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EPQS EPQS excellent excellent

In Year 12, we are given the opportunity to do an Enrichment to add some variety for our A Levels. You can choose from Core Maths, Further Maths and Young Enterprise, but some students choose to do an Extended Project Qualification. By recommendation of Mr Sheehan and others, here are some of the top picks from a range of subjects. Have a read - they’re really interesting!

fashion - saffron


Is sustainable fashion an obtainable goal through materials for the year 2030?

Why an Artefact?

I really enjoyed the fact that I was able to create garments and focus not only on the research but also the creation of my artefact. It broke the project up a little bit, and I was obviously sewing clothes, which is something that I love to do anyway! I broke it all up and made it much more manageable by playing to my strengths. I also found it was useful as my sewing skills have massively improved

My project was on sustainable fashion, because I love fashion and hope that someday in the future it will be a career that I pursue. Sustainable fashion is so important for the future of our planet and more awareness needs to be created. In my project I put to the test the various ways in which fashion can be made sustainable and explored the practicalities of making fashion more environmentally friendly, highlighting the probability of reaching the 2030 sustainable fashion goals. Since the environment has never been more important, I aimed to raise awareness and explore the severity of the fashion industries impact on our planet. To do this I created fully sustainable garments made out of 100% recycled and reused denim to prove how clothing can be given a longer life span, reducing waste and the amount of clothing purchased

What did you discover?

I found that fast fashion is a huge obstacle for creating a fully sustainable industry and that an environmentally friendly industry will not be possible with fast fashion still being a major employer. Without fast fashion, sustainability is an obtainable goal, however it simply cannot just be boycotted. It is one of the largest industrial employers in the world and aims to keep many fashion companies up and running, whilst making fashion accessible and affordable for everyone. Everyone can do their part by creating a capsule wardrobe, not following current trends, with good quality, staple clothing; whilst recycling and reusing old garments, ensuring less waste.

Why this topic?

The Berlin Wall was the physical Iron Curtain and the front line of the Cold War. Symbolising the differences between either side, the divided city was where communism and capitalism collided. I chose this topic as not only do I love reading about the subject, but I am learning German, and hope to study in Berlin in the future. Fundamentally, I believe that in this modern world of growing polarisation, unceasing conflict and exacerbated tensions, studying the past is our best chance of improving our future. What did you discover?

For my EPQ, I researched the impacts of the Berlin Wall. From President Kennedy to Pink Floyd, I explored how the Berlin Wall has shaped modern Europe. First-hand accounts from Berliners formed the backbone of the essay, with perhaps the most eye-opening discovery being the East-West divides which prevail in Germany to this day, through voting behaviour, politics, and culture. I reached the conclusion that social impacts were and continue to be the most significant impacts of the Wall, as they were the most long-term, wid with the severe impact on ordinar minor inconveniences for interna

House of Lords


To what extent is the artificial fluoridation of water ethical?

Why this topic?

This topic really interested me because I would like to study dentistry at University and when I researched more into this topic, I realised the ethical uproar it created within the dental society I first heard about this in my GCSE Chemistry lesson when my teacher said they put fluoride in water to reduce dental decay. I remember being very f inated by this and I just had to debate in my dissertation. I really enjoyed arching about this topic and in the cess, received a fantastic opportunity of ng able to go to the House of Lords for British Fluoridation Society’s annual ting, where I was able to communicate very knowledgeable people who cialised in this field.

at did you discover?

conclusion was that it should be ernible as to whether water fluoridation hical. It should absolutely be an ethical preventative health measure, as not only does it successfully prevent thousands of young children from having to experience the discomfort of dental decay, but it is also a cost- effective method, being cheap and fair. Additionally, it ensures that children in deprived areas can have the same head start to life as other children, by increasing the quality of their lives and ensuring they have brilliant dental health.

bject of Hannah's EPQ contains topics some readers may find upsetting

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