THE LANDSCAPER 198 August 15 issuu

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ISSUE 198 £3.95




The Landscaper | Issue 198 | August 2015

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Amenity Amenity

terminate terminate turfturf Weeds Weed controls the toughest weeds

™ ™ EStEEM the triple-effect the triple-effect EStEEM

weedkillerweedkiller specially formulated specially formulate for sports for and amenity sportsturf and amenity turf Dandelion


Rainfast Rainfast after justjust after one hour one hour


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Safe for use on•allSafe types of turfuse on all types for

Extremely cost•effective – just Extremely cost effective 3 litres treats a hectare of turf 3 litres treats a hectare o Plantain

March can be applied from Ma • can be applied•from PowerfulPowerful through to november through to november 3-way combination 3-way combination cantreated be re-seeded areasRibwort can be re• treated areas • Plantain of herbicides of herbicides just six weeks after application just six weeks after app

use plant protection products safely. Always readproducts the label andsafely. product information use plant protection Alwaysbefore readuse. the lab


Esteem™ contains 35g/l clopyralid, 175 g/l MCPA35g/l and 150g/l 2,4-D Esteem™ contains clopyralid, 175 g/l MCPA and 150g/l 2,4-D Esteem™ is a registered trademark of Agrosciences LLC. Esteem™ isDow a registered trademark of Dow Agrosciences LLC. MAPP 15181 MAPP 15181


Showtime We are yet to see play given

Make a point of visiting our stand

the credibility it deserves as a

(p19) at the show and meeting our

preventative measure against

editorial and marketing team.


Have a good month.

The next big show is the massive IOG

While Sport England’s National

Saltex (p 30) being staged this year at

Lottery-funded Primary Spaces initiative

the NEC in November. The move from

continues to buoy orders in the

Windsor to Birmingham seems to have

education sector, budget constraints for

captured everyone’s imagination as the

local authorities - traditionally the UK’s

exhibitor list is growing daily.

biggest play buying market - are having

We have already had a taste of

a major impact on public play provision

winter weather - fences will need to be

for local communities.

replaced (p 32).

Landscape in Battersea is now

There are many advantages for the

established as a perfect trade show for

use of drip irrigation for both plants and

meeting business friends and checking

the environment (p 38).

out all that is new in landscaping and

Check out our new regular editorial

landscape design .

section Horticulture (p50). XX




Some busy times ahead.


ISSUE 198 £3.95

AUGUS T 2015


Lumena Lights Charleston Edge solid brass under-cap

attend last year. All are technically knowledgeable in 5 - PREVIEW




r Lighting Lumena Outdoo 33 COVER STORY


INE.COM| Issue 198 | August 2015 AGAZ The Landscaper


light and the ever popular Sparkla

their entire range of garden lighting,

copper hanging light which is now back

and are proficient in advising on

in stock. Many of their new designs

the best lighting to use in specific

are based on feedback from garden

applications. Lumena is not only an

designers and landscapers identifying

importer and supplier of lighting, but

lighting which is in high demand yet

are keen to offer a more complete

often difficult to obtain.

service for their customers, supplying,

In pride of place will be their new

The Lumena team are excited to be

advising and simplifying lighting

“LEDIFICE” LED Bollard Light. This

exhibiting at the Landscape show

related issues.

utilises a fantastic 20 watt “Corn” LED

for the 4th year running. They have

Lumena have continued to upgrade

bulb with a remarkable output of 2200

a large 6 metre long stand where an

and add to their range of garden

Lumens. Surely an essential view for

extensive selection of outdoor and

lighting, which is one of the largest

commercial landscapers and contractors

garden lights are housed in two black

stocked selection of garden, outdoor

who work on Golf Course, Hotel and

Gazebos. This enables demonstration

and commercial lighting in the UK. They

Civic projects?

of the lights with maximum effect in

will be showcasing a number of their

darker surroundings.

new copper and brass garden lights to

forward to meeting prospective new

Leanne, Ben and David will be on

The team are very much looking

the thousands of visitors who attend

customers at the show, as well as

hand to help with any queries on our

the Landscape Show. These include the

catching up with many of their existing

stand (C71), along with Martin Bennett

Swanage 45, their brand new 45 degree

customer base to discuss previous and

(Managing Director) who was unable to

angle, natural copper coach light, the

future projects.

The Landscaper | Issue 198 | August 2015

3 33



Contents The Landscaper has an ABC audited average net circulation of 4,292 copies (1st July 2012 to 30th June 2013).

editor / publisher David Curtis tel: 020 8891 4850 07780 967735 (m) features Carol Dutton Ffion Llwyd-Jones Claudia de Yong James de Havilland


commercial manager Matthew Curtis tel: 020 8891 4850

We are moving towards a future of increased city living where technical innovation is essential to create liveable and sustainable cities. The integration of green spaces is a climate and ecological objective; linking them together with vertical planting creates a coherent and intact environment. Both inside and outside plants improve our personal well-being.

designer Lucas Studio multimedia and video tel: 020 8891 4850 circulation and subscriptions tel: 020 8891 4850


The Landscaper is published by Curtis Media Ltd under license from Metropolis Business Media Ltd.

printed by: Headley Brothers Ltd

The design and production of the Greenwall. pro system is committed to the concept of sustainability and its role in improving the environment for a healthier community. Research proves plants’ ability to actively reduce air pollutants, contribute to stabilising inner city temperatures by cooling and insulating buildings, and countering the city phenomena of the heat island effect and reflected noise pollution.’s all stainless steel system has been designed and built as an architectural cladding system with a building lifespan, and ultimately is completely recyclable. Its rapid construction minimises disruption in a busy city, the automation and remote monitoring options reduce site visits and yet ensure an immediate response to third party issues such as power outages.

The Landscaper is an entirely independent magazine. It is not a member of any trade association or society. Curtis Media Ltd Grand Prix House, 102-104 Sheen Road, Richmond, Surrey, TW9 1UF

August 2015



@landscapeevent #Landscape2015 LANDSCAPESHOW.CO.UK

Developed by a team of specialists from engineering, architecture and landscape design fields, the system meets the requirements of the building and provides optimum plant conditions. Behind its environmental role, a vertical green space should be pleasing to the eye; the 3 litre rooting volume ensure healthier, stronger, visually nicer plants; the decorative front panel maintains this appearance when plants are changed or the system is integrated into an “gardened” site.

Latest news .............................................. 06 Come and talk to them .on their stand at Landscape 2015. .................................... 19 LANDSCAPE this September in Battersea Park.

Saltex ......................................................... 30 Fencing ..................................................... 32 Weed control ........................................... 34 Artificial grass ......................................... 36


Irrigation.................................................... 38 The arborist ............................................. 42 Horticulture ............................................. 50 Nothing in this publication may be reproduced without the written permission of the publishers. Readers intending to purchase goods or services from advertisers should make their own enquiries if in any doubt. Every endeavour has been made to ensure that all the information published in this magazine is as accurate as possible. Neither the publishers nor their agents can be held responsible for any errors or omissions; nor shall they be liable for any loss or damage to any person acting on the information contained in the magazine.

Profile ......................................................... 54


Recruitment ............................................. 57

Copyright © 2015

The Landscaper | Issue 198 | August 2015

5 33


£1,000 Cashback! Kubota UK is helping

and reliability of the

the operator maximum

landscapers, amenity

cashback offer can

Kubota’s new £1,000

B50 Series has been

comfort for longer

professionals and turf care

be used towards the

popular among industry

working hours.

professionals to get

purchase of any B50 Series

professionals since its

their hands on the

tractor with an integrated

launch in 2014, but

implements are also

next generation of

cab and £500 cashback

Kubota’s latest £1,000

available to complement

compact tractors with a

is also on offer for all

cashback will further

the series, including

tempting new cashback

ROPS models from 21HP

increase the appeal of the

the new matched LA424

offer available across its

to 31HP. The outstanding

range for those looking

and LA534 loaders

B50 Series range.

performance, durability,

to invest or upgrade; or

with increased lift

those wanting to take

capacity, the impressive

advantage of a nice cash

Kubota-built 54” and

saving promotion.

60” mid mounted

A full range of Kubota

The optional A/C

mower decks and a

integrated cab option

whole host of Kubota

across the B50 Series

matched rear mounted

includes a four-pillar

implements, allowing

design with curved glass

users to optimise their

for more space, 360

B50 tractor to suit

degree panoramic vision

individual needs.

and low noise, giving

 w


No more fuel related issues!


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New £10m exhibition centre Work on a £10m state-of-

exhibitions or sporting

the-art venue began in

events. It will also have a

Harrogate, which will give

café, large foyer, offices

event organisers across the

and dedicated workshop/

UK an exciting new venue.

seminar space; all set in a

The Yorkshire

stunning location on the

Agricultural Society (YAS)

edge of the spa town. The

began demolition of

building adjoins an existing

exhibition Hall 1 to make

hall, giving a total area of

way for the new building


at the Great Yorkshire

The Showground is well

Showground. Completion

known as the venue for

is scheduled for late spring

the UK’s premier annual

through to the Harrogate

regional food shop and café.

2016, with bookings already

rural showcase, the Great

Spring and Autumn

These facilities are run by the

being taken.

Yorkshire Show, which

Flower Shows.

YAS’s commercial arm, the

The new Hall will offer

attracts around 132,000

The Showground spans

Yorkshire Event Centre, with

a clear, versatile space

visitors over three days in

250 acres, which includes 14

all profits going to

of 4,320m2to suit a wide

July. In the other months,

function rooms at Pavilions

fund the charitable work

range of events from blue

it is also used for a wide

of Harrogate, the Harrogate

of the Society.

chip company conferences

variety of events from

Caravan Park, and Fodder –

to large dinners and

weddings and conferences

the Society’s award winning

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The Landscaper | Issue 198 | August 2015

7 33


For users of compact tractors Wessex International has

The cutter bar size is

achieved on both sides of the

smallholdings operating

launched a new range of

120cm (4ft) and the weight


compact tractors the Wessex

hedge cutters for compact

of the hedge cutter itself

tractors of 15hp and

is 180kg. It’s capable of

of pruning trees and hedges

options for keeping hedges

above. The Wessex BRM

pruning tree branches up

up to 3cm (1¼”) and require

and bushes neatly trimmed,

hedge cutters are the

to 2cm (0.8”) thick.

tractor weights of 600kg

without the heavier cost

and 700kg respectively. For

outlay of the larger type of

contractors, estates and

tractor and hedge cutter.

ideal choice for trimming

For users of compact

hedges, bushes, small

tractors in the 25hp to 50hp

trees and pruning edges.

range the BRM-150 hedge

There are three models

cutter offers a 150cm (5ft)

and each is available

cutter bar and, designed for

with cable or joystick

tractors of 30hp to 60hp,

controls. The BRM-120

the BRM-200 comes with

is designed for compact

a 200cm cutter bar. Both

tractors of between 15hp

models are also equipped

and 40hp, with a minimum

with a reversible frame with

weight of 500kg and it

three hydraulic movements,

features a reversible

an independent distributor

frame with three hydraulic

with flexible cables and a

movements and an

system for ensuring each

independent distributor.

cutting angle setting is

Both models are capable

Great year at Tatton Park

Re-Form Landscape

Members of the HTA & APL

Heritage won Silver for

new visuals for Hull’s

came away from this year’s

their ‘Plants from National

planned £25 million public

RHS Flower Show Tatton

Collections in a garden setting’

realm project, which will

Park, winning medals for

exhibition in the National Plant

see the complete re-design

their floral displays and

Societies & Plant Heritage

of the city’s streets and



public spaces ahead of its

In the Floral Marquee, Broadleigh Gardens, Dibleys Nurseries, Hardy’s

Fryers Roses also won Silver for their garden ‘Rosy Hues’. APL members Greenbelt

BRM range offers plenty of

Architecture have unveiled

UK City of Culture status

seating, a large water feature

in 2017.

and a lighting installation

It will be the first major

entitled ‘The Golden Hour’

Cottage Garden Plants,

Landscapes took home a

redevelopment of the city

by light art specialist, Nayan

Southfield Nurseries and W

Gold for their ‘A Quiet Corner

centre since World War


Robinson & Son (Seeds &

Garden’, whilst Michael John

2 and includes 14 streets

The partly excavated site

Plants) Ltd all won Gold for

McGarr took home Silver for

and 4 public squares. Re-

of the historic Beverley Gate,

their displays.

‘The Cloud 9 Kitchen’.

