7 ways to make online purchase easier for your customers

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7 Ways to make Online Purchase Easier for your Customers

The competitive market has made the web store owners to sort out the various possibilities in order to attract better customers. In order to do so the web store owns need to come up with multiple ideas and options or the customers. It has become the prime duty of the web store owners to retain the customers by providing them with multiple features on the web store, so that the customer doesn’t move to other stores. In this order there are several ways to come out as the better store among the all. The customers also seek for better opportunities, if they feel like the web store is not delivering according to their expectations than they can easily opt for other methods to make a purchase. This ultimately leads to the loss of the web store owners as the customers can find multiple stores but the web store loses a portion of the customers in this manner. Therefore, trying to make the purchase easy and better for the customers is the prime aim for the web store owners. In order to do so the web store can use the following ways to make sure that the customers are retained on to the web store and the web store earn a better revenue by making sales on the products.

1. Easy login

One of the major problem encountered by the customers while trying to access the web store is the lengthy login options. The login option made by the web store are quite lengthy and the customers doesn’t feel like filling up the lengthy forms in order to browse the web store. Thus, the web store must come up with better alternatives such that the customers can easily browse the store. Social login can help the web store to make sure customers can easily browse the store and make a purchase.

2. Mobile app

The shift in trend is already at the all-time high. With the mobile app surpassing the popularity of the desktop sites it has become important for the web store owners to come up with a mobile app for their web store. The mobile app is one of the major demands of the customers as everyone likes to access the web store as per their convenience. Thus, having a mobile app ensures the web store that they are easily accessible and a majority of the

customers can browse the web store and make a purchase without going through the trouble of accessing the web store using a desktop site.

3. Video marketing

The customers need a clear and better insight to a product. In this effort they search for better alternatives. Thus, the web store must make sure that the product description provided by them is clear and sound. They can make use of the product video marketing concept to provide better information regarding the product. It has been seen that the products which have a video description added to them are twice as likely to make a sale as the products which doesn’t. Therefore, attaching a product video can help the customers in making better purchase while the web store can get better conversions.

4. Multiple payment options

The payment option is another issue for the customers whenever it comes to buy a product. Most of the time the web stores have a fixed form of accepting the payments but due to availability of bulk purchasing options the customers doesn’t seem to find a suitable payment method for the purchase which makes it difficult for the customers to buy a product. Thus, the web store needs to come up with multiple payment options where the customers doesn’t need to follow the web store payment method ad can make payment using their form. It helps them to make purchase easily and at the same time make easy payments.

5. Gifts and discounts

In order to connect better with the customers, the web stores needs to provide them with timely offers and discounts. The customers always like to get better deals and offers with their purchase Thus, if the web store owner makes sure that they are supplied with timely freebies, it will make the customers keep purchasing from the web store and also help them in making better purchase. It is one of the easiest way of retaining the customers on the web store. He customers feel free to shop and at the same time the web store makes better sales to the customers.

6. Free delivery

Almost 40% of the successful conversions end up in vain due to the absence of the free delivery. Majority of the customers seek for the free delivery of their products before making a purchase. Thus, the web store must make sure that the customers are provided with free delivery based upon free shipping by weight or free shipping by carrier. This helps the customers to make purchase without having to give a second thought about the delivery of the products. It is one of the best way to attract the customers while providing them assistance.

7. Follow up marketing

Not every interested customer will turn to a successful conversion, therefore the web store must make sure that they follow up the lead and keep them inform about the web store. This helps the web store I keeping an update with the lead and if the customers finds something useful in the web store than they are more likely to make a purchase. The follow up marketing can be done by making use of Emails, phone calls or notification. It has been seen that the conversion rate are 40% more likely to be boosted by following the leads.

OVER TO YOU One of the best way to make sure that the web store is generating better conversions is by being sure that the customers are having a quality time in the web store. If the webs tore is able to provide the customer with better ways of interaction than the customers are more likely to make a purchase from the web store.

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