John Deere M724, M732, M740, M732i, M740i Crop Sprayer Repair Manual TM407319 PDF

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M724, M732, M740, M732i, and M740i Trailed Crop Sprayer Repair (European Edition)

REPAIR TECHNICAL MANUAL Trailed Sprayers models M724, M732, M732i, M740, M740i TM407319 25 SEP 13 (ENGLISH)

For complete service information also see: M724, M732, M740, M732i and M740i Trailed Crop Sprayers Diagnostic Technical Manual (European Edition)


GreenStar 3 2630 Display Technical Solutions Manual


GreenStar 2 Diagnosis and Tests Manual


John Deere Agriculture Pinted by Belgreen


(g) by Belgreen v2.5

Table of contents FOREWORD Section 05 - SAFETY Group 05 - Safety Information Section 10 - GENERAL INFORMATION Group 05 - Description of the Machine Group 10 - Torques for Hardware Group 15 - Specifications Section 40 - ELECTRICAL SYSTEM Group 05 - Connector Repair Group 10 - Sensors Section 60 - BRAKE SYSTEM Group 05 - Hydraulic Brake System Group 10 - Pneumatic Brake System Section 70 - HYDRAULIC SYSTEM Group 05 - Hydraulic Functions Group 10 - Hydraulic Cylinders Group 15 - Control Valves Group 20 - Accumulator Section 80 - FRAME AND SPRAY BOOM Group 05 - Welding and Repair Group 10 - Spray Boom Group 15 - Center Frame Group 20 - Axle Group 25 - Drawbar Group 30 - Parallelogram Group 35 - Adjustments Section 100 - TANKS AND ACCESSORIES Group 05 - Solution Tank Group 10 - Rinse Tank Group 15 - Hand Wash Tank Group 20 - Polyethylene Tank Repair Section 110 - PUMP Group 05 - Pump Section 120 - LINES AND VALVES Group 05 - Spray Line Section 130 - ACTIVATION SYSTEMS Group 05 - Flow Meter Group 10 - Ball Valves Group 15 - Regulating Unit Section 140 - SPRAY NOZZLES Group 05 - Spray Nozzles

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(g) by Belgreen v2.0

Foreword This manual is written for an experienced technician. Essential tools required in performing certain service work are identified in this manual and are recommended for use. Live with safety: Read the safety messages in the introduction of this manual and the cautions presented throughout the text of the manual. &causym; This is the safety-alert symbol. When you see this symbol on the machine or in this manual, be alert to the potential for personal injury. Technical manuals are divided in two parts: repair and operation and tests. Repair sections tell how to repair the components. Operation and tests sections help you identify the majority of routine failures quickly. Information is organized in groups for the various components requiring service instruction. At the beginning of each group are summary listings of all applicable essential tools, service equipment and tools, other materials needed to do the job, service parts kits, specifications, wear tolerances, and torque values. Technical Manuals are concise guides for specific machines. They are on-the-job guides containing only the vital information needed for diagnosis, analysis, testing, and repair. Fundamental service information is available from other sources covering basic theory of operation, fundamentals of troubleshooting, general maintenance, and basic type of failures and their causes. This manual may not contain all up-to-date information. All information subject to change without further notice.

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(g) by Belgreen v2.5

Section 05 - SAFETY Table of contents Group 05 - Safety Information ............................................................................................................... 1 Admissible Use ..................................................................................................................................... 1 Recognize Safety Information ............................................................................................................... 1 Understand Signal Words ..................................................................................................................... 1 Keep Riders Off Machine ...................................................................................................................... 1 Prepare for Emergencies ...................................................................................................................... 2 Use Safety Lights and Devices ............................................................................................................. 2 Work in Clean Area ............................................................................................................................... 3 Chemical Safety ................................................................................................................................... 4 Handle Agricultural Chemicals Safely ................................................................................................... 5 Service and Operate Chemical Sprayers Safely .................................................................................... 6 Danger Symbols ................................................................................................................................... 7 Mechanical Safety ................................................................................................................................ 8 Non-Permissible Use ............................................................................................................................. 9 Operators ............................................................................................................................................. 9 Working Area ........................................................................................................................................ 9 Wear Protective Clothing .................................................................................................................... 11 Wear Protective Clothing .................................................................................................................... 12 Illuminate Work Area Safely ............................................................................................................... 12 Respiratory Protection ........................................................................................................................ 12 Skin Protection ................................................................................................................................... 13 Maintenance of Means of Personal Protection .................................................................................... 14 Tractor Cab ......................................................................................................................................... 14 Use Proper Lifting Equipment ............................................................................................................. 14 Safety During Maintenance Work ....................................................................................................... 15 Avoid High-Pressure Fluids ................................................................................................................. 15 Service Accumulator Systems Safely .................................................................................................. 16 Service Tires Safely ............................................................................................................................ 17 Avoid Heating Near Pressurized Fluid Lines ........................................................................................ 18 Use Proper Tools ................................................................................................................................. 18 Construct Dealer-Made Tools Safely ................................................................................................... 18 Service Machines Safely ..................................................................................................................... 19 Remove Paint Before Welding or Heating ........................................................................................... 19 Servicing Electronic Control Units ....................................................................................................... 20 Welding Near Electronic Control Units ................................................................................................ 21 Keep Electronic Control Unit Connectors Clean .................................................................................. 21 General Machine Operation Safety ..................................................................................................... 22 Transport in the Field and on the Road .............................................................................................. 22 Operate Safely .................................................................................................................................... 23 Live With Safety ................................................................................................................................. 23

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Section 05 - SAFETY

Group 05: Safety Information

Group 05 - Safety Information Admissible Use In this documentation, the product to be spread is referred to as ”crop protection chemicals” or ”chemicals”. Only officially accepted crop protection chemicals and/or liquid fertilizers may be used with this machine, according to the legal directions. The statutory directions are indicated on the packaging and state the purposes for which the chemicals may be exclusively used (for which crops, whether or not in water reclamation areas, etc.). The crop protection chemicals may not be applied for other purposes. Officially accepted crop protection chemicals can be recognized by the authorization number on the packaging.

