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Development and Economic Activities

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2012 – 2022

2012 – 2022

The development of the university in the period 2012 – 2022 can be evaluated positively based on the implemented projects. This statement results from the fact that all planned projects were implemented, which clearly contributed to the growth of performance and competitiveness of the University. This confirmed that the successful functioning of any institution is possible only with a purposeful and economical investment development.

In a more detailed analysis of the implemented investments, which positively affect the economy of the University operation and ensuring its main tasks, the priority was to increase the savings of all types of energy. The reduction in the energy demand of existing buildings was significantly reflected in the bottom line. Examples include insulation and replacement of construction opening fillings in Bariny Student House and in block D of Student House Študentská 17, construction of a central exchange station and reconstruction of elevators. From the public point of view of the university as an environmentally responsible actor, for example, the implementation of the project Reconstruction of driveways and parking roads, which eliminated the parking of irresponsible drivers on green areas, and also significantly reduced the possibility of soil contamination with oil substances, was significant. The mentioned project was followed by the reconstruction of access and parking roads. The project Biotechnical Innovations in the Use of Rainwater in the Town of Zvolen will also have a positive impact on the ecology and environment around individual TUZVO buildings.


Further investment development and renovations will also be necessary in the following period to ensure the quality and permanent development of the TUZVO in accordance with strategic goals.

The bottom line of the TUZVO for the years 2012 – 2022 can be evaluated very positively. The system measures implemented since 2012 were significantly reflected in economic growth. It can be stated that for all the years 2012 – 2022, the set objectives in terms of the bottom line were met. Factors such as a significant decrease in the number of students, increase in costs, especially in the area of energy, transport, repairs, as well as a higher wage demand for work and services in the SR economy as a whole, had a negative impact on the management of the TUZVO.

Faculty of Forestry

The Faculty of Forestry occupies a unique position in the Slovak higher education system due to its focus. As the only faculty, it provides study programmes of higher education in the study fields of Forestry and Hunting, develops scientific research with the application of its results in forestry practice.

Up until now, several employees have been appointed the Dean of the Faculty of Forestry. From 2012 until now, the position of Dean has been held by: Dr. h.c Prof. Ing. Rudolf Kropil, PhD., Prof. Dr. Ing. Viliam Pichler and Prof. Ing. Marek Fabrika, PhD. Other officials of the Faculty of Forestry are currently: Vice-dean for Science and Research – Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mgr. Jaroslav Ďurkovič, PhD., (Prof. Ing. Jaroslav Kmeť, PhD., in 2012 – 2016), Vice-dean for Education –

Assoc. Prof. Ing. Bc. Miroslav Kardoš, PhD., (Prof. Ing. Valéria Messingerová, CSc., in 2012 – 2016), Vice-dean for Development and International Relations – Ing. Daniel Halaj, PhD., (Prof. Ing. Ľubomír Scheer, CSc., in 2012 – 2016) and the Secretary of the Faculty – Ing. Miroslava Babiaková (Ing. Helena Gibasová, in 2012 – 2013).

At present, the Faculty of Forestry is divided into 8 departments (the current heads of the departments are in brackets): the Department of Forest Economics and Management (Prof. Ing. Hajdúchová, PhD., Assoc. Prof. Mgr. Ing. Rastislav Šulek, PhD., Prof. Dr. Ing. Jaroslav Šálka), Department of Phytology (Prof. Ing. Ladislav Paule. CSc., Prof. Ing. Karol Ujházy, PhD.), Department of Forest Management and Geodesy (Prof. Ing. Marek Fabrika, PhD., Prof. Ing. Ľubomír Scheer, CSc.), Department of Forest Harvesting, Logistics and Soil Amelioration (Assoc. Prof. Ing. Ján Merganič, PhD.), Department of Applied Zoology and Game Management (Prof. Ing. Peter Garaj, CSc, Prof. Ing. Rudolf Kropil, CSc.), Department of Silviculture (Prof. Ing. Milan Saniga, DrSc., Prof. Ing. Peter Jaloviar, PhD.), Department of Natural Environment (Prof. Ing. Jaroslav Škvarenina, CSc.), Department of Integrated Forest and Landscape Protection (Prof. Ing. Jaroslav Kmeť, PhD.).

