TREN Magazine #1

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Foreword I’m sure that many of you reading this know me in person, or by magazine TrenMania, of which I have been director for 11 years. Closed a stage, a new stage start here, this time wrapped by new technologies and with the aim of reaching more readers. Today birth of a new magazine, the first in our country and free online distribution, with the best content we can provide about what more we like the railroad. Its name reflects what it is, a magazine on the train, the train today, quick and fast and the train of the past, its history and its people, the railway workers. There is a railroad enthusiast who does not like the models and model railways, like us, so the model trains, news, analysis of the latest models, and now reach this dynamic sector of each month to all our readers. I hope you enjoy both this magazine like us doing it. Enrique Dopico


C.I.Bios. S.L. Apdo. 599 45080 - Toledo (España) Director: Enrique Dopico Advertising: Redacción Madrid: Carlos Ruiz Polo Redacción Barcelona: Santi Compte Collaborators: Carlos Pérez Fontana Ignacio Martín Yunta Javier López Ortega Miguel Angel Travesí Luis.F. Ruiz Pereira




You can send pictures and articles about trains, locomotives, infrastructure, building models and scale models, reports of large layouts and small modules.

Train Magazine Online is not responsible for the articles by the authors and reserves all rights to the work, not allowed total or partial reproduction by any means.

On January 17 entered in service in the fleet FGC the locomotive 255.01 on the SEAT Martorell to the port of Barcelona car transporter shuttle. This engine runs on dual electric mode between Martorell and Sant Boi, and diesel mode in the port area. This locomotive belonging to EuskoKargo which bore the number 2003 “Urumea� is for rent to own by the FGC. Photo: FGC.

On the tracks to the station of Munich, we see the locomotive of the DB 111-039, which sports a special decoration made in cooperation with the German Mountaineering Club and Roco. This H0 scale locomotive which accurately reflects the actual pattern decoration. This Roco locomotive is now available for sale. Photo: Enrique Dopico

At full power the 3,000 horses roaring of the Talgo locomotive 353 005 “Virgen Bien Aparecida” circulating in the vicinity of El Pardo. Photo: Ignacio Martín Yunta



After approval als submitted Public Works that the new 10

by the European Union up to five of the proposby Spain to create rail corridors, the Ministry of has conducted a review of proposals requesting corridor called “Central Crossing of the Pyrenees”.

AY The most surprising s fact of the Spanish plans approval, by the com commission for its study, was to take five of the six Spanish proposals. Certainly well above the expectations placed on it by the Ministry of Development, responsible for drafting and presentation of proposals. Now from the Ministry of Development is going to present a new proposal for

revision, which includes, in addition to the existing corridors, including corridor called Central Crossing the Pyrenees, along with some changes in the Cantabrian corridor to improve access to the ports of Santander , AvilĂŠs and Vigo. The importance of this decision is crucial because the affected lines will then be considered as part of the

European backbone network, and therefore partly financed with European funds. These lines will form the future Trans-European communication that allow the transit of passengers and goods from one end to another of the European Union.

251-018 and 251017 locomotives at the head of a train of steel products from Miranda de Ebro to Trasona, circulating in the vicinity of VillamanĂ­n. 27/05/10

NEWS Within the agreed Spanish axis, the so-called Mediterranean corridor and the Atlantic axis enjoy priority over the rest, as they have been included among the 10 international main Trans-European. What are the axes that channeled the main traffic, supported by other secondary axes. The other three axes adopted, which are the central shaft and connections Cantabrian-Mediterranean and Atlantic-Mediterranean also receive European funds, but must first preference will be ready and the two main axes.

Map of the basic railway network in Spain, formed by three types of corridors, passenger, freight and mixed.

The locomotive is heading to 269,068 Gris茅nHendaye train p passing g through g C a s t e j 贸 n . 25/0 25 /08/ 8/09 09 25/08/09

The first proposal has only been out of all the so-called Community aid Central Crossing the Pyrenees, which included the construction of a tunnel under the Pyrenees, an option rejected by the commission because of cost and safety measures and to take account in this type of infrastructure. This is not to say that the towns on both sides of the tunnel Canfranc not continue with their demands and feasibility studies, which should seek other funds for its reopening.

All of the 10 major corridors of the European Union will receive 31,700 million euros within the budgetary framework 2014-2020, this figure, the Ministry of Development expects to receive between 10 and 20% of the Community budget, they go to the adequacy line width UIC, electrification, signaling and telecommunications. Also improve navigation on the Guadalquivir to Seville, the adequacy of access to ports, terminals and logistics connection with various vehicle manufacturers for direct export of their products.



endorsed as an important way freight traffic to and This is the clearest and ol- from the European Union. dest bet in Spanish aspira- In terms of passenger trations to connect more re- ffic, is scheduled to the mote ports of the European Union and as the south by the other member countries. This important corridor, part of Algeciras and Seville, with branches to Huelva and Cadiz, form a junction near Antequera to head for the port of Almeria, to Granda, for from here head north through Murcia, to link the port Cartagena, Alicante, Valencia, Tarragona, Barcelona and Portbou. The importance of this corridor is essential and it passes through the busiest areas of Spain logistics is 14

number of travelers passing of the 2.9 million / year today to 7.7 million / year when fully operational. Foresight Development is to

The locomotive 335,028 runs with TECO Zaragoza Plaza - Valencia Encinacorba FSL ..

invest EUR 19.424 million in matching infrastructure for the mixed passenger and goods as well as the adequacy of existing ports and building new ones, as provided in Murcia. The date of full operation is located before 2020.

ATLANTIC AXIS The strategic importance of this corridor is given by the Portuguese connection to Europe through Spain. The configuration of this axis is presented marked by the union of all the Spanish Atlantic ports, joining the Galician ports in Leon, along with Asturias, Palencia continuing to where it joins the axis marking the port of Santander, together with branches from from Portugal via Salamanca and Madrid. Since the corridor is directed Palencia to Burgos, Vitoria and France,

uniting in this last stretch all the Basque ports to the central axis. The estimated investment for this corridor is about to 11,700 million euros, with a horizon of completion set for 2020. This route takes advantage of new high-speed infrastructure currently under construction called “Y”, as well as high-speed access to Galicia.