Form’s designs connect

which marks the spot where

the railway station with the

King Charles I was refused

There were Silver-

Foxcroft Landscapes won

Gilt medals for HTA

Gold for their involvement in

retail quarter; the historic

entry to Hull in 1642, will

members Cooks Garden

the Young Designer of the Year

Old Town and Fruit Market

be replaced with a new

Centre, Hooksgreen Herbs,

garden ‘The Sunset Garden’.

and include the planting of

sculpture by award-winning

The APL WorldSkills UK

more than 70 mature trees.

architectural practice, Tonkin

Northfield Nurseries Ltd and

Landscape Gardener semi-

Key elements of the project

Liu and a large public lawn.

Priorswood Clematis.

finals also took place this week


Jacques Amand International,

Reaseheath College won a

at Tatton, with the feature

The main civic square,

Work is set to start on site in September and is due to

Silver-Gilt award for Floristry

taking home the Show Feature

Queen Victoria Square, will

be completed by the end

College of the Year, and Plant

of the Year award.

be transformed with new

of 2016.



Get ready for winter resistant finish. The saving on

rear brush guards, a Polaris

this Protection Kit when you

winch and a 66” (1.6m)

buy the accessories together

snowplough blade, with

is over £100.00.

mount and frame.

For even more versatility

The plough installs in

you can add a Polaris winch

seconds with Polaris Lock &

to the basic Protection Kit

Ride technology and the tall

and the saving goes up to

blade will push more snow

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faster and more efficiently

is an easy ‘nut and bolt’

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fitting with just a connector

The saving with the Winter

for the wiring and it comes

Protection Kit is more than

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£315. There’s a vast range of

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extenders give you bolt-on

wire which makes it easier to

Polaris accessories available

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barrier around your cargo

has been increased over

purchase the savings can be

the Sportsman ETX and

and providing countless

previous winches.


570 models.

tie-down points for bungees, straps or nets. The brush

for the Polaris Sportsman

 0800 915 6720 

Protection Kit of front and

guards are easily attached

ETX and 570 models

Don’t miss Getting ready for

rear rack extenders and

and come in a durable black

comprises front and rear

Winter - Next issue of

brush guards. The rack

powder- coating, scratch

rack extenders, front and

The Landscaper.

Start with a basic

The Winter Protection Kit

Little Wonder it’s cutting it with professionals The Little Wonder Hydro BRC-26 brushcutter with hydrostatic drive is cutting it with professional landscapers, groundsmen and hire outlets. It rips through rough and tough weeds and brush at speeds up to 4.2mph with reduced fatigue for the operator. Constructed in welded steel with solid rod control and Honda GXV390 engine, this is a brushcutter built to last. Schiller Grounds Care 0800 840 0888

LWLAN315 The Landscaper | Issue 198 | August 2015

9 33


BALI members celebrate BALI designers, contractors

designed by BALI Registered


and affiliate (supplier)

Designer Helen Elks-Smith


members were celebrating

and co-designer Kate Hart,


after winning medals and

and built by BALI Registered


‘Best Garden’ awards at this

Contractor Turf ‘n’ Earth, also


year’s RHS Flower Show

won Gold. This conceptual

for their

Tatton Park.

garden reflects the world-

garden ‘Aurora Arbour’.

northwest of England. The

leading research into

Designed by Dreamscape’s

characteristic Manchester red

Greenbelt Landscapes, who

light-transmitting optical

Daniel Newby with Rob Glass,

brick pathways cut through

designed and built the BALI

fibre and is sponsored by the

this contemporary garden

the planting to a seating area

garden at last year’s show

University of Southampton

and part conceptual design

and pergola. The garden

winning Silver-Gilt for the

Optoelectronics Research

offers a space for reflection

takes its name from the black-

association, this year achieved

Centre. BALI Affiliates CED

as well as a visual feast, and

peppered moth that had to

Gold and the Best Back to

Stone, SureSet UK and

is inspired by the Aurora

evolve due to the pollution

Back Garden accolade for

Barcham Trees were amongst

Borealis, or Northern Lights.

caused by the Industrial

‘A Quiet Corner’. Designed

the product sponsors.

Featuring vibrant planting

Revolution. A scorched wood

to dramatic effect during the

pergola represents the sootcovered trees.

BALI Registered Contractor

by Sarah Jarman and Anna

The Best Year of Light

Murphy, the striking design

Garden accolade went to

day and a tree house with

features a curved swathe of

Gold winner ‘Light Catcher’,

solar panels that provide

grasses that follow a cobbled

a garden sponsored by BALI

energy to illuminate the

Bradstone ‘The Cloud Nine

path to an enclosed seating

Affiliate Marshalls Paving.

garden at night, this garden

Kitchen Garden’ won Silver.

area. The design, which has

The garden harnesses

takes on the guise of an art

The design shows how small

been expertly executed by

natural daylight to create


contemporary spaces can be

the contractor, invites the

drama and ambience by

visitor to escape the hustle

using materials chosen for

Gilt, and sponsored by BALI

as well as providing food

and bustle of busy life and

their reflective, diffusive

Affiliate CED Stone, is the

for the table. The garden

take time to pause and enjoy

and fluctuating qualities to

‘Black Pepper’ garden in

contains features that harvest

the surroundings.

create a contemplative and

the Back to Back Garden

rainwater, and succulent

soothing space.

category. The garden depicts

planting traps provide

urbanisation encroaching

permeability and water

into the rural habitats of the

conservation and filtration.

‘Reflecting Photonics’, (pictured) a garden in the Year of Light category

In the Show Garden category, BALI Registered

Also achieving Silver-

Sponsored by BALI Affiliate

used to improve biodiversity

Sunday Trading The HTA is encouraging

determine Sunday trading

members to respond

rules that reflect the needs

Paris comments, “As we

Sunday and order garden

to the Government

of local people and allow

have emphasised all along

product online but not

consultation on Sunday

shops and high streets

a relaxation of the Sunday

actually purchase products

trading reforms. The

to stay open longer and

Trading laws is all about

in store.”

consultation outlines

compete with online

choice - choice for the public

plans to give local areas

retailers. Under the current

to shop when they would

responding to the

the power to allow large

legislation, which is over

like and choice for garden

consultation and would

shops, including garden

20 years old and before

retailers to open when they

welcome your feedback and

centres, to open for

the era of online retailing,

like. With online trading

views to inform this process.

longer on Sunday.

large stores with over 3,000

allowing people to shop 24/7

Please will you forward your

sq ft of trading space are

it is ridiculous that someone

comments by 31 August 2015

metro mayors and local

prevented from opening for

can sit and eat in a garden

by e-mail to

authorities the power to

more than six hours.

centre restaurant (which are

The reforms would give


HTA Chief Executive Carol

exempt from the law) on a

The HTA will be

EasySet Mole Trap

Endorsed by Master Mole Catchers in the UK

Lawncare made Easy The EasySet Mole Trap provides a the simplest, quickest and most efficient method for disposing of unwanted moles. Designed and manufactured in the UK to the highest quality standards.

Push. Click. It’s that quick. The EasySet Mole Trap’s singlepush mechanism makes it easier to set and safer to use than oldfashioned metal sprung traps

Full range of accessories also available or call us on 01223 927216


Glee 2015: a vibrant showcase from the garden retail market Garden retailers,

director at Glee, to find out

incredibly well received and

and passionate companies,

landscapers and builders

more about what is in store.

have stood us in good stead

and have no doubt that this

for the 2015 show. The move

enthusiasm will pay dividends

merchants looking to build their business will

The future looks bright

to the new location within

when the show opens in

be flocking to i2i Events’

at Glee

NEC halls 17 – 20 has not


UK-leading garden retail

Matthew said: “In many ways

only created a vibrant layout,

event, Glee (Monday

2014 could be considered the

which is helping buyers to

saying: “Glee is in great

14th – Wednesday

perfect storm. The sun shone,

walk the show and ultimately

shape, in fact it is close to

16th September, NEC

consumers spent money and

source new suppliers, but it

capacity, with only a handful

Birmingham), where the

we made the decision to look

is also inspiring exhibitors

of stand spaces left to sell.

latest innovations from

at ways to create a brighter,

to think differently about

We are well on track to see

hundreds of garden

more vitalised annual Glee

their stands. As a result

in excess of 530 exhibitors,

industry suppliers will be

exhibition. Together all these

we’re seeing more and more

including a phenomenal 350

on show in one convenient

elements came together to

exhibitors book bigger stand

new exhibitors and over 75


create one of the strongest

spaces, as well as talking

international brands. I’ve no

showcases for the UK garden

to us about how they can

qualms in saying that Glee

until the doors open on the

retail market in several years.

maximise their presence at

2015 is set to the one of the

2015 show we catch up with

“The changes that were

the show. It’s fantastic to

most exciting shows for

work with so many focussed

some time!”

With just a few weeks to go

i2i’s Matthew Mein, event

made to revitalise Glee were

Matthew concluded by

Kickstart the New Year BTME offers an unrivalled

everything from artificial

networking opportunity as

grass to course furniture,

well over 200 hours

managers and industry

turf managers from across

irrigation to fertilisers

of education, the Turf

decision-makers pack into

the UK, Europe and the

artificial turf manufacturers,

Managers’ Conference, over

the Harrogate International

world, from every facility

mower manufacturers and

100 exhibitors showcasing


imaginable, meet up and

seed providers mix with

the latest products and

consider all the products

colleges and other education

innovations plus unrivalled

a stand for BTME 2016,

exhibited at this important

providers during three days

networking opportunities.

call BIGGA and ask for Jill

trade show.

which kickstart the industry’s

The exhibition covers

new year.

BTME 2016 will feature

Last year’s exhibition

managers, golf club owners,

To enquire about booking

Rodham on 01347 833800 or

saw nearly 9,000 turf


New broom sweeps in Wessex International has

specifying three-point or

broom is productivity and

achieved. Wessex build

introduced a new push

skidsteer hitches.

working with the BroomEx

quality ensures the longevity

is up to ninety-eight percent

of the broom is ensured, so

broom suitable for a

This is a push broom

wide range of industrial,

designed for medium to

faster than manual labour.

you have speed of operation

groundscare uses.

heavy sweeping tasks and

The integral fork pockets

combined with reduced

features eight rows of hard-

make attaching the broom

outlay contributing to

designation indicates the

wearing bristles capable of

quick and easy and with no

extensive cost savings.

2.4m sweeping width (94” in

most sweeping challenges.

working parts there’s no

old money) of this versatile

Ideal for counter-balanced

maintenance required and no

2.4m comes with a RRP price

and compact performer.

fork trucks and compact


tag of just £995.00. Wessex

The broom comes with an


The BroomEx Pro-240 2.4m

integral fork hitch as standard but there is the option of


What’s especially important about a push

Add in the ‘no dust’ factor and you’re ensuring a clean working environment is

The BroomEx Pro-240


 01264 345870 

Generations of success My sons and I spend our time mowing, fencing, hedge cutting and shrub trimming. To get the most out of every day, we need the most up-to-date, efficient kit on the market. That’s why I choose STIHL.

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Ashes fans bowled over

Play not given credibility Installation of new outdoor

of play. It is working hard

sport and PE facilities for

to ensure a role for play in

primary schools helped

the forthcoming national

boost the UK play market in

obesity strategy, due to be

the second quarter of 2015,

unveiled by the government

according to the Association

later this year.

of Play Industries (API). Latest figures from

Cricket fans seeking lunchtime refreshment

Road and West Park. Mark Stone managing

API Chair Michael Hoenigmann says: “We’re

API member companies

delighted to be helping

show order values worth

many schools improve their

£48.2 million for the

facilities for physical activity

second quarter of 2015 – a

through the Sport England

3.8 per cent increase on the

Primary Spaces initiative.

first quarter of 2015 (£46.4

But despite evidence of

during the Ashes were

director of Plantscape,

million) and a 9.6 per cent

the benefits of active play,

greeted by a riot of colour

which is also maintaining

increase on the same quarter

both to child development

after thousands of flowers

the displays throughout

last year (£43.9 million).

and to wider societal well-

were installed to create a

the summertold The

series of dazzling displays

Landscaper, “We are very

National Lottery-funded

champion. This means we

in a Nottinghamshire town.

pleased to be working with

Primary Spaces initiative

are yet to see play given

Individual planters,

Streetwise Environmental

continues to buoy orders in

the credibility it deserves

including barrier baskets,

Ltd and adding colour to

the education sector, budget

as a preventative measure

hanging baskets and three-

West Bridgford and the areas

constraints for local authorities

against obesity. We believe

tiered floor-standing planters,

around Trent Bridge. It is an

- traditionally the UK’s biggest

the cost of adopting a

were installed in a number

area of Nottingham which is

play buying market - are

national play strategy that

of roads in West Bridgford,

very popular with visitors and

having a major impact on

provides opportunities

close to Trent Bridge Cricket

naturally, local residents and

public play provision for local

for children in every local

Ground, which hosted

businesses will want to show


community to be physically

England’s sensational victory

it off to its best.

