19 minute read

Mondo’s Restaurant


309 Fremont St, Shenandoah, IA 51601 (712) 246-1325

Monday – Thursday 7AM-9PM

Friday – Saturday 7AM-9:30PM

Sunday 8AM-8PM

On our way back from a much needed vacation in Maggie Valley, North Carolina we found ourselves hungry after a long day on the bike and decided to stop by a local diner called Mondo’s. When we went inside around 2:30 in the afternoon there were a couple of tables with customers happily munching on their orders, and one waitress/ hostess/ cook taking care of everyone.

Despite being the only employee, she was quick to refill drinks, and take orders.

We ordered tall glasses of ice cold water and some iced tea to quench our thirst while we checked out the menu. Mondo’s serves breakfast all day, so that was a tempting option, but we decided to save breakfast for another visit. We noticed immediately that prices for menu items were very low, and that is always a welcome change. There is a large salad bar in the dining area as well. The walls are decorated with images that honor the American farmer, as well as what appears to be some local residents.

Our one man (woman) band of wait staff returned to take our orders after a quick check on the other diners. Vernon ordered the tenderloin with a side of hash browns, and I opted for a Mondo burger with cheese and French fries. She scurried off to the back to get our meals started. We sat and sipped our drinks and enjoyed the air conditioning which was a stark contrast to the July air outside. In hardly no time at all, she returned with piping hot plates of deliciousness for us to devour.

Vernon’s tenderloin was a moderately thin pounded slice of loin, breaded in a cornmeal and cracker type breading, fried to golden delicious perfection. Piled on a toasted bun with fresh sliced onion and pickle, the sandwich was divine. The side of hash browns Vernon ordered were perfectly seasoned, crisp on the outside, tender potato goodness on the inside. My burger arrived cooked just as I like it, very little pink inside, and a slightly salty char on the outside. My burger also came with melted American cheese, fresh sliced onion, and crisp pickle chips atop a toasted bun. My side of French fries was slightly on the thick cut side of fry world, with a crispy golden outside and fluffy potato inside. Burger and fries at their best.

We enjoyed our stop at Mondo’s, and will be swinging by again to try out the breakfast menu. Next time you are in the Shenandoah area, be sure to stop at Mondo’s and be sure to tell them that Thunder Roads Magazine of Iowa sent you!

See you on the road!

Melanie Schwarte

If you have a WRTE location for us to visit, please let me know at Melanie@thunderroadsiowa.com

The town drunkard gets berated by his wife for drinking with the money she gave him to get chicken. With his ego hurt he promptly gets drunk again, steals a live hen from a nearby farm and tries to scramble back home before getting caught. In a bid to not get caught, he sneaks into a shabby cinema hall after somehow calming the hen down enough to stick it down his pants. It was an adult film and there weren’t many takers, so he finds a seat in the back, where it was the darkest, next to two prostitutes and promptly falls asleep. In the heat of the theatre the hen starts getting fidgety and the drunk half asleep opens the zipper of his pants to let it get some air so that it doesn’t interrupt his drunken slumber. At this point the first prostitute whispers to the other one “Hey this man next to me has his member out”. The second prostitute responds “yeah of course he does, it’s an adult movie, why do you think we’re here?”. Now the slightly alarmed first lady responds “his cock is not like other ones.” The more seasoned second Lady responds “come on lass, you’ve seen one, you’ve seen them all” The first one responds with incredulity “NO, you haven’t. This one is special. This one is eating my damn popcorn” ...

Bob went to a clinic for a checkup. The nurse asked him to remove his clothing and put on a gown to be checked by the doctor. “In front of you?” He asks, shy. Th e nurse says: “Well no, but I’ve seen the human body before. The man said, “Not one like mine. You’d die laughing at my body.” “Of course, I won’t laugh,” said the Nurse to the patient, “I’m a professional. In over twenty years I’ve never laughed at a patient.” “Okay then,” said the patient, and he proceeded to drop his trousers, revealing a huge male body with the smallest adult male organ the Nurse had ever seen in her life. In length and width, it was almost identical to a AAA battery. Unable to control herself, the Nurse tried to stop a giggle, but it just came out. And then she started laughing at the fact that she was laughing. Feeling very badly that she had laughed at the man’s private part, she composed herself as well as she could. “I am so sorry,” she said, “I don’t know what came over me. On my honor as a Nurse and a lady, I promise that it won’t happen again. Now, tell me, what seems to be the problem? “It’s swollen,” Bob replied.

