Hungarian Motherland

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-The structure of society.

The structure of society can be broken down into the following elements: conception, lust for life, the joy of play, boredom, seduction, deciding between good and bad, the thrill of cheating, groping, self-pity, longing for mother-family-father, marriage/wife, husband, child/ ,death.

The social structure of life is similar to that of the Dutchman: where it begins, there is an end, the beginning predicts the end and the end anticipates the beginning. This process relies on three main pillars:

Beginning-Middle-End; everything has a beginning, middle and end. The beginning is preceded by the end, the middle is preceded by the beginning, the end is preceded by the middle. The beginning also has an end, after which comes the beginning, after which comes the middle and then the end. The middle also has an end. it has a beginning, after which comes the end, and then the beginning of the end. It has a beginning, a middle, and an end, which is the beginning.

The bollgó encompasses Hollander rings; these are the annual rings, they represent the values already mentioned above.

If we look at it from the perspective of two people, then the rings point either to the right or to the left, there is no straight direction, only in the cylinder enclosed by the rings, which is the volume of space from which anything can be created.

This cylinder is the ombudsman's office, it can be neither right-wing nor left-wing. The ombudsman cannot represent the MAFIA system, so he does not communicate with the underworld.


- Life is from conception. A newborn must have the same rights as an adult. Moreover, adults must ensure that the newborn is judged in the same fair way as the adult. The adult society is built on the fact that the newborn one day he will grow up, and he will be old enough to rule the community of which he will become a member. The social network is meant to take care of the newborn who has just come into the world. He needs his own mother; who carried him for nine months under his heart; he needs his poor father, mother's milk, food, water, and health to grow up without problems and to be an integral part of society.

-2.- Lust for life.

- A person's desire to live comes from not wanting to die. The fear of death is nothing but the fear of not having enough time left for what we have planned, what we want to carry out. The fear of death motivates us to create; to found a family ,so that something and someone will survive and remember us. This is one of the characteristics of immortality. The desire to live has several integral parts; as well as careful upbringing in love, a life free of hatred, the gradual building of ambition, parental encouragement towards founding one's own family, gender a life free of violence in childhood, an integral part of this is education to play. Murder stems from the knowledge that we all know that we will die one day; because a person instinctively perceives this as being killed, by something, say a disease, - in addition, the Christian church teaches that "What God gave, God took away"; therefore, if God has such power and created man in his own image, man has the right to assume the role of God. He kills in order to feel like God and to make the members of the community feel this. He is angry because God takes back what he gave; the murderer takes what he did not give; and meanwhile he feels like God, the lord of life and death.


The game is the built-in reflex that prevents man, as an integral part of society, from perceiving the playfulness of people who are different from him as a game. , which is human civilization, the bridge. The bridge usually connects two parts of the city, one bridge main station is in one part of the city, the other bridge main station is in the other part of the city. Culture and civilization flow back and forth between the two. This makes a person human; no loud, not conceited, combative, egoistic, not self-righteous, puffed up.


- The joy is that a person can be happy even in the greatest poverty with the smallest gift, and this is that a person is master even in hell. he lives and moves, that he has a chance for life, for his family, he can meet strangers beforehand, so that a social network can be created that prevents him from, for example: committing suicide, having to live a life of crime, being a marginal element of society, having to beg he has to live alone on the open street for the daily snacks.


Boredom is the segment that is an independent point of view and also the focal point of society. Independent rule is the boredom in which the regime does not see the meaning of life, because the pillars of society are located too close, such as the window and the door. Boredom is the independent rule, in which the regiants are made to believe that everything is good as it is, that there is no need for change. This is not only temporary, nor is it suitable from the point of view of society; change is always necessary. An integral part of development is the incentive to change, from this is the change, which is the alternating series of energy-fallsit makes it possible. This must be done by urging thinking; a society that is built on constant change carries genius within itself.

-6.- Seduction.

- Treason as prostitution as a result of corruption.

-The oath of citizenship and the oath of office; go hand in hand with obligations. In both cases, the given individual or junior citizen must strive to comply with the context of the oath, it is formulated and formulated in what that man, and what he becomes. He will not have crooked tendencies, he will not become crooked, the man will not harm the woman in any way, and the woman will not harm the man. But if someone acts against the oath, then he is his enemy, and his official prostitution in society. Corruption, i.e. official corruption, tempts the official to live with the tools he wants, not with what the office reserves exclusively for the office.

