Bloom’s taxonomy

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Bloom’s Taxonomy

Kerem Hernandez PDI Miss Monica Ramirez

hat is Bloom’s Taxonomy? Bloom’s Taxonomy describes the outcomes that teachers expect from students as knowledge, skills and attitudes – KSAs. Knowledge refers to mental skills or the cognitive domain of learning. Skills refers to the psychomotor or manual skills that need to be developed by school aged members of society. Attitudes are the growth in affective or emotional areas. Bloom's Taxonomy model is divided in three parts: • Cognitive Taxonomy (intellectual capability, knowledge, or 'think') • Affective taxonomy (feelings, emotions and behavior, attitude, or feel) • Psychomotor taxonomy (manual and physical skills, skills, or 'do')

ognitive taxonomy

Bloom's cognitive taxonomy is organized into six sub-domains, each more cognitively demanding than the next. These six subdomains are:

ffective taxonomy The five categories are:

This domain focuses on the manner in which we deal with things emotionally, such as feelings, values, appreciation, enthusiasms, motivations, and attitudes.

sychomotor taxonomy The Psychomotor is strongly based towards the development of physical fitness, dexterity and agility, and control of the physical 'body', to a considerable level of expertise.

sychomotor taxonomy

How does Bloom’s Taxonomy apply to Language teaching? Language teachers should consider Bloom’s Taxonomy during multiple stages of the BSLIM model. Teachers need to consider how material can be scaffolded in a way that reflects Bloom’s Taxonomy. In the second language learning context, learners must engage in a lot of knowledge and comprehension in their beginning stages of SL learning. As learners become more competent, activities should focus more on higher levels of thinking which are always more interesting to learners!

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