In a small village in Egypt lived two orphan boys, Set and Amenhotep. They always watched out for each other, well past their years of childhood and into their time as young adults. One day, the two were walking outside the village when they saw a crocodile trapped in a poacher’s snare. The two young men, sympathetic to a creature in need, approached the crocodile and released it from the trap. Once freed, the crocodile transformed into a wispy, glowing fairy! “Thank you, young men,” said the fairy, “Your hearts are truly selfless, and I will grant each of you one wish. What are your names?” “This is my friend Set, and you can call me ‘Ep’”, said Amenhotep. “Very well, Ep,” said the fairy “What is the desire of your heart?” “I wish I was the strongest man in the world!” Amenhotep wished. “Very well”, said the fairy, “but you must always use your strength to help others.” Smoke gathered around Amenhotep, and when the smoke cleared Ep was 7 foot six and rippling with muscles. The fairy turned to Set “And what is your wish, Set?” Set responded “I never want to be poor again! I wish for money!” “Very well,” said the fairy. Smoke gathered in front of the two of them, and when the smoke cleared a small elf remained, bowing to the two boys. “Greetings, sirs! My name is Elmon, and I am here to serve!” “Elmon is an expert in all things money,” said the fairy, “He will help you make wise decisions and turn any business profitable, but will only help you so long as he is only asked to do good for your fellow man.” Amenhotep and Set were inseparable. True to his word, Amenhotep used his great strength to build many houses for people in need. Set helped, as well, but his comparatively small size next to the now-massive Amenhotep earned him the nickname “Imp”. With Elmon’s financial savvy, the two started a non-profit dedicated to building houses for the less fortunate, and Elmon kept all their paperwork in perfect order. Years passed, and the two lived very fulfilling lives helping the homeless. Amenhotep met a girl while building houses and the two got married and had a beautiful baby boy, Josep. Ep and Set’s business expanded globally. 15 years passed and Amenhotep grew kinder and more generous, giving to people in need at any of the places he went to build houses. Set built a campus in Cairo for the headquarters of their business and directed global efforts. Over the years, Set lost touch with the people he was helping and became more focused on business expansion and the money of the business. As all fathers do, Amenhotep wanted his son to eventually take over the business and help the next generation of needful people find purpose in their lives. He sent Josep to the HQ in Cairo to learn the business from Set. Once there, Josep was surprised to find that much of the financial success was due in large part to the financial savvy of Elmon, the elf. Josep spent months at HQ learning how to run the business. While there, Set decided that it was time to expand the company into a more profitable venture. Instead of building houses for the needy, he drafted up a plan to buy up land around urban areas and construct rental properties at expensive prices while preventing construction of new, affordable housing. He sent Josep with the proposal to Elmon to determine the financial logistics. Upon reading the proposal and its ill-nature’s effect on Set’s fellow man, Elmon keeled over and died, instantly. Josep was shocked and ran to alert Set right away, who wailed in dismay at the loss of his financial mastermind. In a rage, he accused Josep of killing Elmon and sent the teenager to jail. Amenhotep, hearing of the distress, caught the first flight back to Cairo to find himself neck-deep in a legal battle between him and his old friend. Without the financial and legal savvy of Elmon, Set’s case was a mess. Amenhotep, distraught, tried to reason with his childhood friend. “Come, Imp, release my boy and call off the lawsuit. Let’s use our energy to help those in need and not further what we both know is a fruitless path.” Set refused, furiously gathering circumstantial evidence to bring to the court to frame Josep for Elmon’s murder. The case was brought before the court, but Set’s claims were weak and unsupported. The judge, thoroughly disgusted with the lack of evidence from the prosecution, dismissed the case outright. Obviously, Ep’s teen didn’t kill Imp’s elf.

