How to write an effective Product Description?

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How to write an effective Product Description?

Knowing your buyer’s persona is an effective method which helps you to enhance your customer connect. The better you connect with your target audience the better will be your chances to optimize your conversion rate. Product description is one such area which proves vital in determining the connect you share with your customer. An effective and attractive product description is often the most desired thing a e-commerce website will look for. But at the helm of it all lies the question that what is an effective product description ? How can it be achieved ? What is an effective Product Description? An effective product description is one which is written with a customer centric approach rather than a product centric approach, that is instead of only describing the benefits and praises of the product it should focus on how those benefits and features are useful for the user and how he/she can utilize it to their benefit. Writing a description by stepping in to the customer shoe’s and analyzing what he/she expects from the product is the best possible way you can device to convert a website visitor to a potential customer. Steps to make your Product Description effective

In order to enhance the quality of your product description following methods can come in handy. 1. Avoid singing praises : This is the first thing that would put off the customer, as he/she might be hearing the same stuff for nth number of time. Instead list the benefits that the customer can extract from it. 2. Use video as a tool : Providing a video as a part of your product description can really do wonders as visual description is the most you can provide to the customer who has no physical access to analyze the product. In this regard use of video in header or footer of your web page can be handy. To adopt this feature you can use various plug in modules based on the CMS platform you are using such as Magento product video extension, PrestaShop video addon and OpenCart plugin. 3. Substantiate : Just saying that your product is best won’t do. You have to define why and how it is best by providing certain facts and figures which substantiate your claims. 4. Sensory words :Use sensory words to catch the imagination of the customer. Often these are those words which are tricky and attractive and allows the customer to have a feel of the product while reading. This technique has been proven to effect by the restaurant owners who have extracted this to their benefit for years. 5. Add reviews : once the customer makes up his mind to purchase, the next thing he/she looks for is the review by other users. Adding positive reviews

generated through various social connect can definitely proves to be the testimony of your saying. Conclusion All the points discussed above provide an effective guide for enhancing your product description. However it is must to mention the point that a visual description always carries an edge over the other methods of attraction. In this regard the potential of these video extension modules can’t be neglected and selecting one as a tool to enhance your product description can certainly provide you an edge in the long run.

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