22 minute read

not so USELESS RAMBLINGS not so USELESS RAMBLINGS 10 Steps to Destroy...

Robert W. Welch, Jr. was born in December of 1899 in North Carolina. Welch was an American businessman and political organizer. Some considered him a conspiracy theorist. He founded the Oxford Candy Company in Brooklyn, New York, that went out of business during the Great Depression. He later went to work in his brother’s candy company, the James O. Welch Company, the creator of the caramel lollipop, now renamed Sugar Daddies.

Robert Welch was said to be highly controversial and was criticized by liberals, as well as some mainstream conservatives. He used his wealth to sponsor anticommunist causes and he co-founded the John Birch Society, an American advocacy group that is described by some as “extreme right-wing.” Welch tightly controlled the group up until his death in 1985.


Welch gave a speech in 1958 where he describes the 10 steps of how the deep state would destroy America from within. The speech reminds of the present situation in which another self-made millionaire has been trying to remind America of what the deep state is doing to undermine capitalism and American democracy.

Welch laid out the plan that would induce the gradual surrender of American sovereignty, piece by piece and step by step to various international organizations of which the United Nations is the outstanding but far from the only example.

Step One: greatly expanded government spending for every conceivable means for getting rid of ever expanding sums of American money as wastefully as possible.

Step Two: Higher and then much higher taxes.

Step Three: An increasingly unbalanced budget, despite the higher taxes.

Step Four: Wild inflation of our currency.

Step Five: Government controls of our prices, wages, and materials supposedly to combat inflation.

Step Six: Greatly increased socialistic controls over every operation of our economy and every activity of our daily lives. This is to be accompanied naturally and automatically by a correspondingly huge increase in the size of our bureaucracy and in both the cost and reach of our domestic government.

Step Seven: Far more centralization of power in Washington (D.C.) and the practical elimination of our state lines. There is a many faceted drive at work to have our state lines, eventually, mean no more within the nation than our county lines do now within the states.

Step Eight: The steady advance of federal aid to and the control over our educational system, leading to complete federalization of our public education.

Step Nine: A constant hammering into the American consciousness of the horror of modern warfare. The beauties and absolute necessities of peace. Peace always on Communist terms, of course.

Step Ten: The consequent willingness of the American people to allow the steps of appeasement by our government which amount to a piecemeal surrender of the rest of the free world and of the United States itself.

During a 1974 John Birch Society Council Dinner, Mr. Welch revisited his 1958 speech and had to ask, “What is wrong with the United States simply minding its own business? Or with having its foreign policy function primarily for the safety and benefit of the American people?”

He went on to state that this is exactly what we had been doing “… for the first 140 years of our existence as a nation to the incredible advantage of ourselves and everybody else. Everybody that is except a numerically small clique of power lusting conspirators who have somehow inflicted themselves on a gullible world.”

Welch outlined what he believed would be necessary to combat those that wished to destroy American sovereignty and to stop the New World Order.

One: Restore complete independence of the U.S.

Our first and most important, specific undertaking should be to restore the complete independence of the United States. This includes our resolution to get us out of the United Nations and get the United Nations out of the United States.

Two: Return to gold-backed currency.

We must once again make our money really redeemable in gold at some realistic price. And we must take all practicable legislative steps to prevent a recurrence of the enormous thievery and other subversive crimes that have been perpetrated on the American people through a contrived inflation by every president from Franklin Roosevelt through Richard Nixon.

Three: Reduce size of federal government by 50% Reduce the number of government bureaus, of government civilian employees, and the whole quantity of government by at least fifty percent. And we should achieve this much reduction in proper fashion though gradually convincing a majority of the American people of the wisdom of such a course.

Four: Withdraw American troops everywhere except for congressional declarations of war

Withdraw all American troops from every spot on Earth that is not American soil except when and where such troops may be required as decided by Congress to protect American lives and property from criminal vandalism.

Five: Get government out of the areas not authorized by the U.S. Constitution

Get government out of the areas and functions and activities where government does not belong. All steps to this end should be taken gradually, but nevertheless just as rapidly as enough of the American people can be persuaded to support such progress. Any such achievement will require a truly massive educational force, but that’s exactly what we hope to build during the next 15 years.

