7 email marketing mistakes that are killing your holiday sales

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7 Email Marketing Mistakes that are Killing your Holiday Sales The holiday season is just around the corner and most of the online stores have started to market themselves in order to make better sales. In order to attain positive results various types of approaches and strategies are being used. As, it’s a high time to seek the attention of the customers to the stores to make sure sales made are huge. On an estimation last year online stores made a total sale of around 5 billion dollars and this year this figure is estimated to cross the last year mark. The concept of marketing the store right holds an important position in the B2B campaigns. One of the important aspect of marketing strategy is Email marketing. The right use of Email marketing may help the stores to fag in more customers and make better sales but due to the peak time and over commitment shown by web stores may lead to some negative results for them. Therefore, it becomes very important to understand the gravity of the situation and follow a proper strategy. If not executed properly, these tactics may lead to negative results and backfire. Knowing every aspect of email marketing is the best way to get gear up for the season. In order to understand some of the Email marketing mistakes that may be killing your holiday sales let’s give a close look on those points.

1. Getting too creative The holiday sales is a better opportunity to grow more and reach out to the customers. In this regard, sometimes the web stores gets way too involved with the situation and result in getting diverted away from their main idea of promoting the store. The main idea that compels the customer to make a purchase is not the product but the brand. Therefore, the Emails must be designed keeping in mind that the shopping stores identity is maintained and the brand and their message is delivered to the buyers. Getting carried away and using overly creative means will confuse the customers and they may not be able to identify the real purpose of receiving the Email. Therefore, the stores must make sure that the customers are provided with a basic taste of store and it uniqueness. If sticking to the convention is the idea, then, email marketing tools such as MailChimp and others can do wonders for you.

2. Praising your brand more too often

The holiday season is a time to celebrate and enjoy. The sole idea of holiday sales is not restricted to dragging the customers to the store and making a sale. The sellers must make sure that they are not over promoting the concept of marketing. Try to connect with the customers by sending them some formal Emails wishing them the occasion and hoping for a prosperous time. This encourages the customer’s belief in the online store and out of emotional connection they may visit the web store and check in for the products. Thus, trying to connect with the customers must be the main motive of the store owners, with better interaction crowd is more likely to flow in to the web store and make a purchase as per their requirement.

3. Restricting to the inbox

The holiday season is the busiest time of the year, where the customers have lot of pending things to do. Therefore, one of the biggest mistakes that is committed by the eCommerce stores is restricting them to the Emails. The customers might not get a time to check their Emails in order to get informed about your store. In this case, Email marketing is not enough, the online stores must try to reach out to the customers in every possible ways. Try to make sure that you advertise about your stores as well. The usage of social media and other platforms can help in boosting the sales of the products in the store. Therefore, apart from Emails make use of other conventional sources to gain customer attention.

4. Getting too formal

The main idea of the holiday sale is delight. The web store must remember that if they want better sales in the stores they need to be bit creative with the occasion. If the Email send during the holiday season are as formal as other times as there is no scope for gaining the users attention. Thus, making use of interactive contents in the Emails and making sure that the CTA’s and other graphic contents perfectly describe the occasion. The Email must be designed keeping the customer’s preferences in mind. As, the customer likes to have a feel of the occasion so the Email must make them aware that you care for them and you would like them to celebrate the occasion with them. This will boost the customer’s enthusiasm and they will surely look onto the store for getting a better insight on the products.

5. Neglecting the abandoned carts

Cart abandonment is a sure loss for the eCommerce stores if not given proper concern. The holiday sales may drive the customers back from your store and possibly will results in the cart abandonment. Thus, the online stores must keep a close eye on these cases and make sure that the reminding Emails are being send to these customers who forgot to make a purchase on their cart items. As, the holiday sales demands a lot of catching up to do, therefore, the web stores can make use of Magento abandoned cart extension to automatically generate Emails for the customers who have abandoned their cart. It is seen that these Emails have an efficiency of 16%. Therefore, making more sales to new buyers is a good idea and along with it making sure that the rate of cart abandonment is at a lower side will also improve the rate of sales made.

OVER TO YOU The holiday sales is a happy occasion for the buyers as well as sellers. To make the maximum profit out of the season sales the eCommerce stores must avoid the above mentioned points. Apart from this various other new features can be incorporated by the websites to make sure that they make better use of this time and improve their sales during the holiday season.

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