How can the thank you page optimize the website conversions

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How can the Thank you Page Optimize the Website Conversions? The concept of remarketing of the products to the customers after they have made a purchase is quite old. The web stores are always in search of making better sales to a customer. As, remarketing is a better approach because the customer already trusts the web store and has made a purchase, so the web store owners need not to put large efforts to convince them more. In this context, the web store owners can always come up with better ideas which can help them to make more and better sales to the existing customers. One of the lead to remarket the products to the customers can be made through Prestashop Thank you page module. As, after the purchase made by the customers is completed the web stores ends the session with a thank you post and assures the customers with a timely delivery. What if, this page can be used as a source to remarket other products to the customer? The web store can use this page creatively and bring out some of the better purchasing options with feasible recommendations to the customers. It will help customer make a purchase and at the meantime the store generates revenue. The customers always look out for the option to a safe and better shopping and if the web store provides them with it then they are likely to make more purchases. Thus, it becomes quite easy to remarket. The web stores can easily optimize the thank you page to present it better by showing the related products or some combo products that are frequently bought with the products. Generally, it is a better approach to ask people for a choice rather than a question. It helps the customers to think straight and act fast. Let us discuss how thank you page optimization can helps in conversions.

1.By showing better products

As the customer approaches the thank you age, the web store owner can come up with better ideas and products and showcase some of the quality products to the customer. There is a better chance that the customer is likely to make a purchase from the web store as they have a purchase recently. The customers may like the approach of providing them better products and out of modesty may make a purchase on one of them.

2.Video marketing

One of the most effective way of making sales is by using product video. The web store may present the customers with some of the products with a brief description using the product video. It has been observed that, “Around 43% of the customers refer to make a purchase after watching the video description for the product�. Thus, it is one of the better approach to remarket the product to the customer using the thank you page. It will bring

the best features to your customers and at the same time encourage the customer to make a purchase.

3.Recommending combo products

How about offering the customers with a choice rather than asking a question to make a purchase. The chances are quite good that the customer will make a purchase after being asked for a choice. Thus, the web store can use the thank you page to recommend some of the frequently bought products with the products they have made a purchase. It is more likely to make a sale as the customers might require the item and maybe the item’s functioning is directly affected by the product unavailability.

4.Better exposure to other deals

The web store can also throw light on some of the other products to the customers by providing better deals on those products. As the web store is trusted by the customer and they are more likely take a check on these products as suggested by the web store. Thus, the sellers can use the opportunity to remarket some of the better products to the customers. It can be done in many forms. Moreover, the web stores need not to put a lot of effort in convincing the customers. It is one of the easiest way to convince the customers to re market the product by providing them with better deals on the purchase of other products.

5.Promotional sales

The idea of making sales by using some of the promotional method is also fruitful. The web store can ask the customers to make a purchase on some of the products as a part of some of the event. The customers are more likely to buy an item, if it is provided to them under the actual price. It has become a trend for the web stores to keep providing sales on the products as a promotional sale. It attracts the better audiences and the chances of making sales is also common due to the discount provided to the by the web stores.

6.Promote your social media

The web store must always try to promote them as much as possible. In this context, web store may ask the customers to like their social media page or subscribe to their web store. This helps the web store to keep in direct touch with the customers and the webs stores can always provide the customers with the latest information about the additional of ay new product or any ongoing sales on the web store. The chances of making sales are better if the customers are updated and fetched with right amount of information by the web store owners.

OVER TO YOU The thank you page is one of the better way to generate another conversions. The web stores needs too b ready for situations like this. It is one of the exit intended pop up which can be utilized properly by the web store owners to get more conversions. The customers can always be molded by providing them with better products and at the same time offers pertaining to those products really drives them to make a purchase.

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