Take care of your safety. Biological protection.
Protection against Ebola virus
Set of Individual Biological Protection Set composition: overall - 1 pc. - complies with the requirements of the Directive 89/686/EWG face mask FFP3 type - 1 pc. - complies with the requirements of the Directive 89/686/EWG googles - 1 pc. - complies with the requirements of the Directive 93/42/EWG protective gloves - 2 pairs - comply with the requirements of the Directive 89/686/EWG shoe covers - 1 pair - complies with the requirements of the Directive 89/686/EWG single-use, non-woven scrub suit (shirt, trousers, shoe covers) - 1 set; comply with the requirements of the Directive 93/42/EWG waist bag - 1 pc.
Set of Individual Biological Protection was created to secure medical staff, rescue workers and the multitude of people exposed to possible infectious biological material. The set composition guarantees a complete protection of the exposed person, during her responsabilities, against virus threats like Ebola, AH1N1, H5N1 and all the dangerous pathogenic microorganisms.
GCZM ZARYS Sp. z o.o. Pod Borem 18, 41-808 Zabrze, Poland e-mail: export@zarys.com.pl, www.zarys.com.pl phone: +48 32 376 07 00-01, mobile: +48 785 750 609
Protection against Ebola virus