not restricted to only medical professionals.

So as you can see, there are plenty of opportunities in this area of bioscience. Experts like Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg say that Biosciences are going to be among the top 3 career paths along with Artificial Intelligence and related technologies like the Internet of Things aka IoT & Robotics, Machine Learning, etc.) and Renewable Energy.

Candidates holding a postgraduate degree in regenerative medicine or a basic degree in Biology, B.Sc graduates with at least one subject from the biological sciences, MBBS, B.Pharma, B.D.S., B.V.Sc. or B.E. Biotechnology graduates can also find jobs in this field. One can study B.Sc., B.Pharma., MBBS, B.E. (Biotechnology or Biomedical Engineering), BVSc, BDS, at the bachelor’s level. At Masters Level, it is better to go with Biochemistry, Genetics, Biotechnology, Microbiology, Molecular Medicine, Zoology, Biophysics, Developmental Biology, Translational Medicine. Stem Cell Biology, Biomedical Sciences or Life Sciences. There is also an option available for MSc. in Regenerative Medicine e.g. MIRM Bengaluru in India, or abroad. Some of the countries with the most interesting developments in stem cell research are Australia, Europe, and the U.K | 06

What are the roles and responsibilities of a stem cell research scientist? When it comes to the roles and responsibilities of a stem cell research scientist, it is the work of stem cell research scientist is to grow stem cells in a laboratory, manipulate these cells to become specialised in specific types of cells, such as blood cells, heart muscle cells or nerve cells and then finally implanting the cells in a person. For instance, stem cells can be injected into the heart muscle of a person suffering from heart disease and the transplanted heart cells can help in repairing the defective heart muscle. Researchers working in the field of stem cell research take up their duties of covering several emerging aspects of stem cells including embryonic stem cells, developmental studies, stem cell genomes, tissue-specific stem cells, and cancer stem cells.

Stem Cell Research Job Prospects in India: Although stem cell research is still at a nascent stage in India, by the year 2018 this therapy market in India is expecting a tremendous growth worth INR 2 billion which will lead to an increase in the number of stem cell depositors and stem cell banks in the near future, which was unheard of a few years ago. This is all made possible with the liberalization of stem cell research, and also with the increased government support and funds.

By the year 2016, the global market is expected to touch about USD 40 billion. This emerging branch of regenerative medicine thus calls for quality, skilled and trained personnel, thereby opening up excellent career opportunities for post-graduate students from diverse scientific fields.

Why is this a good time for biomedical research careers? India is one of the major biotech players in the Asia Pacific region. India, sharing the dais with Japan and South Korea, has recently secured an investment of about INR 1000 crores. This opens up new possibilities that gives the students some promising opportunities to pursue their research careers in developmental biology, embryology, molecular biology, nanotechnology, clinical research, cell biology, medical biotech, tissue engineering, and stem cell biology and even multiple options to pursue higher studies and career options in applicative translational field and also basic biology.

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The potential and future possibilities of stem cells are tremendous. This advances in area science and research has become one of the most rewarding areas of research. Although it might take many years to completely recognize its potential to improve the treatment of the most obdurate diseases, this research field can be considered as one of the brightest areas in the fields of medicine and biology. Stem Cell Research will ensure a promising academic career ahead with lots of possibilities. Stem cell research carries the hope of the future modern medicine which is driven by the possibility to cure a vast array of diseases and medical conditions. For those who are willing to take on challenges, stem cell research is a promising field that shows all the signs of emerging as one of the most sustainable career options.

Job opportunity in stem cell research Students can begin their career journey in this field with quality, production, clinical research, Research and Development, supply chain and human resources besides finance and other administrative functions.

What is the starting salary in stem cell research: An eligible post-graduate can start his/her career in the stem cell research field with INR 30,000 per month and can earn more than INR 50,000 per month after obtaining a Ph.D. Postdoctoral fellows can earn around USD 35,000 to 40,000 or Euro 25,000 to 30,000 annually. This is what makes stem cell research career more profitable. | 07

August 18, 2020 Vol. 04 No 144

CAREER AT TEA BOARD OF INDIA JOB OPPORTUNITIES, ELIGIBILITY & SALARY DISCUSSED When the warmth of the morning sun blended with the smell of brewing tea comes to wake you up, then it is a glorious Good Morning!. In India most people start their day with a sip of hot delicious tea and why not, when you are a citizen of one of the largest tea producing countries famous as suppliers of the best quality tea, you are bound to be a teaholic. Won’t it be amazing if you can make your career in the Government agency associated with tea research – The Tea Board of India. India is also one of the largest consumer and exporter of tea. Tea management is one of the career lines that is gaining popularity in India. Tea originated from Asia but now the whole world is hooked onto it. Today West has outcompeted Asia as the largest consumer of Asia tea. Tea being so popular, there are many jobs associated with it. Tea tasting has evolved as one of the most specialized jobs. Apart from it, one can work as a researcher, plantation manager, tea brokers, consultants, etc.

TEA BOARD Of INDIA The Tea industries, by an Act of Parliament, comes under the control of the Union Govt. The origin of the Tea Board India dates back to 1903 when the Indian Tea Cess Bill was passed. The Bill provided for levying a cess on tea exports – the proceeds of which were to be used for the promotion of Indian tea both within and outside India. The present Tea Board set up under section 4 of the Tea Act 1953 was constituted on 1st April 1954. It has replaced the Indian Tea Licencing Committee and Central Tea Board which functioned respectively under the Indian Tea Control Act, 1938 and the Central Tea Board Act,1949.

The activities of the two previous bodies had been confined largely to the export of tea and regulation of tea cultivation as required by the International Tea Agreement then in force, and the promotion of tea Consumption.

TEA BOARD ORGANISATION AND FUNCTIONS The present Tea Board is functioning as a non-constitutional body of the Central Government under the Ministry of Commerce. The Board is constituted of 31 members (including Chairman) drawn from Members of Parliament, representatives of Governments tea producers, tea traders, and tea brokers, consumers, from the trade unions and principal tea producing states. Now let’s have a look at various job opportunities which one can explore at Tea Board of India or in fact any job profile related to Tea research – Career At Tea Board of India.

JOB OPPORTUNITIES – CAREER AT TEA BOARD OF INDIA India is the largest producer and dealer of tea, there is a higher scope of making a career at the tea board. One can join as an Assistant, and then with time can be promoted to the post of assistant manager and then the manager of the tea garden. The tea industry is one of the largest industries with many domains. It includes field like plantation work, Processing, Tasting, auctioning, branding, marketing, and Research. Plantation work means fieldwork where one needs to see to the soil preparation, application of fertilizers, choosing the quality seed best suited in the prevailing environment and supervising the plucking of the leaves. Processing involves factory work, like cruising, tearing and curling of the leaves. After all the processing the tea is packed and sent to the auction center where the tea tasters have a very important role to play. They taste the tea and checks the quality of the brand. In the end, the tea is packed and sent to the market. | 08

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Frequent Job Opportunities One Can find at Tea Board of India has been listed below with the qualification & Salary details: 1.Project Assistant

3. Microbiologist

Tea Board of India Hires for Project Assistant post on a frequent basis. It’s a high research-oriented post. One can get the opportunity to work in research projects like – Development of Microbial Inoculations to Improve Growth of Tea Plants, Development of bio-pesticide against fungal diseases of tea and much more. This job is ideal for freshers.

Career At Tea Board of India as a Microbiologist is one of the highly paid jobs. Microbiologists are assigned with work such as – Daily Sample analysis for quality assurance of bioproducts, Sample preparation, analysis, calculation of results, reporting, etc. Nature of duty also includes – Analysis of Tea Samples & maintaining the instrumentation facility.

Qualification Required: MSc &

Qualification Required:

BSc candidates with backgrounds in Life Sciences / Botany / Microbiology can apply for these vacancies.

Junior / MSc

Average Starting Salary Offered: Rs 20,000/- pm


Non-PhD: Rs 25,000/- pm PhD candidates: Rs 35,000/- pm

2. Project Scientist Project Scientist post comes next to project assistant post. One gets the opportunity to work under govt sanctioned research projects. Development of clones for effective breeding to increase productivity, Quality & stress tolerance assessment, development & testing of bio-pesticides and much more.

Qualification Required: Candidates with MSc degree in Genetics and Plant Breeding/Plant Physiology, Agriculture / M.Sc in Plant Biotechnology, M.Sc. in Botany or in any other relevant subject are preferred.

Average Starting Salary Offered: Non-PhD: Rs 25,000/- pm PhD candidates: Rs 35,000/- pm


Msc / Ph.D.(Microbiology/ Food Technology/ Life Science/ Agriculture) MSc: 1st class in Microbiology/Food Technology/Life Science

Average Starting Salary Offered: Junior Microbiologist: Rs 20,000/pm Microbiologist: Rs 40,000/- pm

4. Research Fellow: For Research Fellow post candidates with a NET qualification are preferred. Research Fellows get the opportunity to work under Major projects handled at Tea Board of India like – Tea Genome Sequencing Project.

Qualification Required: M.Sc. in Life Science/ Agriculture/ Biotechnology/ Plant Breeding/any other relevant subject with NET Qualification.

Average Starting Salary Offered: As per CSIR NET Norms

NB: Job vacancies from Tea Board of India are frequently posted by Biotecnika. Keep a check on our job section for Recruitment / Job opening notifications by the Tea Board of India.

Additional Job Openings Related to Tea Research: 1. TASTER A taster is a person who is specialized in determining the quality of the tea. This helps in maintaining the flavor of a particular brand of tea. This helps to brand the variety according to the quality. A tea taster is hired by the manufacturing companies, buyer and brokers. In the manufacturing company, the taster detects the defects in the process of manufacture. By looking at the color and size of the processed leaves one is able to determine whether they have been dried under fire or fermented and sends them back to the factory to modulate it if required. They also need to coordinate the various works in the garden and tell the researcher of the commercial needs. In the broker’s office, the taster tells the manufacturer about the market requirements. In the buyer’s end, they have to be aware of what is happening both at both ends. People who become a taster are highly specialized and have developed skills to differentiate between the different aroma and taste of the tea. This is one of the most highly paid posts.


An integral part of this industry is research. Botanist, biotechnologist and other scientists involved in this tea research have developed a connection with the tasters who tells them about the desired quality required. They are the ones responsible for developing high yielding, disease-resistant variety of tea plants, and also strains that produce leaves that are natural blends of various teas. One can start their Career at Tea Board of India as a Researcher easily by qualifying the CSIR NET Exam. | 09

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3. TEA BROKERS They are the intermediaries between the buyers and planter-producers and must-have updates on the market trends and the price. A broker should have knowledge about the tea industry and the tasting. They taste the tea coming from different plants and then market it

All in all, those who are looking for an exciting and secure job can think about working with the Tea Board of India – Career at Tea Board of India.

4. CONSULTANTS Experienced tea planters can work as a consultant, giving advice on the variety of the tea to be planted, new varieties and their source, recruiting and training of personals and looking after the labor demands.Project Scientist post comes next to project assistant post. One gets the opportunity to work under govt sanctioned research projects. Development of clones for effective breeding to increase productivity, Quality & stress tolerance assessment, development & testing of bio-pesticides and much more.

5. MANAGERS They are the ones under whom the assistant managers work. They can be either factory manager or plantation manager. Their job is to supervise and look after the entire process and make important decisions. They supervise the seasonal handling of tea. Very experienced and capable people are only recruited in this post. The Indian Institute of Plantation Management, Bangalore, has a training program oriented according to the Indian market. Tea Industry is a very promising industry which will always make a profit. One can enroll in whichever field you find suitable. Initially, one can be taken in the Assistant post but with time they will be promoted higher-level posts as well. There are universities which offer Tea management course. Those who are interested in research can find a chance to explore and manipulate the genome of a variety of tea. | 10

August 18, 2020 Vol. 04 No 144

CAREER OPTIONS IN GOVT SECTOR AFTER MSC BIOTECH / LIFE SCIENCE Govt Sector Msc Biotech Job – Msc Life Science Jobs At last, career planning in India is slowly and steadily waking up and has started to take notice of the life sciences. Newspapers are dedicating entire sections to the breakthroughs in the biological sphere — from advancements in stem cell technology to GM foods and oil-spill cleaning bacteria, this field is making waves like never before, with a wide variety of career options. So, if you are passionate about biology, a medical college is not the only career option to consider! A career in Life Sciences is a unique blend of knowledge, innovation, discovery, and science. The subject traces all the traits of origin to evolution and development of living beings and discovers theories that aid the human race and the environment in diverse manners. One can opt for Life Science not only as a career opportunity but as a means to serve humanity. Getting a good job in the Government sector is a dream come true for many. There are numerous Govt Sector Msc Biotech Jobs available. It all depends on your knowledge & job search strategy. One stands a chance to get a good job by passing the various exam conducted by – PSC, UPSC and SSC (Staff Selection Commission). Government jobs are something that not only the citizens need, but also are important for the entire nation. Government jobs are the only option for stable pay to people and stable running of the system. Hence this whole process of selecting people to fill into the job sector doesn’t come easy. That’s what the Public Service Commission does. Public Service Commission Exams are mainly conducted to recruit people for a different governmental job position within the states. Public Service Commission conducts exams for Biology candidates as well like – The Indian Forest Service Exam – (IFS) Exam.

The pattern of PSC exam is almost similar to the Union Public Service Commission, i.e. prelim + mains then interview. However, the syllabus may vary from state to state. The exams are conducted separately and differently for various government job posts, starting from a lower level of posts to high-level posts. Eligible candidates are then shortlisted and then are later made to write the next level of exam. The process goes on according to the priority of the job. Some of the common govt employment areas for candidates seeking Govt Sector Msc Biotech Job are listed below: Medical laboratories Testing Laboratories Seed and Nursery organizations Biotechnology Firms Government Colleges Agricultural Research Organizations Botanical Survey Hospitals Medical research Food Institutes Wildlife and Fishery Departments Public Schools

Science and Research: SRF/JRF/PA One sector that will never ever see a latent phase in hiring is Science and Research sector. Presently, India is under a massive need for science and research employees to carry out their experiments/patents/technological researches, etc. This particular sector offers unprecedented growth, financial security and professional growth. There are over 10,000 jobs for science and research students/candidates, with much flexibility offered to especially women job seekers. With a masters degree in life sciences, one has two academic options: 1. To settle down as an Associate Professor, leading to assistant professor and finally to Professor[depending on the university norms]. 2. Pursue Ph.D. as a junior research fellow and senior research fellow – obtain a Doctorate degree in 3+2 years and then Settle down as Scientist. | 11

For both of these, clearing a national level exam NET/SET (SLET) is a must. After which, the candidates can apply for a Government research institute.

