6 Tips to grab customer attention on your site

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6 Tips to grab customer attention on your site

Customer attention is an important and critical part of every website that can help you achieve the desired business results. A site that is unable to grab the instant customer attention can’t drive its visitors for a quick product purchase. Remember more time the visitor spend on your site, higher will be the chances of making their product sales and conversions. There can be various distractions or sore points in a site that can turn off a visitor from any eCommerce site without making any product purchase. If you are failing in grabbing the instant customer attention of your site visitors, it is definitely time to revise the promotional strategies of your website without any delay. Here are the 6 tips that need to be followed by the site owners for bringing customer attention towards their eCommerce store to boost conversion rates. 1. Provide interesting shopping deals and offers on your website-

Customer will love to spend time on a site that displays interesting shopping offers and deals.Due to the emergence of multiple eCommerce stores, it is usually difficult to keep customers engaged on your website. There is one sure shot strategy that can bring customer attention towards your eCommerce store by providing engaging shopping deals and offers on your eCommerce store. To improve the conversion rates and sales on your eCommerce store, you can install any Magento extensions, OpenCart modules, PrestaShop Addons or any other platform based plugins without any further delay. 2. Ensure that the loading time of your site is appropriate-

A slow loading site can distract your visitors and can affect your site conversions.Online shoppers are not in a habit of waiting on any eCommerce site

while making a product purchase. These shoppers are turned off from a site if it is taking more than 2-3 seconds to load. You need to first analyze your site performance effectively with the help of a heatmap tool extension to understand the weak and strong areas of your website. If you are facing too much problem in your loading time, take the help of various speed optimization tools such as Pingdom, GTmetrix, Google PageSpeed Insights and others. You need to ensure that your eCommerce site is loading at the same pace irrespective of the device type and screen size. Once, your customers are able to get the same user experience and loading time on multiple devices, they will surely love to spend time on your site. 3. Focus actively on your site search system-

Improve your site search results for enhanced customer engagement and sales.When you want to offer quick product access to your customers, it is important to pay focus on the search facility on your site. Don’t let your customers wait on and on for getting a particular product on your eCommerce site but revamp the existing search facility for improved customer attention. There are various search based OpenCart extensions that can be utilized for grabbing maximum conversion rates and product sales by offering a quick product access to customers. You need to also use advanced search engine techniques on your site for optimizing customer engagement and sales. 4. Make a last ditch sales effort through popup adsA customer leaving a particular eCommerce site can be engaged for a quick product sale with the help of engaging popup ads. If you are on a Magento site,

you can install the Magento Ajax Popup Login extension on your site that can grab the immediate attention of site visitors when they are about to leave a particular site. This popup ad extension of Magento can provide customers information about the latest offers and deals for better site conversions. Once, the customers are paying attention towards your popup ads, it will be less difficult for you to achieve higher conversion rates and sales. 5. Use good quality images and videos on your site-

An optimized product image and video can grab instant customer attention on an eCommerce site.Images and videos play a crucial role in grabbing the customer engagement and attention on your site. You need to understand the fact that product images are the way of direct customer interaction on an online store where

people can’t touch and feel the products directly like an offline store. Apart from the images, you need to take the help of engaging videos on your eCommerce store for enhancing customer engagement and sales. If you don’t have the support of appealing videos on your website, you can take the help of product video extension for including engrossing videos. 6. Pay attention to customer reviews on your site-

Product reviews on a site can help in grabbing immediate customer attention.Online shoppers first believe in checking out the product reviews before actually buying the product itself. Being an eCommerce site owner, you need to encourage the customers to write product reviews for your site. There are few eCommerce extensions that can be used for encouraging product reviews from customers to boost sales and conversions. Higher product reviews on a site instill a sense of trust and confidence among online shoppers for grabbing maximum product sales. Few tips in the end Getting higher customer engagement and attention on a site is a must for achieving better conversions. If your eCommerce store can’t keep visitors engaged, it will certainly bring a bad reputation to your online store in terms of customer engagement, conversion rates, and product sales. Follow the helpful tips stated above for grabbing maximum customer footfall on your eCommerce site.

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