Offer a lifeline of HOPE

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Offer a lifeline of HOPE

Our brothers and sisters around the world need our help, now more than ever! Priests holding crucifixes lead Christians through the streets of Qaraqosh (Baghdeda), Iraq

@acn_malta Your kind gift will support @acn_malta these and other similar projects helping suffering Ch

How to make your Gift of Faith

According to ACN Religious Freedom in the World Report 2016-2018: 327 million Christians live in countries where there is persecution 178 million Christians live in countries where there is discrimination on religious grounds 1 in 5 Christians live in countries where there is either persecution or discrimination Christians around the world are suffering and in desperate need. ACN is responding by helping to strengthen the Faith – supporting priests, seminarians, Sisters and the lay faithful in many ways. Give a gift of faith today and your generous love will be helping a Faith under fire to flourish.

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Choose your Gift

Have a look at our range of gifts and make your selection.

How to order

If you are on our mailing list, please use the order form attached to the letter. New to ACN? Use the response form at the back of the booklet. You can also order online at internetprojects2019 or call 21487818.

Sending your gift

If you choose to receive a thank you card, we will send it to you to pass on to your family and friends.

The power of your gift

Your kind gift will help fund key projects which help provide urgent assistance to the Christians around the world who are in dire need.

ng Christians around the You can make your giftworld. by visiting or by calling 21487818 or through APS Bank account No. 20001771733

Support the life and ministry of a Poor Clare Sister in Bosnia and Herzegovina Sugg

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51,209 Km2


ACN has always given special priority to the support of the contemplative religious Sisters, who pray in quiet seclusion for the needs of the Church and of the whole world. These Poor Clare Sisters live a life of poverty, seclusion and ceaseless prayer. They grow their own vegetables in the convent garden and in order to support themselves they bake hosts and sew Mass vestments for the diocese. But even then, the little they earn is not enough to cover even their own modest needs. Every year we provide a sum for the support of the Sisters. Rest assured that these Sisters are praying for everyone who is helping them! Help them today!

Poor Clare Sisters, Bosnia Herzegovina




Help train a Seminarian in Ukraine

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Please offer hope by making a kind donation to support these and other similar projects around the world.

The Seminary in Lviv needs our help to train 48 Seminarians of the Greek Catholic Order of Saint Basil. Vocation is booming but their resources are limited due to economic challenges in the Country. The Order has to find money to pay for electricity, gas, food, medicines, clothing and all the daily needs of the novices. Donate today to help build up the future of the Church.




752.618 Km2

Seminarians of the Greek Catholic Order of Saint Basil

You can make your gift by visiting or by calling 21487818 or through APS Bank account No. 20001771733


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per m




752.618 Km2


Support the formation of a young Sister in Ukraine

The congregation of the Servants of the Lord and the Virgin of Matara has been blessed with many vocations in Ukraine. Currently there are no fewer than 13 young novices undergoing formation in the Diocese of Ivano-Frankivsk. ACN regularly supports the congregation for the formation of these young Sisters. The Sisters of the Congregation accompany young people, organise retreat days, provide formation and care for orphans, the sick and elderly, who often live in great need in Ukraine. Among other things, the young novices help in summer to organise holiday camps for children and young people.

Novices studying, Diocese of Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine



Help a Seminarian complete his studies in Ukraine At the seminary in Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine, there is a growing number of students and the cost of living is rising sharply - gas, electricity, water, food supplies and other basic essentials are becoming so expensive that the seminary cannot cover the costs alone.

ACN is planning to help with a subsidy for each seminarian so that they can complete their studies and be ordained to the priesthood.

Please offer hope by making a kind donation to support these and other similar projects around the world.

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752.618 Km2

Seminarians in Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine

You can make your gift by visiting or by calling 21487818 or through APS Bank account No. 20001771733

Help give Ethiopian youths a better future

In Ethiopia, young people face a future of poverty and unemployment and can only dream of fleeing the countryside for the capital, or even leaving the country altogether. To counter this negative trend, the Archdiocese of Addis Ababa is organising a robust programme for young people in all 15 parishes of the Archdiocese. The program involves marriage preparation, sexuality education, Bible studies and spiritual retreats, musical events and choral singing workshops, sporting activities and games. Help give these youths the hope of a better future!

Please offer hope by making a kind donation to support these and other similar projects around the world.

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1,104,300 Km2

Youth camp, Archdiocese of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia



Completion of a retreat house for religious Sisters in Zambia

The Sisters of Saint Teresa of the Child Jesus minister in Malawi and Zambia, caring for all those in need, and especially for malnourished children. Many of them also work in parishes, giving catechetical instruction and helping the Priests in their pastoral work. The Sisters are building a house specifically for retreats and permanent formation sessions. They have already baked their own bricks and carted sand for the building work, and in fact a considerable part of the building is already standing. But now they need our help in order to be able to finish the work. They are counting on your help.


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752.618 Km2

Please help the Sisters of Saint Teresa of the Child Jesus to continue caring for those in need

You can make your gift by visiting or by calling 21487818 or through APS Bank account No. 20001771733

Support the Catholic Family Life Federation in Togo

The African Family Life Federation in Togo needs our support to train more counsellors and organise more talks for the people of God in Togo, West Africa. They are a team of doctors of various disciplines, theologians, priests, religious and lay pastoral workers working for the support of healthy families and the sanctity of human life, helping families tackle their problems and promote Christian education to strengthen the authentic life patterns of the Catholic Church. There is a great demand for these talks and for personal counselling, and they are hoping to be able to train up 10 more female counsellors.