If you read the February piece, you should be able to see where the 8 Levels of Control by Saul Alinsky coincide with the 10 steps of the deep state to destroy America and understand just how long these people have been working in the shadows to achieve their goals. As stated in previous pieces, this has been going on since our Founding Fathers signed the Constitution of the United States.

Iwillsay that I know very little, almost nothing, about the John Birch Society. I know very little about Robert Welch, except for his thoughts during his speech. He could very well have been the right-wing extremist, conspiracy theorist that he has been labeled as. He could have been a complete nut. Regardless of those possibilities, the information that he laid out has proven to be spot on. The 10 steps have been in play and they continue to worsen every day. Welch’s 5 points to stop the NWO have been put into play during past administrations, but were only allowed to flourish for a very short time. Take for instance point two. If you’ve been paying attention to current events, you’ll remember that the CIA was directly responsible for the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Why? Because he wanted to eliminate the federal reserve and return us to a gold-backed currency. The Deep State absolutely hated and vilified Ronald Reagan. And we know all too well what they have done, and continue to do, to Donald Trump.

I’llbe the first to admit that I don’t know what the answers are and that I may not have a 100% solid grasp of everything that is happening in the world, but I’m not blind so I can see the destruction. I can add and see the where numbers aren’t jiving. I don’t listen to any of the mainstream media, for reasons I’ve stated in the March ’22 Propaganda piece. I will always do my own research and make my own conclusions. And, as always, I’m willing to listen to someone else’s opinion or even expand upon mine. All you have to do is reach out.

Look for this piece, past pieces, and any other random thoughts that end up rattling around in my melon on Facebook on my Not So Unless Ramblings page.

David McCoy


The Old County Seat Bar & Grill

720 W Main St Mitchell, IA, (641) 732-5478

Mon & Tues 4pm - 9pm Thursday - Saturday 11am - Close Sunday 1pm – 7pm

After a couple year hiatus, a staple of Mitchell reopens under new ownership and a new name. On March 14th of 2016, The Old County Seat Bar & Grill opened for business. Kimberley Pedersen and her daughter, Jennifer Blunt, turned the closed Dam Bar into a thriving new destination in northern Iowa.

Heather and I rolled in shortly after 5 pm on Tuesday night, Taco Tuesday for those of you wondering. The sweet aroma of charring meat tickled my sniffer as we walked through the door and slipped into a booth near the bar. Our server, Jill, wasted no time in greeting us and delivering menus. Drinks were ordered, along with cheddar cheese balls, and we were left to peruse the many options on the menu.

There are a dozen different appetizers to choose from to kick things off. Then you can move on to steaks; filet mignon, ribeye, and sirloins, oh my! Sautéed mushrooms, grilled onions, and even shrimp scampi for add ons. There are several seafood options, a few pasta choices, and then a personal favorite of mine, the broasted chicken. Who doesn’t love broasted chicken, right? The Mitchell Chop sounded pretty good; 10 ounces grilled or lightly battered and broasted. Of course there are several options for potatoes to go along with your entrée. And what bar & grill wouldn’t have burgers? At the Old County Seat you get to build your own, just pick what you want from the long list of toppings. I have to say, this is the first time I’ve seen peanut butter as an option for a burger topping. I am really curious now. Try to save room for desert as they have at least 6 different cheese cake options.

When Jill returned, Heather opted for the 2 piece white broasted chicken dinner with French fries. I let my sniffer talk me into ordering that steak I caught a whiff of when I walked in the door. Eight ounces of sirloin with baby red potatoes and some grilled Texas toast.

The cheddar cheese balls arrived just as we were finishing up our selections from the salad bar. Perfectly crisp on the outside with gooey cheddar goodness inside. Heather likes to murder the flavor with ranch dressing, I prefer my cheesy snacks au natural.