While Sport England’s

being, play lacks a Cabinet

As an active member of

active is a small price to pay

the All Party Parliamentary

compared to the long-term

do that than invest in floral

Group for A Fit and Healthy

growing cost to the NHS of

supplied by floral features

displays, which, surveys

Childhood, Children’s

doing nothing.”

firm Plantscape on behalf of

show time and again, help to

Play Policy Forum and

Streetwise Environmental

improve a sense of well-being

Federation of Sports and

are the cuts doing to our

Ltd, as part of its work with

for residents and foster a

Play Associations, the

green infrastructure! Carol

Rushcliffe Borough Council

sense of pride in the local

API campaigns for policy

Dutton reports in the next

to improve and maintain the


recognition for the value

issue of The Landscaper.

View Landscapes team.

against the Australians. The planters were

appearance of the area. They are planted in a light

“There is no better way to

Don’t miss What damage

This year Plantscape has supplied around 12,000

pastel scheme, featuring

individual planters to councils

Sam Colman, Sales

plants such as surfinia and

and organisations up and

Manager for British Sugar

geraniums, and there are 100

down the country, including

TOPSOIL, demonstrated

one of several BALI Affiliate

planters in total, all of which

Liverpool City Council, which

a flair for go-kart racing

(supplier member) sponsors

are designed to reduce the

ordered a series of multi-tier

when he won the BALI East

of this annual event, which

need for frequent watering

planters to welcome Cunard’s

Anglia Region ‘Beast in the

this year attracted over

and are now in place outside

three “Queen” cruise liners for

East’ go-kart challenge

40 teams and took place

businesses, homes and parks

a one-off reunion in the River

recently as part of the

at the Wild Tracks circuit,

in Central Avenue, Gordon

Mersey earlier this year.

British Sugar TOPSOIL/Oak



British Sugar TOPSOIL was


VW Amarok - Competitive finance deals Volkswagen Commercial

available on a Solutions

combination with robust

editions such as the striking

Vehicles is offering a

personal contract plan

off-road capability.

Ultimate model.

number of competitive

from £219 per month (4.9%

finance deals on its

representative APR **).

Amarok models.

It is available with a

The Amarok went on

engines with 140 PS or a Bi-

sale in the UK in 2011 and

Turbo version with 180 PS.

are interested in Finance

has proved a popular

All models have 4MOTION

Lease* or Contract Hire^^

addition to the Volkswagen

four-wheel drive. Three

can purchase an Amarok

Commercial Vehicles range,

standard specification

Trendline 2.0-litre TDI 140

thanks in large part to

levels are offered –

PS from £239 per month,

its quality, comfort and

Startline, Trendline and

while the same model is

car-like driveability in

Highline – as well as special

Business owners who

choice of two 2.0-litre

Second-year engineering undergraduate students from Oxford University, studying Engineering Science, had a recent tour of the Ariens Company factory in Great Haseley, Oxfordshire. The visit offered students the opportunity to see the manufacture of Countax and Westwood ride-on garden tractors through all the processes.

Nursery Stock to the landscape industry Tel 01707 261 370 Fax 01707 262 847 ABCDEGJLMNOPQRSTWXY The Landscaper | Issue 198 | August 2015

15 33


Purpose built Rochford Garden

garden machinery in the U.K,

direct from stock at time of

Machinery is a family

with thousands of machines

purchase, with the added

store will be fully prepared by

owned business, operating

in stock for you to view at

peace of mind that the

the knowledgeable sales staff

from one of the largest

any time.

experienced service and parts

who will also demonstrate

departments are always on

how to use the machine

and warehouse facilities

hand to provide technical

safely and effectively.

mean they can almost always

support and backup for every

01963 828000

supply the correct machine

machine they supply.

purpose built showrooms in the country. In store you will find the largest selection of quality

The extensive showroom

Machines purchased in

Easing spray duties A host of improvements to

help maintain sports and

better, with the Club even

hose boosts streamlining on

the walk-behind EvenSprey

amenity areas in prime

easier to use and allowing

the lightweight Club and the

250 from Vitax Supaturf

condition, UK designed and

greater coverage than its

bigger lid on the 25l tank aids

make the new Club model

developed EvenSprey boom

predecessor thanks to


a must-have for grounds

sprayers have transformed

increased battery size.

professionals keen to apply

the application of liquids,

fertilisers and other turf

dramatically improving

rechargeable battery gives the

with 1.5m spray boom

treatments accurately and

operational convenience.

grounds team valuable extra

(1m pass), Shurflo pump,

spray time.

pneumatic tyres and optional

economically. Used by award-winning grounds professionals to

Already a popular addition to the pitch maintenance fleet, the 250 just got

The more powerful 9 amp

Repositioned, fully encased motor and tidier

Like the 250 model, the EvenSprey Club still comes

spray lance.

The Landscaper | Issue 198 | August 2015

17 33


Changing retail landscape Homebase Managing

joins Homebase as it shifts

Other speakers

Centre Team Awards. This

Director Echo Lu has

from a DIY chain to a home

include Simon Jack,

year’s after dinner speaker

joined the line-up for

enhancement store.

business and economics

is former BBC senior

presenter for Radio 4’s Today

weatherman Bill Giles

the HTA Garden Futures

The theme for this year’s

Conference which takes

conference, sponsored

Programme who will provide

OBE who will provide an

place on 30 September

by Hozelock and Scotts

a topical overview of the

insightful and entertaining

at Heythrop Park in

Miracle-Gro, is ‘Embracing

current economic climate

look at the subject that


Change’ and the programme

and Dennis Reid from Retail

everyone, especially those in

will include a panel session,

Performance Specialists who

the garden industry, likes to

positive change’ Echo joined

chaired by Matthew

will look at how retailers

talk about – the weather!

the Home Retail Group

Appleby of Horticulture

should respond to the

Board as Managing Director

Week, about what the

changing retail environment.

of Homebase in April 2015.

changing landscape means

Alongside high quality

Prior to this Echo worked

for garden retail. Panellists

content the conference and

purpose built auditorium

for Tesco for 10 years in

include Matthew Bent,

dinner provide plenty of

and beautiful ballroom,

various roles in Asia and

Managing Director of

opportunity for networking

Heythrop Park will provide

the UK and also served as a

Bents Garden & Home, Sam

with key players from across

a fantastic setting for this

Non-Executive Director for

Bosworth Director of Choice

the industry. The dinner will

year’s HTA Garden Futures

Dobbies Garden Centres.

Marketing and Julian

include the presentation

Conference and Dinner.

With skills and experience

Winfield, Chief Executive of

of HTA Pearson Medal and

 w ww.gardenfutures.

across the retail sector

Haskins Garden Centres.

also The Greatest Garden

Described as an ‘agent for


Set in 400 acres of tranquil Oxfordshire countryside and with a


LANDSCAPE SHOW, TUESDAY 22 & WEDNESDAY 23 SEPTEMBER 2015 BATTERSEA PARK, LONDON The LANDSCAPE Show returns to Battersea Park in London on Tuesday & Wednesday the 22nd & 23rd of September 2015. Over 200 manufacturers and suppliers, over 3,000 visitors, over 40 CPD accredited seminars. For more details go to:

The Landscaper | Issue 198 | August 2015

19 33

Show preview

Return to the park LANDSCAPE - the UK’s premier event for the industry returns to Battersea Park in central London on the 22nd & 23rd of September 2015. This year the show is even bigger and better than before with over 200 exhibitors and more speakers. This year’s event promises to bring even more people together at the industry’s annual meeting place. This feature serves as a snapshot of just a few of the many exhibitors. PRO Landscape enters its third decade of providing the best professional landscape and garden design software for landscape designers, contractors, architects, and garden centres. “With the new features and enhancements available in Version 21, our position is reinforced as the most comprehensive, easiest-to-learn and easiest-to-use piece of landscape design software available on the market today,” says Pete Lord, President of Drafix Software. “Simply put, Version 21 contains even more tools to help our customers design more efficiently and close more sales.” The system gives the user the power to easily and effectively design and bid a project; and most importantly communicate those design ideas to the customer with a visual presentation they understand. It will help any designer quickly create stunning visual designs for the customers, accurate site plans for your crews, and professional proposals that effectively communicate every aspect of the proposed project. PRO Landscape contains all the elements a designer needs including photo realistic imaging, night and holiday lighting, CAD, estimating, 3D renderings, and mobile tablet applications in one easy-to-learn and easy-to-use program. Anne Curry’s monumental sculptures are specifically designed for the outdoors and offer a perfect focus point whether in a garden, at the end of an avenue, in a courtyard or a large terrace. A keen gardener herself, she finds inspiration in plant forms and strives to evoke, in her sculptures, the power of life at work in the natural world.


Scotscape’s specialist living wall team have installed a living wall in the Members Enclosure at The All England Lawn Tennis club and in the foyer at Ascot Racecourse.


Cautrac is one of Europe’s largest stockists of used

construction equipment, it is also Europe’s largest Scotscape’s specialist livingstockist wall team

have installed livingcarriers). wall in of new and used tracked dumpersa(crawler

the Member Enclosure at The All England Lawn Tennis This includes brands such as; Morooka, Yanmar, Hitachi, club and in the foyer at Ascot Racecourse Komatsu, Mitsubishi and Kubota, with both standard tip machines and The 360 swivel skip models. elegant Wimbledon

living wall plants, naturally an abundance of machinery, including microincluding diggers, mini diggers, strawberries, shields Private excavators, backhoe and wheeled loaders, the telescopic Member’s Enclosure providing privacy fro forklifts, tracked dumpers, wheeled dumpers, the crowds, offering sound abatement an compressors and much more. They typically have more fragrant planting to further enhance this than 300 used already machines in stock betweenlocation. the Colchester spectacular Ascot features interior living wall framing and Bolton depots and canan offer a full service from historic prints and a tv monitor which covered racing events to keep visitors up date with races. This installation provides an ambient area in the foyer improving a They also supply a large variety of used construction measuring 23m2 contains 1,127

projects such as seeding turfing and planting and Sports10 is a blend of sand, silt and clay, specifically developed for soil based winter sports fields.

Show preview

Please come and see them on stand E51 at this years LANDSCAPE Show in Battersea Park in September.

TOPSOIL is a business of British Sugar plc, a name synonymous with quality and professionalism in all its operations. It is the UK’s largest supplier of quality topsoil products to the landscape and amenity industries. Landscape


TOPSOIL is a business of British Sugar plc,

nameand synonymous quality and purchase, a repair specialist with adaptations to delivery professionalism in all its operations. It is

Interior Design Today

rating of any non-slip decking available on the market.

anywhere the in the world. UK’s largest supplier of quality topsoil products to the landscape and amenity

Interior Designusing Todaysustainably is Britain’s sourced oldest Kebony wood. Produced

Cautracindustries. are main agents for Morooka, Yamaguchi,

Track barrow, as well as Cat compact dealers for Greater All TOPSOIL products are developed from Manchester and South the sugar beet the soilthe that adheres delivered to British Sugar’s factories and as such comes from the best agricultural soils in the country. After separation, soil Gripsure decking gives the warm, naturalthe look and feel undergoes a gravity settlement stage prior of traditional its non-slip aggregate to adecking lengthy but conditioning process and strips careful storage ready for delivery to you.

ensure it stays safe, even in wet weather. Pro Classic,

at design, four locations in the Britishsafety Gripsure’s Based original achieves theUK highest Sugar TOPSOIL products can be delivered quickly and very cost-effectively. To help its customers meet topsoil specifications British Sugar TOPSOIL is analysed for a comprehensive range of heavy metals, total cyanide and total (mono) phenols, aromatic What and wealiphatic say to customers TPH, speciated PAHs and BTEX compounds.

magazine for professional interior

species of soft wood which impregnated a nondesigners and isare firmly establishedwith as the premier source of inspiration for the

chemical bio-based product and heated under pressure, interiors community and discerning consumers. Theand Interior Design Today Kebony is a highly durable environmental product. app is available on Apple and Android and

The use ofboasts sustainable Kebonydownloads wood also globally. means that over 35,000 IDTthe presents the best projects, products and

façade is totally maintenance freeinfluence and will and not be susceptible people that directly shape the industry. Ourand contributors areinthe of to damage through wear weathering theA-list future. the design community, including BIID

Consequently, the façade soon beindustry coveredgurus by a ‘vertical members andwill influential who


are all at the top of their game. Interior Design Today bridges the gap between the professional and consumer markets, delivering a high-end magazine of uncompromising quality to a wider audience of design enthusiasts and key they hear industry players. Interior Design Today are proud media partners of the LANDSCAPE Show in Battersea Park this September.

