5 ways to enhance customer's interaction in the web store

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5 Ways to Enhance the Customer’s Interaction in the Web Store

The web store has always found the need to get closer to the customers. This helps them to get a better understanding of the customer and also make sure that the customers are getting the required attention in the web store. In order to make reach out to the customers successfully, the web stores need to incorporate various features and elements in the web store, which ease the customers efforts in order to make a purchase and at the same time keep them engaged with the web store. The customers also seek for better features in the web store, it is one the primary cause which drags the customers to various stores. The customers want easy and better options of making a purchase and if the web store provides them with the required, they are more likely to stay and make a purchase. The task of reaching out to customers requires a thorough study of their behavior and the web store also needs to make sure that they are not being too dominant in order to make an attempt for improving customer’s services on the web store. This makes it quite a difficult task. The better way to make it to the customers would be by making use of better features in the website which at one end can help the web stores to grow better while also help in creating a mutual understanding with the customers. A better interaction is the key to better conversions. If the web store is not able to interact properly with the customer than the chances of conversions are diminished to a very small extent. Thus, the web stores are likely to make use of different approaches.

Given below are some of the ways by which the web store can provide the customer’s with better interaction.

1.Precise navigation

One of the important thing for the web stores is to understand that the customers don’t like to be toyed around. Therefore, every action in the web store must have a results. Most of the time, the customers are asked to move from one point to other inside web store, which is more likely going to irritate customer at certain point Thus, the web store must provide easy navigation to the customers. The customers need to know the exact consequences of the actions performed on the web store. Meanwhile, the web stores must remove unnecessary steps from the web store in order to make it more relevant for the customers to relate and make it easy for the customers to understand the contents on web store.

2.Product video

The description of the products plays an important role. A product with better description is 3 times more likely to make a sale than the product which is missing description and on the other hand the inclusion of video makes it 2 times more likely to make a sale. It is because of the level on interaction that the web store can make with the customer by making use of product video. The product video helps the customer to get a better insight of the product and make their way through the whole confusion part whether to make a product purchase or not. It is quite helpful approach for both the sellers and the customers.

3. Interactive pop ups

The use of pop ups in order to gain the attention of the customers on the web store has been in use for a very long time. They can serves at various points, the web store can utilize the pop up as an entry intent pop up, where the customers can be offered with a discount code so that they can make a purchase on the products using the offer, while these op ups can also be used as a gamified pop up, where the customer can use them as a game and in return gets a chance to win multiple offers from the web store owner. One of the e.g. is Magento spin and win, which is an exit intended pop up and makes use of a wheelio to provide the customers with various offers standing from the web store.

4.Deals and discount section

Every customer’s first reference would be to get a product in lowest possible rates. Thus, the web store can use this information for their benefits. The introduction of one such section in the web store where the customers can avail multiple products at lower price would definitely attract customer’s attention to the store. The web store can modify these sections in order to provide the product at daily basis, weekly basis or timing wise. This also creates an urgency in the situation and the customers are bended to make an immediate purchase from the web store. This helps the web store in making better interaction with the customers.

5.Easy login/exits

The customers will like to visit the web store only if they are not required to go through a chain of process every time they need to visit or exit the store. This lengthy process of providing the customers with multiple step access to the store becomes quite irritating. Therefore, the web store must incorporate the use of social logins in the web store, which will help the customers to easily login to the web store using their social media login details and at the same time the web store gets access to customer’s data. So they can get better insight f customers likes and preferences. Meanwhile, the exit process must also be made easy and an option of guest checkout must be made available, so that customers doesn’t need to fill up the forms in the web store.

OVER TO YOU The idea of providing better interaction to the customers is quite important, as it helps the web store in making better sales and also lowers the exit rate from the web store. The web store owner can use exit pop ups to serve the purpose. Thus, learning the behavior of the customer and also making sure that they are provided with better feature is the key to growing the business.

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