4 reasons for cart abandonment and how you can curb it

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4 Reasons for Cart Abandonment and How you can Curb it

Everyday thousands of transactions are made on the eCommerce site. Most of the time, the customer purchases the products, pays for it and leaves the web store but this is not the case every time. Sometimes, the customer may like the product, add it to cart, and leave the website without placing the order. The abandoned carts are a matter of consideration as it definitely costs you some easy conversions. The online eCommerce stores owners must check for all the possible reasons for the abandoned carts in order to keep the conversion rate of the web store under check. There may be possible reasons for abandoned carts. Sometimes finding out the exact reason is difficult. A lot of surveys have been conducted on the customers who abandoned their carts. Delving into these reports may give you the probable reasons behind this customer behavior. The web store owners uses various techniques to reduce the rate of abandon carts. One of the possible way to do this is by optimizing the website using Ajax cart module for Magento, Prestashop and other eCommerce platforms. It enables the customers to easily interact with the web store. A seamless interaction where the customer is sure of what the total cost of the cart is and how much can he totally extend his budget to. These types of options make the shopping experience more convincing and helps the customer in making their purchase decision. Discussed below are some of the main and common reasons for the cart abandonment and the ways to tackle the problem.

1.Low transparency in purchase

Most of the time, the customers doesn’t check the purchase policy of the web store. Hence, after making the purchase when the customers are redirected to the checkout page, they may have to pay additional charges. This annoys the customer to a very large extent and may possibly led in the abandonment of the cart b the customers. Solution: The possible solution to the problem is by providing the customer with a proper transparent procedure. This way the customer doesn’t need to know about the hidden charges all of a sudden. The customer can calculate the charges on the products using the calculator and make the purchase accordingly.

2.High Shipping price

One of the main motive of the customer is to make a purchase from online vendors is to get free shipping. If at the time of shipment of the product, the customers get to know about the shipping charges which are way beyond the expectations of the customers then it may upset them and the customers may drop the idea of making a purchase from the store. Thus, it results in the possible rise in the number of the abandoned carts. Solution-: The web stores must always try to drop down the shipping price to the lower end. In case, there are any shipping charges, it should be made clear in the very beginning. Moreover, the store owners need to specify the cart value below which the customers won’t be able to avail free delivery. The Prestashop Free Shipping module is one of the ways to set the shipping rules and the transaction transparent for the customers.

3.Compulsory Sign ups

Most of the customers may not be the regular visitors of the web store. Thus, they may not be signed up to the web store. In this case, the customers make a purchase and want to make payment and get done with the shopping but the web stores ask them to sign up in order to complete the purchase. This, annoys the customer and they may leave the products as it is and exit the store. Thus raising the number of abandoned carts. Solution -: The web store must provide an option of guest checkout or social login option. This option helps the non-regular visitors of the store, in order to complete the purchase and get the product delivered. The visitors may like the hospitality of the web store and may even like to use the web store in order to make any future purchases.

4.Lack of multiple payment options

The time is shifting, most of the transaction nowadays are not limited to cash payment. The customers also have not restricted themselves to single method. The customers make a purchase and would like to make payment to the web store by using a particular method but due to lack of availability of the options they are not able to make payment. This makes the customer unable to complete the purchase. Hence, they are compelled to abandon the cart. Solution-: The web store must include multiple payment option. It helps the customers to complete the transaction without any problem. The web store must also try to provide various offers and discounts in order to promote a particular mode of payment. This will result in low number of abandoned cart and will help the web store to earn higher profits.

Over to You The availability of plenty of options to the customers has made the concept of online shopping too flexible. Therefore, if the web store owners wants to earn better profits and have low rate of abandoned carts then efforts must be applied from their sites. The web store can always optimize the checkout options in order to reduce the rate of abandoned carts. The effective measures taken by the web store are a deciding criteria in deciding the growth of the web store and also the increased number of conversions.

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