Deciding between Good and Bad.

The State is built on dream citizens. If we break this one word into two halves, then we find a word like "citizen". The word citizen means that the community of those people who can be classified under the civil order must do much more for it in order to remain a human being. He must look forward and not back. The citizen is the leader in everything he believes in and what he must dedicate his life to, and that is the eternal well-being. The citizen is not punished and his actions are not forgiven and the consequences that can be derived from it. The citizen is very aware of what the World is. Yes, the "State" is built on citizens. The State must take care of the survival of the State, because the heads of state offices are all citizens. So they take care of themselves. If we can now call it that; a citizen, it means that it is worthy of its rank, because it takes care of others , for example: about people with a less fortunate fate, the needy, orphans, cancer patients, etc.

But the State has a murderous enemy, and that is the MAFIA.

If a person is not even willing to take the oath of citizenship, he moves at a rapid pace towards the MAFIA, the UNDERWORLD, and the criminal syndicates. The possibility of cheating.

Humans are socially expected to always live according to the Law, Law, and Truth. It is impossible not to comply with these, since these are the roots of the rules of socially expected human behavior. This is what makes a human being. But what if the world law is just that that there is no law, no one to punish those who act unjustly; no law to protect my interests; and no Truth to bring me justice?!?

All this happens when someone takes advantage of the opportunity to cheat and comes to power illegally. he comes to power with the help of Law, Power and Justice, but with its alter-ego, this is the MAFIA, the Underworld, the multitude of criminal syndicates; it is not necessary to expect him to be honest, to treat the people well and according to justice; the retroversion of this is true; he snarls, he doesn't care about anyone's order and ways, he is a demagogue, he incites wars and incites his enemies against himself, when he knows that he is always winning. -Death.

-Death is an integral part of life. Whoever is born dies. Life does not last forever, because man is not God, but his created creature, the dearest of them all. God does not let man be constantly suffer,

because he basically loves the human race. If man sinned somewhere against God, then it was the inculcation of the Seven Deadly Sins. Murder is a sin, especially if a man goes to war instead of loving his family and not killing each other death comes anyway, it is the order of Nature and Life. You should not hurry, because you will develop a suicidal tendency, social depression (as depicted in the movie HOLLÓ), life does not turn out for nothing. You have to go back Let me return to the fact that there is a Beginning, an End, and there is an intermediate stage, this is the Transition. Life is nothing but a temporary state, and whoever sins against God in this state will be damned. The Heaven-Hell-Purgatorium trinity the structure of his creed also depicts this. The beginning of life is birth, the end is death, the intermediate stage is of course Life. But life ends with death, there will never be any meaning to human existence, if the state of consciousness does not develop that Jesus Christ, the King of the Jews, redeemed us at the moment of his death. He turned the life of the human race from an extremely evil world into a benevolent one, and thus whoever believes in the will of God will not be damned or go to Hell, but will find refuge in Heaven from the wrath of Satan from those who hate Goodness and good.


The one who does not acknowledge that he has enemies is a talisman, and he is a talisman in that faith, or in leading a life filled with faith, in which perhaps he himself does not believe, or does not want to acknowledge that he is in power.m pays attention to the fact that the opponents of the defeated have become insidious enemies, he does not pay attention to the pitfalls of society, such as: the pitfalls associated with social ranks. The higher a state secretary is, the greater the possibility that the state secretary can become corrupt. On the other hand, if the society is not developed economically, then the economy lags behind in comparison to other countries. People begin to live worse socially, because they are in a worse financial situation, they become more open to Descartes' parables. The essence of economic development is that all the industries of the country keep the competition compared to other countries; definitely not with that. Constant development points forward and does not let the nation lose. Self-effort.