Study programmes at the Faculty of Forestry at the bachelor degree level are: Forestry, Applied

Zoology and Game Management, Arboriculture and Communal Forestry; at the master degree level: Adaptive Forestry, Applied Zoology and Game Management, Geoinformation and Mapping Techniques in Forestry, Forest Ecology, Forestry Technologies, Forestry and Game Management (in English); at the doctoral degree level: Silviculture and Forest Protection, Forest Management, Forestry Phytology, Forest Ecosystem Services, Forestry Technologies, Applied Zoology and Game Management, Adaptive Forestry and Game Management (in English).

Following the successful implementation of the INTEGRAL project, the Faculty team managed to obtain another project within the framework of the calls of the EU HORIZON 2020 programme called ALTERFOR for the period 2016 – 2020. The purpose of the project was to identify and facilitate the introduction of forest management models (FMM) in Europe that will be suitable for the permanent provision of the required ES in the next century. In the past five years, the implementation of several of the EU structural funds for the establishment and research within centres of excellence was finalized at the Faculty: Completion of the Centre of Excellence: Adaptive Forest Ecosystems (2010 – 2013), Centre of Excellence for Decision Support in Forests and Landscape (2011 – 2014) and the Centre of Excellence for Integrated Research on the Earth’s Geosphere (2010 – 2013).

The town of Zvolen adopted the official title “town of forestry“ and important signatories of the Memorandum were the Technical University of Zvolen as well as the Faculty of Forestry. This was declared by the signing of the Memorandum of twelve institutions on 18th April 2016 at the Old Town Hall.

Faculty of Wood Sciences and Technology

The educational process at the Faculty of Wood Sciences and Technology is based on the latest world knowledge of science, technology, and economics from our own basic and applied research, from cooperation with other universities, scientific research institutes, and the wood processing industry and from using wood and wood products.

In the years 2013 – 2017, the management of the Faculty was as follows: Prof. Ing. Mikuláš Siklienka, PhD., – Dean; Ing. Adrián Banski, PhD., – Vice-dean for Education, Prof. Ing. Ján Sedliačik, PhD., – Vice-dean for Scientific Research, Assoc. Prof. Ing. Hubert Paluš, PhD., – Vice-Dean for Development and International Relations, and Ing. Anna Hazlingerová – Secretary of the Faculty of Wood Sciences and Technology. Since May 2017, the Dean of the Faculty has been Prof. Ing. Ján Sedliačik, PhD. and Vice-dean for Scientific Research Ing. Rastislav Igaz, PhD.

• Research project “Increasing the capacity of human resources for the transfer of research knowledge and development of biomass production and processing into practice“, Kakamega forest – Kenya, 2014

During its 65-year existence, the Faculty of Wood Sciences and Technology has developed gradually. Currently, it is divided into 12 departments (head of departments are listed in the brackets): Department of Wood Science (Prof. RNDr. Mariána Babiak, PhD., Assoc.

Prof. Ing. Rastislav Lagaňa, PhD. et PhD.), Department of Woodworking (Prof. Ing. Ladislav Dzurenda, PhD.), Department of Mechanical Wood Technology (Assoc. Prof. Ing. Ivan Klement, CSc.), Department of Furniture and Interior Design (Assoc. Prof. Mgr. art. Marián Ihring, ArtD., Assoc. Prof. René Baďura, M.A.), Department of Furniture and Wood Products (Prof. Ing. Ján Sedliačik, PhD.), Department of Wooden Constructions (Prof. Ing. Jozef Štefko, CSc.), Department of Economics, Management and Business (Prof. Ing. Anna Šatanová, CSc., Prof. Ing. Rastislav Rajnoha, PhD., Assoc. Prof. Ing. Andrea Sujová, PhD., Assoc.

Prof. Ing. Marek Potkány, PhD.), Department of Marketing, Trade and World Forestry (Dr. h. c. Prof. Ing. Mikuláš Šupín, CSc.), Department of Mathematics and Descriptive Geometry (Assoc.

Prof. RNDr. Milan Matejdes, CSc., RNDr. Andrej Jankech, PhD.), Department of Physics, Electrical Engineering and Applied Mechanics (Assoc.

Prof. RNDr. Milada Gajtanska, CSc., Assoc.

Prof. PaedDr. Ľuboš Krisťák, PhD.), Department of Fire Protection (Assoc Prof. PaedDr. Peter Polakovič, CSc., Prof. RNDr. Danica Kačíková, PhD.), Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technologies (Prof. Ing. Anton Geffert, CSc., Assoc. Prof. Ing. Iveta Čabalová, PhD.).