Locomotive 6006 with Steel Train Tramesa between Sagunto Castellbisbal and passing through St. Sadurnuí d’Anoia. 11/04/11


NEWS union was envisaged by the Central Pyrenees, an option that is not covered by the European Union, choosing the step by Tarragona and Barcelona and Portbou link. The planned investment is 11.621 million euros


There are certain separations of traffic diverting freight traffic from the network in some sections, and Madrid to Valladolid, Vigo Avila Leon.

CENTRAL CORRIDOR This corridor shares his southern home to the Mediterranean Corridor, starting from Algeciras, linked from the ports of Seville and Huelva and Cรกdiz, goes to Madrid, directing passenger traffic the high-speed and freight traffic by conventional network, via Alcazar de San Juan. Continue the corridor to Zaragoza where the

This interesting corridor, domestic service, as is articulated between the Mediterranean and Atlantic ports of Valencia and Sagunto towards Zaragoza, past Teruel, then continue to Pamplona, Bilbao and end in Hendaye with links to the Cantabrian and Basque ports. The estimated investment for this corridor is 13.168 million euros and estimates a deadline of six years for the adequacy of their infrastructure.

Locomotive 335,013 with a pure TECO between Tarragona and Madrid Classification Abroñigal Capçanes passing through. 26/06/11

ATLANTIC-MEDITERRANEAN CORRIDOR The last rider passed connecting Portugal to Valencia via Madrid and Badajoz. Its use will allow the direct passage of goods between the endpoints, as well as from the nodes of goods

specified in Aranjuez and Albacete, which in turn are linked with other runners. Passenger traffic will use the new high speed lines already in service or under construction. Its budget stands at 6.025 million euros.

Locomotive 333,381 with the TECO Valencia FSL to Vicálvaro Coslada Dry Port near Villasequilla. 26/03/11.

NEWS NEW PROPOSAL The new executive of Public Works has made a new proposal on February 15 in pasdo which includes several changes. Regarding rail, it is proposed to incorporate the entire network global network that exists today along with new lines planned to achieve a homogeneous characteristics in the network to the expected date of implementation. As for the basic network of goods, including connections to the ports of Vigo, Santander and Avilés and on the other hand, enhance the cornerstones in their cross-border communications. Regarding the Mediterranean Corridor, has included the coastal corridor Algeciras Almeria Andalusia, with the connection to GranadaMotril and Antequera-Malaga Port. Secondly, the minister has referred to the CantabrianMediterranean Corridor, including Castejón-Miranda. Third, the Central Corridor, which includes Central Crossing the Pyrenees, because ‘is a key element in the development of our country. “ As the cross-Atlantic Axis and Axis Atlantic-Mediterranean, which are also fundamental. The basic network of travelers to introduce a uniform way of transportation to all the provincial capitals, based on the national proposal of a mesh network of paths and consistent high-speed with the basic network of goods. This would introduce some extensive new corridors, as well as existing ones, which complete the previous Spanish proposal. 20

On the one hand the outer corridors: -Cantabrian corridor, linking A Coruña and Bilbao. -Valencia-Alicante Coastal Corridor. -Coastal Corridor Algeciras Almeria Andalusia Regarding the interior corridors: North-South Corridor-Asturias-León, Extremadura Bilbao-Zaragoza, Vitoria, Logroño, in addition to Pamplona -Pamplona-Soria-Torralba, connected with the MadridBarcelona. -Madrid-Avila-Salamanca, Segovia and Avila. -Madrid-Albacete and Murcia and subsequent connection with La Encina, to bind to Valencia and Alicante. -Madrid-Jaén-Granada, with a connecting branch JaénCórdoba. -Seville-Cádiz, Huelva and Malaga. -Leon, Ourense, with two branches Lugo-A Coruña and Vigo (For Cerdedo) Pontevedra, Santiago-A Coruña / Ferrol. Also reflected in the basic network communications with the proposed new nodes (Vigo, Santander and Malaga). On the other hand, will be enhanced Spanish-Portuguese relations, and proposed connections to Faro and Huelva Vigo-Oporto and relations with France, by incorporating also the Central Crossing the Pyrenees.

SIXTEEN NEW LOGISTICS In the new proposal have been collected in accordance with the proposals agreed with the regions, up to 16 new logistics platforms. These are: Pontevedra, Monsoon, Castellón, Ciudad Real, El Bierzo, Benavente, Zamora, Miranda de Ebro, Burgos, Palencia, Central Area, Aranda de Duero, Soria, Arévalo, Avila and Segovia. Double 252 traction locomotives with TECO Morrot Antwerpen Barcelona on its way through France Cornellá way ..

New freight corridors proposed by the Ministry of Development.



NUREMBERG 2012 Visit this important trade fair for any modeller is as close to being able to walk through the kitchens of top chefs and smell her cooking. Not surprisingly, this is the place to feel firsthand the first boiling of the innovations will come from the kitchens of all manufacturers current models undoubtedly a treat for the senses during the long and tasty tour of the booth and back rooms of this huge fair, which showcases the fan face and marketing tool for business and industry. No doubt this is a compelling consideration for appointment to the rail way we did not want to miss. AUTHORS: C.Fontana - J.Villalvilla - E. Dopico

The 63rd edition of the Toy Fair held in Nuremberg reLA FERIA EN CIFRAS ceived the 77,500 trade visitors and journalists who have come to visit the fair, with a 77.500 VISITORS slight decrease respect to 2.776 EXHIBITORS the number of visitors last 119 COUNTRIES year. As usual in the latest editions of the fair, the pavilion housing the large 4A fairground Nuremberg was the place chosen to concentrate the model train stands, 22

160.000 m2

- Página diseñada por Santi Folch ( Licencia Creative Commons Atribution 3.0: uso libre pero se solicita citar al autor o vincular a la página de descarga: maquetador-o


where 112 companies gathered to show their proposals and developments for the future. The cold outdoor environment where the temperature was in double figures below zero all day, moved into and reflected a cooling of the market and optimism in the future. This could be seen in many stands, where developments are limited to simple announcements of intentions, repainted and modifications of existing models, when not presented as a novelty the same last year. Here are a most interesting, in our view, of what could be seen in this edition of the fair, without tediously dwell with endless lists of products, available on the websites of different manufacturers.

construction kits for such vehicles, adaptable and easily used to extend the motor park.

