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The Corner Grill

101 W Mayne Street

Blue Grass, Ia 52726




Monday – Thursday 11 am -9 pm

Friday & Saturday 11 am – 10 pm

Closed on Sunday sounded delicious. In addition to the lunch special menu, there is a full regular menu filled with salad and wrap options, chicken entrees, burgers, sandwiches, even pizzas and calzones! If you can’t find something on this menu, then you better just quit looking, because they literally have something for everyone.

Vernon and I were in the middle of enjoying our anniversary weekend when a suggestion came to us from our dear friends Mark and Karla about a good place to stop for some vittles on our way from the Davenport Swap Meet to Conesville. They had just had the pleasure of stopping by The Corner Grill in the small town of Blue Grass for their own lunch, and thought we might be able to find something tasty as well.

Vernon chose the half pound tenderloin sandwich “Mike’s Way”. It came with a side of his choice, and he opted for a bowl of homemade pasta salad. His tenderloin arrived in all it’s golden crispy splendor, topped with a slice of Swiss cheese, grilled mushrooms, and onions, on a toasted bun. Fresh tomato, lettuce, onion, and pickle was on the side. The pasta salad was tender tri color rotini pasta with crisp peppers and onions in an Italian style dressing. It was delicious and refreshing paired with the tenderloin. I ordered Joe’s Patty Melt. It was a flavorful grilled beef patty topped with grilled onions, Swiss cheese, and 1000 Island dressing piled between two slices of grilled marble rye bread. I chose French fries as my side dish, and they were piping hot salty goodness. Crisp on the outside and fluffy potato on the inside.

Our waitress kept our drinks constantly filled and on a hot day, that was much appreciated. We had great service and delicious food that really hit the spot. Maybe next time we stop by Mark and Karla can join us after all, The Corner Grill was their idea to begin with (they always seem to have good ideas). In addition to the regular menu and lunch specials, they also offer catering for all your event needs. Be sure to stop by for some great food and friendly service, and be sure to tell them that Thunder Roads Magazine of Iowa sent you!

Melanie Schwarte

If you have a WRTE location for us to visit, please let me know at Melanie@thunderroadsiowa.com

As we rolled into Blue Grass, we immediately noticed the large American Flag painted on the side of a building, and that just happened to be our destination. We walked in, and quickly noticed the framed artwork that depicted a Blue Grass of days gone by. Our waitress took us to a booth and we ordered a couple of ice-cold drinks to sip while we looked over the menu.

The Corner Grill offers a good selection of lunch specials Monday through Friday, for the low price of $8.95 each. These vary from tenderloins to chicken salad, and all

You don’t need a parachute to go skydiving. You need a parachute to go skydiving twice.

This year, for Thanksgiving, we’re making a Turfucken. It’s when you start to stuff your Turkey with a duck stuffed with a chicken, but then you say fuck it and order Chinese food instead.

Why was Johnny grounded on Thanksgiving? Because his mom found him with his pants down in the kitchen, stuffing the turkey.

If the Pilgrims were still alive today, what would they be most famous for? Their age.

What is the worst combination of illnesses? Alzheimer’s and diarrhea. You’re running but can’t remember where.

I shot my first-ever turkey for Thanksgiving this year. Sure, scared everyone in the grocery store, though.

Turns out a major new study recently found that humans eat more bananas than monkeys. It’s true. I can’t remember the last time I ate a monkey.

Why is a Thanksgiving Turkey the perfect girlfriend? It can’t talk, comes tied up, and has the perfect hole for stuffing.

Why was the turkey ruined on Thanksgiving? I have no idea, but I suspect fowl play.

A son tells his father, “I have an imaginary girlfriend.” The father sighs and says, “You know, you could do better.” “Thanks Dad,” the son says. The father shakes his head and goes, “I was talking to your girlfriend.”

What do gay men and cranberry sauce have in common? They both come in a can.

Here’s a recipe for how to cook a turkey. Step 1: Go buy a turkey. Step 2: Take a drink of whiskey. Step 3: Put turkey in the oven. Step 4: Take another two drinks of whiskey. Step 5: Set the degree at 375 ovens. Step 6: Take three more whiskeys of drink. Step 7: Turn oven the on. Step 8: Take four whisks of drinky. Step 9: Turk the bastey. Step 10: Whiskey another bottle of get. Step 11: Stick a turkey in the thermometer. Step 12: Glass yourself a pour of whiskey. Step 13: Bake the whiskey for four hours. Step 14: Take the oven out of the turkey. Step 15: Floor the turkey up off the pick. Step 16: Turk the carvey. Step 17: Get yourself a scottle of botch. Step 18: Tet the sable and pour yourself a glass of turkey. Step 219: Bless the saying, pass and eat out!

A man walks into a magic forest and tries to cut down a talking tree. “You can’t cut me down,” the tree complains. “I’m a talking tree!” The man responds, “You may be a talking tree, but you will dialogue.”

What are turkeys thankful for on Thanksgiving? Vegans.

What do you call a turkey’s evil twin? A Gobblegänger.

What do you call an orphan taking a selfie? A family photo.

“I have good and bad news,” the doctor said to his patient. “Give me the good news first,” the patient said. “Your test results are back,” the doctor said, “and you have only two days to live.” “That’s the good news?” the patient exclaimed. “What’s the bad news?” “I’ve been trying to reach you for two days.”

What do a Thanksgiving turkey and a person with no limbs have in common? Neither one can stuff themselves.

