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Why Gender Matters

Why Gender Matters

FUF, is a Swedish non-governmental organisation which seeks to spread awareness about global development issues. This Magazine is produced by the local division in Lund which consists of around 20 volunteers, most of them students.

Now, spreading awareness about global development is tricky. The subject is complex, with many different actors promoting their various agendas across the world. Both state and non-state actors have been working with the issue for decades, trying to alleviate people from extreme poverty.


As you start to think about what is going on inthe world at this time, with economicinjustices, climate change and millions ofrefugees, development might be one of theanswers to start tackling these issues. This iswhy we need to pay attention to it, not onlybecause we care (which we do), but also sinceit affects us all.

That is why FUF is continuously working tospread awareness and debate. This magazine isone way to do it, and we really hope you willenjoy it.

Fredrik Björksten Editor


From left to right. Front-row: Hanna Geschewski, Tessa Stockburger & Yvonne Jila Mid-row: Alexandra Håkansson Schmidt, Johanna Caminati Engström, Maria Ricksten & Fredrika Sweno Top-row: Fredrik Björksten, Lisa Elamson, Lauren Tropeano & Siobhan Coskeran Not in the picture: Carolina Yang & Kathrin Hegger3

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