Z Scale(1:220) MÄRKLIN celebrates the anniversary “40 years of Mini-Club” with the presentation of three specially designed locomotives, a steam locomotive 2-3-1 03 series, other steam locomotive 0-3-0 BR 89 and V60 diesel locomotive series. The three models are accurate finish with details such as its polished rods. Along with these three locomotives includes a re-

plica of the BR89 model made in solid metal and painted in gold, and a small book on the history of the Mini-Club and a numbered certificate of authenticity. A new set of wagons for the transportation of goods, in this case mineral, contains five self-discharge wagons 00tz open series 43 of the DB.

Z Scale – MÄRKLIN Conmemorative model of the BR 80

Z Scale – MÄRKLIN celebrating 40 years of Mini Club

Rolling Stock T Scale(1:450) Railway Shop introduces the next generation of models in scale T, which owes its name to the gauge of 3 mm using these curious trains. Showed main new ICE 3 train along with a wide range of track and accessories, including interesting buildings, cars or trees, highlighting the

T Scale – The ICE 3 is presented as the main novelty of the scale T


The double-decker cars for regional services Metronom company, along with Bombardier TRAXX diesel locomotive had an extraordinarily exceptional image with a magnificent finish. For the Insider Club members will be offered this year the locomotive BR 01 of the DB, with a new highly detailed finish all accessories and connecting rods. Finally, as a single series for 2012 highlight the GG-1 electric locomotive of American railroads Pennsylvania Railroad (PRR). Z Scale – MÄRKLIN presented its new products for Z scale Steam locomotive 03 series Steam locomotive series 89 V60 diesel locomotive Steam locomotive BR 01

N Scale (1:160) ARNOLD presents a complete catalog of novelties, the most interesting are various decorations of German diesel railcar 627 series and 420 series electric motor known, also with various decorations. A point of interest in the new catalog are numerous reproductions of Bombardier TRAXX locomotives,

including 253 of Renfe Freight locomotive and its twin in decoration Comsa undoubtedly very interesting models for modellers Spanish.

About the Spanish anounce new Renfe series 8,000 and 10,000 cars in white N Scale – DB 627 series Railwith blue lines. car ARNOLD



N Scale – DB 420 Series electric railcar ARNOLD

N Scale - Locomotive Renfe Mercancías 253 ARNOLD

N Scale - Locomotive 253 Comsa ARNOLD


N Scale - 8,000 Car series Renfe ARNOLD

N Scale - Car series Renfe 10,000 ARNOLD

N Scale - Platform Comsa loaded with sleepers ARNOLD

N Scale - Hopper silo ARNOLD



Wagons are many in the new catalog. Rgs wagon emphasize the platform type of sleepers loaded into yellow bins and silo Comsa Uapps in Metransa decorations, Cargill and Sucran. BRAWA continues its project on the diesel locomotive of VOITH Gravita 10BB, which is now available in version with sound and various decorations of

private operators. In addition to numerous decorative versions of material already in its portfolio, announcing a new four-axle tank wagon DR and DB versions. FLEISCHMANN celebrates 125 years, therefore, will offer fans three locomotives N scale for 125 â‚Ź each. These are the steam locomotive BR 70.0 of the DB, the diesel loco-

N Scale - tank wagon decoration DR Brawa

N Scale - Locomotive Gravita 10 BB Brawa now with sound


motive BR 221 of DB and electric locomotive BR 101 of DB, certainly some very interesting machines. Another celebration is locomotive BR 145 electric locomotive decorated in reality the same way and will soon be available with its striking dĂŠcor anniversary, along with other commemorative set and locomotives. Of the other developments highlight the many

N Scale - Locomotive BR 221 for the 125 anniversary of FLEISCHMANN.

N Scale - Locomotive BR 101 for the 125 anniversary of FLEISCHMANN.

N Scale - Locomotive BR 70 for the 125 anniversary of FLEISCHMANN.



N Scale - Locomotive decorated with the FLEISCHMANN 125th anniversary, the real model as flowing through German rails.

N Scale - Start Set digital “Estrella” with 250 Renfe locomotive and three cars “Estrella” FLEISCHMANN.

decorative variations receiving V100 diesel locomotive of the DR, the new decor “Mozart” of the ÖBB Taurus locomotive and decorations of locomotives Re 460 of SBB. For fans RENFE will be two versions of container wagons interesting Renfe blue container loaded Transfesa and Maersk Sealand. Is also announced a Start Set digital with the engine 250 in “Estrellla” color and three cars “Estrella” Renfe, with an oval track and two swirhcs with multiMaus. 30

N Scale - Renfe container wagons loaded with containers Transfesa and Maersk. FLEISCHMANN

N Scale - Excellent reproduction of the locomotive 3/5 of Fulgurex .

FULGUREX allowed delighted with their excellent locomotives made in great detail and quality. For the scale N we see different versions of the locomotive Ed 3/5 will be available in seven different versions. At its stand we noticed the beautiful replica of the 140 Baldwin locomotive for the French network. N Scale - 140 Baldwin Locomotive Fulgurex.

N Scale - Set of Renfe Hobbytrain container wagons.

HOBBYTRAIN - KATO The tandem of marks, and veterans in the production of Europe announces exciting news on the scale N, as the German E 71 electric locomotive or maintenance Dresina Robel. For the Spanish market we looked at the locomotive G 1700 Arcelor Mittal and a container wagons set of 4 Renfe. N Scale - Taurus locomotive “Sisi” of Jägerndorfer.



N Scale - double-decker cars Jägerndorfer CAT.

JÄGERNDORFER deeply into the N scale and makes continuing with new decorations Taurus locomotives of Hungary, in this case decorated with “Sisi”. Another interesting new feature is the double-decker cars ÖBB and CAT. LILIPUT expands its catalog with new models in N scale This time with the E 10 electric locomotive of the DB in different versions.

N Scale - Locomotive E 10 DB of Lilliput.

MABAR presented the new automotive ABJ 1, available in different versions and decorations for Spanish and French market. N Scale - ABJ 1 Diesel railcar of Mabar.

N Scale - Train “Showtrain Maus” by Minitrix.