Recognize Safety Information

Safety-alert symbol This is a safety-alert symbol. When you see this symbol on your machine or in this manual, be alert to the potential for personal injury. Follow recommended precautions and safe operating practices.

Understand Signal Words

Signal Words A signal word—DANGER, WARNING, or CAUTION—is used with the safety-alert symbol. DANGER identifies the most serious hazards. DANGER or WARNING safety signs are located near specific hazards. General precautions are listed on CAUTION safety signs. CAUTION also calls attention to safety messages in this manual.

Keep Riders Off Machine

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Section 05 - SAFETY

Group 05: Safety Information

Keep Riders Off Only allow the operator on the machine. Keep riders off. Riders on machine are subject to injury such as being struck by foreign objects and being thrown off of the machine. Riders also obstruct the operator’s view resulting in the machine being operated in an unsafe manner.

Prepare for Emergencies

First Aid Kit Be prepared if a fire starts. Keep a first aid kit and fire extinguisher handy. Keep emergency numbers for doctors, ambulance service, hospital, and fire department near your telephone.

Use Safety Lights and Devices

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Section 05 - SAFETY

Group 05: Safety Information

Prevent Collisions Prevent collisions between other road users, slow moving tractors with attachments or towed equipment, and self-propelled machines on public roads. Frequently check for traffic from the rear, especially in turns, and use turn signal lights. Use headlights, flashing warning lights, and turn signals day and night. Follow local regulations for equipment lighting and marking. Keep lighting and marking visible, clean, and in good working order. Replace or repair lighting and marking that has been damaged or lost. An implement safety lighting kit is available from your John Deere dealer.

Work in Clean Area

Clean Work Area Before starting a job: Clean work area and machine. Make sure you have all necessary tools to do your job. Have the right parts on hand. Read all instructions thoroughly; do not attempt shortcuts.

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Section 05 - SAFETY

Group 05: Safety Information

Chemical Safety

Wear Filtered Respirator

Wear Protective Goggles Crop protection chemicals must be applied with the greatest possible caution, in order to minimize side effects on the environment and your health: Take care when using crop protection chemicals. Use crop protection chemicals in such a manner that the risk of contact is kept to a minimum (work hygienically). This applies to all chemicals, however toxic they may be. Choose chemicals which are the least harmful to your health and which are effectively and quickly decomposed. Always read the packaging label carefully before use. Observe the Statutory Regulations and the Directions for Special Dangers, Safety Recommendations and the User Manual. Use breathing protection apparatus suitable for this type of application according information on packaging label, such as an effective filter mask or a breathing hood or helmet. When preparing the spraying liquid, use a suitable form of breathing protection, a facial screen, gloves, boots and protective clothing suitable for this type of application according information on packaging label. Make sure your head is also protected and do not use clothing also worn for other purposes. Maintain your means of personal protection regularly. Soiled masks may cause skin irritation. Change filters regularly! Refer to type of application and relevant information on packaging label. Choose a safe type of product. The preference must always be for types of products which generate minimum dust and chemicals which are least absorbed by the skin. Choose a safe type of packaging. Provide your employees with effective information on where and when chemicals are to be applied, to prevent them from working in a crop which is still wet from spraying. Do not walk through or work in a crop recently treated. Prepare the spraying liquid outdoors at working height, in order to minimize the risk of spillage. Ensure that wind blows <- Go to Section TOC

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Section 05 - SAFETY

Group 05: Safety Information

sideways when preparing the chemicals. Keep the machine clean. Use cleaners according to the information on chemical packaging label and avoid contact with the crop protection chemicals. When weighing, measuring and preparing crop protection chemicals, use materials kept exclusively for this purpose, such as scales, measuring jugs, funnels, buckets, etc. Clean these materials after each use. Do not prepare more spraying liquid than absolutely essential! Limit the daily working hours spent working with crop protection chemicals to 8 hours. Avoid strong transpiration and heavy physical exertion. Do not drink alcoholic drinks shortly before or after spraying. Never drink, eat or smoke while working with crop protection chemicals. Never clear blocked nozzles by blowing with your mouth. Always pay attention to the safety period when spraying and harvesting. If crop protection chemicals come into contact with the skin, rinse immediately with water. Always wash your hands and face before eating, drinking or smoking. Keep animals and children away from spraying equipment not yet cleaned. Clean this equipment or store it in an area sealed off to unauthorized persons. Wash well with water and soap after working with crop protection chemicals. Maintenance and repairs may only take place following complete cleaning of the machine. Should you or your colleague have problems, visit a doctor immediately and try to discover the identity of the active ingredient. The first measures you can take in the case of the following chemical “injuries” are:

Chemical Injuries - skin, eyes

: rinse with plenty of water

- swallowing

: drink water, not milk

- inhalation

: fresh air

Handle Agricultural Chemicals Safely


Safety <- Go to Section TOC

Section 05 page 5


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