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DATA FOR ANALYST Five-year overview Group







CHF 1,000

CHF 1,000

CHF 1,000

CHF 1,000

CHF 1,000

2'388'418 72'649 5'009 77'658 52'458

2'279'835 75'534 -7'891 67'643 47'055

2'299'465 62'111 -3'108 59'003 39'983

2'315'804 61'979 -23'311 38'668 25'534

2'440'761 44'528 -27'484 17'044 6'142

EBITDA Free cash flow

112'552 39'920

104'603 92'654

98'528 169'116

84'678 -113'284

54'370 23'820

Cash Short-term financial liabilities Long-term finacial liabilities Net cash position

349'274 1'605 198'155 149'514

128'749 42'180 673 85'896

118'364 80'342 1'335 36'687

47'153 158'645 5'780 -117'272

107'346 81'096 15'718 10'532

Equity Equity ratio in %

495'484 29.5

426'340 30.9

423'238 31.1

404'894 30.2

368'550 28.7

2'716'205 3'070'314 5'424

2'637'277 3'445'184 5'350

2'541'911 2'958'904 5'439

2'704'968 2'512'783 5'444

2'745'020 2'198'259 6'171

2'299'465 25'000 2'324'465 -1'437'757 -669'966 -133'395 -39'525 3'807 11'374 59'003 -11'962 3'015 50'056 -10'073 39'983

2'315'804 64'821 2'380'625 -1'448'835 -711'280 -138'678 -46'010 2'846 38'668 -10'422 3'312 31'558 -6'024 25'534

2'440'761 -92'000 65'107 2'413'868 -1'517'735 -686'704 -158'836 -37'326 3'294 483 17'044 -8'342 5'337 14'039 -7'897 6'142

Consolidated revenue (like for like) EBIT before special charges (like for like) Special charges and income Operating income Group profit

1), 2) 4)

Production output (like for like) Order book Headcount (FTE)

3) 5)

1) Derivation from consolidated revenue (like for like) to consolidated revenue (IFRS): Consolidated revenue (like for like) Elimination of revenue from Batigroup 1.1. - 2.3.2009 Revenue from discontinued operations Consolidated revenue (lFRS) Materials and sub-contractors Staff costs Other operating expenses Depreciation and amortisation Income from associates Gain from sale of subsidiaries Operating income Financial expenses Financial income Profit before tax Tax Consolidated profit

2'388'418 2'388'418 -1'480'942 -655'035 -147'030 -34'894 7'141 77'658 -13'791 4'174 68'041 -15'583 52'458

2'279'835 2'279'835 -1'412'677 -639'828 -126'887 -36'960 4'160 67'643 -7'173 2'163 62'633 -15'578 47'055

Information for Analyst'_5-year-overview_DEF_E.xls


Five-year overview Group







CHF 1,000

CHF 1,000

CHF 1,000

CHF 1,000

CHF 1,000

2'388'418 350'093 2'738'511 1'136'717 173'783 1'200'636 152'035 13'989 61'351

2'279'835 280'746 2'560'581 1'111'342 127'413 1'123'329 136'926 6'121 55'450

2'299'465 242'529 2'541'994 1'127'914 99'934 1'114'508 151'663 6'342 41'633

2'315'804 253'902 2'569'706 1'128'932 143'171 1'120'144 136'063 6'237 35'159

2'440'761 210'815 2'651'576 1'184'889 167'862 1'122'425 142'824 33'576

2'716'205 350'093 3'066'298 1'136'717 173'783 1'344'886 335'572 13'989 61'351

2'637'277 280'746 2'918'023 1'111'342 127'413 1'292'545 325'153 6'121 55'449

2'541'911 242'529 2'784'440 1'127'914 99'934 1'206'839 301'778 6'342 41'633

2'704'968 253'902 2'958'870 1'128'932 143'171 1'275'159 370'212 6'237 35'159

2'745'020 210'815 2'955'835 1'178'592 94'995 1'204'243 402'630 75'375

72'649 15'385 20'925 25'117 18'639 -3'069 -4'348

75'534 17'448 21'407 24'639 24'381 -7'904 -4'437

62'111 15'467 10'295 24'370 26'450 -6'632 -7'839

61'979 10'180 15'415 21'464 22'100 -4'103 -3'077

44'528 12'131 5'980 8'837 20'723 -3'143

3'070'314 1'663'196 712'278 598'959 95'881

3'445'184 1'799'006 825'413 815'267 5'498

2'958'904 1'293'224 652'562 1'013'118 -

2'512'783 1'250'689 505'943 756'151 -

2'198'259 1'121'923 396'760 679'576 -

2) Breakdown of consolidated revenue (like for like) Consolidated revenue (like for like) Intergroup revenues Segment revenues (like for like) General Contracting/ Services Projectdevelopment Infrastructure Construction Tunnelling Prime Buildings Miscellaneous and Holding company

3) Breakdown of production output (like for like): Group production output (like for like) Intergroup revenues Segment production output (like for like) General Contracting/ Services Projectdevelopment Infrastructure Construction Tunnelling Prime Buildings Miscellaneous and Holding company

4) Breakdown of EBIT before special charges (like for like): EBIT before special charges (like for like) General Contracting/ Services Projectdevelopment Infrastructure Construction Tunnelling Prime Buildings Miscellaneous and Holding company

5) Breakdown of order book (like for like): Order book (like for like) General Contracting/ Services Infrastructure Construction Tunnelling Prime Buildings

Information for Analyst'_5-year-overview_DEF_E.xls

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