Stabilization and Reinforcing of Soft Soils with Various Materials Including PET Strips – A Review

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International Journal of Modern Research in Engineering & Management (IJMREM) ||Volume|| 2 ||Issue|| 9 ||Pages|| 01-04 || September 2019 || ISSN: 2581-4540

Stabilization and Reinforcing of Soft Soils with Various Materials Including PET Strips – A Review Ammaar Noor Memon1, Aneel Kumar Hindu2, Noor Ahmed Memon3, Abdul Hafeez Memon4, Mutahar Ali Amur5 1,2,4,5

Department of Civil Engineering Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan 3 Department of Civil Engineering Quaid-e-Awam University of Engineering, Science & Technology, Nawabshah, Sindh, Pakistan

-------------------------------------------------ABSTRACT--------------------------------------------------------Pollution due to solid waste is one the emerging problems of world. Among the waste materials plastic is the non-biodegradable material which needs decades to decompose completely. However, up to its complete decomposition it is often that it occupies the most visible part of the landfills and causes serious environmental issues to the society. The major type of plastic waste is the PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate) plastic bottles which are used for mineral water and soft drinks. On the other hand, construction of foundation on highly compressible and expansive soils with poor shear strength is highly risky. This paper presents the state of the stabilization and reinforcing of soft / expansive soils with different materials. In order to have one more step towards sustainable geotechnics the study concludes the object as “Improvement of Geotechnical Properties of Clayey soil Using Waste Plastic Bottles Strips as Reinforcement”.

KEYWORDS: Waste Plastic, Bottle Strips, Soil Reinforcement, Expansive Soil, Clayey Soil ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------Date of Submission: Date, 07 September 2019 Date of Publication: 15 September 2019 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------

I. INTRODUCTION Soil in the foundation of any Civil Engineering structures plays a vital role. If the soil present is expansive, it is highly risky to construct any structure on that soil. These soils expand up when come into the contact of moisture. The source of this moisture may be from rains, leaking water sewer lines, floods or from the reduction of surface evaporation area when they are covered by a building or pavement. Repeatedly, these clayey soils cause the cracking, fracture and breaking up of many civil engineering structures which include buildings, canal lining, embankments, and pavements. When geotechnical engineers face such problems, improvements are needed to alter or modify these unwanted geotechnical properties the soil. However, on the other side there is growing concern about to utilize the waste materials and the reinforcement technique of soil. Plastic is one of those synthetic materials which poses a complex bond and have high production in the world. Due a complex bond in plastic it last longer and needs decades to completely decompose. Up to that time it becomes a serious environmental issue and become a huge problem to dispose the such a high quantity in open landfills. II. LITERATURE REVIEW Numerous studies have been carried out on the different types of soil using various types of waste materials. These waste materials may be in the form of power, ash and fibers. Number of tests like compaction characteristics, California bearing ratio, permeability, unconfined compressive strength and direct shear tests etc. have been carried out to check the possible use of these materials, which are discussed below in details. Raju Hansda et al; (2016) studied the behavior of the clayey soil using fly ash and lime as stabilizer and carried out the compaction, CBR, and permeability tests [1]. G.N. Obuzor et al; (2011) used ground granulated blastfurnace slag (GGBS) as the additive to the lower oxford clay to modify the engineering properties by carrying out the unconfined compressive and linear expansion tests [2]. Amir Hossein Vakili et al; (2017) aims to investigate the change in the properties of Malaysian dispersive soil treated with ZELIAC [3]. P.Mohanraj et al; (2017) have added the copper slag and lime waste in the clayey soil to test the improvement by conducting unconfined compressive strength and standard proctor tests [4]. A. Seco, F. Ramírez et al; (2011) have carried out number of unconfined compressive strength and swelling tests on expansive clay soils and presents the stabilization of expansive soil consisting improvement in the mechanical capacity and reduction in


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Stabilization and Reinforcing of Soft Soils with Various… swelling capacity with the addition of various waste materials; lime, PC-7, natural gypsum, coal fly ash, rice husk fly ash, steel fly ash, coal bottom ash, aluminatum filler [5]. Naphol Yoobanpot et al; (2017) presents the use of the fly ash and cement kiln dust in soft Bangkok clay compared to the ordinary Portland cement to improve unconfined compressive strength [6]. Ahmed Mancy Mosa et al; (2017) reported the effects of the cement kiln dust mixed with brown soft silty clay on the California bearing ratio [7]. Researchers have used quarry fines and cement kiln dust in black cotton soil [8], coal waste ash and hydrated lime powder in medium plastic clay [9], metakaolin in cement stabilized soft clays [10], black cotton soil (expansive soil) with fly ash [11], copper slag and steel slag in black cotton soil [12], marble powder and sand in clay [13], rice husk ash and cement in residual granite soil [14], nanosilica and Portland cement in residual soil and Malaysian granite soil [15], marble powder with clay [16], pond ash, rice husk ash and cement in clay soil [17], palm oil fuel ash in clayey soil [18], fly ash and rice husk ash in clay of medium compressibility (A-7-6) soil [19], waste crushed glass [20] cement in Jamshoro soil (shale soil) [ 21-22] to check improvements and modification on the properties of soil. Large deposits of expansive soil are present in the city of Jamshoro which is located approximately 150 km in the north-east of Karachi, a city of Sindh, Pakistan. There is high chance of the failure if any of the structure is constructed by directly using this soil and if replaced with other soil it will be highly costed. Thus, to make economical there is the technique to stabilize and reinforcement of expansive soil to improve and modify the geotechnical properties of soil [23]. Plastic waste is one of the most complex material which last longer and needs to 100 to 600 years or even longer to completely decomposed. One of the most repeatedly observed type of plastic waste is open landfills and dumps are plastic bottles. Bottled water is the fastest growing beverage industry in the world. It is reported that annual consumption of plastic bottles in the world are approximately 10 million tons and it grows about 15% every year [24]. Several reinforcement materials have been reported to used effectively in different soils. Studies highlighted that coconut coir Fibers [25-30], glass fibers [31-32], rubber tyre [26], fishing net fiber (Grid type) [33], sisal fibers [34], carpet waste fibers [35], human hair [36], jute fibers [37], palm fibers [38] are used for reinforcement of various soils. However, few types of plastic wastes are used of which the use of waste plastic high density polyethylene (HDPE), waste plastic bags [39], polypropylene fibers [40-41] have been reported.



3. 4. 5.

After critically studying the literature review followings gaps are drawn: Numerous studies carried out on stabilization of soil with different waste powders and ashes. However, the improvement in the various properties of soil depends upon the type, dosage of stabilizers along with the type and the properties of the soils. Limited studies are carried out on fiber reinforcement in soil with different fibers such as coconut coir fibers, glass fibers, rubber tyre, fishing net fiber sisal fibers, carpet waste fibers, human hair, jute fibers, palm fibers. Swelling property of expansive soil i.e. shale, clayey soils are highly risky for construction of any structure. Plastic wastes are increasing with alarming situation and very limited research is carried out on the utilization of plastic waste materials as reinforcement in soil. Thus, geotechnical properties of soil are believed to be improved using plastic bottles strips as reinforcement material.



It may be concluded from the above discussions, that to utilize waste plastic materials especially plastic bottles as reinforcement material in problematic soil will be proved promising reinforcing material in soft / expansive soils to improve the properties of soils. This will pave the way to construct the structures over these soils with acceptable level of confidence. It will also lead to resolve the issue of the disposal / dumping of the plastic waste which otherwise result in serious threat to the environmental and health safety.




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