Scientific/ Education Officer They need to work in coordination with the State Director and the Senior Education Officer to effectively and efficiently roll-out the certain science-related programmes at the Government Schools, where they have to liaise with the State Government Dept. of Education in starting the program, manage and coordinate with Principals and Teachers for active implementation, organize training, workshops and EcoFest and also need to monitor the timely and efficient implementation of project activities by the Teachers according to the agreed/ approved work plan.

Govt Organizations Hiring JRF/ SRF Scientific/ Education Officer: DBT, DST, SERB, Several Govt sector Schools like Kendriya Vidyalaya, Navodaya Vidyalaya, NCERT Hire for this post frequently. Candidates with experience in the field. Candidates with PhD degree are preferred. CSIR NET Qualification is mandatory in order to match the eligibility criteria for Govt Sector Msc Biotech Job. All Govt organizations hire candidates for research job based on CSIR-NET / ICMR JRF / DBT / GATE qualification.

Laboratory Manager Job profile includes maintaining lab equipment performance by establishing quality standards, creating operations, quality, and troubleshooting processes. They have to ensure staff compliance, certify instrument performance and arrange for equipment replacement, service, and repair. A lab manager also maintains equipment supplies inventory, checks and determines inventory level, anticipates needed supplies, places orders for supplies and verifies receipt of supplies while coordinating with purchase department.

Govt sector Organizations Hiring Lab Manager: THSTI, CDSA- THSTI, All Research Labs under CSIR hiring Lab Managers very frequently. Candidates with Masters degree in Life science / Biotech or candidates with a bachelors degree with experience are considered for this post.

Application scientist They need to create SOPs, train technical staff and manage them for efficient delivery of the technical services. They are also expected to carry out method development and assist the user with data acquisition and interpretation. Provide teaching assistance to students and trainees wherever required.

Govt Organizations Hiring Application scientist: All ICMR & CSIR Institutes Hire Application Scientists. THSTI – CDSA, IBAB, Regional Centre for Biotechnology (RCB), DBT are also among the top hiring Govt Organizations for Application scientist post. Candidates with Masters degree in Life science/biotech are preferred but with 3-5 years of experience. Fresh PhD candidates and Experienced candidates are mostly desired.

Technical officer This job profile includes validating equipment and methods as per the SOPs for the various technical processes, Carrying out testing of samples as per the SOPs, and maintaining equipment in a qualified state and provide technical services to the consumer scientists.

Jobs in Govt Public health sector This job profile will demand concurrent monitoring of the Comprehensive National Nutrition Survey, supporting in supervision and monitoring of field monitoring activities in each zone.

August 18, 2020 Vol. 04 No 144 This is a good employment option for high performing professionals with a desire to serve the public health needs of the country with the requirement of extensive travel to various states for oversight monitoring visits.

Senior Pharma Associate They are involved in handling DPCO(Drug Price Control Orders) / DPEA / overcharging cases along with other related work assigned in NPPA, The National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority, a government regulatory agency involved in controlling the prices of pharmaceutical drugs in India.

Govt Institutes hiring Senior Pharma Associate Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission (IPC) is the top hiring institute for this post, along with other institutes that fall under Ministry of science & technology. ICMR institutes also hire for the post of Senior Pharma Associate. Masters with Life science degree / Pharma degree / Chemical Science degree is preferred for this post.

Wildlife Conservationist Typically employed by governments and NGOs, wildlife conservationists are involved in protecting wild animals and their habitat from destruction. It is a great career opportunity for people who love the outdoors. A degree in Wildlife Conservation and Biology is the definite launchpad for a career in this field. A good grasp over biology and geography is essential.

Marine Biologist Studying the degradation of ocean environments and offering solutions for sustainable development is what a marine biologist does. They will definitely find employment with governments, NGOs and academic institutions, for specific functions such as product development and formulation of new processes. Core skills required are the appreciation of marine life, scientific temper, curiosity, and data analysis. | 12

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Regulatory affair:

Patent examiners:

Generally employed by government agencies, NGOs and research organizations, the job of an ecologist is to study ecosystems and make a record of the plant and animal life that thrives in the area. Ecologists get a chance to divide their time between working indoors and in the field. Their studies help policymakers devise plans for sustainable development and utilization of natural resources. Ecologists can find careers in conservation and forestry. Foresters oversee and protect forest environments by directing recreational, environmental, economic and conservation activities. Conservation scientists help farmers and government agencies to conserve water, soil, and other natural resources. Ecologists in research positions collect and analyze soil, food, water, and air data. One of the core skills for an ecologist is to have an appreciation of nature and wildlife, love of the outdoors, good presentation and communication skills, observation skills.

is a subject that deals with the regulation of medicines that may be devices, active ingredients, biologics, formulations as well as intermediates. It is controlling the aspects of quality, safety, efficacy and manufacturing practices of drugs, by government bodies with the help of acts and legislation. The procedural and scientific guidelines are always routed through the relevant legislation. One also has a prospect in this field.

In this field, you could work as a patent examiner or patent lawyer (patent attorney). Usually, patent examiners are employed by the Government to review patent applications and decide whether to grant them or not. As a patent examiner, one can be searching for literature and patent databases to determine if the application is innovative and meets the requirements for a new patent

For Wildlife Conservationist, Marine Biologist & Ecologist post one must apply @ Various institutes under the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change – Like Zoological Survey of India (ZSI), Botanical Survey of India (BSI) & Wildlife Institute of India (WII). Successful Forensic Science graduates can also find a lot of opportunities in government agencies, hospitals, and laboratories. It depends on one’s area of specialization. Apart from these, some non-traditional Govt Sector Msc Biotech Jobs are also available in the Central Intelligence Agency, Department of Defense or Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. Successful graduates of the course are lucratively hired in both private and government sectors, with an initial average annual salary ranging between INR 2.5 and 7 Lacs, depending upon the candidate’s expertise in the field.

Top Government Organizations / Institutes Hiring Biotech / Life Science Candidates : Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Govt of India and one of its public sector enterprise – Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council (BIRAC) DRDO-DEBEL (Defence Bioengineering and Electromedical Laboratory) The Directorate of Forensic Science Services (DFSS), a nodal organization of Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), Government of India Various institutes under the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change – Like Zoological Survey of India (ZSI) & Botanical Survey of India (BSI), Wildlife Institute of India (WII) Centre for Cellular And Molecular Platforms (C-CAMP), an initiative of Dept of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology, Govt. of India, running cutting edge Life Science Research and Innovation. CLINICAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES AGENCY (CDSA), a unit of THSTI, Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science & Technology, Govt. of India Regional Centre for Biotechnology (RCB), an academic institution established by the Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India having regional and global partnerships to synergize with the programs of UNESCO as a Category II Centre. Government of India, Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), one of the oldest and largest medical research bodies in India, for the formulation, coordination, and promotion of biomedical research, funded by the Government of India through the Department of Health Research, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), a National Centre of the Government of India, under the umbrella of the Department of Atomic Energy IIFPT – Indian Institute of Food Processing Technology, Thanjavur. The Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan, a system of central government schools that fall under the aegis of the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD). | 13

Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry Govt of Karnataka, EMPRI – Environmental Management & Policy Research Institute Punjab State Council for Science & Technology – PSCST Bharat Immunologicals & Biologicals ICAR – Indian Council of Agricultural Research Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission (IPC) NCERT – National Council of Education & Research Training Central Silk Board – Ministry of Textiles – Govt of India Tea Board of India National Centre for Cell Science (NCCS) Ministry of Health and Family Welfare – eg: National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro-Sciences (NIMHANS)

Some Govt sector job recruitments have very specific needs such as certificate courses/lab hands-on training/internships or even desired work experience in the required field.

August 18, 2020 Vol. 04 No 144 Apply For Govt Sector Msc Biotech Jobs Here Competition is very tough to get a Government job as lakhs of candidates applies for just a few hundred seats. While hard work definitely is the key to get success, possessing some additional skills may take you the extra mile. Government research jobs will require the independent ability to carry out secondary research, ability to write proposals and carry out project management where necessary, ability to search data sources to cull relevant information. And very importantly candidates must possess strong analytical skills and be self-initiated and self-driven. A thirst for knowledge is required in order to keep oneself updated; in research, a determination to succeed is certainly a required characteristic. The most important attributes students need to have interests in biological sciences and creative thinking. Computational skills and IT experience can also be helpful

School teaching jobs/ Post Graduate Teachers (PGT) – Biology will require a B.Ed degree or equivalent qualification from a recognized University. Candidates also will be expected to have at least some basic computer skills. While government lecturer jobs may demand comprehension of the education system and teaching methods with classroom teaching experience. Experience in monitoring and/or management of public health program or community-based research project may be a requirement for public health sector jobs. Understanding of the issues faced by specific Life Science sector, and having adequate knowledge of policy and regulatory landscape are also important. Some technical jobs may require the candidate to possess the ability to gauge industry needs and represent them in a cogent form to the relevant stakeholders. Excellent verbal and written communication skills are always icing on the cake for any job. Along with which, one should also possess good coordination abilities with Industry, Government, multilateral and bilateral agency, consultants, etc. Proficiency in the local language may also be a contributing factor for some of the state-specific jobs. A forward-looking attitude, resourcefulness, and initiative are facets that are always desired in any potential candidates. Analytical, communication and interpersonal skills are valuable skills that every aspirant should cultivate. | 14

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HOW TO GET JOB @ BOTANICAL SURVEY OF INDIA & ZOOLOGICAL SURVEY OF INDIA : CAREER SCOPE EXPLAINED Zoological & Biological Survey of India Jobs – Career Opportunities at BSI & ZSI The term Biodiversity comprises of a variety of all life forms on earth. In simple words, we can define it as variety, variability between genes, species, and ecosystem. Conservation of biodiversity is of vital importance. As it has direct consumptive value in food, agriculture, medicine, industry, etc. and it maintains ecological balance and continues the evolutionary process. Literally, conservation means an act of protecting, preserving or guarding the biodiversity for the future use of human beings. Candidates who have an interest in shaping up their career in Biodiversity / Ecology / Plant Biotech Field than this article is a must-read for them. Even Life science candidates have great job opportunities available in this field. Botanical Survey Of India and Zoological Survey Of India are among those organizations which are involved in the conservation of biological diversity in India. Since India lies near to the African, European and Indo-Malaysian region, therefore the biota includes African, European, Eurasian and Mediterranean elements which together with Indian and endemic elements contributes to the richness of the characteristic Indian Biodiversity. Let’s Explore various job opportunities that exist for Life Science Candidates at BSI & ZSI Govt Organizations.

Botanical Survey Of India (BSI) Botanical Survey Of India was set up on 13 February 1890 but it was reorganized on 29th March 1954. It is an apex organization under the Ministry of Environment and Forest and climate change. It is an organization for a survey, research and ex-situ conservation of plant resources, flora and endangered species of India.

Main objectives of this organization include: Exploration, inventorying and documentation of Phyto-diversity in general and protected areas, hotspots, fragile ecosystems. Publication of National, State and District Flora. Identification of Red list Species and Species-rich areas needing conservation. It maintains a record of rare, endemic and threatened plant species through certain propagation strategies in various corners of the country and the development of National Orchidaria for the study, introduction, and conservation of flora. National database development of Indian Plants including herbarium collections, living collections, botanical paintings/instructions, etc. It also includes collecting and maintaining germplasm and gene bank of endangered, patent and vulnerable plant species. It carries out taxonomic and florist studies on wild plant resources through survey, documentation, and conservation. It also studies the fragile ecosystem and protected areas like biosphere reserves. Documentation of traditional knowledge of plants. Various plants are used for healing different diseases and development of a national database on herbarium. Headquarters are at Central National Herbarium, Central Botanical Laboratory, main Garden at Howrah, the Botanical Museum at Calcutta and nine regional circles or stations in different parts of the country- Northern Circle at Dehradun, Southern Circle at Coimbatore, Eastern circle at Shillong, Western Circle at Pune, Central Circle at Allahabad, Aridzone Circle at Jodhpur, Andaman and Nicobar | 15

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Circle at Port Blair, Sikkim-Himalaya Circle at Gangtok and Arunachal Field Station at New Itanagar. Achievements of Botanical Survey Of India include 1 new family, 32 new genera and 925 new species, subspecies and varieties. More than 2500 new plant species are recorded so far. It is having around 3.2 million national reference collections of plants.

Main objectives of this organization include:

For field Assistant jobs – Minimum qualification needed is 10th and 10+2 Zoological Survey of India (ZSI) preferably with a biology background. Age limit is 18-25 years. Relaxable as per The Zoological Survey of India foungovernment Of India Norms. ded on 1st July 1916 by Government of India, ministry of environment, For Technical Associate – Post Graduate in any Science subject. Age limit is less forest and climate change. It is a prethan 30 years. Relaxable as per Government Of India Norms. mier Indian organization in zoological research and studies to promote the To enter as JRF/JPF – One needs to have first-class MSc in Botany/life science as survey, exploration, and research a major subject from a recognized university. Age limit is 28 years. Relaxable as of the fauna in the country. It is also per The Government Of India Norms. (Depending upon University and their rules one of the premier institutes under they will take candidates with or without NET qualification) the Ministry of Environment and Forest and it is the counterpart of the To enter as SRF – One needs to have first-class MSc in Botany/life sciences with 2 years Botanical Survey of India. of research experience. Relaxable as per Government Of India Norms. ZSI takes the survey on documentaTo enter as a Research Associate – One needs to have a Ph.D. in Botany or Life Science tion and taxonomic studies on animal with Botany as a major subject from a recognized university. Age limit is 35 years. Relaxable species. It also takes an Environment Impact Assessment related to fauna. as per government Of India Norms. Also involved in the survey of endanTo enter as Scientist – candidate must have a Master’s degree in Botany and Ph.D. in gered species. Taxonomy or related subjects. Relaxable as per Government Of India Norms. To enter as Scientist – B – Candidate can be recruited directly through UPSC at regular intervals. Relaxable as per Government Of India Norms. To enter as Scientist – C – Candidate can be recruited directly by the ministry itself. Relaxable as per Government Of India Norms.

