ACADEMIC OVERVIEW Lower School – Grades K-1
During these early years, VCS students master the basic skills of reading, writing and mathematics; they also develop crucial social skills and self-confidence as learners. Young children need an array of sensory experiences to develop their cognitive abilities. We enrich the homeroom academic program with small-group, specialisttaught classes in art, library, music and woodshop along with physical education and daily active play in our gym, play yard and rooftop playground. Teachers meet with parents on two scheduled conference days each year; student progress reports are sent home in winter and spring. Lower School – Grades 2-5
Older children are capable of more abstract learning, but they continue to need a balance between conceptual, intellectual work and hands-on experiences to become agile thinkers and problem solvers. Our program emphasizes the refinement of academic skills in a stimulating environment where the acquisition of new skills can be put to effective use. Specialized subjects – science, technology, drama, Spanish, STEAM – and regular homework are added to an already rigorous curriculum. We deeply immerse students in every aspect of their studies; children may act as archaeologists in ancient Egypt, brush painters in China, biologists in Hudson River Park or American pioneers heading west. Children begin taking standardized tests as a practical measurement of recognized standards. Student progress reports are sent to families in winter and spring; teachers meet with parents on two scheduled conference days each year. As the curriculum expands, teachers help students navigate the increasing complexities. Students learn time-management skills and begin using an