The main mission of the Faculty of Wood Sciences and Technology of the Technical University in Zvolen is to provide higher education at all three levels of study in five areas of research and in study programmes focused on wood processing, design and construction of furniture and timber structures, economics and management of woodworking enterprises, furniture and interior design, and fire protection and safety.

The study programmes at the Faculty of Wood Sciences and Technology in the bachelor degree are: Wood Processing, Furniture Design and Construction, Furniture Design and Construction (Volyně), Management of Wood and Furniture Production, Construction and Production Processes of Wood Products, Timber Structures (Volyně), Economics and Management of Woodprocessing Enterprises, Fire Protection and Safety, Furniture and Interior Design; in the master degree of study:

The annual student competition “Professor Jindřich Halabala Award“ is an international exhibition of student semester and final projects in the field of furniture design and interior design.

In addition to Slovak students, competitors from the Czech Republic, Hungary, Belgium, Sweden, Poland and other countries took part in the competition. The awarding of the main prizes was decided by an international jury.

Wood Engineering, Design and Construction of Furniture, Management of Wood and Furniture Production, Production and Utilization of Wood Products (in English), Timber Constructions, Economy and Management of Enterprises of the Wood-processing Industry, Fire Protection and Safety, Furniture and Interior Design; at the doctoral level of study: Wood Processing Technology, Structure and Properties of Wood, Constructions and Production Processes of Wood Products, Fire Protection and Safety, Design of Furniture and Housing.

Faculty staff led by Prof. Ing. Ján Sedliačik, PhD., participated also in the international project within the 7th Framework Programme of the EU entitled “Ecological Application of Nanosorbents on the Base of Natural and Synthetic Ionites and Carbons“. The project addressed the issue of the use of nanosorbents added to polycondensation adhesives used to join wood composite materials to reduce formaldehyde emissions. Several employees of the Faculty of Wood Sciences and Technology are members of the working groups of the COST programme, the most important of which are “European Network of Bioadhesion Expertise: Fundamental Knowledge to Inspire Advanced Bonding Technologies“ and “Active and Intelligent Fibre-Based Packing – Innovation and Market Introduction“. Other staff of the Faculty are partners and members of the project teams of the EU programmes Leonardo da Vinci, International Visegrad Fund and ERASMUS.

Faculty of Ecology and Environmental Sciences

In 2021, the Faculty of Ecology and Environmental Sciences commemorated the

30th anniversary of its establishment. It provides a complete university education to students with a professional interest in the composition, structure, arrangement and interrelationships in different types of ecosystems and the related protection of the natural environment, care of ecosystems, landscape formation, as well as technical, political, legislative, social and philosophical aspects of the protection of the components of the environment.

The Faculty of Ecology and Environmental Sciences of the TUZVO was managed in the past period by the following academic officials: Deans – Assoc. Prof. Ing. Branko Slobodník, PhD., and Prof. Ing. Marian Schwarz, CSc.; the position of Vice-dean for Education was carried out by Prof. Ing. Marián Schwarz, CSc., Ing. Juraj Modranský, PhD., and Ing. Andrea Zacharová, PhD.; Vice-dean for Science, Research and Doctoral Studies – Assoc. Prof. Ing. Michal Wiezik, PhD., Ing. Marek Svitok, PhD., Assoc. Prof. Ing. Ingrid Belčáková, CSc., and Assoc. Prof. Ing. Martina Slámová, PhD., Vice-dean for Development and Foreign Relations Ing. Magdaléna Pichlerová, PhD., and Assoc. Prof. Ing. Tomáš Lepeška, PhD.

The Faculty of Ecology and Environmental Sciences consisted of six departments: (head of departments are listed in brackets) Department of Applied Ecology (Prof. Ing. Vladimír Kunca, PhD.), Department of Biology and General Ecology (Prof. Ing. Slavomír Stašiov, PhD.), Department of Environmental Engineering (Prof. Ing. Dagmar Samešová, PhD.), Department of Landscape Planning and Design (Assoc. Prof. Ing. Peter Jančura, PhD. and Ing. Juraj Modranský, PhD.), Department of Social Sciences (Mgr. Attila Rácz, PhD.) and the UNESCO Department for Ecological Awareness and Sustainable Development (Dr. h. c. Prof. RNDr. László Miklós, DrSc. and Assoc. Prof. Ing. Ingrid Belčáková, CSc.).

