4 unavoidable factors for a successful web design

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4 Unavoidable Factors for a Successful Web Design The first thing that a customer encounters as soon as he makes an entry to a website is the design. It is one of the thing that either delights the mood of the customer or kills it. Most of the time a customer makes up his mind at the first glance or impression that the website makes on the customer on the first instance. Therefore, it becomes quite important for the web store owners to design the website in such a manner that it provides a positive impact on the customer and the customer would like to explore the website and move closer to making a purchase. Though, every web store owner wants to get better sales by providing the best quality products and services in terms with the products. The first thing that makes up the mind of the customer to check the product would be the website layout or design. It gives a brief idea about the products in the web store and whether or not the customer would like to make a purchase from the store or not. Thus, the web store owners must try to incorporate various features on the website in order to improve the experience of the customers in terms of better assistance and a good website design. A good website offers a better navigation to the customers and at the same time provides them with all the features that makes their purchase quick and easy. If a website provides these features then the customers leave with a smile on their face and are also expected to return back to the web store in the near future to make pa purchase. Thus, a better website design doesn’t only guarantees a happy customer but the retention of the customer by the web store due to the better services provided. The need for a successful and better design of the website is quite necessary. Let us discuss some of the factors that are unavoidable for a successful web design.

1.Social Login

One of the most important tool for a web store is to provide easy access to all the visitors. In this process, most of the time the website are designed in such a way that they require a complete signup process followed by registration to the web store. Thus, the long and time killing procedure kills the enthusiasm of the customers to browse the store, resulting in loss of customers. Thus the web store must try to provide easy access to the new visitors. One of the way is to use the social login feature. The Social login module enables the customers to browse the web store and signup using their Social login details. As most of the customers already have id in one or the other platform. Thus, the web store can use this details to provide easy access to the customers. This helps in reducing the efforts of the customers and at the same time saves a lot of time also.

2.Call to Action

Any website will not be fulfilling its purpose, if they can’t engage the customers to their CTA features. The web store will like to redirect the customers to various actions such as like, share, comment, Call to action

feature becomes an important aspect for the website design. The admin can always check for the feasibility of different CTA’s by using different tools such as A/B testing or Heat map tool. They provide a better insight through the experience and general practice of a customer to browse the various CTA’s on the website. If a website is not able to convince the customers through their CTA’s then it is survey a failed version of a website design and the admin needs to work on it. One of the important factor which results in optimization of the web pages.

3.One page checkout

The process of making a purchase involves lot of steps such as browsing the store, selecting the products, making choice and at the end going through the painful step of making all the entries in order to complete the transaction. The process is lengthy and the customer may feel annoyed reaching to the last part. The lengthy checkout process may annoy the customer and chances are more likely that he may exit the web store and cancel the order. This results in the rise in number of abandon carts. Thus, the web store owners must try to provide the customers with the option of one page checkout. In order to do so the web store owner any use the Magento one page checkout module. The module provides the required assistance to the customer in order to make easy payment and get completed with their order within a single page. It saves the customer to save their time in filling out the lengthy forms and helps them to get product as soon as possible.

4.Feedback and reviews

The consistent need of a web store owner would include fulfilling the demands of the customers and trying to provide products and features as peer their convenience. In order to be able to do so, the important thing would be the interaction with the customer. A better website design would include customer’s reviews and feedback as a part of the shopping. The customers can share their views on the services offered and if there are any pitfalls in the website then the web store owners can immediately track it down and correct it. Exchanging information is the art of developing and in the eCommerce it is more important to keep improving and trying to minimize the scope of error.

OVER TO YOU A better website provides every necessary feature that is required to provide the smooth shopping experience to the customer. In this context, the web store can always follow the latest social media trends to stay ahead. The website must be made to provide better interaction with the customers and they may never feel like to miss out from the web store.

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