How is abandoned cart killing your business

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How to Tackle Abandoned Cart Killing your Business?

If we were to name of the biggest nightmares for the online merchants than it would be the abandoned carts. In order to increase the conversions and reduce the cart abandonment, the website needs to engage the customers right from their first visit to the point when they checks out of the website. One of the best ways to reduce the rate of abandoned carts is by keeping a track on it and remarket the products to the customers. Magento abandoned cart module is one of the ways that can help you trace the customer behavior effortlessly. Similar extensions are available for other platforms as well such as Prestashop abandoned cart, OpenCart abandoned cart and others. The module provides the sellers a complete detail about the customers who has abandoned cart and the product details. This approach helps the web store to make necessary arrangements with regards to the abandoned cart and make all possible approach to get to the customer. Every day, thousands of products end up on abandon carts either due to lack of facility or lack of assistance provided to the customer. Thus, the web store must work collectively towards achieving the complete satisfaction of the customers with respect to getting assistance in making a purchase. It binds the customers to the web store and also helps the wen store in making sure that the customer will return to the store in order to make future purchases. Let us discuss some of the ways in which the abandoned cart may be killing your business.

1.Email marketing

The web stores must try to reach to the customers as soon as they abandon the carts. It helps in knowing the exact reason for the abandoned carts. The method also imparts a feeling of being picked up by the store where the customers can freely explain the problem which made them to exit the store without completing their purchase. One of the effective way to get know the reasons of abandoned carts.

2.Small checkout options

The lengthy checkout options that are laid by the web store also compels the customers to exit the web store and abandon the carts. Most of the times, the customers is already tired enough of selecting the product after browsing the store that the idea of making checkout after going through a series of lengthy forms upsets them. It results in the lost interest of the customer and

the customer may not feel like to complete the payment option and directly exit the web store. It results in an increase in the number of abandoned carts.

3.Exit pop ups

One of the best way to avoid the customer from abandoning the cart is by not letting them abandon the cart. The web stores can make use of attractive pop ups which will lure he customers in order to take the offers as provided by the web store and complete the process. The various offers helps the customer in clearing their mind as the customer sees a good deal therefore, they are tempted to take the deal and get the product in as low price. Another utility of these exit pop ups is that they provide a very decent look to the web store and engages he customers to a very large extent.

4.Better website performance

According to a research, “About 40% of the customer abandon their carts and exit the web store if the response of the website is delayed by 3 seconds�. Thus, it becomes an important point for the web store to improve the performance of their website so that most of the people don’t have to wait in order to get their purchase complete. Any waiting made to the customer may result in the abandonment of the carts and the sellers may result to pay heavy loses.

5.Mobile compatibility

The trend of M-Commerce is overtaking the traditional use of the desktop sites in order to make purchase. Thus, the web stores must try to provide services compatible from mobile app. About 70% of the people prefer to use mobile app because of the various advantages and convenience. Therefore, if your web store is lacking mobile app then it may be possible that at certain point the customer may get fed up of the various inputs asked by the website and they may abandon their carts. Thus, getting a mobile app helps in retaining the customers.

6.Shipping assistance

What could kill the mood of the customer more after hearing to pay for the shipping, once they are done with the shopping? Additional shipping charges. Most of the times, the web stores are not clear with their policy about the charges for making the shipping. Thus, at the time of checkout when the customers learns about all the costs, it instantly kills their mood and the customers hesitates in order to complete the purchase. This feature also leads in increase in the number of abandon carts. The option of free shipping must be made available to the customers in order to get better conversions and also lower the number of abandon carts due to the shipping charges.

OVER TO YOU The problem of abandoned cart is not a new concept in eCommerce. The real fact is that the number of abandoned carts can’t be made to disappear but if proper care and methods are used then surely the number of abandon carts can be made to reach out to the lowest. The web store can use the intended popups in order to improve the conversion rates.

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