Prestashop category product display order

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Prestashop Category Product Display Order: 4 Benefits that Makes it a must-have for eCommerce Site Customers always seek for better options in order to make their shopping experience better in an eCommerce store. Therefore, the web store owners must try to provide the customers with features that may enhance their shopping experience and motivate them to make better purchase. The web stores always thrive for better options to seek the attention of the customers. Better are the features, more is the chance of making the better interaction with the customer. It helps drive a better traffic to the web store. One of such feature can be introduced to the web store by using the Prestashop Category product display order module. The module helps the web store owner to provide the customers with a well-versed feature of refined search. Customers have different priorities when it comes to product purchase. Some customers to prefer product based on price while some prefer by popularity. Thus, it becomes important for the web stores to help the customers in order to make the search of products easy for their customers. The module help make the search for the customers easy and fast by sorting the products in order of the preferences of the customers. The refined search helps the customer to choose better products with low consumed efforts and time. Thus, making the web store more approachable and reliable for the customers. The increased number of options for the customers has made the web store to adapt better options and feature to lure the customers. The category product display order module is one such options that provides a better look to the web store and at the same time helps the customers to make purchases on their preferred products. It’s a win-win situation for the web store and the customers. There are numerous advantages of including the module in your web store. Let us discuss some of the benefits.

1. Keeps it simple The use of this module helps the web store to make the search option simple for the customers. The customers don’t have to jump from page to page in order to make a search for the products. They can simply use the order sorting feature and make a search on the products. This will make it simple and convenient for the customers to search and purchase a product which

they like. This feature also helps the store to remove the unnecessary clustering of the options in the website. This makes web store look presentable and more organized. Thus, more number of customers can approach the web store and us the feature to make a search.

2. Enhances the UX

The enhancement of user experience is definitely one of the best feature that adds to its credibility. Most of the time, the customers know what they want to buy but are not s specific about the products. Thus, they make a search with the information they had. In this case, the category product display order helps the customers to refine the search according to their preferences. If a customer wants to buy a product in specific price range, by arrival or by trend. They are free to choose from the sorted list and make a purchase on the products. This, helps the customers in searching for the best possible products which are closest to their requirements. Thus, giving a boost to the shopping experience of the customers. Moreover, this experience also helps the web store to make better sales and getting a retention of the customer for making any future purchases.

3. Improves product visibility

The web store consists of numerous amount of products. If given a chance then most of the product customers wouldn’t be able to give a good look on the large number of products. Thus, sorting the products helps the web store in increasing the visibility of the products such that thee customers can view the products to a very large extent. The sorting of the products enables the web store to maximize the product visibility. The customers can give a better look on most of the products as they have been sorted out. This helps the web stores in making it convenient for the customers to select the products in order to make a purchase. The better is the product sorting more are the chances of the customers to make a search better and browse a large number of products without putting much efforts and time.

4. Low exit rates

Exit rates are one of the most concerning problems for the online web stores. Most of the exit rates are the result of inability of the web store to provide a better interactive platform to the customers. In the absence of better interaction the customers feel left out and they just exit the store. Thus, in order to lower the number of exit rates from the web store, category product display order can be a helpful approach. It makes the product search easy for the customers, which means the customers doesn’t have to browse the web store without any hint. They can simple use the product sorting feature as provided by the web store. This will keep them away from exiting the web store and search for the products as they have convenience in finding the products thus, it will keep them engaged to the web store and make sure that the customers don’t exit the web store. Thus, helping the store owners make better sales and at the same time better conversions. OVER TO YOU The web store must try to make the shopping simple for the customers so that they don’t find any difficulty in making search for the products. This helps the web store to make better sales and is also one of the best feature in order to lower the exit rates of the customers. Thus, incorporating such features to make the web store look more approachable helps the web store in multiple ways and generates a better revenue for web store.

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