My sirloin was tender, flavorful and juicy, perfectly seasoned, and included just the right amount of crispy char on the edges. The baby reds and Texas toast were used to soak up all the juices on my plate. Heather’s broasted chicken was piping hot, perfectly crispy on the outside, yet still tender and juicy on the inside. The French fries were perfect! They were the right thickness and cooked so that they have an audible crunch with when you bite through to the soft potato inside. There were enough on her plate for two people, so I had to steal a few of them for myself. I think Heather ended up taking half of them home, along with one piece of chicken. Sadly, we were unable to save room for the cheesecake options, maybe next time. Heather and I are already planning for a return trip to take in the Friday night fish fry.

The town of Mitchell may only cover 0.54 square miles of land and have a population hovering just around 120 souls, but they have one hell of a great place to have dinner. The Old County Seat Bar & Grill offers a spacious outdoor deck for the warmer months, or the cooler months if you’re a cold weather lover, and they have a lower level that can be rented for events such as weddings or other large gatherings. If you find yourself in north central Iowa, make your way to Mitchell and stop in to see Kimberley, Jennifer, and the great staff at The Old County Seat Bar & Grill. You surely won’t be disappointed. Make sure that you tell them that Thunder Roads Magazine of Iowa sent you!

See you on the road!

David McCoy

If you have a WRTE location for us to visit, please let me know at Melanie@thunderroadsiowa.com

Asenior couple goes to the doctor. The doctor first visits the husband: Everything seems to be fine. Are you having problems? Well, nothing special but when I make love with my wife, the first time, there are no problems at all. But, the second time I feel very sweaty and this annoys me. After having visited the wife, the doctor asks her a question: To me, everything is ok but your husband says, when you are having sex, that the first time there are no problems while the second time he gets very sweaty. Do you know the reason for that? Sure, doctor. The first time is in January. The second is in August.

Broccoli says: “I look like a tree.” The nut says: “I’m like a human brain in a miniature.” The mushroom says: “I have the shape of an umbrella.” Banana says: “I don’t like this game.”

What do cannibals call runners? Fast food.

Aman enters a wine store and asks the manager: What type of wine would you advise I purchase for our 25th anniversary? The manager replied, That depends… do you want to celebrate or forget?

In a restaurant, a man ordered soup but, as soon as it arrived, he had to go to the bathroom. To make sure that nobody touched his soup while he is away, he wrote on a napkin: “I SPIT IN THE SOUP”. When he returned, he found another message on napkin: “ME, TOO”.

How do you distinguish a bull from a cow? When you milk the bull, it smiles.

Aman asked his wife, “Darling, what’s for lunch?” She replied, “The IKEA sandwich.” Confused, he asked, “What kind of sandwich is that?” Laughing, she said, “All the pieces are in the fridge and you have to assemble it.”

Husband just found out that his wife has a lover and goes on a rampage. He paces up and down the living room screaming. He stops in front of his wife, leaning threateningly towards her and says: “So, you have to explain to me what he has that I don’t have.” She answered, “Do you want my response in inches or dollars?”

Two blondes are chatting about the interruption of electricity that happened two days before. The first says, “I was stuck in the elevator for two hours.” The second replied, “You think that’s bad, I was waiting for two hours on the escalator.”

Two friends are having a drink and talking. One says to the other, “You know, yesterday my wife ran away with my best friend, Robert.” His friend replies, “Since when is Robert your best friend?” “Since yesterday!”

What is the oldest Chinses diet plan? Eating with a single chopstick.

Idecided to change my habits, let go of social media and try to make friends with people outside of Facebook, but applying the same principle. Every day I walk down the street and tell the people I meet what I ate, how I feel, what I did the night before and what I think I will do tomorrow.

Also, I show photos of my girlfriend, my dog and my photo in the pool. Sometimes I approach people, listen what they say and tell them “I love you”. I must tell you that it works well. I already have 4 people following me: three policemen and a psychiatrist.

What do women need to know before entering into a relationship with an older man? CPR.

Husband and wife chat and she asks: “I would like to ask you something intimate: what is your erotic fantasy?” He feels a little embarrassed, but decides to answer: “You know, I imagine making love on a Caribbean beach, with white sand, the palm tree that hides us from the sun and the sound of the waves.” His wife says, “Beautiful! I like it. Where am I, above or below?” The husband replies, “You are at home.”

