8 m commerce issues and it's fixes

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8 m-commerce Issues and it's fixes The ubiquity of the mobile apps is undeniable. The consumers, these days, are using their mobile devices to research about the products, compare prices, and even purchase them. Hence, when it comes to an eCommerce company, a mobile app is inevitable. However, there are times when even a mobile store fails to get your the desired conversions. The reasons may some of the common m-commerce mistakes that the store owners are committing. Are you an owner of an eCommerce mobile store and struggling with the problem of low conversions? Amp up your business with these common issues and their fixes.

Complicated interface Whether you are catering your customers via a mobile website or a mobile store, easing out the shopping experience is the key. The whole idea of shopping online is to make it convenient and hassle-free. It shouldn't come as a surprise for the e-marketers, but the average app session length is around 5 minutes. Thus, the store owners need to provide them with the reasons to stay. The cluttered interface is one of the reasons for the increase in the bounce rate as well as uninstallation of the applications.

Solution: Make sure that the home page and the category pages are uncluttered. It the user interface as simple as possible. When it comes to a mobile site, too much zooming frustrates the customers. So, the images, videos and other contents must adjust to device size automatically. the font size and style should be clear. You need not experiment in this aspect. Just keep it simple.

Checkout hassles The checkout page is where most of the exits happen. The reason may be anything. The additional unexpected cost are one of them. Other reason may be lack of payment and shipping options for the

customers. Not finding the option that suits their requirement leaves the visitors with no option, other than to leave the cart and exit.

Solution: Keep the transaction transparent for the customers right from the beginning. There shouldn’t be any hidden charges. Specify the taxes and the services or shipping charges clearly. Moreover, complicated and lengthy checkout process can annoy the customers. Single page checkouts can help you deal with this issue. Include security badges on the payment gateways for building up the trust. Cash on delivery is one of the most opted choices for online transaction. Include other payment methods as well. Offer every possible shipping options, so that, the customers can shop as per their suitability.

Apps take up phone’s memory Users do get uninstall frenzy and discard the app even though there is nothing wrong with the same. This is when they need to free some memory in their phones. In 90% of the apps are once used and then deleted.

Solution: Cloud-based solution may help you deal with the same. These apps require no installations and download. However, it is not an apt option for all the business models. Moreover, it may cost you a bit more. Keep the size of the app as precise as possible. Check the app for the load time on the various devices and versions. Check if the file size is creating any sort of hanging problem in any of the devices or not. These problems should be testing when the app is still in the beta phase.

Not embracing the mobile experience to it’s full potential With the increasing popularity and usage of the mobile devices, the

apps pose a huge opportunity for the store owners. However, even with the right design and perfect marketing campaign, you may fail to get the desired result. One of the reasons may be that you are not using this platform to it’s full potential. There are a lot of choices available for the shoppers and hence you need to motivate them to choose you over the competitors.

Solution: One of the best ways to do so is by offering discounts and coupon codes at regular interval to the customers. Stay in touch with the customers through the push notifications. It is considered annoying, but can still lead to conversions. The mobile phones are the most used device for net searches. Hence, be an adviser of your customers. Do not just focus on the sale pitch for the products, rather sell the idea. The images should be retina-ready and should provide the clarity to the store visitors. Make sure that the product specification is informative enough to trigger the purchase intention of the customers. Your target audience may be at any place. Hence, offering the app in the native language of the customers is the best option. Make sure that your app creator offer multi-lingual and RTL support.

Confusing navigation Difficult navigation is an aspect of mobile websites in particular. Some mobile sites have wrong sizes of buttons and high load time. The menu fails to describe the categories and the lack of filters make it difficult for the visitors to end up finding the product of their choice.

Solutions: The design should be “fat-finger proof� with large and clear text. Keep things organized by using menus that are easy to expand and collapse within the page. Provide the filters that are the customers are mostly for. The hamburger menu is the best option for the mobile apps as they take up less screen space.

Cumbersome search tool

Online shoppers are generally the ones with limited time. They wanna make the most of the little time they spend on the shopping sites. Cumbersome search tool in this situation can put off the potential customers.

Solutions: Opt for the mobile app builder or hire the development company that offers robust mobile search experience to the customers. Provide the option of voice searches to the customer for easy navigation.

Lack of real-time interaction Not providing the real-time interaction to the customer may even cost your some easy conversions. As mentioned above, the online buyers have limited time and don’t want to waste any time. Hence, not solving there issues instantly can annoy them leading to exits.

Solutions: Offer 24/7 chat option to the customers. Improve your customer support and stay in touch with the prospective customers as early as possible.

App not integrated with other channels Isolating your mobile strategy from the other sales channels can reduce the chances of conversions. This cripples the chances of enhancing the visibility of the site and the products at the same time.

Solutions: Include the social sharing options on your mobile store. Incorporate the option of Liking the product even in the mobile store. Provide incentives for liking the products. Motivate the customers engaging with you on the social platform as well.

Final say

The mobile apps can boost the chances of even small businesses. All you need to do is to take the customer’s preference and the current trends into account. Plan your development and marketing strategies accordingly and you shall reap the desired result.

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