N Scale - Locomotive 218, new construction of Minitrix.

MINITRIX participated in the drought of advertising as the main innovation models a reproduction of the diesel locomotive number 218 of the DB, new construction with five pole motor, flywheel, DCC decoder functions Selectrix integrated sound and lighting using LEDs. Of the other news on the company, highlight the interesting and appealing set “Maus Showtrain� formed by the engine E 110.3 two passenger cars and a bagage all colorfully decorated with pictures of the T.V. program that gives its name.

N Scale - Piko Locomotive G1206.

PIKO continues to expand its product line in N scale with a new version of Talent 2 trian formed for two cars and new decorations for Vossloh G 1206

locomotive. This year is planned the marketing of automotive Stadler, and decorations in various versions, as well as the train of the DB series 624.

N Scale - Automotive Stadler of Piko. N Scale - Also new is announced by Piko BB 25500 electric locomotive short cab SNCF will be available in various decorations.



TT Scale (1:120) PIKO announced in its range in TT scale a new version of two motor cars for the Talent 2 undoubtedly a very interesting model for fans of this scale. Another interesting announcement is the diesel locomotive BR 290 and BR 291 of the DB model is also of great interest. TT Scale - Locomotive BR 290, Piko.

TT Scale - Automotive Talent 2 of Piko.

ROCO slowing its innovations in this scale, which had staked a firm in recent years and this year announced just playing a tank wagon bogies DR in different versions, plus new versions of the steam locomotive BR 38 and wagons with various loads. TT Scale - Roco tank wagon.

TT Scale - Locomotive E18 Tillig.


TILLIG presented in this edition of the fair with many new features in the TT scale. Highlights reproduction announced E18 electric locomotive in different versions, we are also interested in the project Prussian P8 locomotive and the beautiful series 50 of the DRG. The remaining changes are different models and decorations in their catalog.

Scale H0 - Eurostar City Italia ACME.

H0 Scale (1:87) ACME whose stand is overflowing with new features, almost like the other Italian manufacturers, who are spearheading about news, followed closely by the French market, announced many exciting new features like the Eurostar City Italia, H0 Scale - Acme Locomotive 685 Gr. composed of two heads drive, one motorized, and two cars accompanying 1 st and 2 nd class, all that can be expanded with different sets of cars, whose livery is very striking. Although not less striking is the train ETR 500 “Politensión” formed by two drive heads, one without a motor, together with two intermediate cars and as in the previous case with multiple set of extension available. In design, the new ETR 610 of the SBB CFF FFS, Scale H0 - ACME refrigerated wagons. model of exceptional beauty. Other models, including new electric vehicles Italian and Gr steam locomotive 685, a beautiful 1-3-1 locomotive. Jumping over numerous new features, we highlight a great surge of intermodal container wagons, in many versions and decorations, along with new refrigerated wagons and transport of wine in baScale H0 - Tank wagons for transporting wine from ACME. rrels.


FAIRS AND EXHIBITIONS BRAWA continues to produce more and better steam locomotives, as always with a taste for detail and refinement that make each model a collector’s item. for this year is expected out of the running locomotive 0-4-0 G 7.1 in KPEV versions, DRG, DR, DB, ÖBB and SNCF. Reappears Gravita 15 BB diesel locomotive from Voith. Regarding hauled out the wide variety of decorations planned for Städteexpress bogie coaches of the DR. BEMO we discover the world of narrow gauge in Switzerland with many new features, of which we highlight the automotive ABe 4/4 which will be available in two different decorations. Another development that will be realized during this year is the steam locomotive HG zippered 3/41 of Furka, decorated in blue and with an excellent finish will delight the most purists. The other new models are distributed between the RHB and the FO and the locomotives and cars to the narrow way in the DR. BREKINA still committed to the production of railcars and this year presents the model NE-81, A model of the 60 that will be available


H0 Scale - Locomotive of Brawa G 7.1.

H0 Scale - Locomotive Brawa Gravita 15 BB.

Scale H0 - Automotive HG 3/41 of BEMO.

in various decorations, different operators, both with an excellent finish.

Scale H0 Railcar NE-81 of Brekina.

ELECTROTREN had in his stand the first prototypes of its main bet for 2012. The electric locomotive and 7,200 in North versions Renfe. This huge and beautiful locomotive will be available in analog, digital, digital sound and alternative. The first sensation to see the machine has been very positive, because despite being without engine prototypes or final finish, the feeling is of being in a great model. Obviously we have set in H0 Scale - Locomotive 7200 of Electrotren. the most striking of the locomotive, which are their bumpers, plates and bonnets, and may perhaps inscriptions. be due to more expectation In both cases we have from fans, who expect it similar colors accurate as a good solution, optical and well detailed. and mechanical, allowing running to the locomotive for small radius curves, while its fit and movement to be as realistic as possible. It is without doubt the most improtante challenge to the design and manu- H0 Scale - Detail of 7200 of facture this engine, but in Electrotren locomotives. view of the above it looks that it has gotten a successful design of this part that meets all objectives. This locomotive has two independent sets each consist of a chassis that houses all three axles and in turn an articulated bogie with the front and the hood, all with independent movement within the same set. This solution is copied from the real model which allows a correct positioning of such a striking part of the locomotive at all sorts of curves, including a smaller radius. In appearance and finish the two models have shown logical modifications to adapt to the different time they represent. Change and pilot lights, H0 Scale - North and Renfe 7200 of Electrotren locomotives. 37


Scale H0 - North version of the locomotive 7200 of Electrotren.

H0 Scale - Locomotive Renfe Version 7200 of Electrotren.

No less interesting is the announcement of the Pacific type steam locomotive MZA versions and Renfe. This magnificent locomotive aesthetic presence and was responsible for towing the first major fast trains MZA and then Renfe. This model certainly emblematic of our railroad that will be released this year and that at present there is no prototype. Another interesting model for this year is the steam locomotive “Baracaldo” with saddle tank and as the old 030, now green version of “Hunosa” have a proper finish and detail while maintaining excellent price. H0 Scale - Locomotive 030 “Baracaldo” of Electrotren.


H0 Scale - Locomotive 231 Pacif Electrotren Renfe version.

Scale H0 - Mikado locomotive superheater fueled by Electrotren.

