4 minute read




Book: The Barrytown Trilogy - Roddy Doyle (officially 3 books but you can get them all together in one, so technically not a rule break!)

Item: Sewing machine and unlimited fabric and thread (I know I am pushing the rules of the game but I will forego my religious text)


- Physics

Song: Bohemian rhapsody - Queen (Never gets boring and was number one when I was born)

Book: No need for a book as I'll be on the PS6 all the time

Item: PS6 with unlimited online games subscription


Book: The Lord of the Rings trilogy (often comes as one book so does not count as 3)

Item: A Nintendo Switch with a copy of the Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom (it’s a ridiculously long game that I do not have the time to play, infinite time on an island might allow me to eventually get 100%)

I would choose the Bible, but in the original Greek and Hebrew And I'd like to swap the complete works of Shakespeare for the complete works of Plato

Song: Handel's Messiah because it's 3 hours long, so I'm less likely to get bored of it

Book: Liddle & Scott's Ancient Greek Lexicon, out of necessity more than anything else, if I'm doing all this translation

Item: A lifetime's supply of pens and paper

R WADE - Chemistry

Song: Human Anatomy for Artists I would finally have the time to learn in depth

Book: My Audible app with my entire book catalogue (rule bending in the extreme) I don't really listen to music

Item: A3 sketchbook, pens, pencils and rubbers

Song: This is the hardest!! But I will have to go with Liberation - Outkast

Book: Braiding Sweetgrass - Robin Wall


Item: Pencil, and paper

Song: Ring of Fire - Johnny Cash. This is one of the songs from my childhood and one of my favourite songs

Book: The Lord of the Rings - J R R Tolkien. My favourite book and I do not think I would get tired of reading it. It's a long book so would keep me occupied.

Item: My Pokémon card collection. I would take my Nintendo switch with charger if there was electricity however!

Song: When A Boy Falls In Love - Sam Cooke

Book: The Player of Games - Iain Banks

Item: Leatherman Surge Multitool

Song: Only the Lonely - Roy Orbison My dad always played Orbison in the car when we were kids, driving to Blackpool, Whitby or France He would sing terribly – I follow boldly in his vocal footsteps Every time I hear it I am back in a Ford Sierra going over the Pennines with my family It would definitely help me escape

Book: The Gallows Pole – Benjamin Myers Again this is about home

Brilliantly evocative of the valleys and hills around where I grew up in Halifax Item: A tennis ball I’d be happy for the rest of time if I could just throw and catch a ball Anyone who is in my lessons has probably already worked this out

Song: La Ritournelle - Sebastien

Tellier Partly because it is quite long (7 and a half minutes) so should last me a while and is kind of 2 songs in 1 But also it’s a very good backing track to a variety of tasks Good background music

Book: World War Z - Max Brooks

Item: 175 gram Discraft Ultrastar (a frisbee) because they can be used for many things, a plate , a fan, a tray, a shield, a light (if I got one of the glowin-the-dark ones) Also one can pass the time learning to do tricks with it

Song: Hotel California - the Eagles

Book: A Confissão de Lúcio (Lucio's Confession)

Item: 5.0mm knitting needles and unlimited supply of yarn

Song: If anyone comes in my office regularly enough, they will know I am listening to music 24/7. It's is the first thing I put on when I wake up and often last thing I listen to before I go to sleep! It would have to be Caught Up - Usher. Book: Behind Closed Doors - B.A. Paris. I am not the biggest reader, but this book definitely satisfied by psychologically inquisitive brain! I reckon I could read it again and the ending would still take me by surprise.

Item: I will have to be boring and say some sort of lip balm as I cannot be without it!!

Song: I find this one incredibly difficult. Probably Shake it Off - Taylor Swift.

Book: I know the Bible is included but I would actually ask for an individual paper back edition of the Book of Psalms which I could annotate.

Item: My laptop

Song: Robert Miles, Children

Book: Life of Pi Yann Martel

Item: Dance shoes

Song: Murder Mitten by I See Stars Book: Harry Potter Series (to read for t first and only time)

Item: Guitar (Acoustic Electric with Amp and Foot Pedals)

Song: 2112 - Rush. (This song lasts 20:37 minutes and includes many different interesting parts so will be less likely to become boring)

Book: Ulysses - James Joyce

Item: Acoustic Guitar

Song: Mr Blue Sky by ELO – it makes me smile!

Book: The Jaipur Trilogy by Alka Joshi with Where the Crawdads Sing sliped inside!

Item: Photo Album of my family

Song: IFA Wartburg - Freie Deutsche Jugend

Book: George Orwell - Homage to Catalonia

Item: A big box of Lego

Song: (Sittin’ on) the Dock of the Bay – Otis Reading I don’t need to explain why

Book: A photo book of my friends and family I’d probably lose interest with just one reading book, that wouldn’t happen looking back over past memories

Item: A surfboard – in the hope there is a surfable break but if there isn’t then it’s my vessel out of there

Song: Supper's Ready by Genesis as played by Steve Hackett's 'Genesis Revisited' band

Book: Tess of the d'Ubervilles by Thomas Hardy

Item: Endless supply of fresh dressed lobster as caught off the North Norfolk coast


Song: Wayfaring Stranger (versions by different singers for some variety e g by Johnny Cash or Emmylou Harris or Burl Ives )

Book: Moby Dick - H

Item: A Machete for


Song: Everlong - Foo Fighters

Book: Speed Solving Rubiks Cubes

Item: Rubiks Cube

I'm not a religious person but I have recently been reading The Story of China by Micheal Wood and would like to read the Buddhist texts Faxian took to China in the 5th Century. I think Buddhism would be fascinating to know more about.

Song: Bad Idea - The Devil Makes Three. A fantastic band I discovered a few years ago and my son and I like nothing better than singing it loudly in the car.

Book: The Instance of the Fingerpost - Iain Pears. A brilliant historical novel I have recently reread, in an age of social media madness, it makes you think how differently people perceive the same events.

Item: Canvases and Acrylic Paints. I started to paint landscapes over lockdown and it's the best way to relax.

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