A typical macho man married a typical good looking lady, and after the wedding, he laid down the following rules. “I’ll be home when I want, if I want, what time I want, and I don’t expect any hassle from you. I expect a great dinner to be on the table, unless I tell you that I won’t be home for dinner. I’ll go hunting, fishing, boozing, and card playing when I want with my old buddies, and don’t you give me a hard time about it. Those are my rules. Any comments?” His new bride said, “No, that’s fine with me. Just understand that there will be sex here at seven o’clock every night, whether you’re here or not.”

The bell rang for school to start and John walked in late. Mr. Clark asked, “John, why are you late?” He replied, “I was on Cherry Hill.” Then he sat down. Ten minutes later Nathan walked in late and Mr. Clark repeated, “Why are you late?” Nathan answered, “I was on top of Cherry Hill.” Five minutes later Kevin walked in late and Mr. Clark said to him, “Kevin, where have you been?” Kevin replied, “I was on Cherry Hill.” Ten minutes later a girl walked in the classroom and Mr. Clark asked, “Hi there, what’s your name?” The girl replied, “Cherry Hill.”

A guy and girl had sex poem competition. Guy: “Two times two is four, four plus five is nine. I can put mine in yours, but you can’t put yours in mine.” Girl: “Two times two is four, four plus five is nine. I know the length of yours, but you won’t know the depth of mine.”

A woman is having a hard time getting her tomatoes to ripen so she goes to her neighbor with her problem. The neighbor says, “All you have to do is go out at midnight and dance around in the garden naked for a few minutes, and the tomatoes will become so embarrassed, they will blush bright red.” The woman goes out at midnight and dances around her garden naked for a few minutes. The next morning, the neighbor comes over to the woman’s house and asks the woman if her tomatoes have turned red. The woman says “No, they’re still green, but I noticed the cucumbers grew four inches!”

Life is like a penis: women make it hard for no reason.

Rachel asks. It is a moment for which her parents have carefully prepared. They take her into the living room, get out several other books, and explain all they think she should know about sexual attraction, affection, love, and reproduction. Then they both sit back and smile contentedly. “Does that answer your question?” the mom asks. “Not really,” the little girl says. “Judy said she came from Detroit. I want to know where I came from.”

Q: What does the receptionist at the sperm clinic say when clients are leaving? A: “Thanks for coming!”

A kid walks up to his mom and asks, “Mom, can I go bungee jumping?” The mom says “No, you were born from broken rubber and I don’t want you to go out the same way!”

There is more money being spent on breast implants and Viagra today, than on Alzheimer’s research. This means that by 2040, there should be a large elderly population with perky boobs, huge erections, and absolutely no recollection of what to do with them.

I had sex with a Chinese woman last night. It was great, but an hour later I was STILL horny!

You know you’re getting old when your wife says, “Honey, lets run upstairs and make love,” and you answer, “I can’t do both.”

Two guys are standing in line to enter heaven. One turned around and asked the other how he died. “I froze to death. How about you?” “I had a heart attack.” “How did that happen?” “Well, I suspected my wife was cheating on me. So after work I went straight home. I ran upstairs to find my wife sleeping by herself. Then I ran back downstairs and looked in all the hiding spots. When I was running back up the stairs, I had a heart attack.” “That’s ironic.” “Why?” “If you would’ve looked in the fridge, we’d both be alive.”

Why can’t you hear rabbits making love? Because they have cotton balls.

Two buddies were sharing drinks while discussing their wives. “Do you and your wife ever do it doggie style?” asked the one. “Well, not exactly.” His friend replied, “She’s more into the trick dog aspect of it.” “Oh, I see, kinky, huh?” “Well, not exactly. I sit up and beg, and she rolls over and plays dead.”

A guy and his wife are sitting and watching a boxing match on television. The husband sighs and complains, “This is disappointing. It only lasted for 30 seconds!” “Good,” replied his wife. “Now you know how I always feel.”