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56,785 Km2

Help us train more counsellors in Togo



Please offer hope by making a kind donation to support these and other similar projects around the world.



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Support a poor Sister in Mauritania Religious Sisters in Mauritania dedicate their lives to helping the poor, but often face living in poverty themselves. There are only 27 religious Sisters in this Country which is one of the poorest countries in the world, and the Sisters care for expectant mothers, the sick, migrants, prisoners and disabled persons. They work in the schools and other educational facilities and teach the women, who have no opportunity to attend school, such practical skills as sewing, and also reading and writing. The Sisters need our help to continue this noble mission.




1,030,700 Km2

Sisters in Mauritania provide education and social help

You can make your gift by visiting or by calling 21487818 or through APS Bank account No. 20001771733

Help a Priest in Liberia recover from Trauma The distress associated with years of bloody civil war and the subsequent ebola crisis in Liberia requires a gradual process of recovery and renewal. Accordingly, this year 25 priests from the Diocese of Cape Palmas will be given an opportunity for their formation to find new strength in God, also sharing their problems and experiences with one another so that they can take new ideas back to their home parishes. ACN is supporting these retreats to cover travel costs, board and lodging.



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Please offer hope by making a kind donation to support these and other similar projects around the world.





111,369 Km2

Bishop Karley at St Francis School in Pleebo, Liberia



Support a poor Diocese in Romania

The Greek-Catholic Diocese of Oradea continues to rejoice at the high number of new priestly vocations. ACN has been helping the reconstituted seminary in Oradea, Romania since 1993 and it still urgently needs our help today, for the formation of its 54 candidates as the diocese is very poor. Fr. Anton Cioba, the Rector of the Seminary says, “Without help from abroad, we could not fulfil our mission. We continue to depend on your support and we thank you with all our hearts for the help you have already given us in the past. In doing so you are helping us to experience the universality of the Catholic Church. May God bless you and all our kind benefactors.“


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238.391 Km2

Formation for 54 Greek-Catholic seminarians from the Diocese of Oradea

You can make your gift by visiting or by calling 21487818 or through APS Bank account No. 20001771733

Please offer hope by making a kind donation to support these and other similar projects around the world.

A new chapel for a growing village community in Benin The Parish Priest of Most Holy Trinity Guilmaro in northwest Benin, Fr. Noel Kolida has turned to ACN for help in building a new chapel for the growing community which covers a vast area with numerous outlying villages. The present chapel is far too small to accommodate all the faithful, and over half the congregation currently have to stay outside during Holy Mass, exposed to the burning sun in the dry season and the torrential downpours in the rainy season. Can you help them?

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100 Population



114,763 Km2

Small clay building currently serving as a place of Sunday celebration and other meetings (the Rosary in October and May, catechesis of children, young people and adults)



I would like to make a gift in support of the suffering church I enclose a gift to help suffering Christians wherever the need is greatest € I would like the following Masses offered for my intentions: Mass Cards Amount


Mass Offer €5


Triduum €15

€ €

I am offering this amount towards sustaining the livelihood of priests who are carrying out pastoral work where the Church is poor and persecuted.

First name or initial(s)


Novena €45



I would like to make the following Gift(s): Description

Suggested Qty offering Gifts

Support the life and ministry of a Poor Clare Sister in Bosnia and Herzegovina.


Help train a Seminarian in Ukraine.


Support the formation of a young Sister in Ukraine


Help a Seminarian complete his studies in Ukraine


Help give Ethiopian youths a better future


Help in the funding of a retreat house for religious Sisters in Zambia Support the Catholic Family Life Federation in Togo

Help a Priest in Liberia recover from Trauma


Telephone / Mobile Number

Date of birth E-mail Address

Contact me about leaving a gift in my Will.

€55 €100 Gifts Subtotal €

I do NOT require cards for my Gifts


€81 €375

Support a new chapel for a growing village community in Benin

Qty Cards


Support a poor Sister in Mauritania

Support a poor Diocese in Romania

€ Total Donation

Total €


Would you consider making a regular gift? Your regular support can make a big difference in helping Aid to the Church in Need provide continuity of care for Christians in need around the world. Huge numbers of Christians – children, young people and adults – look to the Church for support and comfort. So your regular gift – whatever you can afford – will enable us to fulfill our promises of love.

Your Faith - their Future Our faith is a shared treasure – to be passed on to future generations. A gift in your Will can endow new communities of faith, hope and charity around the world, in service of our Heavenly Father. Aid to the Church in Need highly values these special gifts and in thanks, uses a proportion of bequests for Gregorian Masses/Masses for the benefactor’s soul. Names are also entered into our In Memoriam book and remembered during Masses said for the repose of the souls of benefactors and friends. These Masses will be celebrated in a country where the Church is poor or persecuted, by a priest who is supported by Aid to the Church in Need.

Aid to the Church in Need (Malta), 39b, Mdina Road, Attard, ATD 9038 21487818



Aid to the Church in Need Malta


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