H0 Scale - Train “Alaris” of Electrotren. H0 Scale - Locomotive 030 in colors “Hunosa” of Electrotren .

A new version of the Mikado locomotive 141 will be released in 2012, now with a new boiler fitted with heaters and various accessories on it, along with a fueled tender. Already in a more current time is announced railcar diesel TRD 594 with the new front spoiler that these units are receiving in Renfe. Another electric trainis the “Alaris” series 490 of Renfe, will be available shortly. Its appearance and finish show a pattern very well done, like three cars drive 463 series “Civia” Renfe. A new version with high front windshields of the electrical unit 440, the High Speed train 100 series now in AVE Renfe Operadora colors, both original version with two motor heads, as the version its possession of a power head and original the other belonging to different model due to its change by accident. We also saw the new AVE S-112 High Speed Train, upgrades for Talgo III trains and a platform type RMMS in green color and loaded with two armored type TOA. Other wagons with containers or military colors enable interesting form compositions of this type of material.

Scale H0 - TOA Transportation Electrotren

Scale H0 - AVE S 100 with diferent motrice cars of Electrotren.



ESU fascinate us again with their locomotives. On this occasion presented the new diesel series 77, present in many European countries and distinctive design, it shares with the previous models of the brand a high level of quality and detail. The model has all the technical advances and functions included in other models, such as electric 151 of the DB or diesel 218 of the DB. This model incorporates a V4.0 LokSound decoder with “PowerPack� curves sensor, lights in the cabin, bogies braking sparks and smoke synchronized with sound.

H0 Scale - Locomotive series 77 of ESU.

H0 Scale - Locomotive series 151, 77 and 218 ESU.

FLEISCHMANN celebrating 125 years offers to the fans in this special year for the brand three locomotives at a price of â‚Ź 125 each, these models are the steam locomotive BR 64 of the DB, the diesel locomotive of the DB V 200.1 and 103 electric locomotive the DB. Special models for a date so celebrated as a great price. Only a lucky few will be available a wooden box fitted with bearings and integrated digital control to operate the steam locomotive Type BR 18 which includes in this especial and atractive ser. The other big news announced this year, but 2013 is available in the new Velaro 407 of the DB series.

Scale H0 - Locomotives to celebrate the 125th anniversary of the brand and set for collectors of Fleischmann.


FAIRS AND EXHIBITIONS Also new for the Fleischmann fans is the electric locomotive BR 145 of Pressnitztalbahn, in reality decorated to celebrate the occasion and also available to scale. Of the other developments we have drawn attention to an interesting int nter eres er estititing es ng g tank tan ankk wagon wago wa g n go for tr for fo ttransportation ran ansp sp por o tati tatit o ta on n of of wine. wine wine wi n e.

H0 Scale - Locomotive BR 145 and tank cars Fleischmann.


Scale H0 - Locomotives E-401 and E-402 of Fulgurex.

H0 Scale - Locomotive “Pershing” of Fulgurex.

FULGUREX as always, synonymous with quality and good work, showed the first prototypes of its locomotive Ed 3/5, which circulated in Switzerland between 1858 and 1912 at the head of freight and passenger trains in the SCB “Schweizerische Central Bahn”. The model by Fulgurex has many details, as usual and will be built only 175 copies in total. It also reproduces the locomotive “Pershing” American-made by Baldwin in 1917, of which were sent to Europe 2,200 units, of which 1,916 went to the SNCF and that Fulgurex build 200 units in different decorations. Another impressive model is the electric locomotive E-401 and E-402. Originally built by Ganz in Budapest, entered in service in 1926 at the PO and network strategies available to fans at origin version gray or green. Other interesting new features announced are the automotive “TAR” from NORD made up of three cars, or the beautiful steam locomotive 030 Gr. 851 to the FS.

Scale H0 - Locomotives Ed 3/5 of Fulgurex.


HAG Swiss paradise of miniature trains, announced several new products for 2012, as the locomotive 482 and 484 in different decorations and cars SBB S-Bahn network in diverse and colorful decorations. Attracted our attention the tractor locomotive SBB Ee 922 of which presented a prototype. HERIS announced for 2012 the production of a new type of freight car bogie tank, silo, which will receive numerous decorations of private operators. As for coaches presented a prototype double-decker cars for VR services IC2 night. JOUEF in 2012 will offer new versions of your Mikado steam locomotive 141 R, along with the steam locomotive 150 C. Also new are the regional railcar diesel X72500 with numerous decorations, along with the oldest and most veterans and X2200. Large and striking electric locomotives 2D2 2D2 5500 and 5400 are also another of the recent advances in 2012.

Scale H0 switch engine 922 SBB Ee HAG.

Scale H0 - Heris silo wagon.

H0 scale prototype of the locomotive 2D2 Jouef.

H0 Scale - Locomotive 150 C of Jouef.


Scale H0 - Locomotives VOITH Maxima Kombimodell.

H0 Scale - Steam locomotive series 75 of Lilliput.

Scale H0 - KISS electric railcar of Lilliput.

H0 Scale - Postal car 8500 of Mabar.

KOMBIMODELL after the success with his locomotives Voith Maxima, who continue to receive new decorations, announces two exciting new features for 2012. The DG 1000 BB Deutz engine and for 2013 anticipates the announcement of the Bombardier TRAXX locomotive AC3. Of course many combined transport wagons arrive to stores throughout 2012 with the excellent quality of this brand. LILIPUT has made the steam engine in 75 series totally new construction, which have different decorations depending on the season. Of singular beauty of its finish and frame, the steam locomotive of the DR 53.71, is another novelty for 2012, as German diesel locomotives 219 and 753 series machines, which are indispensable in any collection. For fans of Swiss trains announcing the reproduction of double-decker cars KISS type of SBB-ZVV with electric motor cab. MABAR show in display of all models, showing a prototype of the postal 8500, series with the 030 locomotives that after delaying its release appears to soon be made available. The Spanish brand, following the policy of silence from other manufacturers did not want to announce or unveil future projects, thus avoiding all kinds of rumors and speculation about them.

H0 Scale - Locomotive 030, Mabar.



MAKETTE presented at its stand a large number of wagons, stressing for 2012 numerous tanks for transporting two axes of wine. It also announces a beautiful tank trucks for transportation fuels in II era with different decorations.