Produced to an, ISO 90001:2000 accredited quality system, British Sugar TOPSOIL is fully analysed by a UKAS, GLP accredited laboratory using MCERT methods. British Sugar TOPSOIL is also accredited to Environmental Audit ISO 14001 & H&S OHSAS18001 Landscape20 is a fully-analysed and compliant to BS3882:2015, sandy loam, TOPSOIL. It is ideal for general landscaping projects such as seeding turfing and planting and Sports10 is a blend of sand, silt and clay, specifically developed for soil based winter sports fields. Please come and see them on stand E51 at this years LANDSCAPE Show in Battersea

Communicating your vision to prospective customers has never been easier Park in September. with PRO Landscape design software. Whether your design platform is a desktop, laptop or tablet you can design and sell anytime, and now – anywhere.

Start Speaking Their Language Today! | | +1 816 842 4955

Industry-Leading Landscape Design Software Landscape

Photo Imaging | CAD | Lighting | Estimating | 3D Rendering | Tablet Apps @landscapeevent #Landscape2015 17 LANDSCAPESHOW.CO.UK

The Landscaper | Issue 198 | August 2015

21 33

Show preview’s all stainless steel system has been designed and built as an architectural cladding system with a building lifespan, and ultimately is completely recyclable

forest’ with a depth of up to 60cm and a wall of climbing Wewill areeventually moving towards future of insects. plants which houseabirds and

increased city living where technical innovation is essential to create liveable and sustainable cities. The integration of green spaces is a climate and ecological objective; linking them together with vertical planting creates a coherent and intact environment. Both inside and outside plants improve our personal well-being.

Developed by a team of specialists from engineering, architecture and landscape T OPSOIL is a business of British Sugar plc, It is the design fields, the system meets the requirements of theof building UK’s largest supplier quality topsoil products to and provides optimum plant conditions. theenvironmental landscape and amenity industries. All TOPSOIL Behind its role, a vertical green space should be pleasing to the eye; products are developed from the soil that adheres to the 3 litre rooting volume ensure healthier, stronger,the visually the to British Sugar’s factories and sugarnicer beetplants; delivered decorative front panel maintains this appearance when plants are changed as such comes from the bestoragricultural soils in the the system is integrated into an “gardened” country. After separation, the soil undergoes a gravity site.

Laying Down Roots gtRibbed Root Panels®

The design and production of the Greenwall. settlement stage prior to a lengthy conditioning Come and talk to them on their stand at pro system is committed to the concept of LANDSCAPE thisand September in Battersea sustainability and its role in improving the process careful storage ready for delivery to you. Park. environment for a healthier community. system Revolutionary Based at four locations in the UK British Sugar TOPSOIL Research proves plants’ ability to actively that directs root growth reduce air pollutants, contribute to products can be delivered quickly and very costdownwards stabilising inner city temperatures by via its vertical cooling and insulating buildings, and ribs, away from hard effectively. countering the city phenomena of the heat landscape surfaces, utilities island effect and reflected noise pollution.

and services.’s all stainless • Can fold to a 90° angle steel system has been designed and Allows growing media built as an architectural •cladding system with a building lifespan, and and tree to be planted first ultimately is completely recyclable. Its rapid • Installed construction minimises disruption intoa suit busythe depth, city, the automation and remote volumemonitoring of growing media options reduce site visits and yet ensure an and size of the rootball immediate response to third party issues such as power outages. • Totally flexible tree

protection system

Also available: 20

@landscapeevent #Landscape2015 LANDSCAPESHOW.CO.UK

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Request a technical data sheet on 01423 332 100 E:



Trellis Direct have recently launched a brand new slatted screening panel which is now available to order via their website Trellis Direct have recently launched a brand

Trellis Direct

new slatted screening panel which is now available to order via their website. The demand for the contemporary slatted panel style is currently very high and though their smaller slatted garden and privacy

Show preview

Bathgate Silica Sand’s new division Bathgate Horticulture

councils, artists and architects to custom-build products

has decided to add a couple of extra products to its extensive

to meet their exact specifications. Goose Foot provides

new range. These latest additions will be Play Sand (approved

an end to end service from design to laser cutting,

to BSEN1177 and EN71-3) and Kiln Dried Block Paving &

fabrication and powder coating. In an age when many

Jointing Sand, which will both be available in conveniently

street furniture suppliers don’t laser cut or fabricate in

sized full colour branded bags, to help maximise retail

house, they are in a unique position which is reflected in

potential. The above additions will then complement the

both the price and quality of every product.

attractively packaged premium quality garden care products Bathgate’s recently installed Horticultural plant is now producing. The sophisticated mixing line connected to the plant is able to facilitate precise blending of multiple ingredients to enable the production of professional growing media that can be produced to bespoke mixes to meet a customer’s specific requirements. M&M offers a complete range of Unilog Pro landscaping timbers, manufactured from specially selected pine timbers and perfect for a diverse range of landscaping applications. Using landscape timbers you can create earth retaining walls, raised flower beds, use for water revetment projects and are ideal for playground amenity projects. Machine rounded landscape timbers are perfect for creating innovative landscaping features for gardens, leisure facilities such as holiday centres, theme parks and golf clubs and a range of commercial applications. Using timber in this way provides a natural, sustainable, flexible and cost effective method of landscaping for all types of projects. Goose Foot specialise in the manufacture of high quality street furniture solutions for urban realm, regeneration projects and across the private sector. Offering a fresh alternative to the street furniture options available today, they work closely with local

The Landscaper | Issue 198 | August 2015

23 33

Show preview Telcom Spa are one of the forerunners of roto-molded

scale than one could hope after 5 years of seeding or

plastics in Italy and continue to be market leaders in

naturalising, giving the landscaper a guarantee of an

manufacturing and design innovation. They design and

instant wildflower meadow. Accurate measurements are

produce contemporary plant pots, furniture, lighting

required to ensure there is no excess or shortage of turf

and objects. Talenti S.r.l. use mainly aluminium as a base

whilst working on site. The turf can be laid throughout the

material, from which they create innovative outdoor

year except when there is frost or snow on the ground.

lifestyle products.

If laying in the summer, turf will require a good water every couple of days until the roots are down. The turf is

Wildflower Turf is a mat of pre-established wildflower

relatively light, being soil-less it is easily manipulated on

plants, nursery grown and set in appropriate quantities

uneven ground and embankments.

to provide an even distribution of species. The turf is a densely networked root mat that supports established

PietraPave is exclusively available from Bannister

and instantly competitive wildflowers, whilst acting as a

Hall Landscape Supplies who have built up a national

weed suppressing carpet, smothering any seeds that are

reputation for innovative paving solutions through

in the soil and on the point of germinating. The result is a

their Nexus Professional Surfacing Systems also

complete meadow much further along the evolutionary

being showcased at this year’s event. Nexus offers a







Established 1998, The Landscaper is the UK's No 1 industry magazine.


ISSUE 198 £3.95


We will be looking for ideas, stories, new products and services for our show report


Lumena Outdoor Lig hting WWW.LANDSCAPERMAGA


The Landscaper | Issue


198 | August 2015

1 33

yourself on their stand at LANDSCAPE this September in Battersea Park.

Show preview

NBB’s recycled furniture focuses on providing eco-friendly outdoor furniture which has been manufactured from 100% recycled plastic – using premium manufacturing processes.

NBB Outdoor


revolutionary range of paving ancillary productson including NBB’s recycled furniture focuses

becomes more affordable for a wider range of budgets.

which hassealants been and manufactured from range of paving cleaning products.

100% recycled plastic – using premium manufacturing processes. Furniture from The Garden Trellis Company has introduced the new 100% recycled plastic is far better than “Prestige Range”, a wood collection high quality trellis, slatted traditional orofeven metal furniture panels buy direct online.the The new as and it’splanters more available robusttoto withstand heavy demands of the commercial world. Prestige garden joinery range delivers bespoke-quality

The Guillot Bourne Nursery produce over 350 varieties of

construction but in off-the-shelf sizes, ready-made and

after year, they have now gainedenterprise. a very wide knowledge They provide

the providing ProJoint product jointing systems and the PaveCare eco-friendly outdoor furniture

deciduous and coniferous trees and shrubs and focus on diversity and quality rather than quantity. They have very


specific climate and soil conditions, every year they plant

some new varieties, so they can test them and see how they

acclimate themselves in those conditions. Doing this yearaward Streetscape is an

winn app In fact NBB’s very own 100% recycled landscape gardening ready to buy. The new range gives customers a further about the best varieties to choose regarding the plantation’s to 18-2 plastic standard picnic table can withstand long-term unemployed, h option when choosing the right you joinerybear solution their that conditions for your landscaping are projects. Oak trees are over 1000kg. When in for mind to build the skills, experience garden project. For garden designers and landscape produced as standard trees in 30 different varieties, they thedesign world record for bench pressing is they need to fulfil their dream 488.47kg you’ll struggle find a joinery table gardeners the new–range means the look to of bespoke produce other varieties in standard andand multistem forms. into retain work: growin that’s more robust! All of their range now transforming landscapes. also comes with a 15 year guarantee for complete peace of mind. In so doing they design, land maintain gardens across Sou With the ever changing world we live in, residential, commercial and c we all need to be more aware of the based clients. materials we use and ensure we use sustainable products where possible – all of Streetscape was founded by our recycled furniture is UK sourced to our and Guy Watts. They are driv manufacturing plant in Dorset and made simple, overarching goal: tha from recycled plastic milk bottles. and every long-term unempl person they provide an appre Their range is growing all the time and they then moves into, and retains have the benefits of being able to produce their time with them. bespoke products. Earlier this year they provided outdoor furniture to a famous Recently, Streetscape were c premiership football club, which included relocate and build the Gold m poseur tables, A frame tables, and RBC Waterscape Garden, des condiment stations – all manufactured Bugg for the 2014 RHS Chels from 100% recycled plastic. Show. This garden is open to if you would like to see Stree NBB also has a great range of furniture first hand, please visit at the aimed at the younger ones, their Junior Pleasure Gardens. Picnic Table is very popular with schools, playgrounds and leisure areas and provides Streetscape are proud to be a great solution to those venues wishing LANDSCAPE Initiative M&M offers a complete range Youth of to attract families. It’s not only available delighted to talk toshow you garde if you Perennial’s Unilog Pro landscaping timbers, in brown or black, but also a whole host of in employing the Streetscape Show at Tatton Park m manufactured from specially selected colours including blue, cranberry, green and findingnew out for more about them legacy fundraising pine timbers and perfect a diverse even multi-coloured! their stand at LANDSCAPE t highlighting range of landscaping applications. how vital in Battersea Park. charity. Supported by Come and see samples of the range for designed by Paul Herv on their stand at LANDSCAPE this 26yourself Perennial Legacy Gard September in Battersea Park.


Show preview

Goose Foot specialise in the manufacture of high quality street furniture solutions for urban realm, regeneration projects and across the private sector


@landscapeevent #Landscape2015 LANDSCAPESHOW.CO.UK

WORKWARE PROVIDE PROFESSIONAL GREEN SECTOR WORKERS WITH THE BEST POSSIBLE PRODUCTS TO DO THEIR JOB. Safety, durability, ergonomics and innovation. Tripod ladders are the most practical access solution for landscapers and tree surgeons Their 3 legs, broad base and telescopic legs make them suitable for use on uneven ground, slopes and steps. Boker Knives are known all over the world as manufacturer and supplier of the highest quality knives. Corona brand tools offer quality heavy-duty, durable design and huge selection. HAIX’s high-tech composite toecaps offer you the same protection as steel with the added benefit of being as light as a feather. Safety is function + comfort! HAIX’s own laboratories subject shoes to rigid tests to make sure they meet the very highest requirements in terms of anti-slip, resistance and robustness.

The Landscaper | Issue 198 | August 2015

27 33

Show preview



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Saltex 2015 news

Many of the industry’s professional bodies will be supporting SALTEX 2015 and have confirmed their presence at the exhibition, which will be held at the NEC Birmingham on the 4 & 5 November The British and International Golf Greenkeepers’

the right playing surfaces for the people using them. The two

Association (BIGGA) and the Amenity Forum will join the

associations working together backs this up and goes a long

Sport and Play Construction Association (SAPCA), the Arb

way to ensuring it happens.”