Aman talks to his doctor and says, “Doctor, I have a very strong desire to live for eternity. What can I do to achieve the goal?” The doctor tells him to get married. He responds, “So will I be able to fulfill my wish and live forever if I am married?” The doctor responds, “No, but the desire for eternal life will disappear entirely. “

What do a burnt pizza, a frozen beer, and a pregnant woman have in common? Somebody didn’t pull out in time.

Vegans don’t moan during sex because they don’t like the idea of getting pleasure from meat.

Aspaceship from another galaxy has long been in orbit around the Earth in search of a possible civilization. After 2 weeks of study, they concluded that there was once an intelligent race on Earth, forming a certain civilization, low-level, but still a civilization. Unfortunately, their scanners found no living specimens of that breed. The conclusion was that these intelligent beings have become extinct. They decided to launch 12 stationary satellites around the planet, whose only task was to look for any specimens of that race that might have survived; they still didn’t understand what. After more than a month, they received a positive signal from one of the satellites which gave them hope that their efforts were rewarded. A flying saucer with a two-man crew landed in the area where a single surviving member of that race was supposed to live. After a short time, they found him in a cave and to the first question, why he survived, they got the following answer: “They forgot to vaccinate me.”

Paddy was planning to get married and asked his doctor how he could tell if his bride is a virgin. The doctor said, “Well, you need three things from a do it yourself shop. A can of red paint, a can of blue paint… and a shovel.” Paddy asked, “And what do I do with these, doc?” The doctor replied, “Before the wedding night, you paint one of your testicles red and the other one blue. If she says, ‘That’s the strangest pair of balls I ever saw.’, you hit her with the shovel.”

An out-of-breath 7-year-old girl ran up to her grandfather, who was tinkering in his workshop, and confronted him with the universally dreaded (by adults) question, “What is sex…?” He was surprised she’d ask such a question at her age, but thought if she’s old enough to ask, she’s old enough to get a straight answer. He wouldn’t shirk his responsibility. Steeling himself to leave nothing out, he proceeded to describe for her all the variations of human sexuality he could conjure, careful to impress upon her the joys and responsibilities of intercourse and procreation. When finally, Grandpa was done pontificating, the little girl stood frozen, as though nailed to the spot, and looked at him with her mouth open, eyes wide in amazement. Seeing she was overwhelmed, he asked what caused her sudden curiosity. His granddaughter shook off her reverie and replied, “Grandma says dinner will be ready in a couple of secs.”

Aboy walks into an Ice Cream shop. The shopkeeper says, “What can I get you, young man!” The little boy says: “Do you guys have onion-flavored ice cream?” The man said: “sorry, we don’t.” The next day, the boy again asks for onion-flavored Ice Cream. That kept going for 2 or 3 weeks until the man thought to himself: “I’m going make onion flavored Ice cream for this little guy.” And he stayed up all night to make it great. The boy comes the next day, “Welcome,” says the shopkeeper, The boy tells the usual lines: “Do you have onion flavored Ice cream?” the man excitingly says: “Yes, we do” the boy then replies: “Wow, you guys must be crazy; who would buy that shit?”

Awoman was having sex in an apartment 20 floors high with another man. She then heard her husband coming… she told her lover to stay like a robot and not to move. Husband: What is this? Wife: This is a robot, I bought to have sex with when you are travelling… Husband: Okay… Lets have sex now… Wife: No sweetheart… yesterday I got my period, so I will go and make a cup of coffee for you… After she left the husband said: Damn I am so horny, I will screw this robot…he tried, and the man started talking in a metallic robotic way… “SYSTEM ERROR…WRONG HOLE… SYSTEM ERROR… WRONG HOLE…” Husband: Damn robot is not working properly…I am throwing it out of the window…The man realized that he was on the 20th floor and said… “SOFTWARE UPDATED…PLEASE TRY AGAIN…”

Marriage is like Indian food. It starts hot and spicy but ends up with someone crying in the bathroom and regretting their choices.