“Daddy, where did I come from?” seven-year-old

Two prostitutes are standing on a corner. One says, “Tonight is gonna be a good night. I can smell the dick in the air.” The other says, “Sorry, I just burped.”

Have a Great August!

Wait, an expansion of Freedom?

Look, it’s not a secret; I generally cast a jaundice eye in the direction of just about anything anymore. I really don’t trust most things and it sucks. I know there are good people. Hell, most of my friends I have near one hundred percent blind trust in. I don’t question their moral fiber their intent, their character at all. Do we sometimes get pissed at each other? Of course, friendships are like marriages, you can love someone totally and completely yet want to shake the ever living hell out of them one minute but you still love them and no matter what have their back as your ride or die. In fact, I have noticed the only time I really don’t get along with any of my inner circle friends or my wife for that matter is when they are wrong about stuff. It’s weird that I know people that get stuff wrong and it angers me. Thankfully, I don’t have that issue and I tend to be as clean and pure as the new winter snow.

Oh yea, that four letter word that is likely the worst word readers of this award winning magazine can ever utter or hear. Snow.

The boss of Bosses, the bearded one, the Big Dog, the guy that would sign my paycheck should they ever decide to pay me gave me one hard fast rule when I started with this publication, shit, almost a decade ago, you can say what you want, write what you want, form whatever opinion you want, hell you don’t have to write about riding, you can write about what ever in the hell you want but there is one thing you simply cannot say, one word you cannot use.

It wasn’t the “F” word, wasn’t any of the following dirty words, “poop, boob, tits, fart, Biden, metrics, vegan, PETA, cats, boneless wings, or the phrase “build back better”. None of it, he just said don’t ever write about snow, we are a biker mag, we talk about riding, loving to ride, dreaming of riding, planning to ride and riding to ride, snow ain’t got no business behind that part of our business.

I mean, I think he said that, I wasn’t really listening, all of our meetings take place in bars/ diners while he orders the pork tenderloin and I get easily distracted by the talking picture box, cute waitresses, music on the jukebox, the tractor that just drove by, weather forecasts, pig tails, pony tails, cheeses balls…but other than that I usually pay attention to what he tells me and he did say he hates snow.

But this year, come snow or iced over roads I am going to join my riding brothers in a moment of solidarity, you see as of January 1st, 2024, Nebraska joins the ranks of intelligent, pro riding states and shedding themselves of that stupid helmet law! Welcome to getting a tiny bit of freedom restored to our friends from the west! No longer do we need to completely avoid your state while riding to other cooler states that didn’t have lid laws.

If the weather is even close to being somewhat decent Jan 1, I am riding across the river sans lid just to say hello to my Husker friends and tell them welcome to the party kids! Now, don’t hold me to this, several factors may come into play. Like that white filmy shit all over the roads, ice patches at all, snow, below 40 degrees, the level of hangover I am suffering from the night before, getting my bike to start when it’s that cold. You see there are several things to consider, but know this, if and when it’s nice, I will ride in that state with the same freedom we have in Iowa. Well, almost. They are some stupid shit tied into it, like a rider’s education course blah blah blah. I am not too worried, I have legit been on two wheels powered by an internal combustion engine since the Easter Bunny brought me that Red Fox mini bike when I was 6 1/2 years old. Well, that and I took an ABATE riding class years ago that I did for an article. I can’t recall if it was for this magazine or not, I have cranked out a lot of words, most of them lame, but cranked never the less over the last 15 years or so since I returned to column stuff. Back then, it was like the mob, just when I thought I was out, they pulled me back in. Allow me to make this point, I don’t care if wearing a lid is what you do or not, I support that all the way. Like most freedoms, you do you and as long as YOUR freedom doesn’t limit MY freedom, knock yourself out.

Iowa was at the forefront of same sex marriage, and I supported then and now because you know why, IT’S UP TO THE PERSON it has zero influence on my life or my marriage in anyway shape or form, and if you think it does yours, you could not be more myopic or moronic. It doesn’t. Same with weed, sports gambling, the list goes on and on. Include helmets in that tidbit as well. If we just all join in one thing it should be this. Live your goddamn life and stop worrying what I or anyone else does. If it has zero direct effect on my personal life, or my family, why should I intervene? Or why should YOU?