Association, the Sports Turf Research Institute (STRI), the

Elsewhere in the show’s educational seminar timetable

Institute for Occupational Safety & Health (IOSH) and the

SAPCA-badged sessions will include: Standards for outdoor

Parks Alliance in supporting SALTEX 2015’s LEARNING

sports surfaces, presented by Mark Harrod; the maintenance

LIVE education programme.

of synthetic sport and play surfaces, by Gary Martin (chair of

BIGGA-badged seminars will include ‘Improve Turf Quality

SAPCA’s Ancillary Contractors Group); the design of multi-

through Measuring, Analysing and Effective Planning’,

use games areas (MUGAs), by Neil McHigh (chair of SAPCA’s

presented by Steve Gingell, agronomy manager at the Sports

Professional Services Group) and the design and construction

Turf Research Institute (STRI). While an overview of Primo

of bases for synthetic sports surfaces by Dr Colin Young (a

Maxx, the successful plant growth regulator and its use in

member of SAPCA’s Technical Committee).

sportsturf, will be presented by Daniel Lightfoot MG, UK

John Moverley OBE, independent chair of the Amenity

business manager for Syngenta and Henry Bechelet, technical

Forum, will also be taking to the stage to present a seminar

sales manager for Everris.

entitled ‘Is there a future for pesticides?’ in which the Forum

BIGGA’s educational seminars have always been well

will be discussing the issue of the decreasing range of

received at SALTEX and Jim Croxton, BIGGA’s CEO, revealed

pesticides available to the sector and the implications. John

why the organisation is engaging again this year.

will also be chairing a separate Question Time style session

“We know that a lot of greenkeepers like to attend SALTEX because there is some cross over in exhibitors that are at both SALTEX and BTME. There is also a cross over for people who

in which an invited panel will seek to answer questions on all matters relating to weed, pest and disease control. The Amenity Forum has participated at a number of

know groundsmen and are interested in going to catch up

SALTEX exhibitions over the years and John believes that it is

with friends and network. Putting education on at SALTEX is

absolutely vital that the organisation has a presence there.

the logical next step. Not everyone can get to Harrogate and

“There are many people in the industry that work really

we feel it’s a benefit to our members to have education on

hard and care passionately about the work they do. I think

wherever we can present it,” he said.

SALTEX presents them with a great opportunity to come

With the Institute of Groundsmanship (IOG) also having

together to talk and learn more. If they come and talk about

a frequent presence at the BTME exhibition, BIGGA’s head

weed, pest and disease control as part of that then that is why

of member development Sami Strutt believes that the

we need to be there,” he said.

relationship between the two organisations is great for the industry.

Other professional bodies supporting the show include: The Agricultural Engineers Association (AEA), the Association

“I think the IOG and BIGGA working together and

of Play Industries (API), the Crop Protection Association (CPA)

presenting a united front for the turf industry as a whole,

and the British Agricultural & Garden Machinery Association

is very important. BIGGA is quite specific to greenkeeping


but there is a much wider sporting industry out there that

Visitor registration to SALTEX 2015 is free. To confirm your

is reliant on turf being in the right condition and producing

attendance visit


Saltex 2015 news

Check out the new digital magazine! XX




ISSUE 198 £3.95

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INE.COM Issue 198 | August 2015 1 PERMAGAZ The Landscaper |

PLUS we are working now on The Landscaper’s bumper October show preview issue. Editorial Marketing Tel 0208 891 4850 The Landscaper | Issue 198 | August 2015

31 33


Continued growth It was back in 1998 that AVS Fencing Supplies opened the doors of their 3rd branch, in the East Sussex town of Ringer, Lewes. Since then the company has expanded with the opening of their 9th branch at the end of 2014

As part of a recent evaluation of the company’s

Key features of the refurbishment include a new

direction and continued growth, it was decided that

contemporary glass shop front, bespoke trade counter,

a new brand identity was needed to deliver a defined

new floor and ceiling, and a lifestyle browsing area. Branch

message of who AVS are along with reflecting their

manager Klaus Mills, comments ‘The feedback on the new

values. This includes ongoing investments being made

look and layout has been very positive. The design allows

back into the company’s branches, starting with an

us to merchandise more effectively and showcase products

extensive refurbishment at AVS Lewes.

from brands such as Grange, Paslode, Draper, and Q-Deck,

The project was overseen by AVS Managing Director, Neil Beglin, who commented on the project: ‘Whilst it was important to achieve a more contemporary appearance, the design and

to name but a few’. Lewes is the first of several investments being made into the AVS branches, with the next refurbishment project due

build was led by the needs of the customer. This was very

to commence at AVS Guildford this Christmas.

important to AVS, to reflect our brand values in the branch’.

 w



Continued service

attachment allows users to pick-up, position and pile-

BeA - the manufacturer of fastening tools and consumables

any manual handling.

for the fencing sector - has recently acquired additional warehousing at its Woodmansey East Yorkshire site.

drive or extract as well as compact all without the need for On average, the Cardley-Bingham Vibratory Post / Pile Driver Attachment (Model name: VPP3500) delivers 3500kg

The new facility will be used to increase both the depth

of vertical downward force 38 times per second increasing

and breadth of the company’s stockholding and to ensure

productivity whilst the in-cab integrated control increases

continued, good ex stock availability across BeA’s range.

overall safety and driving precision.

Commenting, John Mercer, managing director at BeA (UK),

The main VPP3500 unit is modular, enabling additional

says: “As a business, BeA offers high quality products that

base fittings to be attached to the main attachment itself to

include tools and consumables employed across a wide range

guarantee maximum utilisation through varied driving or

of sectors. However, we’ve always taken the view that products

extracting applications.

alone are only ever part of the best solution and that service, support and expert advice are all equally important.” BeA operates a nationwide team of field-based technical sales managers as well as a team of field-based support

Effectively, this allows you to use the same ‘power pack’ to grab, drive and extract posts and sheet piles of all shapes and sizes by selecting the appropriate base fitting. The optional hydraulic clamp eliminates any manual

engineers These technical specialists are equipped with

handling of posts and is designed to carry posts from 4 to 11

vehicles customised to double as mobile workshops.

inches in diameter. Equally, with a clamping force of nearly

 w

30 tonnes the hydraulic clamp can also be adjusted to carry a

Don’t miss Fencing in the next issue of The Landscaper.

range of sizes of sheet metal and plastic plies.


just 30 litres you can effectively grab, drive and extract – you

Versatile British built vibratory post and pile driver

 01977 620 517 

If your machine is over 2 tonnes with a flow from as little as can also compact too with an additional compaction base plate.

The Landscaper | Issue 198 | August 2015

33 33

Weed control

Responding to Change

Complete Weed Control’s head office staff and local teams from all over the country headed to Alicante in Spain recently for the company’s annual conference

Titled Responding to Change, this was the company’s 33rd annual conference, and brought the local teams


singlen seasaotion eradic

together outside their working environment to pool their knowledge and experiences, with the aim of raising the standard of the services they provide to their diverse client base. It also provided them with the opportunity to discuss issues which affect their work, including new and changing legislation, product development and market trends. “Each year our goal is to strengthen our network and our annual conference plays an important role in achieving that,” said Ian Graham, Managing Director of Complete Weed Control. “The event brings an extensive array of resources to one location, providing everything our teams need to support the profitable growth of their businesses. Personal

The Stem Injection System is the most target specific, ecologically sound and effective solution for the eradication of Japanese Knotweed.

0845 643 1162 34

relationships are at the core of our business, and the conference gives CWC a further opportunity to directly interact with our local teams in an environment that helps us better understand their requirements, as well as the need of their customers.”

 01325 324 277  w

Weed control

Integrated Weed Control

situation after investing in an innovative Cardley-Wave hot water weed control system: “More and more countries are banning the use of certain types of weedkillers so it makes

Latest guidelines on integrated weed control can help

sense for Aberdeen to stay ahead of the legislation and

understand legal duties and reduce harm to the public and

take the best environmentally-friendly course of action

environment. Grandfather Rights on professional chemical sprayers are due to expire in November 2015 and current EU

now available to control weed growth.”

 01254 707407  w

legislation (the Sustainable Use Directive and Water Framework Agreement) restricts the use of herbicides.

Cheltenham Town Football Club has commented that

Now, APSE’s (The Association for Public Service

the services of Complete Weed Control have made the

Excellence) latest report outlines ‘the argument for

role of their groundsman a great deal easier. “As soon

adopting integrated weed control methods” and explains

as the club entered the Football League we contacted

“how the latest guidelines on integrated weed control can

Complete Weed Control. This was due to the company

help local authorities meet their legal duties to reduce

being one of the first to use modern day products that

harm to the public and environment.’

are common place in today’s grounds keeping industry

Looking at environmentally friendly alternatives to traditional spraying, the report highlights how ‘Aberdeen City Council have recently implemented a hot water

such as liquid feeds and bio slims,” commented a club spokesman. “Working with Complete Weed Control certainly saves us

weed and moss killing system after a trial period proved

from the nightmare of health and safety paperwork. Their

successful. In addition the thermal heat treatment can

knowledge of what products and applications to use along

also be used for graffiti and gum removal as well as deep

with useful suggestions is exceptional.

cleaning of paved areas thereby providing a holistic street scene cleaning service.’ Aberdeen City Councillor Neil Cooney sum-ups the

“It’s also a lot cheaper for us to hire the services of Complete Weed Control rather than purchase the kit and pay for high quality products, which CWC can easily source.”

The Landscaper | Issue 198 | August 2015

35 33

Artificial grass

Sports pitch revolution Notts Sport has launched a new product which is set to revolutionise the construction of artificial sports pitches worldwide.” Notts Sport has successfully used a similar tile system as part of its ChildsPlay solution for many years, and has now enhanced this product for use in sport, with an upgraded thickness and density. The structured stability provided by the ShockWave tile means that half the depth of quarried aggregate is required underneath the base, therefore reducing the cost of materials, the installation time, and the number of heavy lorries required to deliver materials and remove excavated earth from the site. The system has gone through full laboratory testing at Loughborough University, with further performance and drainage testing at Labosport. ShockWave is patented and comes with a comprehensive 20-year warranty. Made from Expanded Polypropylene (EPP), the ShockWave tile is 100% recyclable.

 w

Innovative ShockWave tiles – so-called because of

Hockey replay

their wave-like contours – slot together like jigsaw

Synthetic Specialists Replay Maintenance have signed

pieces and form the key component of the ShockWave

a service agreement with England Hockey to become

EcoBase system.

an ‘Official Pitch Maintenance Supplier’.

These lightweight, easy-to-handle tiles are much simpler

As well as practical pitch maintenance, Replay will work

and quicker to install than tarmac or stone bases which

closely with the ‘Clubs and Facilities team’ at England

is how pitches have traditionally been laid for synthetic

Hockey to supply support and educational services to clubs


around the country.

The system is guaranteed, with the correct maintenance and usage, to provide a minimum of 20 years. Notts Sport chairman Shaun Patrick told The Landscaper

The contract will see Replay conduct regular surface inspections to identify areas that require maintenance as well as working closely with the teams to create

“We’ve spent two years developing the ShockWave system,

maintenance programmes. The contract also extends to

in consultation with major sports governing bodies,

seminars and training for England Hockey regional teams

contractors and industry experts.

and clubs to aid understanding of pitch maintenance.

“This unique product offers a host of financial and

Director of Replay Maintenance Garry Martin said,

environmental benefits to sports facility providers and

“Through the signing of this agreement we are

is set to make a huge difference to the construction of

confident that with our extensive knowledge and first

artificial sports pitches.

class experience we will be able to support Hockey clubs

“We’re delighted to launch the ShockWave EcoBase system in the UK and are looking forward to rolling it out


and facilities nationwide with maintenance on their synthetic pitches.”

Artificial grass

Pursuit of the perfect lawn

In a survey commissioned by Lazylawn 56% of the 1,732

 0800 023 2343 

adults with a garden who were questioned admitted spending up to £200 annually on lawn maintenance. While the average spend across the UK was found to be £153, regionally the biggest spenders on garden maintenance were those in the South East, who spend well above the national average by forking out £183 per year, compared to £152 in Scotland, £147 in Wales and the South West, £143 in the Midlands and £139 in the North. Andy Driver, Marketing Director at LazyLawn, comments: “It would cost £2,700 to have a LazyLawn professionally installed in the average garden, measuring 40 square metres, which works out as £180 per year for the 15-year life expectancy of our artificial lawns, so you could be spending the same amount of money without the hard graft. “Instead of spending all that money on garden maintenance home owners could be investing in a LazyLawn. “It’s true there is a little bit of required light maintenance - an occasional seasonal sweep and a weed kill across the area, but what would you rather have, a year round green lawn or to be spending all that extra time and money on garden maintenance?” In fact, of the 2,044 British adults questioned in a recent LazyLawn survey, 44% admitted they would spend more leisure time in the garden with the time they would save if they didn’t have to maintain their lawn.