Currently, the Faculty of Ecology and Environmental Sciences provides education at both bachelor and master degree in the following study programmes: Landscape Protection and Use, Environmental Engineering, Environmental Management and Ecology and Biodiversity Protection. The newest study programme – Forensic and Criminalistic Environmental Studies, is so far only accredited in the bachelor degree of university studies. The third, doctoral level of higher education is provided in the study programmes Ecology and Biodiversity Protection and Environmental Engineering, in both cases in full-time attendance and in part-time combined form of study.

Thanks to the Faculty of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, the Technical University in Zvolen is a member of the consortium of partners in the Horizon 2020 scheme project (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions call in the Research and Innovation Staff Exchange section) called CHARMED (Characterisation of a Green Microenvironment and to Study its Impact upon Health and Well-being in the Elderly as a Way Forward for Health Tourism). The aim of this project is to provide solutions to improve the quality of life with an effort to eliminate health and social problems resulting from demographic changes in Europe, primarily from the increase in average age. The Faculty of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, represented by the project coordinator for the Slovak side, Ing. Magdaléna Pichlerová, PhD., from the Department of Landscape Planning and Design, is involved in the creation of the concept of innovative socio-economic infrastructure, which will be based on health tourism and the use of health-promoting properties of ecosystems.

Faculty of Technology

The Faculty of Technology (until 2019 the Faculty of Environmental and Manufacturing Technology) was strategically conceived from the beginning as specific and unique, both in terms of its own mission and in relation to the structure and profile of the parent Technical University in Zvolen. In 2021, the Faculty commemorated the 25th anniversary of its founding. The Faculty management was composed as follows:

The most cited publication in which a staff member of the Faculty of Ecology and Environmental Sciences participated is the original scientific paper

“Seto, K. C., Reenberg, A., Boone, Ch. G., Fragkias, M., Haase, D., Langanke, T., Marcotullio, P., Munroe, D.K., Olah, B. & Simon, D., 2012: Urban land teleconnections and sustainability. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 109: 7687–7692“.

By 2022, the mentioned work recorded a total of 490 citations according to the Web of Sciences database and up to 710 citations according to the Google Scholar database.

Assoc. Prof. Ing. Marián Kučera, PhD., Assoc. Prof. Ing. Pavel Beňo, PhD., as the Deans, Assoc. Prof. Ing. Branislav Danko, PhD., Assoc. Prof. Ing. Ján Kováč, PhD., Assoc. Prof. Ing. Pavel Beňo, PhD. and Assoc. Prof. Ing. Miroslav Dado, PhD., as the Vice-deans for Education and Promotion of the Faculty, Assoc. Prof. Ing. Ján Kováč, PhD. and Assoc. Prof. Ing. Erika Sujová, CSc., as the Vice-deans for Foreign Relations, Development and Economic Activity, Prof. Ing. Štefan Barcík, CSc., and Assoc.

Prof. Ing. Peter Koleda, PhD., as the Vice-deans for Science, Research and Doctoral Studies and Ing. Magdaléna Klacková as the secretary of the Faculty.

During its 20-year existence, the Faculty of Technology underwent gradual development. It is currently divided into 4 departments:

Department of Environmental and Forestry Machinery (Prof. Ing. Jozef Černecký, CSc., Prof. Ing. Jozef Krilek, PhD.), Department of Manufacturing Technologies and Quality Management (Assoc. Prof. Ing. Daniela Kalincová, CSc., Assoc. Prof. Ing. Miroslav Dado, PhD.), Department of Manufacturing and Automation Technology (Prof. Ing. Jozef Šuriansky, CSc., Assoc.

Prof. Ing. Ľubomír Naščák, CSc., Prof. Ing. Štefan Barcík, CSc., Assoc. Prof. Ing. Peter Koleda, PhD., Ing. Mária Hrčková, PhD.), Department of Mechanics, Mechanical Engineering and Design (Assoc. Prof. Ing. Ferdinand Bodnár, CSc., Assoc. Prof. Ing. Marián Kučera, PhD.).

Education in the full-time and part-time form of study at the Faculty is provided by experts in the field of special technical sciences (mathematics, physics, mechanics and informatics) and profile areas of study programmes Production Technology, Ecotechnology, Integrated Management of Industrial Processes, Manufacturing Technology and Management of Production Processes.