H0 Scale - Trains for Kids “My World” of Märklin.

H0 Scale - Electric Train 403 DB Märklin.

MÄRKLIN Following the success of its economic model for children called “My World” launched a large amount of product in this line, for little ones, whose ease of use, fun and low price are a great success and now have available trains goods or modern high speed trains. For the greater modelers major the main change for 2012 is the electric vehicle DB 403 series, which will be of metal construction, with two motors, sound decoder, interior lighting, including lamps, tables and driving cabs. Another new feature that stands out is the steam locomotive 01 150, a machine was damaged in a fire at Nuremberg and has now been rebuilt. The beautiful vehicle with his trailer VT 75.9 and 94.5 steam locomotive are new developments that are worth highlighting.

H0 Scale - Steam locomotive BR 94.5 Märklin.


H0 Scale - Steam locomotive BR 01 150 Märklin.

MICRO-METAKIT this year was not present at the fair with a stand, although we had the opportunity to meet with the manager of the firm and see first hand their proposals for 2012, which are quite numerous. Notable among them is the electric motor ET85.03 Deutsche Reichsbahn, model excellent metallic finish and accuracy as other models of the firm. Another automotive diesel this time, is the model of the Deutsche Reichsbahn VT865. More striking, no doubt, is the steam automobile of the Royal Bavarian Railway, great-looking and equipped with connecting rods in their motor bogie. The remaining developments bring us great views of steam locomotives Prussian and Bavarian Deutsche Reichsbahn, all excellent and detailed implementation. We were struck by the announcement of the train belonging to the Austrian Kaiser Franz-Joseph, consisting of eight cars. With its brand LOKOMOTIVMANUFAKTUR MÜNCHEN market is predicted very exclusive versions of some models, such as striking EP211/212 electric locomotive with a colorful and festive decorations will be available only in 20 units. No less striking is the steam locomotive 160 A-1 of the SNCF equipped with measuring elements in a limited edition only 30 units.

Scale H0 - Automotive Electrical Micro-Metakit ET85.03.

H0 Scale - Steam Bavarian motor car Micro-Metakit.

H0 Scale - Electric Locomotive Lokomotivmanufaktur München.

H0 Scale - Steam locomotive 160 A-1 of Lokomotivmanufaktur München.

FAIRS AND EXHIBITIONS PIKO shows little innovation in the face of 2012, some of them repainted from previous versions, such as the recent diesel locomotive 119. A new feature is announced shunting diesel locomotive number 344 of the DR in its Expert range. And in this same range is announced electric motor 440 of the DB series and the striking GTW 2/8 of Stadler. Very interesting models for the most current material fan. Scale H0 - 440 of Piko electric railcar.

REE MODELS is another representative of the great French presence in this show, it presented interesting new features like the 030 TU steam locomotive, the steam locomotive ex231 PLM and 141 ex-PLM, all planned and the postal wagon OCEM , which will be released later this year. so if you could see were the ANF bogie tank wagons, very interesting model.

H0 Scale - Locomotive 344, Piko.

H0 scale - Models Ree Cistern.


RIVAROSSI expands its catalog with many new features aimed at the Italian fans, some spectacular three-phase electric locomotives as E431 and E432, along with a large park new Italian electric locomotives, automotive diesel and electric ALn 663 ETR 480 “Pendolino�. For German fans announced the 150 series locomotive 58 (ex G12) and 131 locomotive tender 75 series. Also available Henschel-Wegmann train in full.

OS.KAR is another representative of the most active Italian Model, announcing exciting news for 2012 as the locomotive 131 of 685.300 of the FS type, model reproduced in great detail.

Scale H0 - Rivarossis three-phase electric locomotive.

For the French market announcing the diesel locomotive BB 75000, and the electric BB 27000, both Alstom Pirma model. As a curiosity we highlight the new reproduction of the diesel locomotive BB

63000, very similar to the spanish locomotive 307 series.

H0 Scale - Locomotive 685,300 of Os.Kar

Scale H0 - BB 63000 locomotive of Os.Kar



ROCO announces short but interesting news. One is the Swiss electric locomotive Re 4/4 of the SBB on new construction with many details. Other innovations such as steam locomotives German G12 series, BR 23 and BR 85 are already announced for 2013. For the Spanish market is due to arrive in a box of initiation containing an analog circuit and a train consisting of a diesel locomotive shunter, two axes platforms and mobile cranes, all decorated in Renfe colors. Closer to reality will be a new version of the Renfe engine 333, in original colors, but equipped with dual optical light emblems and renfe colors improved over the previous model. We may also enjoy new cars star, in particular, two second class type B11X, two first cars type A10X and two BC10X type, which as we reported, they will have a careful reproduction of colors and inscriptions. As for freight wagons only advertised as a novelty decoration of bogie Renfe wagon loaded with rod.

H0 Scale - Locomotive Re 4/4 of Roco

Scale H0 - starter set Roco Renfe.

H0 Scale - Renfe Platform with load Roco.


H0 Scale - Locomotive 333, Roco.

Scale H0 - Car B11x Roco.

H0 scale - Roco car A10X

H0 scale - Roco car BC10X



SUDEXPRESS present in this edition of the fair with its own stand, where we see the expected Vossloh Euro 4000, Spanish 335 series. Despite being unfinished final prototype, the engine 335 aims to become a model of high quality as usual to offer this brand in all its reproductions.

In the realization of the locomotive was taken into account all the differences in each model in different service operators with it. Thus the underside reproduced real elements in each model as well as other specific differences locomotives operating in Nordic countries.

The bogies have received much attention from the manufacturer who has played all elements thereof. Similarly, the roof of the model has an excellent finish with very detailed grids and fans. For the French market this year will offer new versions of the grain bins and known by the fans for their good quality.

H0 Scale - Locomotive Sudexpress Euro 4000.

Scale H0 - Sudexpress grain hopper.


TILLIG DR models is still committed and this time is the turn of two cars automotive diesel CVT 135. For fans of the H0m scale could see the future model of the steam locomotive of the DR 99 601 to accompany the two cars of axes.

H0 Scale - Locomotive 99 601 at H0m of Tillig.

