FragileXpedition Supporters Pack

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Raising awar

# f ragil e

pedit ion

Hel p us raise vit al awareness of Fragil e X ? t he most common inherit ed cause of l earning disabil it y event / f ragil eXpedit ion

Raising f unds and awareness f or Fragil e X

See our t op t ips f or f undraising

w w w.f r agilex.or g.u k Ch ar it y Regist r at ion Nu m ber : 1127861

01371 875100 Com pan y Regist r at ion Nu m ber : 6724061

in f o@f r agilex.or g.u k Scot t ish Ch ar it y No: SC047332

About t his virt ual event The Fragil eXpedit ion is a virt ual chal l enge t o t ravel t he circumf erence of t he UK which is a dist ance of 8,026 mil es. It ?s l ong way t o go, but as wit h most chal l enges, if we work t oget her, we can do it ! Craig McDonald ? Chairman of the Fragile X Society

Anywhere, any way t hat suit s you This is one of the most accessible virtual fundraising events imaginable because you choose how, where and when to take part. We need you to set yourself a distance and the method of covering it. You could choose to swim lengths at your local pool, walk to work for a week instead of taking the bus or perhaps commit to going for an evening jog. However you do it, you need to measure your miles and reach your distance target. How far and how you do it is entirely up to you.

Share your st ory We just want you to get involved and also to talk about it, online and in person (on social media remember to use # f ragil eXpedit ion). By talking about the event, you will be talking about Fragile X, the Fragile X Society, why we do what we do and how we help. It is our hope that this will raise awareness and possibly, if you feel confident and have registered your interest, raise sponsorship and donations through your online giving page.

Everydayhero: your onl ine f ragil eXpedit ion hub The online fundraising page that you created when you registered for the event will be your means to let us know how many miles you have achieved and it will also be your on-line giving portal so anyone who wants to donate or sponsor you can follow your link. When you log in you will see your total miles covered and your fundraising total. Your page can be linked to your fitness devices and apps, so that your miles can be automatically and easily added including; Fitbit, MapMyFitness and Strava. Alternatively, you can easily add them manually via your page. You can also post videos, photos and stories on your page, and share them to social media, to update and inspire your supporters. If you require any support at all with these technical aspects, you can contact everydayhero on 0845 680 9719.

Enjoy! This is a great event; fun and inclusive with you in total control. So have fun, keep safe and legal and most importantly, enjoy yourselves. If you need any support, advice or guidance with your fundraising or if you have any questions at all, you can always contact us by email, phone or letter. So there are really only two things left to say? firstly thank you for your kind support and that we wish you all the very best and secondly?

On your marks? get set? GO! Pref er sponsor f orms? Cont act : f undraising

Remember, Fragil e X Awareness Day: 10t h Oct ober

@f ragil


f r agilex.or g.u k

/ t h ef r agilexsociet y

@f r agilexu k

Top Fundraising Tips We underst and t hat f undraising can f eel l ike a chal l enge but we are here t o hel p support and guide you, every st ep of t he way. Tal k about it . Make sure you let everyone know about the FragileXpedition. The more you talk about it, the more you share your online links, the more interest you will inspire. Friends, family and work colleagues can all step up and help sponsor you.

Make it personal . Think about why you are doing this for the Fragile X Society. Condense your story, make it personal and feel proud. You recognise an important cause and you are the one actually doing something about it so don?t be shy ? be proud.

Choose your chal l enge wisel y. Be ambitious but realistic about what is achievable. Remember you can spread your challenge over a number of weeks as the event doesn?t close until 31st October 2017 so pace yourself. If you can make your challenge unusual, funny or eye catching, you will be more likely to get the attention of the local media.

Get ot hers on board. The more the merrier! Can you get others to sign up to join us? Logging miles could be a great activity for a school class, or a company team. I You can also create teams via your FragileXpedition supporter page (on Everydayhero), so you can all work towards your goals together.

Sponsorship. Remember you can raise sponsorship for your FragileXpedition virtual challenge in so many ways; via your on-line supporter page, by email link, by hard copy sponsor forms, by asking others to share your sponsorship link and asking friends, family and colleagues to help you to spread the word and share your fundraising page.

Creat e a press rel ease. You can raise the profile of the Fragile X Society and the work that it does as well as your sponsorship potential by creating a press release about what you are doing and why ? especially if you are able to personalise it and include a couple of interesting photo?s. You can download our press release template on the everydayhero site and fill in the gaps with your information and detail. Try and make it both personal and concise as Editors receive hundreds of press releases every day and you want to give yourself the best chance of catching their eye. Your story will be more likely to stand out if you can supply a couple of good photos for them ? a mixture of both portrait and landscape and if you can use a prop or two, so much the better. If you are going to cycle, include your bike. If you are running or walking, hold up your old trainers, smile and say ?Cheese?! Seek support . Remember we are here to support you .We are here to help you achieve your goal ? no matter how small or how big. We want you to succeed for so many reasons and we will do everything we can to help you on your way to success. Keep in touch with us, speak to us, write to us. Let us know how you are getting on, how you are feeling, and share your story on social media.

We are proud of you al ready. Thank you 875100 Fr agile X UK f r agilexu k Visit01371 w w w.ever ydayh er k / even t / f r agilexpedit ion t o r egist er f or f r ee!

Wh y You r Su ppor t M ean s So M u ch Did you know? Fragile X Syndrome is the most common inherited cause of learning disability. It is also the underlying cause of up to 1 in 20 cases of autism. Approximately 15,000 people in the UK have Fragile X Syndrome. Approximately a further 160,000 people in the UK are carriers: at risk of Fragile X-Associated conditions with symptoms including mental health challenges, early menopause and, in later life, movement, memory and balance problems.

When I rang the helpline, I felt such a sense of relief - they actually understood.

Fragile X is often misunderstood or overlooked, despite requiring only a simple blood test to diagnose. Low professional and public awareness can also lead to difficulty with accessing the right information, support and understanding, as well as feelings of isolation.

The dif f erence we make The Fragile X Society is the only UK charity dedicated to individuals and families living with Fragile X. Through our helplines, events and resources we provide information and practical guidance to both support and empower people. Another vital part of our work is educating professionals and the public, as well as supporting research, to improve and share our understanding for those living with Fragile X.

The support and guidance that we have received as a family has been invaluable. I don't know what we would have done without them.

Looking t o t he f ut ure Our vision is a world where people living with Fragile X are: -


Valued, included and have their individual needs met - and that Fragile X is recognised and understood by professionals and the public. Not alone - that they have access to an active community of people who understand. Empowered - through evidence-based knowledge about Fragile X.

Once I made contact with the Fragile X Society, for the first time I didn't feel alone.

Your kind support will help us achieve this vision and grow our services, to benefit the lives of those who live with Fragile X. Thank you.

The dif f erence your f undraising makes - £3 could pay for us to send our vital information to a newly diagnosed family. - £16 could pay for a family to receive our newsletter for 1 year, which is described as a lifeline. - £50 could allow us to run our helpline service for 1 hour, through which we respond to thousands of requests for help and support each year. - £150 could provide support to a family for a whole year, including use of our helpline, conferences and free resources. - £2,500 could pay for a support worker for 1 month to provide specialist support and guidance to people living with fragile X across the UK. wwwww.f kk agilex.or r g.u Ch ar it y Regist r at ion Nu m ber : 1127861

01371 875100 Com pan y Regist r at ion Nu m ber : 6724061

in01371 f o@f@f r875100 agilex.or r agilexu g.u k k Scot t ish Ch ar it y No: SC047332

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