The objectives of Zoological Survey Of India include: Primary objectives Exploration, Survey, Inventorying, and Monitoring of faunal diversity in various States, Ecosystems and Protected areas of India.

Remaining posts in this organization which includes Botanical Assistants and Preservative Assistants are recruited through the SSC of different regions. Their essential qualification includes M. Sc. degree in Botany/1st class B. Sc.(Hons.) in Botany/2nd class B. Sc. in Botany with 3 years experience. Any Indian citizen who is having the mentioned qualifications along with some published research papers can apply for these posts. Keep Checking Biotecnika’s Job Section for latest job openings from Botanical Survey of India (BSI).

Application Mode: It will be either Online or Postal or Walk-in-interview. In order to encourage work of excellence in taxonomy and also to encourage young students and scholars to work in this field of science, the Ministry has instituted a National Award in Taxonomy, named after the late Prof. E. K. Janaki Ammal. The award has been approved by the Minister for Environment and Forests, Prime Minister and the President of India. This award carries a cash prize, a medallion, and a citation. It has been decided to have three awards one each for Plant Taxonomy, Microbial Taxonomy, and Animal Taxonomy w. e. f. the year 2015.

Taxonomic studies of all faunal components collected. Periodic review of the Status of Threatened and Endemic species. Preparation of Red Data Book, Fauna of India and Fauna of States. Bioecological studies on selected important communities/species. Preparation of databases for the recorded species of the country. Maintenance & Development of National Zoological Collections. Training, Capacity Building, and Human Resource Development. Faunal Identification, Advisory Services, and Library Services. Publication of results including Fauna of India and Fauna of States | 16

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Secondary objectives

Job Opportunities at Zoological Survey of India

Environmental Impact Studies.

To enroll in the Zoological Survey of India one needs to follow certain eligibility criteria:

Maintenance and Development of Museum at Headquarters and Regional Stations. Development of ENVIS and CITES Centers. Research Fellowship, Associateship and Emeritus Scientist Programmes. Collaborative research programs on Biodiversity with other Organizations. GIS and Remote Sensing studies for animal diversity as well as for selected threatened species. Chromosomal Mapping and DNA fingerprinting.

For field assistant post: Bachelor’s degree in Biological Science or Equivalent from a recognized University with minimum 55% marks and Zoology as a major subject. The upper age limit is 28 years as on the date of interview. Age relaxation as per Govt. of India rules. Project Assistants/Research Assistant: M. Sc. in Zoology/ Life Sciences/ any branch of biological Sciences with a minimum of 60% aggregate marks from a recognized University. The upper age limit is 28 years. Age relaxation as per Govt. of India rules. Junior Research Fellows (JRF): M. Sc. in Zoology/ Life Sciences/ equivalent in any

branch of biological Sciences with a minimum of 60% aggregate marks from a recognized University. (Depending upon University and their rules they will take candidates with or without NET qualification)

Senior Research Fellow (SRF): M.Sc. with 2 years of research experience in zoolo-

gy/Life Sciences or equivalent degree from a minimum of 55% aggregate marks from a recognized university. Age limit for Srf and other post is 28 yrs but age relaxation is there for SC/ST/PWD/Women as per government rules.

Research Associate (RA-I): M. Sc. & Ph.D. in Zoology/Life Sciences equivalent. Candi-

date with a Ph.D. thesis submitted may also apply. However, if found suitable, they will be offered SRF and upon awarding the degree of Ph.D. will be offered the post of RA-I. Age Limit: The upper age limit is 40 years as on the date of interview. Age relaxation as per Govt. of India rules.

Research Associate (RA-II): M.Sc. & Ph.D. in Zoology/Life Sciences or equivalent with at least two years of research experience/teaching experience after obtaining the Ph.D. degree. Age relaxation as per Govt. of India rules.

Keep Checking Biotecnika’s Job Section for latest job openings from Zoological Survey of India (ZSI).

Application Mode: It will be either Online or Postal or Walk-in-interview. No doubt both the organizations have played an amazing role in shaping our biodiversity but still, many new changes are yet to be done to come up to the level of our modern scientific world. According to the reports, for the past 15 years, the number of senior scientists have retired from their sectors but till now the post hasn’t been filled yet. In fact, people especially who are working in the field of taxonomy (fungi and algae) have lessened to a greater extent. One more major drawback is that in some particular branches, not a single trained scientist is available.

The scope for Ph.D. and Postdoctoral fellows are very less in BSI. But unlike BSI, ZSI has better opportunities both on a temporary basis as well as permanent. They have a number of vacancies for project fellows, post-doctoral vacancies and Ph.D. admissions as well. | 17

August 18, 2020 Vol. 04 No 144

GUIDE FOR BECOMING A PROGRAMMING BIOLOGIST Programming Biologist – Guide For Becoming One! Have the idea of becoming a biology programmer ever stricken your mind? Is it so that you tried but later found yourself standing nowhere near to start? If the answer to both of these questions is yes, you are encouraged to give a try to the following resources. Computer science is one of the subjects which needs least certification and guidance and more of self-learning and practice, along with motivation and a computer connected to the internet! As artificial intelligence and computers are becoming an important part of our lives, having knowledge only about biology theory is not going to help out. Skills should be combined with experimental design and interpretation that also requires an understanding of the analytical approach. While academic knowledge can aid in the implementation, computational literacy seems non-replaceable. In fact, the dry lab is getting more popularity compared to wet labs these days. So, hereby 10 simple steps are being mentioned to get acquire a computational skill set to become a perfect Programming Biologist.

Get Introduced To The Basics It is always better to take a step back to learn the fundamentals of computer science first. Before you learn the syntax of the language of your choice, you need to understand basic concepts such as data types, variables, conditionals, loops, arrays, functions, etc as well as the languages including C, PHP, JavaScript, SQL, CSS, and HTML. Also, it may be needed to increase your typing speed if you are not a regular user of the keyboard. Some of the learners also take a step further and ensure to write/run programs in a simple web-based IDE.

Choose The Language Related To Your Work Of Interest While selecting your primary language, consider the type of work being implemented. What exactly you want to achieve through this course: programming, designing, implementation, analysis? Advisable languages for biology researchers to become a Programming Biologist include: Python, followed by Julia, Pearl, R, Ruby. Python is especially easy to learn, contains multiple capabilities, and also includes a well-developed library of tools. To name a few Biopython, Galaxy, and Pygr. Python is also smoother to implement in a relatively shorter amount of time, as compared to C++ or Java. If you’re unsure which program is right for you, do some research online, Spend some time reading up on the different pros/cons of the languages you have filtered as well as how steep the learning curve is. One can always learn multiple languages. However, it is advisable to master the first language before setting out to learn a second.

Don’t Hurry It, Take Baby Steps! Once you’ve begun, specialize in one task at a time and apply your thinking and problem-solving expertise. This needs tackling a problem stepwise. Analysis of the overall information could sound challenging, however taking the baby steps will help a lot. e.g., First scan your information, decide on a way to interpret missing values, do the scaling, establish comparison conditions, calculate fold change, etc. Tackle these tasks one at a time. Iteratively edit for potency, flow, and conciseness. Don’t be afraid of committing mistakes, the more important thing is to notice, correct, and learn from them. | 18

Immersion Is The Best Learning Tool

Take Help

Do not sew along an analysis by shifting between or among languages, this is going to make the task more difficult. If possible, complete the job in one language or environment. Like, importing a spreadsheet of data (like you would view in Excel) is not necessarily straightforward; Excel automatically determines how to read a text, but the method may differ from conventions in other programming languages. If your date is not being read properly (misread), it is suggested to take the help of Excel.

There may be a whole lot of online resources in the form of documentation, sites, and tutorials as well as the communities to discuss the problems viz. Biostars, StackExchange, StackOverflow, etc., but nothing can substitute for a friend or colleague’s help. You may find one in your own university. If your lab or university does not have a community of programmers, take the help of certification courses online. Thereby, it will also be possible to get mailing lists for connecting with members. One can also get in contact with the help of events organized by language-specific user groups or interest groups focused on big data, machine learning, or data visualization in one’s city.

However, these issues are fastened by correctly reading the information and by understanding the language’s data structures. Additionally, transferring across programs induces error. See References for additional Excel or word processing–induced errors. Eventually, you’ll establish tasks that don’t seem to be well matched to the language under consideration. At that time, it should be helpful to choose can build will make it easier to find out a second.

Practice Makes Perfect Once you’ve started onto something, what comes next is relentless practice. Like any other field – a Programming Biologist career will also take lots of practice of constantly writing programs is going to make you perfect in this particular field. I hope you have learned of the famous fact “if you are going to spend 10,000 hours onto the subject of your choice, it will make you a Master of the same�. While doing the same, you’ll be handling certain small techniques, learning to think programmatically, and will eventually feel confident enough to apply your knowledge to real-world issues.

But before asking for help as well, you need to be clear about the problem yourself. First, interpret the error message. The process of understanding the problem is called “debugging�. Before starting the work go through previous papers, check experiments, get code from your friends, implement and interpret that code, discuss your queries with them, take their help in editing.

Do not start from the beginning if you are a complete newbie to this field. Copy and paste is something which does not earn due respect in the scientific field. However, it becomes your fast friend with regard to programming. Try all the resources available, which include cool snippets of code your labmate shared, examples in the language’s documentation, online tutorials, published code, and your own past work. Read widely to identify these resources. It is also advised to give due credits and references.

Maintain Good Data Maintaining Habits As a Programming Biologist, you will be dealing with loads & loads of data in terms of codes, theories & data collected.

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It is also advisable to maintain a computational lab notebook which will include protocols, codes, inputs, outputs, figures, interpretations and details of the programming. Develop a habit of organizing a drawer with relevant files for all the experiments handled by you in the past for quick access in the future. This saves a lot of time and boosts efficiency. Also, note down the modifications or changes in experimental or computational protocols.

Get Better Exposure Try to collaborate with scientists in your research specific field. Together you can carry out a project, discover something new, that suits the taste of other people as well. It may help you get a publication in the form of research papers and review articles, that will, in turn, boost your credibility. You may also apply the new approach in already existing data from your past experiments that will improve the chances of the manuscript getting accepted in the best journals.

Specialization in Bioinformatics – A Must After learning the basics and language selection, one must attain a specialization in Bioinformatics. Bioinformatics and computational biology are the fields every programming biologist must be acquainted with. Either you can pursue a full-time degree in it or go for certification courses. There exist tonnes of bioinformatics algorithms including Sequence Alignment, Motif Searching, Genome Assembly, Evolutionary Tree Reconstruction, Hidden Markov Models, Peptide Sequencing, and many more which comes in very very handy as a programming biologist. Additionally, next-generation sequencing tools and other methods in computational biology must also be known. | 19

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To get more details on the list of Bioinformatics Skills Required and Educational Qualifications for becoming a Programming Biologist visit the below link :

Is Programming Knowledge Necessary For Career In Bioinformatics? Give It A shot! These pieces of advice might help you judge the path ahead, though these may not be applicable to all of you. You will learn new facts and develop new skills well-suited to yourself. Science is all about learning. The respect you earn in the scientific community is always proportional to the quality of research which is credible to you. Computers are not only for word and excel now. Softwares are an impeccable part of regularly upgrading researchers or learners. The resources and opportunities are endless. Computational expertise also makes a biologist much more marketable & presentable in terms of better job & career opportunities. | 20

August 18, 2020 Vol. 04 No 144

MEDICAL WRITING AS A CAREER – ELIGIBILITY & JOB PROSPECTS Medical Writing Career – Eligibility & Job Prospects If you master those writing skills which can leave the readers into a state of contentment where the most complicated fact or data is explained in a technical but tranquil language, this exhilarating career of medical writing might be waiting for you. Not only this career option has touched the heights during recent years in terms of providing career options but also it is offering alluring salary packages to the employers.

What is medical writing and what does it contribute? Medical writing is an art of creating well-articulated scientific documents that may include clinical research documents, content for healthcare websites, health magazines, health care journals, and health-related news. It also encompasses writing documents for clients in media, industries, government, clinical research organizations (CROs) and medical device manufacturers.

Usually, each country owns its national authority whose approval is required for medicine, drug, cosmetic products, processed food, biologics to be marketed and sold. Regulatory documents remain huge and are required to be created complying with the standards of technical writing. For drug approval, regulatory documents comprise of all the details and data initializing from the clinical trials.

The Two arms of Medical writing!

These documents include clinical study protocols, clinical study reports, patients’ consent forms, investigator brochures and the most significant Common Technical Document [CTD] in prescribed formats. These documents are created to summarize and interpret the data gathered by the company in the course of developing a pharmaceutical or cosmetic product. The audience for these documents remain ethical committees and regulatory authorities.

Medical writing can be broadly categorized into regulatory medical writing and Educational medical writing.

1.Regulatory medical writing: Contributes to getting the approval of drugs/cosmetics/food products/ medical devices! This form of medical writing involves writing the documents that are required to be submitted to the regulatory agencies to get approval for drugs, devices, and biologics.

shaped in the form of the technical regulatory documents, when needs to be presented to the general audience or health care professionals should be done in a captivating and illuminating manner. Addressed for the general public, these documents are written in simple, non-technical language. This subset of medical writing helps in developing drug-related educational and propagative literature, journal manuscripts, abstracts. Besides, writing content for healthcare-related journals, newsletters, magazines and healthcare websites will share canopy under educational medical writing.

