7 tips to make your first ecommerce sales

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7 Tips to Make Your First eCommerce Sales The eCommerce store might now see the success as they expected during its initial phase of introduction. The competition in the market is quite tough and it’s hard to register the presence among the already established eCommerce giants. To survive and find a lead in such a scenario may not be as easy as it seems. To start making sales the websites need some initial customers and like everyone else they may need to start from scratch. In order to gain the initial lead and get a potential buyers, several strategies must be worked on and the eCommerce stores need to put in a lot of efforts online and offline. It might seem a tough task in beginning but with the implementation of a well worked plan, it can be made possible. The right approach to start making an initiative in the eCommerce market might not be that difficult. Below discussed are some points that can be worked on in order to make sure that that the store gains its first customers and start on the platform to reach the heights.

1. Optimize the site for mobile

It has been seen that 30% of the buyers abandon the site which is not well optimize for mobile. Hence, it becomes important to optimize the site for mobiles as they are gaining popularity. The total number of mobile users who prefer to make a purchase using mobile is over 2 billion and in this case the majority of them won’t give a second try to look for your website if they can’t get in well condition at first instance. Make sure the web store is easily

and clearly visible in the mobile too, so that your web store may able to influence the customers.

2. Use market influencer

The eCommerce stores can always seek for outside help if they think that their introduction to the market has not been made in right sense. The availability of these influencer must be taken into consideration who can help you to promote your eCommerce store using their huge fan following. They may make use of vlogs, blogs, YouTube channels or other accounts. The influencer can provide a direct link to your store or products from the store that are relevant to the context they address their followers with. The key is to target people relevant to your products. For example, if you’re selling makeup, reach out to an influential YouTuber who uploads makeup tutorials. Or, if you’re selling a health food, find an Instagrammer who promotes a clean-eating lifestyle.

3. Content Marketing

A blog holds great influence on the users than it looks. The first sale might be difficult to make but the idea of promoting your products and building the trust among the customers helps in dragging them to come and take a look at the products. Sharing the content on social media and other public platforms gives you a chance to connect with the potential buyers. The idea of writing guest post for other blogs can also help in ensuring that the visitors are well informed about your entry in the market.

4. Provide better purchase options

Making the first sale might be a difficult task if you are using the traditional approach. Therefore, a better approach needs to be followed. The

eCommerce stores can provide the customers with better offers on their first purchase from the store such as providing free shipping of the products using the Prestashop free shipping addon. The free shipping by weight or free shipping by carrier method can be used for better promotion. These types of marketing strategy acts as a magnet and attract the customers.

5. Use better product images

The chances of attracting the visitors and turning them to paid buyers follows a fine line. If the users feel connected to the product any anyhow feels that the products fits their concern than they are more likely to engage with it. Let your product do the talking and place it on a clean, simple background to draw attention to the product. Make sure that your product image speaks for itself as it is the first thing customers will take a look at apart from all the relevant information provided by the sellers. The online stores can also make use of the product videos to get better customer coverage.

6. Leverage the power of social media

Social media has proved to be an effective platform in order to promote the Commerce stores. Thus, the shopping site can always turn towards the social media and use the marketing techniques such as a campaign or sharing the post depicting the products from the web store. It helps in improving the store visibility and sending out the message to the majority of the users about the existence of the web store. The marketing done through social media platforms are more likely to gain the required attention and bring in some customers who can make a purchase from the eCommerce store.

7. Get Search Engine Optimized

If the efforts made by the store are in right directions and they are receiving a warming number of customers but none of them has shown an interest in

making a purchase from the store. This might be a case where the store is not properly optimized ad lacks a roper orientation. In this case external help of some SEO can be taken which will take a complete look on the web store and optimize the shopping store making sure all the elements are arranged properly. It helps in improving the search visibility of the store and making it more prominent in the Google search results.

OVER TO YOU Making the first sale may not be an easy task but to keep trying will lead on to gain some positive results. The usage of right media and better channels of promotion is also likely to provide better leads. The chances of making conversions are significantly increased by making the interaction better with the visitors.

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