Access denied for underage 5 reasons your site requires age verification module

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Access Denied for Underage? 3 Reasons your Site requires Age verification Module

The number of internet users have been estimated to reach 4 billion as after the 2nd quarter of 2017. With the easy access as well as the options to make purchases and view different contents internet is catching popularity day by day. With this rise in the internet users, the site owners to make arrangements such that their content is reached to the targeted audience. This helps them in generating higher web traffic to their site and get high revenues through sales. According to a survey by Huffington Post, “Almost 71% of teenagers access the internet on a daily basis�. Hence, it becomes a concern for the site owners to inform the visitors about the site content prior to their access. Most of the time, if a site owner has some explicit content or sells products which are age oriented, then, restricting the entry of visitors under a certain age is inevitable. It would help the visitors to learn about the content and products offered by seller and they can redirect them accordingly. In case your site contains any explicit content or product about which your customers need to be informed, then, you need now worry any more. Knowband offers Shopify Age Verification Module that can help you add age bar to your site without changing the code and even without any technical knowledge. The module helps you to filter out the visitors by popping up a message about the content and products being offered. Below mentioned are some advantages of using this Module.

Filtering the Visitors The Age Verification plugin provides the seller to filter out the eligible customers for your site. The message generated before accessing the site, informs the customers about the contents on the site. Therefore, the visitors can decide to enter/exit the site depending upon the utility of the products offered. It helps the seller by allowing access to the potential buyers and at the same time keeping the minors out of the site.

Customizable Layout The Age Verification module enables the site owner to customize the appearance of the pop up message. The flash message can be popped up with either a direct entry by single click or the visitor may need to enter his date of birth to enter the web site. It makes it more convenient for the seller to be assured about the traffic site receives. Moreover, the chances of conversions are more if the visitors entering the website is actually a potential buyer. Hence, by customizing the layout site owner may be sure that all traffic received might turned into effective conversions.

Improved UX

The module enables the users with a better experience from the website. As, the visitor is made aware about the site content. Therefore, he is assured about the product quality. A study reveals that, “Around 60% customers tend to make a purchase if they are made aware about the site content�. Thus, it brings a boost in the sales generated from the site and the chances of immediate conversions are increased.

CONCLUSION The immediate need to inform the visitors about the site content and product is not only market base. It also proves an important factor regarding internet safety. The website owner can generate higher traffic to their website by following tends which may boost their conversions.

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