Scale H0- Tillig Automotive CVT 135

TOLOLOKO is a small Polish artisan, exhibiting at a number of years and each time we revel in magnificent and spectacular models made of brass, where all doors are mobile. The excellent finish their pieces is accompanied by a competitive price and low for their high quality.

H0 scale - for beer wagon Tololoko.

H0 Scale - Type G closed Wagon Tololoko.



TRIX follows the trail of his brand of header, M채rklin, and has many versions and updates, along with the announcement of the return to traditional values, reason to rejoice fans of the brand, characterized by the delicacy of the models reproduced the chosen time and a personal touch on them, a fact readily apparent in the production of wonderful steam locomotives, and locomotive tender 122 D XII Bavarian railways, model exquisite finish and magnificent presence that will be available throughout 2012 along with the Bavarian cars for express trains. Another intriguing model is the locomotive Bavarian B VI, a beautiful locomotive 030 with tender, available in 2012. The other novelties for this year are the steam locomotive 050 type of the DB 94.5 series, an impressive engine. Other news are the electric train ET 403 of the DB, shunting diesel locomotive BR 212 equipped and functional coupling of new construction.

Scale H0 - Trix Locomotive B VI.


Scale H0 - Trix Locomotive D XII.

Scale H0 - Trix Locomotive DB 94.5.

H0 Scale - Locomotive R 4/4 of Trix.

0 Scale (1:45) FULGUREX prepares for 2012 the launch for four interesting models in this scale, day by day gains more adherents. The first novelty to be available we could see it in its stand. This is the steam locomotive EST / SNCF 141 TB locomotive-tender high finish available in four versions. The following model is a steam locomotive NORD / SNCF 221 “Atlantic” locomotive star of the Universal Exhibition in Paris in 1900, available in four different versions. More modern is the SNCF steam locomotive 232, fairing model for high speed sewing machine with steam traction elegant decor will look green in different versions. Finally announcing the Bugatti automobile “présidentiel” in three different decorations. A model certainly spectacular.

Scale 0 - Locomotive EST / SNCF 141 TB by Fulgurex.

LENZ made available to fans the steam locomotive BR 94.5, a beautiful tender locomotive 050, which have a high level of finish and detail. Without moving from mere announcement, but with the assurance of being made, announcing the 50 series steam locomotive of the DB. Finally, a sympathetic Dresina KLV 12 type vehicle will serve to animate the the layouts for its originality.

Scale 0 - Locomotive BR 94.5 Lenz.



Scale 1 (1:32) FULGUREX celebrates 65 years of existence in 2012. This will produce electric locomotive Ae 6/8 of BLS. The model made by Fulgurex have a new building system in its bogies, allowing to travel on twometer radius, while the original sound will be provided. Another locomotive that will be released in 2012 is the electric Ae 3/6 II of the SBB, highly detailed model, available in green or brown, with different numbering. Finally the engine TC 141 Nord / SNCF, in brown and stunning looks. KM1 also birthday and to celebrate 10 years in 2013 announced the sale of the reproduction of the locomotive V10010 (series 211), which will be available for 990 â‚Ź, great price for a model of five kg. of weight, super detailed, grilles, doors mobile smoke generator dynamic, realistic sound and excellent finish. While waiting for this long awaited model, we can stop in the V200, made with great detail and perfect operation. Finally we also highlight the steam locomotive 9875 series that having a high finish, high quality details and a price of 890 â‚Ź, certainly tight for a locomotive in this category.

Scale 1 - Locomotive Ae 6/8 of Fulgurex.

Scale 1 - Locomotive Ae 3/6 II Fulgurex.

Scale 1 - Locomotive V200 KM1.


LGB afer restructuring to join the group Märklin, and presents a strong comeback in this edition of the toytrain range, designed to promote the game among the smallest, having a wide range of locomotives, wagons, cars and trains of all kinds that will delight the young. For older people and larger pockets announcing the construction of electric automotive ABe 8/12 “Allegra” of RhB, exceptionally beautiful and striking model. Smaller, but equally spectacular is the driving Ge 2/4, a stylish machine built in 1913 a magnificent appearance. Another equally striking locomotive power is Gea 2/4 of RhB, which can tow a large number and wide variety of wagons has developed the brand for them.

Scale 1 - Locomotive Ge 2/4, Locomotive Gea 2/4 and Automotive ABe 8/12 of LGB.



PIKO continues to produce models for G scale, with new electric versions of the BR 254 for this year and V100 diesel locomotive, this time in decoration BR 204, “Pressnitztalbahn�. Undoubtedly the most striking and elegant model for this scale is the tremendous combination of the fast diesel train VT 11.5, initially formed by three vehicles, two of them driving a car extreme and intermediate, which may be extended by loose car and the dining car. G Scale - Locomotive BR 294, Piko.

G Scale - Locomotive BR 204, Piko.

G Scale - Diesel railcar VT 11.5 of Piko.


Decoration AUHAGEN expanding industrial buildings in its portfolio, with the new boiler house and a new administration building. Very interesting are the handmade accessories for the construction of buildings, windows, walls, pipes and blinds, made in different colors and finishes that will allow the fan to create structures to suit your needs.

Decoration - boilers Building Auhagen.

BUSCH updates its train mine and turned it into a train of field, created the “Feldbahn� which is accompanied by numerous buildings and accessories that will create a rich and diverse network path can be set close to a brick factory, a field extraction of peat and a landing at different levels. For all that Busch has created a lot of accessories that allow to acclimate the chosen scene, such as factories, bridges and decorative elements. It has also been renewed mine train, creating a new way more realistic and practical than previously employed, having more real sleepers and a metal plate and built new freight cars of various types.

Decoration - Feldbahn Busch.



BREKINA presents a lot of road vehicles in H0 scale, which highlight the popular all-terrain Lada Niva. FALLER showed at its stand the station “Öhringen” a fine building, clean bill, whose presence will be focus of attention, certainly shared with the great industrial refinery composed of many elements and deposits. Other buildings such as the sawmill with detailed interior, the distillery also detailed inside a glass workshop, the factory strings, the industrial mill compete for focusing the attention of visitors to any layout. Another novelty is the arrival of digital Car System, which allows greater control of vehicles, with the possibility of adjusting its speed, acceleration and braking as well as lights and sound.