If a Religion, which is able to convince the whole world that it is worth believing in and respecting other Religions, is not Jewish at all, but lives its Faith according to what was taught in the Garden of Gethsomán, then it results in a World Economy and World Wealth that it finally provides Democracy, practically totalitarian prosperity for all those who produce, create and maintain it. If everyone thinks horizontally, they act accordingly. Thinking precedes action. "He who does not think, does not live", says the saying. It is true, since faith is also included in thinking, since man is alone, he must decide for himself, his own opponent, possibly his enemy, or his own he will become his friend, his ally. Everyone has two hemispheres of the brain; either one or the other is working, it depends on what the person is doing. So, in fact, somewhere he decides what will happen to him, since this also determines how, about what, what, when, why you will make decisions. So, 'actually', it is about us deciding when and what will happen to us, because we also determine what and when and with what solution formula using the parable of Jesus Christ; "He who is not with me is against me". This means that he who is not with Jesus Christ is against him. But what does Jesus Christ represent? Jesus Christ represents the Supreme Good, who we we ourselves are created in our nature, because God, who is fundamentally Good and not Evil, created us in his own image. We are the human race. There are no exceptions. Everyone is damned. There is Heaven, there is Hell. this life, or according to evil?!? He who thinks, lives." Ergo Summ Coda". , then we are not on the side of Goodness. Let everyone decide what they want from life, and that's how their Fate will turn out.


The three fundamental pillars of society are the mother, the father, and the family. The mother gives birth to her own child with her husband, and after the birth they are raised together. it can't be. Actually, the family is the child personally. The inherent part of life is taking care of the child, raising it until school age, enrolling it in school, and providing all the help until the child gets the high school diploma or diploma. The essence of this structure is , that while the child grows up, his

parents will grow old, and after a while the child will help his parents. When the child gets there to get married, the son introduces his bride and the girl her groom to their parents based on mutual respect. Thus a community is created that is bigger than a single family, and they form a social network. brothers. We must not forget that the highway is full of road accidents and the resulting deaths. In such cases, the orphans left at home must be placed in a family. This way, the structure of the family is more diverse.


The most natural phenomenon in the world is that if a man and a woman are in love with each other, they get married so that they don't have to live with anyone but the one they love the most in the world. The common fruit of their love is the child, which the woman in love gives birth to from the love of her husband in love. Marriage making love or falling in love is an integral part of it, as a result of which the fetus is conceived in the woman's womb. Generally, the fruit of their love is born after nine months; whether the little-baby-lett is a boy or a girl, the new-born must have a happy life, because love creates happiness. a pregnant mother must be cared for during the nine months, and she must never, under any circumstances, be abused either by words or actions! She cannot have cigarettes, alcohol, or drugs in her environment. The most beautiful thing about the joys of raising a child is that the baby that is being raised , one part from the father, another part from the mother; this is how it is created that is fulfilled in the childthe series of possibilities that were not realized in the parents' lives, because everyone lives only once, and there is no other way to achieve the goals that we have not achieved in our lives, we cannot realize them. This is the essence of childbearing; what will be realized will be it couldn't happen in our lifetime. The mother and the father will die one day, before that they will get old and sick, and the child will take care of them and he will say the final goodbye to them.

A woman's right to her own child:

Every girl-baby has her own right not to be raped. Every girl-baby is born with a mother-womb; in practice, she is born as a woman who is ready to bring a new life into the world. But the girl-baby and an adult female person her mental capacity is different; an adult woman can decide who she wants to marry, while a girl-baby is completely at the mercy of the outside world. Every woman has the right to her own child, whom she brought into the world; she has an inalienable right to she has to raise her child alone. The little one has the right to breast milk, the woman has the inalienable right to feed her child this way.



The eye is the sensory organ that relies on the external biologically determined optic nerves, which allows me to see the outside world, to see people, what kind of people, who and who are their companions; people or animals. Old, young, sad, cheerful, just what do they do, do they need help or not?!? The eye is the part of the body that must be taken care of in a special way, because there are only two of them. It cannot be replaced. What we don't. People don't primarily taste what they eat, but they see it before they eat it. The eye is the organ that transmits what is seen in the outside world to the brain, its optical nervous system, and lets the brain run it through the biomolecular chain to signal it to the human body that food is about to enter one's stomach, or something else. These are the instinctive reflexes of appetite and nausea. The eye can be happy, sad, and can cry. These are the instincts to which a person says; the eye is the mirror of the soul.


Humans are distinguished from other bipedal creatures not only by having ears, but also by the fact that a pair of ears on the human head is a sensory system that is not connected to the nervous system, but sees through its ambivalent endings. If we close our eyes, it one eye is responsible for knowing what is going on in our environment, so sometimes our ears are the visible end of our optic nerve system. One ear, the left one, is responsible for walking, if it wasn't there, we wouldn't be able to instinctively stay balanced while walking .The right ear is responsible for the primary-congenitalreflex.