One of the UK’s biggest artificial grass is showcasing its work at the Landscape Show 2015. iGrass is an exclusive range of artificial grass for landscape gardeners and trade customers only and includes seven products within their portfolio – Insignia, Ibiza, Architect, Image, Putting Green, Invictus, recently launched for 2015 and a variety of vibrant colours in the Fun range. All products within the range offer a variety of shades, pile heights, appearance and soft textures and offer a natural and stylish way of brightening any garden or landscaping project. iGrass synthetic turf is easy to work with and of the highest quality, with high grade yarns specifically designed to deliver excellent durability levels and pioneering technology that gives the yarn the ability to bounce back. As well as a vast range of products, the brand also offers technical trade support and training courses for landscapers looking to gain more knowledge on installing artificial grass for their projects. Visit us on stand F7 to find out more about what iGrass has to offer and to discover more about the new products and special show offers available. Prices for iGRASS range from £9.99 to £19.99 plus VAT including free delivery, subject to terms and conditions. For more info and the latest trade offers or to order a free sample, visit or call 08000 844 339.

The Landscaper | Issue 198 | August 2015

37 33

Landscape Irrigation Systems Lawn Watering • Basket and Planter Watering Border Drip • Control Systems • Trees & Hedges Talk to the experts for free advice and specifications.

Supply only, supply and install or training for on-site installers.

Access Irrigation Ltd, Crick, Northampton, NN6 7XS

01788 823811


Irrigation & Sprayers

Drip feeding A system that saves water and money. By Matthew Pearce. Drip irrigation systems are designed for use in large

lines on larger beds would be spaced at approximately

scale horticulture and agriculture, where the cost of

0.5m apart across the bed. For smaller planters the drip

water; or the scarcity of water precludes sprinkler

irrigation system will need to be designed to bring water

systems. In landscape projects, drip irrigation

to each individual planter - generally using micro-bore drip

systems are normally designed where the project

pipe and drippers. Ideally on landscape projects the supply

requires very unobtrusive watering, such as public

pipes for the drip irrigation system would be installed

spaces, or the planting is incorporated in hard-to-

during the initial build process to ensure all of the supply

reach planters or troughs. A drip irrigation system designed for field scale crops will generally use either a buried drip tape with a relatively thin wall disposable drip tape under crops of 1-3 seasons duration; or a thicker walled drip pipe either on the surface or sub-surface for longer duration crops such as vines or

“For agricultural projects water can be taken from rivers, storage ponds or rainwater catchment areas such as farm buildings�

orchards. Sub surface drip systems are more economical in terms of water efficiency, but can be more prone to accidental damage. The design of the drip irrigation system

pipework is hidden away. To design a drip irrigation system a plan of the site is

needs to take into account the pressure losses in the

required along with information on the available water

pipework on long runs and also the topography of the field

supply. For agricultural projects water can be taken from

- sloping or undulating sites may need non-leakage design

rivers, storage ponds or rainwater catchment areas such

drippers to prevent water from leaking from the low points

as farm buildings. For landscape projects mains water is

once the system has been turned off.

generally used but water regulations generally require

For landscape drip irrigation designs, thick walled drip

break tanks for back-flow prevention. The drip irrigation

lines would generally be used to water border areas - either

system can then be designed and pipe work sizes and

pegged to the surface of buried under a mulch. Drip lines

quantities calculated.

in a landscape setting are more prone to damage from maintenance staff, so a thick walled pipe is essential. Drip

Matthew Pearce is Managing Director Access Irrigation

The Landscaper | Issue 198 | August 2015

39 33

Irrigation & Sprayers

Discounts for landscapers! City Irrigation have a trade counter in

related equipment. They satock product

SE London and a

from Philmac, Plasson,

comprehensive web

Polypipe, Orbit, Antelco,

site. Landscapers can

Hunter, Hozelock, Gardena,

register on line to receive

Leaky pipe, Rainbird,

attractive trade rates.

Irritrol, Toro, Claber,

City Irrigation’s

Netafim, Holman, Geka

products include Drip

and most other Irrigation

irrigation, driplines,


drippers, sprinklers,

They also have a

microsprinklers, pop up

Landscape Supplies

sprinklers, mini sprinklers,

section offering

Tap timers, irrigation

Composts, Fertilisers and

controllers, solenoid valves, solenoid valve manifolds,

Horticultural sundries. This includes Wolf Garden Tools,

skid sprinklers, hose, hose fittings, tap fittings, hose

Ground cover, Grass seed, and salt which are available

reels, hose trolleys, pumps, tanks, and most irrigation from this site:  w


Irrigation & Sprayers

New irrigation system system so we will use it for all the pipe work as well. “Other trenchers we considered are too big for what we want but the AFT 45 with the Wizz wheel are the perfect size for accessibility and maneuverability which is key for us. The machine isn’t too big or heavy so we can get out on the course even when the ground is a bit soft. “In comparison to the other machines available it was definitely the one for us.” The machines were supplied through

Steve Lloyd Head Greenkeeper at Worcestershire GC

TH White – who Steven The AFT Trenchers 45 and AFT Wizz Wheel are set to

has been dealing with for the last ten years – with their follow

install a full drainage scheme in the 96-year-old greens

up support and highly commended service.

at Worcestershire Golf Club, as well as playing a vital part in the installation of a new irrigation system. It is the primary task of Steven Lloyd, who took over his current role as course manager in October last year, to

The work is planned to start at the beginning of October once the golf season has passed with minimum disruption expected whilst the work on the greens takes place. This will be an historic moment,” explains Steven “These will

address the issue of drainage and find a solution to flooding

be the first drains installed in three of the greens since they

which had closed five greens for four months the previous

were built in 1920.

winter. His experience dealing with drainage issues at his former club will stand him in good stead. Mindful of the tradition and history of the club, Steve is determined to protect the integrity of the course during

“All of our greens are clay push up Mackenzie greens so they’ve got big contours and no assisted drainage in them at all,” he said. “The initial plan for this autumn is to lift the turf and dig

any major works. So Steve knew straight away the AFT

the trenches to put 100mm drainage pipes in. This way we

machines were the ideal choice for the task as they had

will have effective drainage in place on all our greens before

been used by a contractor on his previous course and had

the winter.

impressed him then. He said: “It’s the versatility of the machines that I like. We will use both attachments so we can do five inch wide

“We also have the longer-term plan of installing new irrigation around the course and these machines will be a vital part of that process.”

trenches or 50mm slits with it, so it covers everything that we want. “In the long term we are planning to install a new irrigation

 w

The Landscaper | Issue 198 | August 2015

41 33


Mission to Vanuatu New apprenticeships Support from Chorley-

witnessing first-hand the

Vanuatu, and we are hoping

Employers inservices the arboriculture, forestry, based green flooding horticulture after Cycloneand Pam

power lines and causing

Arborist of typhoon aftermath

we can send more volunteers

landscape industries partthrough in a survey comment provider Glendale hashave takentore the to island at the

When asked they agreed with theout content of the different Haiyan in theifPhilippines and extend our timeparts

on the new apprenticeship standards developed under the enabled a humanitarian weekend, killing 11 people

of 2013. the standard, respondents overwhelmingly positive with in He is travelling to were there. However, we rely on

‘Trailblazer’ programme. response charity to

approvalalongside rates of between 82% andfunding 97%. and donations to Vanuatu his DART

and leaving at least 3,300

Trailblazers result of a 2012 Government homeless. deploy a teamwere of developed as aothers

53% of respondents were small or medium sized businesses be able to keep carrying out colleague, Andy Macpherson.

review which found that there were key areas ofand the Stein Glendale arborists to Vanuatu,

(SME’s) their responses were not significantly different to Mikeand Metcalfe, this work.”

apprenticeship whereProducts substantial improvements Limited have after the Southprogramme Pacific

those of larger businesses. operations manager for

could be made. island was left devastated

ForestInternational Operative UK, said: DART

funded the cost of the trip

Terry Doyle, regional director for Glendale in

Representatives by Bartlett Tree Experts, supplied equipment, by Cyclone Pam.from industry, led and

When asked they content the different “Cyclone Pamif is oneagreed of thewith thethe southofwest, added: parts

developed the standards which listsuch the key competencies, skills, Skilled arboriculture as chainsaws and ropes,

of the storms standard, overwhelmingly positive worst to respondents hit the southwere “As a leading provider of with

knowledgefrom and behaviours required apprentices in the specialists DART to by allow the charity to carry

approval rates between 74% andarboriculture 94%. Pacifi c and theof situation out services in the

followingArboriculture occupations: (Disaster

63% ofisrespondents were SME’s, with beingunderstands Microthere incredibly serious. UK48% Glendale

out its work.

• Arborist Team) International Response • Forest Operative UK will spend three weeks

Glendale has provided ongoing support to the

Enterprises. group in support of all parts of the Aid agenciesThis have said was the strongly that in any situation, having standard. are among the conditions

trained and experienced

• Horticulture/Landscape in Vanuatu clearing fallenOperativecharity, including donations,

Horticulture/Landscape Operative and Horticulture/ most challenging they have specialists on hand to help

• Horticulture/Landscape Supervisor. timber which is preventing sponsorship, IT and

Landscape Supervisor ever faced, but our work

These standards food went out to consultation May and vital aid, including marketinginsupport.

These two standards were endorsed by the respondents. should enable them to getbroadly so when disaster strikes.”

responses extremely with 293 completed and shelterwere supplies, from encouraging, Glendale arborist Gary

There was somesupplies debate to over the average duration of the the much-needed Donations to support

surveys being across all four standards. reaching somereturned of the worstBailey helpedCollectively, to set up

apprenticeship, which now beingcontinuation carefully considered by the the affected areas, andisin of the project

theected respondents of employees aff areas. employ tens of thousands DART International UK,and

industry representatives. Otherwise approval rates particular the more remote can be made via:were between

hundreds of apprentices, so gathering their feedback was critical The United Nations reports which works to help make

77% and 92%.of the capital. areas outside

in order to ensure standards fit forsafe purpose. that thousands of the fallen trees aretrees in disaster zones

“There is no shortage of

is important, but even more

 Text TDSXD04 £5 to 70070

nationals to micro-enterprises, commented on the standards,

Remove stumbling blocks

reflecting the nature of our sector. The industry representatives

A British built range of tree stump grinder and forestry claw

looked at all comments provided and were hugely impressed

attachments enables contractors to get the best tool for the

by how many detailed and constructive thoughts they have

job using existing kit.

Businesses from thedowning full spectrum of the industries, are blocking roads, across the world,from aftermulti-

essential work to be done in


With over 30 years’ experience, Yorkshire based Cardley-

received. A summary of responses is below:

Bingham has a history of engineering specialist hydraulic cutting

Glendale arborist Gary Bailey (second from left) is part of the DART Internatiinal UK management team (pictured). Mike Metcalfe is third from left










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Feature attachments that are always built to last. Having designed and manufactured cutting components for drilling, mining and cutting on land and sub-sea across the world, Cardley-Bingham has credible conviction for making things that continue to deliver in terms of performance in some of the toughest conditions and environments. If you can dig you can stump grind. This means if your minidigger, excavator or skid-steer has an oil flow from just 27 litres and weighs 1.5 tonnes or more you have the ability to stump grind without spending an excessive amount of money on a stand-alone unit. Cardley-Bingham provide a range of quality small, medium and larger sized stump grinders as well as forestry claw attachments optimised to your host vehicle – call 01977 620 517 or visit www.cardley-bingham.ciom to find out more.

Tree health Barcham Trees is now offering an on-site service to test the health of young and newly planted tree stock. The Arborcheck Nursery Benchmark System was developed

Laboratories and measured by Hansatech’s chlorophyll fluorescence measuring systems. The Arborcheck system measures chlorophyll fluorescence emissions from the leaves of a tree and compares the measured values with the benchmarks for the same genus, species or cultivar of trees tested at Barcham during recent years as part of the nursery’s intensive tree health and biosecurity programme. The service is being coordinated by Barcham’s Tom Wilson (pictured) and provides tree care professionals with

by Hansatech Industries Ltd and the Cambridgeshire nursery,

an independent standard and an early warning system long

and is based on data relating to tree health accumulated

before visual signs of ill health are noticed, allowing remedial

independently at Barcham by Bartlett Tree Research

action to be taken. “Chlorophyll fluorescence is an indication of the fate of excitation in the leaf photosynthetic apparatus, and provides a rapid, non-invasive and non-destructive diagnostic system of detecting and quantifying physiological injury in leaves in numerous stress conditions such as low temperature, salinity and water”, says Tom.