Other Organisational Parts

The Institute of Foreign Languages was established as a university workplace in 1999. However, its history dates back to 1952, when the Department of Languages was established as one of the original departments at the University of Forestry and Wood Sciences and Technology in Zvolen. Since 2010, the Institute of Foreign Languages has been led by Dr. phil. Mgr. Marek

The Faculty of Technology has the largest number of functional networks within the entire University and participated in the following CEEPUS programme projects: CII-SK-0310-06-1314 / 07-1445 Non Traditional Processes in Production Technologies and Integration of the Study and Research in the Eastern and Central Europe Universities, CIIIPL-0701-03-1415 Engineering as Communication Language in Europe, CIII-RS-0507-04-1415 Research, Development and Education in Precision Machining, CIII-RS-1012- 02-1617 Building Knowledge and Experience Exchange in CFD.

Ľupták. The Institute of Foreign Languages provides the teaching of foreign languages in bachelor, master and doctoral study programmes at all faculties of the University. Students are required to have entry foreign language competence of an independent user at level B1 to B2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. In the study programme of Economics and Management of Enterprises in the Woodworking Industry at the Faculty of Wood Sciences and Technology, students in the master degree (mostly) take after English the second foreign language of German, French, Chinese and Russian. Such plurilingual approach in teaching foreign languages results from the specificity of the management study programme. Doctoral students complete a course in scientific-academic communication in a foreign language, which ends with an oral exam in front of a committee. Compulsory foreign language courses are aimed at mastery of individual language skills in profile areas of students with a focus on professional discourse. We understand foreign language competence as an added value of our graduates’ professional education.

The Institute of Foreign Languages is a philological workplace with its research and pedagogical activities focused on applied languages. For university students, the Institute is a bridge of understanding in an intercultural academic space.

The activity of the Institute of Physical Education and Sports as a university workplace with a rich and successful history is focused on sport activities for TU students in Zvolen. At the bachelor or master level of education, students can enrol in separate courses “Physical Education and Sports“ or “Elective Sports and Health“. Since 2012, the Institute was led by PaedDr. Martin Kružliak, PhD., PaedDr. Stanislav Azor, PhD., and Mgr. Karin Baisová, PhD. In addition to the main courses, students have the opportunity to choose different forms of exercise activities during their studies in the form of physical education - winter skiing courses, a course in hiking and staying in nature, a boating course, or in a club form of physical education - university leagues and occasional sports events.

Performance and recreational sports belong to TJ Slávia TU in Zvolen, whose activity is not only oriented towards students, but also TU employees, for whom it continuously prepares various sports activities and events.

Slovak Forestry and Wood Sciences Library

The Slovak Forestry and Wood Sciences Library at the Technical University in Zvolen is the academic library of the Technical University in Zvolen. The director of the Library in the period from 2012 to 2022 was Ing. Alena Poláčiková.

Pursuant to Act no. 126/2015 Coll. on Libraries it is the university scientific information, bibliographic, coordination and advisory office and also fulfils the tasks of a specialized scientific library in the field of forestry and wood science. An extension of the range of services is the possibility of using the Global Education Information Centre established in the Slovak Forestry and Wood Sciences Library as part of the university project activities and equipped with educational book and multimedia materials related to the issues of global education, multiculturalism, facilitation and management of educational programmes. Informational seminars and meetings with various personalities are regularly held there. For group and individual study, students and university staff can also use the Self Access Language Centre aimed at supporting the teaching of foreign languages at the Technical University in Zvolen, which was made available in the library as part of a university project from the European Structural and Investment Funds.

In cooperation with the faculties, the library staff provides information education aimed at improving the competences of students and doctoral students of the Technical University in Zvolen in the field of searching and using information.

In 2018, the TUZVO organised the Winter Universiade of the Slovak Republic. In addition to educational, scientific and research activities, the university also emphasises the support of regular physical and sports activities of students and employees, which is the basis of healthy physical, psychological and social development of every individual. The President of the Slovak Association of University Sports Július Dubovský reminded that the University of Forestry and Wood Sciences and Technology and after it the TUZVO is an important institution in organizing sports events and is a bastion for the training of important representatives, among them also medal holders, e.g. in water slalom.

Popular activities are SAIA information meetings about the possibilities of participation in foreign study stays and various scientific and professional events.