The brain develops from the mitochondrion, which is the name of the first cell division that occurs after the union of the male and female gametes during conception. It carries the DNA and DNA cells of both; to puerperal fever. The cell and cell division are two separate things, but they are found in one biological set, this is the woman. The man has gametes. can be divided into basic spheres; a male, -rational-, and a female, -intuitive, cerebral hemisphere. We can also say that a third human being is created from the father and the mother at birth, who carries the cells of both the mother and the father. .The DNA and the DNA sequence must be foreign to both parents, but in the case of a common child, it is the same on both sides. The brain is best equipped to maintain itself; as this only occurs in mutual love and mutual love, so love is needed for procreating children. This is what holds the social social network together!


A person's mouth is for eating and verbal communication. It is also for saying that if he is sad, he is happy. can be found. He tells his joys, his sorrows, and what he needs in the office. Man is a social being; not an animal. In society, man participates in communities where he communicates verbally, and through this he makes friends. He gets to know the opposite sex, the man the woman, the woman, the man. Verbal communication is for people to found a family. With verbal communication, culture, civilization, society, arts, and prayer can be expressed.

5. Intelligence:

Intelligence is the relevant ability to perceive, which is the complementary pair of independent education. The ability to perceive works synchronously with cognition-recognition behavior in all areas of the brain, except the cerebellum. The cerebellum is the pituitary gland, it is the center of instinct, reflex-like behavior.there is a born reflex and there is a built-in reflex. Cognition means that I know why I do what I do, recognition must mean that I recognize what, why, and how I should have done it. This is one half of intelligence. The other half is how I can do it better to do is the center of learning and the formulation of the right brain theory. Therefore, an intelligent person is one who understands what he is doing, realizes that if he has made a wrong decision, corrects his mistakes, and does not give up in order to remain human.


Between difference and difference there are possibilities that determine people's thinking in such a way that they react reflexively or act calmly. Quarrels are based on difference, which is the basis of extreme and radical ideas. Differentiation or discrimination is based on prejudice and is not good anywhere. Then, if someone declares that: "I love this child, I hate the others", that means that the person he loves is exposed to public hatred, because there is envy in the world. And envy creates hatred, bleakness, malice results in murderous tendencies. The other half of the example mentioned above: "I hate everyone, but not you"; this results in the subject turning against the master of the situation, because there is also doubt in the world, and he may believe or believe that he he hates, conspires against him and wants to destroy him. There is also a lot of difference between an argument and a fight; the two sides of the argument acknowledge each other's opinions, while the two parties in the argument hate each other on a subjective basis. The point is that people should be individual don't doubt, rather believe, see who the other person is in contact with, and this is based on empathy. The essence of empathy is to be able to compare myself with other people in the sense that I can imagine what they are his life; what does he lack, what does he have more of, possibly less of, how did he know how to solve it, I wonder how he will solve his life?!? EGO is important; to know that I am myself, I live alone in this world, if it helps someone is there because he has empathy, he builds his life on it. You have to know how to be grateful and ungrateful; you have to be able to be grateful for help, but you shouldn't go too far in being grateful. If you are offended, you shouldn't take revenge, because it has a bad effect on your destiny. According to the Sufi proverb: think three times about what you say to others, then just say it". You have to know how to be an existentialist; to know what I do in this life, what kind of family and why I was born, what is the purpose of me to God, what is the purpose of me for other people, what will I lead in life?!?


To believe in something means to make it a success, which promotes it, so that something happens in my life that has an impact on the lives of other members of society. We do not know what we believe in, but we imagine it. what we have planned, and you don't have to be pessimistic, so you don't have to believe that you won't succeed in reaching the set goal, but you have to believe that what you believe in will succeed; you have to be an optimist. The word optimist includes the also the word "optimum"; it means that it is good for everyone, everything suits everyone, everyone feels good. For success, you have to do something, not just believe that it will just happen, it will just appear, by itself, suddenly out of nowhere. a lazy person doesn't believe in anything, he prefers to leave everything to everyone. Sometimes faith is also diligence.


To believe in what has never been before. There is always more in life, no matter how, but there is still more. The end of life is death, and not when someone gives up the fight for survival."Hope dies last"; as the saying goes. Unfortunately, it is true that hope dies first, and then one has to live for decades without being able to hope. This requires superhuman strength and a lot of perseverance. they don't insult each other. We have to hope that we can remain human beings in an animalized world!