Improved productivity The Toro STX stump grinder range offers reliable performance day-in, day-out – clearing tree stumps in minutes with minimal effort. The Toro Dingo  TX-style control system has two simple levers that are simple to master and use. These easy-touse controls combined with tracks and transport speeds exceeding 4 mph offer maximum productivity. In the latest models, the Intelli-Sweep feature automatically slows the sweep speed of the cutting head based on the load of the wheel, so heavy cutting loads won’t bog down the engine. The tracks travel easily over muddy areas, and the low centre of gravity adds side hill stability for access to any job, in any condition. In addition, the hydraulically driven head means no chance of expensive belts breaking or slipping, no adjusting tension - guaranteeing optimal performance time after time.

 01279 603020 



Free professional Investment for a lifetime network

Reclaimed York stone paving has a classic character

that is unique and sets it apart from any other stone. York stone has for opportunity hundreds oftoyears Stonemarket offbeen ers a quarried the enter

natural stones and

landscape. It is available in

and is proven to withstand heavy traffic and harsh comprehensive range of into foot Stonemarket’s ‘Best

modern polished concrete.

three or four size project

weather conditions. landscaping materials

Landscape Competition’. Last

The new range additions

packs, each containing

Alla the York stone paving hasLandscape been cleaned, and freereclaimed professional year PWP of Leeds

for 2015 demonstrate its

the appropriate amount of

squared and hand selected to ensure each and everyfor network for landscapers. won the competition

ongoing commitment to

narrow jointing compound.

piece perfect usable condition. It can be considered an Thein Stonemarket their garden transformation

providing the very best

An exciting addition to

investment Network for a lifetime up in Landscaper (SLN)as is it is progressively using superior,going indigenous

landscaping materials.

Stonemarket’s Reconstituted

and will of never need replacing. avalue UK directory landscapers natural stones.

Stonemarket’s Vitrified

Stone range, Excelsior, is

paving is a highly reliable,

a modern polished flag,

Cathedral paving paving It’s free toQuality join andReclaimed York rangestone of design-led

low maintenance product

complete with a clean,

Cathedral quality reclaimed paving is 2-3 which inchesare thick, with off ers a range of benefi ts products loved

which is perfect for use both

smooth texture for a truly

smooth riven It on is ideal interior or exterior use. including a freefaces. listing the forby landscapers, garden

outdoors and in, allowing

contemporary look. With

The paving iswebsite, carefullysales selected,designers with onlyand the homeowners smoothest Stonemarket

a seamless transition from

three colours and sizes to

of faces being placed onand the pallet. of this paving has leads, a rewards scheme alike,Some including British

the home into the garden

choose from, every project

been reclaimed from Cathedrals and mixed in with other

for driveways with regular heavy traffic. All the mill flags are oil

cathedral grade paving flags.

free and have nice smooth faces.

affiliated with Stonemarket.

Stonemarket offers a

All of the reclaimed paving can be viewed in York stone



Reclaimed York stone Paving – street grade

Supplies yard in Cranleigh, Surrey before purchase. They

The street grade quality reclaimed York stone flags are

will also send out small samples of the reclaimed stone free

full of character and would compliment any paving or

of charge.

garden project. This York stone paving is around 2-4 inches

 01483 275 019  w

Leading supplier of genuine Yorkstone

in thickness and nicely weathered on the face. All street grade paving has been reclaimed from high streets and

Reclaimed York stone Flags mixed grade

Deco-Pak upping game

York stone paving is light buff to dark grey in colour and

Decorative aggregate specialist Deco-Pak will return to

partially weathered. These flags may also have been

Glee 2015 with a wealth of new products.

back streets of Yorkshire. This paving stone is reclaimed and thickness is approximate, the surface is a mix of smooth and riven textures.

sandblasted to take any excess dirt off the York stone paving.

The company’s Chelsea Garden Range of horticultural

The reclaimed York stone flags are cleaned, and ready to be

aggregates will continue to take centre stage at Glee later this

laid and sealed. This particular paving is between 1-3 inches

year, including a new look packaging design, and exciting

in thickness but can be sorted through to select thinner flags

merchandising stand updates including a selection of

for indoor use – between 1-2 inches thick at an extra cost. The

inspirational displays. Visitors will also be able to see how the

products appear out of the packet within four unique show Contact us

mixed grade York stone paving is a mix of buff and grey tones.

gardens inspired by the company’s involvement in supplying

Telephone: 01483 for an award winning garden at the RHS Hampton Reclaimed Rustic Mill stone Flags 275 019 Email:products Court Show this year. Mill stone flags or Mill flags areWeb: a York stone product that was produced for the old mills and factories. These particular York

New products on the cards for Deco-Pak this year include

Cranleigh, Surrey eastern water features to compliment its existing Tidal water stone flags tend to be around 4-6 inches inBased thickness –in perfect 46 44

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15/07/2015 09:05











Narrow Access no problem. Cost effective solution for moving large or bulky items across uneven ground. Easy to Operate & Easy to Load. Hydraulic (400) manual (350) tipping that empties the body quickly and effortlessly. In fact, anyone that needs to move heavy equipment or supplies across uneven and boggy ground or safely up a steep incline.

The Causeway, Great Horkesley, Colchester, Essex CO6 4EJ. United Kingdom

Moss Road, Kearsley, Bolton, Lancashire BL4 8NE. United Kingdom

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Feature features range. New stone features will also be added to provide further product range diversity for retailers, whilst the Garden Bazaar range of decorative birdhouses and feeders will also receive new additions to the range, as well as new displays that showcase the full collection of handcrafted houses and feeders. Other highlights on Deco-Pak’s Glee stand this year will be new conceptual merchandise stands for paving, gravels, water features and the Easy Build range, all aimed primarily at

Taking the lead in managing the scheme, Craig will be

offering consumers inspiration and easier decision making at

developing the way it operates and collating feedback from

point of purchase.

current members to maximise support for installers. Craig

 w

will also uphold Natural Paving Products’ strict merchant only policy (M.O.P) by strengthening the relationships between

On side with installers

members of the ALP scheme and merchants as well as building new ones.

Recognising the outstanding work of its approved installers and in an effort to provide even more practical support, Natural Paving Products has employed Craig Brook, a time-served hard landscaping professional, as its Installer Support Manager. Bringing with him more than 23 years of experience, Craig will be the main point of contact for members of Natural Paving Products’ Approved Landscaping Professionals (ALP) scheme and a valuable resource of product and installation knowledge.

Sealer and sand joint hardener Natural Paving Products have added an an easy-to-use dual-purpose sealer and sand joint stabiliser to their range. Pavetuf Sand Crete is a sealer and also a sand joint hardener that helps to prevent sand loss between paving and weed growth. With protection lasting between two and five years, depending on exposure and traffic, it offers robust and durable protection with a low-sheen finish. As a water-based formula, Pavetuf Sand Crete is extremely easy to apply and requires no additional mixing or diluting. Sealing sand between joints will ensure that sand isn’t washed


away during routine cleaning and adverse weather. A single five-litre bottle will cover an area of 10m2 with two coats and once treated, paving can be ready to walk on after five hours and drive upon after 24 hours. A handy video showing a complete step-by-step guide on how to use Pavetuf Sand Crete is available on the Natural Paving Products and dedicated Pavetuf websites, as well as information on the rest of the range. Malcolm Gough, Business Development Director at Natural Paving Products, told The Landscaper,”The new Pavetuf Sand Crete is a great new addition to our comprehensive Pavetuf


range. At Natural Paving Products we have a huge amount of experience in looking after natural stone and we’ve put all that knowledge into the development of our installation, care and maintenance products. Designed for both professional installers and DIYers the new Pavetuf Sand Crete is extremely easy to use and produces solid results in a matter of hours.” For more information or to watch the ‘How To’ video, please or visit the dedicated Pavetuf

01189 869 253



MICROPLANT 08703 210256 / 07850 210256 E-mail: Website:

Fencing , Landscaping, Paddock Maintenance & Forestry Machinery

Hydraulic post driver—either centre mounted or offset behind tractor. Also available mounted on Weidemann loader

Mini Tractors Mini Loaders Skidsters Mini Diggers Post Hole Borers Hyd’ Post Drivers Trenchers Rotavators Stoneburiers Power Rakes Harrows Mowers Logsplitters Firewood Processors Etc.


Family business Originally cultivated in the Ottoman Empire (present-day Turkey), tulips were imported into Holland in the sixteenth century. As the Dutch Golden Age grew, so did this curvaceous and colourful flower. In the mid-seventeenth century, tulips were so popular that they created the first economic bubble, known as “Tulip Mania� (tulipomania). As people bought up bulbs they became so expensive that they were used as money until the market in them crashed. The weather in Holland is suited to tulip growing, with cool springs just as they begin to bloom. The soil in the polders is always being drained, making it perfect for tulip bulbs that like well-drained but moist soils. There are so many types of tulip varieties, that the Dutch Horticultural society has grouped them into several groups, with differing species within those groups. From mid-March to the end of May the tulips transform large parts of Holland into a colourful patchwork. So when you go to Holland in April to see the tulips bloom, no matter where you look, the fields will be different and no doubt gorgeously colourful. The vibrant blues, reds, pinks and yellows sprawl as far as the eye can see in Lisse, western Netherlands, where farmers hope to make huge profits selling them to florists and


Horticulture supermarkets around the world. A family business established in 1933 J. Parker Dutch Bulbs (Wholesale) Ltd, is one of the leading plant and bulb companies in the UK. They share a genuine enthusiasm for gardening with all their customers and are fully committed to providing the best available products at the best available prices. J. Parker Dutch Bulbs (Wholesale) Ltd was founded in Manchester in 1933 during the depression. The founding Mr. Duiker came from three generations of bulb growers and exporters in Holland. Since then they have prospered into one of the largest UK mail order horticultural companies, which is

of placing an order. The Wholesale Company offers bulk or semi-bulk quantities to traders and landscapers All wholesale bulb orders are despatched within 14-21 days.

 0161 848 1124 

Looking for herbaceous plants

solely owned and managed by the original family, (See picture

W Godfrey offer a cash and carry service for garden

Chris Duiker-Parker (left) and Paul Duiker-Parker father and son)

designers and landscapers looking for a wide range of

all of whom share a genuine enthusiasm for gardening with all

Herbaceous perennials, as well as a range of ferns, grasses

their customers and are fully committed to providing the best

and alpines. They are situated a short distance from Junction

available products at the best available prices.

3 of the M3, in the famous Chobham Nursery District.

Their success is based on supplying quality goods at down

They propagate the majority of the stock in-house, from

to earth prices and an effective IT and Despatch Organisation,

seed, cuttings, and division. All plants are potted and grown

which delivers an efficient service to their customers.

on site.

The website has been designed to provide a fantastic range

W Godfrey’s are always expanding their range, and produce

of plants, bulbs and shrubs, with a simple and secure ordering

stunners such as Eucomis pole-evansii or Coreopteris tripteris

system. Each product online comes with detailed product

which are not more widely used.

information and cultural instructions You can also use the website to obtain a quote in advance

They certainly do not ignore the top sellers such as Erigeron karvinskianus or Anemone ‘Honorine Jobert’, which are so

Wildflowers Best products, Best advice. Germinal offers a variety of native and non-native wildflower mixtures suiting very situation. We have expert knowledge and will advise on the the correct mixture for you and where to use it. We can also tailor our seed products for you through our bespoke mixtures. You can download a comprehensive wildflower maintenance manual on our website.


Horticulture popular year after year.

solution for a dry front pavement border.

They are committed to

The result is a fantastic looking frontage that complements

training and to advancing

the period property (pictured opposite).

growing as a rewarding

Keeping her planting scheme quite simple, Alice chose

career and at present

four plant varieties – flowering thymes, sea thrift (Armeria

employ three Apprentices,

maritima), sedums and houseleeks (sempervivum),

training in conjunction with

Rainbow Plants are garden plants wholesaler to garden

Sparsholt College.

centres and landscapers. As a nursery wholesaler they have

To check out the current

been on their current site in East Devon for some twenty years.

plant availability

It is situated on the outskirts of Ottery St Mary, only 15


minutes from the M5 and 5 minutes from the A30 trunk road.

 01404 814847, 

Tel: 01276 471757, Fax: 01276 425271. Providing that you are in the trade, they have no other formalities, and no minimum order.

Pavement art garden design Designer Alice Meacham chose to incorporate plants from Rainbow Plants into her recent commission, Pavement Art.



Page 1

Alice was tasked by her client to create a low maintenance


ALB Plants has arrived...