Iwent to see my doctor, and she said: “You can’t eat anything fatty.” I said: “What, like bacon and fried stuff ?” she replied, “No. Fatty, you can’t eat anything.”

Ahusband and wife were driving through the mountains. As they approached their campsite, they started arguing about the pronunciation of the town. They continued to argue back and forth as they stopped for lunch. At the counter, the husband asked the blonde waitress, “Before we order, could you please settle an argument for us? Would you please pronounce where we are very slowly?” She leaned over the counter and said, “Burrr-gerrr Kiiing.”

Apriest, a minister, and a rabbi want to see who’s best at their job. They each go into the woods, find a bear, and attempt to convert it to their faith. Later they get together. The priest begins: “When I found the bear, I read to him from the Catechism and sprinkled him with holy water. Next week is his first communion.” “I found a bear by the stream,” says the minister, “and preached God’s holy word. The bear was so mesmerized that he let me baptize him.” They both look down at the rabbi, who is lying on a gurney in a body cast. “Looking back,” he says, “maybe I shouldn’t have started with the circumcision.”

An old farmer has a big property next to a beautiful lake. Under the apple and apricot trees, he placed wooden benches and tables. He also placed a small beach on the shore of the lake. The perfection for a nice picnic. One afternoon he decides to check if the fruits were ripe for collecting them. He took a basket and went to the lake. Before he got there, he had already heard some female voices and their laugh and when he looked out over the lake he saw a group of girls, all naked, bathing in the crystal water. The girls became aware of his presence and they immersed themselves in the water up to their necks. One of them: - You will not see anything! Until you are gone we don’t get out. Oh, I didn’t come here to see you naked... He raises the basket to show it to the girls. I just came to feed the crocodiles in the lake.

Alittle boy with diarrhea tells his mom that he needs Viagra. The mom asks, “Why on Earth do you need that?!” The little boy says, “Isn’t that what you give daddy when his shit doesn’t get hard?”

Two drug dealers were brought before a judge on drug charges. The judge said, “If, over the weekend, you persuade enough people to give up drugs, I’ll let you off.” On Monday they returned to the court. The first man announced, “I convinced ten people to give up drugs.” “Well done,” said the Judge. “And how did you do that?” “I drew two circles, one big and one small. I told them that the big circle was their brain before drugs, and the smaller circle was their brains after drugs.” “So what?” scoffed the second man. “I made 100 people stop using drugs.” “A hundred?” exclaimed the Judge. “How?” “I drew two circles,” he explained, “and said, “this little circle is your asshole before prison…….”

When young Jose, newly arrived in the United States, made his first trip to Yankee Stadium, there were no tickets left for sale. Touched by his disappointment, a friendly ticket salesman found him a perch near the American flag. Later, Jose wrote home enthusiastically about his experience. “And the Americans, they are so friendly!” he concluded. “Before the game started, they all stood up and looked at me and sang…Jose, can you see?”

Is it safe to come out yet?

Is our long Winter nightmare really over? Not knowing what the weather really is where you are, but March is here and it is time for bikers to smile because we can really get that warm sunshine on our face, pull the bike out of its long winter slumber and the tilting of our planet, elongating our daily intake of sunlight and warmer temps (hopefully) give us a hope that springs eternal as we return to doing what we love, putting up and down miles with a leg swung over our bikes!

It’s purely a glorious return to be sure. The fresh air, the rumble, the favorite haunt, the pork tenderloin (if you’re my boss of bosses at the magazine) or the Philly you crave if you’re my bride or that special road with the curves you like to ride if you are me. No, gutter mind I am talking about riding a ROAD with great tight roads that I am riding, not my wife and her, well, just stop thinking that way and know that it’s high time to get some fresh air as I start to turn a bit stir crazy this time of the year for sure.