Borova Hora Arboretum

Borova hora Arboretum is a scientific and pedagogical workplace of the Technical University in Zvolen. Between 2012 and 2022, the Arboretum was led by Assoc. Prof. Ing. Ivan Lukáčik, CSc. It was established in 1965 and has an area of almost 50 ha. On a national and European scale, it is exceptional due to the fact that its area is home to mainly original species of trees in their intra-species and geographical variability.

The Arboretum has a great potential for scientific involvement in the European research area. Ways are being sought for closer cooperation in the field of scientific research with workplaces of a similar focus not only in Slovakia, but also in the countries of the European Union.

Centre for Continuing Education

The Centre for Continuing Education as a university workplace of the Technical University in Zvolen is focused on the development and provision of further education to citizens of the Slovak Republic in accordance with the Lifelong Education Act no. 568/2009. In the last decade, the head of the Centre was PhDr. Ing. Erik Selecký, PhD. et PhD. The mission of the Centre is to organise further education through courses, trainings, seminars and conferences. Its other activities include national and international projects in the field of further education. The main educational activities are focused on forestry – woodworking – ecology. The main target groups are students of TU in Zvolen, employees of TU in Zvolen and the general professional public.

The future of the workplace is primarily focused on the development of further and lifelong education at the University for employees and students, on involvement in lifelong education projects, both of Slovak and international importance, and on guaranteeing further professional education in the field of forestry – woodworking – environmental studies. The continuous education of teachers is also not forgotten.

A professional event that took place on 6th – 7th May 2022. It was intended for a wide professional and lay public with a main focus on groups of people with disabilities, seniors and wheelchair users. During these days, the Arboretum staff presented the arboretum collections and in cooperation with renowned experts, presented the possibilities of using wheelchair-accessible aids and equipment for people with specific needs, providing consultancy on these issues.

Days Without Barriers 2022

The event was organised with the support of the Cultural and Educational Grant Agency of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Slovak Republic as part of project no. 004TU Z-4/2022 “From Instructional Programmes to Cognitive - Online Trends for the Innovation of Educational Resources Using the Natural Collections of the Borova Hora Arboretum of the Technical University in Zvolen“.

Developmental Workshops and Laboratories

Developmental workshops and laboratories are an organizational part of the Technical University in Zvolen. Since 1971, they have performed the function of a university workplace with spatial and personal professional capacities for science, research and education. In the period from 2012 to 2022, the head of the workplace was Ing. Jaroslav Ohanka, CSc.

The workplace has a great potential for the implementation of a scientific incubator because it connects scientific research activity with the pedagogical process and enables the connection of applied research with practice.

Centre of Information Technologies

Centre of Information Technologies, whose director in the last decade was Ing. Tibor Weiss, ensures the operation of university information systems, the most important of which are: UIS – university information system for managing the study agenda and agenda for science and research, IS KREDIT – canteen information system, attendance system and access system, FIS SOFIA – financial and economic system electronic registration book. In addition, it ensures the issuance of multifunctional cards for university employees and students and IS security management. CIT provides technical support to our employees through IS HelpDesk CIT. It also takes care of the continuous operation of the TUZVOnet computer network, to which more than 1,400 personal computers are connected. Furthermore, CIT ensures the operation of all servers and disk arrays, as well as the administration of the ZOMES network, to which all kindergartens, primary and secondary schools in Zvolen, as well as other organizations are connected.

In the following period, the Centre will continue to ensure the operation and maintenance of information and communication technologies at the University. In addition to normal routine activities, it will perform other tasks, which include expanding the services provided, increasing security and quality, and integrating existing information systems. In addition, it will support University workplaces in the preparation and implementation of educational and scientific research projects in the field of ICT.

University Forestry Enterprise

The University Forestry Enterprise is an important economic organizational part of the Technical University in Zvolen. In the last decade, the directors were Ing. Alojz Riško and Ing. Ľubomír Ivan, CSc. With a total number of 26 technical and economic employees, it is organizationally divided into the headquarters, the Budča Forestry Administration and the Lieskovec service centre. The Budča Forestry Administration has 7 forestry districts. The service centre mainly provides transport and handling of timber. The Enterprise manages forests on an area of 9,724 ha, of which 9,106 ha are state owned, 71 ha are owned by TUZVO and the rest are leased from forestry companies. The use of the natural features of the forest beyond the scope of normal management enabled the inclusion of forests owned by the state in forests of special purpose, which represents 80% of the total area, 14% are protected forests and the remaining 6% are production forests. The variable natural conditions in the altitude range of 250-1026 m a.s.l. and the technical facilities allow to monitor different communities of flora and fauna and to carry out a wide range of forestry research and operational activities in a relatively small area.

