2 minute read
The Gardens
He has served on House and Social, Finance and Playing
Committees. In 1984 he was elected Club Captain, a position he carries out with great zeal balanced with humour.
As an Ex-serviceman, RA.AF., he has conducted annual golf days for the Ex-Servicemen's Association.
G. (GEORGE) NOTSON joined the Club in 1950.
During his membership, and particularly as a member of the
Course Committee, he did much to make the course the beautiful parkland it is today.
He spent twenty years on committee from 1952 to 1972, when he passed away on the 30th May, just a few short months prior to being admitted to Life Membership. George was one of the true stalwarts of the Club. J.W. (JIM) SUTHERLAND served on Committee for fourteen years from 1965 and made many splendid contributions. His guiding influence and untiring efforts raised the level of social activities in the Club. He will also be remembered for his generosity on Trade Days and for his ability to handle a difficult situation. He also showed great courage by continuing to play golf after an artificial hip operation. Whilst on committee he was chairman of the House and Social as well as serving on Planning and Election. He was elected to the office of a Vice President in 1973, a position he held with great dignity until he retire<;l. from Committee in 1978. RA. (BOB) WICKENS joined the Club in 1951. He was elected to Committee in 1964 and was honorary treasurer from 1966to1968, when he became a Vice President of the Club. He was Club Captain from 1969 to 1978 and was elected to Life Membership on the 25th September 1978. Bob made an invaluable contribution to the playing sphere of our Club, his leadership and happy disposition, created an atmosphere at the evening presentations which "were something to behold". Gone are the days of the Wickens era, but never the memories of those delightful evenings. RF. (REG) WILKINS joined the Club in 1960. He was first elected to Committee in 1969. During his fourteen In 1981 John Ferris defeated Jack Clarke in the final of the Seniors' Championship. As well as being an outstanding commitee member and honorary solicitor of the Club, John played in several Club Championship finals with distinction.
A great source of encouragement to new golfers is the Tyro Trphy instigated by Life Member Vic Kendall. Played for by C graders who have not won a trophy before. In 1977 the winner was Stephen Patrick.