‘Tis also the time of the year that I start making my riding plans. Not my “oh it’s a great Saturday, lets sneak in a couple of hundred miles and some wings, or of course a moist pork tenderloin”. I am talking about the kind of trips where you point the bike in a certain direction towards an event, a town, a cool road, and just do something that is cool, a memory maker and something that not only makes you grateful for the ability to ride but also feel sorry for those that just don’t ride. Okay, I should clarify something, I don’t really care if someone has a bike or not, we all have our own vices and hobbies. To one guy a weekend in his wood shop is the ideal getaway, another on a boat casting a line, to some it’s a golf outing, and to others maybe chill time in their garden. I don’t judge, I really believe you do what you want to do. You see, the ones I don’t get is the person that HAS a bike, but never rides it! Never sees what the next county, city, or state has to offer. The lack of desire to explore what is out there is something I just don’t get. You have the means of exploring and chose to leave it in your garage. Okay, I suppose, you do you.

No, I know going forward I have some dates that are going to be blocked out weekends where I won’t get to do my own exploring. I have some travel for work related projects that will get in the way, I have a daughter that is graduating from High School, I have dates later that will involve moving one kid to a new college apartment and yet another that moves into a college dorm. Dad stuff that is way more important than anything else I could dream of doing.

I know I won’t be going anywhere over the Independence Day holiday. I have obligations to things that I just can’t ignore and traditions that I just won’t break, so that starts cutting down on certain times that I can ride but there is one ride that I will make this year come hell or high water no matter what, except for the aforementioned dad commitment.

On a cold winter night, I am down at my brother from another mother’s garage bar apply named the “Poop Deck” for reasons that are still classified and he casually mentioned to me, “I really want to go on an overnight ride this summer”. And he knows I have done an untold pile of them and right then and there I knew exactly where I needed to take him.

You see, I love riding in my home state for a weekend getaway. I know there are so many wonderful things to see in other states, I don’t care, I love riding in the Hawkeye state. Eastern Iowa has so many wonderful roads, Old River Road is one of my all-time faves and all the hotels, bars, joints, and more welcome bikers with open arms.

I live in the heart of the Loess Hills, we have amazing roads, scenic over looks, bars, and more as well, but at times you need to get out of Dodge and a road trip to Northeastern Iowa is just what my buddy Ron needs.

I told him that it’s a must we visit the National Motorcycle Museum in Anamosa, Iowa. For several reasons, the first and foremost, I love that place and it’s been years since I have made a pilgrimage, the roads around that area are a biker must ride, the hotels love and welcome bikers and the great places to eat are too numerous to mention but I miss them so much as it’s been a couple of years since we have made the trek.

So, he tells me, it’s a go he is in and it’s a matter of planning the dates and figuring out when the clutches are going to be released.

I didn’t know. I had no Idea.

A week later, back at my same haunt, I wrapped up an intense week of projects for my various commitments, had a road trip to help my wife complete and we running on fumes. I needed a beer, some conversation, a cigar and a few hours to decompress. You know, normal reasons adults go to bars or gather with friends, reset your mindset.

I get down, crank open a beer, grab a cigar, and my buddy tells me information I feel I should have already known but didn’t.

That the motorcycle museum is going to close around Labor Day. I was taken aback but after reading up on the reasons why, I get it. This is our last summer to take tour, the last time to see The Worlds Fasted Indian in person, the Caesar’s Palace Evil bike, the Steve McQueen bike and so much more.

It is just an amazing collection, so well put together, wonderful helpful employees to answer your questions and the collection is just mind-blowing. Hell, the Harley Davidson Snow Mobile, back in the day, the Motor Company use to make KICK ASS dirt bikes! When I was a kid those were a long away dream of something I could never achieve. You just couldn’t find them or afford them. Some think and have said Harley leaving the small bike (dirt bike sub 600 CC category) limited the number of riders we have today. Get them hooked on small bikes and as they grow, sell them bigger bikes, creating dedicated lifetime customer. Other major brands did it… but that is a conversation for another day.

Oh, and all those bikes are also on display! The history of riding it very well represented and worth at least half day but worth really even more.

For sure this spring, an overnight is going to happen and at least one more visit to the MECAA is going to happen, I will not let the National Motorcycle Museum go dark without a visit.

You should not either. See you there.

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