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Lindau, Germanyduring 30 June to 5 July2024

LAST DATE: September 30, 2023

Each year since 1951, Nobel Prize winners in Chemistry, Physics, Physiology or Medicine have been meeting in Lindau, Germany, to discuss major issues of importance to their fields with students from around the world. The meetings includelectures,panel/round-tablediscussionsoninterdisciplinarytopics and informal small- group meetings with the Nobel Prize winners. The DST has been sending a group of students / young researchers to these meetings, since 2001.

Itintendedtosenda groupof IndianStudents/youngresearchersto73rd MEETING OFNOBELLAUREATES&STUDENTSatLindau, Germanyduring30 June to5 July2024, whichisdedicatedto Physics.

Applications are invited from bright and young students and researchers in the above disciplines for availing this award. The lectures and discussions are at a level appropriate for students/researchers in their early research careers. More detailsof the meetingcan beseenat www.lindau-nobel.org

Terms of Award:

The selected participants will be provided with International travel related expenses, local transportation, lodging (twin-sharing basis) and boarding for attending the Meeting. It is mandatory for the selected students to attend the complete full week programme in Germany as well as briefing meeting in Delhi prior to departure to Germany. The Indian team of selected students shall leave for Lindau from Delhi (after briefing meeting) and shall return back to Delhi after the completion of the Nobel laureates meeting. Personal or other visits by candidates to institutes other than the scheduled programmeduring the above period will not

be entertained. The selected candidates will have to make their own arrangements for accommodation and transportation in Delhi for attending the briefing meeting at DST prior to the departure to Germany, if any. The charges for accommodation in Delhi and 2nd AC train tickets from the nearest railway station from their places of residence to New Delhi and back will be reimbursed by DST on submission of the receipts/trainticketsasperthe DST norms.

It is mandatorythat the selected candidates should submit the reports on the Lindau meeting after completion of the programmes and any information document asandwhen required byDST withinthetimeframe.

No escorts/ accompanying persons will be allowed with the participants and no request for personalized progamme during this period would be considered in any case. The applicants would also not be allowed to withdraw the nomination after selection.


i. OnlyIndian science students(bycitizenship)studying/working/affiliated to researchInstitutes/universitiesin Indiaareeligible.

ii. Engineering/Tech.studentsarenoteligible.

iii. Indianstudentsstudyinganddoingpost-doc/internship/orstayingin Germany/ abroadarealsonoteligibleforthisaward.

There are three categories ofparticipants to be nominated:

A. Master Students

B. DoctoralStudents

C. YoungPost-doctoralresearcherbelowtheageof 35years

All selected participants shall-

 showagenuineinterestinscience and research,

 show a strong commitment to their principal field of studies and to the interdisciplinary work,

 receive strong support of their application by their academic advisor and/or by internationally renowned scientists, through a detailed letter of recommendations,

 be fluentinEnglish,capableofactiveparticipantindiscussions,

 belongtothe topThreeof theirclassintheorderof merit

 not already have a permanent position (Scientist and researchers with permanent/ regular position- particular at lecturer/ professor level (adhoc and/orpermanent)will, ingeneral,notbeadmitted tothe meetings),

 notolderthan35 years of age as on 30 June 2024,

 nothaveparticipatedin the previous LindauMeetings,

 deliver fully completed applications to DST and after short listing by DST, the online application to Lindau website (incomplete applications shall be out rightrejected),

 Committhemselves tobeingpresentfor thefulldurationofthemeeting.

Additional eligibilityrequirements in each categoryare:

Category-A: Master Students, who

• Exhibita solidgeneralknowledge inPhysics

• Have donesomepracticalworkand/or havelaboratoryexperience

• Should beamongtopthree inthe orderof meritintheclassfor 1st year of MSc or in 4th year of 5-year integrated master’s programme. Rank certificate from the Head of the Department is to be provided with application.

Category-B: Doctoral Students, who:

• Showexcellent academicaccomplishments

• Have produced some very good research work (list of publications to be provided as proof)

• Musthave completedtwo yearsfrom the dateof registrationforPhD

• Should beamongtopthree intheorderof meritinM.Sc

Category-C: Postdoctoral scientists,who:

• Have up-to 5 years of postdoctoral experience (optimum about 2-3 years after doctoral degree)

• Have published results ofown scientific research in refereed journals, preferentiallyas1st author,

• Have presented their work at international scientific meetings, preferentiallyaslecture.

• Should beamongtopthree intheorderof meritinM.Sc

Application process:

Acomplete applicationconsistsof:

a) Onecomplete setof originalapplication dulyforwarded by Headof the Institute, in prescribed format (Annexure-I) along with one set of photo copies of the awards/certificates substantiating the information provided in the application dulyattested.

b) At least one letter ofreference from an academician or acquainted with the applicant;

c) Soft copy of the application form in single PDF format onlyas email attached tosdash.dst@gov.inThe softcopywillbeusedonlyfortheevaluationpurpose.

d) However, applications received by post on or before the last date will only be considered.

e) Applications byhand at DST will not be entertained.

f) Applications received after the last date of receipt of applications due to any reason including postal delay or delay in forwarding by the concerned forwarding authority etc. shall not be considered. No relaxation shall be given in this regard.

