Here is why you should have a Social Login on your website

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Here’s why you should have a Social Login on your website

Have you ever heard of "Password Fatigue"? You might be suffering from it, but might not have the idea about its name. Well, password fatigue is the most crucial case that I have today that makes social login a necessity for your website. Customers get tired of having different username and password for each website they have used once upon a time. Ultimately, they abandon a site, because they forgot, misplaced or don't want to retrieve their credentials once again.

Moreover, adding up to this situation, users often end up providing incorrect/incomplete information while account registration. Password fatigue is not just a user experience (UX) spoiler, but also a nightmare for website owners.

Caption: Password fatigue is not just about exhausted memories but enough of frustration that spoils

UX on your website.

Description: Password fatigue is one of the major UX spoilers that causes huge loss in form of cart abandonments. Social Login to the RescueConsidering the seriousness of the situation website owners are not sitting keeping their hands on hands. They are looking for the ways to provide convenient user login that provides does not frustrate the users. What could a better solution than using their existing social media accounts like Facebook, Google, and Twitter etc to login to a website? A social login makes the creation of user accounts on a website easy and improves the user experience that finally results in a boost in the conversion rate. So, let’s take a close look and find out how social login options add value to your website and business. Personalized user experienceUser accounts are always desirable by the website owners. They have something very useful for both the customers and the website owners. There are certain information in the user accounts that help the site owners to present a more personalized user experience on the website. Saved information in customer account can be used to boost the conversion rates in multiple ways. Social login makes the personalized user experience effectively by providing an access to the user's personal content on the social media accounts which helps in deciding what a customer wants from your website. Based on the information which reveals the location, interests, place of work, and preferences of the user, websites can present correct data at a correct time to the user. It helps in making some happy customers who are encouraged to become repeat customers as well. An improved on-site engagement According to a stat released by Facebook, users who sign-up or sign-in with Facebook Social login spend more time on the site as compared to those of the average users. So, if you want your site to engage more and more users incorporating a social login is an easy way. The thing is when users login in through a social login their aim is not just to engage with the site but also to interact with their social account by liking or sharing some of their activities on the site with their social media profile. Social login as an integral part of your social media marketing helps to create an environment of better user engagement. With users spending more time on social sites, a truck load of data is always ready to help you achieve the marketing expectations.

The world of Social dataSocial login provides a permission-based user data collection by the websites. When a user logs in using a social login option, and consent to share his data, he allows the website to view his information. Using this information, marketers can have a huge data about the users which help in identifying the important aspects they need to focus on the users. It helps in deciding the relevancy of the users' interests with their business and present with accurate ads accordingly. Targeted Advertisement is one of the main reasons for why most of the websites have already incorporated a social login option. Your competitor have it alreadyUnderstanding the multiple benefits of social login, your rival sites might have already incorporated a social login solution. Now when things are too competitive, you cannot afford to miss out any technology that can have to improve your revenue generation. Social login is one such tech that you should not miss because your competitors are never going to miss any such chance to divert customers to their websites.

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