How can f commerce help you stay ahead of competition

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Well, to start with, how it would feel like to promote the product on a platform which has over 4 billion user? Isn’t it amazing? The increasing trend of social media has gained an ultimate rise in the last decade. At present, if we take a closer look, then, we can easily realize that almost every internet user is using some kind of social media. The popularity of Facebook is one of top rated among all the social media platforms. Hence, F-commerce is one of the better opportunity to stay ahead of competition in the eCommerce world. The approach to grow your web store’s presence on Facebook is not that difficult. The eCommerce owners can now make their presence on this social media platform as well. With Facebook store, the customer can place their orders while surfing their profile. The FB store is a smaller version of the original eCommerce website. The primary aim of any web store owners is to reach out to the potential buyers and try to connect with them. A better connection ensures the web stores with more sales and at the same time higher rate of conversions. The trend of using the social media platform specifically Facebook as the mean of selling the products is new and very effective. According to a survey, “46% of the online buyers wants the websites to provide their services on Facebook, but only 23% provide it”. Thus, the demand for an online store on Facebook is quite high and the results corresponding to the FB store are quite positive. It won’t be wrong to say that F-commerce is the future of online selling.

Let us discuss some of the ways in which F-Commerce can help you in staying ahead in the eCommerce field.

1.Increase user Engagement

One of the important factor which plays a vital role in popularizing the product would be the user engagement. The power of Facebook is not unknown. Most of the people from the age group 13-70 prefers to stay active on Facebook. Thus, the online shops have better chances to reach out to maximum buyers on the platform. It helps the e-merchants to grow more and get better engagement from the customers. The more engagement a platform is able to create the better are the chances of making a sale.

2.Better access for the users

How about getting a chance to explore your favorite shopping site from your favorite social media platform? The thought may brings a big smile on the faces of the customers. The customers don’t have to access the website separately and can check on their favorite products from the social media platform itself. It helps the customers in making instant purchase decision. The idea of shopping through Facebook is quite exciting and it compels the customers to look out for better products using the social media platform.

3.Rising trend

It has been observed that the sites which provided their services using the FCommerce has an abrupt rise of 33% on the sales made. Thus, opting for the better options is never a waste of efforts for the eCommerce store owners. Though F-Commerce may seem an additional job for the website owners, but the result are more fruitful than the overall effort of launching a FB store.

4.Easy promotion

The idea of promoting any eCommerce business is quite troublesome, but FCommerce has made it quite easy. The Facebook stores even provides the option of social sharing. The option has proved to be one of the most efficient way in making sure that the products are promoted to the farthest of the customers. The advantage of using Facebook as a source of marketing is that the visitors in Facebook can share the products that they like with their friends and so a chain of free promotion starts which enables the web store owners to make better sales on the promoted products.

5.Increased conversions

The rate of conversions is one of the deciding factor in any eCommerce store. Every online vendor wants to get better conversion rates. Thus, FB store proves to be an efficient step in achieving his target. The reach of Facebook is quite large, hence, it makes it possible for the eCommerce owners to reach out to maximum potential buyers. Thus, bringing about a significant rise in the total number of effective conversions.

6.Enhanced word-of-mouth

The important factor which leads to the growth of any business is an idea. All the web store owners are in search of various ideas and opportunities to promote their web store and their products. The idea of utilizing Facebook in order to get more popularity and at the same time better coverage is one of the added advantage that drives the web store owners to make better profits. Most of the customers have already know about Facebook and to access a web store using Facebook all they need is to click on a post, which is not a difficult task. The web store owners can make better use of the Facebook by making use of various modules such as FB wall post module which adds more convenience to the users.

CONCLUSION The trend is shifting from the restricted media platform to social media. Most of the people are quite aware with the concept of social media. If the web store needs to get higher conversion rates and also make better sales than picking the F-Commerce route will suit best to them. The optimization of the web store to meet customer requirements help in reaching out to more buyers. It is well set up, people can access it easily and most of all it provides the feature of social sharing. Hence, the web store owner must not care much about the social promotion of the product.

Prestashop FB Store is one such addon for the Prestashop eCommerce stores that can help the e-merchants set up their shop on this platform. So, the store owners can now cater a larger audience with minimal effort.

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