Therefore, students of all TUZVO faculties find suitable conditions for practical education in more than 100 subjects of biological and technical disciplines.

Student Dormitories and Canteen

The Student Dormitories and Canteen is a workplace of the Technical University in Zvolen, which provides accommodation and meals for students, employees and guests of the University. In the period from 2012 to 2022, the director of Student Dormitories and Canteen was Ing. Zuzana Zelemová and Ing. Stanislav Jalakša. Two separate buildings of the Student Dormitory currently have a capacity of 1,278 beds. Since September 1993, meals for students, employees, as well as foreign visitors have been provided in the new premises of student canteen in Bariny. The average daily capacity during the academic year is approximately 1,000 meals. After a complex reconstruction of the student canteen building, the Bariny 2 Student Canteen, which also includes a buffet, was put into operation in 2014. It was created by the renovation and expansion of the buffet. The facility with a capacity of 80 places meets the requirements of barrier-free access, and thus enables the delivery of meals to students with specific needs.

Publishing House of the Technical University

In the period from 2012 to 2022, the head of Publishing House was PhDr. Eva Fekiačová. When analysing the activity and position of this organizational unit of the University in more detail, the basic starting point for the annual fulfilment of tasks is the Editorial Plan of TU in Zvolen for the given calendar year. The prepress - presspostpress process ends with a publication that fulfils the role of a basic teaching aid to support the university scientific-pedagogical process and also of a source of professional information for the non-university public. 100 publications are published annually by Publishing House. In this area, the Publishing House cooperates with university workplaces, but an integral part is also cooperation with external institutions with similar activities: the Slovak National Library, the ISSN National Agency in the Slovak Republic and the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic. Among the most successful titles published in recent years are the textbooks: Historical Furniture - Morphology and Construction by J. Veselovský et al., Environmental Chemistry by M. Schwarz, Forestry by M. Saniga, Dendometria (Timber Metrics) by S. Šmelka, Hunting by P. Garaj and R. Kropil, Business Management by J. Rašner, handbook Contemporary Society - Challenges and Visions by Z. Gallayová, Dangerous Substances by I. Čabalová and F. Kačík, E. Križová’s Atlas of Plants handbook and many others that have attracted the interest of the professional public even outside the university.

Publishing House’s activities include the distribution and sale of published literature through the Professional Literature Shop of the TU and via the Internet, publishing informational and advertising brochures, guidelines, documents, forms, presentation materials. The activities also include the Copy Services Centre with the scope of the offer that belongs to this activity.

Student Life

Folklore Ensemble Poľana at the Technical University in Zvolen celebrated its 65th anniversary in May 2021. The ensemble director is Ing. Pavol Gejdoš, PhD., and the artistic director and choreographer is Assoc. Prof. Ing. František Chudý, CSc. Since its birth, the mission of the ensemble has been to develop folk traditions and adopted the name “Poľana“ after the majestic volcano that dominates this region. During its more than 65-year long history, the ensemble had more than 700 active members and performed more than 1,000 performances at home and in more than 20 countries around the world. A special place in the ensemble’s activities is the annual participation in the festival of the university folklore ensembles Academic Zvolen and Academic Nitra. Today, the ensemble has around 50 members who work in the male vocal group, female vocal group, music and dance group of the ensemble.

Sports Club TJ Slávia of the Technical University Zvolen was founded on 6th August 1990. It is a voluntary association of citizens and at the same time a sports organization whose mission is to create suitable conditions not only for the students of the Technical University in Zvolen to play sports, but also for the general public. TJ Slávia organises, manages and develops university, performance and recreational sports and supports sports and recreational activities of all age categories.

The goal of the student organization WoodenWorld (WW) is to create a strong community of students, regardless of field or Faculty, who study at TUZVO, and to improve the studies, life in the dormitories, solve projects, leisure activities, and the student’s environment. In cooperation with the town of Zvolen, the University and sponsors, WW organized unforgettable student events such as UNIDNI or the run “Šrégom nočným Zvolenom“.

IFSA Slovakia is an extra-curricular club of an international cultural and social nature. Its goal is to enrich and expand the educational opportunities of students of Forestry and related fields from the Technical University in Zvolen by organising scientific and cultural seminars, international exchange programmes and competitions. Through the mutual exchange of information between members of the IFSA (International Forestry Students’ Association), universities and other public institutions, it contributes to the development of international relations in the field of forestry and related industries. IFSA Slovakia supports the development of forestry customs and traditions, as well as local student activities.