2. Educational medical writing: Assists in facing the general audience! Any information which has been collected from various sources and | 21

What a medical writer does? A medical writer creates, proofreads, finalizes protocols, investigator brochures, synopses, regulatory documents, and clinical documents. A medical writer contributes to the development of product dossiers for a company aimed at regulatory authority submissions. A medical writer coordinates with clinicians, clinical scientists, biostatisticians, and pharma professionals to transcribe study results. A medical writer ensures clinical or research studies results and statistical interpretations are precisely reflected in the final documents. A medical writer helps doctors or a medical organization to write research articles, abstracts, reviews and monographs on health-related topics. A medical writer helps doctors or a medical organization tA medical writer works for a pharmaceutical or medical device manufacturing company to design educational materials and informational material for kits or package inserts to be used by the doctors and the nurses.o write research articles, abstracts, reviews and monographs on health-related topics. A medical writer works for a pharmaceutical or medical device manufacturing company to design educational materials and informational material for kits or package inserts to be used by the doctors and the nurses.

A medical writer writes about the research discoveries for any medium or means to reach the general public. A medical writer fortifies that medical writing documents comply to International Conference on Harmonization(ICH) or other relevant regulatory guidelines A medical writer develops standard operating procedures for the preparation and maintenance of compliant medical writing deliverables for a company. A medical writer inspects that appropriate documented quality control (QC) checks are being implemented on medical writing deliverables.

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Where medical writers could The sequence of steps to be followed while writing an absolute document! be placed for Job? Nowadays Medical Writing Career is booming, demand for medical writers is tremendously growing. Medical writers could find a job option in an array of niches like:

-The aim of the project must be apparent!

You must undergo the details of the project before initiating the writing project. CROs( Contract Research Organizations) or For any assignment provided by the sponsor, the foremost requirement BPOs and KPOs remains the purpose and the aim of Functional service providers i.e companies the document being written. After involved in Scientific content and healthca- getting the apparent idea about these the framework of the document must re communication be designed. Media & Publishing companies Reputed Medical Journals

The right approach to search the literature!

Precise keywords should be used Academic medical institutions engaged while searching for genuine literature. in providing education to healthcare profes- Do not hesitate to spend ample time on the literature survey as it will form sionals. the foundation of your document Medical/scientific societies build up. Pharmaceutical/healthcare product com- -Making a draft! panies including medical device companies

Begin with designing a draft and then Food processing/ cosmetics manufacturing continue with the final compilation of the document. This is the moment companies where you need to apply all of your linguistic skills applied according to Healthcare Websites the client’s style or the regulatory standard.

Top Companies Hiring Medical Writers: Paraxel Novo Nordisk

A medical writer may produce documents for the press release for a company or website content for it.

August 18, 2020

Accenture Eli Lilly TCS Novartis Cognizant inVentiv Health ICON

Review, format, and edit! Checking for spelling mistakes, grammar, punctuation marks, and other editing measures is absolutely essential. Providing an electronic copy of the document! After getting your document approved by the authorized personnel, time to apply the digital skills to make your article or document go air. you definitely need to have acquittance about the recent e. publishing tools being in use these days.

HCL PPD Covance | 22

What skills can make you a competent medical writer? For a successful Medical Writing career, to be a skilled medical writer, an individual must possess a few qualities which can shove the career of a medical writer towards the rising trend: He/ she should have a complete acquaintance of the drug development procedures. He /she should have been aware of the ICH/GCP guidelines/protocols regarding drug development phases, clinical research and medical writing standards and be able to interpret and implement these guidelines to document writing. Nevertheless, he/she should have an unmatched command on written English, must be able to read, write, and speak fluent English. Multitasking ability will help to coordinate data and reports from various sources to develop an influential and accurate deliverable. He/ she should be rich in active listening and must have influencing skills as establishing and maintaining professional and productive working relationships with team members will remain part of the job Ability to work independently with minimal supervision and work efficiently under pressure (as usually targets are given to complete the projects) He/ she should have the knowledge of basic word and data processing software tools and software.

Besides the above-mentioned qualities, a competent medical writer for a Medical Writing Career should possess general knowledge and language skills.

Use of correct grammar In addition to the understanding of the scientific aspects, the ability to correctly incorporate grammar, use of short sentences written preferably in an active voice, correct implementation of the punctuation marks can turn any technical document into a more virtual and simple piece of writing to the readers.

Internet searching for genuine literature and references To source the medical data genuine e.Books, e.journals, databases like PubMed, MedLine are used commonly. Nevertheless picking up correct information from the widespread data is like grasping at straws. So, the right approach should be used by choosing the correct keywords to search for the most authentic information and then it should be framed in a pre-planned strategy.

How you are going to present your data? There is an amazing quote saying “ The most beautiful things in the world must be felt with the heart� Presenting the research data or interpretation of it in the text form should comprise of graphs and tables to make it easy for the readers to understand effortlessly. This is just like embellishing yourself before going to attend a public meeting.

Don’t forget to consider the ethical /legal issues! Medical writers should be utmost careful about the ethical and legal concerns which may stand up in relevance to the research studies. Complete knowledge about copyright laws, patent laws, plagiarism, and other ethical laws is mandatory.

August 18, 2020 Vol. 04 No 144 Has the Idea of becoming a medical writer been rooted inside you? let’s check out the eligibility to be a medical writer! Although the minimum requirements or eligibility criteria to be a medical writer / Medical Writing Career varies from organization to organization, we can review some eligibility criteria to hold a medical writer position.

Bachelor or Masters degree in any life science-related field is recommended but not mandatory. A Bachelors’s or Master’s degree in the English language is also acceptable provided the candidate has a basic knowledge and understanding of medical terminologies. An individual with relevant medical writing experience is preferred for many openings. Openings for Scientific medical writers, including regulatory medical writers who write proposals and applications for new FDA drug and medical device approvals by regulatory authorities prefer advanced training certificates from AMWA (American Medical Writers Association) in the medical field. Many organizations prefer only PhDs or MDs who are competent in putting their specialized field related knowledge to work in writing.

Medical writing can be considered as an art. A medical writer career definitely involves becoming an artist who can actually put his writing skills into an amazing piece of document which not only has a technical significance but also makes the concepts or the facts live in the readers’ minds. Demand for medical writers is fiercely on an increasing trend. Nevertheless, it can provide exhilarating career options to a life science graduate/postgraduate/Ph.D. individual having the right kind of aptitude and skills. | 23

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CAREER IN REGULATORY AFFAIRS – JOB OPPORTUNITIES, ELIGIBILITY & SKILLS REQUIRED Regulatory Affairs Career – Job Opportunities, Eligibility & Skills Required What is Regulatory Affairs? Regulatory affairs is a profession within regulated industries such as pharmaceuticals, biopharmaceuticals, medical devices, cosmetics and consumer health, natural health, and veterinary products. Regulatory affairs is a department within the company that interacts with the government authorities who regulate the activities of the company. Their aim is to protect public health in terms of safety, quality, and efficacy of products like medical devices, pharmaceuticals, veterinary medicines, pesticides, cosmetics & complementary medicines, agrochemicals, etc. These professionals keep a check on how foods, drugs, and medical products are developed, tested, manufactured, marketed, and distributed in order to ensure that the products being supplied are safer for public health-wise as well as in providing a profitable contribution to the welfare of the public. Although regulatory affairs specialists work in a wide variety of disciplines such as public policy, health, science, economics, and law but the majority of them work in industries such as biotechnology, food science, pharmaceutical as well as medical device sectors. Few others work as consultants in marketing, research, or law entities in their Regulatory Affairs Career. Some are also employed by healthcare, clinical research organizations, and hospitals as well as in academic settings and government agencies. Thus one can say that it’s a combination of science and management in order to achieve a commercially important goal within a drug development organization.

Regulatory Affairs Career is a profession within the healthcare industry namely, pharmaceutical, healthcare, medical device, biologics, and functional food. It forms a bridge between drug regulatory authority, the pharmaceutical industry, regulatory affairs professionals. It is a centralized department for communication of registrations, queries associated with a product in FDA as well as the ministry of health of various countries.

To give strategic and technical advice to R&D, production, QC department, etc right from the beginning of the development of the product, making an important contribution both commercially and scientifically to the success of a development program and a company as a whole.

Main objectives in Regulatory Affairs Job Profile includes:

Helping the company in order to avoid problems that may be caused due to improper scientific thinking or due to poor presentation of data.

He/ she should have a complete acquaintance of the drug development procedures.

Prepare submissions to regulatory agencies such as Health Canada, EMA(Europe) and other jurisdictions.

Interpret and apply regulations. Advise internal colleagues on legal and scientific requirements. Develop and implement regulatory strategies. Collect, collate and evaluate scientific data. Participate in product development programs to ensure adherence to international regulations and guidelines. | 24

Regulatory Affairs professionals interact with numerous functional areas which include: Pre-clinical research : Pharmacology and toxicology testing to evaluate new drug candidates.

Good analytical skills so that they can pay close attention to all the details review process and data and identify the issues if any. Good negotiating skills Judgment skills and presentation skills

Manufacturing: High levels of controls for the production of safe and efficacious products.

Good communication skills since they need to interact with clients, staff members and other regulatory authorities.

Quality assurance: Oversight of operations related to failure investigations, auditing, complaints and documentation management.

Qualifications Required To Become A Regulatory Affairs Professional / To Make Career in Regulatory Affairs: A Bachelor’s degree in the field of science especially pharmacy, biology, pharmacology, microbiology, biochemistry is a must for getting into as RA. For junior positions, undergraduates or postgraduates is sufficient but for senior positions In the field of clinical research, it is mandatory for a person to have a doctorate degree. In order to get very good success in this field one must start his/her career with a related field like for example, laboratory testing, production, quality control, quality assurance, etc. with this he/she will get a good practical experience in drug development and its related process. However, professionals with essential skills in biology, clinical sciences, management, engineering, and writing are also highly desired candidates for this diverse field.

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Additional Skills required for It is a rapidly growing department of pharma industry because most of the Regulatory Affairs Career:

Clinical Research: Conduct of clinical studies, data collection, statistical analysis, report writing

Quality control: Analytical testing of all products in terms of purity, safety, potency, and quality.

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Good computer skills, since certain tasks like preparation of reports and analysis of data, are done with the help of a computer. Project management skills are of utmost importance since one has to do different types of work and time also less so they must know how to shuffle multiple tasks efficiently. Ability to keep up to date on current regulations

Regulatory Affairs employment opportunities exist in the following sectors: Pharmaceuticals : The newly graduated Pharmacist have the best opportunity to start their careers as regulatory professionals in regulatory affairs department of a pharmaceutical industry. The function of Regulatory Professionals in Pharma industry is to provide all legal information like updates in amendments in the law, new drug inventions and drug development designs, patent, trademark, and copyrights. Information about Biological and Pharmaceutical drugs and guidance regarding rules and regulation of drugs, latest good manufacturing practices, science and Technology updates and their regulatory aspects, post-marketing surveillance of the product to compile the documentation of pharma industry.

stakeholders are now interested in the export of their pharmaceutical products in other countries but international markets demand strict regulation and legal requirements in terms of allowing marketing authorization of pharmaceutical products. Internationally many countries require pharmaceutical Dossier or Common Technical Document(CTD) format for registration of the drugs or marketing authorization of the products. CTD is the set of documents ensuring quality, safety, and efficacy of the pharmaceutical or biological products which should be prepared according to the requirements of regulations prescribed by the governing authority of India.

Medical devices: The medical device industry plays a critical role in the department of healthcare by providing ingenious solutions that will improve the patient end result. RA professional in the field of medical serves a very important role in the lifecycle of the product like for eg: he/she can advise the team regarding regulatory strategies in order to ensure that the product is legally marketed. Once the design of the product is complete the team of product development experts RA to make a successful marketing submission. And finally, these companies will rely on them for post-marketing surveillance in order to confirm it to FDA if any malfunctioning them.

Biotechnology companies: Biotechnology and Regulatory affairs are the areas that are creating opportunities for us to build networks across the world and to work collaboratively together. Depending upon the individual’s experience one can make a good career here. Biological products need to be readdressed by means of scientific advances and it is needed to put a hold in the initiation of new quality control procedures without sufficient discussion. There is a growing demand for preclinical testing of Biotechnological products. | 25

With the development of Biotechnological industries, it has catalyzed various changes in the regulation of drugs worldwide with major blow on the regulation of unnatural products.

Clinical research: In the field of clinical research Regulatory Affairs Professional has a vital role in making safe and good quality products related to healthcare. Their responsibility begins with the research and development phases of each product. They keep themselves updated in terms of procedures, regulatory policies, and trends. One can enter as a clinical research coordinator or Drug Safety Associate at their entry-level. In their mid-level, they can enter as a Clinical Research Associate or Investigator. And at the senior level, they can be appointed as a Data Manager, Director of Regulatory Affairs.

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Regulatory Affairs is ever-changing legislation thus one can always keep on learning new things and keep on taking up new challenges and at the same time, you will have a good salary package. A career in Regulatory affairs is one of the versatile professions one can ever come across because it provides diversified employment opportunities that too at various levels. Even though Regulatory Affairs is one of the most interesting and rewarding careers but still it has its own challenges. So there are a lot of things to be considered when you think of Regulatory Affairs as a Career. You need to evaluate the goals both personally as well as professionally in order to have a better understanding of how our career can meet your goals.

Top Companies Hiring For Regulatory Affair Jobs are: ITC Parexel Medtronic Novartis Novozymes IQVIA Bharat Serums and Vaccines Ltd Amgen Reckitt Benckiser Jhonson & Jhonson Lupin PPD Apotex Dupont Genpact Merck Covance | 26

August 18, 2020 Vol. 04 No 144

CAREER PROSPECTS IN GENETICS – JOB PROFILES, SALARY & SKILLS REQUIRED Genetics Career – Scope, Job Profiles, Salary & Skills Required We always come across comments from our family members or friends that he/she resembles his/her parents such as hair color, eye color, etc. Sometimes we observe that some of our habits also resemble our parents or forefathers. It is also common that during treatment physicians always try to find out whether the ancestor like parents or forefathers etc. of the patient has suffered any time from such diseases so that the physician can easily diagnose on the basis of the inheritance of the disease and start treatment accordingly.Intermittently we hear the news about inventions in life sciences for the benefit of mankind. The invention may be relating to insecticide or herbicide-resistant plant varieties development; induced increase nutrient contents in vegetables or fruit, etc. besides diagnosis of birth defects or diseases. All these inventions are possible due to Genetic Engineering.