Love exists on several levels. The essence of love is devotion, giving, figuring out the other's needs, providing the loved one with things that make him happy. People usually expect something in return, but in most cases they don't. Love is a weapon against loneliness. Being lonely is the most unfortunate social status in the world. If someone does not give up on being alone, then they start looking for companions and a kind of social network is formed. One of the branches of the social network is helping each other within social life. Another type of love is the Charitable Church. It is good to donate, especially towards those who were pushed below the subsistence minimum; they fell through the sieve of the social network. These people need love and donations the most.

All men are equal:

All people are equal, because their name literally includes equality and the right to equality, the right and entitlement to equality. This word is nothing but "being". Because it exists, because it was born. The right to exist is not justmegtekintéséhez kattintson az egyik mondatra. További



k that it must be maintained and sustained from the moment of birth, but also from the moment of conception. A fetus already in the mitochondrial state has the same rights as an adult person; the exception is that an adult person has virtues and vices, a helpless zygote does not have these characteristics .He has no actions either. In contrast, a person, be he a woman or a man, has actions, actions, inclinations, and usually follows his instincts; common sense and logic, cognitionrecognition are lacking in people's behavior in such cases. That is what people lack from its behavior, which a zygote already possesses, but cannot give expression to. That is why it is a sin to talk about abortion. Therefore, every person has the same rights as other people. In this sense, all people are equal. Animal Law Cause effect: Every cause begins with an effect and ends with an end, in the meantime what happens is nothing more than reasoning or reasoning. This could be called a debate and a principle of authority that does not tolerate contradiction. When something happens, it has consequences. "Energy is not lost, it is only transformed." If someone does something for some reason, there is a consequence. Without it, nothing else happens, like something else, but that's another Moebius line. Murder: A premeditated, malice-based assault committed with an ulterior motive, resulting in the death of the victim. This act or series of actions characterizes everything that a person is, when he should not lose self-control. We know that we live in a society; since we live in a society, the social moral standards should be observed or kept by everyone! Society has four main pillars; the person, the person that forms a family, the family that consists of people and the city that relies on Society and Society on the city. The essence of morality is basically moderation, respect for each other, honor, truth-telling, straight speech. If in a society the abovementioned human values are missing inside, then human existence is worthless. In this case, human

existence is equal to zero in each other's eyes; no one appreciates that the other person is the child of a mother, who is the apple of her eye. VENDETTA. Female sexual violence: The soul is like a person's consciousness. It is a snow-white piece of paper that, if torn in half by force, or just torn into pieces, the owner of the paper can no longer write beautifully on it, draw beautifully, it can be thrown into the trash! Actually, rape is theft, a person unjustly depriving her of being able to enjoy what she fought so hard for. We know that on the gynecology delivery table, the mother-to-be goes above and beyond to give birth to her baby. She wants to keep the baby, but today, in today's world, there is a danger that that the hospital steals the little baby, who was born not long ago! This is also rape, this is rape committed against the mother. "It will never be normal again"!; how many times have we heard that in the relevant media, but still we have not done anything about it. The bottom line is that if a woman's child is kidnapped, then that child will probably be raped, in addition to rape of women! I do not agree with the fact that the Nation is being wasted; I do not agree with the fact that some people see financial benefit from this. A global attack on humanity: The global assassination against humanity is war. Today's definition of war is as follows: if the big politicians can no longer agree on how to maintain peace, then it is up to the weapons, so if one of the two sides is an aggressor, then the other side attacks it with an army to protect the human values of a third party. I do not agree with all of this; I do not agree, because the Second World War and its aftermath prove that the theory mentioned above is not true. The essence of the war is capital, especially human capital. Capital is nothing but like the financial database that is based on human human resources. Armies are not left to waste; they are simply bought up by imperialist politicians. Thus, money can be made on an individual basis from the death of each soldier, since the army is made up of soldiers, and the money when the armies are bought" "pro kopf" is sold. So a soldier, who is a person within society, has a financial price. Since a soldier is a person as long as he is not properly trained, he represents a social value! This social value can be a teacher's office, a doctor's office , the notary's office, the parents' office, the funeral; etc. If we destroy these values with war,because a world can be destroyed if we destroy its human representatives with weapons - then nihil is created. Nihil is the social nothing in which no one he doesn't want anything from consumer citizens; he watches television, listens to the radio, goes to the cinema; and most importantly: he sees the victim in the woman, as a young girl. son, mostly because the son has more of a sense that he can take his place in a rational society.what is the central target of Democracy! War is anarchy, from which there is no recovery. Not to mention that the economy is completely destroyed, as well as civilization, culture, everything of value, especially human life, is wasted! War is nothing but waste .