The student organization IFSA

(http://www.lesnickekruzky.sk/portal/) is an association in the field of forestry, whose platform offers the acquisition of contacts for cooperation in the form of networking, partnership and university mobility. On the contrary, hunting and game management is strongly associated with rich traditions, which are inevitably connected to activities of various club, e.g. hunting club providing the opportunity to hunt, a cynological club for dog enthusiasts, and not only hunting dogs, a trumpeter’s club with playing the traditional hunting musical instruments, a decoy club with the opportunity to learn how to lure game and to communicate with it, a falconry club with theoretical and practical teaching of falconry and, last but not least, a sport archery club with its own bows. Our students achieve significant success in club activities not only at home, but also at the international level.

Živica is a civic association that inspires change in the cooperation of teachers and students of the

Faculty of Ecology and Environmental Sciences

of the TU in Zvolen. Its mission is to help create a world in which society is respectful and sensitive to people and nature and the world around. Their goal is a society that is built on commitment, democratic principles and principles of humanism. Superficial solutions will not be enough, so it inspires people to active hope through practical solutions that show that change is possible. The Socrates Institute programme was established in 2012 and since then has offered young leaders under the age of 30 high-quality education and supported them in civic engagement. Thanks to the project “Nevyšliapanou cestou“, in 2013 they also launched the Urban Bees initiative, supporting biodiversity and pollinators in the city. The Comenius Institute was established in 2016 as a complex programme for proactive educators and, together with it, the Teacher of Slovakia award, which is part of the international Global Teacher Prize and since 2018 seeks out and recognizes the work of exceptional teachers.


The Faculty of Technology of the Technical University in Zvolen has been organizing an event for primary and secondary school children for many years called ROBOHRANIE: fun and competitions with robots for a good certificate. The event was organised by the Department of Machine Control and Automation Technology as part of the KEGA 003TU Z-4/2016 project: Robotics Research and Teaching Laboratory with financial support from the Volkswagen Slovakia Foundation: Develop technology and via technology.

The end of the period from 2012 to 2022 is marked by difficult changes. On one hand, there are changes in the system of ensuring the quality of higher education, as well as amendments to the Higher Education Act, and on the other hand, further restrictions on the financing of higher education institutions, all in the conditions of a pandemic crisis. With the continued reduction of the state subsidy to public universities, a new way of evaluating science, research and artistic activity and the upcoming changes in the financing of universities, as well as the proposed amendment to the law on universities, which interferes with the recognized principles of academic freedom and autonomy, these steps appear together as mutually inconsistent. With such a number and scope of reform elements, the reform becomes too much of a burden for Slovak universities and colleges. We see the essence of the reform of higher education in the improvement of the quality of education through accreditation standards and the more massive introduction of European and world scientific knowledge into teaching, as well as the introduction of own scientific outputs and innovations of the teachers, who represent the staffing of the profile of study programmes. However, this is not possible without increasing financial resources for higher education because this is the only way to stop the departure of young people from Slovakia.

If university, from the Latin collocation of „universitas magistrorum et scolarium“, means a community of teachers and students, then the idea is also symbolized by our book about the Technical University in Zvolen. Joint learning, research and preserving ethical values are expressed by the solemn gathering of the academic community members in the assembly hall of our university, that is, the interaction of students and teachers in a way representing the top of the manifestation of academic values and freedoms.

Since the time of the Platonic Academy, academic freedom or scientific freedom includes a set of freedoms and related obligations for universities, their faculties, academic officials and students. This is also documented by the academic freedom of teaching, enshrined in the Statute of the Philosophical Faculty of our partner university in Göttingen from 1737, which also emphasizes the connection to responsible teaching and research. According to the aforementioned document, all university professors may enjoy responsible freedom of teaching, research and belief, if they keep their distance from teachings that disparage religion, public institutions of the state and good morals.

In the year of the 70th anniversary of the modern history of the Technical University in Zvolen, we too proudly adhere to the principles of modern Humboldtian traditions focused on free and ethical teaching and research, and at the same time we promise to protect and defend these values. We, the academic staff of the Technical University in Zvolen, are convinced that the preservation of university principles and academic freedoms is a fundamental prerequisite for the democratic development of our society.

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