A genetically determined characteristic of an organism is called a “trait�. These traits are described by the genetic information carried by a molecule called DNA. Therefore Genetics is defined as the study of heredity and the variation of inherited characteristics, the genetic properties or features of an organism. It is broadly called “Science of Heredity�

The study of Genetics has not only made us understand why we all are having different physical characteristics (such as hair, eye color, height, etc); as to why we resemble our parents but has also resulted in elevating the science to a level beyond our imagination.All these types of inventions in life science, as well as hereditary habits, etc, is scientifically due to Genetics.

The scientist who studies genetics is called a Geneticist.

The word GENETICS is derived from the ancient Greek word “Genetikos� which means genitive/generative. GENETIC/GENESIS means origin or mode of formation of something.

(i) Transmission genetics involves the study transmission of genetic material from one generation to another, i.e., commonly called heredity.

The study of Genetic science expressed how living things inherit the characteristics, inherited properties or features of an organism.

Gregor Mendel, a late 19th-century scientist, Augustinian friar is called the father of genetics. For the convenience of discussion on scope and significance of genetics we can classify it in the following three areas:

(ii) Molecular and Biochemical genetics necessitates the study of structure and functioning of the genes. (iii) Population and Biometrical genetics, this includes the behavior and effect of genes in population.

All three classifications are interrelated. Across the entire spectrum of life on the earth, the genetic material containing the information for hereditary traits consists of nucleic acid only. Deoxyribose nucleic acid (DNA) and Ribose nucleic acid (RNA) are the most important types of nucleic acid. The Science of Genetics has spread throughout all aspects of biology during the last few decades and it has positioned itself in the central position of great significance in biological science. This invasion of genetics in biology has not only opened the scope in the mechanism of heredity and variation but also extends its area for the study of fundamental biological processes like biochemistry, microbiology, plant physiology, plant pathology, ecology, etc. When the fundamentals of genetics are applied in engineering then it is referred to as Genetic Engineering. Therefore, genetics has a great influence on industrial areas like medicine, agriculture, fisheries, forests, etc. The recent increase of biotechnology study has further upsurge the significance of genetics science. | 27

The sequence and edit of the genome are now possible and the invention of new CRISPR technology, a most powerful gene-editing tool is a result of genetic engineering. All these latest inventions have encouraged and attracted students to pursue their careers in genetic engineering but still, most of the students are unaware of their future prospects in this field due to lack of information and proper guidance.

Undergraduate Courses:

This article provides a brief highlight of Genetics Career scope, job prospects, companies, etc in the field of genetics.

Master of Philosophy in Genetics (M. Phil.(Genetics))

Nowadays, in India Genetics courses are quite popular. Most of the educational institutions have already introduced courses in microbiology, biotechnology, cell biology, molecular biology, biochemistry in bachelor’s degree and master’s degree courses. These institutions have also facilities for further higher education of Doctoral and Postdoctoral education. For admission for bachelor or master degree courses in this field of science some colleges or universities conduct aptitude tests and allow admission on the basis of merit list of the qualifying examination. For example, AIEEE, JEE-IIT GATE/JAM are the exams for admission in these courses.

Master of Science Honors in Genetics (M.Sc (Hons.) Genetics)

Clinical research: In the field of clinical research Regulatory Affairs Professional has a vital role in making safe and good quality products related to healthcare. Their responsibility begins with the research and development phases of each product. They keep themselves updated in terms of procedures, regulatory policies, and trends. One can enter as a clinical research coordinator or Drug Safety Associate at their entry-level. In their mid-level, they can enter as a Clinical Research Associate or Investigator. And at the senior level, they can be appointed as a Data Manager, Director of Regulatory Affairs.

Bachelor of Science in Genetics (B.Sc. (Genetics)) Bachelor of Science Honors in Genetics (B.Sc (Hons.) Genetics) Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Genetics, Microbiology & Chemistry

Postgraduate Courses:

Master of Science in Genetics (M.Sc.(Genetics))

Master of Science (MSc) in Applied Genetics Master of Science (M.Sc) in Biomedical Genetics Master of Science (M.Sc) in Human Genetics Master of Science (M.Sc) in Molecular Biology and Human Genetics Master of Science (M.Sc) in Microbial Genetics and Bioinformatics Master of Science (M.Sc) in Stem Cell and Tissue Engineering

Doctoral Courses: Doctor of Philosophy in Genetics (Ph.D. (Genetics) Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) in Human Genetics Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) in Molecular and Human Genetics Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) in Human Genetic Engineering Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) in Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering

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Some of the specialized fields of Genetics are: Quantitative Genetics Ecological Genetics Population Genetics Human genetics Immunogenetics Medical genetics Conservation Genetics Classical Genetics Molecular Genetics

Career & Jobs In Genetics Field There is a curiosity amongst Students pursuing these courses of science on their future career, particularly Good Geneticists who have a passion & strong desire relating to the genetic basis of health and disease. If you want to be successful at the job, you must have patience, good communication skills & perseverance. Those students who are interested to make their career in genetics should consider science and mathematics as possible subjects in high school and college. Candidates with Master’s degrees in any area of genetics can get the desired job in this field, however, Masters candidates with some amount of experience as an internship or work & Ph.D. candidates are mostly preferred and the rate of hire is pretty high.

Work Experience Practical,Hands-On-Knowledge acquired through some internship or mini-projects in the Labs may increase your chances of getting a genetics related job to up to 80%. Get well versed with all the techniques used in the field, rest assured once you do this – that desired job of yours is not far away. | 28

If you can get an opportunity for some work experience within the industry as well as academia so you can compare the two and decide which you prefer. Temporary – short-term work within a healthcare environment, eg – hospital, may also prove useful in helping you explore career ideas. You might decide to do some volunteering with organizations that specialize in researching genetic conditions or supporting people with inherited disorders.

List of Research Institutes In India Where One Can Apply For Genetics Jobs / Genetics Career: NBRC ICMR-IARI ICMR-DMRC NII ICAR-NDRI ICMR-NICED

Specific Skills Required To Be A Geneticist : Do not forget to acquire these skills and mention in your CV: Analysis & Interpretation of Scientific data Numerical Analysis & Computational skills


CIMAP Tata Institute for Genetics NCCS CSIR-IGIB PGIMER

Up to date knowledge on the latest happenings in the industry – including legal & ethical topics


are to list a few. While the list is not limited only to these skills but does hold great value in terms of being hired.

Sectors Where One Can Get Hired As a Geneticist: A list of some employment area where you may get the opportunity to work after studying genetics course is furnished below: Hospitals DNA Forensics Department Universities Pharmaceutical Industry & Suppliers Agricultural Firms Research Institutes Animal Breeding Industry Food and drink companies Health and beauty care industry

Vol. 04 No 144 Salary Details The job opportunity for a genetics degree holder is continuing to expand. The genetic employers are not sufficient now, that’s why the demand of professionals in the field of genetics continues to increase. Geneticists can work in various capacities for different types of employers. While the Salary offered in Genetics Career differs from Individual, company, location, experience & various other factors – But the average salary currently being offered in the genetics field ranges from Rs 20,000 to Rs 25,000/- pm in India.


Well versed in All genetics analytical methods

Logical thinking & Problem-solving ability

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TIFR & Many Many More

For Fresher Candidates with Bachelors Degree in Genetics – Average Salary is Rs 20,000/- pm For Fresher Candidates with Masters Degree in Genetics – Average Salary is Rs 28,000/- pm Candidates with 2-3 years of experience in the filed – Average Salary is Rs 45,000/- pm

Some of the Job Profiles are: Clinical molecular geneticist Clinical scientist, genomics Clinical scientist, immunology Genetic counselor Pharmacologist Plant breeder/geneticist Research scientist (life sciences) Assistant Professor Genetics Laboratory Technician Regulatory Process Manager Nutritionist Scientific Writing | 29

August 18, 2020 Vol. 04 No 144

DRUG SAFETY ASSOCIATE PHARMACOVIGILANCE AS A CAREER Drug Safety Pharmacovigilance Job as a Career – Eligibility, Salary & Companies Hiring Similar to engineering and management, the health care sector has also experienced some major changes in the past few years. In earlier times when it comes to the medical sector, people have 2 choices; either they opt for becoming a doctor or they opt for becoming a scientist. Unlike those days, now things have undergone drastic changes. Students from Biology background have multiple segments as an option to build their career in, out of which one of the most trending options is Pharmacovigilance – Career as a Drug Safety Associate. In our day to day life, many of us have heard that certain drugs have been removed from the market due to its side effects, this is made possible by pharmacovigilance. Drug Safety which is otherwise known as Pharmacovigilance, is a science of studying short and long term effects of medicine on individuals.

Method Of Pharmacovigilance:

Pharmacovigilance has grown considerably as a discipline over the past 10 to 15 years. Because of its huge popularity among young generations, they are choosing their careers in this rapidly emerging & challenging sector as a Drug Safety Associate.

Spontaneous Recording

Pharmacovigilance = pharmakon (Greek for drug) and vigilare (Latin for to keep watch). As the name indicates it basically belongs to the category of pharmacological sciences whose aim is to collect, detect, assess, understand and prevent the adverse effects, in particular, long term and short term effects of therapeutic drugs, devices, and biologics.

Individual Case Safety Reports Clinical Review Of Safety Reports Cohort Event Monitoring Longitudinal Electronic Patient Reports

Periodic Safety Update Reports (Psur) Expedited Report Record Linkage

Governing Bodies: The Pharmaceutical industry Regulatory authorities WHO collaborating center for international drug monitoring CIOMS (Council For International Organisation of Medical Sciences)

In order to collect information on Adverse Drug Reaction(ADRs), certain centers are also established with the following objectives: Improvement in patient care, public health and their safety in relation to medicines. Identification of risk factors Promoting clinical training and understanding in the field of pharmacovigilance

Responsibilities in Drug Safety Pharmacovigilance Job Profile include: Recording and reporting adverse reactions received from healthcare professionals and consumers conducting in-depth interviews with patients and healthcare professionals developing a thorough knowledge of products | 30

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writing and reviewing serious adverse effects reports and forms

Drug Safety Pharmacovigilance experts have numerous responsibilities and this can vary from one company to another. The roles include activities like

flagging up early warning signs of adverse effects of drugs

Processing and writing of adverse event program

minimizing the risk of serious side effects

Follow up on important case reports

completing periodic safety update reports on drugs and other treatments

completing safety audits working on clinical trials of new drugs

Employers of Drug Safety Pharmacovigilance Associates: Pharmaceutical companies Medical device companies Biotechnology companies Regulatory authorities Pharmacovigilance offers bright career prospects for all healthcare professionals in terms of career growth and salary. Today a large number of healthcare companies are involved in Pharmacovigilance where one can start their career as PHARMACOVIGILANCE ASSOCIATE OR DRUG SAFETY ASSOCIATE. Drug safety associates are Pharma, Life Science, Nursing or Medical Graduates, who specialize in monitoring the adverse effects of drugs in patients and reporting these effects for review and drug modification. Also known as drug safety associates.

Some of the known profile in Drug Safety Pharmacovigilance Job includes:Drug Safety Associate Pharmacovigilance Associate Case Processing Expert Clinical Safety Scientist Safety Associate Pharmacovigilance Scientist

Serving as a link between the company and the patients or healthcare experts to provide valid information on product safety. Conducting regular pharmacovigilance developments and supervising these processes. Attending several meetings related to product safety Adding value to any business through product safety functionality.

Today approximately 70+ organizations are present in India which are involved in Pharmacovigilance and have separate Pharmacovigilance units.

People Trained In Pharmacovigilance Can Find Excellent Employment Options In The Following Organizations: Pharmaceutical Companies. Contract (CROs)



Biotech companies. Specialized Pharmacovigilance centers Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPOs) such as Accenture, Cognizant, Sciformix Corporation, iGATE, etc. Regulatory Authorities such as DCG(I), FDA & CDSCO

Top organizations include: Novartis Parexel Dr.Reddy’s Aurobindo Pharma PPD Covance ICON Accenture HCL Syneos Health INC Research KPMG Novo Nordisk Lupin Even Govt organizations have started recruiting for this post of Drug Safety Associate.

Eligibility Criteria: The general academic requirement for Drug Safety vacancies are successful graduates with a pharmacy, medical or life science degree, and in some instances further qualifications in project management or a Masters in Drug Safety. Drug Safety cases can come in from clinical trials, as well as medicines actively being marketed. Once a side effect is reported in the company database additional to follow up may be required to complete gaps in the case. The completed reports are forwarded to the regulatory authorities for review. The initial salary levels are based on academic background, which differs from year to year, as well as from company to company. Starting level titles tend to be Drug Safety Associate or Drug Safety Coordinator where the focus is mainly case processing; which involves doing data entry of cases; making sure drug identifiers are captured correctly, and the event reports are detailed enough for the evaluator to decide on the cause of the adverse event. Once you have achieved 2-3 years experience you will be skilled in narrative report writing (providing a summary report of events to readers who do not have access to the original data sets, so that the reader is able to come to a conclusion on the adverse event), medical coding using MedDRA (the most commonly used system to achieve a global standardization across regulatory agencies, to code adverse drug reactions) and have a good ICH-GCP understanding. You are likely to apply for roles such as Drug Safety Scientist or Clinical Drug Safety Officer. | 31

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With a good narrative writing background you can move into reviewing and, over time, writing and authoring PSURs (Periodic Safety Update Reports, DSURs (Development Safety Update Reports) and RMPs (Risk Management Plans). With the authoring experience, you can then start exploring roles like Drug Safety Medical Writer or Aggregate Report Writer. With 6-8 years of work experience in these positions, you can easily become a Team Lead or Team manager, ultimately achieving the title of Associate Director, Director or Vice-President

Salary is one thing that no can exactly say firmly how much they get because it varies from job to job and company to company. Mainly it depends on the qualification and job profile which an individual is going to pursue. It also matters the country where u r going to work and also the company where u got the opportunity. Pharmacists, Pharmacy, nursing, Ayurveda, homeopathic, dental, physiotherapy, life sciences graduates are eligible to work in this industry. The starting salary for a fresher with PG in Life Sciences, Pharmacy or UG in Pharmacy, Dental Surgery is between 15-25k INR per month. For Pharmacovigilance Leadership (with 8–15 years of Pharmacovigilance experience ) the salary varies between 13 Lacs per annum to 40 Lacs per annum depending on education, experience, skillset(s) and company types (CRO, consultancy, BPO, etc) Salary package for freshers and experienced associates varies depending on years of experience in the industry they hold. Average Life science & pharmacy graduate can easily reach 10 lakhs package in 5-6 years. if you are Oracle Argus , Oracle Inform, Clinical , Database administrator, designer , or forms developer related to technical programmer you can expect more than 60k per month, after 5 years u can expect the package of 15 lakhs per year, one can earn equal to clinical SAS Programmer.

