Why is it critical to ensure optimum quality in the era of iot and wearables

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Why is it Critical to Ensure Optimum Quality in the Era of IoT and Wearables?

Apples, for quite some time now, are no more just eatables – as much as Jawbone is not just a physical structure, nor is a Pebble just another stone.

There are wearables – and many other smarter, interconnected devices that use the very complicated mesh known as the Internet of Things (IoT). With the demand rising in unthought-of numbers earlier, and a very huge impact visible across organizations – these smart devices are well on the way to change the course of the IT world.

With machine-to-machine (M2M) technologies joining in the foray to support communication in businesses related to transportation, green-buildings, and manufacturers of instruments that control quality with use of embedded sensors, tags, and actuators, we can now see, hear, and feel, the world in a very different manner than earlier.


Per one of the reports from HP, the number of connected devices has increased from a meagre 0.3 million devices in 1990 to almost 9 billion in 2013. The number is set to touch 1 trillion devices by the year 2025. To add on to this, here’s a sample of the volume of data that can be generated – while the radio telescope ensemble, Square Kilometer Array (SKA), can alone produce several exabytes per day, as it senses the changes and behaviors of objects in the universe, a single Boeing aircraft can generate 20 TB of data per hour!

But why is Quality so Critical? While the above statistics go on to prove beyond doubt that ours is a world that uses smart apps to perform all and any kind of activities – be they related to work, play, shopping, entertainment, knowledge exploration, and communication – on the flip side, this also means that a big chunk of all our personal data and information is shared in a manner which, if not secured properly, will lead to a big crises the world over.

In this blended physical and digital world having intelligent household items such as cars, washing machines, microwaves, security locks, smart street lights etc., unless complete care is taken of Quality in terms of performance, security, reliability, scalability, functionality, etc. – everything around us can pose a potential hazard whether in form of identity theft to a more physical accidental hazard. The data for all such so-called smart devices must be collected and analyzed for all sort of advancements and testing.

With IoT all set to transform the world of business and aide revenue generation, it becomes imperative that the quality of these devices is given utmost business-critical like importance for further improving customer relationship – and database.

With Credit Suisse expecting the total market value of wearables to increase ten-fold – from $3.0-5.0 billion to $30.0-50.0 billion – over the next three to five years – it is just not personal assets and information at stake here, but even a small dent in the quality of these devices may create a huge hole in the pockets of the related organizations as well.


IoT is not just making our personal lives easy – it is also providing new, disruptive models that businesses can use to ideate and generate new lines of revenue, as also thinking out of the box solutions for reducing costs and increasing savings that may be even up to the tune of $ 1 Billion – if the industry happens to be Airlines, or $ 8 million pa, in case of the mining industry.

According to Cisco, IoT growth will generate $14.4 trillion in value – across all industries – over the next decade. McKinsey sums it up well that the IoT is one of the most disruptive technology trends of the next decade, with comprehensive ramifications for businesses and policymakers.

In essence, not paying complete attention to quality in the world of IoT and wearables is to ensure that you are treading a path of losses and failure.

To cover all the bases and ensure that Quality is no more a concern, a third-party organization with the right expertise can prove to be your best bet. At Gallop, Quality is at the heart of everything we do. Our focus is to keep your app secure and your customers happy. Our tool agnostic test automation frameworks ensure accelerated testing so that you get higher productivity and an enviable time to market. Reach out to us today!


Tags: Gallop Solutions, internet of things, iot approaches, iot challenges, iot quality assurance, iot testing, iot testing services, software quality, Software Testing, testing internet of things, wearables testing


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