Now Nebraska is going to be helmet free. For those that ride to Sturgis and for years had ridden around Nebraska for that reason this is huge. Because 90% of South Dakota sucks and that is even considering it’s the good Dakota. After fueling in Sioux Falls, there is nothing but Wall Drug Billboards and an off shoot to the Corn Palace. Ever been to the Corn Palace, wow is that lame as hell! Who thought that was a good idea. Heading west, it gets hotter, dryer, more barren, then finally Chamberlain. Oh, Al’s Oasis and a neat river. Then, nothing until the Badlands. Well except for wind, Wall Drug and more heat and wind before finally the glimmer of the Black Hills.

Now, Central Nebraska is no treat, but the sand hills, Valentine and the Niobrara River Valley at least it’s something. It’s not much, but something and a bit more of a direct route than I-90. Look, I grew up running up and down that interstate, don’t take offense to my commentary because deep in your soul you know I am right. That said, South Dakota’s governor is way better than anything in Nebraska and there is a decent chance you may run into her actually riding in her state. She’s cool that way.

I wonder if she knows a good place for my boss to get a pork tenderloin and has stuff, I might like…

Todd “Crash” Davis

Thunder Roads Magazine of Iowa

Iowa Bike Nights and Dinner Rides


Mom’s Maxwell (2nd & 4th Tuesday)


Back Forty Bike Night at the Barn Des Moines (2nd Wed May-Sep)

Bea’s Place Baxter

Cruise Night Britt (3rd Wed Jul-Sep)

Pete & Shorty’s Clarksville

Supper Rides Harley-Davidson of Carroll (7-19, 8-16,9-13)

Dinner Rides Zylstra HD Ames


Edwards Bikes on the Hundred Block Council Bluffs (3rd Thursday)

Roar Into Harlan (3rd Thursdays)

Stumpy’s Bar & Grill Duncombe

Metro HD Cedar Rapids (2nd Thursday May-Sep)

East of Omaha Bike Night Griswold (1st Thurs MaySep)

VFW Post 9662 Des Moines (Every Thurs Apr-Oct)

Screamin’ Eagle Waterloo (Jun-Aug)

Chommy’s Bar/Grill Eldon (3rd Thursday)

Thunder N2 Atlantic Bike Night Atlantic (2nd Thurs Jun-Oct)

Tip Top Lounge Ames (start Jun 1)

McGrath Powersports Cedar Rapids (Last Thurs May-Aug)

Maggie’s Rumble Room (1st and 3rd Thurs)


Bondurant Bike Night at the Rails (4th Friday


American Legion Post 232 Polk City (2nd Friday


Thunder Nites Newton (2nd Friday Jun-Aug)

Off Point Pub Davenport (Every Friday)

Burt’s Dog House Boxholm (Every Other Friday)

Renegade Night Chariton (1st Friday Jun-Aug)

Mean Machine Grub Run Elkhart (1st Fri-May - Sep)


Dirty Biker Design Winterset (Jul 15, Aug 12, Sep 9)

I-29 Dragway with LHHD Pacific Junction (Aug 26, Oct 14)

Happening’s Bar Steamboat Rock (3rd Sat May-Sep)

Kilroy’s Redfield (2nd Sat May-Sep)

Carlisle Bike Night (3rd Saturday)

Ambro’s Roadhouse DeSoto (1st Sat – Oct)


Just 1 More Jamaica (Starting in May)

Tavern 36 Mitchellville (Last Sunday)

This list is what we have found and what has been submitted. Before heading to any event, please check weather and make sure the event is not cancelled. Not responsible for misprints and typos. If you have any other events to list, please email vernon@ thunderroadsiowa.com