So, one thing I can say for sure is – finding a Pharmacovigilance / Drug safety Associate job is definitely possible. It may take persistence, a lot of work from your part and some couple of months or more, but do not leave hope. This is one such field that is growing and will continue to grow at 10X speed in coming future with a lot of job scope. So its time to be future-ready. Keep an eye on jobs posted at & | 32

August 18, 2020 Vol. 04 No 144

HOW TO BECOME A MARINE BIOLOGIST? ELIGIBILITY, CAREER PATH & SALARY DETAILS How To Become A Marine Biologist? Did you ever stand on the shore and wondered what treasure is hidden in the deep blue sea? Where are the waves coming from, and who are the neighbors of the jellyfishes or the shells? Did you ever have the urge to dive in and explore the depths? – if you have, then a Marine Biologist job is perfect for you. The term “marine biologist� is applied in many disciplines and jobs in the marine sciences. Though many biologists study both which deal with the study of marine life, and also deal with the physical properties of the sea, Marine biology or Marine science is the study of the environment and all aspects of life in the sea. This includes marine animals, plants, and other organisms, including both vertebrate and invertebrate, in shallow seas, deep oceans, and the laboratory. The main aims of marine biology are to understand the marine world better and to comprehend and predict changes in ecosystems affected by natural disturbances and human. So a marine biologist might be a biological technician, ichthyologist, microbiologist, systems analyst, fishery biologist, marine mammalogist, or a mathematician.

Marine ecologist and dive operations manager Reef restoration project manager Ocean Engineering Marine Archeology Marine Geology Aquatic Veterinarian Research Assistant Fishery data manager Environmental engineer Professor in marine ecology Postdoctoral fellow Oil spill response specialist Consultant in marine ecology Marine biotechnologist

Although most roles require good research and scientific skills, specializing in a particular area, even a strong technical skill, is usually required for career progression – whether in coastal management, invertebrate biodiversity, fisheries biology, reef ecology, or marine pollution. There are a number of marine science-related undergraduate and postgraduate degrees, but the key to having a successful career in these streams is by having relevant experience, either voluntary or paid. To prove your commitment and to develop your skillset, you need to be constantly on the lookout for opportunities and seize them at the right time as there is a lot of competition for jobs in this field.

Qualifications To become a marine biologist, you’ll need to focus on a marine-oriented degree such as:

Scuba Diving Instructor and Underwater Filmmaker

Marine biology

Marine policy expert

Marine biology and coastal ecology/oceanography | 33

Marine biology Marine biology and coastal ecology/oceanography Marine science Ocean and earth science Oceanography You can enroll in programs like Bachelor of Science in Marine Biology, Master of Science in Marine Biology, Certificate courses in Marine Biology, Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.) in Marine Biology. Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Marine Biology according to your qualifications and eligibility. If your undergraduate degree is a broader-based science degree, like botany, zoology or microbiology, you need to do postgraduate in the marine-related study. Careers in marine biology are often research-based and, while it’s possible to study marine biology undergraduate degree and enroll in a semi-employed position on a conservation science project or go straight into volunteering, postgraduate study is required for better career prospects. Postgraduate degrees range from Tropical coastal management to Masters in tropical marine biology and aquatic ecology and conservation. To have your career options open, studying more general science-based undergraduate degrees is suggested, after which you can specialize in your Master’s degree. If you’re following an academic path in marine geochemistry or chemistry oceanography, ocean and earth science, and behavioral ecology, PhDs can be advantageous. Marine research organizations and universities conduct Ph.D. programs, and you may be able to undertake your studies on a part-time basis while working. The selection of a supervisor is essential. It’s better to select someone who is working in the specialist area that interests you.

Some of the Best Marine Biology colleges in India Marine biology is an ever-evolving field, so continuous professional development in technical and practical skills, and relevant research is a vital part of the work. It also evidences your passion, commitment, and drive. The colleges offering various courses related to Marine Biology: Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kerala Karnatak University, Karnataka Andhra Pradesh University, Waltair Annamalai University, TamilNadu Pondicherry University, TamilNadu Veer Narmad South Gujarat University, Surat National Institute of Oceanography, Panaji Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS), Hyderabad

What Skills Do You Require? Depending on your area of expertise, you will need to have different types of skills: If you are in fieldwork, then you should be comfortable in flexibility to work short-term contracts on varied projects with variable hours. You should be adaptable to live in basic living conditions in minimalist environments, to live-aboard research vessels, and to work in all types of weather. Have the capacity to work with a variety of people from government officials to local fisherman and to activists and professors whether working in an expedition team at sea or a part of a research team in a laboratory, you should have strong teamwork skills. Have high levels of physical fitness for fieldwork and experience in practical areas such as boat handling, scuba diving, and first aid a methodical and analytical mind for analyzing and interpreting data giving attention to detail for recording observations and accuracy in results

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if you’re working as a technician, then laboratory skills, such as sequencing, writing risk assessments, and standard operating procedures, strong numeracy, and IT skills is a must. If you are interested in teaching and supervising students for academic university roles, then strong communication skills are required for report writing and academic publications.

What Are Your Responsibilities? Your duties as a marine biologist will depend on your area of work and could include: Conducting species inventories, monitoring and testing sea creatures exposed to pollutants Collecting and analyzing samples and data-using processes such as coring techniques, geographic information systems (GIS), visual recording and sampling

Collecting and preserving specimens of unknown species and diseases and ranges or movements of marine population and mapping their distribution. Carrying out environmental impact assessments evaluating the likely environmental impacts of a proposed project or development, including socio-economic, cultural and human-health impacts Interviewing fishermen, stakeholders, and local divers, about animal behavior and local marine practices Lecturing on policy, planning, and management of aquatic activities Conducting expeditions on fishing and research vessels in polar, temperate and tropical seas Scuba diving to survey endangered organisms and implementing preservation strategies Designing scientific experiments and collating findings Conducting educational and awareness-raising work by presenting talks to the public, fellow academics, and commercial employers and government ministers. Senior-level management of new and existing projects within or outside an academic environment like preparing detailed reports for funders, commercial organizations, agencies, governmental bodies such as the oil companies drilling on the seabed. To help improve the ways in which we look after our oceans we need to communicate the latest advances in marine science through academic conferences, publications or outreach. The scientific information necessary to manage the marine environment best needs to be provided to policymakers and need to advocate this in the policy process through government liaison, press, and media. | 34

What kind of Work experience do you require?

What can you expect from this job?

It’s essential to get some work experience to stand out from the competition. If you’re interested in a career in research, then approach your university supervisors, professors, or Ph.D. students who are working on some projects and ask if you can assist them in that why you will get some hands-on experience.

You can always choose a fieldwork-based career or a lab or classroom-based career.

You could also volunteer as a research assistant to a specialist, attend conferences, present papers. Send applications to organizations that interest you, such as museums or environmental consultancies or aquariums. This will help you build up a range of skills and understand what you enjoy before specializing. In terms of fieldwork, consider volunteering for marine conservation organizations, local charities, local wildlife trusts, ocean clean-up organizations and sanctuaries and rescue centers (this includes paid-for experiences across the world).

Marine Biology Job Aspects Marine scientists are employed by universities, international organizations, marine research institutes, government agencies, commercial companies, and not-for-profit organizations. Examples include: Marine biologists have a chance to work as a scientist in Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute & Central Institute of Brackishwater Aquaculture in its various research centers along the coast of India. There are many academic institutions that teach the subject as well as carry out research in this vast field. Jobs may be advertised on marine institute websites and universities, as well as on the websites of major companies. Career opportunities are also available in Oil India, the government sectors like the Meteorological Survey of India, Department of Oceanography, Geological Survey of India, etc.

University work is usually office and lab-based, although you might get plenty of opportunities for short or long-term expeditions abroad, like, If you are interested in dolphins or other marine mammals, research programs do exist in UC Santa Cruz and the University of Hawaii. The study of marine mammalogy and fish has many disciplines: anatomy and physiology, ethology (behavior), taxonomy and systematics (the study of their classification and evolution), natural history (the study of how a species lives) and ecology (how they interact with their environment). Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego, and some other universities, may not have specific programs on marine mammals, but they do have graduate students doing marine mammal-related research. Fieldwork can be laborious. You might be diving for several hours a day or working at sea in challenging weather conditions.

Remuneration for Marine biologists: The salary level of Marine Biologists can vary greatly depending on a wide variety of factors, such as their level of education and experience, where they work, and many other factors. Their salary level can also depend on whether they are employed by a government agency, private-sector organization, or a non-profit organization. A marine biologist working with smaller institutions earn less than those working in elite research institutions. The salary is relatively higher in the private sector.

August 18, 2020 Vol. 04 No 144

Upcoming Avenues in the Field of Marine Biology Marine biotechnology research is one of the emerging specializations which is applicable in many areas. The biomedical field associated with research to develop drugs from marine organisms, and Molecular Biology where research is based on marine organisms- from microscopic bacteria, plants, and animals to marine mammals- to detect their exposure to pollutants, diseases, and the source of contaminants affecting them, come under this field. Marine biotechnology research uses the latest breakthroughs in modern molecular biology, cell science and genetic engineering to solve basic problems in marine resource biology; to improve the production of chemical, food, energy resources and medical, from the ocean; and to develop new products and industries based on more efficient use of the ocean’s resources. Marine Biology, one of the most all-encompassing fields of Oceanography which deals with the study of life in the ocean and all of its biological manifestations. Marine biology relates to all marine organisms, from small plankton to giant whales.

So all the marine enthusiasts out there, you can definitely think of taking up this exciting field as your career.

An entry-level marine biologist (1-3 years of experience) earns an average salary of ₚ5,07,061. On the other end, a senior level marine biologist (8+ years of experience) earns an average salary of ₚ8,78,858. At the start, one can earn between Rs 12,000 – Rs 20,000 in the public sector, depending on the organization, a marine biologist can earn up to Rs. 35,000 to Rs. 45,000 per month in an Indian Organization and around Rs. 75,000 to Rs. 1,00,000 in a foreign organization. The salary of Marine biologists is comparatively higher in foreign countries. |35

August 18, 2020 Vol. 04 No 144

CLINICAL RESEARCH – ELIGIBILITY, JOB SCOPE, SALARY & TOP COMPANIES HIRING Clinical Research – Eligibility, Job Scope, Salary & Top companies hiring New Mouse Model Predicts two clinical trial failures in Humans ‌Uganda Launching new experimental Ebola Vaccine Trial ‌Recent Trials for Fragile X syndrome Offer Hope‌ You all must have come across these types of news. But have you ever wondered: Why these types of news flash on a daily basis? What’s the point behind this? What do the trials mean? New trials and experiments aren’t offered to the public as soon as they’re produced. They need to be analyzed and confirmed first. A clinical trial is a type of investigation or experimentation that examines a test or treatment given to individuals. Clinical trials include various studies like how shielded and beneficial tests and treatments are. When they passed the trials and found to be safe and helpful, they may become tomorrow’s standard of care.

Clinical Research includes various trials and experiments, such as : Different usage of approved by the FDA,



Drugs not yet accepted by the U.S. FDA (Food and Drug Administration), New methods of drug intake, such as in pill form, Use of other possible medicines, such as herbs and vitamins, Innovative tests to detect and track disease, and Drugs or methods that relieve symptoms and much more! To know more about these trials and how they are performed, let’s explore :

What exactly Clinical Research Is? Clinical research is a field that deals with the study & analysis of health & illness in Humans. It is the means through which scientists analyze how to prevent, diagnose and treat illness. Clinical research describes many different elements of scientific investigation. It involves human participants and helps translate basic research into new treatments and information to beneficial for patients. Clinical Trials or Clinical Studies involves human volunteers. These type of research or experimental studies enables various groups of researchers and investigators to search for new and more effective ways to understand, discover, regulate as well as deal with different types of human disorders/ diseases/ abnormalities. In other words, we can say that these trials are the best way to get answers to any difficult scientific / health-related queries.

Goals of Clinical Research : All clinical trials should meet certain goals to fulfill their design or use of conduct. It must : Enhance therapeutic understanding Be implemented by adroit persons, Take all important steps/actions to protect those who accommodate themselves to research, Acquire regulatory acceptance and take all the obligatory legal and ethical steps. Gather the assent of those involved in research

Goals of Clinical Research : Basically clinical trials conducted for clinical research studies are of various types. The two main types are : |36

Observational Studies: These clinical research studies do not examine any drugs or their effects on human illness. Examiners are involved in observing participants of the trials by monitoring their health over a period of time and collect relevant data. Examiners enhance their medical knowledge by continuous follow-up of the patients in the reference centers. Interventional Studies: These studies furnish scientific verification of the efficacy and welfare of an innovative drug, a new caution device or a new organization in the context of a disease or illness. These clinical trials or interventional studies are obligatory steps for the conversion of a new molecule into an innovative drug or any newly discovered device to be noticed. Apart from the above-mentioned types of Clinical Studies, there are different types of clinical research that are used in a different way depending on what the examiners or investigators are studying. Some of them are Treatment Research, Prevention Research, Diagnostic Research, Screening Research, Quality of Life Science, Genetic Studies, Epidemiological Studies. Researchers require different types of participants for their study. They can have ‘outpatient ’ or ‘ inpatient’, participants do not stay at the hospital overnight or stay for at least one night respectively.

Phases of Clinical Trials : During the development of new drugs, clinical trials are conducted in basically 5 steps : Phase I- Administration in Humans: Performed in healthy individuals. Its main objective is to examine Clinical and Biological tolerance. With this phase of the trial, various effects on the models are determined as well as this trail allows examination of the fate of different molecules in the body depending on its route of administration.