The hardcopy of the complete applications must be submitted to us latest by1700 Hrs on 30th September 2023 to:

Dr. Sibashisa Dash


International Cooperation Division

Room.No-18D, S&T Block-1

Department of Science and Technology

TechnologyBhawan, New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi-110016

E-mail: sdash.dst@gov.in


Application Format

1. Incomplete application in any respect and received after due date will be summarilyrejected.

2. The candidates must be in possession of valid passport at the time of application.

3. Documents/information submitted subsequent to submission of applicationwillnotbeconsidered /accepted

4. Hand written/ advance copy of application will not be accepted in any case.

5. The application must be neatly stamped / tagged in a single set and in properorder and thereshouldnotbe anyloose paper/document.

6. The reference letter need not be sealed or packed separately butmust be attached only along with the set of application. The reference letter through mails and separate post shall not be considered. See guidelines fromLindau Foundationat Annexure-II


CategoryAppliedfor:A|B |C

(Pleasetickappropriate category)

Recent Passport Size Photograph

1. Nameof the applicant Dr/ Mr/ Ms

2. i) Date ofbirth:

ii)Age ason 29-06-2024

3. Presentdesignation /Position

4. Institutionaddress:

5. Residentialaddress:

6. Contacttelephone Nos. (Institute) (Residence) (Mobile)

7. Email addresses (for acknowledgement& general correspondence)

8. Passport details (Number, Date of Issue, Place of issue, Validity,Issuedby)

9. Academic qualification completed/expected Exam Passed/ studying

Yearof completion Subjects/ Main specialization School/ College/ University

%of marks/ Grade &Rank

10 Class

12 Class

B.Sc M.Sc Ph.D PostDoc and/or present research work

10. Academic Awards at School/ College/ University/ National/ International Levelsreceived (pleaseindicateonlytop 3academicawards only)

11. Specificareaof interest (in one lineonly)

12. Motivation:(pleasegive ahalfpage writeon whydo you want to attend thismeeting)

Note: Pleaseprovide the desiredinformationwithin thisspaceand shouldnotbemorethan half-apage. Noannexureshouldbe attachedforprovidingthisinformation.

13. Write-up on research interests / ideas / achievements (not more than Ipage) and list ofpublications,ifany

Note: Kindlyprovidedesired informationwithinthe spaceprovidedfor the purpose.Noannexureshouldbeattachedfor providingthis information.

I hereby declare that all the information given above is true to the best of knowledge.Further,inthe eventofbeingselected,Iundertaketo-

(1)Accept the offer to participate in the meeting ofNobel Laureates & Students and will attend the full programme and will not seek any personalizedprogrammeduring thetrip.

(2)I will abide by all rules, regulations, directives of DST and Lindau Councilwhileattendingthemeeting.

(3)I will attend the briefing meeting to be organized by DST in Delhi beforethe departuretoGermany.

(4)I will join the team in Delhi for onward journey and return back to Delhi as planned by DST and shall not seek any extension for any individualizedtravelprogramme.

(5)Iwillnotwithdrawnominationat anylater stage.

(6)I will submit the completion report/ or any other document as and whenrequired byDST within the deadlines.

(7)Failure to abide by the above clauses, I shall refund all the expenses incurred byDST.

Place: Date: Signatureof theapplicant

Declaration bythe candidate:

Recommendation of the Head of the institution

SignatureoftheHead of the Institution with seal& contactdetails(ietelephone andemailID)

Place: Date:

Guidelines from Lindau Foundation on recommendation letters:

Dear NominatingPartners,

Over the pastyears, wehave observed that numerouslettersof recommendation havebeenissuedasastandardversion. Forthisreason,we would like tointroduce someguidelineson howweenvision arecommendation letter:

1. Length: roughlyone DINA4page/onestandardletter sizesubmitted asapdf file.

2. Language: English.

3. Adescriptionof thecandidate’sachievementsthatcouldalso cover detailsnot foundinthecandidate´sCV.A descriptionof thenominatinginstitution isnot necessary.

4. Anindividuallettersforeachcandidateandnotastandardletter thatisthe same (orverysimilar)for allthe candidates.

5.Theletter should bewrittenbyaperson who knowsthecandidatewell,e.g. supervisoroftheMasterorPhDthesis.

Pleasekeepinmindthat the letter ofrecommendationisan important factorin the evaluationprocessand that itdoesinfluencethe results.

Weappreciate yourcollaborationand lookforwardtoreceiving yournominations. Sincerelyyours,

Vice President of the Council for the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings

Scientific Chairman of the 73rdLindau Nobel Laureate Meeting 2024


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