City culture:

The word "city" includes the expression "to expect". People live in the city, society is made up of people, the Tatar culture is the basis of the social network. You have to know how to live against each other, so that they don't violate each other's residential areas, they can always be culturally side by side to live. The city is a symbol of humanity; its presence in the area means that civilization is present. If two parts of the city are connected by a bridge, then the first bridge main station is the flag bearer of the culture of one, the second bridge main station is the flag bearer of the culture of the other part of the city. So a bridge that is within the city it connects two civilizations, two cultures. It also connects families; if one half of the family lives in the first city and the other half is in the second city, then the bridge makes it possible for them to meet. It is also about infrastructure between cities and neighborhoods there is, exchange of goods and materials can be established between the two parts of the city. The culture represented by one city becomes civilization in the other city.

Ministry of National Defence:

The military is an integral part of life, I could say it is an everyday part of life. I will give an example; if the border is not organically and systematically protected from all directions of the wind rose, then they are not worthy of citizenship status, because of the protection that the social network provides for all residents, and now I am not only referring to full-fledged citizens- , does not reward it with an armed military national defense, then all the other ministries

have worked constantly in vain to ensure that the population of that country lives in peace. If all young men who are fit for war do not volunteer for military conscription, in that case the military regulations must be tightened; according to those who do not defends the thousand-year-old borders of the state in case of war, go live in another country, because you will never have a place here. Those people who could have taken up the regular infantry as part of the military conscription, but they didn't get any chance, they weren't men to stand up for themselves and their families. The disadvantage of the volunteer national defense force is that they do not have to sign up for military service, there is nothing to force them, they feel nothing for their own country, they have no patriotism, they do not love their mother, they despise their father, there is no they have a sense of duty, they are not willing to die for their own country with their heads held high. Today in Hungary, we need a military force that satisfies the opposites of the last lines, highlighted in bold, italics. Long live Hungary, long live the Homeland!

The rainbow:

The formation of the rainbow depends on the zones of the atmosphere, the moisture content of the air, and the strength of the Sun's radiation.

The raindrop is a prism. As the rainbow usually appears in summer, namely because the heatwave, the excessive temperature of the air, can also provoke the running summer thunderstorm. When in the mild sunshine, the falling raindrops are filled with photons according to fragmentation , protons and neutrons, then their structure changes, and a mirror reflex coherent prism is created in each raindrop. When the rain stops, or stops, the rainbow is created, as a result of the sudden and excessive light radiating through the raindrops, and the three well a known color, or it shines in every color of the palette of painting. Why is it arched and semicircular? Because the Earth's atmosphere can also be divided into semicircular subunits, so-called gepid runes.

The Lightning:

Lightning is nothing but the manifestation of the mirror reflex of alpha and omega. For lightning, it is enough for a fanfare to signal the storm at sea. It starts flashing, describing 180degree semicircles. This causes an ultra-vibration number from the lower atmosphere mixed with color. A cloud, just like the atmosphere, consists of H2O particles, mixed with sulfur (sulfide), which is coherent with photon, proton, and neutron elements, and a gaseous sub-material, this is methane tetra-dioxide.

When these react to each other, lightning does not yet occur, but an explosion already takes place, this is thunder.

Lightning is created when a hurricane or tornado in the core of the cloud breaks loose and explodes all the elements in it.

But why is it released and why does it flash, why does it come with light?

This is because the waves of the sea refract the light of all celestial bodies in the sky, especially the Moon; it also refracts this light system-set state by each prismatic molecule of the cloud. The mirror-reflex, which includes the light of the Earth's atmosphere and the Earth's seas; is nothing but the light of the detonation series, which reacts to the refraction of the rippling waves of the sea with the help of a determin. The lighter, or ignition device that provokes the lightning, it took him to life, nothing more than that point of light, which is the sharpest angle of the wave that is created only for a fraction of a second,after that it is destroyed, never to be created again.

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