Phase II- Administration in Patients: For the first time molecules are inserted in patients. It is confined to a limited number of patients over a short duration of treatment. Phase III- Therapeutic Efficacy: This phase is considered a Pivotal Study as it is the last and final step followed before the drug is marketed. It is used to measure the medicinal efficiency of the molecule as well as its tolerance level close to real-life circumstances. Phase IV- The Marketing Authorization: Based on the data collected through various phases (1-3), submission of the Marketing Authorization Application is allowed to the National Agency of Medicines & Health Products. Once authorization is obtained, the Molecule is acknowledged as a drug and finally, it is marketed. Phase V- Monitoring and Evaluation of side Effects: Also called as Surveillance Phase in which various side effects are monitored, recorded and examined to assess patient safety. In today’s scenario, Clinical Research is one of the most upcoming and demanding fields of Science that requires highly dedicated and determined individuals. I think most of you are already gaining interest in this particular research field and some of you are aware of this. More about Clinical Research Courses, Eligibility, Scope, Salary, and Companies hiring, Are discussed below:

List of Clinical Research Courses With Eligibility, Scope, Salary Details : Various courses are available nowadays for Clinical Research studies. You can get yourself enrolled in Diploma courses, Masters courses or even in Certification courses in Clinical research.

August 18, 2020 Vol. 04 No 144 Diploma in Clinical research : This course is usually annual having term examinations conducted every year by concerned universities. Enrolled candidates learn basic bioethics related to clinic or hospital. The course includes presentations, manuscripts preparations of various scientific meetings and journals of technical medicine. Students enrolled in this course will be modulated and trained to transform them into quality clinical research analysts having all the set of skills required to work in any hospital or clinic. Candidates having Diploma in this field can have a wide array of career options. Be it a Medical department (hospital/ clinic) or working as a lecturer/teacher, candidates can choose any options according to their wishes. Duration: 1-year full-time course. Eligibility: 55 % score in graduation in any Medical science courses (MBBS, BDS, etc.) or Degree in Science, Life Sciences, Pharmacy, Pharmacology, Biotechnology, etc. from a recognized university. Scope/ Job positions: You can choose any job profile as you wish from plenty of career options available. You can be absorbed as a Clinical research Analyst, Clinical Research Associates, Clinical Research Coordinator, Clinical Research Physicians, Biostatistician, etc. Average Salary: INR 2,50,000 – INR 5,00,000 Master of Science (M.Sc. Clinical Research) : As of now, you all are aware of Clinical research and its benefits. It is known that this field utilizes a diverse array of experiments as well as research in clinics, especially with organisms. This master course includes various components like Drug studies & its medical management, Performing organic activities in the clinic, Study of various sub-related disciplines like Biostatistics, Epidemiology, Transplantation, etc. You can always choose your specialization after getting enrolled. | 37

Duration: 2 years course

Duration: Short course of 6 months

Eligibility: You should be a graduate in any discipline of Science with at least 50 % marks in aggregate. Fields / Disciplines included here are Life Sciences (Zoology, Microbiology, Botany, Toxicology, Biochemistry, Pharmacology or Biotechnology); B. Pharma, M. Pharma, Nursing, Physiotherapy. Candidates waiting for their final year/semester results are also eligible on a provisional basis.

Eligibility: Graduates of Medical background (MDS, MBBS, BAMS, MS, MD, BUMS), UG & PG candidates of various allied streams of Science like – Pharmacology, Life Sciences, Medical laboratory, Pharmacy, Nursing, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, etc. All the professionals working with various Clinical Research organizations / Pharmaceutical companies are also eligible for this course.

Top Institutes: Galgotias University, Sharda University, Periyar Maniammai University, Amity University, Indian Institute of Public Health, School of Bio-Science, Apeejay Stya University, Indian Institute of Clinical Research India.

Scope/ Job positions: Candidates after completing this certification course can assist in the presentations and manuscripts preparations of various scientific lectures/meetings including technical sessions of conferences or training programs. Candidates can also choose a teaching career (gov./private). Employment areas include Clinical research labs, Medical Universities / Colleges, Private clinics, Government hospitals, and Pharmacist shops.

Scope/ Job positions: You can choose any career options from a wide range available after having this course of Clinical research according to your interest. To quote some – you can be a Project Manager – Clinical Research, Clinical Research Coordinator, Clinical Research Physician, Biostatistician, Clinical Research Analyst; Programmer – Clinical Research, Clinical Research Associate and such. You can also work as Medical Assistants – professionals in clinics, hospitals and Health Services Managers. Average Salary: INR 3 – 12 Lacs per annum Top Recruiting Areas: Pharmaceutical industry, educational institutes, CROs, SMOs, hospitals, DCGI office, and other govt. drug and food regulatory/ research organizations, etc. Certification in Clinical Research : This is a certification course of a very short duration which involves Hospital and Healthcare Management Programme. The aim of this course is to examine the safeguarding of general views on the moral values connected to bioethics and some highly complex issues of executing this basic knowledge to a different sets of situations.

Average Salary : INR 1,50,000 – INR 3,00,000

August 18, 2020 Vol. 04 No 144 List of Top Companies Hiring In the Field of Clinical Research Are: ACTREC TMC CDSA – THSTI ICMR Teva Pharmaceutical Pfizer Fortis Hospitals Panacea Biotec PPD St. John’s Research Institute Medpace TCS PGIMER Cognizant Chiltern inVentiv Health Novartis ICON Novo Nordisk All the above-mentioned courses will lend you to so many career options, you can choose according to your interests. Clinical Research is one of the fastest-growing industries at a surprising rate opening a wide array of career options for skilled and trained professionals. As of now, you can understand how important Clinical Trials are and its study as well as examination to market any drug or device. This research field provides vivid scientific analysis related to its impact, benefits, and risks associated with drugs. The procedure used to run clinical trials are cautiously changing with the execution of modern technologies. Virtual, Wearables, Artificial Intelligence, In silico trials, Digital biomarkers and Personalized medicines are all probably to play a major role in the upcoming future of Clinical Trials and Research. You can be a part of this astonishing future by choosing a career in Clinical Research. Here’s to the future, when the variations we cuddle today will forefront a healthier world. All the Best! | 38

August 18, 2020 Vol. 04 No 144

HOW TO BECOME A WILDLIFE BIOLOGIST? CAREER PATH & SALARY DETAILS Wildlife Biology Career – Eligibility Criteria & Job Scope “If you can’t excite people about wildlife, how can you convince them to love, cherish, and protect our wildlife and the environment they live in?� ― Steve Irwin, The Crocodile Hunter Do you love to watch Animal Planet or National Geography where the episodes on animals are telecast? So Informative and exciting, aren’t they? We all have studied about wildlife during higher studies-the behavior of animals, their interactions with the other members of the community, their role in the ecosystem, etc. While considering all these exciting facts, have we ever thought about where the information came from? Well, thanks to the sincere and dedicated work of the Wildlife Biologists, whose research on animals have given us a chance to get an insight into their life.

Wildlife Biology Career – The Job of a Wildlife Biologist For someone who enjoys spending time outdoors and traveling becoming a Wildlife Biologist is a fantastic option. Some Wildlife Biologists, however, work in labs or offices and only find themselves in these outdoor locations for small amounts of time. A career in Wildlife Biology is a perfect career option for nature lovers, people who want to contribute significantly towards wildlife conservation, etc.

What To Expect As A Wildlife Biologist? A Career as a Wildlife biologist can be quite specialized and/or broad, depending on the scope of research or region of the world. While jobs might vary, but many tasks are common to most wildlife biologist careers, including:

Plan research and coordinate wildlife assessment activities or act as advocate and spokesperson for wildlife and ecosystem concerns within their field of study. Interact with other professionals, scientists, and advocacy groups to monitor and preserve habitats and populations in-situ and ex-situ. Collect samples and conduct observational research in the lab, protected environments, and field. Monitor and document animal behavior in the lab protected environments and field. They have to make sure that the data/specimen collected and record-keeping is accurate and maintains the relevant safety procedures. You need to share information and do an assessment of the data with regional, national and international initiatives to review current research and scientific literature in this field continually Discuss and implement habitat mitigation and take measures of remediation Consult on-site assessments and the environment as they affect wildlife biology Do temporary field assignments in some remote locations, and you might even have to conduct oversee wildlife population surveys Provide expert testimony and information for ecological and environmental impact assessments. Related to wildlife survey design, provide technical expertise. Discuss with experts on how to best mitigate the impacts of development on wildlife

Wildlife Biology Career – What Is the Job Demand for Wildlife Biologist? Employment of zoologists and wildlife

biologists is expected to grow by 5% in the next ten years, which is about as fast as the average for all occupations. To study human and wildlife interactions, more zoologists and wildlife biologists will be needed. As the human population grows, the development associated with it has a massive impact on wildlife and their natural habitats. However, demand for zoologists and wildlife biologists will be limited because most funding comes from governmental agencies, so there are budgetary constraints. Wildlife gets exposed to threats such as disease, invasive species, and habitat loss, and even climate change as the human population grows and expands into new areas. Many states in India & ascross, the world will continue to employ wildlife biologists to manage conservation projects, wildlife management, etc. Wildlife biologists and zoologists will be required to undertake research & development, carry out wildlife management and conservation plans that combat these threats, and protect our natural resources. | 39

Wildlife Biology Career- Qualification Required For A Successful Career Wildlife Biologists have high educational requirements as compared to other fields. Because the field requires in-depth knowledge about the various biological phenomena, a minimum Bachelor’s Degree is essential to kickstart your career in the field of Wildlife Biology. You should obtain an undergraduate degree in zoology, wildlife biology, ecology, general biology, or another related field. However, this will only be considered as access to entry-level positions. A Master’s degree or Ph.D. will be required to secure a job requiring expertise. A Ph.D. in Ph.D. is recommended to obtain funding for independent and university research positions. High-level wildlife biologists should develop excellent computer knowledge, particularly with geographic information systems (GIS), statistical software, and other computer programming techniques.

Wildlife Biology Career – Frequent Job Positions Available For Wildlife Biologists:

List of some Colleges and Universities that provide a degree in Wildlife Biology: Indian Institute: Wildlife Institute of India

Gauhati University


International Institute: Brigham Young University SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry Hastings College Colorado State University (CSU) University of Michigan Texas State University

Wildlife Biologists GIS Specialist

Salary As Wildlife Biologist An entry-level wildlife biologist earns an average salary of â‚š3-4 Lakhs per anum. On the other end, a senior level wildlife biologist at premier government institutes such as Project Scientists, Associate Scientists, etc. earns an average salary of â‚š6-8 lakhs per anum.

Emotional Quotient. Wildlife biologists may need to spend long periods in environments where there is no communication. Therefore preparing yourself to stay away from your friends and family is crucial. This requires extreme focus and dedication.

National Centre for Biologica Sciences

Research Assistant

Conservation Geneticist

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Observation skills. Wildlife biologists must be very attentive towards animals and should have an outstanding observing capability to be able to notice slight changes in an animal’s behavior or appearance.

Wildlife Science- Aligarh Muslim University

Research Biologists

Conservation Ecologists

August 18, 2020

Here’s An Exciting Tedx Talk Delivered By A Wildlife Biologist

Wildlife Biology Career- Important Quality As Wildlife Biologist Communication skills.

A wildlife biologist needs to write scientific papers and give public speeches in seminars and conferences, deal with policymakers, and academics. So they need to develop excellent communication skills.




Wildlife biologists should be accustomed to extreme outdoor situations. They should possess excellent survival skills, including adapting to outdoor conditions.

Problem-solving skills. Wildlife biologists should be skillful and wise. They are required to find the best possible solutions to threats that affect wildlife, habitat loss, and disease.

Being a Wildlife biologist is challenging but exciting and the most adventurous job an animal lover can seek for. You can come very close to the living things which like us have emotions but fails to communicate in words. If you understand their words, you will see even they have a story to tell. The story of their lives, their ancestors, their requirements. And by knowing the other side of the picture, you will get the opportunity to lessen the gap between those innocent animals and us and do good to both the communities. As Steve Irwin said in his bookThe Crocodile Hunter: The Incredible Life and Adventures of Steve and Terri Irwin“We don’t own the planet Earth. We belong to it. And we must share it with our wildlife.�

Critical-thinking skills.

Wildlife biologists need excellent reasoning & judgment capacity to conclude from experimental results and observations. Therefore an analytical approach to a problem is essential. | 40

August 18, 2020 Vol. 04 No 144

CANCER BIOLOGY RESEARCH – TOP CANCER RESEARCH INSTITUTES WHERE YOU CAN APPLY Top Cancer Research Institutes To Apply For Cancer Research Top Cancer Research Institutes To Apply For Cancer Research If your inspiration is to become a researcher with a Ph.D. degree specialized in Cancer Research and you possess the urge to work towards the development of treatment & cure for this silent killer then this article is a must read for you. Changes in Cancer Research field happen briskly, therefore, so as to remain contemporaneous you must stay curious and dedicated by being up to date with the latest advancements in Cancer research both locally & globally.

The Cancer Red Alert! In 2018 alone 9.6 million deaths occurred due to cancer. It is estimated that by 2030 the cancer death toll will hit a scary number of 23.6 million. We might not have found a way yet to beat cancer, however, as per statistical data the number of researchers stepping into the Cancer research sector to accelerate the quest of developing a cancer cure, has increased drastically over a period of past 5 years. While the scientific community is on its toes to find “The Cancer Cure�, a lot of advancements have been made. It is a high profile sector of research as the ultimate goal of learning facts about Cancer is to create guarded and constructive methods to diagnose, detect, treat and prevent cancer. The finer we understand this disease, the more progress we can make toward declining the prodigious human and economic trolls of CANCER.

“CANCER Research Transforms And Saves Life� Advanced research in the field of cancer has helped us gather immeasurable knowledge about the biological processes involved in the onset of a malignant tumor. All those inventions have to lead to highly effective and earmarked treatments as well as prohibition strategies. Over the decades, Scientists have made numerous discoveries based on their research results in a wide array of disciplines that are considered as a major breakthrough in identification, screening, diagnosis, and treatment of cancer.

Broad Categories of Cancer Research Cancer research is basically fragmented into assorted broad categories :

Basic Research: Includes the research of various cellular as well as molecular variations occurring naturally or throughout the development of a disease. Also cited as preclinical or lab research.

