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The Top Team your questions answered

WHS students sent in some questions for the new Top Team, and here are their answers! Are they the responses you expected?

If you could go on holiday anywhere in the world, where would you go?


Mrs Renyard - Disneyland in Florida. I visited as a child, but I’d love to go back with my children now!

Mrs JC - Japan!

What is your favourite film? Mrs Gray - You've Got Mail

Mrs JC - I have lots of favourites, but my guilty pleasure favourite would have to be Moulin Rouge

Mrs Gray - I would like to go and visit the Tropical Rainforests. Being a Geographer I would love to see the diversity and rainforest in person. However, I do realise that as it is under significant threat and would be concerned about contributing to its deforestation and destruction!

What was your favourite meal at school as a child?

Mrs JC - I loved a packed lunch

My favourite was tomato and mayonnaise sandwich!

Mrs Renyard - I’m not a big film fan… can I choose a musical instead? If I’m allowed I’ll go for Hamilton

What was your favourite year when you were at school?

Mrs JC - I loved Year 11. I think by then I knew who I was and was looking forward to doing the subjects I loved at A Level. I had great friends and spent a lot of time laughing! Mrs Gray - Year 12

Mrs Gray - Fish fingers, mash potato and beans.

Mrs Renyard - Packed lunch! Usually a ham sandwich, bag of crisps and an apple!

Mrs Renyard - I remember lower school (Years 7-9) really fondly as I had a great tutor group with some amazing friends but I also enjoyed Years 12 and 13 because my A Level teachers were fab!

If you were an animal, what would you be?

Mrs JC - A red panda

Mrs Gray - Snow leopard

What is your favourite day of the week and why?

`Mrs Renyard - Friday, it’s the start of the weekend!

Mrs Gray - Saturday (morning) as I get to spend time with my family and I have the whole weekend ahead of me.

Mrs Renyard - A bird – the freedom to fly is very appealing

What is your favourite part about WHS?

Mrs Gray - The students and staff who have been so friendly and welcoming since I joined.

Mrs JC - The students and staffwithout them it's some big buildings and space - they really make the school what it is.

Mrs Renyard - The sense of community I feel a real sense of belonging here, and I hope that feeling is shared by students and staff too.

Mrs JC - I do love Fridays You can't beat that Friday feeling.

If you had to choose one food to eat or drink forever and you can't eat anything else, what would it be?

Mrs Gray - Probably sounds very boring but it would have to be seeded sourdough bread and sparkling water.

Mrs Renyard - Pizza!

Mrs JC - Something spicy! I am a sucker for lots of chillis.

Who do you most admire from your subject?

Mrs JC (Drama) - I really like a director called Carrie Cracknell, but also Emma Rice another director who has a really unique approach to storytelling. Both creative women and I really recommend seeing their work if you can.

Mrs Gray (Geography) - Sir David Attenborough - a true inspiration and voice of the planet.

Mrs Renyard (History) - This is an almost impossible question to answer for a historian! I really don’t know who to choose so I’m going with a slightly different answer … when I became a History teacher I worked for a fantastic Head of History for the first two years of my career. She taught me so much about how to share a love of history and learning with my students and about the joy to be found in this profession. I still think of her influence on me often and hope that I have a little of her great qualities in me.

Favourite book you've read this year?

Mrs Gray - Food for Life by Tim Specter

Mrs JC - I've just finished The Paper Palace by Miranda Cowley Heller. Definitely my favourite from this year.

If you had to choose one food to disappear from the world, what would it be?

Mrs Renyard - I’ve recently finished ‘Lessons in Chemistry’ which was great; a really empowering read in many ways.

Mrs Renyard - I’m not sure I’d want it to disappear completely but I really dislike overripe bananas!

What does your average day look like?

Mrs Gray - Up early about 5am, walk my dog Dizzie, off to work about 7:30. At WHS during the day - meetings, duties, teaching and then home about 5:30 pm. Dinner and then I try to do some exercise for 30 mins. Then we try and find some family time and off to bed about 10:30pm.

Mrs Renyard - Usually quite jam packed with meetings, it can be difficult to get out and about around the school. Usually filled with some laughter and I always try to talk to at least a few students, even if it’s just a quick good morning/afternoon!

Mrs JC - It is really varied. I get up at around 5 30 and get my three children ready for school. When I get to school at 7.15, I tend to spend some time catching up on admin and emails. The rest of my day is always different. I may be in meetings, teaching drama, on duty around the school... lots of different things. By the time I leave school I get home in time to make dinner, catch up with my children and then normally I will watch something on TV with my husband.

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