6 ways to enhance the ui of your magento ecommerce store

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6 Ways to Enhance the UI of your Magento eCommerce Store The UI of any web store is the basic step in establishing a better relationship with the customers. The better is the interaction between the customer and the website, more are the chances of the sellers to make a sale. The need of a better UI doesn’t only ensures the web store with better conversions but at the same time it ensures a better visibility of the store. Thus, increasing the chances of user engagement and providing them with better platform. According to a survey, it is found that almost 54% of the customers would initiate the purchase from the web store after they are influenced by the interface of the website. Thus, the importance of User interface is quite crucial while providing a shape to the web store. The informative part of a website is mainly conveyed to the customers such that they get a clear insight on the product description. It is therefore becomes quit essential for the web store to focus on the interface part of the web store to a larger extent. There are multiple modules present in the market in order to enhance the web store visibility. Most of them contribute towards the Interface part also. The availability of these modules for different extensions has made it easier for the web store owners to modify their web store in spite of the extension the web store is developed on. Whether the web store is based on Magento, Prestashop, Shopify or Open cart. The module for each extensions can be used to enhance the UI of the web store. Let us discuss some of the ways in which the YI of the Magento store can be enhanced.

Social login

One of the important feature that every visitor look in a web store is the convenience in logging in. Most of the time, the visitor may be the first time visitor and he doesn’t want to fill up the lengthy forms in order to browse through the store. Thus the web store can provide the visitors with the social login option such that they may not have to go through the lengthy process of filling up forms. This makes the website looks more approachable and at the same time enhances the customer’s experience as a customer of the web store.

Infinite Scroll

The customers need convenience in making their search easy while browsing for their favorite product. In this search they sometimes have to go through a lot of products and the constant redirecting from page to page may bring down their enthusiasm of shopping. Thus, the web store can use the Magento Infinite scroll module to keep the customer’s search limited to single page. The module allows the web store to display all the product in a category to be displayed under a single window. Thus, the customers doesn’t have to re direct them from age to page in order to search for a better product. This saves both time and efforts of the customers and at the same time the enthusiasm level of the customers is also maintained.

Product video

According to a survey, the addition of a product video improves its chances of making a sale by 43%. Hence, product video serves a great purpose. They help in providing the customers with a better insight of the product and helps them in clearing their thoughts about the product. The customers can always look at the video and a get a clear idea about how the product would look in actual. Thus, incorporating product video is one of the best way to enhance the UI of your Magento Store.

Advance wish list

The motive of a customer is to make purchase on the products that they like and at the same time that’s suits their budget. Sometimes the customers might be looking on the web sit in order to make a purchase but they end up liking other products too. In this case the web store must provide the customers with the option to add these items to their cart and make a purchase on these items later. This helps the customers to not miss any better deal from the web store and have a better shopping experience.

Scratch coupons

Scratch coupons are also one of the effective way for the web store owners to attract the customer’s attention and at the same time make them feel better in the web store. It is a fact that every customer desires to get the best products in minimum possible price. Thus, the idea of providing scratch coupons will help the customers to relate better with the web store. The customers will enjoy the feature of getting the scratch coupon after making a purchase on the web store and they can later use these scratch coupons to make future purchase.

Feedback and assistance

The customers always have a soft spot for the feedback and reviews. It helps them to clear their thoughts on web store performance. It is a registered fact that the web store which offers the feedback and reviews of the customers are more likely to get approach by the customers. The customers also feel to take a look on the review and feedback received by the web stores from different customers. If any review received by a product is good than the chance of making a sale on that product is very high and most of the time the customers doesn’t need to double check the product after reading appositive feedback.

OVER TO YOU Thus, it can be seen that the importance of the User interface in deciding the performance of the web store are quite important, therefore the web stores must try to put every possible effort in providing a better interface the web store. The better the UI more is the customer satisfaction and it leads on to increase in the effective number of conversions made by the web store.

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