Get geared up: with our largest range of maintenance horticultural tools, grounds ement parts equipment & mower replac FREE





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Cylinder Mower Parts


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Fieldgrove Nurseries Hammersley Lane, Tylers Green, High Wycombe HP10 8HF 01494 817097 The Landscaper | Issue 198 | August 2015

53 33

W. Godfrey & Sons Ltd Wholesale Herbaceous Growers We grow and supply herbaceous plants and related groups to the landscape and plant centre trade



CALL (01276) 471757



Key to products

Sussex A Climbers B Shrubs C Conifers D Heathers E Bamboos F Patio plants To advertise G Trees J Hedges K Liners L Cash & carry M Nationwide N Water plants O Herbaceous P Herbs Q Hostas R Perennials S Ferns call Matthew on T Roses U Soft fruit V Alpines W Buxus X Tree ferns Y Palms & tropical Z Hanging gardens (020) 8891 4850


FOUR OAKS Cash & Carry

07940 155 157

‘One Stop Shop’

Middlesex Lancashire Nursery Stock Buckinghamshire for Plants & Sundries


to the landscape WHOLESALE industry

Young Plants of Bedding & Basket Plants Alpines & Perennials - Trees & Shrubs Mediterranean Plants - Specimens Hardy nursery stock, Range hedging of Sundries

Tel: 01386 750585 - Fax: 01386 750197 or Email:

Bulbs, Plants, sceams hp e&r vciar er rnys ABCDEGJLMNOPQRSTWXY Shrubs, Tel: 01477 571797 Fax: 01477 571314 Email: RosesSurrey

Italian specimens, topiary

Catalogue on request & on-line Retail centre also on site Lower Withington, Cheshire SK11 9DX

Tel 01707 261 370 Fax 01707 262 847

Crown Lane, Farnham Royal, Nr Slough, Bucks SL2 3SF Tel 01753 643108 Fax 01753 646818


Court Gate Nursery, Eckington, Pershore, Worcestershire

Plants, turf, topsoil, mulch and mushroom compost Te l e p h o n e : 0 2 0 8 8 9 8 7 1 31 Fa x : 0 2 0 8 7 5 5 1 9 0 8


ABCDEFGJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Worcestershire Cheshire Sussex J PARKER W.Godfrey DUTCH BULBS& Sons Ltd ABCEFGJLOPQRSWY 14/16 Hadfield Street, Old Trafford Supplied nationally – lawn edging, Wholesale Herbaceous Growers Manchester M16 9FG Established over 25 years KentOAKS FOUR Saxon Plantsrailing planters and more. Tel: 0161 848 1124 Suppliers of: We grow and supply herbaceous Surrey Specialist growers of quality Fax: 0161 877 0602 Cash & Carry B r i d g e Fa r m N u r s e r y, H o s p i t a l B r i d g e Rd , Whitton, TW2 6LH

plants and related groups to the Email: A B C D E G landscape J M O Q R S and T UW plant centre trade


Young Plants of Bedding & Basket Plants Alpines & Perennials - Trees & Shrubs Mediterranean Plants - Specimens Range of Sundries

Nationwide to local 01630 673860 HEDGING Saxon Nursery, Hankham, PLANTS, Pevensey, East Sussex BN24 5AP ORNAMENTAL WHOLESALE PLANTS 01323 763355 CONIFERS &ATel: TREES, B C D E F G J K LO P Q R S TFOR V W X Y ZUK DISTRIBUTION SHRUBS We grow and supply herbaceous & HEATHERS CALL (01276)plants 471757 and related groups to the TEL. 0845 6522789

Wholesale Herbaceous Growers

FARLOW FARM NURSERY landscape and plant centre trade ORETON, CLEOBURY MORTIMER,

Catalogue on request & on-line Lower Withington, Cheshire SK11 9DX

Tel: 01477 571797 Fax: 01477 571314 Email: ABCDEFGJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ For all your plants


EVERGREEN hardy / plants with service to match

W.Godfrey & TRADITIONAL Sons Ltd From online ordering to and carry

‘One Stop Shop’ for Plants & Sundries

Fax: 01276 855055

Chobham, Woking, Surrey GU24 8TS

Tel 01707 261 370 Fax 01707 262 847

Live availability & discounted Woodcock Lane, on-line orders Chobham, Woking, ABCDEGJLMNOPQRSTWXY phone: 01233 813340 Surrey GU24 8TS e:


Nationwide Tel: 01276 855855 Fax: 01276 855055

web: email:

   



nurSErY You need it? We’ve got it... Instant Screening Solutions • Weed control fabrics Rootballed Hedging & Trees • Windbreak netting • Bamboo canes • Ornamental barkTree & Shrub SpecialiSTS


email: Do you supply A B C D with E G J L M O S T W X Y landscapers AABCDEGJLMOSTWXY BCDEGJLMOSTWX Y nursery stock? If so, call this number: 020 82538377


(Agents for Growers Internationally)

ALL PLANTS SUPPLIED FOR: Nursery Stock KIDDERMINSTER, WORCS, DY14 0TZ 01276 471757 WHOLESALE/RETAIL OUTLETS E-mail: The award-winning nursery LANDSCAPERS, DESIGNERS to the landscape Website: PLANTS LIMITED Email: DEVELOPERS/BUILDERS industry LOCAL AUTHORITIES TEL/FAX: (01746) 718688 Tel: 01276 855855 Woodcock Lane, Scotland

nATIOnWIDE DELIVErY Tel: 01592 772274

Tel: 01949 20445 Fax: 01949 21154

CGJ Mathias & Son 01386 750585 (Nurseries) AMENITY SALES

e-mail: web:

Hedging Conifers and Laurels Farnham, Surrey


All your plants... All from one place... All from Coblands Email:

D&R Simmons Ltd

Suppliers of all types of flower bulbs, nursery stock & Christmas trees

Tel: 01775 723320 Fax: 01775 760451 SPRING FLOWERING BULBS


Amenity Sales: 01732 770999 01252 714552English Hedging is a family run company

specialising in production, sales, delivery and installation of instant evergreen hedging at competitive pricing.

To advertise call Matthew on (020) 8891 4850 07940 155 157

Otterhill Farm, Rowtown, Addlestone, Surrey KT15 1HD

Mobile: 07552 392 339|Office: 01932 854 135

45 Market Way, Pinchbeck, Spalding, Lincs, PE11 3PE.


(Established 1951)

45 Market Way, Pinchbeck, Spalding, Lincolnshire PE11 3PE Tel: 01775 723320 / 766028 Fax: 01775 760451 / 714970 e-mail:

Autumn 2013 Price List

Suppliers of Bulbs Nursery Stock and Christmas Trees

The Landscaper | Issue 198 | August 2015

55 33

Plantseeker Artificial Grass

Landscape Supplies

Farm Forestry Co All Landscape & Forestry Supplies

01244 289 182


Spirals / Canes Shelters / Stakes Quality Trees & Shrubs Grass Reinforcement & Protection Mesh Plastic Pavers Plastic Deer Fencing New Oak Sleepers

Machinery Sprayers, Trailers, Water Units, Lawn Care, Leaf Sweepers & Suckers... & Much More!

01473 328272 or visit



Tel: 01588 650496 Fax: 01588 650631

Lawn Edging Tel: 01260 223273 R Bethell (Plant Hire Services For Landscape Clearance)

Erosion Control Seeding

The UK’s leading specialist seeding contractor



(01954) 232350

Swimming Ponds




E: T: 07792705832 Office: 01952 590604

ToSMALL advertise packages call Matthew on (020) 8891 4850 07940 155 157 x 50mm height

Sportsturf Machinery

Pedestrian stump grinders Tunnissen products Blue Chip Chippas Beau products Full technical support & after sales service

Specialised Landscaping and Turfcare Equipment

Visit Heftee ad 50x35 01.qxd:Layout 1 or call 01778 346222

ServiceDANequip’s Lifts

stump grinders have the advantage of narrow SERVICE LIFTS access down to 28”


Swimming pond design and / or Construction 020 7183 3333

We provide land clearance service R Bethell (Plant Hire Services Landscape Clearance) using excavators with For attachments of land rakes: forClearance removalService of hedges, shrubs, We provide Land with Excavators bush, scrub, weeds, grass removal, topsoil with attachments of Land Rakes for removal of Hedges, works, soil scrub, preparation for removal, seeding plant shrubs, bush, weeds, grass toporsoil works, beds, clean out water ditches. We remove soil preparation for seeding or plant beds, clean out scrub and bush around lakes, pools, water ditches. Remove bush around lakes, ditches, farm land, scrub openand ground. We also pools,flower ditches, beds farm land, open ground, rake excavate flower Beds rake & planting areas, & planting areasditches, and excavate Pools, lakes, pools, lakes, drainage andditch new water pipedrainage, feeds. new water pipe feeds. excavation, And also for Hire with operator Forestry 07792 705832 Mulcher fitted to a Bobcat for site clearance works on all types New sites, golf courses, open fields, forestry, landscape gardeners, major landscape companies. We undertake all sizes of commercial and domestic jobs throughout UK.


08450 773 773

Stump Grinders UKLTD T: 01420 476248

Narrow Access Stump Grinders 0% Finance Available

Tel: 01420 474600

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Arboriculture 0845 604 6080 The only charge for this call will be your phone company’s access charge

Mole Catchers

The best mole trap in the world? Why not find out for yourself? • • • •


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Sole UK agents for Pezzolato/ Arbor Eater chippers, Piranha green waste shredders/ recycling machinery, log splitters, saw benches and firewood processors. Also service and parts for Eurogreen supplied machines. Tel: 01273 493180 Fax: 01273 491768

The HedgeMaster s Lightweight, stable and very strong s Guard rail around platform leaves both hands free s Aluminium – will not rust or corrode

The Perfect Platform for Hedgecutting

Send for FREE information pack:

01825 872256

To advertise call Matthew on (020) 8891 4850 07940 155 157

Grass cutter for sale SIT ON GRASS CUTTER

FULLY SERVICED & READY TO GO or call us on 01223 927216 Use code LAN14 for £2.50 off at checkout


The Landscaper | Issue 198 | August 2015

57 33

Landscape and Industrial Business Development Manager Everris UK & Ireland Turf & Amenity

About you We are looking for a high calibre individual to join our Turf and Amenity division in this exciting new Landscape and Industrial business development role covering the UK and Ireland. With exemplary technical and sales skills and a proven background within the Landscape, Industrial or Local Authority sector, the ideal candidate will demonstrate a robust knowledge and understanding of landscape and industrial products and practices including vegetation management, hard surface maintenance, landscaping and turf management. You will be highly-motivated and relish the opportunity to grow new business and deliver first-class customer support whilst also working as part of a team to develop new products and initiatives. As part of the role you will be responsible for working closely with industry bodies and associations in order to represent the Company and ensure opportunities and challenges are handled efficiently and effectively. You will be IT literate and have excellent interpersonal skills, engaging confidently and professionally with people in a range of environments in order to support new and existing relationships. Detailed knowledge of the Landscape and Industrial amenity sectors and an industry-recognised qualification, such as BASIS/FACTS and/or a HND/BSc in a relevant discipline, is preferable, as is a comprehensive understanding of the marketplace. There will be a requirement for flexible working and spending time away from home on occasion.

About us You will know our brands, but you might not realise the strength of the business behind them. Everris®, formerly known as Scotts, is an ICL Specialty Fertilizers Company, part of the ICL group that employs more than 11,500 people globally. We are world-leaders in the ornamental horticulture, turf and amenity, and specialty agricultural sectors. Our factories produce market-leading brands including Sierrablen, Greenmaster®, Levington and Osmocote® which are used and trusted by horticultural professionals around the world and we are a key partner to some of the worlds leading agrochemical manufacturers. Our team is passionate about optimising plant and turf performance. We are a customer-orientated organization and take great pride in the integrity and precision of our world-class product portfolios, and our commitment to research and development.

If you’re the person we’re looking for: We offer a substantial benefits package including: Competitive salary plus bonus Company car 26 days annual leave Contributory pension scheme Subsidised private medical and dental insurance Excellent development and career opportunities that come with being part of a global business To apply, please send a résumé and application letter to: Matthew Hart, Senior HR Manager, Everris Ltd, Boulby Mine, Loftus, Saltburn, Cleveland, TS13 4HP or email the same to



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24/07/2015 13:17

Established 1998, The Landscaper is the UK's No 1 industry magazine. WE ARE NOW LOOKING FOR TWO MORE SALES ASSOCIATES. Working from home the successful applicants will be selling advertising space and marketing our digital links. We are looking for people with media experience and an understanding of landscaping and horticulture. The magazine and the digital applications are highly successful and showing YOY revenue increases across all revenue streams. We offer very flexible working arrangements and a generous commission structure which is paid on invoice. Full product training will be given and full marketing back up. Please send your CV to David Curtis Editor/Publisher or Tel 07780 967735 for an initial discussion. The Landscaper is published by Curtis Media Ltd


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