Translational Research: It recounts an approach that accelerates the execution of several discoveries and inventions conducted in the laboratory to clinical practice. Also cited as operating advances from bench to bedside.

Clinical Research: It includes the implementation of treatments and procedures in patients. The research team conducts clinical trials where they try to study a group of patients, a particular patient and employ samples from humans like blood or any tissue samples to know details about the disease. They are interested to know how the healthy body works and responds to therapy. Population Research: Most loved area of research. It includes the study of various causes and patterns of Cancer as well as their risk evaluation. Epidemiologists, the population scientists engage themselves in studying and identifying the patterns, causes, and effects of health & diseases in defined groups. It is highly symbiotic and can stretch the spectrum from basic research to clinical research. | 41

Where To Apply For Cancer Research? If you have that desire to become a researcher and want to serve the people in need of care and assistance, Cancer Research is the best sector for you to grow and make a career in. The foremost question which comes to your mind to start a career in cancer research is – Where to apply? How to apply? What are the Future prospects? No need to Fret at all! You can get all your answers here. Depending upon the abilities and qualifications, numerous Cancer Institutes have been established that admit young scholars with sharp minds. According to the eligibility criteria of all these institutes, you can apply for research as per your suitability. Let’s look at some of the most renowned Cancer Research Institutes where you can apply for research! 1. Advanced Centre for Treatment, Research and Education in Cancer (ACTREC), Navi Mumbai The futuristic Research & Development satellite of the Tata Memorial Centre (TMC), ACTREC functions as a national center for medical care, research and enlightenment in cancer. TMC also includes Tata Memorial Hospital (TMH), the largest cancer hospital in Asia under its patronage. ACTREC embrace 2 arms- one for basic research and the second one for clinical research. As discussed above, you can choose among numerous broad categories of cancer research. Research explorations at both the arms of ACTREC focus on molecular operations accountable for causation of crucial human cancers relevant to India. It is expected that ACTREC will play a significant role in drug development and emerging therapies for treatment and prevention of cancer in the future.

Job Prospects @ ACTREC One can be a part of Cancer Research at ACTREC by obtaining a Ph.D. degree in Life Sciences provided by Homi Bhabha National Institute (HBNI), a Deemed University established by the Department of Atomic Energy. The Research Scholars at ATREC handles basic and translational research in Cancer Biology where they focus on specific research topics such as Cell proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis, metastasis, tumor immunology, carcinogenesis, molecular imaging, stem cell biology, biophysics, structural biology, bioinformatics, genomics, genetics & epigenetics. Applications are invited early in the year (February/March) through the website by candidates all across India. The final selection depends on the student’s performance in Written Examination followed by an interview. Educational Qualifications: M.Sc. (Bioinformatics/ Applied Biology/ Biochemistry/ Biotechnology/ Biophysics/ Botany/ Microbiology/ Life Sciences/ Molecular Biology/ Zoology or related Biological Sciences) M.Tech. ( Biotechnology / Bioinformatics ) M.V.Sc. or M.Pharm. Degree obtained from a recognized organization with 60 % or more marks. Final Year candidates are also eligible. Candidates with a post-graduate degree of one year are not eligible. Fellowships : Candidates qualifying written examination are called for an interview and final admissions are dependent on the HBNI eligibility criteria and other requirements such as Medical Examination. You can avail Junior Research Fellowship, once you are selected by ACTERC for Cancer Research. JRF’s earns a stipend of Rs.25,000 +30 % HRA per month as applicable’

August 18, 2020 Vol. 04 No 144 This fellowship is tenable for a period of 2 years, can be extended for a further 2 years (not more than that) on an annual renewal basis which is considered on your performance of the previous year. You can also avail external fellowships if secured from agencies like CSIR, UGC, DBT, etc. Multiple Job openings are posted by ACTREC which can be located here. ACTREC very frequently hires /Ph.D. Biotech & Life Science Candidates for positions like Scientific Officer, Scientific Assistant, Research Fellow, and many other posts. For More Details Visit – 2. All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi AIIMS is an autonomous institution of national importance and awards its own medical degrees and other academic distinctions. The Cancer Research is carried out at Institute Rotary Cancer Hospital (Dr. B.R.A. Institute Rotary Cancer Hospital). It is among the best centers in the country to have entrenched hematopoietic stem cell, bone marrow transplant program, around 250 or even more transplants have been already implemented. There are about 8 departments under this Institute, out of which Cancer Research is basically carried out in the Department of Medical Oncology. This department has been using modern techniques including FISH and PCR to prophesy cancer patients. It has been using screening programs to detect cancer at a very early stage, apart from this a preventive oncology program has also been initiated. Department excels in teaching, clinical and research related activities. MO department is managing DM and Ph.D. program. If you wish to apply for Cancer Research in AIIMS, you have to apply for the Doctorate program here. For entry in this highly prestigious institute, you need to crack the AIIMS Ph.D. Entrance Exam conducted by AIIMS itself twice in a year -Jan & July Session. | 42

Educational Qualifications : Masters Degree (M.Sc, M.Tech. & BAMS) -2 years course by Indian Universities or equivalent in the subject as per requirement. Candidates should have at least 60% or more marks in their last qualifying examination. Candidates having Masters degree through correspondence are not eligible. Fellowships : Candidates must have qualified at least one of the following examinations in the last 2 years – Joint CSIR-UGC NET for JRF, ICMR-JRF/SRF, CSIR-SRF, DST-JRF/SRF, DBT-JRF/SRF, UGC-JRF/SRF, NBHM screening test, GATE, INSPIRE fellowship. Selected candidates through entrance examination with one of the aforesaid fellowships can easily pursue their doctorate degree from AIIMS. For further details visit the link 3. Amala Cancer Research Centre, Amalangar, Trichur ACRC is an integral part of Amala Institute of Medical Sciences (AIMS), situated in the valley of Vilangan Hills, 8KM from Thrissur town. The Centre focussed to accept scientific research in Cancer and other associated branches of medical sciences including basic as well as applied fields. This research center offers various courses for research aspirants like Ph.D. Programme, M.Sc./M.Pharm./M.Tech/M.D. Dissertation Work and Summer Training Programmes. Amala Cancer Research Centre is acknowledged by the University of Calicut and Mahatma Gandhi University for the Ph.D. course program. In addition to the Ph.D. program, ACRC enrolls post-graduate students for their dissertation and project works in Cancer-related research. Students are enrolled from numerous Universities and Colleges.

Special training programs are also organized by ACRC to help students in understanding the concepts and values of Experimental Biology. It conducts a major training program for postgraduate students from different institutions annually. Numerous projects are carried out by eminent scientists of this institute which are funded by various prestigious government organizations like CSIR, UGC, DBT. If you wish to carry out your research in Cancer from the Institute that is only engaged in Cancer study, nothing else ! ACRC is one of the perfect places where you can land safely without a second thought. Educational Qualifications : Master’s Degree in any branch of Life Sciences with at least 60% marks Candidate should have a valid fellowship from any of the following agencies – UGC, CSIR, DST-INSPIRE, ICMR, DBT, KSCSTE Ph.D. entrance examination conducted by the University of Calicut qualified candidates may also be considered for enrollment in Ph.D. Programme for Cancer Research. Fellowships : Candidates having aforesaid valid fellowship are admitted for various course work at ACRC. Candidates can avail the fellowship as per the rules and regulations of that respective funding agency. For further details, visit 4. Centre for Cancer Epidemiology, Maharashtra CCE is the new cancer research center established by Tata Memorial Centre, Mumbai. It is one of the top-ranking tertiary cancer research centers as well as treatment centers in South Asia. The CCE is equipped with the finest amenities for data storage, high-speed servers, high throughput technologies and cold storage of biological samples. It also has automated biobanks for storage of around 3 million biological samples.

August 18, 2020 Vol. 04 No 144 This institute’s main objective is to develop Nationally and Internationally acknowledged as well as funded inter-disciplinary research programs in epidemiology with prominence on assessing cancer Burden, the pervasiveness of threat factors, recognizing threat factors related to genetics and lifestyle and to study about these threat factors for disease advancement. CCE operates Molecular Epidemiology research that fosters collaborative research, in addition, CCE has also developed an Education and Training program in Epidemiology that encompasses Masters and Doctorate degree. Centre for Cancer Epidemiology has certain set Goals such as to build a strategy to identify Cancer Causation and Prevention, build capabilities to conduct Population genetics studies. Finally, CCE focuses on the blossoming of manpower for Cancer observation, Epidemiology, and Molecular Epidemiological studies. This Cancer Centre offers numerous education and training courses. CCE enrolls Ph.D. students in the field of Epidemiology from a deemed University- Homi Bhabha National Institute (HBNI), established by the Department of Atomic energy. Research Scholars handles research in the field of Epidemiology counting Cancer Registration, Molecular Epidemiology, Cancer Control, and Prevention. To get admitted in the Doctoral program of CCE, applicants have to apply through the website of the institute [] early in the month of May/June of every year. It is open for all the candidates all across India. The entrance examination is being conducted by CCE for shortlisting the candidates based on their performance in that particular examination followed by an interview. An Orientation Course is available for students seeking admission to the Doctoral program. A core training course of HBNI is conducted for all JRFs at CCE, before initiating the Ph.D. research or thesis work. This is implemented just to expose the students to various facets of Cancer Epidemiology, Public Health, and Statistics. All JRFs are examined through a series of written tests, seminar presentations and home assignments in which they have to achieve at least 60% marks. | 43

Educational Qualifications Required: M.Sc. (Applied Biology/ Biochemistry/Life Sciences/ Molecular Biology/ Biophysics / Biotechnology / Botany /Bioinformatics / Microbiology / /Zoology or related Biological Sciences ) M.Tech. ( Biotechnology/ Bioinformatics); M.Pharm. Or M.V.Sc. from any acknowledged University, with at least 60% aggregate marks. Candidates whose results are awaited may also apply Candidates having only one year of post-graduate degree are not eligible to apply Candidates with valid Junior Research Fellowships from recognized funding agencies like CSIR/UGC/DBT are called for direct interview at CCE, these candidates are also requested to apply online. Fellowships : At CCE, Junior Research fellows will receive a fellowship of Rs.25,000 + 30% HRA and Senior Research Fellows gets Rs.28,000 + 30% HRA per month as applicable. This is the stipend provided by the institute to the Research Scholars. Candidates having valid fellowships from any external agencies can avail the same. The JRF is viable for 2 years, which can be further extended to a maximum of 2 years depending on the progress of students during the previous years.

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At the Basic Research point, most of the young scientists will agree and admit that they were mesmerized at the outset to explore fundamental biological questions than to work precisely on Cancer. Moreover, they often notice the importance and suitability of their immense work to understanding the elementary biological processes leading to Cancer. New treatments or let us say new technologies can arise from such conception. If you have a deep and broad knowledge of the related subject with good molecular biology skills and ability to produce new ideas, you are the Right Person for the Cancer Research.

Goa Cancer Society, GM Cancer Hospital & Research Institute, Goa.

Gazing forward, Cancer Research seems set to thrive- distinctly in the translational research arena and the evolution of new salubrious facilities. Coming 10 years is going to be a GOLDEN AGE in Cancer Research. If you desire to be a part of this golden era, do apply in the above mentioned Cancer Institutes and make your career progress exponentially.

Mohan Das Oswal Cancer Treatment & Research Centre, Punjab.

Apart from the most prestigious Cancer Institutes mentioned above, you can apply in other Cancer Institutes as well. The list for the other Cancer Research Institutes is provided below: Asian Institute of Oncology, S.L.Raheja Hospital, Raheja Hospital Road, Mahim, Mumbai

For More Details Visit –

Bose Institute, Kolkata

If we talk about Careers in cancer Research now, we have many paths to choose.

Cancer Treatment & Research Centre, Visakhapatnam

Cancer Research has progressed with the times, adopting new technologies enabling scientists to chase varied research goals than ever. Researchers involved in Cancer study can find themselves in numerous settings to either industry or academia from addressing vivid questions in the laboratory to testing new vaccines and drugs in the clinic.

August 18, 2020

Cancer Institute (WIA), Chennai

Chittaranjan Cancer Institute, Kolkata Christian Cancer Centre, Andhra Pradesh Jaslok Hospital & Research Centre, Mumbai Dharamshila Cancer Hospital & Research Centre, Vasundhara Enclave, New Delhi Dr. B. Borooah Cancer Institute, Guwahati Dr. Bhubaneswar Borooah Cancer Institute, Guwahati Dr. Rai Memorial Cancer Institute 562, Chennai

Indian Rly. Cancer Institute & Research Centre, Varanasi Institute of Cytology & Preventive Oncology, Opposite City Centre, Noida International Cancer Centre, Neyyoor, Tamilnadu International Network for Cancer, Treatment, & Research Rajinder Nagar, New Delhi J.K. Cancer Institute (G.S.V.M. Medical College), Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh. Jagdish Cancer & Research Centre, Hyderabad. Jawaharlal Nehru Cancer Hospital, & Research Centre, Bhopal Marathwada Cancer Hospital & Research Centre, Maharashtra. Bhagwan Mahaveer Cancer Hospital & Research Centre, Jaipur

Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Hospital & Research Institute, Rohini, Delhi Rajkot Cancer Society, Mr. N.P. Cancer Institute, Gujrat Regional Cancer Centre, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. Regional Centre for Cancer Research, Adyar, Chennai. Regional Centre for Cancer Research and Treatment, Cuttack Rotary Cancer Centre, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh Tata Memorial Centre, Mumbai The Gujarat Cancer & Research Institute, Ahmedabad

Governments all across the globe have taken a personalized interest in this field and have formulated special research cells and funding schemes & opportunities via which they aim to promote and invite more young researchers to join Cancer Research field. The increasing competition & dedication to finding a cure for this life taking disease is on its peak throughout the world, thus one can foresee a flourishing career throughout if proper educational degree & knowledge is attained. Remember – “ Nothing is Impossible for a Willing Mind � More details on Cancer Research Scope, Job Prospects & Salary Details will be covered in our next article. Keep checking our career advice section for all updates.

G.V.N. Cancer Centre, No.16, Kiledar Street, Tiruchirapalli, Tamil Nadu. | 44

August 18, 2020 Vol. 04 No 144

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