What do you call a nurse with dirty knees? The head nurse.

What’s the difference between Election Day and Thanksgiving Day? On Thanksgiving, you get a turkey for one day. On Election Day, you get a turkey for four years.

What do women and Turkeys have in common? Men love it when they have big breasts.

If a woman sleeps with 10 men, she’s a slut, but if a man does it… He’s gay, definitely gay.

When I see the names of lovers engraved on a tree, I don’t find it cute or romantic. I find it weird how many people take knives with them on dates.

Brad brought his new girlfriend Kim home with him for Thanksgiving. Everyone was enjoying their meal when Kim winked at Brad and dropped her fork on the floor. “Oh no, I’m so clumsy!” she said as she crawled under the table. Brad getting the hint, reached under the table and undid his jeans. He waited, but nothing happened.

Eventually, Brad’s mother asked everyone to share what they were thankful for. “Honey, why don’t you start?” she said, looking at her husband, who was out of breath and red-faced. “Well, for starters,” said Brad’s father. “I’m thankful that Brad’s girlfriend has poor eyesight….”

What do prison inmates call it when they have to stab someone in November? Shanksgiving.

Why do we eat Turkey on Thanksgiving? Because an ostrich won’t fit in the oven.

What do Thanksgiving and Hip Hop have in common? They were both started by people of color and then adopted and ruined by white people.

A boy asked his father on Thanksgiving, “Dad, how do we know when the Turkey’s done?” “There’s a timer stuck inside the turkey,” the father explained. “When the turkey is finished cooking, it pops.” “Just like Uncle Ted,” said the boy. “Huh?” asked the father, curious. “A few nights ago, Uncle Ted came over to visit mom when you went bowling,” the boy said. “I heard mom yell at uncle Ted to hurry up and finish, and he said, ‘I’m gonna pop any second.”

This young fellow is about to be married, and is asking his grandfather about sex. He asks how often you should have it. His grandfather tells him, “When you first get married, you want it all the time, and maybe you’ll do it several times a day. Later on, sex tapers off, and you have it once a week or so. Then as you get older, you have sex maybe once a month. When you get really old, you are lucky to have it once a year, like maybe on your anniversary.” The young fellow then asks his grandfather, “Well how about you and grandma now?” His grandfather replies, “Oh, we just have oral sex now.” “What’s oral sex?” The young fellow asks. “Well, she goes to bed in her bedroom, and I go to bed in my bedroom. She yells, ‘Screw you,’ and I holler back, ‘Screw you too!’”

The Little Rascal’s class was having a spelling test. The teacher asks if anyone can use the word “admire” in a sentence. Spanky raises his hand and says, “I admire my dog.” “Good job,” the teacher replies, “Now, who can use ‘respect’ in a sentence?” Alfalfa raises his hand and says, “I respect Spanky for admiring his dog.” “Ok, “replies the teacher, “now who can use the word ‘dictate’ in a sentence?” There is silence in the class, then all of a sudden Buckwheat says, “Darla how did my dictate !?!” briefcase, she notices tourists giving her crazy looks. “It’s ok, she says, “I am doing a huge convention.”

I told my wife that I would get a tattoo on my pecker of a one-million-dollar bill. This way she can blow a million bucks without leaving the house.

A traveling salesman asked a farmer to spend the night. The farmer agreed, but told him he would have to sleep in the barn. The farmer, being a nice guy and knowing how horny traveling salesmen get told the man, “Look son, see that wall? It’s got three holes in it. You can screw the first two but don’t mess around with that third hole. Got it?” The salesman thanked him and bedded down on a pile of hay. About midnight he got really horny and decided to take a poke at the first hole. It was good but not really satisfying so he took a poke at the second hole. It was even better but he still wasn’t satisfied so he thought about the third hole and reasoned to himself, “If that first hole was pretty good and the second hole was even better, I’ll bet that third hole will really do the trick!” The next morning the farmer noticed the salesman was still sleeping so he went about his chores and late in the afternoon he finally saw the salesman wake up. “Damn, son! You been sleeping a long time! What happened?”

“Well,” the salesman replied. “I should have listened to you. I got horny last night and tried that first hole and it was pretty fair but not really satisfying so I tried the second hole. It was good but didn’t do the job so I took on that third hole. Say, what’s behind them holes anyway?”

“Son, that first hole is my sheep, Dolly. The second hole is my mare, Sally, and that third hole is my milking machine and that thing don’t quit till it gets a quart!”

What’s the difference between a pregnant lady and a light bulb? You can unscrew a light bulb.

A boy was going through his grandmother’s wallet one night and found her ID card. “Grandma?” he asked, “How much do you weigh?” His grandmother replied, “That’s not an appropriate question, Jimmy” He then asked, “How old are you?” She again replied, “That’s not appropriate, Jimmy.” Finally, he asked, “Grandma, why did grandpa leave you?” Before she had time to answer, Jimmy looked at the card and said, “Oh I see, it’s because you got an ‘F’ in sex.”

What’s the difference between sin and shame? It’s a sin to put it in, but it’s a shame to pull it out.

The first rule of the Alzheimer’s club is… Wait, where are we again?

I told my girlfriend she drew her eyebrows too high. She seemed surprised.

A representative for a condom company is on her way to a convention. While rushing through the airport, she drops the briefcase carrying her samples of condoms all over the floor. As she is stuffing all the condoms back into her

Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy that day due to our Veterans, don’t forget to celebrate them as well! NO JOKE!

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