Jul 22 6th Annual Cruizin for Cure Cystic Fibrosis Benefit

Ride Metro HD Cedar Rapids

Jul 22 Solid Ones MC Annual Car Wash Des Moines

Jul 22

Goozman’s Westside Annual Fun Run Harlan

Jul 22 1st Annual Freedom Ride Quasqueton

Jul 22 1st Annual Cornfield Chaos HBJMC Poker Run

Jul 22

Jul 28-30

Council Bluffs

Roughnecks MC 5th Annual Memorial Run

Council Bluffs

CMA Heartland Rally by the Christian

Motorcyclists Association Oskaloosa

Jul 29 5th Annual Bike & Car Show Big Barn HD

Des Moines

Jul 29 Solidarity Ride Metro HD Cedar Rapids

Jul 29 Christmas in July Scavenger Hunt Walford

Jul 29 5th Annual Pine Lake Festival Motorcycle Show


Jul 29 39-1 CVMA Patriot Poker Run Polk City

Jul 29 2nd Annual Keith Titus Memorial Ride Elma

Jul 29 4th Annual NW Iowa ALR Hot Dog Social LeMars

Jul 30 Logan Rustan Ride for Autism Bevington

Aug 4-13 Black Hills Motorcycle Rally South Dakota

Aug 12 LT Ride for Babies Metro HD Cedar Rapids

Aug 12 AtlanticFest Bike Show Atlantic

Aug 13 5th Annual Cancer Sucks Car, Truck, and Bike

Show Council Bluffs

Aug 13 5th Annual Benefit the Vets Worthington

Aug 18 1st Ever Corydon Old Settlers Bike Night Corydon

Aug 18-20 19th Annual BTW Trike In Kellogg

Aug 19 BBQ Open House RT 65 HD Indianola

Aug 19 2nd Annual Support Our Veterans Ride Livermore

Aug 19-20 Baxter Cycle 4th Annual 40th Annual

Open House Marne

Aug 20 D18 Quad Picnic Blakesburg

Aug 26 2nd Annual Support our Veterans Ride Livermore Legion

Aug 26 Kyle’s Mile 9 Ride Metro HD Cedar Rapids

Aug 26 7th Annual Shayla Bee Fund Black Tie Black

Leather Affair West Okoboji

Aug 26 8th Annual Randy Hagle’s Sidetracked Memorial Ride Creston

Aug 26 3rd Annual Craig’s Ride and Drive Amvets Riders


Aug 26 Road Trip in Memory of Harley McDonald

Just One More Jamaica

Aug 31-Sep 2 52nd Annual Motorcycle Swap Meet Davenport

Aug 31-Sep 3 Redneck Revival Conesville

Sep 1-4 Midway Tavern’s 25th Annual Soldier Valley Poker Run, BBQ/Dance/Concert Soldier

Sep 3 Biker Bash 2023 Lake Park

Sep 6-9 National Motorcycle Museum Auction Anamosa

Sep 9 D4 Bike Show Runnells

Sep 10 Motorcycle Hill Climb Anamosa

Sep 10 1st Annual Car & Bike Show Amvets Riders

Cedar Falls

Sep 16 BBQ Open House RT 65 HD Indianola

Sep 16 Fall Hog Roast Zylstra HD Ames

Sep 16 Mean Machine “Smalltown Throwdown” Burnout Contest & Stereo Battle Elkhart

Sep 17 17th Annual World-Famous Butterfield’s M-C Parts Hot Dog Daze Omaha, NE

Sep 17 Concours de’ Cornfield Earlham

Sep 23 22 Veteran Suicide Awareness Association Poker Run Pacific Junction

Sep 23 D18 Toys for Tots Ride Burlington

Sep 23 Bike Night & BBQ Cook Off Stuart

Oct 1 Toy Run HD of Carroll

Oct 15 39th Annual Fall Auto & Motorcycle Swap Meet Monticello

Oct 28 Screamin Saturday Chili Cookoff and Halloween

Event Zylstra HD Ames

Nov 4 Pancakes for Patriots Zylstra HD Ames

Nov 4 Solid Ones MC Clubhouse Day of The Dead Party


Nov 10-12 Iowa Steam Waterloo

Dec 9 Brrrrunch Party and Santa Stop Zylstra HD Ames

Dec 9 Holiday Open House Big Barn HD Des Moines

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