Decoration - Station “Öhringen” Faller.

Decoration - Sawmill Faller.

Decoration - Faller Refinery.


Decoration - Faller Car System Digital.

HEKI shown us the main novelty this year, different textures of tall grasses for H0 scale, which shall be open to the harvest fields, or areas with long stems and cut segagas on the ground, together with various decorative elements present in the Heki nature always realistic. JOSWOOD the laser cutting specialist, showed us the full range of industrial buildings made with excellent detail and filigree in all its parts, especially in reproducing lattice metal parts. Much smaller but detailed kits are buildings or old car shown here.

Decoration - Joswood old building.

KIBRI presents little new kit including a plattform with LED lighting and a fire truck MB Actros. MERTEN proposes a set of figures in H0 scale hand painted. NOCH unlike the general tone of the show, has many new features ahead of 2012, some of them very interesting for the modeller. As an example we cite the sawmill equipped with motion, consisting of a main building equipped with a cart loaded with a trunk that moves towards cutting the tape. This building can be expanded with a second cutting carriage.

Decoration - Beautiful Joswood old wagon.

Decoration - Noch Sawmill with movement.



Another interesting development by Noch is expanding its range of laser cut bridges with new structures of different shapes and sizes, accessories and columns to form various formations in shape and length. The buildings for the whole season “Tannau” are completed by the administrative building made of brick, along with the spring of goods of the same style and other small outbuildings. Decoration - Noch Administration Building.

PREISER has made a complete range of decorative items to bring life into shops and warehouses. We could also see everything you need to install a modern nursery. As always many figures in everyday scenes and other less common throughout the year, as the group of Brazilian carnival dancers. To celebrate 100 years of “Elastolin” have been reproduced diferenres bar-

baric figures of warriors on horseback, and the figure of Frederick II of Prussia, all in 1:25 scale. VIESSMAN broadened its offering in the concept “eMotion” decorative elements of the model and functionality. We found a curious “Cylinder advertising”, new figures and vehicles. Kibri branded offers an extension of the concept firefighters with buildings and new vehicles

Decoration - Noch Bridges.

VOLLMER announced for 2012 are few things that strikes us manifesting a bank Eurosceptics.

Decoration - Bank protesters Vollmer.


Decoration - Elements for store Preiser .

Digital ESU perhaps the most remarkable of ESU is the presentation of the new V4.0 LokSound decoder M4, billed as the first decoder can operate under four different digital systems: DCC with RailComPlus, M채rklin, Motorola and Selectrix, with all features available, including their 8 channels of sound. It was also announced a new speaker of 12x14 mm and 4 Ohm. GAMESONTRACK presented in this fair with the most striking novelty and commented on how many we have seen. This is a new control system for models governed by the voice of the operator, cordless and electronics on the road. This new system is based on placing a small ultrasonic transmitter in each engine, which sends its position to a network of receivers in the ceiling of the room. These receptors, through triangulation of data sent exact position of each locomotive to the command station, which is responsible for initially drawing the plane of the model as the engine is circulating and subsequently allows for cantons or blockages, both fixed and mobile , preventing the scope of the circulations. To operate the system, simply speak into a microphone and the name of the locomotive and we want to The system seems to be reliable and entertaining, although several locomotives govern so complicated.

Digital - New M4 ESU decoders.

Digital - Digital Gamesontrck.

Digital - Gamesontrck ultrasonic transmitter.


FAIRS AND EXHIBITIONS ROCO-FLEISCHMANN introduced its new digital Z21, articulating its stand all around it. Spectacular presentationfor a spectacular digital system. First we noticed the use of Tablets or Smartphones for the management of the system where the screen becomes a real driver’s cab of a locomotive. Thanks to the computing capabilities, it is possible to control a locomotive from the cab itself, speeding up or slowing down their own controls, or interacting in the diagnostic screen appears fit where different information. Of course the possibilities do not end here and locomotives can handle more simplified way, trigger devices, etc.. The central Z-21 is compatible with both DCC and Motorola, have X-Bus, Bus and Lan-Can-Bus, and RJ45 for connection to Wi-Fi, being ready to LocoNet. The price of 399 ₏, is another attraction of this new digital system.


Digital - Central Z21 Roco / Fleischmann.

T4T improving its systems of digital couplers, based on an alternative decoder that enable the realization of what is called “release train” allowing release functions at will from any vehicle or governing the composition of the connections vehicles lights at will, including Permanente communication of all vehicles of the composition.

Digital - Digital coupler TT4.

UHLENBROCK also brings something new to digital systems. This is the MARCo system. This system uses to recognize RailCom locomotives or wagons by the decoder itself RailCom to mount the engine, or by vehiclemounted transmitters and receivers in the path. Enables automation of all types, from simple stop at a traffic light “red” to full control of a station, driving the progressive acceleration and braking and switching of signals, detours, etc.., Also announced the release of the 2012 version of Windigipet.

Digital - System MARCo Uhlenbrock



Layouts While this is not fair to the public demonstration and layout models, big or small are rare. Nor can we say that there are as many models or dioramas serve to introduce the new brand, so it is very common to find true works of art. Here are some examples.

Layouts - Feldbahn by Busch.




Layouts - M채rklin




Layouts - Fleischmann.





Layouts - Preiser



Layouts - Noch.


Layouts - Viessmann.






Layouts - Brawa.




Layouts - Brawa.



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Señal principal de 3 focos tipo RENFE. Escala H0, tecnología LED con la electrónica incorporada en la caja. Uso en maquetas analógicas y digitales.

Decoder con conector NEM 651. Multiprotocolo de 0,7 A y hasta 1,2 A. Tamaño 14,5 x 8,3 x 2,4 mm. Válido para escala N, TT y HO en pequeñas locomotoras.

Ref. K700 PVP: 23,95 € OFERTA:19,90 € Ref: 73110 PVP: 29,.90 € OFERTA: 19,90 € Ref: 1424 PVP: 129,90 € OFERTA: 89,90 €

Set de inicio para escala TT. Incluye locomotora con conector NEM 651, 2 vagones, vía con balasto para formar un ovalo, transformador y regulador. CONSULTA LOS PORTES EN LA WEB OFERTA VÁLIDA SOLO PARA ESPAÑA (PENÍNSULA)

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