Crj 180 final exam new spring 2016

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CRJ 180 FINAL EXAM NEW - SPRING 2016 1. The maltreatment of children: 2. Jeffery Grogger's research indicated that sons of adolescent mothers were ____ times more likely to be incarcerated during their lifetime. 3. Each year about ______ million American teenagers become pregnant. 4. Anne Dannerbeck found that parents who previously had been imprisoned: 5. Impoverished neighborhoods often are characterized by which of the following? 6. According to the authors of the text, delinquency has been something that the juvenile justice system has tried to control after the fact. The authors argue that delinquency cannot be prevented; rather it can only be _________. 7. The numerous early prevention programs conducted since the 1970's have concluded that: 8. The treatment program that offers care to children, parents, and teachers with the goal of reducing antisocial behavior is called ________. 9. Prevention programs that target the child early in life are known as __________ 10. The _____ protects people from unreasonable searches and seizures by law enforcement 11. In re Carlo held the ultimate goal of the juvenile justice interrogation process was to get at the truth of a case in order to: 12. When a juvenile is suspected of committing a crime, police have the discretion to: 13. At intake, cases are screened out of the juvenile justice system, usually because 14. Despite the fact that females are more likely to attempt suicide than males, males are ___ times more likely to die from suicide than females. 15. According to Erich Goode, a way to explain adolescent involvement in delinquency is through: 16. A _____ approach to the drug problem involves using a public health model to reduce the risks and consequences of using illicit drugs. 17. According to Alfred Blumstein, the decline in youth violence is attributed to: 18. According to the most recent Indicators of School Crime and Safety report, children were ___ times more likely to be murdered away from school than at school. 19. In its decision in _____, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that corporal punishment in schools does not violate the Eighth Amendment. 20. Research has found that schools with zero-tolerance policies are _____ orderly and secure than schools, which use a case-by-case approach. 21. Children are ____ times more likely to be murdered away from school than at school 22. Most youth tend to pick friends who are like themselves. The term that describes this process is called_________. 23. The Rochester Youth Development Study found that gang members accounted for _____ percent of the serious delinquent acts in the community. 24. The term esprit de corps refers to 25. According to Michael Hindelang, _____ is primarily a social activity.

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